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Package: DSP-C6000-DM642DEMO.rar [view]
Upload User: dahaojd
Upload Date: 2008-01-29
Package Size: 14357k
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DSP program
Development Platform:
- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== gio.h ========
- *
- * General Input/Output Module's public header file.
- *
- */
- #ifndef GIO_
- #define GIO_
- #include <iom.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*
- * These function pointers are used to bind blocking functions to IOM.
- * In DSP/BIOS TSK based applications, these function pointers
- * will be assigned to SEM_create, SEM_delete, SEM_pend and SEM_post. These
- * pointers can be assigned to simple block/unblock operations for users
- * who aren't using TSK.
- */
- typedef Ptr (*GIO_TsemCreate)(Int count, Ptr attrs);
- typedef Void (*GIO_TsemDelete)(Ptr semHandle);
- typedef Bool (*GIO_TsemPend)(Ptr semHandle, Uns timeout);
- typedef Void (*GIO_TsemPost)(Ptr semHandle);
- /*
- * A pointer named 'GIO' and a global GIO_CONFIG structure will be initialized
- * by the configuration tool to point to an GIO_Config structure. This
- * structure will be referenced at run-time so that GIO will not have any
- * hard-coded reference to SEM_pend, SEM_post, etc. This will allow GIO to
- * be used in TSK and non-TSK based applications.
- */
- typedef struct GIO_Config {
- GIO_TsemCreate SEMCREATE; /* typically SEM_create */
- GIO_TsemDelete SEMDELETE; /* typically SEM_delete */
- GIO_TsemPend SEMPEND; /* typically SEM_pend */
- GIO_TsemPost SEMPOST; /* typically SEM_post */
- } GIO_Config;
- /*
- * This attributes structure is passed to GIO_create() to specify channel-
- * specific parameters.
- */
- typedef struct GIO_Attrs {
- Int nPackets; /* number of asynch I/O packets */
- Uns timeout; /* for blocking calls (SYS_FOREVER) */
- } GIO_Attrs;
- /*
- * This is the application-level callback function.
- */
- typedef Void (*GIO_TappCallback)(Ptr arg, Int status, Ptr bufp, Uns size);
- /*
- * Application layer code can pass a pointer to one of these structures
- * for the optional asynchronous call extensions. The callback
- * function 'fxn' is called with 'arg' and the other params as defined
- * by the GIO_TappCallback typedef.
- */
- typedef struct GIO_AppCallback {
- GIO_TappCallback fxn;
- Ptr arg;
- } GIO_AppCallback;
- /*
- * GIO_create() allocates and returns a pointer to one of these structures
- * when successful. This structure contains all of the fields necessary
- * for subsequent calls to GIO.
- */
- typedef struct GIO_Obj {
- IOM_Fxns *fxns; /* pointer to mini-driver function table */
- Uns mode; /* IOM_INPUT, IOM_OUTPUT or IOM_INOUT */
- Uns timeout; /* timeout parameter used for blocking calls */
- IOM_Packet syncPacket; /* used only for synchronous operations */
- QUE_Obj freeList; /* available frames for asynchronous I/O */
- Ptr syncObj; /* opaque pointer to synchronization object */
- Ptr mdChan; /* pointer to mini-driver channel object */
- } GIO_Obj, *GIO_Handle;
- /*
- * Default IOM Attributes structure. This structure is used to assign
- * GIO_Attrs defaults and when 'NULL' is passed to GIO_create().
- */
- extern GIO_Attrs GIO_ATTRS;
- /*
- * Pointer to global GIO_Config structure (GIO_CONFIG). GIO_CONFIG is
- * defined by the configuration tool.
- */
- extern GIO_Config *GIO;
- /*
- * -------- class APIs --------
- */
- extern Void GIO_init();
- /*
- * ======== GIO_abort ========
- * Abort all input and output. GIO_abort() is a synchronous call and only
- * returns when all I/O has been successfully aborted.
- */
- #define GIO_abort(gioChan)
- GIO_submit(gioChan, IOM_ABORT, NULL, NULL, NULL)
- /*
- * ======== IOM_control ========
- * Device specific control call.
- */
- extern Int GIO_control(GIO_Handle gioChan, Uns cmd, Ptr args);
- /*
- * ======== GIO_create ========
- * GIO_create() allocates and initializes an GIO_Obj structure. GIO_create()
- * returns a non-NULL GIO_Handle object on success and NULL for failure.
- * The 'name' parameter is used to find a matching name in the device
- * table. Associated IOM_Fxns table and params structure are then used
- * to create a channel for that device. The 'attrs->nPackets' parameter
- * specifies the maximum number of queued asynchronous requests that
- * can be outstanding.
- */
- extern GIO_Handle GIO_create(String name, Int mode, Int *status, Ptr optArgs,
- GIO_Attrs *attrs);
- /*
- * ======== GIO_delete ========
- * GIO_delete() deletes the underlying mini-drivers and then frees up
- * the GIO_Obj structure and any associated GIO_Packet structures.
- */
- extern Int GIO_delete(GIO_Handle gioChan);
- /*
- * ======== GIO_flush ========
- * Flush all input and output. Flush drains all output buffers and discards
- * any pending input. GIO_flush() is synchronous and only returns when
- * all I/O has been successfully flushed.
- */
- #define GIO_flush(gioChan)
- GIO_submit(gioChan, IOM_FLUSH, NULL, NULL, NULL)
- /*
- * ======== GIO_read ========
- * Synchronous read command. GIO_read() returns 'IOM_COMPLETE' when I/O
- * is complete. GIO_read() returns 'IOM_ETIMEOUT' error if timeout occured
- * before read could complete.
- */
- #define GIO_read(gioChan, bufp, psize)
- GIO_submit(gioChan, IOM_READ, bufp, psize, NULL)
- /*
- * ======== GIO_submit ========
- * GIO_submit() is not typically called by the application level. Assorted
- * macros use GIO_submit() to do the needed work.
- *
- * The appCallback parameter causes GIO_submit() to be synchronous or
- * asynchronous. If appCallback is NULL, GIO_submit() will call the
- * GIO->PEND blocking function(synchronous). Otherwise, GIO_submit()
- * will call the callback function and argument when the I/O operation
- * completes(asynchronous).
- */
- extern Int GIO_submit(GIO_Handle gioChan, Uns cmd, Ptr bufp,
- Uns *psize, GIO_AppCallback *appCallback);
- /*
- * ======== GIO_write ========
- * Synchronous write command. Same semantics as GIO_read() above.
- */
- #define GIO_write(gioChan, bufp, psize)
- GIO_submit(gioChan, IOM_WRITE, bufp, psize, NULL)
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* GIO_ */