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- title{An Implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan Planarity Test and Embedding Algorithm}
- thanks{This work was supported in part by the German Ministry for Research
- and Technology (Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie) under
- grant ITS 9103 and by the ESPRIT Basic Research Actions Program under
- contract No. 7141 (project ALCOM II).}
- author{Kurt Mehlhorn\
- {footnotesize Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik,}\[-0.7ex]
- {footnotesize 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany}\[0.7ex]
- and Petra Mutzel\
- {footnotesize Institut fuer Informatik,}\[-0.7ex]
- {footnotesize Universitaet zu Koeln, 50969 Koeln}\[0.7ex]
- and Stefan Naeher\
- {footnotesize Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik,}\[-0.7ex]
- {footnotesize 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany}\[0.7ex]}
- date{}
- maketitle
- setcounter{page}{0}
- thispagestyle{empty}
- %%%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- vspace*{2.2cm}
- begin{abstract}
- We describe an implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan planarity test and
- embedding algorithm. The program tests the planarity of the input
- graph and either constructs a combinatorial embedding (if the graph
- is planar) or exhibits a Kuratowski subgraph (if the graph is non-planar).
- end{abstract}
- tableofcontents
- @* Introduction.
- We descibe two procedures to test the planarity of a graph |G|:
- begin{center}
- |bool planar (graph& G, bool embed = false)|
- end{center}
- and
- begin{center}
- |bool planar (graph& G, list <edge>& P, bool embed = false)|.
- end{center}
- Both take a directed graph |G| and test it for planarity.
- If the graph is planar and bidirected, i.e., for every edge of |G| its
- reversal is also in |G|, and the argument |embed| is true, then they
- also compute a combinatorial embedding of |G| (by suitably reordering
- its adjacency lists). If the graph |G| is
- non-planar then the first version of |planar| only records that fact.
- The second version in addition returns a subgraph of |G| homeomorphic
- to $K_{3,3}$ or $K_5$ (as a list |P| of edges). For a planar graph
- |G| the running time of
- both versions is linear (cf. section ref{Efficiency} for more
- detailed information). For non-planar graphs |G| the
- first version runs in linear time but the second version runs in
- quadratic time.
- We are aware of the linear time algorithm of Williamson
- cite{Williamson:Kuratowski} to find Kuratowski subgraphs but have
- not implemented it.
- The implementation of |planar| is based on the LEDA platform of combinatorial
- and geometric computing cite{LEDA-Manual,Mehlhorn-Naeher:LEDA}. It is part of
- the LEDA-distribution (available through anonymous ftp at In
- this document we describe the implementation of both versions of |planar| and
- a demo, and report on our experimental experience.
- Procedure |planar| is based on the
- Hopcroft and Tarjan linear time planarity testing algorithm as
- described in cite[section IV.10]{Me:book}. For the sequel we assume
- knowledge of section IV.10 of cite{Me:book}. A revised version of that section
- is included in this document (see section ref{reprint}) for the convenience
- of the reader. Our procedure |planar| differs from cite[section IV.10]{Me:book}
- in two respects: Firstly, it works for arbitrary directed graphs and
- not only for biconnected
- undirected graphs. To this end we augment the input graph by additional edges
- to make it biconnected and bidirected. The augmentation does not destroy
- planarity. Secondly, the embedding
- phase follows the
- presentation in cite{Mehlhorn-Mutzel:embedding}. We want to remark that the
- description of the embedding phase given
- in cite[section IV.10]{Me:book} is false.
- The essential part of cite{Mehlhorn-Mutzel:embedding} is reprinted in
- section ref{embedding}.
- This document defines the files |planar.h|, |planar.c|, and |demo.c|.
- |planar.c| contains the code for procedure |planar|, |demo.c|
- contains the code for a demo, and |planar.h| consists of the
- declarations of procedure |planar|.
- The third file is defined in section ref{demo}, the structure of the first two files
- is as follows:
- @(planar.h@>=
- bool planar (graph& G, bool embed = false);
- bool planar (graph& G, list <edge>& P, bool embed = false);
- void Make_biconnected_graph(graph& G);
- @
- @(planar.c@>=
- @<includes@>;
- @<typedefs, global variables and class declarations@>;
- @<auxiliary functions@>;
- @<first version of |planar|@>;
- @<second version of |planar|@>;
- @ We include parts of LEDA (who would want to
- work without it) cite{LEDA-Manual,Mehlhorn-Naeher:LEDA}.
- We need stacks, graphs, and graph algorithms.
- @<includes@>=
- #include <LEDA/stack.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include "planar.h"
- @ The second version of |planar| is easy to describe. We first test the
- planarity of |G| using the first version.
- If |G| is planar then we are done. If |G| is
- non-planar then we cycle through the edges of |G|. For every edge |e| of
- |G| we test the planarity of |G-e|. If |G-e| is planar we add |e| back in.
- In this way we determine a minimal (with respect to set inclusion)
- non-planar subgraph of |G|, i.e., either a $K_5$ or a $K_{3,3}$.
- @<second version...@>=
- bool planar (graph& G, list <edge>& P, bool embed = false)
- {
- if (planar(G, embed)) return true;
- /* We work on a copy |H| of |G| since the procedure alters |G|; we link every
- vertex and edge of |H| with its original. For the vertices we also have the
- reverse links. */
- GRAPH<node,edge> H;
- node_array<node> link(G);
- node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G) link[v] = H.new_node(v);
- /* This requires some explanation. |H.new_node(v)| adds a new node to
- |H|, returns the new node, and makes |v| the information associated
- with the new node. So the statement creates a copy of |v| and
- bidirectionally links it with |v| */
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,G) H.new_edge(link[source(e)],link[target(e)],e);
- /* |link[source(e)]| and |link[target(e)]| are the copies of |source(e)|
- and |target(e)| in |H|. The operation |H.new_edge| creates a new edge
- with these endpoints, returns it, and makes |e| the information of that
- edge. So the effect of the loop is to make the edge set of |H| a copy
- of the edge set of |G| and to let every edge of |H| know its original.
- We can now determine a minimal non-planar subgraph of |H| */
- list<edge> L = H.all_edges();
- edge eh;
- forall(eh,L)
- {e = H[eh]; // the edge in |G| corresponding to |eh|
- node x = source(eh); node y = target(eh);
- H.del_edge(eh);
- if (planar(H))
- H.new_edge(x,y,e); //put a new version of |eh| back in and establish the correspondence
- }
- /* |H| is now a homeomorph of either $K_5$ or $K_{3,3}$. We still need
- to translate back to |G|. */
- P.clear();
- forall_edges(eh,H) P.append(H[eh]);
- return false;
- }
- @ The first version of |planar| is also quite simple to describe.
- Graphs with at most three
- vertices are always planar. So assume that |G| has more than three
- vertices. We first add edges to |G| to make it bidirected
- and then add some more edges to make
- it biconnected (of course, without destroying planarity). Then we test
- the planarity of the extended graph and construct an embedding.
- Since |planar| alters the input graph, it works on a copy of it.
- @<first version ...@>=
- bool planar(graph& Gin, bool embed = false)
- /* |Gin| is a directed graph. |planar| decides whether |Gin| is planar.
- If it is and |embed == true| then it also computes a
- combinatorial embedding of |Gin| by suitably reordering
- its adjacency lists.
