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Game Program
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // T3DLIB5.CPP
- #define STANDALONE 0
- // INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define DEBUG_ON
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #if (STANDALONE==1)
- #define INITGUID // you need this or DXGUID.LIB
- #endif
- #include <windows.h> // include important windows stuff
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <objbase.h>
- #include <iostream.h> // include important C/C++ stuff
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <direct.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <ddraw.h> // needed for defs in T3DLIB1.H
- #include "T3DLIB1.H" // T3DLIB4 is based on some defs in this
- #include "T3DLIB4.H"
- #include "T3DLIB5.H"
- // CLASSES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if (STANDALONE==1)
- HWND main_window_handle = NULL; // save the window handle
- HINSTANCE main_instance = NULL; // save the instance
- char buffer[256]; // used to print text
- #endif
- // FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char *Get_Line_PLG(char *buffer, int maxlength, FILE *fp)
- {
- // this little helper function simply read past comments
- // and blank lines in a PLG file and always returns full
- // lines with something on them on NULL if the file is empty
- int index = 0; // general index
- int length = 0; // general length
- // enter into parsing loop
- while(1)
- {
- // read the next line
- if (!fgets(buffer, maxlength, fp))
- return(NULL);
- // kill the whitespace
- for (length = strlen(buffer), index = 0; isspace(buffer[index]); index++);
- // test if this was a blank line or a comment
- if (index >= length || buffer[index]=='#')
- continue;
- // at this point we have a good line
- return(&buffer[index]);
- } // end while
- } // end Get_Line_PLG
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float Compute_OBJECT4DV1_Radius(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj)
- {
- // this function computes the average and maximum radius for
- // sent object and opdates the object data
- // reset incase there's any residue
- obj->avg_radius = 0;
- obj->max_radius = 0;
- // loop thru and compute radius
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // update the average and maximum radius
- float dist_to_vertex =
- sqrt(obj->vlist_local[vertex].x*obj->vlist_local[vertex].x +
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].y*obj->vlist_local[vertex].y +
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].z*obj->vlist_local[vertex].z);
- // accumulate total radius
- obj->avg_radius+=dist_to_vertex;
- // update maximum radius
- if (dist_to_vertex > obj->max_radius)
- obj->max_radius = dist_to_vertex;
- } // end for vertex
- // finallize average radius computation
- obj->avg_radius/=obj->num_vertices;
- // return max radius
- return(obj->max_radius);
- } // end Compute_OBJECT4DV1_Radius
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Load_OBJECT4DV1_PLG(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- char *filename, // filename of plg file
- VECTOR4D_PTR scale, // initial scaling factors
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot) // initial rotations
- {
- // this function loads a plg object in off disk, additionally
- // it allows the caller to scale, position, and rotate the object
- // to save extra calls later for non-dynamic objects
- FILE *fp; // file pointer
- char buffer[256]; // working buffer
- char *token_string; // pointer to actual token text, ready for parsing
- // file format review, note types at end of each description
- // # this is a comment
- // # object descriptor
- // object_name_string num_verts_int num_polys_int
- // # vertex list
- // x0_float y0_float z0_float
- // x1_float y1_float z1_float
- // x2_float y2_float z2_float
- // .
- // .
- // xn_float yn_float zn_float
- //
- // # polygon list
- // surface_description_ushort num_verts_int v0_index_int v1_index_int .. vn_index_int
- // .
- // .
- // surface_description_ushort num_verts_int v0_index_int v1_index_int .. vn_index_int
- // lets keep it simple and assume one element per line
- // hence we have to find the object descriptor, read it in, then the
- // vertex list and read it in, and finally the polygon list -- simple :)
- // Step 1: clear out the object and initialize it a bit
- memset(obj, 0, sizeof(OBJECT4DV1));
- // set state of object to active and visible
- // set position of object
- obj->world_pos.x = pos->x;
- obj->world_pos.y = pos->y;
- obj->world_pos.z = pos->z;
- obj->world_pos.w = pos->w;
- // Step 2: open the file for reading
- if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "r")))
- {
- Write_Error("Couldn't open PLG file %s.", filename);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // Step 3: get the first token string which should be the object descriptor
- if (!(token_string = Get_Line_PLG(buffer, 255, fp)))
- {
- Write_Error("PLG file error with file %s (object descriptor invalid).",filename);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- Write_Error("Object Descriptor: %s", token_string);
- // parse out the info object
- sscanf(token_string, "%s %d %d", obj->name, &obj->num_vertices, &obj->num_polys);
- // Step 4: load the vertex list
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // get the next vertex
- if (!(token_string = Get_Line_PLG(buffer, 255, fp)))
- {
- Write_Error("PLG file error with file %s (vertex list invalid).",filename);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // parse out vertex
- sscanf(token_string, "%f %f %f", &obj->vlist_local[vertex].x,
- &obj->vlist_local[vertex].y,
- &obj->vlist_local[vertex].z);
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].w = 1;
- // scale vertices
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].x*=scale->x;
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].y*=scale->y;
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].z*=scale->z;
- Write_Error("nVertex %d = %f, %f, %f, %f", vertex,
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].x,
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].y,
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].z,
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].w);
- } // end for vertex
- // compute average and max radius
- Compute_OBJECT4DV1_Radius(obj);
- Write_Error("nObject average radius = %f, max radius = %f",
- obj->avg_radius, obj->max_radius);
- int poly_surface_desc = 0; // PLG/PLX surface descriptor
- int poly_num_verts = 0; // number of vertices for current poly (always 3)
- char tmp_string[8]; // temp string to hold surface descriptor in and
- // test if it need to be converted from hex
- // Step 5: load the polygon list
- for (int poly=0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // get the next polygon descriptor
- if (!(token_string = Get_Line_PLG(buffer, 255, fp)))
- {
- Write_Error("PLG file error with file %s (polygon descriptor invalid).",filename);
- return(0);
- } // end if
- Write_Error("nPolygon %d:", poly);
- // each vertex list MUST have 3 vertices since we made this a rule that all models
- // must be constructed of triangles
- // read in surface descriptor, number of vertices, and vertex list
- sscanf(token_string, "%s %d %d %d %d", tmp_string,
- &poly_num_verts, // should always be 3
- &obj->plist[poly].vert[0],
- &obj->plist[poly].vert[1],
- &obj->plist[poly].vert[2]);
- // since we are allowing the surface descriptor to be in hex format
- // with a leading "0x" we need to test for it
- if (tmp_string[0] == '0' && toupper(tmp_string[1]) == 'X')
- sscanf(tmp_string,"%x", &poly_surface_desc);
- else
- poly_surface_desc = atoi(tmp_string);
- // point polygon vertex list to object's vertex list
- // note that this is redundant since the polylist is contained
- // within the object in this case and its up to the user to select
- // whether the local or transformed vertex list is used when building up
- // polygon geometry, might be a better idea to set to NULL in the context
- // of polygons that are part of an object
- obj->plist[poly].vlist = obj->vlist_local;
- Write_Error("nSurface Desc = 0x%.4x, num_verts = %d, vert_indices [%d, %d, %d]",
- poly_surface_desc,
- poly_num_verts,
- obj->plist[poly].vert[0],
- obj->plist[poly].vert[1],
- obj->plist[poly].vert[2]);
- // now we that we have the vertex list and we have entered the polygon
- // vertex index data into the polygon itself, now let's analyze the surface
- // descriptor and set the fields for the polygon based on the description
- // extract out each field of data from the surface descriptor
- // first let's get the single/double sided stuff out of the way
- if ((poly_surface_desc & PLX_2SIDED_FLAG))
- {
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr, POLY4DV1_ATTR_2SIDED);
- Write_Error("n2 sided.");
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // one sided
- Write_Error("n1 sided.");
- } // end else
- // now let's set the color type and color
- if ((poly_surface_desc & PLX_COLOR_MODE_RGB_FLAG))
- {
- // this is an RGB 4.4.4 surface
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr,POLY4DV1_ATTR_RGB16);
- // now extract color and copy into polygon color
- // field in proper 16-bit format
- // 0x0RGB is the format, 4 bits per pixel
- int red = ((poly_surface_desc & 0x0f00) >> 8);
