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- // =============================================================================
- //
- // Barcode VCL Component
- //
- // For Delphi 4/5/6/7, C++ Builder 4/5/6, BDS 2005/2005, Turbo Delphi 2006
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2001, 2007 Han-soft Software, all rights reserved.
- //
- // $Rev: 44 $ $Id: pBarCode.pas 44 2007-01-16 01:16:04Z hanjy $
- //
- // =============================================================================
- unit pBarCode;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls, Graphics, WinTypes, Forms, Math,
- Windows, HBarCode;
- {$I ''}
- type
- TInvalidChar = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Barcode: string) of object;
- TBarCode = class(TCustomPanel)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FBarCode : string; //Barcode value
- FBarType : TBarType; //Barcode Type
- FBarHeight : Integer; //Barcode Height
- FModul : Integer; //Width of thin bar
- FRatio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- FCheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- FColorSpc : TColor; //Background color
- FColorBar : TColor; //Bar color
- FOrientation : TOrientation; //Orientation of barcode
- FTextShow : TTextShow; //Content of barcode text to display
- FTextPosition : TTextPosition; //Position of barcode text to display
- FTextColor : TColor; //Background color of text to display
- FHMargin : Integer; //Left and right margin when auto width
- FAutoWidth : Boolean;
- FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
- FOnInvalidChar : TInvalidChar;
- function GetAngle:Double;
- procedure SetBarType(const Value: TBarType);
- procedure SetBarHeight(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetModul(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetRatio(const Value: Double);
- procedure SetCheckSum(const Value: TCheckSum);
- procedure SetColorSpc(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetColorBar(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetOrientation(const Value: TOrientation);
- procedure SetTextShow(const Value: TTextShow);
- procedure SetTextPosition(const Value: TTextPosition);
- procedure SetTextColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetHMargin(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetAutoWidth(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetBarTypeName: string;
- procedure SetAbout(const Value: string);
- function GetAbout:string;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure SetBarcode(const Value: string); virtual;
- procedure DoChange; virtual;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(Owner:TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent);override;
- procedure Paint;override;
- function AutoSetWidth(H_Margin: Integer): Integer;
- { Display }
- procedure Draw(DCanvas:TCanvas; const DLeft:Integer; const DTop:Integer;
- const DHeight:Integer; const DAngle:Double);overload;
- procedure Draw(DCanvas:TCanvas; const DLeft:Integer; const DTop:Integer;
- const DHeight:Integer);overload;
- function GetBarWidth: Integer;
- function GetBarHeight: Integer;
- function GetCanvasHeight(const DHeight:Integer;
- const DAngle:Double): Integer;overload;
- function GetCanvasWidth(const DHeight:Integer;
- const DAngle:Double): Integer;overload;
- function GetCanvasHeight(const DHeight:Integer): Integer;overload;
- function GetCanvasWidth(const DHeight:Integer): Integer;overload;
- { Print }
- procedure Print(const DUnit:TUnits; const DLeft:Double; const DTop:Double;
- const DHeight:Double; const DModul:Double; const DAngle:Double);overload;
- procedure Print(const DUnit:TUnits; const DLeft:Double; const DTop:Double;
- const DHeight:Double; const DModul:Double);overload;
- function GetPrnBarWidth(const DUnit:TUnits; const DModul:Double): Double;
- function GetPrnCanvasHeight(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double; const DAngle:Double): Double;overload;
- function GetPrnCanvasWidth(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double; const DAngle:Double): Double;overload;
- function GetPrnCanvasHeight(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double): Double;overload;
