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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: gzelex
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 707k
Code Size: 6k
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Development Platform:
- /* This file has been automatically generated from "r_heap.w"
- by CTANGLE (Version 3.1 [km2c]) */
- #include "r_heap.h"
- #include <math.h>
- r_heap::r_heap(int c)
- {
- C = c;
- B = int (ceil(log(C) / log(2))) + 2;
- buckets = (r_heap_item *) new int[B];
- for (int i = 0; i < B; i++)
- buckets[i] = nil;
- bsize = new int[B];
- u = new int[B];
- bsize[0] = 1;
- bsize[B - 1] = MAXINT;
- for (i = 1; i < B - 1; i++)
- bsize[i] = 1 << (i - 1);
- u[B - 1] = MAXINT; /* this value won't change throughout the
- * computation the other u[] values will be
- * initialized by |insert| */
- si = 0;
- }
- r_heap::r_heap(const r_heap & rh)
- {
- copy_heap(rh);
- }
- r_heap & r_heap::operator = (const r_heap & rh) {
- if (this != &rh) {
- delete[] buckets;
- delete[] u;
- copy_heap(rh);
- }
- }
- inline void r_heap::add_item(r_heap_item it, int bnr)
- {
- it->succ = buckets[bnr];
- if (buckets[bnr] != nil)
- buckets[bnr]->pred = it;
- it->pred = nil;
- it->bucket = bnr;
- buckets[bnr] = it;
- }
- inline void r_heap::rm_item(r_heap_item it)
- {
- if (it->pred != nil)
- (it->pred)->succ = it->succ;
- else
- buckets[it->bucket] = it->succ;
- if (it->succ != nil)
- (it->succ)->pred = it->pred;
- }
- void r_heap::copy_heap(const r_heap & rh)
- {
- C = rh.C;
- B = rh.B;
- si =;
- buckets = (r_heap_item *) new int[B];
- u = new int[B];
- bsize = new int[B];
- for (int i = 0; i < B; i++) {
- u[i] = rh.u[i];
- bsize[i] = rh.bsize[i];
- }
- r_heap_item item1, item2;
- for (i = 0; i < rh.B; i++) {
- if (rh.buckets[i] != nil) {
- item1 = rh.buckets[i];
- do {
- item2 = new r_heap_node(item1->key, item1->inf);
- add_item(item2, i);
- item1 = item1->succ;
- } while (item1 != nil);
- }
- else
- buckets[i] = nil;
- }
- }
- inline void r_heap::set_bucket_bounds(int min, int upto)
- {
- u[0] = min;
- for (int i = 1; i < upto; i++) {
- u[i] = u[i - 1] + bsize[i];
- if (u[i] > u[upto])
- break;
- }
- for (; i < upto; i++)
- u[i] = u[upto];
- }
- inline int r_heap::findbucket(r_heap_item it, int start)
- {
- if (int (it->key) == u[0])
- start = -1;
- else
- while (int (it->key) <= u[--start]);
- /* now $u[start] < int(it->key) le u[start+1]$ */
- return (start + 1);
- }
- r_heap_item r_heap::find_min(void) const
- {
- if (si > 0)
- return buckets[0];
- else
- error_handler(1, "r_heap::find_min : Heap is empty!");
- }
- r_heap_item r_heap::insert(GenPtr k, GenPtr i)
- {
- r_heap_item item = new r_heap_node(k, i);
- if (si > 0) { /* We check whether the operation respects
- * the r_heap conditions */
- if (int (k) < u[0] || int (k) > u[0] + C) {
- string s("r_heap::insert: k= %d out of range [%d,%d]n", int (k), u[0], u[0] + C);
- error_handler(1, s);
- }
- int i = findbucket(item, B - 1);
- add_item(item, i);
- }
- else {
- set_bucket_bounds((int) k, B - 1);
- buckets[0] = item;
- item->bucket = 0;
- }
- si++;
- return item;
- }
- void r_heap::del_min(void)
- {
- if (si > 0) {
- r_heap_item it = buckets[0];
- del_item(it);
- }
- else
- error_handler(1, "r_heap::del_min : Heap is empty!");
- }
- void r_heap::decrease_key(r_heap_node * x, GenPtr k)
- {
- if ((int (k) < int (x->key)) &&(int (k) >= u[0])) {
- x->key = k;
- if ((int (k) <= u[x->bucket - 1])) {
- rm_item(x);
- int i = findbucket(x, x->bucket);
- add_item(x, i);
- }
- }
- else {
- string s("r_heap::decrease_key: k= %d out of range [%d,%d]n", int (k), u[0], int (x->key) - 1);
- error_handler(1, s);
- }
- }
- void r_heap::change_inf(r_heap_node * x, GenPtr i)
- {
- x->inf = i;
- }
- void r_heap::clear(void)
- {
- r_heap_item it;
- for (int i = 1; i < B; i++)
- while ((it = buckets[i]) != nil) {
- rm_item(it);
- delete it;
- }
- }
- void r_heap::del_item(r_heap_node * x)
- {
- int buck = x->bucket;
- rm_item(x);
- delete x;
- if ((si > 1) && (buck == 0) && (buckets[0] == nil)) {
- r_heap_item item;
- int idx = 1;
- while (buckets[idx] == nil)
- idx++;
- item = buckets[idx];
- r_heap_item dummy = item->succ;
- while (dummy != nil) {
- if ((int) dummy->key < (int) item->key)
- item = dummy;
- dummy = dummy->succ;
- }
- /* we have found the minimum */
- set_bucket_bounds(int (item->key), idx);
- rm_item(item);
- add_item(item, 0);
- /* Redistribution */
- item = buckets[idx];
- r_heap_item next;
- while (item != nil) {
- next = item->succ;
- /* we know that every item in bucket #idx MUST be redistributed */
- rm_item(item);
- int i = findbucket(item, idx);
- add_item(item, i);
- item = next;
- }
- }
- si--;
- }
- int r_heap::size(void) const
- {
- return si;
- }
- int r_heap::empty(void) const
- {
- return (si == 0);
- }
- r_heap_item r_heap::first_item(void) const
- {
- return buckets[0]; /* nil if heap is empty */
- }
- r_heap_item r_heap::next_item(r_heap_item p) const
- {
- if (p->succ != nil)
- return p->succ;
- else {
- int next = p->bucket + 1;
- while ((next < B) && (buckets[next] == nil))
- next++;
- if (next == B)
- return nil;
- else
- return buckets[next];
- }
- }
- void r_heap::print_contents(ostream & os) const
- {
- r_heap_item item;
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- os << "Si: " << si << "n";
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- for (int i = 0; i < B; i++) {
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- os << "Bucket " << i << "n";
- os << "Intervall: [";
- if (i > 0)
- os << u[i - 1] - 1;
- else
- os << u[i];
- os << "," << u[i] << "]n";
- os << "--------------------------------------n";
- item = buckets[i];
- while (item != nil) {
- os << "Key: " << (int) item->key << " Bucket: " << item->bucket;
- os << "n";
- item = item->succ;
- }
- }
- }