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- input transfig
- input papermacros
- begin{document}
- renewcommand{thefootnote}{fnsymbol{footnote}}
- title{Implementation of a Sweep Line Algorithm for the\
- Straight Line Segment Intersection Problem}
- author{Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan N"aher\
- {footnotesize Max-Planck-Institut f"ur Informatik,}\[-0.7ex]
- {footnotesize 66123 Saarbr"ucken, Germany}}
- date{}
- maketitle
- @i typnamen
- @s myPoint int
- @s mySegment int
- @* Abstract.
- We describe a robust and efficient implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann
- sweep line algorithm cite{Bentley-Ottmann} based on the LEDA library
- of efficient data types and algorithms cite{LEDA-Paper}. The program
- computes the planar graph $G$ induced by a set $S$ of straight line segments
- in the plane. The nodes of |G| are all endpoints and all proper intersection
- points of segments in |S|. The edges of |G| are the maximal relatively open
- subsegments of segments in |S| that contain no node of |G|. All edges are
- directed from left to right or upwards.
- The algorithm runs in time $O((n+s)log n)$ where $n$ is the number of
- segments and $s$ is the number of vertices of the graph $G$. The implementation
- uses exact arithmetic for the reliable realization of the geometric
- primitives and it uses floating point filters to reduce the overhead of
- exact arithmetic.
- tableofcontents
- @* Introduction.
- Let $S$ be a set of $n$ straight-line segments in the plane and let $G(S)$
- be the graph induced by $S$. The vertices of $G(S)$ are all endpoints of
- segments in $S$ and all intersection points between segments in $S$. The edges
- of $G$ are the maximal relatively open and connected subsets of segments in
- $S$ that contain no vertex of $G(S)$. Figure ref{example} shows an example.
- Note that the graph $G(S)$ contains no parallel edges even if $S$ contains segments that overlap.
- begin{figure}
- begin{center}
- input{figures/introfig.tex}
- caption{label{example}A set $S$ of segments and the induced planar graph.}
- end{center}
- end{figure}
- Bentley and Ottmann cite{Bentley-Ottmann} have shown how to compute $G(S)$
- in time $O((n+m)log n)$ where $m$ is the number of pairs of intersecting
- segments in $S$. The algorithm is based on the plane-sweep paradigm. We
- refer the reader to cite[section VIII.4]{Mehlhorn-book}
- cite[section 7.2.3]{Preparata-Shamos}, and
- cite[section 35.2]{Cormen-Leiserson-Rivest}
- for a discussion of the plane sweep paradigm.
- In this paper we describe an implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm.
- More precisely, we define a procedure
- begin{center}
- |sweep_segments(list<rat_segment> &seglist,GRAPH<rat_point,rat_segment> &G,bool use_filter)|
- end{center}
- that takes a list $seglist$ of |rat_segment|s (segments with rational coordinates)
- and computes the graph $G$ induced by it. For each vertex $v$ of $G$ it also
- computes its position in the plane, a |rat_point| (a point with rational
- coordinates) and for each edge $e$ of $G$ it computes a |rat_segment| containing
- it. The algorithm is based on the LEDA platform for combinatorial and geometric
- computing cite{LEDA-Paper,LEDA-Manual}. In LEDA a |rat_segment| is specified by
- its two endpoints (of type |rat_point|) and a |rat_point| is specified by its
- homogeneous coordinates $(X,Y,W)$ of type |integer|. The type |integer| is the type
- of arbitrary precision integers.
- If |use_filter| is set to |true| then there must be
- integers $k$ and $l$ such that $5k+3lleq 450$ and
- $^^7cX^^7c,^^7cY^^7cleq 2^k$ and $1leq ^^7cW^^7cleq 2^l$ for all
- endpoints. In section ref{float-restrictions} we will explain
- where this restriction on the input size comes from. Use of the filter increases
- the speed of the program by up to a factor of 4.
- We want to stress that the implementation makes no other assumptions
- about the input, in particular, segments may have length zero, may overlap,
- several segments may intersect in the same point, endpoints of segments may
- lie in the interior of other segments, ... .
- We have achieved this generality by following two principles.
- begin{itemize}
- item
- Treat degeneracies as first class citizens and not as an afterthought
- cite{Burnikel-et-al}. In particular, we reformulated the plane-sweep
- algorithm so that it can handle all geometric situations. The details will
- be given in section ref{Algorithm}. The reformulation makes the
- description of the algorithm shorter since we do not distinguish between
- three kinds of events but have only one kind of event and it also makes the
- algorithm faster. The algorithm now runs in time $O((n+s)log n)$ where
- $s$ is the number of vertices of $G$. Note that $sleq n+m$ and that $m$
- can be as large as $s^2$. The only previous algorithm that could handle all
- degeneracies is due to Myers cite{Myers}. Its expected running time for
- random segments is $O(n log n + m)$ and its worst case running time is
- $O((n + m) log n)$.
- item
- Evaluate all geometric tests exactly. We use arbitrary precision integer
- arithmetic for all geometric computations. So all tests are computed exactly
- and we do not have to worry about numerical precision. Of course, we have
- to pay for the overhead of arbitrary precision integer arithmetic. In order
- to keep the overhead low we followed the suggestion of Fortune and van Wyk
- cite{Fortune-vanWyk} and implemented a floating point filter, i.e., all tests
- are first performed using floating point arithmetic and only if the result of
- the floating point computation is inconclusive we perform the costly exact
- computation. The floating point filter improves the running time by a factor
- of up to 4 depending on the problem instance. The floating point filter
- is responsible for the restrictions that we have to place on the input.
- The restrictions guarantee that the floating point computations will not
- overflow.
- end{itemize}
- This paper is structured as follows. In section ref{Algorithm} we describe the
- (generalized) plan-sweep algorithm. Section ref{Implementation}
- and ref{geometric primitives} give the details of the implementation: the
- former section describes the combinatorial part and the latter section describes
- the geometric primitives. The floating point filter is also discussed there.
- Section ref{experiments} contains some experimental results.
- @* The Algorithm.
- label{Algorithm}
- In the sweep-line paradigm a line is moved from left to right across the plane
- and the output (here the graph $G(S)$) is constructed incrementally as it
- evolves
- behind the sweep line. One maintains two data structures to keep the
- construction going: The so-called {em Y-structure} contains the intersection
- of
- the sweep line with the scene (here the set $S$ of line segments) and the
- so-called
- {em X-structure} contains the events where the sweep has to be
- stopped in order to add to the output or to update the $X$- or $Y$-structure.
- In the line segment intersection problem an event occurs when the sweep line
- hits an endpoint of some segment or an intersection point. When an event
- occurs, some nodes and edges are added to the graph $G(S)$, the $Y$-structure
- is
- updated, and maybe some more events are generated. When the input is in
- general position (no three lines intersecting in a common point, no endpoint
- lying on a segment, no two endpoints or intersections having the same
- $x$-coordinate, no vertical lines, no overlapping segments) then at most one
- event can occur for each position of the sweep line and there are three clearly
- distiguishable types of events (left endpoint, right endpoint, intersection)
- with easily describable associated actions, cf.
- cite{Mehlhorn-book}(section VIII.4).
- We want to place no restrictions on the input and therefore need to proceed
- slightly differently. We now describe the required changes.
- We define the sweep line by a point $p_sweep = (x_sweep, y_sweep)$. Let
- $epsilon$ be a positive infinitesimal (readers not familiar with
- infinitesimals may think of $epsilon$ as an arbitrarily small positive real).
- Consider the directed line $L$ consisting of a vertical upward ray ending in
- point $(x_sweep + epsilon, y_sweep + epsilon)$ followed by a horizontal
- segment ending in $(x_sweep - epsilon, y_sweep + epsilon)$ followed by a
- vertical upward ray. We call $L$ the {em sweep line}. Note that no endpoint
- of any segment lies on $L$, that no two segments of $S$ intersect $L$ in the
- same point except if the segments overlap, and that no non-vertical segment
- of $S$ intersects the horizontal part of $L$. All three properties follow from
- the fact that $epsilon$ is arbitrarily small but positive. Figure ref{the
- sweep line} illustrates the definition of $L$ and the data structures used in
- the algorithm: The $Y$-structure, the $X$-structure, and the graph |G|.
- begin{figure}
- begin{center}
- input{figures/sw2fig.tex}
- caption{label{the sweep line}A scene of 9 segments. The segments $s_1$ and
- $s_8$ overlap. The $Y$-structure contains segments $s_1$, $s_2$, $s_9$, $s_4$,
- and $s_3$ and the $X$-structure contains points $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, $e$, $f$,
- $g$, $h$, and $i$. An item in the $X$-structure containing point
- $p$
- is denoted $xit_p$ and an item in the $Y$-structure containing segment $s_i$
- is denoted $sit_i$. The vertices of the graph $G$ are shown as full circles.}
- end{center}
- end{figure}
- The $Y$-structure contains all
- segments intersecting the sweep line $L$ ordered as their intersections with
- $L$ appear on the directed line $L$. For segments intersecting $L$ in the same
- point (these segments necessarily have the same underlying line) only the
- segment extending further to the right is stored in the $Y$-structure.
- In the example of Figure ref{the sweep line} the sweep line intersects the
- segments $s_8$, $s_1$, $s_2$, $s_9$, $s_4,$ and $s_3$. The segments $s_8$ and
- $s_1$
- intersect $L$ in the same point and $s_1$ extends further to the right. Thus
- $s_1$ is stored in the $Y$-structure and $s_8$ is not. The $Y$-structure
- therefore consists of five items, one each for segments $s_1$,$s_2$, $s_9$,
- $s_4,$ and
- $s_3$.
- The $X$-structure is a sorted sequence.
- It contains an item for each point in $Stcup Ecup I$, where $St$ is the set
- of all start points of segments that lie to the right of $L$, $E$ is the set of
- all endpoints of segments that intersect $L$, and $I$ is defined as follows.
- Every point in $I$ is the intersection $scap s'$ of two segments $s$ and $s'$
- adjacent in the $Y$-structure that lies to the right of the sweep line. The ordering of
- the points in the $X$-structure is the lexicographic ordering, i.e.,
- $(x,y)$ is before $(x',y')$ if either $x<x'$ or $x=x'$ and $y<y'$.
- In the example of Figure ref{the sweep line} we have $St = {a,d,e},
- E = {b,c,f,e,g,i,h}$ and $I ={f,a}$. The $X$-structure
- therefore
- contains 9 items, one each for points |a|, |b|, |c|, |d|, |e|, |f|, |g|,
- |h|, and |i|.
- We next define the informations associated with the items of both structures.
- These informations serve to link the items in the $X$-structure with the items
- in the $Y$-structure and vice versa. In particular, any item in the
- |X|-structure is a pair $<p,sit>$ where |p| is a point and |sit| is either
- |nil| or an item in the |Y|-structure and any item in the |Y|-structure
- is a pair $<s,xit>$ where |s| is a segment and |xit| is either |nil|
- or an item in the |X|-structure. Let
- $<p,sit>$ be any item in the $X$-structure. If $pin Icup E$ then $sit$ is an
- item in the $Y$-structure such that the segment associated with $sit$ contains
- $p$. If $pin Stsetminus (Icup E)$ then $sit = nil$. Next consider an item
- $<s,xit>$ in the
- $Y$-structure and let $s'$ be the segment associated with the successor
- item in the $Y$-structure. If $scap s'$ exists and lies to the right of the
- sweep line then $xit$ is an item in the $X$-structure and $scap s'$ is the
- point associated with that item. If $scap s'$ either does not exist or does
- not lie to the right of $L$ then $xit = nil$.
- In our example, the $Y$-structure contains the items $<s_1,xit_f>, <s_2,nil>$,
- $<s_9,nil>, <s_4,xit_a>$ and $<s_3,nil>$ where $xit_a$ and $xit_f$ are the
- items
- of the $X$-structure with associated points $a$ and $f$ respectively. Let's
- turn to the items of the $X$-structure next. All items except $<d,nil>$ point
- back to the $Y$-structure. If $sit_i$ denotes the item $<s_i$,...$>$, $iin%
- {1,2,9,4,3}$, of the $
- Y$-structure then the items of the $X$-structure are $<a,sit_4>,
- <b,sit_4>$, $<c,sit_1>, <d,nil>, <e,sit_9>, <f,sit_1>, <g,sit_2>, <h,sit_3>$
- and $<i,sit_1>$.
- The graph $G$ is the part of $G(S)$ to the left of $L$. With each vertex of
- $G$ we store its position and with each edge of $G$ we store a segment
- containing it.
- There is one additional piece of information that we need to keep. For each
- segment $s$ contained in the $Y$-structure we store the rightmost vertex of $G$
- lying on $s$.
- We can now give the details of the algorithm. Initially, $G$ and the
- $Y$-structure are empty, and the $X$-structure contains the left endpoints of
- all segments in $S$.
- In order to process an event we proceed as follows. Let $<p,sit>$ be the first
- item in the $X$-structure. We may assume inductively that all invariants hold
- for $p_sweep = (p.x,p.y-2epsilon)$. Note that this is true initially, i.e.,
- before the first event is removed from the $X$-structure. We now show how to
- establish the invariants for $p = p_sweep$. We proceed in seven steps.
- begin{enumerate}
- item
- We add a node $v$ at position $p$ to our graph $G$.
- item
- We determine all segments in the $Y$-structure containing the point $p$.
- These segments form a possibly empty subsequence of the $Y$-structure.
- item
- For each segment in the subsequence we add an edge to the graph $G$.
- Its right endpoint is
- $v$ and its other
- endpoint is the vertex stored with the segment $s$.
- item
- We delete all segments ending in $p$ from the $Y$-structure.
- item
- We reverse the order of the subsequence in the $Y$-structure. This amounts to
- moving the sweep line across the point $p$.
- item
- We add all segments starting in $p$ to the $Y$-structure and then associate
- the node $v$ with all segments in the $Y$-structure containing $v$. If a
- newly inserted segment is collinear to an already existing segment
- we make
- sure to only keep the segment extending further to the right.
- item
- We update the events associated with the items of the $Y$-structure. We
- remove the events associated with the predecessor of the subsequence and
- the last item of the subsequence and we generate new
- events for the predecessor of the first item and the last item after the
- reversal of the subsequence.
- end{enumerate}
- This completes the description of how to process the event $<p,...>$. The
- invariants now hold for $p_sweep = p$ and hence also for
- $p_sweep = (p'.x,p'.y-2epsilon)$ where $<p',...>$ is the new first element of
- the $X$-structure.
- @* The Implementation.
- label{Implementation}
- The implementation follows the algorithm closely.
- There are two main differences.
- begin{itemize}
- item
- We add two infinitely long horizontal segments with $y$-coordinate
- $+infty$ and $-infty$ respectively. They serve as sentinels and simplify
- many tests.
- item
- We maintain all points twice: once by their exact
- homogeneous coordinates and once by floating point approximations to
- these coordinates. All tests are first performed using the floating point
- approximations and only if the floating point filter gives no conclusive
- result the test is performed using exact arithmetic.
- end{itemize}
- We use sorted sequences, graphs, rational points and segments, big integers,
- and a floating point filter from LEDA, and some functions of the C++ maths
- library. We have to include the corresponding header files.
- @<include statements@> =
- #include <LEDA/sortseq.h>
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- #include <LEDA/rat_point.h>
- #include <LEDA/rat_segment.h>
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- #include <LEDA/floatf.h>
- #include <math.h>
- @
- Let us briefly explain these types; for a detailed discussion we refer
- the reader to the LEDA manual cite{LEDA-Manual}. |integer| is the type of
- arbitrary precision integers and |floatf| is the type of floating point
- approximation to integers. The type |floatf| is defined in section ref{floatf}.
- The types |rat_point| and |rat_segment| realize points and segments in the
- plane with rational coordinates. An |rat_point| is specified by its homogeneous
- coordinates of type |integer|. If |p| is a |rat_point| then |p.X()|, |p.Y()|, and
- |p.W()| return its homogeneous coordinates and if |X|, |Y|, and |W| are of
- type |integer| and $Wneq 0$ then |rat_point(X,Y)| and |rat_point(X,Y,W)| create
- the |rat_point| with homogeneous coordinates |(X,Y,1)| and |(X,Y,W)|
- respectively. A |rat_segment| is specified by its two endpoints; so if
- |p| and |q| are |rat_point|s then |rat_segment(p,q)| constructs the directed
- |rat_segment| with startpoint |p| and endpoint |q|. If |s| is a |rat_segment| then
- |s.start()| and |s.end()| return the start- and endpoint of |s| respectively
- and |s.dx()| and |s.dy()| return the normalized |x|- and |y|-difference
- of the segment, i.e., if |(px,py,pw)| and |(qx,qy,qw)| are the
- homogeneous coordinates of the start- and endpoint of |s| then
- |s.dx()| returns $pxcdot qw - qxcdot pw$ and |s.dy()| returns
- $pycdot qw - qycdot pw$. The slope of a segment |s| is given by
- $s.dy()/s.dx()$, but be careful. The slope might be infinite (if the
- segment is vertical) or undefined (if the segment has length zero).
- @s K int
- @s Inf int
- For any types |K| and |Inf| the type |sortseq<K,Inf>| is the type of sorted
- sequences of pairs in $Ktimes Inf$. The type |K| must be linearly ordered
- by a function |compare|, i.e., the function
- |int compare(const K&, const K&)| must be defined for the type |K|
- and the relation $<$ on |K| defined by $k_1 < k_2$ iff
- $compare(k_1,k_2) < 0$ is a linear order on |K|. Any object of type
- |sortseq<K,Inf>| is a sequence of items (type |seq_item|) each containing
- a pair $Ktimes Inf$. We use |<k,i>| to denote an item containing the pair
- $(k,i)$ and call |k| the key and |i| the information of the item. A sorted
- sequence $<k_1,i_1>$,$<k_2,i_2>$,dots ,$<k_m,i_m>$ has the additional
- property that the keys of the item form an increasing sequence, i.e.,
- $k_l < k_{l+1}$ for $1leq l<m$.
- In our implementation the |X|-structure has type |sortseq<rat_point,seq_item>|
- and the |Y|-structure has type |sortseq<rat_segment,seq_item>|. We will later
- define the appropriate compare functions. If |p| and |q| are points with
- cartesian coordinates |px|, |py|, |qx|, and |qy| respectively then
- [ compare(p,q) = left {
- begin{array}{rl}
- -1 & mbox{ if }px<qxmbox{ or }px=qxmbox{ and }py<qy\
- 0 & mbox{ if }px=qxmbox{ and }py=qy\
- +1 & mbox{ otherwise, }
- end{array}
- right .
- ]
- and if |s1| and |s2| are segments intersecting the sweep line |L| then
- |compare(s1,s2) = -1| if $s1cap L$ precedes $s2cap L$ on |L|,
- |compare(s1,s2) = 0| if $s1cap L = s2cap L$, and
- |compare(s1,s2) = +1| if $s1cap L$ comes after $s2cap L$.
- It is important to observe that the compare function for segments
- changes as the sweep progresses. What does it mean then that the keys of the
- items in a sorted sequence form an increasing sequence? LEDA requires
- that whenever a lookup or insert operation is applied to a sorted
- sequence the sequence must be sorted with respect to the current
- compare function. The other operations may be applied even if the
- sequence is not sorted. What operations are available?
- Let |S| be a sorted sequence of type |sortseq<K,Inf>| and let |k|
- and |i| be of type |K| and |Inf| respectively. The operation
- |S.lookup(k)| returns the item $it = <k,.>$ in |S| with key |k| if there
- is such an item and returns |nil| otherwise. If |S.lookup(k)==nil|
- then |S.insert(k,i)| adds a new item |<k,i>| to |S| and returns
- this item. If |S.lookup(k)==it| then |S.insert(k,i)| changes the
- information in the item |it| to |i|. If $it=<k,i>$ is an item of |S|
- then |S.key(it)| and |S.inf(it)| return |k| and |i| respectively and
- |S.succ(it)| and |S.pred(it)| return successor and predecessor item
- of |it| respectively; the latter operations return |nil| if these
- items do not exist. The operation |S.min()| returns the first item
- of |S|, |S.empty()| returns true if |S| is empty and false otherwise.
- Finally, if |it1| and |it2| are items of |S| with |it1| before |it2|
- then |S.reverse_items(it1,it2)| reverses the subsequence of |S|
- starting at item |it1| and ending at item |it2|. The requirement for
- this operation is that the sequence |S| is sorted with respect to
- the current compare function after the operation.
- The graph |G| to be constructed has type |GRAPH<rat_point,rat_segment>|, i.e.,
- it is a directed graphs where a |rat_point| (|rat_segment|) is associated with
- each node (edge) of the graph. If |p| is a |rat_point| then
- |G.new_node(p)| adds a new node to |G|, associates |p| with the node,
- and returns the new node. If |v| and |w| are nodes of |G| and |s|
- is a |rat_segment| then |G.new_edge(v,w,s)| adds the edge |(v,w)| to |G|,
- associates |s| with the edge, and returns the new edge.
- @* The Basic Program Structure.
- Our program has the following structure.
- @c
- @<include statements@>@;
- @<global types and declarations@>@;
- @<geometric primitives@>@;
- void sweep(list<rat_segment>& S, GRAPH<rat_point,rat_segment>& G, bool use_filter)
- {
- @<local declarations @>@;
- @<initialization @>@;
- @<sweep @>@;
- @<clean-up @>@;
- }
- @ During the sweep we use two local types |myPoint| and |mySegment|.
- They are extensions of the LEDA types |rat_point| and |rat_segment| which we use
- to make the program more efficient. A |myPoint| consists of a
- |rat_point| plus floating point approximations to the homogeneous coordinates of
- the point. Tests on |myPoint|s, e.g. the compare function, are first evaluated
- using the floating point approximations and the exact test is only
- performed if the floating point filter gives insufficient information.
- The details will be described in section ref{geometric primitives}.
- A |mySegment| consists of two |myPoint|s $p$ and $q$, the underlying LEDA
- segment |seg|, floating point approximations for the expressions
- $dx = px*qw-qx*pw$ and $dy = py*qw-qy*pw$ which are often used in the program,
- and the last node |last_node| of the output graph $G$ lying on the segment
- (intially |nil|).
- We make both types pointer types to avoid the overhead of copying.
- Note that the objects of both types have multiple occurrences, e.g.,
- in |myPoint|s occur in |mySegment|s and also in the X-structure.
- We also need to say something about memory management. Our program
- allocates storage for |myPoint|s and |mySegment|s. LEDA's memory mangement
- feature is used to allocate this storage in big chunks and thus to avoid the
- overhead of frequent calls to |malloc|. To free the memory again we use
- different strategies for points and segments. A segment (but not its
- constituent points) is deleted when it is removed from the Y-structure.
- All points are collected in a hand-crafted linear list and are deleted
- in section |@<clean-up@>| at the end of |sweep|.
- @<global types and declarations@>=
- class MyPointRep;
- static MyPointRep* first_myPoint = 0;
- struct MyPointRep {
- rat_point pt;
- floatf x;
- floatf y;
- floatf w;
- int count;
- MyPointRep* next;
- MyPointRep(const rat_point& p)
- { pt = p;
- x = floatf(p.X());
- y = floatf(p.Y());
- w = floatf(p.W());
- count = 0;
- next = first_myPoint;
- first_myPoint = this;
- }
- };
- typedef MyPointRep* myPoint;
- struct MySegmentRep {
- myPoint start;
- myPoint end;
- rat_segment seg;
- floatf dx;
- floatf dy;
- node last_node;
- MySegmentRep(const rat_segment& s)
- { start = new MyPointRep(s.start());
- end = new MyPointRep(s.end());
- seg = s;
- dx = floatf(s.dx());
- dy = floatf(s.dy());
- last_node = nil;
- }
- MySegmentRep(const myPoint& p) // creates the zero-length segment $(p,p)$
- { start = p;
- end = p;
- seg = rat_segment(p->pt,p->pt);
- last_node = nil;
- }
- LEDA_MEMORY(MySegmentRep)
- };
- typedef MySegmentRep* mySegment;
- @ The programs uses three global variables:
- |Infinity| is a big integer constant that is used as a safe approximation for
- $infty$; it will be initialized to a power of two greater than the maximal
- absolute value of any input coordinate. |p_sweep| is a |myPoint| that defines
- the current sweep position. |use_filter| is a flag that indicates whether
- the floating point filter should be applied, i.e., whether floating point
- computations should be used before doing exact arithmetic.
- @<global types and declarations@> +=
- integer Infinity;
- myPoint p_sweep;
- bool use_filter;
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- int cmp_points_count;
- int cmp_points_failed;
- int exact_cmp_points_count;
- int cmp_segments_count;
- int exact_cmp_segments_count;
- #endif
- @ In the local declarations section of function |sweep| we introduce
- the data types for the event queue (|X_structure|) and for the sweep
- line (|Y_structure|). For the X-structure we use a sorted sequence of
- points with the lexicographic ordering of their coordinates, and for
- the Y-structure a sorted sequence of segments with the linear order
- defined by the sequence intersections of the segments with the sweep line
- at its current position (|p_sweep|) from bottom to top.
- The X-structure contains all so far
- known event points right and above of the current sweep line position
- (|p_sweep|), i.e. all start and end points of segments and intersections
- of segments being adjacent in the sweep line. The X-structure associates
- with each event point |p| an item of the Y-structure (|seq_item|) as
- information; if there are only starting segments at |p| the information is
- |nil|, otherwise the information is an item in the Y-structure containing one
- of the segments passing through or ending in |p|.
- Vice versa we associate with each
- segment |s| in the Y-structure that intersects its successor in some point |p|
- the corresponding item |<p,...>| in the X-structure as information.
- We call this item the {sl current intersection item} of |s|. If |s| does not
- intersect its successor its current intersection item is |nil|.
- Furthermore, we maintain for every point |p| a counter |count| that gives
- the number of all segments having |<p,...>| as current intersection item.
- We will use this counter to decide whether a point can be removed from the
- X-structure. It can be removed if |count| is zero.
- Finally, we store with each segment |s| the last created node
- of the output graph |last_node| lying on |s|.
- @<local declarations @> =
- sortseq<myPoint,seq_item> X_structure;
- sortseq<mySegment,seq_item> Y_structure;
- @ We now come to the initialization of the data structures.
- We first compute a big integer |Infinity| that can be used as a safe
- approximation for $infty$. We start the sweep at $(-infty,-infty)$.
- At its initial position the sweep line (i.e. the Y-structure)
- contains two infinitely long horizontal segments (|lowersentinel| and
- |uppersentinel|) with $y$-coordinates $-infty$ and $+infty$ respectively,
- and the output graph |G| is empty.
- We create for each |rat_segment| in |S| the corresponding |mySegment|
- (reorienting if necessary) and insert its left endpoint together with the
- information |nil| into the $X$-structure. We use the fact that a sorted
- sequence contains at most one item for every key and that a second insert
- operation with the same key only changes the information of the item to make
- the left endpoints of all segments unique. This makes equality tests between
- endpoints of segments much cheaper, since now the |myPoint| pointers can be
- compared directly (using the |==| operator) instead of having to call an
- expensive compare function.
- Finally, we sort all segments according to their left endpoints into
- a list |S_Sorted| by calling the LEDA list sorting operation
- |S_Sorted.sort(cmp_seg)|. Here |cmp_seg| is a compare function
- defined in section ref{geometric primitives}.
- @<initialization @> =
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- cmp_points_count = 0;
- cmp_points_failed = 0;
- exact_cmp_points_count = 0;
- cmp_segments_count = 0;
- exact_cmp_segments_count = 0;
- #endif
- ::use_filter = use_filter;
- /* compute an upper bound |Infinity| for the input coordinates */
- Infinity = 1;
- rat_segment s;
- forall(s,S)
- while ( abs(s.X1()) >= Infinity || abs(s.Y1()) >= Infinity ||
- abs(s.X2()) >= Infinity || abs(s.Y2()) >= Infinity )
- Infinity *= 2;
- p_sweep = new MyPointRep(rat_point(-Infinity,-Infinity));
- mySegment uppersentinel =
- new MySegmentRep(rat_segment(-Infinity,Infinity,Infinity,Infinity));
- mySegment lowersentinel =
- new MySegmentRep(rat_segment(-Infinity,-Infinity,Infinity,-Infinity));
- Y_structure.insert(uppersentinel,nil);
- Y_structure.insert(lowersentinel,nil);
- G.clear();
- list<mySegment> S_Sorted;
- forall(s,S)
- {
- /* |mySegment|s are always oriented from left to right or (if vertical)
- from bottom to top
- */
- if (s.X1() > s.X2() || (s.X1() == s.X2() && s.Y1() > s.Y2()) )
- s = rat_segment(s.end(),s.start());
- mySegment s1 = new MySegmentRep(s);
- S_Sorted.append(s1);
- seq_item it = X_structure.insert(s1->start, nil);
- s1->start = X_structure.key(it);
- s1->start->count++;
- }
- S_Sorted.sort(cmp_mySeg);
- @ To clean everything up we need to remove the two sentinels and all |myPoint|s.
- @<clean-up @>=
- {
- delete(uppersentinel);
- delete(lowersentinel);
- myPoint p = first_myPoint;
- while (first_myPoint != nil)
- { p = first_myPoint->next;
- delete(first_myPoint);
- first_myPoint = p;
- }
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- if (use_filter)
- { cout << string("compare points: %6d / %4d (%5.2f%%) (%5.2f%% failed) ",
- cmp_points_count, exact_cmp_points_count,
- (100.0*exact_cmp_points_count)/cmp_points_count,
- (100.0*cmp_points_failed)/cmp_points_count);
- newline;
- cout << string("compare segments: %6d / %4d (%5.2f%%)",
- cmp_segments_count, exact_cmp_segments_count,
- (100.0*exact_cmp_segments_count)/cmp_segments_count);
- newline;
- }
- #endif
- }
- @ We now come to the heart of procedure sweep: the processing of events. Let
- |event = <p,sit>| be the first event in the X-structure and assume
- inductively that our data structure is correct for
- $p_sweep = (p.x,p.y-2epsilon)$. Our goal is to to change |p_sweep| to |p|,
- i.e., move the sweep line across the point |p|. We perform the following
- actions.
- We first add a vertex |v| with position |p| to the output graph |G|.
- Then, we handle all segments passing through or ending at |p_sweep|.
- Finally, we insert all segments starting
- at |p_sweep| into the Y-structure, check for possible intersections
- between pairs of segments now adjacent in the Y-structure, and update
- the X-structure. After having processed the |event| we delete it from
- the X-structure.
- @<sweep @> =
- while( ! X_structure.empty() )
- {
- seq_item event = X_structure.min();
- seq_item sit = X_structure.inf(event);
- myPoint p = X_structure.key(event);
- node v = G.new_node(p->pt);
- p_sweep = p;
- @<handle passing and ending segments @>@;
- @<insert starting segments and compute new intersections @>@;
- X_structure.del_item(event);
- }
- @ label{misuse of compare}
- We first handle all segments passing through or ending in point |p|.
- How can we find them?
- Recall that the current event is $<p,sit>$ and that $sit not= nil$ iff
- $p in I cup E$. If $sit not= nil$ then $p$ is contained in the segment
- associated with |sit|. If $sit = nil$ then $p in St setminus (I cup E)$.
- In this case there is at most segment in the Y-structure containing $p$.
- We may determine this segment by looking up the zero-length segment
- |(p->pt,p->pt)| in the Y-structure. We explain in section
- ref{explanation of misuse} why this works.
- After the lookup we have either $sit = nil$ and then no segment in the
- Y-structure contains |p| or $sit not= nil$ and then the segment associated
- with $sit$ contains $p$. In the latter case we determine all such segments
- and update the graph $G$ and the Y-structure.
- We also declare two items |sit_pred| and |sit_succ| and initialize them to
- |nil|. If the $Y$-structure contains a segment containing |p| then |sit_pred|
- and |sit_succ| will be the set to the predecessor and successor item of the
- subsequence of segments containing |p|, otherwise they stay |nil|.
- @<handle passing and ending segments @> =
- seq_item sit_succ = nil;
- seq_item sit_pred = nil;
- if (sit == nil)
- { MySegmentRep s(p); // create a zero length segment $s = (p,p)$
- sit = Y_structure.lookup(&s);
- }
- if( sit != nil)
- { @<find subsequence of ending or passing segments @>@;
- @<construct edges and delete ending segments @>@;
- @<reverse subsequence of segments passing through |p|@>@;
- }
- @ Taking |sit| as an entry point into the Y-structure we determine all segments
- incident to |p| from the left or from below. These segments form a subsequence
- of the Y-structure. Let |sit_first| and |sit_last| denote the first and the
- last item of the subsequence and let |sit_pred| be the predecessor of
- |sit_first| and |sit_succ| the successor of |sit_last|. Note that the
- information of all items in this subsequence is equal to the current
- event item |event|, except for |sit_last| whose information is either |nil|
- or a different item in the X-structure resulting from an intersection
- with |sit_succ|.
- Note also that the identification of the subsequence of segments incident to
- $p$ takes constant time per element of the sequence. Moreover, the constant
- is small since the test whether $p$ is incident to a segment involves no
- geometric computation but only equality tests between items.
- Note finally that the code is particularly simple due to our sentinel segments:
- |sit_first| can never be the first item of the Y-structure and |sit_last|
- can never be the last.
- @<find subsequence of ending or passing segments @> =
- seq_item sit_last = sit;
- while (Y_structure.inf(sit_last) == event)
- sit_last = Y_structure.succ(sit_last);
- sit_succ = Y_structure.succ(sit_last);
- sit_pred = Y_structure.pred(sit);
- while (Y_structure.inf(sit_pred) == event)
- sit_pred = Y_structure.pred(sit_pred);
- seq_item sit_first = Y_structure.succ(sit_pred);
- @ We can now add edges to the graph |G|. For each segment in the subsequence
- between |sit_first| and |sit_last| inclusive we construct an edge. Let |sit| be
- any such item and let |s| be the segment associated with |sit|. We construct an
- edge connecting |s -> last_node| and |v| and label it with the segment |s|.
- We also either delete the item from the Y-structure (if the segment ends at
- |p|) or change its information to |nil| (if the segment does not end at |p|) to
- reflect the fact that no intersection event is now associated with the
- segment. In the former case we free the storage reserved for the segment.
- At the end we have to update variables |sit_first| and |sit_last|
- since the corresponding items may have been deleted.
- @<construct edges and delete ending segments @> =
- seq_item i1 = sit_pred;
- seq_item i2 = sit_first;
- while (i2 != sit_succ)
- {
- mySegment s = Y_structure.key(i2);
- G.new_edge(s->last_node,v,s->seg);
- s->last_node = v;
- if (p == s->end) // ending segment
- { Y_structure.del_item(i2);
- delete s;
- }
- else
- { //continuing segment
- if (i2 != sit_last) Y_structure.change_inf(i2,nil);
- i1 = i2;
- }
- i2 = Y_structure.succ(i1);
- }
- sit_first = Y_structure.succ(sit_pred);
- sit_last = Y_structure.pred(sit_succ);
- @ All segments remaining in the subsequence pass through node |v| and moving
- the sweep line through |p_sweep| inverses the order of the segments in the
- subsequence. The subsequence is non-empty iff |sit_last != sit_pred|.
- Reversing the subsequence destroys the adjacency of pairs
- (|sit_pred|,|sit_first|) and (|sit_last|,|sit_succ|) in the |Y|-structure
- and hence we have to set the current intersection event of |sit_pred| and
- |sit_last| (i.e. the associated information in the Y-structure) to |nil|,
- decrement the corresponding counters, and delete the items from the
- X-structure if the counters are zero now. If the subsequence is empty we
- only need to change the intersection event associated of |sit_pred| to |nil|.
- Finally, we reverse the subsequence by calling
- |Y_structure.reverse_items(sit_first,sit_last)|.
- @<reverse subsequence of segments passing through |p| @> =
- seq_item xit = Y_structure.inf(sit_pred);
- if (xit != nil)
- { if (--X_structure.key(xit)->count == 0) X_structure.del_item(xit);
- Y_structure.change_inf(sit_pred,nil);
- }
- if (sit_last != sit_pred)
- { xit = Y_structure.inf(sit_last);
- if (xit != nil)
- { if (--X_structure.key(xit)->count == 0) X_structure.del_item(xit);
- Y_structure.change_inf(sit_last,nil);
- }
- Y_structure.reverse_items(sit_first,sit_last);
- }
- @ The last step in handling the event point |p| is to insert all segments
- starting at |p| into the |Y|-structure and to test the new pairs of adjacent
- items (|sit_pred|,...) and (...,|sit_succ|) for possible intersections. If
- there were no segments passing through or ending in |p| then the items
- |sit_succ| and |sit_pred| are still |nil| and we have to compute them now.
- We use the sorted list |S_Sorted| to find all segments to be
- inserted. As long as the first segment |seg| in |S_Sorted| starts at point |p|
- we remove it from the list, insert it into the |Y|-structure, add its right
- endpoint to the |X|-structure, and set |seg -> last_node| to |v|. If the
- segment has length zero we simply discard it and if |sit_succ| and |sit_pred|
- are still undefined (|nil|) then we use the first inserted segment to define
- them. In this case, we also have to change the possible current intersection
- event of |sit_pred| to |nil| since it is no longer adjacent to |sit_succ|.
- If all segments starting in |p| have length zero then |sit_succ| and
- |sit_pred| remain undefined.
- We need to say more clearly how to insert a segment |s| into the |Y|-structure.
- If the |Y|-structure contains no segment with the same underlying line then we
- simply add the segment. Otherwise, let $s'$ be the segment in the |Y|-structure
- with the same underlying line. We replace |s| by $s'$ if $s'$ extends further
- to the right than $s$ and do nothing otherwise.
- After having inserted all segments starting at |p|, we test whether |sit_succ|
- (|sit_pred|) intersects its predecessor (successor) in the |Y|-structure.
- @<insert starting segments and compute new intersections@> =
- while (!S_Sorted.empty() && p == S_Sorted.head()->start)
- {
- mySegment Seg = S_Sorted.pop();
- /* first insert the right endpoint of |Seg| into the X-structure */
- seq_item end_it= X_structure.insert(Seg->end,nil);
- Seg->end = X_structure.key(end_it);
- Seg->end->count++;
- /* note that the following test uses the fact that two endpoints are equal
- if an only if the corresponding pointer values (|myPoint|s) are equal
- */
- if (Seg->start == Seg->end) // Seg has length zero, nothing to do
- { delete Seg;
- continue;
- }
- sit = Y_structure.locate(Seg);
- if (compare(Seg, Y_structure.key(sit)) != 0)
- { /* |Seg| is not collinear with the segment associated with |sit|. We
- simply insert |Seg| into the Y-structure
- */
- sit = Y_structure.insert_at(sit,Seg,nil);
- Seg->last_node = v;
- }
- else
- { /* |Seg| is collinear with the segment associated with |sit|. If |Seg| is
- longer then we use |Seg| and otherwise we do nothing.
- */
- mySegment Seg_old = Y_structure.key(sit);
- if (compare(Seg->end, Seg_old->end) > 0)
- { /* |Seg| extends further to the right or above
- replace |Seg_old| by |Seg|. */
- Seg_old->seg = Seg->seg;
- Seg_old->end = Seg->end;
- }
- delete Seg; // not needed anymore
- }
- X_structure.change_inf(end_it,sit);
- if (sit_succ == nil)
- { sit_succ = Y_structure.succ(sit);
- sit_pred = Y_structure.pred(sit);
- /* |sit_pred| is no longer adjacent to |sit_succ| we have to
- change its current intersection event to |nil| and delete
- the corresponding item in the X-structure if necessary
- */
- seq_item xit = Y_structure.inf(sit_pred);
- if (xit != nil)
- { if (--X_structure.key(xit)->count == 0) X_structure.del_item(xit);
- Y_structure.change_inf(sit_pred,nil);
- }
- }
- }
- /* compute possible intersections */
- if (sit_succ != nil) // |v| is an isolated vertex otherwise
- {
- compute_intersection(X_structure,Y_structure,sit_pred);
- sit = Y_structure.pred(sit_succ);
- if (sit != sit_pred)
- compute_intersection(X_structure,Y_structure,sit);
- }
- @* Geometric Primitives.
- label{geometric primitives}
- It remains to define the geometric primitives used in the implementation. We
- need four:
- begin{itemize}
- item
- a compare function for |myPoint|s which orders points according
- to the lexicographic ordering of their coordinates. It defines the linear
- order used in the X-structure.
- item
- a compare-function for |mySegment|s which given two segments intersecting the
- sweep line $L$ determines the order of the intersections on $L$. It defines
- the linear order used in the Y-structure.
- item
- a second compare function |cmp_mySeg| for |mySegment|s which orders segments
- according to the order of their left endpoint. It is used to sort the list
- |S_Sorted| in the beginning.
- item
- a function |compute_intersection| that decides whether two segments intersect
- and if so whether the intersection is to the right of the sweep line. If
- both tests are positive it also makes the required changes to the $X$- and
- $Y$-structure.
- end{itemize}
- We define the compare functions for |myPoint|s and |mySegment|s in two steps.
- We first write two function templates |cmp_points| and |cmp_segments|
- for comparing points and segments given by their homogenous coordinates,
- independently from the actual (numerical) type of the coordinates.
- These templates can be used to compare points and segments with coordinates
- of any integer type |int_type| that supports addition, subtraction,
- multiplication, and a special sign function |Sign(x)| that returns
- $+1$ if $x > 0$, $0$ if $x = 0$, $-1$ if $x < 0$, and a special integer
- value |NO_IDEA| if the test cannot be performed in a conclusive way.