- |Gin| must be bidirected in that case. */
- {int n = Gin.number_of_nodes();
- if (n <= 3) return true;
- if (Gin.number_of_edges() > 6*n - 12) return false;
- /* An undirected planar graph has at most $3n-6$ edges; a directed graph may
- have twice as many */
- cout << "number of nodes and edges " << n << " " << Gin.number_of_edges();
- newline;
- float T = used_time();
- @<make |G| a copy of |Gin| and add edges to make |G| bidirected@>;
- @<make |G| biconnected@>;
- cout << "time to copy and to make bidirected and connected " << used_time(T);
- newline;
- @<test planarity@>;
- cout << "time to test planarity " << used_time(T);
- newline;
- if (embed) {
- if (Gin_is_bidirected) @<construct embedding@>
- else error_handler(2,"sorry: can only embed bidirected graphs");
- cout << "time to construct embedding " << used_time(T);
- newline;
- }
- return true;
- }
- @ We make |G| a copy of |Gin| and bidirectionally link all vertices and
- edges. Then we add edges to |G| to make it bidirected. In
- |Gin_is_bidirected| we record whether we needed to add edges.
- @<make |G| a copy ...@>=
- GRAPH<node,edge> G;
- edge_array<edge> companion_in_G(Gin);
- node_array<node> link(Gin);
- bool Gin_is_bidirected = true;
- {node v;
- forall_nodes(v,Gin) link[v] = G.new_node(v); //bidirectional links
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,Gin) companion_in_G[e] =
- G.new_edge(link[source(e)],link[target(e)],e);
- }
- @<bidirect G@>;
- @ We bidirect G. We first assign numbers to nodes and edges. We make sure that
- the two versions of the same undirected edge get the same number but versions
- of distinct undirected edges get different numbers. Then we sort the edges
- according to numbers. Finally we step through the sorted list of edges
- and add
- missing edges.
- @<bidirect G@>=
- {node_array<int> nr(G);
- edge_array<int> cost(G);
- int cur_nr = 0;
- int n = G.number_of_nodes();
- node v;
- edge e;
- forall_nodes(v,G) nr[v] = cur_nr++;
- forall_edges(e,G) cost[e] = ((nr[source(e)] < nr[target(e)]) ?
- n*nr[source(e)] + nr[target(e)] :
- n*nr[target(e)] + nr[source(e)]);
- G.sort_edges(cost);
- list<edge> L = G.all_edges();
- while (! L.empty())
- {e = L.pop();
- /* check whether the first edge on |L| is equal to the reversal of |e|. If so,
- delete it from |L|, if not, add the reversal to |G| */
- if (!L.empty() && (source(e) == target(L.head())) && (source(L.head()) == target(e)))
- L.pop();
- else {
- G.new_edge(target(e),source(e));
- Gin_is_bidirected = false;
- }
- }
- }
- @* Making the Graph Biconnected.
- We make |G| biconnected. We first make it connected by linking all
- roots. Assume that is done. Let $a$ be any articulation
- point and let $u$ and $v$ be neighbors of $a$ belonging to different
- biconnected components. Then there are embeddings of the two components
- with the edges ${u,a}$ and ${v,a}$ on the boundary of the unbounded
- face. Hence we may add the edge ${u,v}$ without destroying planarity.
- Proceeding in this way we make |G|
- biconnected.
- In |Make_biconnected_graph| we change the graph while working on it. But we modify only
- those adjacency lists that will not be touched later.
- We need the biconnected version of |G| (|G| will be further modified
- during the planarity test) in order to construct the planar embedding. So we
- store it as a graph |H|. For every edge of |Gin| and |G| we store a link to
- its copy in |H|. In addition every edge of |H| is made to know its reversal.
- @<make |G| biconnected@>=
- Make_biconnected_graph(G);
- @<make |H| a copy of |G|@>;
- @ We give the details of the procedure |Make_biconnected_graph|. We first make |G|
- connected by linking all roots of the DFS-forest. In a second step we make
- |G| biconnected.
- @<auxiliary ...@>=
- void Make_biconnected_graph(graph& G)
- {
- node v;
- node_array<bool> reached(G,false);
- node u = G.first_node();
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- {
- if( !reached[v] )
- {/* explore the connected component with root |v| */
- DFS(G,v,reached);
- if ( u != v)
- {/* link |v|'s component to the first component */
- G.new_edge(u,v); G.new_edge(v,u);
- } //end if
- } // end not reached
- } //end forall
- /* |G| is now connected. We next make it biconnected. */
- forall_nodes(v,G) reached[v] = false;
- node_array<int> dfsnum(G);
- node_array<node> parent(G,nil);
- int dfs_count = 0;
- node_array<int> lowpt(G);
- dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph(G,G.first_node(),dfs_count,reached,dfsnum,lowpt,parent);
- } // end |Make_biconnected_graph|
- @ We still have to give the procedure |dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph|. It determines
- articulation points and adds appropriate edges whenever it discovers one.
- For a proof of correctness we refer the reader to
- cite[section IV.6]{Me:book}.
- @<auxiliary ...@>+=
- void dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph(graph& G, node v, int & dfs_count,
- node_array<bool>& reached, @|
- node_array<int> & dfsnum, node_array<int>& lowpt,
- node_array<node>& parent)
- {
- node w;
- edge e;
- dfsnum[v] = dfs_count ++;
- lowpt[v] = dfsnum[v];
- reached[v] = true;
- if ( !G.first_adj_edge(v) ) return; //no children
- node u = target(G.first_adj_edge(v)); //first child
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- {
- w = target(e);
- if( !reached[w] )
- {/* e is a tree edge */
- parent[w] = v;
- dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph(G,w,dfs_count,reached,dfsnum,lowpt,parent);
- if (lowpt[w] == dfsnum[v])
- { /* |v| is an articulation point. We now add an edge. If |w|
- is the first child and |v| has a parent then we connect |w| and |parent[v]|,
- if |w| is a first child and |v| has no parent then we do nothing. If |w|
- is not the first child then we connect |w| to the first child. The net
- effect of all of this is to link all children of an articulation
- point to the first child and the first child to the parent
- (if it exists) */
- if (w == u && parent[v])
- {G.new_edge(w,parent[v]);
- G.new_edge(parent[v],w);
- }
- if ( w !=u ) {G.new_edge(u,w); G.new_edge(w,u);}
- } // end if lowpt = dfsnum
- lowpt[v] = Min(lowpt[v],lowpt[w]);
- } //end tree edge
- else lowpt[v] = Min(lowpt[v],dfsnum[w]); //non tree edge
- } // end forall
- } //end dfs
- @ Because we use the function |dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph| before its declaration,
- let's add it to the global declarations.
- @<typedefs, ...@>=
- void dfs_in_make_biconnected_graph(graph& G, node v, int & dfs_count,
- node_array<bool>& reached, @|
- node_array<int> & dfsnum, node_array<int>& lowpt,
- node_array<node>& parent);
- @ We make |H| a copy of |G| and create bidirectional links between the
- vertices and edges of |G| and |H|.
- Also, each edge in |Gin| gets a link to its copy in |H| and every edge
- of |H| gets to know its reversal. More precisely, |H[G[v]]=v| for every
- node |v| of |G| and |H[G[e]]=e| for every edge |e| of |G|, and
- |companion_in_H[ein]| is the edge in |H| corresponding to the edge
- |ein| of |Gin| for every edge |ein| of |Gin|. Finally, if |e=(u,v)| is
- an edge of |H| then |reversal[e]=(v,u)|.