- function GetPrnCanvasWidth(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double): Double;overload;
- {HBarCode}
- procedure H_DrawBar(
- H_Canvas : TCanvas; //Canvas
- const H_BarType : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const H_BarCode : string; //Barcode value
- const H_Modul : Integer; //Width of thin bar (pixels)
- const H_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const H_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const H_Left : Integer; //Left margin with form (pixels)
- const H_Top : Integer; //Top margin with form (pixels)
- const H_Height : Integer; //Barcode height (pixels)
- const H_TextFont : TFont; //Font of brcode text to display
- const H_TextShow : TTextShow; //Content of barcode text to display
- const H_TextPosition : TTextPosition; //Position of barcode text
- const H_BarColor : TColor; //Color of bar
- const H_SpcColor : TColor; //Background Color of barcode
- const H_BackColor : TColor; //Background Color of barcode text
- const H_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- );
- function H_GetBarWidth(
- const BW_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const BW_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const BW_Modul : Integer; //Width of thin bar (pixels)
- const BW_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const BW_CheckSum : TCheckSum //Algorithms of checksum
- ) : Integer;
- function H_GetCanvasWidth(
- const CW_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const CW_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const CW_Modul : Integer; //Width of thin bar (pixels)
- const CW_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const CW_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const CW_Height : Integer; //Barcode height (pixels)
- const CW_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- ): Integer;
- function H_GetCanvasHeight(
- const CH_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const CH_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const CH_Modul : Integer; //Width of thin bar (pixels)
- const CH_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const CH_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const CH_Height : Integer; //Barcode height (pixels)
- const CH_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- ):Integer;
- procedure H_PrintBar(
- const H_Unit : TUnits; //Unit of width and length (mm/inch)
- const H_BarType : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const H_BarCode : string; //Barcode value
- const H_Modul : Double; //Width of thin bar (mm/inch)
- const H_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const H_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const H_Left : Double; //Left margin from paper (mm/inch)
- const H_Top : Double; //Top margin from paper (mm/inch)
- const H_Height : Double; //Barcode height (mm/inch)
- const H_TextFont : TFont; //Font of brcode text to print
- const H_TextShow : TTextShow; //Content of barcode text to print
- const H_TextPosition : TTextPosition; //Position of barcode text
- const H_BarColor : TColor; //Color of bar
- const H_SpcColor : TColor; //Background color of barcode
- const H_BackColor : TColor; //Background color of barcode text
- const H_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- );
- function H_GetPrnBarWidth(
- const BW_Unit : TUnits; //Unit of width and length (mm/inch)
- const BW_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const BW_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const BW_Modul : Double; //Width of thin bar (mm/inch)
- const BW_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const BW_CheckSum : TCheckSum //Algorithms of checksum
- ):Double;
- function H_PrnCanvasWidth(
- const CW_Unit : TUnits; //Unit of width and length (mm/inch)
- const CW_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const CW_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const CW_Modul : Double; //Width of thin bar (mm/inch)
- const CW_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const CW_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const CW_Height : Double; //Barcode height (mm/inch)
- const CW_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- ):Double;