- int green = ((poly_surface_desc & 0x00f0) >> 4);
- int blue = (poly_surface_desc & 0x000f);
- // although the data is always in 4.4.4 format, the graphics card
- // is either 5.5.5 or 5.6.5, but our virtual color system translates
- // 8.8.8 into 5.5.5 or 5.6.5 for us, but we have to first scale all
- // these 4.4.4 values into 8.8.8
- obj->plist[poly].color = RGB16Bit(red*16, green*16, blue*16);
- Write_Error("nRGB color = [%d, %d, %d]", red, green, blue);
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // this is an 8-bit color indexed surface
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr,POLY4DV1_ATTR_8BITCOLOR);
- // and simple extract the last 8 bits and that's the color index
- obj->plist[poly].color = (poly_surface_desc & 0x00ff);
- Write_Error("n8-bit color index = %d", obj->plist[poly].color);
- } // end else
- // handle shading mode
- int shade_mode = (poly_surface_desc & PLX_SHADE_MODE_MASK);
- // set polygon shading mode
- switch(shade_mode)
- {
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr, POLY4DV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_PURE);
- Write_Error("nShade mode = pure");
- } break;
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr, POLY4DV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_FLAT);
- Write_Error("nShade mode = flat");
- } break;
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr, POLY4DV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_GOURAUD);
- Write_Error("nShade mode = gouraud");
- } break;
- SET_BIT(obj->plist[poly].attr, POLY4DV1_ATTR_SHADE_MODE_PHONG);
- Write_Error("nShade mode = phong");
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- // finally set the polygon to active
- obj->plist[poly].state = POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE;
- } // end for poly
- // close the file
- fclose(fp);
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Load_OBJECT4DV1_PLG
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Translate_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, VECTOR4D_PTR vt)
- {
- // NOTE: Not matrix based
- // this function translates an object without matrices,
- // simply updates the world_pos
- VECTOR4D_Add(&obj->world_pos, vt, &obj->world_pos);
- } // end Translate_OBJECT4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Scale_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, VECTOR4D_PTR vs)
- {
- // NOTE: Not matrix based
- // this function scales and object without matrices
- // modifies the object's local vertex list
- // additionally the radii is updated for the object
- // for each vertex in the mesh scale the local coordinates by
- // vs on a componentwise basis, that is, sx, sy, sz
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].x*=vs->x;
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].y*=vs->y;
- obj->vlist_local[vertex].z*=vs->z;
- // leave w unchanged, always equal to 1
- } // end for vertex
- // now since the object is scaled we have to do something with
- // the radii calculation, but we don't know how the scaling
- // factors relate to the original major axis of the object,
- // therefore for scaling factors all ==1 we will simple multiply
- // which is correct, but for scaling factors not equal to 1, we
- // must take the largest scaling factor and use it to scale the
- // radii with since it's the worst case scenario of the new max and
- // average radii
- // find max scaling factor
- float scale = MAX(vs->x, vs->y);
- scale = MAX(scale, vs->z);
- // now scale
- obj->max_radius*=scale;
- obj->avg_radius*=scale;
- } // end Scale_OBJECT4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_XYZ_Rotation_MATRIX4X4(float theta_x, // euler angles
- float theta_y,
- float theta_z,
- MATRIX4X4_PTR mrot) // output
- {
- // this helper function takes a set if euler angles and computes
- // a rotation matrix from them, usefull for object and camera
- // work, also we will do a little testing in the function to determine
- // the rotations that need to be performed, since there's no
- // reason to perform extra matrix multiplies if the angles are
- // zero!
- MATRIX4X4 mx, my, mz, mtmp; // working matrices
- float sin_theta=0, cos_theta=0; // used to initialize matrices
- int rot_seq = 0; // 1 for x, 2 for y, 4 for z
- // step 0: fill in with identity matrix
- MAT_IDENTITY_4X4(mrot);
- // step 1: based on zero and non-zero rotation angles, determine
- // rotation sequence
- if (fabs(theta_x) > EPSILON_E5) // x
- rot_seq = rot_seq | 1;
- if (fabs(theta_y) > EPSILON_E5) // y
- rot_seq = rot_seq | 2;
- if (fabs(theta_z) > EPSILON_E5) // z
- rot_seq = rot_seq | 4;
- // now case on sequence
- switch(rot_seq)
- {
- case 0: // no rotation
- {
- // what a waste!
- return;
- } break;
- case 1: // x rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_x);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_x);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mx, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0,
- 0, -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // that's it, copy to output matrix
- MAT_COPY_4X4(&mx, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 2: // y rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_y);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_y);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&my,cos_theta, 0, -sin_theta, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin_theta, 0, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // that's it, copy to output matrix
- MAT_COPY_4X4(&my, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 3: // xy rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle for x
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_x);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_x);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mx, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0,
- 0, -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle for y
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_y);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_y);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&my,cos_theta, 0, -sin_theta, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin_theta, 0, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // concatenate matrices
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mx, &my, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 4: // z rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_z);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_z);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mz, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0, 0,
- -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // that's it, copy to output matrix
- MAT_COPY_4X4(&mz, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 5: // xz rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle x
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_x);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_x);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mx, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0,
- 0, -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle z
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_z);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_z);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mz, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0, 0,
- -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // concatenate matrices
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mx, &mz, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 6: // yz rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle y
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_y);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_y);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&my,cos_theta, 0, -sin_theta, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin_theta, 0, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle z
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_z);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_z);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mz, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0, 0,
- -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // concatenate matrices
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&my, &mz, mrot);
- return;
- } break;
- case 7: // xyz rotation
- {
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle x
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_x);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_x);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mx, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0,
- 0, -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle y
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_y);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_y);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&my,cos_theta, 0, -sin_theta, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin_theta, 0, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle z
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_z);
- sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta_z);
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mz, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0, 0,
- -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // concatenate matrices, watch order!
