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- The Leda FAQ File
- ------------------
- ------------------
- This is the monthly posting of the Frequently Asked Questions about
- LEDA and the `comp.lang.c++.leda' newsgroup.
- Newsgroup: comp.lang.c++.leda
- Date: 07/07/95
- Number: 4
- Contents
- --------
- I) Introduction
- 1. What is LEDA?
- 2. From where can i get information about LEDA?
- 3. How can i get LEDA?
- ! 4. What is the current version of LEDA?
- II) Bugs
- 1. What can i do if i find a bug?
- 2. Where can i find information about bugs and fixes?
- III) Platforms
- ? 1. On what platforms and with which compilers can LEDA be used?
- 2. Can LEDA be used with other programming languages?
- 3. Will LEDA take care of name conflicts with other packages?
- 4. Is there still a non-template version of LEDA available?
- 5. Why does LEDA not use standard templates to realize parameterized
- data types?
- 6. Is an on-line user manual available?
- 7. The manual seems to be typeset for european paper size (A4)
- how can I print it on the standard us paper?
- 8. Where can I read more about the internals (e.g. realization of
- parameterized data types)?
- IV) Basics
- 1. How do I delete entries in a d_array?
- 2. Why are modifications in forall-loops not allowed ?
- 3. Are preconditions checked or not (is there a way to control this)
- 4. What is the LEDA item concept?
- 5. Does LEDA support persistent data structures
- V) Graphs
- 1. Why does LEDA complain when i try to insert an edge between two
- nodes of a graph G into a copy of graph G?
- 2. There seems to be a subgraph type, however, it is not mentioned
- in the manual?
- 3. Node and edge arrays work only for static graphs, what do I
- do if the node/edge set changes dynamically?
- ! 4. What graph/network algorithms are available in LEDA?
- 5. Can I derive my own node/edge type from the LEDA type "node"
- ("edge")?
- 6. How can I search for a particular edge (v,w) in a Graph?
- 1. Does the LEDA graphics work on platforms other than X11?
- VII) Geometry
- 1. Will there be three-dimensional geometry?
- VIII) Problems
- ! 1. What does it mean if i get a runtime error : "compare undefined"
- or"Hash undefined"?
- ! 2. Why does the compiler instantiate the predefined function
- template compare (Hash) although i have defined my own?
- ! 3. Why do i get the runtime error "compare undefined" when calling
- the list::search function.
- 4. What does it mean if the compiler complains about the functions
- Clear, Convert and Copy?
- + 5. Why does the g++ 2.7.0 compiler complain about undefined integer
- variables in old programs that did work with the previous
- compiler version (or when compiling an old LEDA version)?
- IX) General questions
- 1. What is the run time/space overhead compared to programs written
- in C?
- +: new item
- !: changed
- ?: additional information would be appreciated
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I) Introduction
- ---------------
- 1. What is LEDA?
- A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms
- Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- (
- LEDA is a library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial
- computing.
- The main features are:
- 1) LEDA provides a sizable collection of data types and algorithms in a
- form which allows them to be used by non-experts. In the current
- version, this collection includes most of the data types and
- algorithms described in the text books of the area.
- 2) LEDA gives a precise and readable specification for each of the data
- types and algorithms mentioned above. The specifications are short
- (typically not more than a page), general (so as to allow several
- implementations), and abstract (so as to hide all details of the
- implementation).
- 3) For many efficient data structures access by position is important.
- In LEDA, we use an item concept to cast positions into an abstract
- form. We mention that most of the specifications given in the LEDA
- manual use this concept, i.e., the concept is adequate for the
- description of many data types.
- 4) LEDA contains efficient implementations for each of the data types,
- e.g., Fibonacci heaps for priority queues, red-black trees and
- dynamic perfect hashing for dictionaries, ...
- 5) LEDA contains a comfortable data type graph. It offers the standard
- iterations such as ``for all nodes v of a graph G do'' or ``for all
- neighbors w of v do'', it allows to add and delete vertices and
- edges and it offers arrays and matrices indexed by nodes and edges,
- ... The data type graph allows to write programs for graph problems
- in a form close to the typical text book presentation.
- 6) LEDA is implemented by a C++ class library. It can be used with
- many C++ compilers (cfront2.1, cfront3.0, g++, SunPro ...).
- 7) LEDA is not in the public domain, but can be used freely for
- academic research and teaching (this does not include research
- within a company or state/government departement).
- For information concerning a commercial license please contact
- 2. From where can i get information about LEDA?
- World Wide Web:
- anonymous ftp:
- in pub/LEDA
- email:
- Fax: +49 681 / 302 5401
- Phone: +49 681 / 302 5354
- Address:
- Christian Uhrig
- Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- Im Stadtwald
- 66123 Saarbruecken
- Germany
- 3. How can i get LEDA?
- The LEDA version for academic research is available
- by anonymous ftp from
- pub/LEDA
- or via WWW from
- 4. What is the current version of LEDA?