- function H_PrnCanvasHeight(
- const CH_Unit : TUnits; //Unit of width and length (mm/inch)
- const CH_Type : TBarType; //Barcode type
- const CH_Code : string; //Barcode value
- const CH_Modul : Double; //Width of thin bar (mm/inch)
- const CH_Ratio : Double; //Ratio of thick and thin bar
- const CH_CheckSum : TCheckSum; //Algorithms of checksum
- const CH_Height : Double; //Barcode height (mm/inch)
- const CH_Angle : Double //Angle of left rotate (degree)
- ):Double;
- function H_GetBarTypeName(
- const BN_BarType : TBarType //Barcode type
- ): string;
- property BarTypeName :string read GetBarTypeName;
- property BarWidth :Integer read GetBarWidth;
- property DockManager;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property BarType: TBarType read FBarType write SetBarType
- default bcCode39;
- property BarCode: string read FBarCode write SetBarCode;
- property BarHeight:Integer read FBarHeight write SetBarHeight default 0;
- property Modul :Integer read FModul write SetModul;
- property Ratio :Double read FRatio write SetRatio;
- property CheckSum:TCheckSum read FCheckSum write SetCheckSum default csNone;
- property ColorSpc:TColor read FColorSpc write SetColorSpc default clWhite;
- property ColorBar:TColor read FColorBar write SetColorBar default clBlack;
- property Orientation:TOrientation read FOrientation write SetOrientation
- default toLeftRight;
- property TextShow:TTextShow read FTextShow write SetTextShow default tsNone;
- property TextPosition:TTextPosition read FTextPosition write SetTextPosition
- default tpBottomCenter;
- property TextColor:TColor read FTextColor write SetTextColor
- default clWhite;
- property AutoWidth: Boolean read FAutoWidth write SetAutoWidth default False;
- property HMargin: Integer read FHMargin write SetHMargin default 0;
- property About: string read GetAbout write SetAbout;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnInvalidChar: TInvalidChar read FOnInvalidChar write FOnInvalidChar;
- property Align;
- property Alignment;
- property Anchors;
- property AutoSize;
- property BevelInner;
- property BevelOuter;
- property BevelWidth;
- property BiDiMode;
- property BorderWidth;
- property BorderStyle;
- property Color;
- property Constraints;
- property Ctl3D;
- property UseDockManager default True;
- property DockSite;
- property DragCursor;
- property DragKind;
- property DragMode;
- property Enabled;
- property FullRepaint;
- property Font;
- property Locked;
- property ParentBiDiMode;
- {$IFDEF VER150}
- property ParentBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- property ParentColor;
- property ParentCtl3D;
- property ParentFont;
- property ParentShowHint;
- property PopupMenu;
- property ShowHint;
- property TabOrder;
- property TabStop;
- property Visible;
- property OnCanResize;
- property OnClick;
- property OnConstrainedResize;
- {$IFNDEF VER120}
- {$IFNDEF VER125}
- property OnContextPopup;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- property OnDockDrop;
- property OnDockOver;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnEnter;
- property OnExit;
- property OnGetSiteInfo;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnResize;
- property OnStartDock;
- property OnStartDrag;
- property OnUnDock;
- end;
- implementation
- { Create method }
- constructor TBarCode.Create(Owner:TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(owner);
- FOrientation := toLeftRight;
- FModul := 1;
- FRatio := 2.0;
- FColorSpc := clWhite;
- FColorBar := clBlack;
- FBarCode := '';
- FBarType := bcCode39;
- FBarHeight := 0;
- FCheckSum := csNone;
- FTextColor := clWhite;
- FTextShow := tsNone;
- FTextPosition := tpBottomCenter;
- FHMargin := 0;
- Caption := '';
- end;
- { Destroy method }
- destructor TBarCode.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- { Assign method }
- procedure TBarCode.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- var
- BSource : TBarCode;
- begin
- if Source is TBarCode then
- begin
- inherited;
- BSource := TBarCode(Source);
- FOrientation := BSource.FOrientation;
- FModul := BSource.FModul;
- FRatio := BSource.FRatio;
- FColorSpc := BSource.FColorSpc;
- FColorBar := BSource.FColorBar;
- FBarType := BSource.FBarType;
- FBarCode := BSource.FBarCode;
- FBarHeight := BSource.FBarHeight;
- FCheckSum := BSource.FCheckSum;
- FTextColor := BSource.FTextColor;
- FTextShow := BSource.FTextShow;
- FTextPosition := BSource.FTextPosition;
- FHMargin := BSource.FHMargin;
- FOnChange := BSource.FOnChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Paint method }
- procedure TBarCode.Paint;
- var
- Angle: Double;
- x,y,h: Integer;
- BW: Integer;
- SG: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- BW := BorderWidth;
- if BevelInner <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BevelOuter <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BorderStyle = bsNone then SG := 0 else if Ctl3D then SG := 4 else SG := 2;
- if FAutoWidth then AutoSetWidth(FHMargin);
- x := 0;
- y := 0;
- h := 0;
- Angle := 0;
- Case FOrientation of
- toLeftRight :
- begin
- if FBarHeight = 0 then h := Height - 2*BW - SG - 1 else h := FBarHeight;
- Angle := 0;
- if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
- x := BW
- else
- if Alignment = taRightJustify then
- x := Width - BW - SG - GetBarWidth
- else
- x := (Width - SG - GetBarWidth) div 2;
- y := (Height - h - SG) div 2;
- end;
- toRightLeft :
- begin
- if FBarHeight = 0 then h := Height - 2*BW - SG - 1 else h := FBarHeight;
- Angle := 180;
- if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
- x := BW - 1
- else
- if Alignment = taRightJustify then
- x := Width - BW - SG - GetBarWidth - 1
- else
- x := (Width - SG - GetBarWidth) div 2;
- y := (Height - h - SG) div 2;
- end;
- toTopBottom:
- begin
- if FBarHeight = 0 then h := Width - 2*BW - SG - 1 else h := FBarHeight;
- Angle := 270;
- if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
- y := BW
- else
- if Alignment = taRightJustify then
- y := Height - BW - SG - GetBarWidth
- else
- y := (Height - SG - GetBarWidth) div 2;
- x := (Width - h - SG) div 2;
- end;
- toBottomTop:
- begin
- if FBarHeight = 0 then h := Width - 2*BW - SG - 1 else h := FBarHeight;
- Angle := 90;
- if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
- y := BW - 1
- else
- if Alignment = taRightJustify then
- y := Height - BW - SG - GetBarWidth - 1
- else
- y := (Height - SG - GetBarWidth) div 2;
- x := (Width - h - SG) div 2;
- end;
- end;
- //if FAutoWidth then AutoSetWidth(FHMargin);
- H_DrawBar(Canvas,FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,x,y,h,Font,
- FTextShow,FTextPosition,FColorBar,FColorSpc,FTextColor,Angle);
- end;
- { OnChange Event }
- procedure TBarCode.DoChange;
- begin
- Paint;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then
- FOnChange(Self);
- end;
- { Auto adjust width method }
- function TBarCode.AutoSetWidth(H_Margin: Integer): Integer;
- var
- BW,SG: Integer;
- begin
- BW := BorderWidth;
- if BevelInner <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BevelOuter <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BorderStyle = bsNone then SG := 0 else if Ctl3D then SG := 4 else SG := 2;
- result := GetBarWidth + 2 * (BW + SG + H_Margin);
- if FOrientation in [toLeftRight, toRightLeft] then
- Width := result
- else
- Height := result;
- end;
- { Get barcode angle of left rotate }
- function TBarCode.GetAngle:Double;
- begin
- Case FOrientation of
- toLeftRight : result := 0;
- toRightLeft : result := 180;
- toTopBottom : result := 270;
- toBottomTop : result := 90;
- else
- result := 0;
- end ;
- end;
- { Set HMargin }
- procedure TBarCode.SetHMargin(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FHMargin then
- begin
- FHMargin := Value;
- if FAutoWidth then DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Get barcode width }
- function TBarCode.GetBarWidth: Integer;
- begin
- result := H_GetBarWidth(FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum);
- end;
- { Set barcode value }
- procedure TBarCode.SetBarcode(const Value: string);
- label
- CheckAgain, TryAgain;
- var
- tmp: string;
- chk: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- NewValue: string;
- begin
- if Value <> FBarCode then
- begin
- NewValue := Value;
- if BCdata[FBarType].num then
- begin
- CheckAgain:
- tmp := Trim(NewValue);
- chk := False;
- for i := 1 to Length(tmp) do
- chk := chk or ((tmp[i] > '9') or (tmp[i] < '0'));
