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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + rational.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_rational_H
- #define LEDA_rational_H
- /*{Manpage {rational} {} {Rational Numbers}}*/
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- class rational
- {
- /*{Mdefinition An instance $q$ of type name is a rational number
- where the numerator and the denominator are both of type
- $integer$.}*/
- protected:
- integer num; // numerator
- integer den; // denominator, always nonzero and positive
- public:
- /*{Mcreation q}*/
- rational();
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name.}*/
- rational(double x);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with the value of $x$.}*/
- rational(int n);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with the value of $n$.}*/
- rational(int m, int n);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes its
- numerator with $m$ and its denominator with $n$.}*/
- rational(const integer& a);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes it
- with the value of $a$.}*/
- rational(const integer& a, const integer& b);
- /*{Mcreate creates an instance var of type name and initializes its
- numerator with $a$ and its denominator with $b$.}*/
- rational(const rational&);
- rational& operator= (const rational&);
- ~rational();
- /*{Moperations 2 5}*/
- /*{Mtext
- The arithmetic operations $+, -, *, /, +=,
- -=, *=, /=, -$(unary), $++, --$,
- the comparison operations $<, <=, >,
- >=, ==, !=$ and the stream operations are all available.}*/
- // friend functions, first arithmetic operators
- friend inline rational operator+ (rational q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns var $+ r$.}*/
- friend inline rational operator- (rational q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns var $- r$.}*/
- friend inline rational operator* (rational q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns var $* r$.}*/
- friend inline rational operator/ (rational q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns var $/ r$.}*/
- // unary minus
- friend inline rational operator- (const rational&);
- /*{Xfunc returns --var.}*/
- rational& operator+= (const rational& r);
- /*{Xbinop returns var $+ r$.}*/
- rational& operator-= (const rational&);
- /*{Xbinop returns var $- r$.}*/
- rational& operator*= (const rational&);
- /*{Xbinop returns var $* r$.}*/
- rational& operator/= (const rational&);
- /*{Xbinop returns var $/ r$.}*/
- rational& operator++ ();
- /*{Xunop increments var by $1$.}*/
- rational& operator-- ();
- /*{Xunop decrements var by $1$.}*/
- // comparison operators
- static int cmp(const rational&, const rational&);
- friend inline bool operator== (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc Equality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator== (const rational& q, int n);
- /*{Xfunc Equality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator== (int n, const rational& q);
- /*{Xfunc Equality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator!= (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc Inequality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator!= (const rational& q, int n);
- /*{Xfunc Inequality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator!= (int n, const rational& q);
- /*{Xfunc Inequality test.}*/
- friend inline bool operator< (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns $q < r$.}*/
- friend inline bool operator<= (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns $q <= r$.}*/
- friend inline bool operator> (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns $q > r$.}*/
- friend inline bool operator>= (const rational& q, const rational& r);
- /*{Xfunc returns $q >= r$.}*/
- integer numerator() const;
- /*{Mop returns the numerator of $q$.}*/
- integer denominator() const;
- /*{Mop returns the denominator of $q$.}*/
- rational& simplify(const integer& a);
- /*{Mop simplifies $q$ by $a$.\
- precond $a$ divides the numerator and the denominator of $q$.}*/
- rational& normalize();
- /*{Mop normalizes var.}*/
- void negate();
- /*{Mop negates var.}*/
- void invert();
- /*{Mop inverts var.}*/
- rational inverse();
- /*{Mop returns the inverse of var.}*/
- /*{Mtext
- smallskip
- {bf Non-member functions}
- smallskip }*/
- friend inline int sign(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the sign of $q$.}*/
- friend inline rational abs(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the absolute value of $q$.}*/
- friend inline rational sqr(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the square of $q$.}*/
- friend inline integer trunc(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the $integer$ with the next smaller absolute value.}*/
- friend rational pow(const rational& q, int n);
- /*{Mfunc returns the $n$-th power of $q$.}*/
- friend rational pow(const rational& q, integer a);
- /*{Mfunc returns the $a$-th power of $q$.}*/
- friend integer floor(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the next smaller $integer$.}*/
- friend integer ceil(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc returns the next bigger $integer$.}*/
- friend integer round(const rational& q);
- /*{Mfunc rounds $q$ to the nearest $integer$.}*/
- // comparison functions
- /*
- friend bool LRge0(const rational&);
- friend bool LRgt0(const rational&);
- friend bool LRle0(const rational&);
- friend bool LRlt0(const rational&);
- friend bool LReq0(const rational&);
- friend bool LReq1(const rational&);
- */
- // conversion
- // operator double () const; // rational to double
- // input/output
- friend inline istream& operator>> (istream& in, rational& q);
- /*{Xfunc reads var from the istream $in$.}*/
- friend inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const rational& q);
- /*{Xfunc writes var to the ostream $out$.}*/
- };
- inline int compare(const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return rational::cmp(x,y); }
- inline rational::rational()
- { num = 0; den = 1; }
- inline rational::rational(int n)
- { num = integer(n); den = 1; }
- inline rational::rational(const integer& i)
- { num = i; den = 1; }
- inline rational::rational(const rational& r)
- { num = r.num; den = r.den; }
- inline rational::~rational() {}
- inline rational& rational::operator++ ()
- { num += den; return (*this).normalize(); }
- inline rational& rational::operator-- ()
- { num -= den; return (*this).normalize(); }
- inline integer rational::numerator() const
- { return num; }
- inline integer rational::denominator() const
- { return den; }
- inline void rational::negate()
- { num = - num; }
- inline rational operator+ (rational x, const rational& y)
- { return x += y; }
- inline rational operator- (rational x, const rational& y)
- { return x -= y; }
- inline rational operator* (rational x, const rational& y)
- { return x *= y; }
- inline rational operator/ (rational x, const rational& y)
- { return x /= y; }
- inline rational operator- (const rational& x)
- { return rational(-x.num,x.den); }
- inline int sign(const rational& r)
- { return sign(r.num); }
- inline rational abs(const rational& r)
- { if (sign(r.num) > -1) { return r; } else { return -r; } }
- inline rational sqr(const rational& r)
- { return rational(r.num*r.num, r.den*r.den); }
- inline integer trunc(const rational& r)
- { return (r.num / r.den); }
- inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& s, const rational& r)
- { s << r.num << "/" << r.den; return s; }
- inline bool operator== (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return ((x.num == y.num) && (x.den == y.den)); }
- inline bool operator== (const rational& x, int y)
- { return ((x.den==1) && (x.num == integer(y))); }
- inline bool operator== (int x, const rational& y)
- { return ((y.den==1) && (y.num == integer(x))); }
- inline bool operator!= (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return ((x.num != y.num) || (x.den != y.den)); }
- inline bool operator!= (const rational& x, int y)
- { return ((x.den != 1) || (x.num != integer(y))); }
- inline bool operator!= (int x, const rational& y)
- { return ((y.den != 1) || (y.num != integer(x))); }
- inline bool operator< (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return rational::cmp(x,y) < 0; }
- inline bool operator<= (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return rational::cmp(x,y) <= 0; }
- inline bool operator> (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return rational::cmp(x,y) > 0; }
- inline bool operator>= (const rational& x, const rational& y)
- { return rational::cmp(x,y) >= 0; }
- /*{Mimplementation A $rational$ is implemented by two $integer$
- numbers which represent the numerator and the denominator. The sign
- is represented by the sign of the numerator.}*/
- #endif