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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
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Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Development Platform:
- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + bigfloat.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- /* This file has been automatically generated from "bigfloat.w"
- by CTANGLE (Version 3.1 [km2c]) */
- /*{manual\
- declare |bigfloat|
- }*/
- #ifndef BIGFLOAT_H
- #define BIGFLOAT_H
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- /* include "/KM/usr/burnikel/cweb/bigfloat/integer.h" */
- /* we use the LEDA data type integer to for th representaion of the bigfloats */
- enum rounding_modes {
- };
- class bigfloat {
- integer significant, exponent;
- long precision;
- public:
- /*{manual\
- creation
- a) create x (|double| d)
- b) create x (|integer| I)
- c) create x (|long| I)
- d) create x (|int| I)
- e) create x (|integer| significant,|integer| exponent)
- f) create x ()
- introduces a variable var of type name and initializes it to a given
- value (zero in variant e).
- }*/
- bigfloat(const integer &, const integer &);
- bigfloat(double = 0);
- bigfloat(const integer &);
- bigfloat(long);
- bigfloat(int);
- bigfloat(const bigfloat &);
- ~bigfloat(void) {
- }
- bigfloat & operator = (const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- operations 2 4.5
- }*/
- double todouble(void) const;
- /*{manual\
- op double todouble { }
- {converts the bigfloat into a double value and returns it }
- }*/
- integer tointeger(rounding_modes = TO_ZERO) const;
- /*{manual\
- op double tointeger {rmode}
- {converts the bigfloat into a integer value and returns it. If rmode
- is ommitted tointeger uses default round mode. }
- }*/
- void set_precision(long, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- op void set_precision {prec}
- {sets the internal significant's precision to prec
- and rounds the significant to that value if the old
- precision was bigger else it shifts it to the wanted length}
- }*/
- long get_precision(void);
- /*{manual\
- op long get_precision { }
- {returns the current precision of the bigfloat }
- }*/
- bigfloat round(long = 0, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- op |bigfloat| round {len,rmode}
- {rounds the bigfloat to length len and uses a specific
- round mode rmode or the default one. round returns
- the rounded bigfloat}
- }*/
- integer get_exponent() const {
- return exponent;
- }
- /*{manual\
- op |integer| get_exponent { }
- {returns the exponent}
- }*/
- integer get_significant() const {
- return significant;
- }
- /*{manual\
- op |integer| get_significant { }
- {returns the significant}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat add(const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &, long = -1, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| add {x,y,prec,rmode}
- {returns $x+y$ computed to the precision prec and rounded in
- mode rmode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat sub(const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &, long = -1, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| sub {x,y,prec,rmode}
- {returns $x-y$ computed to the precision prec and rounded in
- mode rmode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat mul(const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &, long = -1, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| mul {x,y,prec,rmode}
- {returns $x*y$ computed to the precision prec and rounded in
- mode rmode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat div(const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &, long = -1, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| div {x,y,prec,rmode}
- {returns $x/y$ computed to the precision prec and rounded in
- mode rmode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat sqrt(const bigfloat &, long = -1, rounding_modes = DEFAULT);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| sqrt {x,prec,rmode}
- {returns $sqrt{x}$ computed to the precision prec and rounded in
- mode rmode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat operator + (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop |bigfloat| + {y}
- { returns add(var,y) and uses so default values for precision and
- round mode}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat operator - (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop |bigfloat| - {y}
- { returns sub(var,y) }
- }*/
- friend bigfloat operator *(const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop |bigfloat| * {y}
- { returns mul(var,y) }
- }*/
- friend bigfloat operator / (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop |bigfloat| / {y}
- { returns div(var,y) }
- }*/
- friend bigfloat operator - (const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- unop |bigfloat| -