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mx, &my, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &mz, mrot);
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- } // end Build_XYZ_Rotation_MATRIX4X4
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_Model_To_World_MATRIX4X4(VECTOR4D_PTR vpos, MATRIX4X4_PTR m)
- {
- // this function builds up a general local to world
- // transformation matrix that is really nothing more than a translation
- // of the origin by the amount specified in vpos
- Mat_Init_4X4(m, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- vpos->x, vpos->y, vpos->z, 1 );
- } // end Build_Model_To_World_MATRIX4X4
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_Camera_To_Perspective_MATRIX4X4(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, MATRIX4X4_PTR m)
- {
- // this function builds up a camera to perspective transformation
- // matrix, in most cases the camera would have a 2x2 normalized
- // view plane with a 90 degree FOV, since the point of the having
- // this matrix must be to also have a perspective to screen (viewport)
- // matrix that scales the normalized coordinates, also the matrix
- // assumes that you are working in 4D homogenous coordinates and at
- // some point there will be a 4D->3D conversion, it might be immediately
- // after this transform is applied to vertices, or after the perspective
- // to screen transform
- Mat_Init_4X4(m, cam->view_dist, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cam->view_dist*cam->aspect_ratio, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- } // end Build_Camera_To_Perspective_MATRIX4X4
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_Perspective_To_Screen_4D_MATRIX4X4(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, MATRIX4X4_PTR m)
- {
- // this function builds up a perspective to screen transformation
- // matrix, the function assumes that you want to perform the
- // transform in homogeneous coordinates and at raster time there will be
- // a 4D->3D homogenous conversion and of course only the x,y points
- // will be considered for the 2D rendering, thus you would use this
- // function's matrix is your perspective coordinates were still
- // in homgeneous form whene this matrix was applied, additionally
- // the point of this matrix to to scale and translate the perspective
- // coordinates to screen coordinates, thus the matrix is built up
- // assuming that the perspective coordinates are in normalized form for
- // a (2x2)/aspect_ratio viewplane, that is, x: -1 to 1, y:-1/aspect_ratio to 1/aspect_ratio
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- Mat_Init_4X4(m, alpha, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, -beta, 0, 0,
- alpha, beta, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- } // end Build_Perspective_To_Screen_4D_MATRIX4X4()
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_Perspective_To_Screen_MATRIX4X4(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, MATRIX4X4_PTR m)
- {
- // this function builds up a perspective to screen transformation
- // matrix, the function assumes that you want to perform the
- // transform in 2D/3D coordinates, that is, you have already converted
- // the perspective coordinates from homogenous 4D to 3D before applying
- // this matrix, additionally
- // the point of this matrix to to scale and translate the perspective
- // coordinates to screen coordinates, thus the matrix is built up
- // assuming that the perspective coordinates are in normalized form for
- // a 2x2 viewplane, that is, x: -1 to 1, y:-1 to 1
- // the only difference between this function and the version that
- // assumes the coordinates are still in homogenous format is the
- // last column doesn't force w=z, in fact the z, and w results
- // are irrelevent since we assume that BEFORE this matrix is applied
- // all points are already converted from 4D->3D
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- Mat_Init_4X4(m, alpha, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, -beta, 0, 0,
- alpha, beta, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- } // end Build_Perspective_To_Screen_MATRIX4X4()
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_Camera_To_Screen_MATRIX4X4(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, MATRIX4X4_PTR m)
- {
- // this function creates a single matrix that performs the
- // entire camera->perspective->screen transform, the only
- // important thing is that the camera must be created with
- // a viewplane specified to be the size of the viewport
- // furthermore, after this transform is applied the the vertex
- // must be converted from 4D homogeneous to 3D, technically
- // the z is irrelevant since the data would be used for the
- // screen, but still the division by w is needed no matter
- // what
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- Mat_Init_4X4(m, cam->view_dist, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, -cam->view_dist, 0, 0,
- alpha, beta, 1, 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- } // end Build_Camera_To_Screen_MATRIX4X4()
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Transform_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // object to transform
- MATRIX4X4_PTR mt, // transformation matrix
- int coord_select, // selects coords to transform
- int transform_basis) // flags if vector orientation
- // should be transformed too
- {
- // this function simply transforms all of the vertices in the local or trans
- // array by the sent matrix
- // what coordinates should be transformed?
- switch(coord_select)
- {
- {
- // transform each local/model vertex of the object mesh in place
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], mt, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for index
- } break;
- {
- // transform each "transformed" vertex of the object mesh in place
- // remember, the idea of the vlist_trans[] array is to accumulate
- // transformations
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex], mt, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for index
- } break;
- {
- // transform each local/model vertex of the object mesh and store result
- // in "transformed" vertex list
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], mt, &obj->vlist_trans[vertex]);
- } // end for index
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- // finally, test if transform should be applied to orientation basis
- // hopefully this is a rotation, otherwise the basis will get corrupted
- if (transform_basis)
- {
- // now rotate orientation basis for object
- VECTOR4D vresult; // use to rotate each orientation vector axis
- // rotate ux of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->ux, mt, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->ux, &vresult);
- // rotate uy of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->uy, mt, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->uy, &vresult);
- // rotate uz of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->uz, mt, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->uz, &vresult);
- } // end if
- } // end Transform_OBJECT4DV1
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Rotate_XYZ_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // object to rotate
- float theta_x, // euler angles
- float theta_y,
- float theta_z)
- {
- // this function rotates and object parallel to the
- // XYZ axes in that order or a subset thereof, without
- // matrices (at least externally sent)
- // modifies the object's local vertex list
- // additionally it rotates the unit directional vectors
- // that track the objects orientation, also note that each
- // time this function is called it calls the rotation generation
- // function, this is wastefull if a number of object are being rotated
- // by the same matrix, therefore, if that's the case, then generate the
- // rotation matrix, store it, and call the general Transform_OBJECT4DV1()
- // with the matrix
- MATRIX4X4 mrot; // used to store generated rotation matrix
- // generate rotation matrix, no way to avoid rotation with a matrix
- // too much math to do manually!
- Build_XYZ_Rotation_MATRIX4X4(theta_x, theta_y, theta_z, &mrot);
- // now simply rotate each point of the mesh in local/model coordinates
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], &mrot, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for index
- // now rotate orientation basis for object
- VECTOR4D vresult; // use to rotate each orientation vector axis
- // rotate ux of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->ux, &mrot, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->ux, &vresult);
- // rotate uy of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->uy, &mrot, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->uy, &vresult);
- // rotate uz of basis
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->uz, &mrot, &vresult);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->uz, &vresult);
- } // end Rotate_XYZ_OBJECT4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Model_To_World_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, int coord_select)
- {
- // NOTE: Not matrix based
- // this function converts the local model coordinates of the
- // sent object into world coordinates, the results are stored
- // in the transformed vertex list (vlist_trans) within the object
- // interate thru vertex list and transform all the model/local
- // coords to world coords by translating the vertex list by
- // the amount world_pos and storing the results in vlist_trans[]
- if (coord_select == TRANSFORM_LOCAL_TO_TRANS)
- {
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // translate vertex
- VECTOR4D_Add(&obj->vlist_local[vertex], &obj->world_pos, &obj->vlist_trans[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end if local
- else
- for (int vertex=0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // translate vertex
- VECTOR4D_Add(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex], &obj->world_pos, &obj->vlist_trans[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end else trans
- } // end Model_To_World_OBJECT4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int Cull_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, // object to cull
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera to cull relative to
- int cull_flags) // clipping planes to consider
- {
- // NOTE: is matrix based
- // this function culls an entire object from the viewing
- // frustrum by using the sent camera information and object
- // the cull_flags determine what axes culling should take place
- // x, y, z or all which is controlled by ORing the flags
- // together
- // if the object is culled its state is modified thats all
- // this function assumes that both the camera and the object
- // are valid!
- // step 1: transform the center of the object's bounding
- // sphere into camera space
- POINT4D sphere_pos; // hold result of transforming center of bounding sphere
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->world_pos, &cam->mcam, &sphere_pos);
- // step 2: based on culling flags remove the object
- if (cull_flags & CULL_OBJECT_Z_PLANE)
- {
- // cull only based on z clipping planes
- // test far plane
- if ( ((sphere_pos.z - obj->max_radius) > cam->far_clip_z) ||
- ((sphere_pos.z + obj->max_radius) < cam->near_clip_z) )
- {
- return(1);
- } // end if
- } // end if
- if (cull_flags & CULL_OBJECT_X_PLANE)
- {
- // cull only based on x clipping planes
- // we could use plane equations, but simple similar triangles
- // is easier since this is really a 2D problem
- // if the view volume is 90 degrees the the problem is trivial
- // buts lets assume its not
- // test the the right and left clipping planes against the leftmost and rightmost
- // points of the bounding sphere
- float z_test = (0.5)*cam->viewplane_width*sphere_pos.z/cam->view_dist;
- if ( ((sphere_pos.x-obj->max_radius) > z_test) || // right side
- ((sphere_pos.x+obj->max_radius) < -z_test) ) // left side, note sign change
- {
- return(1);
- } // end if
- } // end if
- if (cull_flags & CULL_OBJECT_Y_PLANE)
- {
- // cull only based on y clipping planes
- // we could use plane equations, but simple similar triangles
- // is easier since this is really a 2D problem
- // if the view volume is 90 degrees the the problem is trivial
- // buts lets assume its not
- // test the the top and bottom clipping planes against the bottommost and topmost
- // points of the bounding sphere
- float z_test = (0.5)*cam->viewplane_height*sphere_pos.z/cam->view_dist;
- if ( ((sphere_pos.y-obj->max_radius) > z_test) || // top side
- ((sphere_pos.y+obj->max_radius) < -z_test) ) // bottom side, note sign change
- {
- return(1);
- } // end if
- } // end if
- // return failure to cull
- return(0);
- } // end Cull_OBJECT4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Remove_Backfaces_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function removes the backfaces from an object's
- // polygon mesh, the function does this based on the vertex
- // data in vlist_trans along with the camera position (only)
- // note that only the backface state is set in each polygon
- // test if the object is culled
- if (obj->state & OBJECT4DV1_STATE_CULLED)
- return;
- // process each poly in mesh
- for (int poly=0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire polygon
- POLY4DV1_PTR curr_poly = &obj->plist[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // test this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible and not 2 sided. Note we test for backface in the event that
- // a previous call might have already determined this, so why work
- // harder!