- if chk then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnInvalidChar) then FOnInvalidChar(Self, NewValue);
- if NewValue = Value then
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: %s', [Value, ErrorBarcode])
- else
- goto CheckAgain;
- end
- else
- FBarCode := NewValue;
- DoChange;
- end
- else
- begin
- TryAgain:
- chk := False;
- try
- FBarCode := NewValue;
- DoChange;
- except
- if Assigned(FOnInvalidChar) then FOnInvalidChar(Self, NewValue);
- if NewValue = Value then
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s: %s', [Value, ErrorBarcode])
- else
- chk := True;
- end;
- if chk then goto TryAgain;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { Set barcode type }
- procedure TBarCode.SetBarType(const Value: TBarType);
- begin
- if Value <> FBarType then
- try
- FBarType := Value;
- DoChange;
- except
- if Assigned(FOnInvalidChar) then FOnInvalidChar(Self, FBarcode) else raise;
- end;
- end;
- { Set barcode height }
- procedure TBarCode.SetBarHeight(const Value: Integer);
- var
- HeightLimt: Integer;
- BW,SG: Integer;
- begin
- BW := BorderWidth;
- if BevelInner <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BevelOuter <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BorderStyle = bsNone then SG := 0 else if Ctl3D then SG := 4 else SG := 2;
- if FOrientation in [toTopBottom, toBottomTop] then
- HeightLimt := Width - BW * 2 - SG - 1
- else
- HeightLimt := Height - BW * 2 - SG - 1;
- if Value <> FBarHeight then
- begin
- if (Value >= 0) and (Value <= HeightLimt) then
- FBarHeight := Value
- else
- FBarHeight := 0;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Get barcode height }
- function TBarCode.GetBarHeight: Integer;
- var
- BW,SG: Integer;
- begin
- BW := BorderWidth;
- if BevelInner <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BevelOuter <> bvNone then BW := BW + BevelWidth;
- if BorderStyle = bsNone then SG := 0 else if Ctl3D then SG := 4 else SG := 2;
- if FOrientation in [toTopBottom, toBottomTop] then
- Result := Width - BW * 2 - SG - 1
- else
- Result := Height - BW * 2 - SG - 1;
- if (FBarHeight > 0) and (FBarHeight < Result) then
- Result := FBarHeight
- else
- FBarHeight := 0;
- end;
- { Set barcode Algorithms of checksum }
- procedure TBarCode.SetCheckSum(const Value: TCheckSum);
- begin
- if Value <> FCheckSum then
- begin
- FCheckSum := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set ratio of thick and thin bar }
- procedure TBarCode.SetRatio(const Value: Double);
- begin
- if Value <> FRatio then
- begin
- FRatio := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set color of bar }
- procedure TBarCode.SetColorBar(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if Value <> FColorBar then
- begin
- FColorBar := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set background color of barcode }
- procedure TBarCode.SetColorSpc(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if Value <> FColorSpc then
- begin
- FColorSpc := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set width of thin bar }
- procedure TBarCode.SetModul(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FModul then
- begin
- if (Value >= 1) and (Value < 50) then
- begin
- FModul := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { Set Orientation of barcode }
- procedure TBarCode.SetOrientation(const Value: TOrientation);
- begin
- if Value <> FOrientation then
- begin
- FOrientation := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set barcode of text }
- procedure TBarCode.SetTextColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if Value <> FTextColor then
- begin
- FTextColor := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set position of text }
- procedure TBarCode.SetTextPosition(const Value: TTextPosition);
- begin
- if Value <> FTextPosition then
- begin
- FTextPosition := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBarCode.SetAutoWidth(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FAutoWidth then
- begin
- FAutoWidth := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Set content of text }
- procedure TBarCode.SetTextShow(const Value: TTextShow);
- begin
- if Value <> FTextShow then
- begin
- FTextShow := Value;
