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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + ugraph.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_UGRAPH_H
- #define LEDA_UGRAPH_H
- #include <LEDA/graph.h>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ugraph: base class for all undirected graphs
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Manpage {ugraph} {} {Undirected Graphs}}*/
- class ugraph : public graph {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $G$ of the data type $ugraph$ is an undirected graph as defined
- in section ref{Graphs}. }*/
- protected:
- edge new_edge(node v,node w, GenPtr x) {return graph::new_edge(v,w,x);}
- public:
- /*{Mcreation U }*/
- ugraph() { undirected = true; }
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it to
- the empty undirected graph. }*/
- ugraph(const graph& a) : graph(a) { undirected = true; }
- ugraph(const ugraph& a) : graph(a) { undirected = true; }
- ~ugraph() { /* ~graph does the job */ }
- //subgraph constructors
- ugraph(ugraph&, const list<node>&, const list<edge>&);
- ugraph(ugraph&, const list<edge>&);
- ugraph& operator=(const ugraph& a)
- { graph::operator=(a); undirected = true; return *this; }
- ugraph& operator=(const graph& a)
- { graph::operator=(a); undirected= true; return *this; }
- /*{Moperations 2 4.5 }*/
- /*{Mtext
- see section ref{Graphs}.
- }*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w)
- { GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
- return graph::new_edge(v,w,x);
- }
- edge adj_succ(edge e,node v) const
- { edge r = (v==e->s) ? graph::adj_succ(e) : graph::in_succ(e);
- if (r==nil && v==e->s) r = graph::first_in_edge(v);
- return r;
- }
- /*{op returns the successor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- edge adj_pred(edge e,node v) const
- { edge r = (v==e->s) ? graph::adj_succ(e) : graph::in_succ(e);
- if (r==nil && v==e->t) r = graph::last_adj_edge(v);
- return r;
- }
- /*{op returns the predecessor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- edge cyclic_adj_succ(edge e,node v) const
- { edge r = (v==e->s) ? graph::adj_succ(e) : graph::in_succ(e);
- if (r==nil)
- r = (v==e->s) ? graph::first_in_edge(v) : graph::first_adj_edge(v);
- return r;
- }
- /*{opl returns the cyclic successor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- edge cyclic_adj_pred(edge e,node v) const
- { edge r = (v==e->s) ? graph::adj_pred(e) : graph::in_pred(e);
- if (r==nil)
- r = (v==e->s) ? graph::last_in_edge(v) : graph::last_adj_edge(v);
- return r;
- }
- /*{opl returns the cyclic predecessor of edge $e$ in the
- adjacency list of $v$. }*/
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- see section ref{Graphs}.
- }*/
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // UGRAPH: generic ugraphs
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*{Manpage {UGRAPH} {vtype,etype} {Parameterized Ugraphs}}*/
- template<class vtype, class etype>
- class UGRAPH : public ugraph {
- /*{Mdefinition
- A parameterized undirected graph $G$ is an undirected graph whose nodes and
- contain additional (user defined) data (cf. ref{Parameterized Graphs}). Every
- node contains an element of a data type $vtype$, called the node type of $G$
- and every edge contains an element of a data type $etype$ called the edge type
- of $G$. }*/
- char* node_type() const { return LEDA_TYPE_NAME(vtype); }
- char* edge_type() const { return LEDA_TYPE_NAME(etype); }
- void copy_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(vtype,x); }
- void copy_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_COPY(etype,x); }
- void clear_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(vtype,x); }
- void clear_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_CLEAR(etype,x); }
- void write_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
- { LEDA_PRINT(vtype,x,o); o << endl;}
- void write_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const { LEDA_PRINT(etype,x,o);}
- void read_node_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { vtype X; Read(X,i); x=Copy(X); }
- void read_edge_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { etype Y; Read(Y,i); x=Copy(Y); }
- void init_node_entry(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CREATE(vtype,x); }
- void init_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) { LEDA_CREATE(etype,x); }
- void print_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
- { o << "("; LEDA_PRINT(vtype,x,o); o << ")"; }
- void print_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
- { o << "("; LEDA_PRINT(etype,x,o); o << ")"; }
- public:
- /*{creation G }*/
- UGRAPH() {}
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it to the
- empty undirected graph.}*/
- UGRAPH(const UGRAPH<vtype,etype>& a): ugraph(*(ugraph*)&a) {copy_all_entries();}
- UGRAPH(const graph& a) : ugraph(a) { copy_all_entries(); }
- ~UGRAPH() { if (parent==0) clear_all_entries(); }
- UGRAPH<vtype,etype>& operator=(const UGRAPH<vtype,etype>& a)
- { clear_all_entries();
- ugraph::operator=(*(ugraph*)&a);
- copy_all_entries();
- return *this;}
- UGRAPH<vtype,etype>& operator=(const graph& a)
- { clear_all_entries();
- ugraph::operator=(a);
- copy_all_entries();
- return *this;
- }
- /*{Moperations 2 4.5}*/
- /*{Mtext
- see section ref{Parameterized Graphs}.
- }*/
- int cmp_node_entry(node x, node y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
- int cmp_edge_entry(edge x, edge y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
- vtype inf(node v) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,ugraph::inf(v)); }
- /*{Xop returns the information of node $v$ }*/
- etype inf(edge e) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,ugraph::inf(e)); }
- /*{Xop returns the information of edge $e$ }*/
- vtype& operator[] (node v) { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,entry(v)); }
- vtype operator[] (node v) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(vtype,ugraph::inf(v)); }
- etype& operator[] (edge e) { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,entry(e)); }
- etype operator[] (edge e) const { return LEDA_ACCESS(etype,ugraph::inf(e)); }
- void assign(node v,vtype x) { operator[](v) = x; }
- /*{Xop makes $x$ the information of node $v$ }*/
- void assign(edge e,etype x) { operator[](e) = x; }
- /*{Xop makes $x$ the information of edge $e$ }*/
- node new_node(vtype a) { return graph::new_node(Copy(a)); }
- /*{Xop adds a new node $<x>$ to $G$ and returns it}*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w) { return ugraph::new_edge(v,w); }
- /*{Xop inserts the undirected edge $<{v,w},edef>$ into
- $G$ by appending it to the adjacency lists of
- both $v$ and $w$ and returns it. Here, $edef$
- is the default value of type $etype$.}*/
- edge new_edge(node v, node w, etype a) { return ugraph::new_edge(v,w,Copy(a)); }
- /*{Xopl inserts the undirected edge $<{v,w},x>$ into
- $G$ by appending it to the adjacency lists of
- both $v$ and $w$ and returns it }*/
- $after, rel_pos dir2=after$)
- inserts the undirected edge $<{v,w},x>$ after
- (if $dir1=after$) or before (if $dir1=before$)
- the edge $e1$ into the adjacency list of $v$ and
- after (if $dir2=after$) or before (if $dir2=$
- $before$) the edge $e2$ into the adjacency list
- of $w$ and returns it. }*/
- void clear() { clear_all_entries(); ugraph::clear(); }
- };
- /*{Mimplementation
- see section ref{Parameterized Graphs}.
- .}*/
- extern void complete_ugraph(ugraph&,int);
- extern void random_ugraph(ugraph&,int,int);
- extern void test_ugraph(ugraph&);
- #ifndef __ZTC__
- inline void complete_graph(ugraph& U,int n) { complete_ugraph(U,n); }
- inline void random_graph(ugraph& U,int n,int m) { random_ugraph(U,n,m); }
- inline void test_graph(ugraph& U) { test_ugraph(U); }
- #endif
- #endif