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Package: leda.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: gzelex
Upload Date: 2007-01-07
Package Size: 707k
Code Size: 7k
Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
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- /*******************************************************************************
- +
- + LEDA-R 3.2.3
- +
- + rat_point.h
- +
- + Copyright (c) 1995 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
- + Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
- + All rights reserved.
- +
- *******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef LEDA_RAT_POINT_H
- #define LEDA_RAT_POINT_H
- #include <math.h>
- #include <LEDA/integer.h>
- class rat_point;
- class rat_segment;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // rat_points
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class rat_point_rep : public handle_rep {
- friend class rat_point;
- friend class rat_segment;
- integer x;
- integer y;
- integer w;
- double xd;
- double yd;
- double wd;
- public:
- rat_point_rep() : x(0), y(0), w(1)
- { xd = 0;
- yd = 0;
- wd = 1;
- }
- rat_point_rep(integer a, integer b) : x(a), y(b), w(1)
- { xd = a.todouble();
- yd = b.todouble();
- wd = 1;
- }
- rat_point_rep(integer a, integer b, integer c) : x(a), y(b), w(c)
- { xd = a.todouble();
- yd = b.todouble();
- wd = c.todouble();
- }
- ~rat_point_rep() {}
- friend int orientation(const rat_point&, const rat_point&, const rat_point&);
- };
- /*{Manpage {rat_point} {} {Rational Points} }*/
- class rat_point : public handle_base {
- /*{Mdefinition
- An instance of the data type $rat_point$ is a point with rational coordinates
- in the two-dimensional plane. A point $(a,b)$ is represented by homogeneous
- coordinates $(x,y,w)$ of arbitrary length integers (see ref{Integers of
- Arbitrary Length}) such that $a = x/w$ and $b = y/w$. }*/
- friend class rat_segment;
- rat_point_rep* ptr() const { return (rat_point_rep*)PTR; }
- public:
- static int orient_count;
- static int exact_orient_count;
- static int cmp_count;
- static int exact_cmp_count;
- static int use_filter;
- /*{Mcreation p}*/
- rat_point() { PTR = new rat_point_rep; }
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable var of type name
- initialized to the point $(0,0)$.}*/
- rat_point(integer a, integer b) { PTR = new rat_point_rep(a,b); }
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable var of type name
- initialized to the point $(a,b)$.}*/
- rat_point(integer x, integer y, integer w){ PTR = new rat_point_rep(x,y,w); }
- /*{Mcreate introduces a variable var of type name
- initialized to the point with homogeneous coordinates$(x,y,w)$.}*/
- rat_point(const rat_point& p) : handle_base(p) {}
- ~rat_point() {}
- rat_point& operator=(const rat_point& p)
- { handle_base::operator=(p); return *this; }
- /*{Moperations 2 3.5 }*/
- double xcoord() const { return ptr()->xd/ptr()->wd;}
- /*{Mop returns a double precision floating point approximation of the
- $x$-coordinate of var.}*/
- double ycoord() const { return ptr()->yd/ptr()->wd;}
- /*{Mop returns a double precision floating point approximation of the
- $y$-coordinate of var.}*/
- integer X() const { return ptr()->x; }
- /*{Mop returns the first homogeneous coordinate of var.}*/
- integer Y() const { return ptr()->y; }
- /*{Mop returns the second homogeneous coordinate of var.}*/
- integer W() const { return ptr()->w; }
- /*{Mop returns the third homogeneous coordinate of var.}*/
- double XD() const { return ptr()->xd; }
- /*{Mop returns a floating point approximation of the first homogeneous
- coordinate of var.}*/
- double YD() const { return ptr()->yd; }
- /*{Mop returns a floating point approximation of the second homogeneous
- coordinate of var.}*/
- double WD() const { return ptr()->wd; }
- /*{Mop returns a floating point approximation of the third homogeneous
- coordinate of var.}*/
- rat_point rotate90(const rat_point& q) const;
- /*{Mopl returns var rotated by 90 degrees about $q$. } */
- rat_point rotate90() const;
- /*{Mop returns var rotated by 90 degrees about the origin. } */
- rat_point translate(const rat_point& p, int i) const;
- /*{Mopl returns var translated by ... } */
- friend bool identical(const rat_point& p, const rat_point& q)
- { return p.ptr() == q.ptr(); }
- /*{Mfuncl Test for identity.}*/
- friend bool operator==(const rat_point& p, const rat_point& q)
- { return (identical(p,q)) || rat_point::cmp(p,q) == 0; }
- /*{Mbinopfunc Test for equality.}*/
- friend bool operator!=(const rat_point& p, const rat_point& q)
- { return (!identical(p,q)) && rat_point::cmp(p,q) != 0; }
- /*{Mbinopfunc Test for inequality.}*/
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& O, const rat_point& p) ;
- /*{Mbinopfunc writes the homogeneous coordinates $(x,y,w)$ of var to
- output stream $O$.}*/
- friend istream& operator>>(istream& I, rat_point& p) ;
- /*{Mbinopfunc reads the homogeneous coordinates $(x,y,w)$ of var from
- input stream $I$.}*/
- friend int orientation(const rat_point& a, const rat_point& b, const rat_point& c);
- /*{Mfuncl computes the orientation of points $a$, $b$, $c$, i.e.,
- the sign of the determinant\
- [ leftLvert begin{array}{ccc} a_x & a_y & a_w\
- b_x & b_y & b_w\
- c_x & c_y & c_w
- end{array} rightLvert ]
- }*/
- static int cmp(const rat_point&, const rat_point&);
- };
- extern
- double area(const rat_point& a, const rat_point& b, const rat_point& c);
- /*{Mfuncl computes the signed area of the triangle determined by $a$,$b$,$c$,
- positive if $orientation(a,b,c) > 0$ and negative otherwise. }*/
- extern
- int incircle(const rat_point& a, const rat_point& b, const rat_point& c,
- const rat_point& d);
- /*{Mfuncl returns $+1$ if point $d$ lies in the interior of the circle
- through points $a$, $b$, and $c$, $0$ if $a$,$b$,$c$,and $d$ are
- cocircular, and $-1$ otherwise. }*/
- inline int compare(const rat_point& a, const rat_point& b)
- { return (identical(a,b)) ? 0 : rat_point::cmp(a,b); }
- inline void Print(const rat_point& p, ostream& out) { out << p; }
- inline void Read(rat_point& p, istream& in) { in >> p; }
- inline bool collinear(const rat_point& a,const rat_point& b,const rat_point& c)
- { return orientation(a,b,c) == 0; }
- /*{Mfuncl returns true if points $a$, $b$, $c$ are collinear, i.e.,
- $orientation(a,b,c) = 0$, and false otherwise. }*/
- inline bool right_turn(const rat_point& a,const rat_point& b,const rat_point& c)
- { return orientation(a,b,c) < 0; }
- /*{Mfuncl returns true if points $a$, $b$, $c$ form a righ turn, i.e.,
- $orientation(a,b,c) > 0$, and false otherwise. }*/
- inline bool left_turn(const rat_point& a,const rat_point& b,const rat_point& c)
- { return orientation(a,b,c) > 0; }
- /*{Mfuncl returns true if points $a$, $b$, $c$ form a left turn, i.e.,
- $orientation(a,b,c) < 0$, and false otherwise. }*/
- #endif