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Package: gif2png-2.3.2.tar.gz [view]
Upload User: sorock1981
Upload Date: 2007-01-06
Package Size: 73k
Code Size: 11k
Picture Viewer
Development Platform:
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """web2png -- convert a web hierarchy from using GIFs to using PNGs.
- This script is a front end for gif2png that assists you in converting an
- entire website. Requires gif2png 1.1.0 or later. Requires python 1.5.2
- or later. Requires Unix.
- by Eric S. Raymond <>
- """
- __version__="$Revision: 1.21 $"
- # Future library code -- I'm going to submit this for Python 1.6
- import sys, os, sys
- from stat import *
- if sys.version[:5] < "1.5.2":
- print "This program requires Python 1.5.2 or later."
- sys.exit(1)
- FTW_FILE = 0 # Item is a normal file
- FTW_DIR = 1 # Item is a directory
- FTW_CHRDEV = 2 # Item is a character special device file
- FTW_BLKDEV = 3 # Item is a block special device file
- FTW_FIFO = 4 # Item is a FIFO
- FTW_SYMLINK = 5 # Item is a symbolic link
- FTW_SOCKET = 6 # Item is a socket
- FTW_NOSTAT = -1 # stat failed on item
- FTW_DNR = -2 # item was an unreadable directory
- class FTWException(Exception):
- pass
- def ftw_inner(func, path=".", extra=[]):
- try:
- st = os.stat(path)
- except:
- return FTW_NOSTAT
- mode = st[ST_MODE]
- if S_ISDIR(mode):
- try:
- subdirs = os.listdir(path)
- except:
- return FTW_DNR
- if S_ISREG(mode): ftype = FTW_FILE
- if S_ISDIR(mode): ftype = FTW_DIR
- if S_ISBLK(mode): ftype = FTW_BLKDEV
- if S_ISCHR(mode): ftype = FTW_CHRDEV
- if S_ISFIFO(mode): ftype = FTW_FIFO
- if S_ISLNK(mode): ftype = FTW_SYMLINK
- if S_ISSOCK(mode): ftype = FTW_SOCKET
- terminate = apply(func, tuple([path, st, ftype] + list(extra)))
- if terminate < 0:
- raise FTWException, terminate
- if S_ISDIR(mode) and not terminate:
- for f in subdirs:
- ftw_inner(func, os.path.join(path, f), extra)
- def ftw(func, path=".", *extra):
- """Python tree-walker -- like ftw(3), but more capable."""
- try:
- ftw_inner(func, path, extra)
- except FTWException, val:
- return val
- return 0
- def find(dir=".", regexp=None):
- """Return a tuple list of entries beneath dir matching a given pattern."""
- def findhook(path, st, ftype, r, fl):
- if not r or
- fl.append((path, ftype))
- return 0
- flist=[]
- ftw(findhook, dir, regexp, flist)
- return flist
- def findfiles(dir=".", regexp=None):
- """Return a list of files beneath dir matching a given pattern."""
- return map(lambda x: os.path.normpath(x[0]),
- filter(lambda t: t[1]==FTW_FILE, find(dir, regexp)))
- def cmp(f1, f2, blocksize=1):
- # print "Comparing %s with %s" % (f1, f2)
- # st1 = os.stat(f1); print st1
- # st2 = os.stat(f2); print st2
- f1 = open(f1, "r")
- f2 = open(f2, "r")
- blocknum = 0
- try:
- while 1:
- blocknum = blocknum + 1
- s1 =;
- s2 =;
- if not s1 and not s2:
- break
- elif s1 != s2:
- return blocknum
- finally:
- f1.close()
- f2.close()
- return None
- # End future library code
- import re, getopt, commands, string, shutil, urllib
- nochange = all = None
- gifre = re.compile(r".gif$", re.IGNORECASE)
- pngre = re.compile(r".png$", re.IGNORECASE)
- pagere = re.compile(r".s?html$|.php$|.inc$|.css$|.js$", re.IGNORECASE)
- bakre = re.compile(r".bak$", re.IGNORECASE)
- # Possible left delimiters of these matches are =, ", (, s
- # Possible right delimiters of these matches are ", >, ), s
- # .?"? parts deal with the possibility that the optional " might be backslashed
- delim = r'(?:\?")?' # Optional double quote, possibly preceded by backslash
- gif = delim + '([^">]*.gif)' + delim
- imgre = re.compile(r'SRC=' + gif, re.IGNORECASE)
- hrefre = re.compile(r'<A HREF=' + gif + '>', re.IGNORECASE)
- backre = re.compile(r'BACKGROUND=' + gif, re.IGNORECASE)
- basere = re.compile(r'<BASE HREF=' + gif + '>', re.IGNORECASE)
- cssurlre = re.compile(r'url(' + gif + ')', re.IGNORECASE)
- def version_controlled(page):
- # Is given page under version control?
- return os.path.exists(page + ",v")
- or os.path.exists(os.path.join("RCS", page) + ",v")
- def web2png(directory):
- # Convert a web hierarchy rooted on the given directory
- gifs = findfiles(directory, gifre)
- htmls = findfiles(directory, pagere)
- # There's a standard max on the number of arguments we can feed gif2png.
- # if we see more than these,
- if len(gifs) > 5120:
- "web2png: Too many GIFs. Try converting some subtrees first."
- system.exit(1)
- print "This web subtree has", len(gifs), "GIFs and", len(htmls), "pages."
