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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + string.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include <LEDA/basic.h>
- #ifndef LEDA_STRING_H
- #define LEDA_STRING_H
- class string_rep : public handle_rep {
- friend class string;
- char* s;
- int dummy;
- string_rep(const char*);
- string_rep(const char*,const char*); //concat
- string_rep(char);
- ~string_rep() { delete[] s; }
- friend string operator+(const string&, const string&);
- };
- /*{Manpage {string} {} {Strings} }*/
- class string : public handle_base
- {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance $s$ of the data type $string$ is a sequence of characters
- (type $char$). The number of characters in the sequence is called the
- length of $s$. A string of length zero is called the empty string.
- Strings can be used wherever a CC $char*$ string can be used.
- $Strings$ differ from the CC type $char*$ in several aspects: parameter
- passing by value and assignment works properly (i.e., the value is passed
- or assigned and not a pointer to the value) and $strings$ offer many additional
- operations.
- }*/
- friend class string_rep;
- friend class panel;
- static char* str_dup(const char*);
- static char* str_cat(const char*,const char*);
- static char* str_ncat(int, char**);
- string_rep* ptr() const { return (string_rep*)PTR; }
- char** access_ptr() { return &(ptr()->s); } // used by panel::string_item
- string(string_rep* rep) { PTR = rep; } // for private use only
- public:
- /*{Mcreation s }*/
- string() { PTR = new string_rep(""); }
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable $s$ of type $string$. $s$ is initialized
- with the empty string.}*/
- string(const char* p) { PTR = new string_rep(p);}
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable $s$ of type $string$. $s$ is initialized
- with a copy of the CC string $p$.}*/
- // string(const char*, ...); // printf-like constructor
- //
- // That's what we want, but then (ARM page 326) a call string("xyz") is
- // ambiguous. We first tried to use a dummy class "format_string" with
- // a format_string(cosnt char*) constructor to resolve the ambiguity:
- // string(format_string, ...);
- // However, only g++ seems to be able to handle the case where the
- // first argument is a class object (like format_string). For this reason
- // we now provide a version of the string constructor for every possible
- // second argument (this seems to work with all compilers).
- string(const char*, char, ...);
- string(const char*, unsigned char, ...);
- string(const char*, short,...);
- string(const char*, unsigned short, ...);
- string(const char*, int, ...);
- string(const char*, unsigned int, ...);
- string(const char*, long, ...);
- string(const char*, unsigned long, ...);
- string(const char*, float, ...);
- string(const char*, double, ...);
- string(const char*, void*, ...);
- /* manual:
- string(const char* format, ...);
- */
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable $s$ of type $string$. $s$ is initialized
- with the string produced by printf($format$,dots). }*/
- string(char c) { PTR = new string_rep(c); }
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable $s$ of type $string$. $s$ is initialized
- with the one-character string ``$c$''.}*/
- string(int argc, char** argv) { PTR = new string_rep(str_ncat(argc,argv)); }
- string(const string& x) : handle_base(x) {}
- ~string() {}
- string& operator=(const string& x) { handle_base::operator=(x); return *this; }
- char* operator~() const { return str_dup(ptr()->s); } // makes a copy !
- char* cstring() const { return ptr()->s; }
- operator const char*() const { return ptr()->s; }
- /*{Moperations 2. 4.7 }*/
- int length() const;
- /*{Mop returns the length of string $s$.}*/
- char operator[](int) const;
- char& operator[](int i);
- /*{Marrop returns the character at position $i$.\
- precond{$0 le i le s$.length()$-$1.}}*/
- string operator()(int i, int j) const { return sub(i,j); }
- /*{Mfunop returns the substring of $s$ starting at
- position $max(0,i)$ and ending at
- position $min(j,s$.length()$-1)$.\
- If $min(j,s$.length()$-1) < max(0,i)$
- then the empty string is returned.