- @<make |H| ...@>=
- GRAPH<node,edge> H;
- edge_array<edge> companion_in_H(Gin);
- {node v;
- forall_nodes(v,G) G.assign(v,H.new_node(v));
- edge e;
- forall_edges(e,G) G.assign(e,H.new_edge(G[source(e)],G[target(e)],e));
- edge ein;
- forall_edges(ein,Gin) companion_in_H[ein] = G[companion_in_G[ein]];
- }
- edge_array<edge> reversal(H);
- compute_correspondence(H,reversal);
- @* The Planarity Test.
- We are now ready for the planarity test proper. We follow
- cite[page 95]{Me:book}. We first compute |dfsnumber|s and |parent|s, we
- delete all forward edges and all reversals of tree edges, and we
- reorder the adjaceny lists as described in cite[page 101]{Me:book}.
- We then test the strong planarity.
- The array |alpha| is needed for the embedding process. It
- records the placement of the subsegments.
- @<test planarity@>=
- node_array<int> dfsnum(G);
- node_array<node> parent(G,nil);
- reorder(G,dfsnum,parent);
- edge_array<int> alpha(G,0);
- {list<int> Att;
- alpha[G.first_adj_edge(G.first_node())] = left;
- if (!strongly_planar(G.first_adj_edge(G.first_node()),G,Att,alpha,dfsnum,parent))
- return false;
- }
- @ We need two global constants |left| and |right|.
- @<typedefs...@>+=
- const int left = 1;
- const int right = 2;
- @ We give the details of the procedure |reorder|. It first performs DFS
- to compute |dfsnum|, |parent|, |lowpt1| and |lowpt2|, and the list |Del|
- of all forward edges and all reversals of tree edges.
- It then deletes the edges in |Del| and finally it
- reorders the edges.
- @<auxiliary ...@>+=
- void reorder(graph& G,node_array<int>& dfsnum,
- node_array<node>& parent)
- {
- node v;
- node_array<bool> reached(G,false);
- int dfs_count = 0;
- list<edge> Del;
- node_array<int> lowpt1(G), lowpt2(G);
- dfs_in_reorder(Del,G.first_node(),dfs_count,reached,dfsnum,lowpt1,lowpt2,parent);
- /* remove forward and reversals of tree edges */
- edge e;
- forall(e,Del) G.del_edge(e);
- /* we now reorder adjacency lists as described in cite[page 101]{Me:book} */
- node w;
- edge_array<int> cost(G);
- forall_edges(e,G)
- {v = source(e); w = target(e);
- cost[e] = ((dfsnum[w] < dfsnum[v]) ?
- 2*dfsnum[w] :
- ( (lowpt2[w] >= dfsnum[v]) ?
- 2*lowpt1[w] : 2*lowpt1[w] + 1));
- }
- G.sort_edges(cost);
- }
- @ We still have to give the procedure |dfs_in_reorder|. It's a bit long but standard.
- @<auxiliary ...@>+=
- void dfs_in_reorder(list<edge>& Del, node v, int& dfs_count,
- node_array<bool>& reached, @|
- node_array<int>& dfsnum,
- node_array<int>& lowpt1, node_array<int>& lowpt2, @|
- node_array<node>& parent)
- {
- node w;
- edge e;
- dfsnum[v] = dfs_count++;
- lowpt1[v] = lowpt2[v] = dfsnum[v];
- reached[v] = true;
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- {
- w = target(e);
- if( !reached[w] )
- {/* e is a tree edge */
- parent[w] = v;
- dfs_in_reorder(Del,w,dfs_count,reached,dfsnum,lowpt1,lowpt2,
- parent);
- lowpt1[v] = Min(lowpt1[v],lowpt1[w]);
- } //end tree edge
- else {lowpt1[v] = Min(lowpt1[v],dfsnum[w]); // no effect for forward edges
- if(( dfsnum[w] >= dfsnum[v]) || w == parent[v] )
- /* forward edge or reversal of tree edge */
- Del.append(e) ;
- } //end non-tree edge
- } // end forall
- /* we know |lowpt1[v]| at this point and now make a second pass over all
- adjacent edges of |v| to compute |lowpt2| */
- forall_adj_edges(e,v)
- {w = target(e);
- if (parent[w] ==v)
- { /* tree edge */
- if (lowpt1[w] != lowpt1[v]) lowpt2[v] = Min(lowpt2[v],lowpt1[w]);
- lowpt2[v] = Min(lowpt2[v],lowpt2[w]);
- } //end tree edge
- else // all other edges
- if (lowpt1[v] != dfsnum[w]) lowpt2[v] = Min(lowpt2[v],dfsnum[w]);
- } //end forall
- } //end dfs
- @ Because we use the function |dfs_in_reorder| before its declaration,
- let's add it to the global declarations.
- @<typedefs, ...@>+=
- void dfs_in_reorder(list<edge>& Del, node v, int& dfs_count,
- node_array<bool>& reached, @|
- node_array<int>& dfsnum,
- node_array<int>& lowpt1, node_array<int>& lowpt2, @|
- node_array<node>& parent);
- @ We now come to the heart of the planarity test: procedure |strongly_planar|.
- It takes a tree edge $e0 = (x,y)$ and tests whether
- the segment $S(e0)$ is strongly planar. If successful it returns (in |Att|) the
- ordered list of attachments of $S(e0)$ (excluding $x$); high DFS-numbers are
- at the front of the list. In |alpha| it
- records the placement of the subsegments.
- |strongly_planar| operates in three phases. It first constructs the cycle $C(e0)$
- underlying the segment $S(e0)$. It then constructs the interlacing graph for the
- segments emanating from the spine of the cycle. If this graph is non-bipartite
- then the segment $S(e0)$ is non-planar. If it is bipartite then the segment is
- planar. In this case the third phase checks whether the segment is strongly
- planar and, if so, computes its list of attachments.
- @<auxiliary ...@>+=
- bool strongly_planar(edge e0, graph& G, list<int>& Att,
- edge_array<int>& alpha, @|
- node_array<int>& dfsnum,
- node_array<node>& parent)
- {
- @<determine the cycle $C(e0)$@>;
- @<process all edges leaving the spine@>;
- @<test strong planarity and compute |Att|@>;
- return true;
- }
- @ We determine the cycle $C(e0)$ by following first edges until a back
- edge is encountered. |wk| will be the last node on the tree path and |w0|
- is the destination of the back edge. This agrees with the
- notation of cite{Me:book}.
- @<determine the cycle ...@>=
- node x = source(e0);
- node y = target(e0);
- edge e = G.first_adj_edge(y);
- node wk = y;
- while (dfsnum[target(e)] > dfsnum[wk]) // e is a tree edge
- { wk = target(e);
- e= G. first_adj_edge(wk);
- }
- node w0 = target(e);
- @ The second phase of |strongly_planar| constructs the connected components of
- the interlacing graph of the segments emananating from the the spine of the
- cycle $C(e0)$. We call a connected component a {em block}. For each block
- we store the segments comprising its left and right side (lists
- |Lseg| and |Rseg| contain the edges
- defining these segments) and the ordered list of attachments of the segments
- in the block; lists |Latt| and |Ratt| contain the DFS-numbers of the
- attachments; high DFS-numbers are at the front of the list. Blocks are
- so important that we make them a class.
- We need the following operations on blocks.
- The constructor takes an edge and a list of attachments and creates
- a block having the edge as the only segment in its left side.