- DoChange;
- end;
- end;
- { Get type name of current barcode }
- function TBarCode.GetBarTypeName:string;
- begin
- result := BCdata[FBarType].Name;
- end;
- { Get About }
- function TBarCode.GetAbout: string;
- begin
- result := CopyrightInfo;
- end;
- { Set About }
- procedure TBarCode.SetAbout(const Value: string);
- begin
- //
- end;
- { Draw current barcode (defing angle) }
- procedure TBarCode.Draw(DCanvas:TCanvas;const DLeft:Integer; const DTop:Integer;
- const DHeight:Integer; const DAngle:Double);
- begin
- H_DrawBar(DCanvas,FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DLeft,DTop,
- DHeight,Font,FTextShow,FTextPosition,FColorBar,FColorSpc,FTextColor,DAngle);
- end;
- { Draw current barcode (current orientation) }
- procedure TBarCode.Draw(DCanvas:TCanvas; const DLeft:Integer;
- const DTop:Integer; const DHeight:Integer);
- begin
- H_DrawBar(DCanvas,FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DLeft,DTop,
- DHeight,Font,FTextShow,FTextPosition,FColorBar,FColorSpc,FTextColor,
- GetAngle)
- end;
- { Get canvas height of current barcode (define angle) }
- function TBarCode.GetCanvasHeight(const DHeight:Integer;
- const DAngle:Double): Integer;
- begin
- result := H_GetCanvasHeight(FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DHeight,
- DAngle);
- end;
- { Get canvas height of current barcode (current orientation) }
- function TBarCode.GetCanvasHeight(const DHeight:Integer): Integer;
- begin
- result := H_GetCanvasHeight(FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DHeight,
- GetAngle);
- end;
- { Get canvas width of current barcode (define angle) }
- function TBarCode.GetCanvasWidth(const DHeight:Integer;
- const DAngle:Double): Integer;
- begin
- result := H_GetCanvasWidth(FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DHeight,
- DAngle);
- end;
- { Get canvas width of current barcode (current orientation) }
- function TBarCode.GetCanvasWidth(const DHeight:Integer): Integer;
- begin
- result := H_GetCanvasWidth(FBarType,FBarCode,FModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DHeight,
- GetAngle);
- end;
- { Print current barcode (define angle) }
- procedure TBarCode.Print(const DUnit:TUnits; const DLeft:Double;
- const DTop:Double; const DHeight:Double; const DModul:Double;
- const DAngle:Double);
- begin
- H_PrintBar(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DLeft,DTop,DHeight,
- Font,FTextShow,FTextPosition,FColorBar,FColorSpc,FTextColor,DAngle);
- end;
- { Print current barcode (current orientation) }
- procedure TBarCode.Print(const DUnit:TUnits; const DLeft:Double;
- const DTop:Double; const DHeight:Double; const DModul:Double);
- begin
- H_PrintBar(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,DLeft,DTop,DHeight,
- Font,FTextShow,FTextPosition,FColorBar,FColorSpc,FTextColor,GetAngle);
- end;
- { Get Print widht of current barcode (mm/inch) }
- function TBarCode.GetPrnBarWidth(const DUnit:TUnits;
- const DModul:Double): Double;
- begin
- result := H_GetPrnBarWidth(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum);
- end;
- { Get Print cancas height of current barcode (mm/inch, define angle) }
- function TBarCode.GetPrnCanvasHeight(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double; const DAngle:Double): Double;
- begin
- result := H_PrnCanvasWidth(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,
- DHeight,DAngle);
- end;
- { Get Print cancas width of current barcode (mm/inch, define angle) }
- function TBarCode.GetPrnCanvasWidth(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double; const DAngle:Double): Double;
- begin
- result := H_PrnCanvasHeight(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,
- FCheckSum,DHeight,DAngle);
- end;
- { Get Print cancas height of current barcode (mm/inch, current orientation) }
- function TBarCode.GetPrnCanvasHeight(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double): Double;
- begin
- result := H_PrnCanvasWidth(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,
- DHeight,GetAngle);
- end;
- { Get Print cancas width of current barcode (mm/inch, current orientation) }
- function TBarCode.GetPrnCanvasWidth(const DUnit:TUnits; const DHeight:Double;
- const DModul:Double): Double;
- begin