- if (!(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->attr & POLY4DV1_ATTR_2SIDED) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // extract vertex indices into master list, rember the polygons are
- // NOT self contained, but based on the vertex list stored in the object
- // itself
- int vindex_0 = curr_poly->vert[0];
- int vindex_1 = curr_poly->vert[1];
- int vindex_2 = curr_poly->vert[2];
- // we will use the transformed polygon vertex list since the backface removal
- // only makes sense at the world coord stage further of the pipeline
- // we need to compute the normal of this polygon face, and recall
- // that the vertices are in cw order, u = p0->p1, v=p0->p2, n=uxv
- VECTOR4D u, v, n;
- // build u, v
- VECTOR4D_Build(&obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ], &obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ], &u);
- VECTOR4D_Build(&obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ], &obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ], &v);
- // compute cross product
- VECTOR4D_Cross(&u, &v, &n);
- // now create eye vector to viewpoint
- VECTOR4D view;
- VECTOR4D_Build(&obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ], &cam->pos, &view);
- // and finally, compute the dot product
- float dp = VECTOR4D_Dot(&n, &view);
- // if the sign is > 0 then visible, 0 = scathing, < 0 invisible
- if (dp <= 0.0 )
- SET_BIT(curr_poly->state, POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE);
- } // end for poly
- } // end Remove_Backfaces_OBJECT4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Remove_Backfaces_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function removes the backfaces from polygon list
- // the function does this based on the polygon list data
- // tvlist along with the camera position (only)
- // note that only the backface state is set in each polygon
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // test this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible and not 2 sided. Note we test for backface in the event that
- // a previous call might have already determined this, so why work
- // harder!
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->attr & POLY4DV1_ATTR_2SIDED) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // we need to compute the normal of this polygon face, and recall
- // that the vertices are in cw order, u = p0->p1, v=p0->p2, n=uxv
- VECTOR4D u, v, n;
- // build u, v
- VECTOR4D_Build(&curr_poly->tvlist[0], &curr_poly->tvlist[1], &u);
- VECTOR4D_Build(&curr_poly->tvlist[0], &curr_poly->tvlist[2], &v);
- // compute cross product
- VECTOR4D_Cross(&u, &v, &n);
- // now create eye vector to viewpoint
- VECTOR4D view;
- VECTOR4D_Build(&curr_poly->tvlist[0], &cam->pos, &view);
- // and finally, compute the dot product
- float dp = VECTOR4D_Dot(&n, &view);
- // if the sign is > 0 then visible, 0 = scathing, < 0 invisible
- if (dp <= 0.0 )
- SET_BIT(curr_poly->state, POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE);
- } // end for poly
- } // end Remove_Backfaces_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void World_To_Camera_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the world coordinates of an object
- // into camera coordinates, based on the sent camera matrix
- // but it totally disregards the polygons themselves,
- // it only works on the vertices in the vlist_trans[] list
- // this is one way to do it, you might instead transform
- // the global list of polygons in the render list since you
- // are guaranteed that those polys represent geometry that
- // has passed thru backfaces culling (if any)
- // transform each vertex in the object to camera coordinates
- // assumes the object has already been transformed to world
- // coordinates and the result is in vlist_trans[]
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // transform the vertex by the mcam matrix within the camera
- // it better be valid!
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex], &cam->mcam, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end World_To_Camera_OBJECT4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Camera_To_Perspective_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the camera coordinates of an object
- // into perspective coordinates, based on the
- // sent camera object, but it totally disregards the polygons themselves,
- // it only works on the vertices in the vlist_trans[] list
- // this is one way to do it, you might instead transform
- // the global list of polygons in the render list since you
- // are guaranteed that those polys represent geometry that
- // has passed thru backfaces culling (if any)
- // finally this function is really for experimental reasons only
- // you would probably never let an object stay intact this far down
- // the pipeline, since it's probably that there's only a single polygon
- // that is visible! But this function has to transform the whole mesh!
- // transform each vertex in the object to perspective coordinates
- // assumes the object has already been transformed to camera
- // coordinates and the result is in vlist_trans[]
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- float z = obj->vlist_trans[vertex].z;
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x = cam->view_dist*obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x/z;
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y = cam->view_dist*obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y*cam->aspect_ratio/z;
- // z = z, so no change
- // not that we are NOT dividing by the homogenous w coordinate since
- // we are not using a matrix operation for this version of the function
- } // end for vertex
- } // end Camera_To_Perspective_OBJECT4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the camera coordinates of an object
- // into Screen scaled perspective coordinates, based on the
- // sent camera object, that is, view_dist_h and view_dist_v
- // should be set to cause the desired (width X height)
- // projection of the vertices, but the function totally
- // disregards the polygons themselves,
- // it only works on the vertices in the vlist_trans[] list
- // this is one way to do it, you might instead transform
- // the global list of polygons in the render list since you
- // are guaranteed that those polys represent geometry that
- // has passed thru backfaces culling (if any)
- // finally this function is really for experimental reasons only
- // you would probably never let an object stay intact this far down
- // the pipeline, since it's probably that there's only a single polygon
- // that is visible! But this function has to transform the whole mesh!
- // finally, the function also inverts the y axis, so the coordinates
- // generated from this function ARE screen coordinates and ready for
- // rendering
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- // transform each vertex in the object to perspective screen coordinates
- // assumes the object has already been transformed to camera
- // coordinates and the result is in vlist_trans[]
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- float z = obj->vlist_trans[vertex].z;
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x = cam->view_dist*obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x/z;
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y = cam->view_dist*obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y/z;
- // z = z, so no change
- // not that we are NOT dividing by the homogenous w coordinate since
- // we are not using a matrix operation for this version of the function
- // now the coordinates are in the range x:(-viewport_width/2 to viewport_width/2)
- // and y:(-viewport_height/2 to viewport_height/2), thus we need a translation and
- // since the y-axis is inverted, we need to invert y to complete the screen
- // transform:
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x = obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x + alpha;
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y = -obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y + beta;
- } // end for vertex
- } // end Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_OBJECT4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Perspective_To_Screen_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj, CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the perspective coordinates of an object
- // into screen coordinates, based on the sent viewport info
- // but it totally disregards the polygons themselves,
- // it only works on the vertices in the vlist_trans[] list
- // this is one way to do it, you might instead transform
- // the global list of polygons in the render list since you
- // are guaranteed that those polys represent geometry that
- // has passed thru backfaces culling (if any)
- // finally this function is really for experimental reasons only
- // you would probably never let an object stay intact this far down
- // the pipeline, since it's probably that there's only a single polygon
- // that is visible! But this function has to transform the whole mesh!