- |flip| interchanges the two sides of a block.
- |head_of_Latt| and |head_of_Ratt| return the first elements on |Latt| and |Ratt| respectively
- and |Latt_empty| and |Ratt_empty| check these lists for emptyness.
- |left_interlace| checks whether the block interlaces with the left side of the topmost block of
- stack |S|. |right_interlace| does the same for the right side.
- |combine| combines the block with another block |Bprime| by simply concatenating all
- lists.
- |clean| removes the attachment |w| from the block |B| (it is guaranteed to be the
- first attachment of |B|). If the block becomes empty then it records the
- placement of all segments in the block in the array |alpha| and returns true.
- Otherwise it returns false.
- |add_to_Att| first makes sure that the right side has no attachment above |w0|
- (by
- flipping); when |add_to_Att| is called at least one side has no
- attachment above |w0|.
- |add_to_Att| then adds the lists |Ratt| and |Latt| to the output list |Att|
- and records the placement of all segments in the block in |alpha|.
- We advise the reader to only skim the rest of the section at this
- point and to come back to it when the procedures are first used.
- @<typedefs...@>+=
- class block
- {
- private:
- list<int> Latt, Ratt; //list of attachments
- list<edge> Lseg,Rseg; //list of segments represented by their defining edges
- public:
- block(edge e, list<int>& A)
- {
- Lseg.append(e);
- Latt.conc(A);
- // the other two lists are empty
- }
- ~block() @+ {}
- void flip()
- {
- list<int> ha;
- list<edge> he;
- /* we first interchange |Latt| and |Ratt| and then |Lseg| and |Rseg| */
- ha.conc(Ratt); @+ Ratt.conc(Latt); @+ Latt.conc(ha);
- he.conc(Rseg); @+ Rseg.conc(Lseg); @+ Lseg.conc(he);
- }
- int head_of_Latt() @+ { @+ return Latt.head(); @+ }
- bool empty_Latt() @+ { @+ return Latt.empty(); @+ }
- int head_of_Ratt() @+ { @+ return Ratt.head(); @+ }
- bool empty_Ratt() @+ { @+ return Ratt.empty(); @+ }
- bool left_interlace(stack<block*>& S)
- {
- /* check for interlacing with the left side of the topmost block of
- |S| */
- if (Latt.empty()) error_handler(1,"Latt is never empty");
- if (!S.empty() && !((>empty_Latt()) &&
- Latt.tail() < (>head_of_Latt())
- return true;
- else return false;
- }
- bool right_interlace(stack<block*>& S)
- {
- /* check for interlacing with the right side of the topmost block of
- |S| */
- if (Latt.empty()) error_handler(1,"Latt is never empty");
- if (!S.empty() && !((>empty_Ratt()) &&
- Latt.tail() < (>head_of_Ratt())
- return true;
- else return false;
- }
- void combine(block* & Bprime)
- {
- /* add block Bprime to the rear of |this| block */
- Latt.conc(Bprime -> Latt);
- Ratt.conc(Bprime -> Ratt);
- Lseg.conc(Bprime -> Lseg);
- Rseg.conc(Bprime -> Rseg);
- delete(Bprime);
- }
- bool clean(int dfsnum_w, edge_array<int>& alpha,
- node_array<int>& dfsnum)
- {
- /* remove all attachments to |w|; there may be several */
- while (!Latt.empty() && Latt.head() == dfsnum_w) Latt.pop();
- while (!Ratt.empty() && Ratt.head() == dfsnum_w) Ratt.pop();
- if (!Latt.empty() || !Ratt.empty()) return false;
- /*|Latt| and |Ratt| are empty; we record the placement of the subsegments
- in |alpha|. */
- edge e;
- forall(e,Lseg) alpha[e] = left;
- forall(e,Rseg) alpha[e] = right;
- return true;}
- void add_to_Att(list<int>& Att, int dfsnum_w0,
- edge_array<int>& alpha, @|
- node_array<int>& dfsnum)
- {
- /* add the block to the rear of |Att|. Flip if necessary */
- if (!Ratt.empty() && head_of_Ratt() > dfsnum_w0) flip();
- Att.conc(Latt);
- Att.conc(Ratt);
- /* This needs some explanation. Note that |Ratt| is either empty
- or ${w0}$. Also if |Ratt| is non-empty then all subsequent sets are contained
- in ${w0}$. So we indeed compute an ordered set of attachments. */
- edge e;
- forall(e,Lseg) alpha[e] = left;
- forall(e,Rseg) alpha[e] = right;
- }
- };
- @ We process the edges leaving the spine of $S(e0)$ starting at node |wk|
- and working backwards. The interlacing graph of the segments emanating from
- the cycle is represented as a stack |S| of blocks.
- @<process all edges leaving the spine@>=
- node w = wk;
- stack<block*> S;
- while (w != x)
- { int count = 0;
- forall_adj_edges(e,w)
- {count++;
- if (count != 1) //no action for first edge
- {@<test recursively@>;
- @<update stack |S| of attachments@>;
- } // end if
- } //end forall
- @<prepare for next iteration@>;
- w = parent[w];
- } //end while
- @ Let $e$ be any edge leaving the spine. We need to test whether
- $S(e)$ is strongly planar and if so compute its list |A| of attachments.
- If $e$ is a tree edge we call our procedure recursively and if $e$ is a
- back edge then $S(e)$ is certainly strongly planar and |target(e)| is
- the only attachment. If we detect non-planarity we return flase and free
- the storage allocated for the blocks of stack |S|.
- @<test recursively@>=
- list<int> A;
- if (dfsnum[w] < dfsnum[target(e)])
- { /* tree edge */
- if (!strongly_planar(e,G,A,alpha,dfsnum,parent))
- {while (!S.empty()) delete(S.pop());
- return false;
- }
- }
- else A.append(dfsnum[target(e)]); // a back edge
- @ The list |A| contains the ordered list of attachments of segment
- $S(e)$. We create an new block consisting only of segment $S(e)$ (in its
- $L$-part) and then combine this block with the topmost block of stack |S| as
- long as
- there is interlacing. We check for interlacing with the $L$-part. If there
- is interlacing then we flip the two sides of the topmost block. If there
- is still interlacing with the left side then the interlacing graph is non-bipartite and
- we declare the graph non-planar (and also free the storage allocated
- for the blocks). Otherwise we check for interlacing with
- the R-part. If there is interlacing then we combine |B| with the topmost
- block and repeat the process with the new topmost block. If there is no
- interlacing then we push block |B| onto |S|.
- @<update stack ...@>=
- block* B = new block(e,A);
- while (true)
- {
- if (B->left_interlace(S)) (>flip();
- if (B->left_interlace(S))
- {delete(B);
- while (!S.empty()) delete(S.pop());
- return false;
- };
- if (B->right_interlace(S)) B->combine(S.pop());
- else break;
- } //end while
- S.push(B);
- @ We have now processed all edges emanating from vertex |w|. Before starting to
- process edges emanating from vertex |parent[w]| we remove |parent[w]| from
- the list of attachments of the topmost block of stack |S|. If this block
- becomes empty then we pop it from the stack and record the placement for all
- segments in the block in array |alpha|.
- @<prepare for ...@>=
- while (!S.empty() && (>clean(dfsnum[parent[w]],alpha,dfsnum)) delete(S.pop());
- @ We test the strong planarity of the segment $S(e0)$.