- # Display information on files we won't convert
- rejects =
- commands.getoutput("gif2png -w "+string.join(gifs," ")+" >/dev/null")
- rejects = re.sub("gif2png: ", " ", rejects)
- if rejects:
- if all:
- print "You are forcing conversion of these GIFs:"
- else:
- print "The following GIFs will not be converted:"
- print rejects
- # Figure out which files are eligible for conversion
- if all:
- giflist = gifs
- else:
- giflist =
- string.split(commands.getoutput("gif2png -w "+string.join(gifs," ")+" 2>/dev/null"))
- if verbose: print "Giflist: " + repr(giflist)
- convert_gifs = []
- for gif in giflist:
- png = re.sub(r".gif$", r".png", gif)
- if os.path.exists(png):
- print "t%s already has a PNG equivalent" % (gif,)
- else:
- convert_gifs.append(gif)
- # Display information on files we will convert
- if convert_gifs:
- print "The following GIFs will be converted:nt" +
- string.join(convert_gifs, "nt")
- if not convert_gifs:
- print "All eligible GIFs seem to have been converted already."
- # Create a dictionary mapping pages to sets of references to be mapped
- print "Checking for HTML, PHP JavaScript and include pages that need conversion..."
- pagecount = 0
- page_conversions = {}
- for file in htmls:
- fp = open(file, "r")
- contents =
- fp.close()
- basedir =
- if basedir:
- basedir =
- else:
- basedir = os.path.dirname(file)
- matches = imgre.findall(contents) + hrefre.findall(contents) + backre.findall(contents) + cssurlre.findall(contents)
- if verbose:
- print "Found %d .gif image(s) references in %s."%(len(matches),file)
- convert_refs = []
- gif_basenames = map(os.path.basename, giflist)
- for ref in matches:
- withbase = os.path.join(basedir, ref)
- # Simple case -- it's a filename, we presume it's local
- if withbase[:5] != "http:" and withbase[1:] != os.sep:
- target = os.path.normpath(withbase)
- if not target in giflist:
- if verbose: print "Won't replace %s. Not on my list."%target
- continue
- # Tricky case -- compare by basename and content
- else:
- basename = os.path.basename(withbase[7:])
- if not basename in gif_basenames:
- print "No local match by basename for %s" % (ref,)
- continue
- target = giflist[gif_basenames.index(basename)]
- (data, headers) = urllib.urlretrieve(withbase)
- not_equal = cmp(data, target)
- os.remove(data)
- if not_equal:
- print "Data of %s and %s don't match at offset %d" % (ref, target, not_equal)
- continue
- ref = ref[:-4]
- convert_refs.append((ref, target))
- if convert_refs:
- print "tIn %s, I see: %s" % (file, string.join(map(lambda x: x[0]+".gif", convert_refs)," "))
- page_conversions[file] = convert_refs
- pagecount = pagecount + 1
- print "%d HTML or PHP page(s) need conversion." % (pagecount,)
- # Unless user is willing to make changes, we're done now
- if nochange:
- return
- # Convert gifs verbosely
- if convert_gifs:
- print "GIF conversions begin:"
- os.system("gif2png -v -O " + string.join(convert_gifs, " "))
- # print "GIF conversions complete"
- # Now check to see which conversions did not take
- failures = []
- for gif in convert_gifs:
- png = re.sub(r".gif$", r".png", gif)
- if not os.path.exists(png):
- failures.append(gif)
- if failures:
- print "Some conversions failed:", string.join(failures)
- # Now hack the references in the web pages
- for page in page_conversions.keys():
- print "Converting %s..." % (page,)
- if version_controlled(page):
- os.system("co -l " + page)
- else:
- shutil.copyfile(page, page + ".bak")
- fp = open(page, "r")
- contents =
- fp.close()
- basedir =
- if basedir:
- basedir =
- else:
- basedir = ""
- for (ref, target) in page_conversions[page]:
- if target in giflist and not target in failures:
- source = '(?P<g1>[="(s])' + ref + r'.gif(?P<g2>[s"\>)])'
- target = r"g<g1>" + ref + r".pngg<g2>"
- print "Source: %s, target %s" % (source, target)
- contents = re.sub(source, target, contents)
- fp = open(page, "w")
- fp.write(contents)
- fp.close()
- print "Page conversions complete."
- def cleanup(directory):
- # Clean up superfluous .gif and .bak files left over after a conversion
- map(os.unlink, findfiles(directory, bakre))
- pnglist = findfiles(directory, pngre)
- for png in pnglist:
- gif = png[:-4] + ".gif"
- if os.path.exists(gif):
- os.remove(gif)
- def unconvert(directory):
- # Reverse a conversion
- pnglist = findfiles(directory, pngre)
- for png in pnglist:
- gif = png[:-4] + ".gif"
- if os.path.exists(gif):
- os.unlink(png)
- htmls = findfiles(directory, pagere)
- for page in htmls:
- if os.path.exists(page + ".bak"):
- os.rename(page + ".bak", page)
- elif version_controlled(page):
- os.system("rcs -u " + page)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- delete = nochange = reverse = verbose = 0
- (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "adnrv")
- if not arguments:
- arguments = ['.']
- for (switch, val) in options:
- if switch == '-a':
- all = 1
- elif switch == '-d':
- delete = 1
- elif switch == '-n':
- nochange = 1
- elif switch == '-r':
- reverse = 1
- elif switch == '-v':
- verbose = 1
- if delete:
- map(cleanup, arguments)
- elif reverse:
- map(unconvert, arguments)
- else:
- map(web2png, arguments)
- # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
- # Local Variables:
- # mode:python
- # End: