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Game Program
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // DEMOII3_2.CPP - full screen 256 color demo
- // based on 2D collision response demo from Volume I
- // system based on
- // conservation of momentum and kinetic energy
- // to compile make sure to include DDRAW.LIB, DSOUND.LIB,
- // DINPUT.LIB, DINPUT8.LIB, WINMM.LIB, and of course the T3DLIB files
- // INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define INITGUID // make sure al the COM interfaces are available
- // instead of this you can include the .LIB file
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #include <windows.h> // include important windows stuff
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <iostream.h> // include important C/C++ stuff
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <ddraw.h> // directX includes
- #include <dsound.h>
- #include <dmksctrl.h>
- #include <dmusici.h>
- #include <dmusicc.h>
- #include <dmusicf.h>
- #include <dinput.h>
- #include "T3DLIB1.h" // game library includes
- #include "T3DLIB2.h"
- #include "T3DLIB3.h"
- // DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // defines for windows interface
- #define WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "WIN3DCLASS" // class name
- #define WINDOW_TITLE "T3D Graphics Console Ver 2.0"
- #define WINDOW_WIDTH 640 // size of window
- #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 480
- #define WINDOW_BPP 8 // bitdepth of window (8,16,24 etc.)
- // note: if windowed and not
- // fullscreen then bitdepth must
- // be same as system bitdepth
- // also if 8-bit the a pallete
- // is created and attached
- #define WINDOWED_APP 0 // 0 not windowed, 1 windowed
- // physics demo defines
- #define NUM_BALLS 10 // number of pool balls
- #define BALL_RADIUS 12 // radius of ball
- // extents of table
- #define TABLE_MIN_X 100
- #define TABLE_MAX_X 500
- #define TABLE_MIN_Y 50
- #define TABLE_MAX_Y 450
- // variable lookup indices
- #define INDEX_X 0
- #define INDEX_Y 1
- #define INDEX_XV 2
- #define INDEX_YV 3
- #define INDEX_MASS 4
- // MACROS ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define RAND_RANGE(x,y) ( (x) + (rand()%((y)-(x)+1)))
- #define DOT_PRODUCT(ux,uy,vx,vy) ((ux)*(vx) + (uy)*(vy))
- // PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // game console
- int Game_Init(void *parms=NULL);
- int Game_Shutdown(void *parms=NULL);
- int Game_Main(void *parms=NULL);
- // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HWND main_window_handle = NULL; // save the window handle
- HINSTANCE main_instance = NULL; // save the instance
- char buffer[256]; // used to print text
- BITMAP_IMAGE background_bmp; // holds the background
- BOB balls[NUM_BALLS]; // the balls
- int ball_ids[8]; // sound ids for balls
- float cof_E = 1.0; // coefficient of restitution, < 1 makes them loose energy
- // during the collision modeling friction, heat, deformation
- // etc. > 1 is impossible, but makes them gain energy!
- // FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////
- UINT msg,
- WPARAM wparam,
- LPARAM lparam)
- {
- // this is the main message handler of the system
- PAINTSTRUCT ps; // used in WM_PAINT
- HDC hdc; // handle to a device context
- // what is the message
- switch(msg)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- {
- // do initialization stuff here
- return(0);
- } break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- {
- // start painting
- hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);
- // end painting
- EndPaint(hwnd,&ps);
- return(0);
- } break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- {
- // kill the application
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- return(0);
- } break;
- default:break;
- } // end switch
- // process any messages that we didn't take care of
- return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));
- } // end WinProc
- // WINMAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstance,
- HINSTANCE hprevinstance,
- LPSTR lpcmdline,
- int ncmdshow)
- {
- // this is the winmain function
- WNDCLASS winclass; // this will hold the class we create
- HWND hwnd; // generic window handle
- MSG msg; // generic message
- HDC hdc; // generic dc
- PAINTSTRUCT ps; // generic paintstruct
- // first fill in the window class stucture
- winclass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc;
- winclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
- winclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
- winclass.hInstance = hinstance;
- winclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
- winclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- winclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
- winclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- winclass.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;
- // register the window class
- if (!RegisterClass(&winclass))
- return(0);
- // create the window, note the test to see if WINDOWED_APP is
- // true to select the appropriate window flags
- if (!(hwnd = CreateWindow(WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, // class
- WINDOW_TITLE, // title
- 0,0, // x,y
- WINDOW_WIDTH, // width
- WINDOW_HEIGHT, // height
- NULL, // handle to parent
- NULL, // handle to menu
- hinstance,// instance
- NULL))) // creation parms
- return(0);
- // save the window handle and instance in a global
- main_window_handle = hwnd;
- main_instance = hinstance;
- // resize the window so that client is really width x height
- {
- // now resize the window, so the client area is the actual size requested
- // since there may be borders and controls if this is going to be a windowed app
- // if the app is not windowed then it won't matter
- RECT window_rect = {0,0,WINDOW_WIDTH-1,WINDOW_HEIGHT-1};
- // make the call to adjust window_rect
- AdjustWindowRectEx(&window_rect,
- GetWindowStyle(main_window_handle),
- GetMenu(main_window_handle) != NULL,
- GetWindowExStyle(main_window_handle));
- // save the global client offsets, they are needed in DDraw_Flip()
- window_client_x0 = -window_rect.left;
- window_client_y0 =;
- // now resize the window with a call to MoveWindow()
- MoveWindow(main_window_handle,
- 0, // x position
- 0, // y position
- window_rect.right - window_rect.left, // width
- window_rect.bottom -, // height
- // show the window, so there's no garbage on first render
- ShowWindow(main_window_handle, SW_SHOW);
- } // end if windowed
- // perform all game console specific initialization
- Game_Init();
- // disable CTRL-ALT_DEL, ALT_TAB, comment this line out
- // if it causes your system to crash
- // enter main event loop
- while(1)
- {
- if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))
- {
- // test if this is a quit
- if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
- break;
- // translate any accelerator keys
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- // send the message to the window proc
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- } // end if
- // main game processing goes here
- Game_Main();
- } // end while
- // shutdown game and release all resources
- Game_Shutdown();
- // enable CTRL-ALT_DEL, ALT_TAB, comment this line out
- // if it causes your system to crash
- // return to Windows like this
- return(msg.wParam);
- } // end WinMain
- int Game_Init(void *parms)
- {
- // this function is where you do all the initialization
- // for your game
- int index; // looping varsIable
- char filename[80]; // used to build up filenames
- // seed random number generate
- srand(Start_Clock());
- // start up DirectDraw (replace the parms as you desire)
- // load background image
- Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit, "GREENGRID.BMP");
- Create_Bitmap(&background_bmp,0,0,640,480);
- Load_Image_Bitmap(&background_bmp, &bitmap8bit,0,0,BITMAP_EXTRACT_MODE_ABS);
- Set_Palette(bitmap8bit.palette);
- Unload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit);
- // load the bitmaps
- Load_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit, "BALLS8.BMP");
- // create master ball
- // load the imagery in
- for (index=0; index < 6; index++)
- Load_Frame_BOB(&balls[0], &bitmap8bit, index, index,0,BITMAP_EXTRACT_MODE_CELL);
- // create all the clones
- for (index=1; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- Clone_BOB(&balls[0], &balls[index]);
- // now set the initial conditions of all the balls
- for (index=0; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- {
- // set position randomly
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X] = RAND_RANGE(TABLE_MIN_X+20,TABLE_MAX_X-20);
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y] = RAND_RANGE(TABLE_MIN_Y+20,TABLE_MAX_Y-20);
- // set initial velocity
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV] = RAND_RANGE(-100, 100)/15;
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV] = RAND_RANGE(-100, 100)/15;
- // set mass of ball in virtual kgs :)
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_MASS] = 1; // 1 for now
- // set ball color
- balls[index].curr_frame = rand()%6;
- } // end for index
- // unload bitmap image
- Unload_Bitmap_File(&bitmap8bit);
- // hide the mouse
- ShowCursor(FALSE);
- // initialize directinput
- DInput_Init();
- // acquire the keyboard only
- DInput_Init_Keyboard();
- // initilize DirectSound
- DSound_Init();
- // load background sounds
- ball_ids[0] = DSound_Load_WAV("PBALL.WAV");
- // clone sounds
- for (index=1; index<8; index++)
- ball_ids[index] = DSound_Replicate_Sound(ball_ids[0]);
- // set clipping rectangle to screen extents so objects dont
- // mess up at edges
- RECT screen_rect = {0,0,screen_width,screen_height};
- lpddclipper = DDraw_Attach_Clipper(lpddsback,1,&screen_rect);
- // set clipping region
- min_clip_x = TABLE_MIN_X;
- min_clip_y = TABLE_MIN_Y;
- max_clip_x = TABLE_MAX_X;
- max_clip_y = TABLE_MAX_Y;
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Game_Init
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Game_Shutdown(void *parms)
- {
- // this function is where you shutdown your game and
- // release all resources that you allocated
- // shut everything down
- // release all your resources created for the game here....
- // kill all the bobs
- for (int index=0; index<NUM_BALLS; index++)
- Destroy_BOB(&balls[index]);
- // now directsound
- DSound_Stop_All_Sounds();
- DSound_Delete_All_Sounds();
- DSound_Shutdown();
- // directmusic
- DMusic_Delete_All_MIDI();
- DMusic_Shutdown();
- // shut down directinput
- DInput_Shutdown();
- // shutdown directdraw last
- DDraw_Shutdown();
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Game_Shutdown
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Ball_Sound(void)
- {
- // this functions hunts for an open handle to play a collision sound
- // start a hit sound
- for (int sound_index=0; sound_index < 8; sound_index++)
- {
- // test if this sound is playing
- if (DSound_Status_Sound(ball_ids[sound_index])==0)
- {
- DSound_Play(ball_ids[sound_index]);
- break;
- } // end if
- } // end for
- } // end Ball_Sound
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Collision_Response(void)
- {
- // this function does all the "real" physics to determine if there has
- // been a collision between any ball and any other ball, if there is a collision
- // the function uses the mass of each ball along with the intial velocities to
- // compute the resulting velocities
- // from the book we know that in general
- // va2 = (e+1)*mb*vb1+va1(ma - e*mb)/(ma+mb)
- // vb2 = (e+1)*ma*va1+vb1(ma - e*mb)/(ma+mb)
- // and the objects will have direction vectors co-linear to the normal
- // of the point of collision, but since we are using spheres here as the objects
- // we know that the normal to the point of collision is just the vector from the
- // center's of each object, thus the resulting velocity vector of each ball will
- // be along this normal vector direction
- // step 1: test each object against each other object and test for a collision
- // there are better ways to do this other than a double nested loop, but since
- // there are a small number of objects this is fine, also we want to somewhat model
- // if two or more balls hit simulataneously
- for (int ball_a = 0; ball_a < NUM_BALLS; ball_a++)
- {
- for (int ball_b = ball_a+1; ball_b < NUM_BALLS; ball_b++)
- {
- if (ball_a == ball_b)
- continue;
- // compute the normal vector from a->b
- float nabx = (balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_X] - balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X] );
- float naby = (balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_Y] - balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y] );
- float length = sqrt(nabx*nabx + naby*naby);
- // is there a collision?
- if (length <= 2.0*(BALL_RADIUS*.75))
- {
- // the balls have made contact, compute response
- // compute the response coordinate system axes
- // normalize normal vector
- nabx/=length;
- naby/=length;
- // compute the tangential vector perpendicular to normal, simply rotate vector 90
- float tabx = -naby;
- float taby = nabx;
- // draw collision
- DDraw_Lock_Primary_Surface();
- // blue is normal
- Draw_Clip_Line(balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X]+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y]+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X]+20*nabx+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y]+20*naby+0.5,
- 252, primary_buffer, primary_lpitch);
- // yellow is tangential
- Draw_Clip_Line(balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X]+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y]+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X]+20*tabx+0.5,
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y]+20*taby+0.5,
- 251, primary_buffer, primary_lpitch);
- DDraw_Unlock_Primary_Surface();
- // tangential is also normalized since it's just a rotated normal vector
- // step 2: compute all the initial velocities
- // notation ball: (a,b) initial: i, final: f, n: normal direction, t: tangential direction
- float vait = DOT_PRODUCT(balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_XV],
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_YV],
- tabx, taby);
- float vain = DOT_PRODUCT(balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_XV],
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_YV],
- nabx, naby);
- float vbit = DOT_PRODUCT(balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_XV],
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_YV],
- tabx, taby);
- float vbin = DOT_PRODUCT(balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_XV],
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_YV],
- nabx, naby);
- // now we have all the initial velocities in terms of the n and t axes
- // step 3: compute final velocities after collision, from book we have
- // note: all this code can be optimized, but I want you to see what's happening :)
- float ma = balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_MASS];
- float mb = balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_MASS];
- float vafn = (mb*vbin*(cof_E+1) + vain*(ma - cof_E*mb)) / (ma + mb);
- float vbfn = (ma*vain*(cof_E+1) - vbin*(ma - cof_E*mb)) / (ma + mb);
- // now luckily the tangential components are the same before and after, so
- float vaft = vait;
- float vbft = vbit;
- // and that's that baby!
- // the velocity vectors are:
- // object a (vafn, vaft)
- // object b (vbfn, vbft)
- // the only problem is that we are in the wrong coordinate system! we need to
- // translate back to the original x,y coordinate system, basically we need to
- // compute the sum of the x components relative to the n,t axes and the sum of
- // the y components relative to the n,t axis, since n,t may both have x,y
- // components in the original x,y coordinate system
- float xfa = vafn*nabx + vaft*tabx;
- float yfa = vafn*naby + vaft*taby;
- float xfb = vbfn*nabx + vbft*tabx;
- float yfb = vbfn*naby + vbft*taby;
- // store results
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_XV] = xfa;
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_YV] = yfa;
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_XV] = xfb;
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_YV] = yfb;
- // update position
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[ball_a].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[ball_b].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- } // end if
- } // end for ball2
- } // end for ball1
- } // end Collision_Response
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Game_Main(void *parms)
- {
- // this is the workhorse of your game it will be called
- // continuously in real-time this is like main() in C
- // all the calls for you game go here!