- // this function would be called after a perspective
- // projection was performed on the object
- // transform each vertex in the object to screen coordinates
- // assumes the object has already been transformed to perspective
- // coordinates and the result is in vlist_trans[]
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // assumes the vertex is in perspective normalized coords from -1 to 1
- // on each axis, simple scale them to viewport and invert y axis and project
- // to screen
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x = alpha + alpha*obj->vlist_trans[vertex].x;
- obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y = beta - beta *obj->vlist_trans[vertex].y;
- } // end for vertex
- } // end Perspective_To_Screen_OBJECT4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Convert_From_Homogeneous4D_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj)
- {
- // this function convertes all vertices in the transformed
- // vertex list from 4D homogeneous coordinates to normal 3D coordinates
- // by dividing each x,y,z component by w
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < obj->num_vertices; vertex++)
- {
- // convert to non-homogenous coords
- VECTOR4D_DIV_BY_W(&obj->vlist_trans[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end Convert_From_Homogeneous4D_OBJECT4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Transform_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list, // render list to transform
- MATRIX4X4_PTR mt, // transformation matrix
- int coord_select) // selects coords to transform
- {
- // this function simply transforms all of the polygons vertices in the local or trans
- // array of the render list by the sent matrix
- // what coordinates should be transformed?
- switch(coord_select)
- {
- {
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // transform the vertex by mt
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&curr_poly->vlist[vertex], mt, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&curr_poly->vlist[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } break;
- {
- // transform each "transformed" vertex of the render list
- // remember, the idea of the tvlist[] array is to accumulate
- // transformations
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // transform the vertex by mt
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex], mt, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } break;
- {
- // transform each local/model vertex of the render list and store result
- // in "transformed" vertex list
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // transform the vertex by mt
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&curr_poly->vlist[vertex], mt, &curr_poly->tvlist[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- } // end Transform_RENDERLIST4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Model_To_World_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- POINT4D_PTR world_pos,
- int coord_select)
- {
- // NOTE: Not matrix based
- // this function converts the local model coordinates of the
- // sent render list into world coordinates, the results are stored
- // in the transformed vertex list (tvlist) within the renderlist
- // interate thru vertex list and transform all the model/local
- // coords to world coords by translating the vertex list by
- // the amount world_pos and storing the results in tvlist[]
- // is this polygon valid?
- if (coord_select == TRANSFORM_LOCAL_TO_TRANS)
- {
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // translate vertex
- VECTOR4D_Add(&curr_poly->vlist[vertex], world_pos, &curr_poly->tvlist[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end if local
- {
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // translate vertex
- VECTOR4D_Add(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex], world_pos, &curr_poly->tvlist[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end else
- } // end Model_To_World_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Convert_From_Homogeneous4D_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list)
- {
- // this function convertes all valid polygons vertices in the transformed
- // vertex list from 4D homogeneous coordinates to normal 3D coordinates
- // by dividing each x,y,z component by w
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // convert to non-homogenous coords
- VECTOR4D_DIV_BY_W(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex]);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end Convert_From_Homogeneous4D_RENDERLIST4DV1
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void World_To_Camera_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is a matrix based function
- // this function transforms each polygon in the global render list
- // to camera coordinates based on the sent camera transform matrix
- // you would use this function instead of the object based function
- // if you decided earlier in the pipeline to turn each object into
- // a list of polygons and then add them to the global render list
- // the conversion of an object into polygons probably would have
- // happened after object culling, local transforms, local to world
- // and backface culling, so the minimum number of polygons from
- // each object are in the list, note that the function assumes
- // that at LEAST the local to world transform has been called
- // and the polygon data is in the transformed list tvlist of
- // the POLYF4DV1 object
- // transform each polygon in the render list into camera coordinates
- // assumes the render list has already been transformed to world
- // coordinates and the result is in tvlist[] of each polygon object
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // transform the vertex by the mcam matrix within the camera
- // it better be valid!
- POINT4D presult; // hold result of each transformation
- // transform point
- Mat_Mul_VECTOR4D_4X4(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex], &cam->mcam, &presult);
- // store result back
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&curr_poly->tvlist[vertex], &presult);
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end World_To_Camera_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Camera_To_Perspective_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms each polygon in the global render list
- // into perspective coordinates, based on the
- // sent camera object,
- // you would use this function instead of the object based function
- // if you decided earlier in the pipeline to turn each object into
- // a list of polygons and then add them to the global render list
- // transform each polygon in the render list into camera coordinates
- // assumes the render list has already been transformed to world
- // coordinates and the result is in tvlist[] of each polygon object
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- float z = curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].z;
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x = cam->view_dist*curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x/z;
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y = cam->view_dist*curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y*cam->aspect_ratio/z;
- // z = z, so no change
- // not that we are NOT dividing by the homogenous w coordinate since
- // we are not using a matrix operation for this version of the function
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end Camera_To_Perspective_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the camera coordinates of an object
- // into Screen scaled perspective coordinates, based on the
- // sent camera object, that is, view_dist_h and view_dist_v
- // should be set to cause the desired (viewport_width X viewport_height)
- // it only works on the vertices in the tvlist[] list
- // finally, the function also inverts the y axis, so the coordinates
- // generated from this function ARE screen coordinates and ready for
- // rendering
- // transform each polygon in the render list to perspective screen
- // coordinates assumes the render list has already been transformed
- // to camera coordinates and the result is in tvlist[]
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- float z = curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].z;
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x = cam->view_dist*curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x/z;
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y = cam->view_dist*curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y/z;
- // z = z, so no change
- // not that we are NOT dividing by the homogenous w coordinate since
- // we are not using a matrix operation for this version of the function
- // now the coordinates are in the range x:(-viewport_width/2 to viewport_width/2)
- // and y:(-viewport_height/2 to viewport_height/2), thus we need a translation and
- // since the y-axis is inverted, we need to invert y to complete the screen
- // transform:
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x = curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x + alpha;
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y = -curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y + beta;
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end Camera_To_Perspective_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Perspective_To_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam)
- {
- // NOTE: this is not a matrix based function
- // this function transforms the perspective coordinates of the render
- // list into screen coordinates, based on the sent viewport in the camera
- // assuming that the viewplane coordinates were normalized
- // you would use this function instead of the object based function
- // if you decided earlier in the pipeline to turn each object into
- // a list of polygons and then add them to the global render list
- // you would only call this function if you previously performed
- // a normalized perspective transform
- // transform each polygon in the render list from perspective to screen
- // coordinates assumes the render list has already been transformed
- // to normalized perspective coordinates and the result is in tvlist[]
- for (int poly = 0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire current polygon
- POLYF4DV1_PTR curr_poly = rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly];
- // is this polygon valid?
- // transform this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concept of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if ((curr_poly==NULL) || !(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- float alpha = (0.5*cam->viewport_width-0.5);
- float beta = (0.5*cam->viewport_height-0.5);
- // all good, let's transform
- for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 3; vertex++)
- {
- // the vertex is in perspective normalized coords from -1 to 1
- // on each axis, simple scale them and invert y axis and project
- // to screen
- // transform the vertex by the view parameters in the camera
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x = alpha + alpha*curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].x;
- curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y = beta - beta *curr_poly->tvlist[vertex].y;
- } // end for vertex
- } // end for poly
- } // end Perspective_To_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Reset_RENDERLIST4DV1(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list)
- {
- // this function intializes and resets the sent render list and
- // redies it for polygons/faces to be inserted into it
- // note that the render list in this version is composed
- // of an array FACE4DV1 pointer objects, you call this
- // function each frame
- // since we are tracking the number of polys in the
- // list via num_polys we can set it to 0
- // but later we will want a more robust scheme if
- // we generalize the linked list more and disconnect
- // it from the polygon pointer list
- rend_list->num_polys = 0; // that was hard!