- { returns $-x$ }
- }*/
- friend bool operator == (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool == {y}
- { returns true if var is equal to y }
- }*/
- friend bool operator != (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool != {y}
- { returns true if var is not equal to y }
- }*/
- friend bool operator > (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool > {y}
- { returns true if var is greater than y }
- }*/
- friend bool operator >= (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool >= {y}
- { returns true if var is greater than or equal to y }
- }*/
- friend bool operator < (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool < {y}
- { returns true if var is smaller than y }
- }*/
- friend bool operator <= (const bigfloat &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- binop bool <= {y}
- { returns true if var is smaller than or equal to y }
- }*/
- friend bool isNaN(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool isNaN {x}
- { returns true if x is a NaN}
- }*/
- friend bool isnInf(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool isnInf {x}
- { returns true if x is $-infty$}
- }*/
- friend bool ispInf(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool ispInf {x}
- { returns true if x is $+infty$}
- }*/
- friend bool isnZero(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool isnZero {x}
- { returns true if x is $-0$}
- }*/
- friend bool ispZero(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool ispZero {x}
- { returns true if x is $+0$}
- }*/
- friend bool isZero(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool isZero {x}
- { returns true if x is $pm 0$}
- }*/
- friend bool isInf(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func bool isInf {x}
- { returns true if x is $pm infty$}
- }*/
- /*{manual\
- implementation
- A type is a floating point number of arbitrary precision.type s are
- represented by a significant and an exponent which are |integers|.
- They are defined on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- and square root. Furthermore the user is given some comparison functions on
- type s. The user is also provided with a couple of mathematical functions.
- In addition to that the user is given a rounding function that performs
- an exact rounding in different modes. The rounding modes conform to IEEE
- standard.
- }*/
- friend integer ceil(const bigfloat & b);
- /*{manual\
- func |integer| ceil { }
- { rounds var up to the next integer value}
- }*/
- friend integer floor(const bigfloat & b);
- /*{manual\
- func |integer| floor { }
- { rounds var down to the next integer value}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat pow2(const integer &);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| pow2 { y }
- { returns $2^y$}
- }*/
- friend long sign(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func long sign { }
- { if var is negative sign return -1, if it is zero it returns zero else
- it returns 1}
- }*/
- friend long non_zero_sign(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func long non_zero_sign { y }
- { returns a sign either 1 or -1 as values. This function is needed
- for special cases in which a signed zero can appear.}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat fabs(const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| fabs { }
- { returns $|var|$}
- }*/
- friend bigfloat outofchar(char *);
- /*{manual\
- func |bigfloat| outofchar { string }
- { this routine converts a string of the format $pm 0.bbldots bbEex$ or
- $pm d.dddldots$, where $bin [0,1]$ and $din [0,9]$into |bigfloat|,
- to |bigfloat| format}
- }*/
- friend ostream & operator << (ostream &, const bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- strop ostream& << {O}
- { writes |real| number name to the output stream $O$ }
- }*/
- friend istream & operator >> (istream &, bigfloat &);
- /*{manual\
- strop ostream& >> {I}
- { reads |real| number name from the output stream $I$ (in |double|
- format) }
- }*/
- void print_contents(void) const;
- };
- #endif
- const long BIN_OUT = 0;
- const long DEC_OUT = 1;
- const long MAX_PREC = -1;
- const long negative = 0;
- const long positive = 1;
- const long bin_maxlen = 10000;
- const bigfloat NaN = bigfloat(0, 1026); /* the representation of NaN is does */
- /* not conform to IEEE because there */
- /* are no maximum exponents */
- const bigfloat pInf = bigfloat(0, 1024);
- const bigfloat nInf = bigfloat(0, 1025);
- const bigfloat pZero = bigfloat(0, -1023);
- const bigfloat nZero = bigfloat(0, -1024);
- /* globale Variablen */
- extern long global_prec;
- /* extern long output; */
- extern rounding_modes round_mode;
- extern const double Infinity;
- /* globale Funktionen */
- void set_glob_prec(long);
- void set_round_mode(rounding_modes = TO_NEAREST);