- The current version of LEDA is LEDA-R 3.2.
- The version LEDA 3.2 is the commercial version.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- II) Bugs
- --------
- 1. What can i do if i find a bug.
- Send an email to This email should contain
- a) the platform you`re using (machine, operating system + version,
- compiler + version)
- b) a description of the problem (for instance compiler messages)
- c) a short example program (with description what it is supposed to do,
- please).
- 2. Where can i find information about bugs and fixes?
- On the directory pub/LEDA at there is a file
- BUGS-x.x.x
- where x.x.x is the current version number. In this file
- the known Bugs of the current version are listed together with the
- fixes (if known).
- From time to time the LEDA version is replaced by a new one where the
- fixes are incorporated. Then the BUGS file is cleared and a
- diff file is made available.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- III) Platforms (Operating Systems, Compilers, ...)
- --------------------------------------------------
- 1. On what platforms and with which compilers can LEDA be used?
- We tested it with
- SunOs 4.1.3 g++, AT&T cfront, SunPro 4.0.1, lcc 3.1
- Solaris g++, SunPro 4.0.1, lcc 3.1
- IBM xlC (CSet++, Aix)
- Linux g++
- SGI SGI CC, g++
- Dos Watcom 10.0, Borland 4.5, Zortech 3.1, emx
- Other people use it with
- several HP machines HP-UX C++, g++
- Dec Alpha Dec C++, gcc, cxx
- We would like to know
- - whether there are more platforms where LEDA is in use
- - which problems did arise there
- - which modification had to be made
- Thank you very much.
- 2. Can LEDA be used with other programming languages?
- No. LEDA only works with C++.
- 3. Will LEDA take care of name conflicts with other packages?
- Currently not, but it is planned to use c++ name spaces.
- 4. Is there still a non-template version of LEDA available?
- No.
- 5. Why does LEDA not use standard templates to realize parameterized
- data types?
- LEDA uses templates only on the top most level to derive a parameterized
- data type from the implementation class. Thus the convenience of
- templates is saved. Using C++ templates on each level has the effect
- that a large amount of code has to be (re)compiled when
- instantiating a parameterized data type, e.g., dictionary<K,I> D
- would cause a re-compilation of the underlying data structure
- (e.g. skiplist) with actual key parameter K and information parameter I.
- When using several instances of the same data types with different
- actual type parameters this leads also to code duplication. LEDA
- tries to encapsulate those parts of the code that depend on the
- type parameters in small (inlined) virtual functions (e.g. the
- cmp_key function for dictionaries). Then only these small parts
- have to be recompiled. Most of the code is type-independent and
- is never looked at by the compiler when compiling an application
- program. This is achieved by internally using (generic) pointers to
- the data to be stored in container types. Details of the implementation
- will be described in the LEDA book that will appear at the end of 1995.
- 6. Is an on-line user manual available?
- Yes. There is a command "tman" which gives you the contents of the
- manual pages for the type "typename" which is given as argument.
- Example: tman array
- 7. The manual seems to be typeset for european paper size (A4)
- how can I print it on the standard us paper?
- You have to change the parameters in the beginning of the
- MANUAL.mac file.
- 8. Where can I read more about the internals (e.g. realization of
- parameterized data types)?
- Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan N"aher are writing a book that will appear
- in the second half of the year and contains many details about
- the realization of LEDA.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IV) Basics
- ---------
- 1. How do I delete entries in a d_array?
- In the current version deletion of entries in d_arrays is not supported
- but will be the next version.
- 2. Why are modifications in forall-loops not allowed ?
- A forall-statement should iterate over all elements contained in a
- collection at the time of the beginning of the iteration. This, however
- is hard to implement or very costly if the contents of the collection is
- allowed to be changed inside the body of the loop. Therefore, we decided
- not to allow it. This condition is not checked (would be too expensive)
- and this causes some problems. A typical problem occurs if you want to
- make a graph bidirected by inserting a reverse edge for every edge of
- the graph. The following piece
- of code will cause an endless loop
- forall_edges(e,G) G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- Two possible ways of doing it right
- i) make a copy (expensive)
- list<edge> L = G.all_edges();
- forall(e,L) G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- ii) implement iteration with G.first_edge(),G.last_edge(), and G.succ_edge()
- edge last_e = G.last_edge();
- for(e=G.first_edge(); e!=last_e; e = G.succ_edge(e) ) G.new_edge ...
- if (last_e) G.new_edge(target(last_e),source(last_e));
- A similar proble can arise if you delete the current element in an
- iteration loop from its collection.
- 3. Are preconditions checked or not (is there a way to control this)
- Currently only a few preconditions are checked. In the future it there
- will be two classes of preconditions. Class 1 will be always checked.
- The checking of class 2 will be controlled by a compiler option.
- 4. What is the LEDA item concept?