- } // Reset_RENDERLIST4DV1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Reset_OBJECT4DV1(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj)
- {
- // this function resets the sent object and redies it for
- // transformations, basically just resets the culled, clipped and
- // backface flags, but here's where you would add stuff
- // to ready any object for the pipeline
- // the object is valid, let's rip it apart polygon by polygon
- // reset object's culled flag
- // now the clipped and backface flags for the polygons
- for (int poly = 0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire polygon
- POLY4DV1_PTR curr_poly = &obj->plist[poly];
- // first is this polygon even visible?
- if (!(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE))
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // reset clipped and backface flags
- RESET_BIT(curr_poly->state, POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED);
- RESET_BIT(curr_poly->state, POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE);
- } // end for poly
- } // end Reset_OBJECT4DV1
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- POLY4DV1_PTR poly)
- {
- // converts the sent POLY4DV1 into a FACE4DV1 and inserts it
- // into the render list
- // step 0: are we full?
- if (rend_list->num_polys >= RENDERLIST4DV1_MAX_POLYS)
- return(0);
- // step 1: copy polygon into next opening in polygon render list
- // point pointer to polygon structure
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[rend_list->num_polys] = &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys];
- // copy fields
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].state = poly->state;
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].attr = poly->attr;
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].color = poly->color;
- // now copy vertices, be careful! later put a loop, but for now
- // know there are 3 vertices always!
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].tvlist[0],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[0]]);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].tvlist[1],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[1]]);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].tvlist[2],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[2]]);
- // and copy into local vertices too
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].vlist[0],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[0]]);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].vlist[1],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[1]]);
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].vlist[2],
- &poly->vlist[poly->vert[2]]);
- // now the polygon is loaded into the next free array position, but
- // we need to fix up the links
- // test if this is the first entry
- if (rend_list->num_polys == 0)
- {
- // set pointers to null, could loop them around though to self
- rend_list->poly_data[0].next = NULL;
- rend_list->poly_data[0].prev = NULL;
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // first set this node to point to previous node and next node (null)
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].next = NULL;
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].prev =
- &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys-1];
- // now set previous node to point to this node
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys-1].next =
- &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys];
- } // end else
- // increment number of polys in list
- rend_list->num_polys++;
- // return successful insertion
- return(1);
- } // end Insert_POLY4DV1_RENDERLIST4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- POLYF4DV1_PTR poly)
- {
- // inserts the sent polyface POLYF4DV1 into the render list
- // step 0: are we full?
- if (rend_list->num_polys >= RENDERLIST4DV1_MAX_POLYS)
- return(0);
- // step 1: copy polygon into next opening in polygon render list
- // point pointer to polygon structure
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[rend_list->num_polys] = &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys];
- // copy face right into array, thats it
- memcpy((void *)&rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys],(void *)poly, sizeof(POLYF4DV1));
- // now the polygon is loaded into the next free array position, but
- // we need to fix up the links
- // test if this is the first entry
- if (rend_list->num_polys == 0)
- {
- // set pointers to null, could loop them around though to self
- rend_list->poly_data[0].next = NULL;
- rend_list->poly_data[0].prev = NULL;
- } // end if
- else
- {
- // first set this node to point to previous node and next node (null)
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].next = NULL;
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys].prev =
- &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys-1];
- // now set previous node to point to this node
- rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys-1].next =
- &rend_list->poly_data[rend_list->num_polys];
- } // end else
- // increment number of polys in list
- rend_list->num_polys++;
- // return successful insertion
- return(1);
- } // end Insert_POLYF4DV1_RENDERLIST4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int insert_local)
- {
- // converts the entire object into a face list and then inserts
- // the visible, active, non-clipped, non-culled polygons into
- // the render list, also note the flag insert_local control
- // whether or not the vlist_local or vlist_trans vertex list
- // is used, thus you can insert an object "raw" totally untranformed
- // if you set insert_local to 1, default is 0, that is you would
- // only insert an object after at least the local to world transform
- // is this objective inactive or culled or invisible?
- if (!(obj->state & OBJECT4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (obj->state & OBJECT4DV1_STATE_CULLED) ||
- !(obj->state & OBJECT4DV1_STATE_VISIBLE))
- return(0);
- // the object is valid, let's rip it apart polygon by polygon
- for (int poly = 0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // acquire polygon
- POLY4DV1_PTR curr_poly = &obj->plist[poly];
- // first is this polygon even visible?
- if (!(curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (curr_poly->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // override vertex list polygon refers to
- // the case that you want the local coords used
- // first save old pointer
- POINT4D_PTR vlist_old = curr_poly->vlist;
- if (insert_local)
- curr_poly->vlist = obj->vlist_local;
- else
- curr_poly->vlist = obj->vlist_trans;
- // now insert this polygon
- if (!Insert_POLY4DV1_RENDERLIST4DV1(rend_list, curr_poly))
- {
- // fix vertex list pointer
- curr_poly->vlist = vlist_old;
- // the whole object didn't fit!
- return(0);
- } // end if
- // fix vertex list pointer
- curr_poly->vlist = vlist_old;
- } // end for
- // return success
- return(1);
- } // end Insert_OBJECT4DV1_RENDERLIST4DV1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Wire(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch)
- {
- // this function renders an object to the screen in wireframe,
- // 8 bit mode, it has no regard at all about hidden surface removal,
- // etc. the function only exists as an easy way to render an object
- // without converting it into polygons, the function assumes all
- // coordinates are screen coordinates, but will perform 2D clipping
- // iterate thru the poly list of the object and simply draw
- // each polygon
- for (int poly=0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // render this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concecpt of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if (!(obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // extract vertex indices into master list, rember the polygons are
- // NOT self contained, but based on the vertex list stored in the object
- // itself
- int vindex_0 = obj->plist[poly].vert[0];
- int vindex_1 = obj->plist[poly].vert[1];
- int vindex_2 = obj->plist[poly].vert[2];
- // draw the lines now
- Draw_Clip_Line(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- // track rendering stats
- #ifdef DEBUG_ON
- debug_polys_rendered_per_frame++;
- #endif
- } // end for poly
- } // end Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Wire
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Wire(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch)
- {
- // this function "executes" the render list or in other words
- // draws all the faces in the list in wire frame 8bit mode
- // note there is no need to sort wire frame polygons, but
- // later we will need to, so hidden surfaces stay hidden
- // also, we leave it to the function to determine the bitdepth
- // and call the correct rasterizer
- // at this point, all we have is a list of polygons and it's time
- // to draw them
- for (int poly=0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // render this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concecpt of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if (!(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // draw the triangle edge one, note that clipping was already set up
- // by 2D initialization, so line clipper will clip all polys out