- We know at this point that the
- interlacing graph is bipartite. Also for each of its connected components the
- corresponding block on stack |S| contains the list of attachments below |x|.
- Let |B| be the topmost block of |S|. If both sides of |B| have an attachment
- above |w0| then $S(e0)$ is not strongly planar. We free the storage allocated for
- the blocks and return false. Otherwise (cf. procedure
- |add_to_Att|) we first make sure that the right side of |B| attaches only to |w0|
- (if at all) and then add the two sides of |B| to the output list |Att|. We also
- record the placements of the subsegments in |alpha|.
- @<test strong planarity and ...@>=
- Att.clear();
- while(! S.empty())
- {
- block* B = S.pop();
- if (!(B->empty_Latt()) && !(B->empty_Ratt()) &&
- (B->head_of_Latt()>dfsnum[w0]) && (B->head_of_Ratt() > dfsnum[w0]))
- {delete(B);while (!S.empty()) delete(S.pop()); return false;}
- B->add_to_Att(Att,dfsnum[w0],alpha,dfsnum);
- delete(B);
- } //end while
- /* Let's not forget (as the book does) that $w0$ is an attachment of $S(e0)$
- except if $w0 = x$. */
- if (w0 != x) Att.append(dfsnum[w0]);
- @* Constructing the Embedding. label{embedding}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% einbinden von bildern mit Unterschrift %%%%%%%%%%%%%
- newcommand{bild}[2]{
- begin{figure}[htb]
- begin{center}
- input{#1.tex}
- end{center}
- caption{{#2}label{#1}}
- end{figure}
- }
- %%%%% wird so benutzt: bild{<label>}{<caption>} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%% z.B. bild{part}{A part of the augmented segment tree structure}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
- We now discuss how the planarity testing algorithm can be extended
- so that it also computes a planar map.
- Consider a segment $S(e_0)=C+S(e_1)+ldots +S(e_m)$ consisting of
- cycle $C$ and emanating segments $S(e_1),ldots ,S(e_m)$ and
- recall that the proofs of Lemmas 8 and 9 describe how
- the embeddings of the $S(e_i)$'s have to be combined to yield a
- canonical embedding of $S(e_0)$.
- Our goal is to turn these proofs into an efficient algorithm.
- The proofs of Lemmas 8 and 9 demonstrate two things:
- begin{itemize}
- item How to test whether $IG(C)$ is bipartite and how to construct
- a partition ${L,R}$ of its vertex set, and
- item how to construct an embedding of $S(e_0)$ from the embeddings of
- the $S(e_i)$'s. This involves flipping of embeddings as we
- incrementally construct the embedding of $S(e_0)$.
- end{itemize}
- Suppose now that some benign agent told us that $IG(C)$ were bipartite
- and gave us an appropriate partition ${L,R}$ of its vertex set,
- i.e., a partition ${L,R}$ such that no
- two segments in $L$ and no two segments in $R$ interlace and such that
- $A(e_i)cap {w_1,ldots ,w_{r-1}}=emptyset$ for any segment
- $S(e_i)in R$.
- Here, as before, $w_0,ldots ,w_r$ denotes the stem of $C$.
- Then no flipping would ever be necessary;
- we can simply combine the embeddings of the $S(e_i)$'s as prescribed
- by the partition ${L,R}$.
- More precisely, to construct a canonical embedding of $S(e_0)$ draw
- the path $w_0,ldots ,w_k$ (consisting of stem $w_0,ldots ,w_r$,
- edge $e_0 = (w_r,w_{r+1})$ and spine $w_{r+1},ldots ,w_k$) as a
- vertical upwards directed path, add edge $(w_k,w_0)$, and then for $i$,
- $1leq ileq m$, and $S(e_i)in L$ extend the embedding of
- $C+S(e_1)+ldots S(e_{i-1})$ by glueing a canonical embedding of
- $S(e_i)$ onto the left side of the vertical path, and for $i$,
- $1leq ileq m$, and $S(e_i)in R$ extend the embedding of
- $C+S(e_1)+ldots +S(e_{i-1})$ by glueing a reversed canonical
- embedding of $S(e_i)$ onto the right side of the vertical path.
- Similarly, if the goal is to construct a reversed canonical embedding
- of $S(e_0)$ then, if $S(e_i)in L$, a reversed canonical embedding of
- $S(e_i)$ is glued onto the right side of the vertical path, and if
- $S(e_i) in R$, then a canonical embedding of $S(e_i)$ is glued onto the
- left side of the vertical path.
- Who is the benign agent which tells us that $IG(C)$ is bipartite and
- gives us the appropriate partition ${L,R}$ of the segments emanating
- from $C=C(e_0)$?
- It's the call {em stronglyplanar}($e_0$).
- After all, it tests whether $IG(C)$ is bipartite and computes a
- bipartition of its vertex set.
- Let $S(e)$ be a segment emanating from $C$ and let $B$ be the connected
- component of $IG(C)$ containing $S(e)$.
- The call {em stronglyplanar}($e_0$) computes $B$ iteratively.
- The construction of $B$ is certainly completed when $B$ is popped from
- stack $S$.
- Put $S(e)$ into $R$ when $S(e)in RB$ at that moment and put $S(e)$
- into $L$ otherwise.
- With this extension, algorithm {em stronglyplanar} computes the
- partition ${L,R}$ of the segments emanating from $C$ in linear time.
- We assume for notational convenience that the partition (more precisely,
- the union of all partitions for all cycles $C(e_0)$ encountered in the
- algorithm) is given as a function $alpha :Sto {L,R}$ where $S$ is
- the set of edges for which {em stronglyplanar} is called.
- We next give the algorithmic details of the embedding process.
- We first use procedure {em stronglyplanar} to compute the mapping
- $alpha$.
- We then use a procedure {em embedding} to actually compute an
- embedding.
- The procedure {em embedding} takes two parameters: an edge $e_0$ and
- a flag $tin {L,R}$.
- A call {em embedding}($e_0,L$) computes a canonical embedding of
- $S(e_0)$ and a call {em embedding}($e_0,R$) computes a reversed
- canonical embedding of $S(e_0)$.
- The call {em embedding}($(1,2),L$) embeds the entire graph.
- The embedding of $S(e_0)$ computed by {em embedding}$(e_0,t)$ is
- represented in the following non-standard way:
- begin{enumerate}
- item For the vertices $vin V(e_0)$ we use the standard
- representation, i.e., the cyclic list of the incident
- edges corresponding to the clockwise ordering of the edges
- in the embedding.
- item For the vertices in the stem we use a non-standard representation.
- For each vertex $w_iin{w_0,ldots,w_{r}}$ let the lists
- $AL(w_i)$ and $AR(w_i)$ be such that the catenation of
- $(w_i,w_{i+1})$, $AR(w_i)$, $(w_i,w_{i-1})$, and
- $AL(w_i)$ corresponds to the clockwise ordering of the edges
- incident to $w_i$ in the embedding. Here, $w_{-1}=w_k$.
- Note that $AR(w_i)=emptyset$ for $1leq i<r$ if $t=L$, and
- $AL(w_i)=emptyset$ for $1leq i<r$, if $t=R$.
- The lists $AL(w_i)$, $AR(w_i)$, $0leq ileq r$, are returned in an
- implicit way: $AL(w_r)$ and $AR(w_r)$ are returned as the list
- $T=AL(w_r),(w_r,w_{r+1})$, $AR(w_r)$ and the other lists
- are returned as the list $A=$ $AR(w_{r-1}),ldots,$
- $AR(w_0),(w_0,w_k),AL(w_0),ldots ,AL(w_{r-1})$,
- cf. Figure~ref{result-embedding.pstex_t}.