- We start with writing a compare function |cmp_points(x1,y1,w1,x2,y2,w2)|
- that compares two points with homogeneous coordinates $(x_1,y_1,w_1)$ and
- $(x_2,y_2,w_2)$. A point $(x_1,y_1,w_1)$ precedes a point $(x_2,y_2,w_2)$
- if the pair $(x_1/w_1,y_1/w_1)$ lexicographically precedes the pair
- $(x_2/w_2,y_2/w_2)$, i.e., if ($x_1w_2 > x_2w_1$) or ($x_1w_2 = x_2w_1$ and
- $y_1w_2 > y_2w_1$).
- @<geometric primitives @> =
- /*
- template <class int_type> inline
- int cmp_points(const int_type& x1, const int_type& y1, const int_type& w1,
- const int_type& x2, const int_type& y2, const int_type& w2)
- {
- int s = Sign(x1*w2-x2*w1);
- return (s != 0) ? s : Sign(y1*w2-y2*w1);
- }
- */
- inline int cmp_points(const integer& x1, const integer& y1, const integer& w1,
- const integer& x2, const integer& y2, const integer& w2)
- {
- int s1 = sign(x1) * sign(w2);
- int s2 = sign(x2) * sign(w1);
- if (s1 > s2) return +1;
- if (s1 < s2) return -1;
- int l1 = x1.length() + w2.length();
- int l2 = x2.length() + w1.length();
- if (l1 > l2+1) return s1;
- if (l2 > l1+1) return -s1;
- /*
- int s = cmp_products(x1,w2,x2,w1);
- return (s != 0) ? s : cmp_products(y1,w2,y2,w1);
- */
- int s = compare(x1*w2,x2*w1);
- return (s != 0) ? s : compare(y1*w2,y2*w1);
- }
- inline int cmp_points(const floatf& x1, const floatf& y1, const floatf& w1,
- const floatf& x2, const floatf& y2, const floatf& w2)
- {
- int s = Sign(x1*w2-x2*w1);
- return (s != 0) ? s : Sign(y1*w2-y2*w1);
- }
- inline int cmp_points(const double& x1, const double& y1, const double& w1,
- const double& x2, const double& y2, const double& w2)
- {
- int s = Sign(x1*w2-x2*w1);
- return (s != 0) ? s : Sign(y1*w2-y2*w1);
- }
- @ Next we write the compare function |cmp_segments| for segments.
- A segment is stored as the pair of its endpoints and a point is stored
- by its homogeneous coordinates, i.e., as a triple $(X,Y,W)$ of integers (type
- |integer|). The $x$- and $y$-coordinates of the point are $X/W$ and $Y/W$
- respectively.
- |cmp_segments| takes the coordinates of two segments $s_1$ and $s_2$
- intersecting the sweep line |L|.
- We assume that both segments have non-zero length and treat the case that one of
- them has zero length in the next section.
- If both segments have the same underlying line then we return 0.
- So let us assume that the underlying lines are different. Let |l| denote the
- vertical line through |p_sweep|. Only one of the segments can be vertical. If
- $s_1$ is vertical and hence intersects |L| in $(x_sweep,y_sweep+epsilon)$
- then $s_1$ is before $s_2$ iff |p_sweep| is below $lcap s2$. If $s_2$ is
- vertical then $s_1$ is before $s_2$ iff $lcap s1$ is not above |p_sweep|.
- Assume now that neither $s_1$ nor $s_2$ is vertical. If $lcap s1$ and
- $lcap s2$ are distinct then $s_1$ is before $s_2$ iff $lcap s1$
- is below $lcap s2$. If $lcap s1$ and $lcap s2$ are identical and not above
- |p_sweep| then $s_1$ is before $s_2$ iff $s_1$ has the smaller slope. Finally,
- if the intersections are identical and above |p_sweep| then $s_1$ is before
- $s_2$ iff $s_1$ has the larger slope.
- @<geometric primitives @> +=
- template <class int_type>
- int cmp_segments( const int_type& px, const int_type& py, const int_type& pw,
- const int_type& spx, const int_type& spy, const int_type& spw,
- const int_type& sqx, const int_type& sqy, const int_type& sqw,
- const int_type& rx, const int_type& ry, const int_type& rw,
- const int_type& dx, const int_type& dy,
- const int_type& sdx, const int_type& sdy)
- {
- @;
- /*
- We first test whether the underlying lines are identical. The lines are
- identical if the three slopes $dy/dx$, $sdy/sdx$, and $mdy/mdx$ are equal
- */
- @;
- int_type T1 = dy*sdx - sdy*dx;
- int sign1 = Sign(T1);
- if (sign1 == 0 || sign1 == NO_IDEA)
- { int_type mdx = sqx*pw - px*sqw;
- int_type mdy = sqy*pw - py*sqw;
- int sign2 = Sign(dy*mdx - mdy*dx);
- if (sign2 == 0 || sign2 == NO_IDEA)
- { int sign3 = Sign(sdy*mdx - mdy*sdx);
- if (sign3 == 0 || sign3 == NO_IDEA)
- return (sign1 == 0 && sign2 == 0 && sign3 == 0) ? 0 : NO_IDEA;
- }
- }
- @;
- /* The underlying lines are different; in particular, at most one of the
- lines is vertical. We first deal with the cases that one of the lines
- is vertical. A segment $(p,q)$ is vertical iff $px*qw-qx*pw$ is equal
- to zero. Since |dx| is an optimal floating point approximation
- of this integer value, a segment is vertical iff its |dx|-value is zero.
- */
- @;
- if (dx == 0)
- { /* |dx| = 0, i.e., |s1| is vertical and |s2| is not vertical;
- $l cap s2$ is above |p_sweep| iff
- $(spy/spw + sdy/sdx(rx/rw - spx/spw) -ry/rw) > 0$;
- in this case we return $-1$
- */
- int i = Sign((spy*sdx - spx*sdy)*rw + (sdy*rx - ry*sdx)*spw);
- if (i==NO_IDEA) return NO_IDEA;
- return (i <= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- @;
- if (sdx == 0)
- { /* $sdx = 0$, i.e., |s2| is vertical but |s1| is not vertical;
- we return -1 if
- $l cap s1$ is below or equal to |p_sweep| iff
- $(py/pw + dy/dx(rx/rw - px/pw)-ry/rw) leq 0$.
- */
- int i = Sign((py*dx - px*dy) * rw + (dy*rx - ry*dx) * pw);
- if (i==NO_IDEA) return NO_IDEA;
- return (i <= 0) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- @;
- /* Neither |s1| nor |s2| is vertical. We compare $l cap s1$ and $ l cap s2$.
- We have $$ y(l cap s1) -y(l cap s2) =
- frac{py}{pw} +frac{dy}{dx}(frac{rx}{rw} -frac{px}{pw}) -frac{spy}{spw}
- - frac{sdy}{sdx}(frac{rx}{rw} - frac{spx}{spw}). $$
- If the difference is non-zero then we return its sign. If the difference is
- zero then we return $-1$ iff the common intersection is not above
- |p_sweep| and $s1$ has the smaller slope or the intersection is above
- |p_sweep| and $s1$ has the larger slope.
- */
- @;
- int_type T2 = sdx*spw*(py*dx*rw+dy*(rx*pw-px*rw))
- - dx*pw*(spy*sdx*rw+sdy*(rx*spw-spx*rw));
- int sign2 = Sign(T2);
- if (sign2 == NO_IDEA) return NO_IDEA;
- if (sign2 != 0) return sign2;
- @;
- /* Now we know that the difference is zero, i.e., |s1| and |s2|
- intersect in a point $I$. We compare slopes:\
- |s1| has larger slope than |s2| iff |T1*dxs*dx > 0|;
- note that orienting the lines from left to right makes all |dx|
- values non-negative , i.e.,
- |s1| has larger slope than |s2| iff |sign(T1) = 1|
- */
- int_type T3 = (py*dx - px*dy) * rw + (dy*rx - ry*dx) * pw;
- /* The common intersection $I$ is above |p_sweep| iff $T3*rw*dx*pw > 0$.
- In this case we return |-sign(T1)| and |sign(T1)| otherwise.
- Note that all |dx| and |w| values are non-negative
- i.e., |sign(T3*rw*dx*pw) = sign(T3)|
- */
- int sign3 = Sign(T3);
- if (sign3 == NO_IDEA) return NO_IDEA;
- return (sign3 <= 0) ? sign1 : -sign1;
- }
- @ Finally, we define the compare functions for |myPoint|s and |mySegment|s
- by first calling |cmp_points| and |cmp_segments| on the floating point
- filter coordinates (of type |floatf|) of the corresponding points and segments.
- In the case that these calls do not return a reliable result (i.e. return
- |NO_IDEA|) we call them again with the exact coordinates (of type |integer|).
- @<geometric primitives @> +=
- inline int compare(const myPoint& a, const myPoint& b)
- {
- /* floating point filter version for |myPoint|s */
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- cmp_points_count++;
- #endif
- int c = NO_IDEA;
- /* if not explicitely turned off we first use floating point arithmetic */
- if (use_filter)
- c = cmp_points( a->x, a->y, a->w, b->x, b->y, b->w);
- /* if the floating point computation is not reliable, i.e., the result
- is |NO_IDEA| we use exact arithmetic (|integer|)
- */
- if (c == NO_IDEA)
- {
- c = cmp_points(a->pt.X(),a->pt.Y(),a->pt.W(), b->pt.X(),b->pt.Y(),b->pt.W());
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- exact_cmp_points_count++;
- if (cmp_points(double(a->x),double(a->y),double(a->w),
- double(b->x),double(b->y),double(b->w)) != c)
- cmp_points_failed++;
- #endif
- }
- return c;
- }
- inline int compare(const mySegment& s1,const mySegment& s2)
- {
- int c = NO_IDEA;
- /* if not explicitely turned off we first try the
- floating point computation
- */
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- cmp_segments_count++;
- #endif
- if (use_filter)
- c = cmp_segments(s1->start->x, s1->start->y, s1->start->w,
- s2->start->x, s2->start->y, s2->start->w,
- s2->end->x, s2->end->y, s2->end->w,
- p_sweep->x, p_sweep->y, p_sweep->w,
- s1->dx, s1->dy, s2->dx, s2->dy);
- /* If the result is not reliable we call the exact compare
- for the underlying |rat_segment|s.
- */
- if (c == NO_IDEA)
- { c = cmp_segments(s1->seg.X1(), s1->seg.Y1(), s1->seg.W1(),
- s2->seg.X1(), s2->seg.Y1(), s2->seg.W1(),
- s2->seg.X2(), s2->seg.Y2(), s2->seg.W2(),
- p_sweep->pt.X(), p_sweep->pt.Y(), p_sweep->pt.W(),
- s1->seg.dx(),s1->seg.dy(), s2->seg.dx(),s2->seg.dy());
- #if defined(STATISTICS)
- exact_cmp_segments_count++;
- #endif
- }
- return c;
- }
- @ For the initialization of the list |S_Sorted| we need a second compare
- function |cmp_mySeg| for |mySegment|s. It simply compares the left endpoints.
- @<geometric ...@>+=
- int cmp_mySeg(const mySegment& s1, const mySegment& s2)
- {
- int c = NO_IDEA;
- if (use_filter) // floating point compare
- c = cmp_points(s1->start->x, s1->start->y, s1->start->w,
- s2->start->x, s2->start->y, s2->start->w);
- if (c == NO_IDEA) // exact compare
- c = cmp_points(s1->seg.X1(),s1->seg.Y1(),s1->seg.W1(),
- s2->seg.X1(),s2->seg.Y1(),s2->seg.W1());
- return c;
- }
- @ label{explanation of misuse}
- What does compare do when one of the segments, say |s1|, has both endpoints
- equal to |p_sweep| and the Y-structure contains
- at most one segment containing |p_sweep|. That's exactly
- the situation in section ref{misuse of compare}. When |s2|
- contains |p_sweep| the underlying lines are found identical and
- compare returns 0. When |s2| does not contain
- |p_sweep| then the underlying lines are declared different.
- Also |s1| is declared vertical and
- |s2| is not vertical since it would otherwise contain |p_sweep|.
- We now compare
- $ l cap s2$ and |p_sweep| and return the result. We conclude that the call
- |Y_structure.locate(s)| where $s$ is the zero-length segment |(p->pt,p->pt)|
- in section ref{misuse of compare} has the desired effect.
- @ Finally, we define a function |compute_intersection| that takes an item
- |sit0| of the Y-structure and determines whether the segment associated with
- |sit0| intersects the segment associated with the successor of |sit0|
- right or above of the sweep line. If so it updates the X- and the Y-structure.
- The function first tests whether the underlying straight lines intersect right
- or above of the sweep line by comparing their slopes. This test is performed
- with floating point arithmetic and repeated with exact arithmetic if the
- floating point test gives no reliable result. If the segments do intersect
- right or above of the sweep line it is checked whether the point of
- intersection lies on both segments, i.e., is not larger than the endpoints of
- the segments.
- @<geometric ...@>+=
- void compute_intersection(sortseq<myPoint,seq_item>& X_structure,
- sortseq<mySegment,seq_item>& Y_structure,
- seq_item sit0)
- {
- seq_item sit1 = Y_structure.succ(sit0);
- mySegment seg0 = Y_structure.key(sit0);
- mySegment seg1 = Y_structure.key(sit1);
- /* |seg1| is the successor of |seg0| in the Y-structure, hence,
- the underlying lines intersect right or above of the sweep line
- iff the slope of |seg0| is larger than the slope of |seg1|.
- */
- if (use_filter)
- { int i = Sign(seg0->dy * seg1->dx - seg1->dy * seg0->dx);
- if (i == -1 || i == 0) return; /* $slope(s0)leq slope(s1)$ */
- }
- rat_segment s0 = seg0->seg;
- rat_segment s1 = seg1->seg;
- integer w = s0.dy()*s1.dx() - s1.dy()*s0.dx();
- if (sign(w) > 0) // $slope(s0) > slope(s1)$
- {
- integer c1 = s0.X2()*s0.Y1() - s0.X1()*s0.Y2();
- integer c2 = s1.X2()*s1.Y1() - s1.X1()*s1.Y2();
- /* The underlying lines intersect in a point right or above of the
- sweep line. We still have to test whether it lies on both segments.
- */
- integer x = c2*s0.dx()-c1*s1.dx();
- integer d0 = x*s0.W2() - s0.X2()*w;
- if (sign(d0) > 0) return;
- if (x*s1.W2() > s1.X2()*w) return;
- integer y = c2*s0.dy()-c1*s1.dy();
- if (sign(d0)==0 && y*s0.W2() > s0.Y2()*w) return;
- myPoint Q = new MyPointRep(rat_point(x,y,w));
- seq_item xit = X_structure.insert(Q,sit0);
- X_structure.key(xit)->count++;
- Y_structure.change_inf(sit0,xit);
- }
- }
- @* A Floating Point Filter.
- label{floatf}
- The type |floatf| provides a clean and efficient way to approximately
- compute with large integers. Consider an expression |E| with integer
- operands and operators $+,-$, and $*$, and suppose that we want
- to determine the sign of |E|. In general, the integer arithmetic
- provided by our machines does not suffice to evaluate |E| since intermediate
- results might overflow. Resorting to arbitrary precision integer
- arithmetic is a costly process. An alternative is to evaluate the
- expression using floating point arithmetic, i.e., to convert the
- operands to doubles and to use floating-point addition, subtraction,
- and multiplication. Of course, only an approximation $tilde{E}$ of
- the true value |E|footnote{We misuse notation and use |E| to denote the
- expression and its value.} is computed. However, $tilde{E}$ might still be
- able to tell us something about the sign of |E|. If $tilde{E}$ is far
- away from zero (the forward error analysis carried out in the next
- section gives a precise meaning to "far away") then the
- signs of $tilde{E}$ and |E|
- agree and if $tilde{E}$ is zero then we may be able to conclude under
- certain circimstances that |E| is zero. Again, forward error analysis
- can be used to say what `certain circumstances' are. The type |floatf|
- encapsulates this kind of approximate integer arithmetic. Any
- integer (= object of type |integer|) can be converted to a |floatf|,
- |floatf|s can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and their sign
- can be computed: for any |floatf| $x$ the function |Sign(x)| returns
- either the sign of $x$ ($-1$ if $x < 0$, $0$ if $x = 0$, and $+1$
- if $x > 0$) or the special value |NO_IDEA|.
- If |x| approximates |X|, i.e., |X| is the integer value abtained by an
- exact computation, then |Sign(x) != NO_IDEA| implies that |Sign(x)|
- is actually the sign of $X$ if
- |Sign(x) = NO_IDEA| then no claim is made about the sign of |X|.\
- smallskip
- underline{Declaration}\
- bigskip
- |floatf x| declares |x| as a variable of type |floatf|\
- smallskip
- underline{Operations}\
- parbox{8.5cm}{|floatf floatf(integer i)|}
- parbox[t]{6.5cm}{converts |i| to a float}\
- parbox{8.5cm}{|floatf +(floatf a, floatf b)|}
- parbox[t]{6.5cm}{Addition}\
- parbox{8.5cm}{|floatf -(floatf a, floatf b)|}
- parbox[t]{6.5cm}{Subtraction}\
- parbox{8.5cm}{|floatf *(floatf a, floatf b)|}
- parbox[t]{6.5cm}{Multiplication}
- parbox{8.5cm}{|{-1,0,+1,NO_IDEA} Sign(floatf x)|}
- parbox[t]{6.5cm}{as described above}\
- A |floatf| is represented by a double (its value) and an error bound.
- An operation on |floatf|s performs the corresponding operation on
- the values and also computes the error bound for the result. For
- this reason the cost of a |floatf| operation is about four times
- the cost of the corresponding operation on
- doubles. Rules ref{first rule} to ref{sixth rule} below are used
- to compute the error bounds.
- @ Floating Point Numbers.
- A {em floating point number} is a number of the form
- [ a = mcdot 2^e,]
- where $ein [e_{min}.. e_{max}]$ is
- the {em exponent}, and $m$ is the {em mantissa}. The mantissa is a rational
- number of the form
- [m = vcdot sum_{1leq ileq l} m_icdot 2^{-i},]
- where $vin { -1,1}$ is the sign, $l$ is the {em mantissa length}, and the
- $m_i$'s are the {em digits} of the mantissa. We have $m_iin {0,1}$ and
- either $m = 0$ or $m_1 = 1$. One also says that the mantissa is
- {em normalized}. We also assume that $lleq e_{max}$. The latter
- assumption implies that all integers whose absolute value is less than
- $2^{l+1}$ can be presented as floating point numbers.
- Let $cal{F}$ denote the set of all floating point numbers; the set $cal{F}$
- clearly depends on the exponent range $[e_{min} .. e_{max}]$
- and the mantissa length $l$. In our examples, we use $l = 53$,
- $e_{min} = -1022$, and $e_{max} = 1023$.
- This choice corresponds to the IEEE double precision floating point standard.
- The absolute values of all non-zero floating point numbers lie between
- $min_abs = 2^{e_{min}-1}$ and $max_abs = (1-2^{-l}) 2^{e_{max}}$.
- Call a real number
- {em representable} if it is either 0 or its absolute value lies in the
- interval $[min_abs, max_abs]$ and let the size |size(a)| of a real
- number |a| be the smallest power of two larger than its absolute
- value,i.e.,
- [ size(a) = left {
- begin{array}{rl}
- 0 & mbox{ if } a=0\
- 2^{lceil logabs{a} rceil} & mbox{ if }aneq 0
- end{array}
- right.
- ]
- Then $size(a)/2leq abs{a}leq size(a)$. If a number |a| is
- representable then there is a floating point number $fl(a)in cal{F}$
- such that
- begin{eqnarray} label{fl}
- abs{a - fl(a)}leq 1/2cdot 2^{-l}cdot size(a)leq 2^{-l}abs{a}
- end{eqnarray}
- The number $fl(a)$ can be obtained from $a$ by rounding in the $l$-th most
- significant position. We call $fl(a)$ a {em floating point approximation} of
- $a$ and use $eps$ to denote $2^{-l}$. Note that $fl(a)$ is a floating point
- number that is closest to $a$.
- The set $cal{F}$ of floating point numbers is not closed under the arithmetic
- operations addition, subtraction, and multiplication, i.e., if $f_1$ and
- $f_2$ are floating point numbers and $op$ is any one of the arithmetic
- operations then $f_1 op f_2$ does not necessarily belong to $cal{F}$. The
- machine implementation of the operation (we use $oplus, ominus$, and
- $odot$ to denote the implementation of $+, -$, and $cdot$ respectively)
- therefore returns a floating point approximation of the exact result,
- i.e., a number $tilde{f}$ such that
- begin{eqnarray} label{op}
- abs{tilde{f} - f_1 op f_2}leq 1/2cdot epscdot size(f_1op f_2)
- leq epscdot abs{f_1 op f_2}
- end{eqnarray}
- or equivalently
- begin{eqnarray*} tilde{f} = (1+epsilon)cdot(f_1 op f_2)end{eqnarray*}
- for some $epsilon$ with $abs{epsilon}leq eps$.