- // of the 2D screen/window boundary
- Draw_Clip_Line(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- // track rendering stats
- #ifdef DEBUG_ON
- debug_polys_rendered_per_frame++;
- #endif
- } // end for poly
- } // end Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Wire
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Wire16(OBJECT4DV1_PTR obj,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch)
- {
- // this function renders an object to the screen in wireframe,
- // 16 bit mode, it has no regard at all about hidden surface removal,
- // etc. the function only exists as an easy way to render an object
- // without converting it into polygons, the function assumes all
- // coordinates are screen coordinates, but will perform 2D clipping
- // iterate thru the poly list of the object and simply draw
- // each polygon
- for (int poly=0; poly < obj->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // render this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concecpt of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if (!(obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (obj->plist[poly].state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // extract vertex indices into master list, rember the polygons are
- // NOT self contained, but based on the vertex list stored in the object
- // itself
- int vindex_0 = obj->plist[poly].vert[0];
- int vindex_1 = obj->plist[poly].vert[1];
- int vindex_2 = obj->plist[poly].vert[2];
- // draw the lines now
- Draw_Clip_Line16(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line16(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_1 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line16(obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_2 ].y,
- obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].x, obj->vlist_trans[ vindex_0 ].y,
- obj->plist[poly].color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- // track rendering stats
- #ifdef DEBUG_ON
- debug_polys_rendered_per_frame++;
- #endif
- } // end for poly
- } // end Draw_OBJECT4DV1_Wire16
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Wire16(RENDERLIST4DV1_PTR rend_list,
- UCHAR *video_buffer, int lpitch)
- {
- // this function "executes" the render list or in other words
- // draws all the faces in the list in wire frame 16bit mode
- // note there is no need to sort wire frame polygons, but
- // later we will need to, so hidden surfaces stay hidden
- // also, we leave it to the function to determine the bitdepth
- // and call the correct rasterizer
- // at this point, all we have is a list of polygons and it's time
- // to draw them
- for (int poly=0; poly < rend_list->num_polys; poly++)
- {
- // render this polygon if and only if it's not clipped, not culled,
- // active, and visible, note however the concecpt of "backface" is
- // irrelevant in a wire frame engine though
- if (!(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE) ||
- (rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_CLIPPED ) ||
- (rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->state & POLY4DV1_STATE_BACKFACE) )
- continue; // move onto next poly
- // draw the triangle edge one, note that clipping was already set up
- // by 2D initialization, so line clipper will clip all polys out
- // of the 2D screen/window boundary
- Draw_Clip_Line16(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line16(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[1].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- Draw_Clip_Line16(rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[2].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].x,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->tvlist[0].y,
- rend_list->poly_ptrs[poly]->color,
- video_buffer, lpitch);
- // track rendering stats
- #ifdef DEBUG_ON
- debug_polys_rendered_per_frame++;
- #endif
- } // end for poly
- } // end Draw_RENDERLIST4DV1_Wire
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_CAM4DV1_Matrix_Euler(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, int cam_rot_seq)
- {
- // this creates a camera matrix based on Euler angles
- // and stores it in the sent camera object
- // if you recall from chapter 6 to create the camera matrix
- // we need to create a transformation matrix that looks like:
- // Mcam = mt(-1) * my(-1) * mx(-1) * mz(-1)
- // that is the inverse of the camera translation matrix mutilplied
- // by the inverses of yxz, in that order, however, the order of
- // the rotation matrices is really up to you, so we aren't going
- // to force any order, thus its programmable based on the value
- // of cam_rot_seq which can be any value CAM_ROT_SEQ_XYZ where
- // XYZ can be in any order, YXZ, ZXY, etc.
- MATRIX4X4 mt_inv, // inverse camera translation matrix
- mx_inv, // inverse camera x axis rotation matrix
- my_inv, // inverse camera y axis rotation matrix
- mz_inv, // inverse camera z axis rotation matrix
- mrot, // concatenated inverse rotation matrices
- mtmp; // temporary working matrix
- // step 1: create the inverse translation matrix for the camera
- // position
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mt_inv, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- -cam->pos.x, -cam->pos.y, -cam->pos.z, 1);
- // step 2: create the inverse rotation sequence for the camera
- // rember either the transpose of the normal rotation matrix or
- // plugging negative values into each of the rotations will result
- // in an inverse matrix
- // first compute all 3 rotation matrices
- // extract out euler angles
- float theta_x = cam->dir.x;
- float theta_y = cam->dir.y;
- float theta_z = cam->dir.z;
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle x
- float cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_x); // no change since cos(-x) = cos(x)
- float sin_theta = -Fast_Sin(theta_x); // sin(-x) = -sin(x)
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mx_inv, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0,
- 0, -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle y
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_y); // no change since cos(-x) = cos(x)
- sin_theta = -Fast_Sin(theta_y); // sin(-x) = -sin(x)
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&my_inv,cos_theta, 0, -sin_theta, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- sin_theta, 0, cos_theta, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // compute the sine and cosine of the angle z
- cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta_z); // no change since cos(-x) = cos(x)
- sin_theta = -Fast_Sin(theta_z); // sin(-x) = -sin(x)
- // set the matrix up
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mz_inv, cos_theta, sin_theta, 0, 0,
- -sin_theta, cos_theta, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // now compute inverse camera rotation sequence
- switch(cam_rot_seq)
- {
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mx_inv, &my_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &mz_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&my_inv, &mx_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &mz_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mx_inv, &mz_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &my_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&my_inv, &mz_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &mx_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mz_inv, &my_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &mx_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- {
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mz_inv, &mx_inv, &mtmp);
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mtmp, &my_inv, &mrot);
- } break;
- default: break;
- } // end switch
- // now mrot holds the concatenated product of inverse rotation matrices
- // multiply the inverse translation matrix against it and store in the
- // camera objects' camera transform matrix we are done!
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mt_inv, &mrot, &cam->mcam);
- } // end Build_CAM4DV1_Matrix_Euler
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Build_CAM4DV1_Matrix_UVN(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, int mode)
- {
- // this creates a camera matrix based on a look at vector n,
- // look up vector v, and a look right (or left) u
- // and stores it in the sent camera object, all values are
- // extracted out of the camera object itself
- // mode selects how uvn is computed
- // UVN_MODE_SIMPLE - low level simple model, use the target and view reference point
- // UVN_MODE_SPHERICAL - spherical mode, the x,y components will be used as the
- // elevation and heading of the view vector respectively
- // along with the view reference point as the position
- // as usual
- MATRIX4X4 mt_inv, // inverse camera translation matrix
- mt_uvn, // the final uvn matrix
- mtmp; // temporary working matrix
- // step 1: create the inverse translation matrix for the camera
- // position
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mt_inv, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0,
- -cam->pos.x, -cam->pos.y, -cam->pos.z, 1);
- // step 2: determine how the target point will be computed
- if (mode == UVN_MODE_SPHERICAL)
- {
- // use spherical construction
- // target needs to be recomputed
- // extract elevation and heading