- The item concept in LEDA allows access by position in a clean and controlled
- way. All container data types are defined as collection of certain items.
- These items are created by insert operations and can be returned by access
- operations (e.g. lookup). This enables the application program to access
- the information associated the the item directly and in constant time without
- any search operation beeing involved. This access, however, is restricted.
- For instance, you can change the information of a dictionary item by a
- change_inf operation, but there is no way to change its key - because
- this would corrupt the underlying data structure. See the LEDA manual,
- for a detailed description and for examples.
- 5. Does LEDA support persistent data structures
- In the current version LEDA does not support persistency. However,
- it is possible, to save and restore the contents of many data types
- (e.g. graphs) by special read/write functions.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- V) Graphs
- ---------
- 1. Why does LEDA complain when i try to insert an edge between two
- nodes of a graph G into a copy of graph G?
- Each copy of a graph has its own set ofnodes and each node does belong
- to at most one graph. Thus one has to insert the edge between the copies
- of the nodes.
- 2. There seems to be a subgraph type, however, it is not mentioned in the manual?
- Subgraphs are experimental at the moment, they will be fully implemented
- in the future.
- 3. Node and edge arrays work only for static graphs, what do I do if the node/edge
- set changes dynamically.
- Use node_map/edge_map instead.
- 4. What graph/network algorithms are available in LEDA
- The following is the list of the algorithms. See the manual for the
- names of the procedures.
- All pairs shortest paths.
- Bellman Ford algorithm.
- Breadth first search.
- Connected Components.
- Depth first search.
- Dijkstra's algorithm.
- Maximal cardinality matching.
- Maximal cardinality bipartite matching.
- ! Minimum cut.
- Maximum flow algorithm.
- Maximum weighted bibartite matching.
- ! Maximum weighted matching.
- Minimum spanning tree.
- Planarity test.
- Spanning tree.
- Straight line embedding of planar graphs.
- Strongly connected components.
- Topological sorting.
- Transitive closure of graphs.
- Triangulating planar maps.
- 5. Can I derive my own node/edge type from the LEDA type "node" ("edge")?
- No, node and edge are item types (implemented by pointers).
- 6. How can I search for a particular edge (v,w) in a Graph?
- This operation is not supported efficiently at the moment, you can use
- a node_matrix with n^2 space; it will be implemented by two-dimensionl
- maps in the future.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------
- 1. Does the LEDA graphics work on platforms other than X11?
- There are planned commercial version that work on MS-DOS, OS2
- and Windows.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- VII) Geometry
- -------------
- 1. Will there be three-dimensional geometry?
- Yes. In future versions there at least will be
- three-dimensional basic objects like points, segments, lines, ...
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- VIII) Problems
- -------------
- 1. What does it mean if i get a runtime error: "compare undefined" or
- "Hash undefined"?
- If you use a class as type parameter than several parameterized types
- require a linearly ordered subtype
- (i.e. dictionary, sorted sequence, priority queue)
- or a hashed type (i.e. dictionary with hashing implementation, hashing
- arrays). These functions are predefined for simple data types (char,
- short, int, long, float, double, string, point) and pointer types.
- For all other types
- in case that compare is called, a function template compare (hash) is
- instantiated that stops the program with the error message above,
- telling you that you have to define a function
- int compare(const T&, const T&)
- resp.
- int Hash(const T&)
- for the parameter type T.
- 2. Why does the compiler instantiate the predefined function template
- compare (Hash) although i have defined my own.
- With high probability you're using g++ 2.6.3. This version cannot
- handle specialications of function templates correctly. It usually
- helps to declare the compare (hash) function inline.
- 3. Why do i get the runtime error "compare undefined" when calling
- the list::search function.
- The search function for lists
- is realized using of the compare function if the parameter type
- (which has to be defined
- for list parameters since the list::sort() function is available).
- 4. What does it mean if the compiler complains about the functions
- Clear, Convert and Copy?
- These functions are necessary when using a data type as parameter
- of some class type.
- Maybe you're using g++ versions older than 2.5.8. For later compiler
- versions the functions mentioned above are generated automatically.
- If not, you should call a macro
- immediately after the definition of class typename. We suggest of course
- to upgrade the compiler version.
- 5. Why does the g++ 2.7.0 compiler complain about undefined integer
- variables in old programs that did work with the previous
- compiler version (or when compiling an old LEDA version)?
- The scope of a variable defined in a for statement
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++);
- from now on is restricted to the loop body. g++ 2.7.0 follows that
- rule.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IX) General questions
- ---------------------
- 1. What is the run time/space overhead compared to programs written in
- C?
- Dr. Ulrich Lauther from the Siemens AG made a couple of experiemts and
- compared LEDA graph algorithms with his own hand-coded and well-tuned
- C-programs. The running time of LEDA programs are typically slower by a
- factor between 2 and 5. The space requirement of the LEDA graph data s
- structures is larger by a factor of about 2.