- }*/
- string head(int i) const { return sub(0,i-1); }
- /*{Mop returns the first $i$ characters of $s$. }*/
- string tail(int i) const { return sub(length()-i,length()-1); }
- /*{Mop returns the last $i$ characters of $s$. }*/
- string sub(int,int) const;
- int pos(string s1, int i) const;
- /*{Mop returns the minimum $j$ such that $j ge i$ and $s_1$
- is a substring of $s$ starting at position $j$
- (returns -1 if no such $j$ exists).}*/
- int pos(string s1) const { return pos(s1,0); }
- /*{Mop returns pos$(s1,0)$.}*/
- string insert(string s1, int i =0) const;
- string insert(int i, string s1) const;
- /*{Mop returns $s(0,i-1)$ + $s_1$ + $s(i,s$.length()$-1)$.}*/
- string replace(const string& s1, const string& s2, int i=1) const;
- /*{Mopl returns the string created from $s$ by replacing
- the $i$-th occurrence of $s_1$ in $s$ by $s_2$. }*/
- string replace(int i, int j , const string& s1) const;
- /*{Mopl returns the string created from $s$ by replacing
- $s(i,j)$ by $s_1$.\ precond{$i leq j$.} }*/
- string replace(int i, const string& s1) const { return replace(i,i,s1); }
- /*{Mopl returns the string created from $s$ by replacing
- $s[i]$ by $s_1$. }*/
- string replace_all(const string& s1, const string& s2) const
- { return replace(s1,s2,0); }
- /*{Mopl returns the string created from $s$ by replacing
- all occurrences of $s_1$ in $s$ by $s_2$.\
- precond{The occurrences of $s_1$ in $s$
- do not overlap (it's hard to say what the function returns
- if the precondition is violated.).} }*/
- string del(const string& s1 , int i=1) const;
- /*{Mopl returns $s$.replace($s_1,"",i$). }*/
- string del(int i , int j) const;
- /*{Mop returns $s$.replace($i,j,""$). }*/
- string del(int i) const { return del(i,i); }
- /*{Mop returns $s$.replace($i,""$). }*/
- string del_all(const string& s1) const { return del(s1,0); }
- /*{Mop returns $s$.replace_all($s_1,""$). }*/
- void read(istream& I, char delim = ' ');
- /*{Mopl reads characters from input stream $I$ into $s$
- until the first occurrence of character $delim$.}*/
- void read(char delim = ' ') { read(cin,delim); }
- /*{Mop read($cin$,$delim$). }*/
- void read_line(istream& I) { read(I,'n'); }
- /*{Mop read($I$,'$backslash$n'). }*/
- void read_line() {read_line(cin);}
- /*{Mop read_line($cin$). }*/
- string format(string) const;
- friend string operator+(const string& x ,const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc returns the concatenation of $x$ and $y$.}*/
- string& operator+=(const string& x);
- /*{Mbinop appends $x$ to $s$ and returns a reference to $s$.}*/
- friend bool operator==(const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc true iff $x$ and $y$ are equal.}*/
- friend bool operator==(const string& x, const char* y);
- friend bool operator!=(const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc true iff $x$ and $y$ are not equal.}*/
- friend bool operator!=(const string& x, const char* y);
- friend bool operator< (const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc true iff $x$ is lexicographically smaller than $y$.}*/
- friend bool operator> (const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc true iff $x$ is lexicographically greater than $y$.}*/
- friend bool operator<=(const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc returns $(x < y) || (x == y)$.}*/
- friend bool operator>=(const string& x, const string& y);
- /*{Mbinopfunc returns $(x > y) || (x == y)$.}*/
- friend istream& operator>>(istream& I, string& s);
- /*{Mbinopfunc read($I$,' '). }*/
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& O, const string& s) ;
- /*{Mbinopfunc writes string $s$ to the output stream $O$. }*/
- static int cmp(const string& x, const string& y);
- };
- inline void Print(const string& x, ostream& out) { out << x; }
- inline void Read(string& x, istream& in) { in >> x; }
- inline int compare(const string& x, const string& y)
- { return string::cmp(x,y); }
- inline char* Type_Name(const string*) { return "string"; }
- /*{Mimplementation
- Strings are implemented by CC character vectors. All operations involving
- the search for a pattern $s1$ in a string $s$ take time $O(s.lenght() * s1.length())$, $[ ]$ takes constant time and all other operations on a
- string $s$ take time $O(s.length())$.}*/
- #endif