- Note that if $f_1 op f_2$ is a floating point number then $tilde{f} = f_1 op f_2$
- since the computed result is the floating point number closest to the exact
- result. In particular, if $f_1$ and $f_2$ are both powers of 2 then
- $f_1odot f_2 = f_1cdot f_2$ and if $f_1 = f_2$ and $f_1$ is a
- power of 2 then $f_1oplus f_2 = f_1 + f_2 = 2cdot f_1$. The floating point
- operations $oplus$ and $odot$ also satisfy a monotonicity property, namely,
- if $f_1leq g_1$ and $f_2leq g_2$ then $f_1oplus f_2 leq g_1oplus g_2$ and
- $f_1odot f_2leq g_1odot g_2$. For the second inequality we also need
- $f_1geq 0$ and $f_2geq 0$.
- We next turn to expression evaluation. Let $E$ be an arithmetic expression,
- e.g., $E = acdot b - ccdot d$. When we evaluate $E$ using floating point
- arithmetic we obtain $tilde{E} = aodot bominus codot d$. What is the relationship
- between the exact value
- $E$ and the computed value $tilde{E}$?
- We have
- begin{eqnarray*}
- aodot b&=&(1+epsilon_1)cdot acdot b\
- codot d&=&(1+epsilon_2)cdot ccdot d\
- aodot bominus codot d&=&(1+epsilon_3)(aodot b - codot d)
- end{eqnarray*}
- for some constants $epsilon_1$, $epsilon_2$, $epsilon_3$ with
- $abs{epsilon_i}leq eps$ and hence
- begin{eqnarray*}
- tilde{E}&=&(acdot bcdot (1+epsilon_1) - ccdot dcdot (1+epsilon_2))(1+epsilon_3)\
- &=&E+Ecdot epsilon_3 + (acdot bcdot epsilon_1 - ccdot dcdot epsilon_2)(1+epsilon_3).
- end{eqnarray*}
- The error
- [tilde{E} - E = Ecdot epsilon_3 + acdot bcdot epsilon_1 -
- ccdot dcdot epsilon_2 +(acdot bcdot epsilon_1 -
- ccdot dcdot epsilon_2)cdot epsilon_3]
- is therefore essentially the sum of the errors introduced by considering the
- three operations individually. In addition, there is a `high-order' term.
- One can drop the higher-order term by expressing the error in terms of upper
- bounds on the inputs of an expression rather than the actual input values
- themselves. This leads to weaker but more managable error bounds.
- @ A Floating Point Filter.
- Throughout this section |E| denotes an expression involving real operands
- and the arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
- We use |E| to also denote the value of the expression.
- We assume that the operands
- and more generally the values of all subexpressions to be representable
- and use $tilde(E)$ to denote the value of the expression when
- evaluated with floating point arithmetic, i.e., first all operands
- are replaced by their floating point approximations and then all
- operations by their floating point counterparts. Our goal is to derive an
- easily computed bound for the difference between the computed
- value $tilde{E}$ and the exact value |E|.
- To this end we define for every expression |E| its {em measure} $mes(E)$
- and its {em index} $ind(E)$. The
- measure $mes(E)$ is a power of two which bounds the size of $E$
- and $tilde{E}$ from above, i.e.,
- begin{eqnarray} label{M}
- size(E)leq mes(E) mbox{ and } size(tilde{E})leq mes(E)
- end{eqnarray}
- The index $ind(E)$ bounds the difference of the computed result $tilde{E}$
- and the exact value $E$ as a multiple of $epscdot mes(E)$, i.e.,
- begin{eqnarray} label{I}
- abs{tilde{E} - E} leq ind(E)cdot eps cdot mes(E).
- end{eqnarray}
- The crucial observation is now that both quantities are easily computed
- inductively. Here are the rules:
- If |E = a|, where |a| is a representable real number, then
- begin{equation} mes(E) = size(a) label{first rule}
- end{equation}
- and
- begin{equation} ind(E) = left {
- begin{array}{rl}
- 0 & mbox{ if }ain cal{F}\
- 1/2 & mbox{ otherwise }
- end{array} right.
- label{second rule} end{equation}
- if $E = E_1 pm E_2$ then
- begin{eqnarray}
- mes(E)&=&2cdot max(mes(E_1),mes(E_2)) label{third rule}
- end{eqnarray}
- and
- begin{eqnarray}
- ind(E)&=&(1 + ind(E_1) + ind(E_2))/2, label{fourth rule}
- end{eqnarray}
- and if $E = E_1cdot E_2$ then
- begin{eqnarray}
- mes(E)&=&mes(E_1)cdot mes(E_2) label{fifth rule}
- end{eqnarray}
- and
- begin{eqnarray}
- ind(E)&=&1/2 + ind(E_1) + ind(E_2). label{sixth rule}
- end{eqnarray}
- begin{lemma}
- Let |E| be an expression with real operands and assume that the
- values of all subexpressions of |E| are representable. Then rules
- (ref{first rule}) to (ref{sixth rule}) compute quantities $mes(E)$
- and $ind(E)$ satisfying (ref{M}) and (ref{I}).
- end{lemma}
- begin{proof}:
- If |E = a|, where |a| is a real, then $tilde{E} = fl(a)$.
- Clearly, $abs{a}leq size(a)$ and $abs{fl(a)}leq size(a)$ (note
- however that $abs{a}leq size(fl(a))$ does not always hold). This
- establishes (ref{M}). Inequality (ref{fl}) implies (ref{I}).
- If $E = E_1op E_2$ then let
- $tilde{E}$, $tilde{E}_1$, and $tilde{E}_2$ be the computed values for
- $E$, $E_1$, and $E_2$. Then $abs{E_i}leq mes(E_i)$, $abs{tilde{E}_i}leq
- size(tilde{E}_i)leq mes(E_i)$,
- and $abs{tilde{E}_i - E_i}leq ind(E_i)cdot epscdot mes(E_i)$. Use
- $err(E_i)$ to abreviate $tilde{E}_i - E_i$.
- Assume first that $E = E_1 + E_2$; the argument for subtraction is analogous.
- Clearly, $size(E) = size(E_1 + E_2)leq 2cdot max(size(E_1),size(E_2))
- leq 2cdot (mes(E_1),mes(E_2)) = mes(E)$ and
- $size(tilde{E}) = size(tilde{E}_1oplus tilde{E}_2)leq
- size(max(size(tilde{E}_1),size(tilde{E}_2))oplus
- max(size(tilde{E}_1),size(tilde{E}_2)))leq
- size(2cdot max(mes(E_1),mes(E_2))) leq size(mes(E)) = mes(E)$
- where the first inequality follows from the monotonicity of $oplus$
- and the second inequality follows from the fact that equal powers of
- two are added exactly. Similar reasoning shows that
- $size(tilde{E}_1+tilde{E}_2)leq mes(E)$. We turn to the error bound
- next. We have
- [
- begin{array}{ll}
- abs{tilde{E} - E}
- &= abs{tilde{E}_1oplus tilde{E}_2 -(tilde{E}_1+tilde{E}_2)+tilde{E}_1 +
- tilde{E}_2 - E_1 - E_2}\
- & leq 1/2cdot epscdot size(tilde{E}_1+tilde{E}_2) + err(E_1) + err(E_2)\
- & leq (1/2cdot mes(E) + ind(E_1)cdot mes(E_1) + ind(E_2)cdot
- mes(E_2))cdot eps\
- & = (1+ind(E_1) + ind(E_2))/2 cdot mes(E)cdot eps,
- end{array}
- ]
- where the first inequality follows from (ref{op}).
- Assume next that $E = E_1cdot E_2$. We leave it to the reader to show
- that $size(E)leq mes(E)$, $size(tilde{E}) leq mes(E)$,
- and $size(tilde{E}_1cdot tilde{E}_2)leq mes(E)$. For the error
- bound we obtain
- [
- begin{array}{ll}
- abs{tilde{E}-E}
- &= abs{tilde{E}_1odot tilde{E}_2 - tilde{E}_1cdot tilde{E}_2 +
- (E_1 + err(E_1))cdot (E_2 + err(E_2))- E_1cdot E_2}\
- &leq 1/2cdot epscdot size(tilde{E}_1cdot tilde{E}_2)
- + err(E_1)cdot abs{E_2} + abs{tilde{E}_1}cdot err(E_2)\
- &leq (1/2cdot mes(E) + ind(E_1)cdot mes(E_1)cdot size(E_2)
- + size(E_1)cdot ind(E_2)cdot mes(E_2)cdot eps \
- &= (1/2 + ind(E_1) + ind(E_2))cdot epscdot mes(E)
- end{array}
- ]
- This completes the proof of the lemma.
- end{proof}
- How are we going to use the error estimates? Assume that |E| is an expression
- involving underline{integral} operands and operators $+,-$, and
- $*$. Assume further that we want to know the sign of |E|. We evaluate
- |E| using floating point arithmetic, i.e., we convert the operands into
- floating point numbers and then use the floating point operations
- $oplus$, $ominus$, and $odot$, and we also compute the quantities
- $mes(E)$ and $ind(E)$ using rules (ref{first rule}) to (ref{sixth rule}).
- Let $tilde{E}$ be the computed floating point approximation for |E|.
- Note that $tilde{E}$ is an integer. We have:\
- If $abs{tilde{E}} > ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot eps$ then
- $sign(tilde{E}) = sign(E)$, i.e., the sign of $tilde{E}$ is reliable. This
- follows immediately from
- $abs{tilde{E} - E}leq ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot eps$.\
- If $abs{tilde{E}}leq ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot eps < 1$ then
- $tilde{E} = E = 0$. This follows from
- $abs{tilde{E} - E}leq ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot eps$ and the fact
- that |E| and $tilde{E}$ are integers.\
- If $abs{tilde{E}} leq ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot eps$ and
- $ind(E)cdot mes(E)cdot epsgeq 1$ then the signs of |E| and $tilde{E}$
- may be different.
- @ Implementation.
- The filter is realized by a data type (class) |floatf| in C++. |floatf|,
- can be used in the same way as the built-in numerical type |double|.
- The only exception is that the result of some tests may be unreliable.
- In particular there is a function |Sign(floatf x)| that tries to compute the
- sign of $x$. Possible results are |-1|, |O|, |+1| and |NO_IDEA|. The last
- value indicates that the sign of $x$ could not be computed.
- Each instance of type |floatf| has three data members: |num|, $mes$, and $ind$.
- |num| is the floating-point approximation of the integer $x$ to be represented,
- $mes = mes(x)$ and $ind = ind(x)$ are the bounds defined in the previous
- section. We define initialization and operations $+$, $-$, $*$ following the
- rules given in Lemma~1. A minor complication arises from tha fact that
- rules (8) and (10) are evaluated using single precision
- floating point arithmetic. We compensate the error in these calculations
- by multiplying with the correction factor $1 + 8cdot 2^{-23}$.
- The |Sign| operation is realized by a
- number of simple comparisons.
- The details of the implementation are given below.
- @(floatf.h@>=
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- #include <math.h>
- const double eps0 = ldexp(1,-53); // machine $epsilon = 2^{-53}$
- const float correction = 1 + ldexp(1,-20);
- const int NO_IDEA = 2;
- class floatf {
- double num;
- double mes;
- float ind;
- floatf(double d, double m, float i) { num = d; mes = m; ind = i; }
- public:
- floatf() { num = 0; mes = 0; ind = 0; }
- floatf(integer i)
- { /* rules (ref{first rule}) and (ref{second rule}).
- Note that |ldexp(1,x)| is $2^x$ and that |Ilog(i)| is $lfloor logabs{i}
- rfloor$ for $i not= 0$ and $-1$ for $i =0$. Thus |Ilog(i-1) + 1|$ =
- lceil log i rceil$ for $ i > 0$.
- */
- if (i == 0)
- { num = 0; mes = 0; ind = 0; }
- else
- { num = i.todouble();
- mes = (i > 0) ? ldexp(1,log(i)+1) : ldexp(1,log(-i)+1);
- ind = (mes <= 53) ? 0 : 0.5;
- }
- }
- operator double() const { return num; }
- friend floatf operator+(const floatf& a, const floatf& b)
- { //rules (ref{third rule}) and (ref{fourth rule})
- return floatf(a.num + b.num, 2*((a.mes > b.mes) ? a.mes : b.mes),
- correction* (a.ind + b.ind + 1)/2);
- }
- friend floatf operator-(const floatf& a, const floatf& b)
- { //rules (ref{third rule}) and (ref{fourth rule})
- return floatf(a.num - b.num, 2*((a.mes > b.mes) ? a.mes : b.mes),
- correction* (a.ind + b.ind+ 1)/2);
- }
- friend floatf operator*(const floatf& a, const floatf& b)
- { //tules (ref{fifth rule}) and (ref{sixth rule})
- return floatf(a.num * b.num, a.mes * b.mes,
- correction* (a.ind + b.ind + 0.5));
- }
- friend int Sign(const floatf& f)
- { double eps = f.ind * f.mes * eps0;
- if (f.num > eps) return +1;
- if (f.num < -eps) return -1;
- if (eps < 1) return 0;
- return NO_IDEA;
- }
- };
- @ label{float-restrictions}
- Note that the quantities $mes$ and $ind$ are computed using double- and
- single-precision floating point arithmetic. The implementation is
- therefore correct as long as $mesleq 2^{1024}$ and $ind$ is a
- binary number with at most 24 bits.
- %The procedure |sweep| takes a list of |rat_segment|s and computes the graph
- %induced by them. Recall that a |rat_segment| is specified by a pair of
- %|rat_point|s and that a |rat_point| is given by its homogeneous coordinates
- %$(X,Y,W)$ of type |integer|. The input must be such that there are integer
- %constants $k$ and $l$ with $5k + 3l <= 450$, $mid X mid, mid Ymid < 2^k$,
- %and $1 le mid Wmid le 2^l$ for all segment endpoints.
- @* Experiments and Efficiency.
- label{experiments}
- We performed tests on three kinds of test data:
- difficult inputs, random inputs and hand-crafted examples.
- begin{itemize}
- item
- Difficult inputs:
- Let $size$ be a random $k$-bit integer and
- let $y = 2size/n$. We intersect $n$ segments where the $i$-th segment
- has endpoints $(size + rx1$, $2 cdot size -i cdot y + ry1)$ and
- $(3size + rx2$, $2size + i cdot y + ry2)$ where $rx1$, $rx2$, $ry1$, $ry2$
- are random integers in $[-s,s]$ for some small integer $s$.
- item
- Random inputs:
- We generated $n$ (between 1 and several hundred) segments
- with random coordinates between $-size$ and $size$ for some parameter $size$.
- For $size$ we used large values to test the correctness and efficiency of the
- floating point filter and the long integer arithmetic and small values to
- test our claim that we can handle all degeneracies (a set of 100 segments whose
- endpoints have integer coordinates between -3 and +3 is highly degenerate).
- item Hand-crafted examples: We handcrafted some examples that exhibited a
- lot of degeneracies. We also asked students to break the code and offered
- DM 100.- for the first counter-example.
- end{itemize}
- Table ref{difficult} gives the result for the difficult inputs with
- $s=3$, $k=10,15,20,cdots,100$, and $n=100$. It lists the number
- of intersection and the running times
- with and without the floating point filter. Furthermore it
- gives the percentage of the comparisons of points in the X-structure
- that were left undecided by the floating point filter (failure
- rate) and the percentage of tests where the floating point computation
- would have decided incorrectly (error rate).
- begin{table}
- begin{tabular}{rccccc}
- $k$ & $|V|$ & without filter & with filter & failures & errors \
- hline
- 10 & 1323 & 0.78 & 0.37 & 0.05% & 0.00% \
- 15 & 1323 & 0.68 & 0.40 & 0.04% & 0.00% \
- 20 & 1314 & 0.70 & 0.38 & 0.12% & 0.05% \
- 25 & 1325 & 0.77 & 0.42 & 0.08% & 0.05% \
- 30 & 1318 & 0.75 & 0.45 & 1.48% & 0.73% \
- 35 & 1321 & 1.03 & 0.52 & 0.94% & 0.39% \
- 40 & 1312 & 1.27 & 0.55 & 2.17% & 1.02% \
- 45 & 1325 & 1.27 & 0.77 & 20.98% & 2.19% \
- 50 & 1323 & 1.45 & 1.23 & 73.33% & 19.98% \
- 55 & 1325 & 1.90 & 1.68 & 86.35% & 44.74% \
- 60 & 1325 & 1.33 & 1.52 & 83.52% & 58.07% \
- 65 & 1321 & 2.20 & 1.90 & 89.66% & 65.21% \
- 70 & 1323 & 2.07 & 1.87 & 86.88% & 63.41% \
- 75 & 1316 & 2.57 & 2.30 & 89.93% & 67.89% \
- 80 & 1323 & 2.62 & 2.08 & 89.90% & 67.33% \
- 85 & 1321 & 2.63 & 2.98 & 83.11% & 62.74% \
- 90 & 1313 & 2.78 & 2.48 & 90.96% & 67.88% \
- 95 & 1319 & 3.03 & 3.07 & 81.74% & 62.33% \
- 100 & 1323 & 3.12 & 3.13 & 89.19% & 67.05% \
- end{tabular}
- caption{The difficult example with 100 segments.}label{difficult}
- end{table}
- Comparing the $x$-coordinates of two intersection points is tantamount
- to testing the sign of a fifth degree homogeneous
- polynomial in the coordinates of the segment endpoints. These coordinates
- are of the form $size + rx$, $3size + rx$, $2size + icdot y + ry$, $2size -i
- cdot y + ry$.
- Thus, if we write the polynomial in terms of the perturbations $rx$ and
- $ry$ we essentially obtain a term of order $size^5$ independent of the
- perturbations (this term is actually zero but has maximal size in
- intermediate results) plus a term or order $size^4$ times a linear
- function in the perturbations plus a term of order $size^3$ times a
- quadratic function in the perturbations $cdots$ . Since the input
- coordinates are not equal to |size| but vary between $size$ and $3size$
- the various terms are actually spread out over some orders of magnitude.
- In the floating point filter analysis the error bound $delta$ is about
- $3size^5 cdot 2^{-53}$. We conclude that the floating point filter
- becomes worthless for $k$ about 50 and that we are starting to loose
- the linear terms for $k$ about 40. For smaller $k$ the filter fails
- only in those rare cases where the second order term must decide. This is
- well reflected in Table ref{difficult}.
- begin{table}
- begin{tabular}{rccccc}
- $k$ & $|V|$ & without filter & with filter & failures & errors \
- hline
- 10& 1298 & 0.57 & 0.35 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 30& 1373 & 0.87 & 0.53 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 50& 1526 & 1.78 & 0.78 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 70& 1298 & 2.17 & 0.70 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 90& 1417 & 2.05 & 0.83 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 110& 1144 & 2.08 & 0.77 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 130& 1222 & 2.82 & 1.25 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 150& 1434 & 4.72 & 1.37 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 170& 1189 & 3.65 & 1.25 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 190& 1463 & 6.20 & 1.63 & 0.00% & 0.00% \
- 210& 1401 & 7.63 & 8.12 & 54.66% & 34.06% \
- 230& 1270 &10.58 & 8.48 & 51.53% & 29.26% \
- 250& 1608 &14.05 & 9.72 & 56.75% & 33.74% \
- 270& 1226 & 9.03 & 6.68 & 46.28% & 29.02% \
- 290& 1576 &14.55 &12.27 & 49.03% & 28.17% \
- 310& 1260 &15.12 &11.10 & 46.25% & 28.21% \
- 330& 1280 &12.93 &11.35 & 48.15% & 29.52% \
- 350& 1250 &13.25 &16.80 & 87.45% & 42.02% \
- 370& 1343 &24.97 &21.37 & 86.42% & 46.91% \
- 390& 1420 &20.55 &20.50 & 87.96% & 46.30% \
- 400& 1391 &22.38 &23.30 & 89.26% & 47.10% \
- end{tabular}
- caption{100 random segments, coordinates are random $k$-bit integers.}
- label{random}
- end{table}
- Table ref{random} gives the results for 100 segments whose endpoints have
- random $k$ bit coordinates. The experiments inidicate that the floating point filter reduces the
- running time of the program by a factor of 2.
- More experiments with different floating
- point filters are described in cite{IFIP94}.
- @* Conclusion.
- We have given an implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann
- plane sweep algorithm for line segment intersection. The implementation is
- complete and reliable in the sense that it will work for all input instances.
- It is asympotically more efficient than previous algorithms for the same task;
- its running time depends on the number of vertices in the intersection
- graph and not on the number of pairs of intersecting segments. It also
- achieves a low constant factor in its running time by means of a floating
- point filter.
- The use of LEDA makes the implementation of the combinatorial part of the
- algorithm quite elegant. In the geometric part we have not achieved the same
- level of elegance yet. We are currently exploring whether the
- floating point filter can be completely hidden from the user as suggested in
- cite{Yap-Dube:Exact-Computation}.
- newpage
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- end{document}