- end{enumerate}
- bild{result-embedding.pstex_t}{A call {em embedding} $(e_0,t)$ returns lists $T$ and $A$.}
- The procedure {em embedding} has the same structure as the procedure
- {em stronglyplanar} and is given in Program 1 on page pageref{program}.
- It first constructs the stem and the spine (line (1)) of cycle $C(e_0)$,
- then walks down the spine (lines (3) to (14)), and finally computes
- the lists $T$ and $A$ it wants to return (lines (15) and (16)).
- We first discuss the walk down the spine.
- Suppose that the walk has reached vertex $w_j$.
- We first recursively process the edges emanating from $w_j$
- (lines (4) to (10)), and then compute the cyclic adjacency list of vertex
- $w_j$ and prepare for the next iteration (lines (11) to (13)).
- We discuss lines (4) to (10) first.
- In general, some number of edges emanating from $w_j$ and all edges
- incident to vertices $w_l$ with $l>j$ will have been processed already.
- In agreement with our previous notation call the processed edges
- $e_1,ldots ,e_{i-1}$.
- We claim that the following statement is an invariant of the loop (4) to (10):
- $T$ concatenated with $(w_j,w_{j-1})$ is the cyclic adjacency list of
- vertex $w_j$ in the embedding of $C+S(e_1)+ldots +S(e_{i-1})$, and
- $AL$ and $AR$ are the catenation of lists $AL(w_0),ldots ,AL(w_{j-1})$
- and $AR(w_{j-1}),ldots ,AR(w_0)$ respectively where $(w_l,w_{l+1})$,
- $AR(w_l), (w_l,w_{l-1}), AL(w_l)$ is the cyclic adjacency
- list of vertex $w_l$, $0leq lleq j-1$, in the embedding of
- $C+S(e_0)+ldots +S(e_{i-1})$.
- The lists $T$, $AL$, and $AR$ are certainly initialized correctly in
- line (2).
- Assume now that we process edge $e'=e_i$ emanating from $w_j$.
- The flag $alpha(e')$ indicates what kind of embedding of $S(e_i)$ is
- needed to build a canonical embedding of $S(e_0)$; the opposite kind of
- embedding of $S(e_i)$ is needed to build a reversed canonical embedding
- of $S(e_0)$.
- So the required kind is given by $toplusalpha(e')$, where
- $Loplus L=Roplus R=L$ and $Loplus R=Roplus L=R$.
- The call {em embedding}$(e',toplusalpha(e'))$ computes the cyclic
- adjacency lists of the vertices in $V(e')$ and returns lists $T'$ and
- $A'$ as defined above.
- If $S(e_i)$ has to be glued to the left side of the vertical path
- $w_0,ldots ,w_k$, i.e., if $t=alpha(e')$ then we append $T'$ to the front of $T$ and $A'$ to
- the end of $AL$, cf. Figure~ref{glueing}.
- Analogously, if $S(e_i)$ has to be glued to the right side of the
- path $w_0,ldots ,w_k$, i.e., if $tnot=alpha(e')$, then we append $T'$
- to the end of $T$ and $A'$ to the front of $AR$.
- This clearly maintains the invariant.
- Suppose now that we have processed all edges emanating from $w_j$.
- Then $(w_j,w_{j-1})$ concatenated with $T$ is the cyclic adjacency list
- of vertex $w_j$ (line (11)).
- begin{figure}[htb]
- begin{center}
- input{glueing.pstex_t}
- end{center}
- caption{label{glueing}
- Glueing $S(e')$ to the left or right side of the path
- $w_0,ldots ,w_k$ respectively.}
- end{figure}
- We next prepare for the treatment of vertex $w_{j-1}$.
- Let $T'$ and $T''$ be the list of darts incident to $w_{j-1}$ from
- the left and from the right respectively and having their other
- endpoint in an already embedded segment.
- List $T'$ is a suffix of $AL$ and list $T''$ is a prefix of $AR$.
- The catenation of $T',(w_{j-1},w_j)$, $T''$, and
- $(w_{j-1},w_{j-2})$ is the current clockwise adjacency list of
- vertex $w_{j-1}$.
- Thus lines (12) and (13) correctly initialize $AL$, $AR$, and $T$ for
- the next iteration.
- Suppose now that all edges emanating from the spine of $C(e_0)$ have
- been processed, i.e., control reaches line (15).
- At this point, list $T$ is the ordered list of darts incident to $w_r$
- (except $(w_r,w_{r-1})$) and the two lists $AL$ and $AR$ are the
- ordered list of darts incident to the two sides of the stem of $C(e_0)$.
- Thus $T$ and the catenation of $AR,(w_0,w_k)$, and
- $AL$ are the two components of the output of {em embedding}$(e_0,t)$.
- We summarize in
- begin{theorem}
- Let $G=(V,E)$ be a planar graph.
- Then $G$ can be turned into a planar map $(G,sigma)$ in linear time.
- end{theorem}
- begin{table}
- ~hrulefill
- begin{tabbing}
- qquad = {bf do} = {bf do} = kill
- > (0) ' {bf procedure} {em embedding}($e_0$: edge, $t$: ${L,R}$)+\
- ($*$ computes an embedding of $S(e_0)$, $e_0=(x,y)$, as described in the text; \
- > it returns the lists $T$ and $A$ defined in the text $*$)-\
- > (1) ' find the spine of segment $S(e_0)$ by starting in node $y$ and always+\
- > take the first edge of every adjacency list until a back edge is \
- > encountered. This back edge leads to node $w_0=lowpt[y]$. \
- > Let $w_0,ldots,w_r$ be the tree path from $w_0$ to $x=w_r$ and \
- > let $w_{r+1}=y,ldots,w_k$ be the spine constructed above. -\
- > (2) ' $AL gets AR gets$ empty list of darts;\
- > > $T gets (w_k,w_0)$; ` ($*$ a list of darts $*$)\
- > (3) ' {bf for} $j$ {bf from} $k$ {bf downto} $r+1$ \
- > (4) ' {bf do} {bf for} all edges $e'$ (except the first) emanating from $w_j$ \
- > (5) ' > {bf do} $(T',A') gets$ {em embedding}$(e',toplusalpha(e'))$\
- > (6) ' > > {bf if} $t=alpha(e')$\
- > (7) ' > > {bf then} $T gets T'$ {bf conc} $T$; $AL gets AL$ {bf conc} $A'$\
- > (8) ' > > {bf else} $T gets T$ {bf conc} $T'$; $AR gets A'$ {bf conc} $AR$\
- > (9) ' > > {bf fi}\
- >(10) ' > {bf od}\
- >(11) ' > {bf output} $(w_j,w_{j-1})$ {bf conc} $T$;
- ` ($*$ the cyclic adjacency list of vertex $w_j$ $*$) \
- >(12) ' > {bf let} $AL=AL'$ {bf conc} $T'$ and $AR=T''$
- {bf conc} $AR'$\
- > > > where $T'$ and $T''$ contain all darts incident
- to $w_{j-1}$;\
- >(13) ' > $ALgets AL'$; $ARgets AR'$; $Tgets
- T'$ {bf conc} $(w_{j-1},w_j)$ {bf conc} $T''$\
- >(14) ' {bf od}\
- >(15) ' $Agets$ $AR$ {bf conc} $(w_0,w_k)$ {bf conc} $AL$;\
- >(16) ' {bf return} $T$ and $A$\
- >(17) ' {bf end}
- end{tabbing}
- ~hrulefill Program 1 label{program} hrulefill
- end{table}
- In our implementation we follow the book except in three minor points. |G| has only one directed
- version of each edge but |H| has both. In the embedding
- phase we need both
- directions and therefore construct the embedding of
- |H| and later translate it back to |Gin|. Secondly, we do not construct the embedding
- of |H| vertex by vertex but in one shot. To that effect we compute a labelling
- |sort_num| of the edges of |H| and later sort the edges.