- result := H_PrnCanvasHeight(DUnit,FBarType,FBarCode,DModul,FRatio,FCheckSum,
- DHeight,GetAngle);
- end;
- { Draw a barcode on canvas }
- procedure TBarCode.H_DrawBar(H_Canvas:TCanvas; const H_BarType:TBarType;
- const H_BarCode:string; const H_Modul:Integer; const H_Ratio:Double;
- const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const H_Left:Integer; const H_Top:Integer;
- const H_Height:Integer; const H_TextFont:TFont; const H_TextShow:TTextShow;
- const H_TextPosition:TTextPosition; const H_BarColor:TColor;
- const H_SpcColor:TColor; const H_BackColor:TColor; const H_Angle:Double);
- begin
- HBarCode.H_DrawBar(H_Canvas, H_BarType, H_BarCode, H_Modul, H_Ratio,
- H_CheckSum, H_Left, H_Top, H_Height, H_TextFont, H_TextShow, H_TextPosition,
- H_BarColor, H_SpcColor, H_BackColor, H_Angle);
- end;
- { Get barcode width to display (pixels) }
- function TBarCode.H_GetBarWidth(const BW_Type:TBarType; const BW_Code:string;
- const BW_Modul:Integer; const BW_Ratio:Double;
- const BW_CheckSum:TCheckSum):Integer;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_GetBarWidth(BW_Type, BW_Code, BW_Modul, BW_Ratio,
- BW_CheckSum);
- end;
- { Get cancas width to display (pixels) }
- function TBarCode.H_GetCanvasWidth(const CW_Type:TBarType; const CW_Code:string;
- const CW_Modul:Integer; const CW_Ratio:Double; const CW_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- const CW_Height:Integer; const CW_Angle:Double):Integer;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_GetCanvasWidth(CW_Type, CW_Code, CW_Modul, CW_Ratio,
- CW_CheckSum, CW_Height, CW_Angle);
- end;
- { Get cancas height to display (pixels) }
- function TBarCode.H_GetCanvasHeight(const CH_Type:TBarType;
- const CH_Code:string; const CH_Modul:Integer; const CH_Ratio:Double;
- const CH_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const CH_Height:Integer;
- const CH_Angle:Double):Integer;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_GetCanvasHeight(CH_Type, CH_Code, CH_Modul, CH_Ratio,
- CH_CheckSum, CH_Height, CH_Angle);
- end;
- { Print barcode }
- procedure TBarCode.H_PrintBar(const H_Unit:TUnits; const H_BarType:TBarType;
- const H_BarCode:string; const H_Modul:Double; const H_Ratio:Double;
- const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const H_Left:Double; const H_Top:Double;
- const H_Height:Double; const H_TextFont:TFont; const H_TextShow:TTextShow;
- const H_TextPosition:TTextPosition; const H_BarColor:TColor;
- const H_SpcColor:TColor; const H_BackColor:TColor; const H_Angle:Double);
- begin
- HBarCode.H_PrintBar(H_Unit, H_BarType, H_BarCode, H_Modul, H_Ratio,
- H_CheckSum, H_Left,H_Top, H_Height, H_TextFont, H_TextShow, H_TextPosition,
- H_BarColor, H_SpcColor, H_BackColor, H_Angle);
- end;
- { Get width of barcode to print (mm/inch) }
- function TBarCode.H_GetPrnBarWidth(const BW_Unit:TUnits; const BW_Type:TBarType;
- const BW_Code:string; const BW_Modul:Double; const BW_Ratio:Double;
- const BW_CheckSum:TCheckSum):Double;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_GetPrnBarWidth(BW_Unit, BW_Type, BW_Code, BW_Modul,
- BW_Ratio, BW_CheckSum);
- end;
- { Get width of canvas to print (mm/inch) }
- function TBarCode.H_PrnCanvasWidth(const CW_Unit:TUnits; const CW_Type:TBarType;
- const CW_Code:string; const CW_Modul:Double; const CW_Ratio:Double;
- const CW_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const CW_Height:Double;
- const CW_Angle:Double):Double;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_PrnCanvasWidth(CW_Unit, CW_Type, CW_Code, CW_Modul,
- CW_Ratio, CW_CheckSum, CW_Height, CW_Angle);
- end;
- { Get height of canvas to print (mm/inch) }
- function TBarCode.H_PrnCanvasHeight(const CH_Unit:TUnits;
- const CH_Type:TBarType; const CH_Code:string; const CH_Modul:Double;
- const CH_Ratio:Double; const CH_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const CH_Height:Double;
- const CH_Angle:Double):Double;
- begin
- result := HBarCode.H_PrnCanvasHeight(CH_Unit, CH_Type, CH_Code, CH_Modul,
- CH_Ratio, CH_CheckSum, CH_Height, CH_Angle);
- end;
- { Get name of barcode type }
- function TBarCode.H_GetBarTypeName(const BN_BarType:TBarType): string;
- begin
- result := BCData[BN_BarType].Name;
- end;
- end.