- int index; // looping var
- // start the timing clock
- Start_Clock();
- // lock back buffer and copy background into it
- DDraw_Lock_Back_Surface();
- // draw background
- Draw_Bitmap(&background_bmp, back_buffer, back_lpitch,0);
- // draw table
- HLine(TABLE_MIN_X, TABLE_MAX_X, TABLE_MIN_Y, 250, back_buffer, back_lpitch);
- HLine(TABLE_MIN_X, TABLE_MAX_X, TABLE_MAX_Y, 250, back_buffer, back_lpitch);
- VLine(TABLE_MIN_Y, TABLE_MAX_Y, TABLE_MIN_X, 250, back_buffer, back_lpitch);
- VLine(TABLE_MIN_Y, TABLE_MAX_Y, TABLE_MAX_X, 250, back_buffer, back_lpitch);
- // unlock back surface
- DDraw_Unlock_Back_Surface();
- // read keyboard
- DInput_Read_Keyboard();
- // check for change of e
- if (keyboard_state[DIK_RIGHT])
- cof_E+=.01;
- else
- if (keyboard_state[DIK_LEFT])
- cof_E-=.01;
- float total_ke_x = 0, total_ke_y = 0;
- // move all the balls and compute system momentum
- for (index=0; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- {
- // move the ball
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- // add x,y contributions to kinetic energy
- total_ke_x+=(balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV]*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV]*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_MASS]);
- total_ke_y+=(balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV]*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV]*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_MASS]);
- } // end fof
- // test for boundary collision with virtual table edge, no need for collision
- // response here, I know what's going to happen :)
- for (index=0; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- {
- if ((balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X] >= TABLE_MAX_X-BALL_RADIUS) ||
- (balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X] <= TABLE_MIN_X+BALL_RADIUS))
- {
- // invert velocity
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV] = -balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- // start a hit sound
- Ball_Sound();
- } // end if
- if ((balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y] >= TABLE_MAX_Y-BALL_RADIUS) ||
- (balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y] <= TABLE_MIN_Y+BALL_RADIUS))
- {
- // invert velocity
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV] =-balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV];
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+=balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV];
- // play sound
- Ball_Sound();
- } // end if
- } // end for index
- // draw the balls
- for (index=0; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- {
- balls[index].x = balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+0.5-BALL_RADIUS;
- balls[index].y = balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+0.5-BALL_RADIUS;
- Draw_BOB(&balls[index], lpddsback);
- } // end for
- // draw the velocity vectors
- DDraw_Lock_Back_Surface();
- for (index=0; index < NUM_BALLS; index++)
- {
- Draw_Clip_Line(balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+0.5,
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+0.5,
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_X]+2*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_XV]+0.5,
- balls[index].varsF[INDEX_Y]+2*balls[index].varsF[INDEX_YV]+0.5,
- 246, back_buffer, back_lpitch);
- } // end for
- DDraw_Unlock_Back_Surface();
- // draw the title
- Draw_Text_GDI("ELASTIC Object-Object Collision Response DEMO, Press <ESC> to Exit.",10, 10,RGB(255,255,255), lpddsback);
- // draw the title
- sprintf(buffer,"Coefficient of Restitution e=%f, use <RIGHT>, <LEFT> arrow to change.", cof_E);
- Draw_Text_GDI(buffer,10, 30,RGB(255,255,255), lpddsback);
- sprintf(buffer,"Total System Kinetic Energy Sum(1/2MiVi^2)=%f ",0.5*sqrt(total_ke_x*total_ke_x+total_ke_y*total_ke_y));
- Draw_Text_GDI(buffer,10, 465, RGB(255,255,255), lpddsback);
- // flip the surfaces
- DDraw_Flip();
- // run collision response algorithm here
- Collision_Response();
- // sync to 30 fps = 1/30sec = 33 ms
- Wait_Clock(33);
- // check of user is trying to exit
- if (KEY_DOWN(VK_ESCAPE) || keyboard_state[DIK_ESCAPE])
- {
- PostMessage(main_window_handle, WM_DESTROY,0,0);
- // stop all sounds
- DSound_Stop_All_Sounds();
- // do a screen transition
- // Screen_Transitions(SCREEN_GREENNESS,NULL,0);
- } // end if
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Game_Main
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////