- Thirdly, the book makes reference to edges $(w_{i-1},w_i)$
- and their reversals. To make these edges available we compute an array |tree_edge_into|
- that contains for each node the incoming tree edge.
- We finally want to remark on our convention for drawing lists.
- In Figures ref{result-embedding.pstex_t}
- and ref{glueing} the arrows indicate the end (!!!) of the lists.
- clearpage
- @<construct embedding@>=
- {list<edge> T,A; //lists of edges of |H|
- int cur_nr = 0;
- edge_array<int> sort_num(H);
- node_array<edge> tree_edge_into(G);
- embedding(G.first_adj_edge(G.first_node()),left,G,alpha,dfsnum,T,A,
- cur_nr,sort_num,tree_edge_into,parent,reversal);
- /* |T| contains all edges incident to the first node except the cycle edge into it.
- That edge comprises |A| */
- T.conc(A);
- edge e;
- forall(e,T) sort_num[e] = cur_nr ++;
- edge_array<int> sort_Gin(Gin);
- {edge ein;
- forall_edges(ein,Gin) sort_Gin[ein] = sort_num[companion_in_H[ein]];
- }
- Gin.sort_edges(sort_Gin);
- }
- @ It remains to describe procedure |embedding|.
- @<auxiliary ...@>+=
- void embedding(edge e0, int t, GRAPH<node,edge>& G,
- edge_array<int>& alpha, @|
- node_array<int>& dfsnum,
- list<edge>& T, list<edge>& A, int& cur_nr, @|
- edge_array<int>& sort_num, node_array<edge> & tree_edge_into, @|
- node_array<node>& parent, edge_array<edge>& reversal)
- {@<embed: determine the cycle $C(e0)$@>;
- @<process the subsegments@>;
- @<prepare the output@>;
- }
- @ We start by determining the spine cycle. This is precisley as in |strongly_planar|.
- We also record for the vertices $w_{r+1}$, $ldots$, $w_k$, and $w_0$ the
- incoming cycle edge either in |tree_edge_into| or in the local
- variable |back_edge_into_w0|. This is line (1) of Program1.
- @<embed: determine ...@>=
- node x = source(e0);
- node y = target(e0);
- tree_edge_into[y] = e0;
- edge e = G.first_adj_edge(y);
- node wk = y;
- while (dfsnum[target(e)] > dfsnum[wk]) // e is a tree edge
- { wk = target(e);
- tree_edge_into[wk] = e;
- e= G. first_adj_edge(wk);
- }
- node w0 = target(e);
- edge back_edge_into_w0 = e;
- @ Lines (2) to (14).
- @<process the subsegments@>=
- node w = wk;
- list<edge> Al, Ar;
- list<edge> Tprime, Aprime;
- T.clear();
- T.append(G[e]); // |e = (wk,w0)| at this point, line (2)
- while (w != x)
- { int count = 0;
- forall_adj_edges(e,w)
- {count++;
- if (count != 1) //no action for first edge
- {@<embed recursively@>;
- @<update lists |T|, |Al|, and |Ar|@>;
- } // end if
- } //end forall
- @<compute |w|'s adjacency list and prepare for next iteration@>;
- w = parent[w];
- } //end while
- @ Line (5). The book does not distinguish between tree and back edges but we do
- here.
- @<embed recursively@>=
- if (dfsnum[w] < dfsnum[target(e)])
- { /* tree edge */
- int tprime = ((t == alpha[e]) ? left : right);
- embedding(e,tprime,G,alpha,dfsnum,Tprime,Aprime,cur_nr,sort_num,tree_edge_into,parent,reversal);
- }
- else {/* back edge */
- Tprime.append(G[e]); //$e$
- Aprime.append(reversal[G[e]]); //reversal of $e$
- }
- @ Lines (6) to (9).
- @<update lists |T|, ...@>=
- if (t == alpha[e])
- {Tprime.conc(T);
- T.conc(Tprime); //$T = Tprime conc T$
- Al.conc(Aprime); //$Al = Al conc Aprime$
- }
- else {T.conc(Tprime); // $ T = T conc Tprime $
- Aprime.conc(Ar);
- Ar.conc(Aprime); // $ Ar = Aprime conc Ar$
- }
- @ Lines (11) to (13).
- @<compute |w|'s ...@>=
- T.append(reversal[G[tree_edge_into[w]]]); // $(w_{j-1},w_j)$
- forall(e,T) sort_num[e] = cur_nr ++;
- /* |w|'s adjacency list is now computed; we clear |T| and prepare for the
- next iteration by moving all darts incident to |parent[w]| from |Al| and
- |Ar| to |T|. These darts are at the rear end of |Al| and at the front end
- of |Ar| */
- T.clear();
- while (!Al.empty() && source(Al.tail()) == G[parent[w]])
- // |parent[w]| is in |G|, |Al.tail| in |H|
- {T.push(Al.Pop()); //Pop removes from the rear
- }
- T.append(G[tree_edge_into[w]]); // push would be equivalent
- while (!Ar.empty() && source(Ar.head()) == G[parent[w]]) //
- {T.append(Ar.pop()); // pop removes from the front
- }
- @ Line (15). Concatenate |Ar|, $(w_0,w_r)$, and |Al|.
- @<prepare the output@>=
- A.clear();
- A.conc(Ar);
- A.append(reversal[G[back_edge_into_w0]]);
- A.conc(Al);
- @* Efficiency. label{Efficiency}
- Under LEDA 3.0 the space requirement of the first version of |planar| is approximately
- $160 (n+m) +100 alpha m$ Bytes, where $n$ and $m$ denote the number of nodes
- and edges respectively and $alpha$ is the fraction of edges in the input graph
- that do not have their reversal in the input graph. For the pseudo-random
- planar graphs generated in the demo we have $alpha = 0$ and $m = 4n$ and hence the
- space requirement is about $800 n$ Bytes. The second version needs an additional
- $54n + 66m$ Bytes.
- The running time of |planar| is about $50$ times the running
- time of |STRONG_COMPONENTS|. On a 50 MIPS SPARC10 workstation
- the planarity of a
- planar graph with 16000 nodes and 30000 edges ($alpha = 0$) is tested in
- about 10 seconds. It takes 5.4 seconds to make the graph bidirected and
- biconnected, about 3.9 seconds to test its planarity, and
- another 6.1 seconds to
- construct an embedding. The space requirement is about 15 MByte.
- @* A Demo. label{demo}
- The demo allows the user to either interactively construct a graph
- using
- LEDA's graph editor or to construct a random graph, or to
- construct a ``pseudo-random'' planar graph
- (the graph defined by an arrangement of random line segments). The graph is
- then tested for
- planarity. If the graph is planar a straight-line embedding is output. If the
- graph is non-planar a Kuratowski subgraph is highlighted.