- float phi = cam->dir.x; // elevation
- float theta = cam->dir.y; // heading
- // compute trig functions once
- float sin_phi = Fast_Sin(phi);
- float cos_phi = Fast_Cos(phi);
- float sin_theta = Fast_Sin(theta);
- float cos_theta = Fast_Cos(theta);
- // now compute the target point on a unit sphere x,y,z
- cam->target.x = -1*sin_phi*sin_theta;
- cam->target.y = 1*cos_phi;
- cam->target.z = 1*sin_phi*cos_theta;
- } // end else
- // at this point, we have the view reference point, the target and that's
- // all we need to recompute u,v,n
- // Step 1: n = <target position - view reference point>
- VECTOR4D_Build(&cam->pos, &cam->target, &cam->n);
- // Step 2: Let v = <0,1,0>
- VECTOR4D_INITXYZ(&cam->v,0,1,0);
- // Step 3: u = (v x n)
- VECTOR4D_Cross(&cam->v,&cam->n,&cam->u);
- // Step 4: v = (n x u)
- VECTOR4D_Cross(&cam->n,&cam->u,&cam->v);
- // Step 5: normalize all vectors
- VECTOR4D_Normalize(&cam->u);
- VECTOR4D_Normalize(&cam->v);
- VECTOR4D_Normalize(&cam->n);
- // build the UVN matrix by placing u,v,n as the columns of the matrix
- Mat_Init_4X4(&mt_uvn, cam->u.x, cam->v.x, cam->n.x, 0,
- cam->u.y, cam->v.y, cam->n.y, 0,
- cam->u.z, cam->v.z, cam->n.z, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // now multiply the translation matrix and the uvn matrix and store in the
- // final camera matrix mcam
- Mat_Mul_4X4(&mt_inv, &mt_uvn, &cam->mcam);
- } // end Build_CAM4DV1_Matrix_UVN
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Init_CAM4DV1(CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // the camera object
- int cam_attr, // attributes
- POINT4D_PTR cam_pos, // initial camera position
- VECTOR4D_PTR cam_dir, // initial camera angles
- POINT4D_PTR cam_target, // UVN target
- float near_clip_z, // near and far clipping planes
- float far_clip_z,
- float fov, // field of view in degrees
- float viewport_width, // size of final screen viewport
- float viewport_height)
- {
- // this function initializes the camera object cam, the function
- // doesn't do a lot of error checking or sanity checking since
- // I want to allow you to create projections as you wish, also
- // I tried to minimize the number of parameters the functions needs
- // first set up parms that are no brainers
- cam->attr = cam_attr; // camera attributes
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&cam->pos, cam_pos); // positions
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&cam->dir, cam_dir); // direction vector or angles for
- // euler camera
- // for UVN camera
- VECTOR4D_INITXYZ(&cam->u, 1,0,0); // set to +x
- VECTOR4D_INITXYZ(&cam->v, 0,1,0); // set to +y
- VECTOR4D_INITXYZ(&cam->n, 0,0,1); // set to +z
- if (cam_target!=NULL)
- VECTOR4D_COPY(&cam->target, cam_target); // UVN target
- else
- VECTOR4D_ZERO(&cam->target);
- cam->near_clip_z = near_clip_z; // near z=constant clipping plane
- cam->far_clip_z = far_clip_z; // far z=constant clipping plane
- cam->viewport_width = viewport_width; // dimensions of viewport
- cam->viewport_height = viewport_height;
- cam->viewport_center_x = (viewport_width-1)/2; // center of viewport
- cam->viewport_center_y = (viewport_height-1)/2;
- cam->aspect_ratio = (float)viewport_width/(float)viewport_height;
- // set all camera matrices to identity matrix
- MAT_IDENTITY_4X4(&cam->mcam);
- MAT_IDENTITY_4X4(&cam->mper);
- MAT_IDENTITY_4X4(&cam->mscr);
- // set independent vars
- cam->fov = fov;
- // set the viewplane dimensions up, they will be 2 x (2/ar)
- cam->viewplane_width = 2.0;
- cam->viewplane_height = 2.0/cam->aspect_ratio;
- // now we know fov and we know the viewplane dimensions plug into formula and
- // solve for view distance parameters
- float tan_fov_div2 = tan(DEG_TO_RAD(fov/2));
- cam->view_dist = (0.5)*(cam->viewplane_width)*tan_fov_div2;
- // test for 90 fov first since it's easy :)
- if (fov == 90.0)
- {
- // set up the clipping planes -- easy for 90 degrees!
- POINT3D pt_origin; // point on the plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&pt_origin,0,0,0);
- VECTOR3D vn; // normal to plane
- // right clipping plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,1,0,-1); // x=z plane
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->rt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // left clipping plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,-1,0,-1); // -x=z plane
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->lt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // top clipping plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,0,1,-1); // y=z plane
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->tp_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // bottom clipping plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,0,-1,-1); // -y=z plane
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->bt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- } // end if d=1
- else
- {
- // now compute clipping planes yuck!
- POINT3D pt_origin; // point on the plane
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&pt_origin,0,0,0);
- VECTOR3D vn; // normal to plane
- // since we don't have a 90 fov, computing the normals
- // are a bit tricky, there are a number of geometric constructions
- // that solve the problem, but I'm going to solve for the
- // vectors that represent the 2D projections of the frustrum planes
- // on the x-z and y-z planes and then find perpendiculars to them
- // right clipping plane, check the math on graph paper
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,cam->view_dist,0,-cam->viewplane_width/2.0);
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->rt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // left clipping plane, we can simply reflect the right normal about
- // the z axis since the planes are symetric about the z axis
- // thus invert x only
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,-cam->view_dist,0,-cam->viewplane_width/2.0);
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->lt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // top clipping plane, same construction
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,0,cam->view_dist,-cam->viewplane_width/2.0);
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->tp_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- // bottom clipping plane, same inversion
- VECTOR3D_INITXYZ(&vn,0,-cam->view_dist,-cam->viewplane_width/2.0);
- PLANE3D_Init(&cam->bt_clip_plane, &pt_origin, &vn, 1);
- } // end else
- } // end Init_CAM4DV1
- // MAIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if (STANDALONE==1)
- void main()
- {
- static VECTOR4D vscale={1,1,1,1}, vpos = {0,0,0,1}, vrot = {0,0,0,1};
- static OBJECT4DV1 obj;
- static CAM4DV1 cam;
- static RENDERLIST4DV1 rend_list;
- static POLYF4DV1 poly1;
- Open_Error_File("ERROR.TXT", stdout);
- // set function pointer to something
- RGB16Bit = RGB16Bit565;
- // initialize math engine
- Build_Sin_Cos_Tables();
- // initialize the renderlist
- Init_RENDERLIST4DV1(&rend_list);
- // initialize single polygon
- poly1.state = POLY4DV1_STATE_ACTIVE;
- poly1.attr = 0;
- poly1.color = RGB16Bit(255,255,255);
- poly1.vlist[0].x = 0;
- poly1.vlist[0].y = 50;
- poly1.vlist[0].z = 100;
- poly1.vlist[0].w = 1;
- poly1.vlist[1].x = 50;
- poly1.vlist[1].y = 0;
- poly1.vlist[1].z = 100;
- poly1.vlist[1].w = 1;
- poly1.vlist[2].x = -50;
- poly1.vlist[2].y = 50;
- poly1.vlist[2].z = 100;
- poly1.vlist[2].w = 1;
- poly1.tvlist[0].x = 0;
- poly1.tvlist[0].y = 50;
- poly1.tvlist[0].z = 100;
- poly1.tvlist[0].w = 1;
- poly1.tvlist[1].x = 50;
- poly1.tvlist[1].y = 0;
- poly1.tvlist[1].z = 100;
- poly1.tvlist[1].w = 1;
- poly1.tvlist[2].x = -50;
- poly1.tvlist[2].y = 50;
- poly1.tvlist[2].z = 100;
- poly1.tvlist[2].w = 1;
- = poly1.prev = NULL;
- // insert the polygon in the renderlist
- Insert_POLYF4DV1_RENDERLIST4DV1(&rend_list, &poly1);
- Write_Error("nPolygon Initial");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[0], "v0");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[1], "v1");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[2], "v2");
- // initialize camera
- static POINT4D cam_pos = {0,0,-500};
- static VECTOR4D cam_dir = {0,0,0};
- Init_CAM4DV1(&cam, // the camera object
- &cam_pos, // initial camera position
- &cam_dir, // initial camera angles
- 10.0, // near and far clipping planes
- 1000.0,
- 90.0, // field of view in degrees
- 1.0, // viewing distance
- 0.0, // size of viewplane
- 0.0,
- 640, // size of final screen viewport
- 480,
- ((float)640/(float)480));
- // generate camera matrix
- Build_CAM4DV1_Matrix_Euler(&cam, CAM_ROT_SEQ_XYZ);
- // apply world to camera transformation
- Camera_To_Perspective_Norm_RENDERLIST4DV1(&rend_list, &cam);
- Write_Error("nPolygon Perspective");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[0], "v0");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[1], "v1");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[2], "v2");
- // apply screen transform
- Perspective_Norm_To_Screen_RENDERLIST4DV1(&rend_list, &cam);
- Write_Error("nPolygon Screen");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[0], "v0");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[1], "v1");
- VECTOR4D_Print(&rend_list.poly_ptrs[0]->tvlist[2], "v2");
- //Load_OBJECT4DV1_PLG(&obj, "test.plg",vscale, vpos, vrot);
- Close_Error_File();
- } // end main
- #endif