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Package: Source.rar [view]
Upload User: husern
Upload Date: 2018-01-20
Package Size: 42486k
Code Size: 6k
Game Program
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- // T3DLIB8.H - header file for T3DLIB8.H
- // watch for multiple inclusions
- #ifndef T3DLIB8
- #define T3DLIB8
- // DEFINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // general clipping flags for polygons
- #define CLIP_POLY_X_PLANE 0x0001 // cull on the x clipping planes
- #define CLIP_POLY_Y_PLANE 0x0002 // cull on the y clipping planes
- #define CLIP_POLY_Z_PLANE 0x0004 // cull on the z clipping planes
- // defines for light types version 2.0
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_AMBIENT 0x0001 // basic ambient light
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_INFINITE 0x0002 // infinite light source
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_DIRECTIONAL 0x0002 // infinite light source (alias)
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_POINT 0x0004 // point light source
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_SPOTLIGHT1 0x0008 // spotlight type 1 (simple)
- #define LIGHTV2_ATTR_SPOTLIGHT2 0x0010 // spotlight type 2 (complex)
- #define LIGHTV2_STATE_ON 1 // light on
- #define LIGHTV2_STATE_OFF 0 // light off
- // transformation control flags
- #define TRANSFORM_COPY_LOCAL_TO_TRANS 3 // copy data as is, no transform
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // version 2.0 of light structure
- typedef struct LIGHTV2_TYP
- {
- int state; // state of light
- int id; // id of light
- int attr; // type of light, and extra qualifiers
- RGBAV1 c_ambient; // ambient light intensity
- RGBAV1 c_diffuse; // diffuse light intensity
- RGBAV1 c_specular; // specular light intensity
- POINT4D pos; // position of light world/transformed
- POINT4D tpos;
- VECTOR4D dir; // direction of light world/transformed
- VECTOR4D tdir;
- float kc, kl, kq; // attenuation factors
- float spot_inner; // inner angle for spot light
- float spot_outer; // outer angle for spot light
- float pf; // power factor/falloff for spot lights
- int iaux1, iaux2; // auxiliary vars for future expansion
- float faux1, faux2;
- void *ptr;
- // CLASSES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // MACROS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // EXTERNALS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- extern LIGHTV2 lights2[MAX_LIGHTS]; // lights in system
- // PROTOTYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Clip_Polys_RENDERLIST4DV2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, CAM4DV1_PTR cam, int clip_flags);
- int Generate_Terrain_OBJECT4DV2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // pointer to object
- float twidth, // width in world coords on x-axis
- float theight, // height (length) in world coords on z-axis
- float vscale, // vertical scale of terrain
- char *height_map_file, // filename of height bitmap encoded in 256 colors
- char *texture_map_file, // filename of texture map
- int rgbcolor, // color of terrain if no texture
- VECTOR4D_PTR pos, // initial position
- VECTOR4D_PTR rot, // initial rotations
- int poly_attr); // the shading attributes we would like
- int Light_OBJECT4DV2_World2_16(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_OBJECT4DV2_World2(OBJECT4DV2_PTR obj, // object to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV2_World2(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- int Light_RENDERLIST4DV2_World2_16(RENDERLIST4DV2_PTR rend_list, // list to process
- CAM4DV1_PTR cam, // camera position
- LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light list (might have more than one)
- int max_lights); // maximum lights in list
- // lighting system
- int Init_Light_LIGHTV2(LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light array to work with (new)
- int index, // index of light to create (0..MAX_LIGHTS-1)
- int _state, // state of light
- int _attr, // type of light, and extra qualifiers
- RGBAV1 _c_ambient, // ambient light intensity
- RGBAV1 _c_diffuse, // diffuse light intensity
- RGBAV1 _c_specular, // specular light intensity
- POINT4D_PTR _pos, // position of light
- VECTOR4D_PTR _dir, // direction of light
- float _kc, // attenuation factors
- float _kl,
- float _kq,
- float _spot_inner, // inner angle for spot light
- float _spot_outer, // outer angle for spot light
- float _pf); // power factor/falloff for spot lights
- int Reset_Lights_LIGHTV2(LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // light array to work with (new)
- int max_lights); // number of lights in system
- void Transform_LIGHTSV2(LIGHTV2_PTR lights, // array of lights to transform
- int num_lights, // number of lights to transform
- MATRIX4X4_PTR mt, // transformation matrix
- int coord_select); // selects coords to transform
- #endif