- The demo proceeds in cycles. In each cycle we first clear the graphics window |W| and
- the graph |G| and then give the user the choice of a new input graph.
- @(demo.c@>=
- @<includes@>;
- @<procedure to draw graphs@>;
- main(){
- @<initiation and declarations@>;
- while (true){
- @<select graph@>;
- @<test graph for planarity and show output@>
- @<reset window@>;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- @ We need to include |planar.h| and various parts of LEDA.
- @<includes@>=
- #include "planar.h"
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_alg.h>
- #include <LEDA/window.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph_edit.h>
- @ We need a simple procedure to draw a graph in a graphics window. The
- numbering of the nodes is optional.
- @<procedure to draw graphs@>=
- void draw_graph(const GRAPH<point,int>& G, window& W, bool numbering=false)
- { node v;
- edge e;
- int i = 0;
- forall_edges(e,G)
- W.draw_edge(G[source(e)],G[target(e)],blue);
- if (numbering)
- forall_nodes(v,G) W.draw_int_node(G[v],i++,red);
- else
- forall_nodes(v,G) W.draw_filled_node(G[v],red);
- }
- @ We give the user a short explanation of the demo and declare some variables.
- @<initiation and declarations@>=
- panel P;
- P.text_item("This demo illustrates planarity testing and planar straight-line");
- P.text_item("embedding. You have two ways to construct a graph: either interactively");
- P.text_item("using the LEDA graph editor or by calling one of two graph generators.");
- P.text_item("The first generator constructs a random graph with a certain");
- P.text_item("number of nodes and edges (you will be asked how many) and the ");
- P.text_item("second generator constructs a planar graph by intersecting a certain");
- P.text_item("number of random line segments in the unit square (you will be asked how many).");
- P.text_item(" ");
- P.text_item("The graph is displayed and then tested for planarity.");
- P.text_item("If the graph is non-planar a Kuratowski subgraph is highlighted.");
- P.text_item("If the graph is planar, a straight-line drawing is produced.");
- P.button("continue");
- window W;
- GRAPH<point,int> G;
- node v,w;
- edge e;
- int n = 250;
- int m = 250;
- const double pi= 3.14;
- panel P1("PLANARITY TEST");
- P1.int_item("|V| = ",n,0,500);
- P1.int_item("|E| = ",m,0,500);
- P1.button("edit");
- P1.button("random");
- P1.button("planar");
- P1.button("quit");
- P1.text_item(" ");
- P1.text_item("The first slider asks for the number n of nodes and");
- P1.text_item("the second slider asks for the number m of edges.");
- P1.text_item("If you select the random input button then a graph with");
- P1.text_item("that number of nodes and edges is constructed, if you");
- P1.text_item("select the planar input button then 2.5 times square-root of n");
- P1.text_item("random line segments are chosen and intersected to yield");
- P1.text_item("a planar graph with about n nodes, and if you select the");
- P1.text_item("edit button then the graph editor is called.");
- P1.text_item(" ");
- @ We display the panel |P1| until the user makes his choice. Then we construct
- the appropriate graph.
- @<select graph@>=
- int inp =; // P1 is displayed until a button is pressed
- if (inp == 3) break; // quit button pressed
- W.init(0,1000,0);
- W.set_node_width(5);
- switch(inp){
- case 0: { // graph editor
- W.set_node_width(10);
- G.clear();
- graph_edit(W,G,false);
- break;
- }
- case 1: { // random graph
- G.clear();
- random_graph(G,n,m);
- /* eliminate parallel edges and self-loops */
- eliminate_parallel_edges(G);
- list<edge>Del= G.all_edges();
- forall(e,Del)
- if (G.source(e) G.del_edge(e);
- /* draw the graph with its nodes on a circle*/
- float ang = 0;
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- { G[v] = point(500+400*sin(ang),500+400*cos(ang));
- ang += 2*pi/n;
- }
- draw_graph(G,W);
- break;
- }
- case 2: { // pseudo-random planar graph
- node_array<double> xcoord(G);
- node_array<double> ycoord(G);
- G.clear();
- random_planar_graph(G,xcoord,ycoord,n);
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- G[v] = point(1000*xcoord[v], 900*ycoord[v]);
- draw_graph(G,W);
- break;
- }
- }
- @ We test the planarity of our graph |G| using our procedure |planar|.
- @<test graph for planarity and ...@>=
- if (PLANAR(G,false))
- {
- if(G.number_of_nodes()<4)
- W.message("That's an insult: Every graph with |V| <= 4 is planar");
- else
- { W.message("G is planar. I compute a straight-line embedding ...");
- /* we first make |G| bidirected. We remember the edges added in |n_edges| */
- node_array<int>nr(G);
- edge_array<int>cost(G);
- int cur_nr= 0;
- int n = G.number_of_nodes();
- node v;
- edge e;
- forall_nodes(v,G)nr[v]= cur_nr++;
- forall_edges(e,G)cost[e]= ((nr[source(e)]<nr[target(e)])?
- n*nr[source(e)]+nr[target(e)]:
- n*nr[target(e)]+nr[source(e)]);
- G.sort_edges(cost);
- list<edge> L= G.all_edges();
- list<edge> n_edges;
- while(!L.empty())
- { e= L.pop();
- if( ! L.empty() && source(e)==target(L.head())
- && target(e)==source(L.head()))
- L.pop();
- else
- { n_edges.append(G.new_edge(target(e),source(e)));
- }
- }
- Make_biconnected_graph(G);
- PLANAR(G,true);
- node_array<int> xcoord(G),ycoord(G);
- float f = 900.0/(2*G.number_of_nodes());
- forall_nodes(v,G) G[v] = point(f*xcoord[v]+30,2*f*ycoord[v]+30);
- forall(e,n_edges) G.del_edge(e);
- W.clear();
- if (inp == 0)
- draw_graph(G,W,true); // with node numbering
- else
- draw_graph(G,W);
- }
- }
- else
- { W.message("Graph is not planar. I compute the Kuratowski subgraph ...");
- list<edge>L;
- PLANAR(G,L,false);
- node_array<int> deg(G,0);
- int lw = W.set_line_width(3);
- edge e;
- forall(e,L)
- { node v = source(e);
- node w = target(e);
- deg[v]++;
- deg[w]++;
- W.draw_edge(G[v],G[w]);
- }
- int i = 1;
- /* We highlight the Kuratowski subgraph. Nodes with degree are drawn black.
- The nodes with larger degree are shown green and numbered from 1 to 6 */
- forall_nodes(v,G)
- {
- if (deg[v]==2) W.draw_filled_node(G[v],black);
- if (deg[v] > 2)
- { int nw = W.set_node_width(10);
- W.draw_int_node(G[v],i++,green);
- W.set_node_width(nw);
- }
- }
- W.set_line_width(lw);
- }
- @ We reset the graphics window.
- @<reset ...@>=
- W.set_show_coordinates(false);
- W.set_frame_label("click any button to continue");
- W.read_mouse(); // wait for a click
- W.reset_frame_label();
- W.set_show_coordinates(true);
- @* Some Theory. label{reprint}
- We give the theory underlying the planarity test as described in
- cite[section IV.10]{Me:book}.
- %Our next ...
- bibliography{/KM/usr/mehlhorn/tex/my}
- bibliographystyle{alpha}
- end{document}