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Upload User: xdwang_66
Upload Date: 2016-04-26
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- // =============================================================================
- //
- // Barcode VCL Component
- //
- // For Delphi 4/5/6/7, C++ Builder 4/5/6, BDS 2005/2005, Turbo Delphi 2006
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2001, 2007 Han-soft Software, all rights reserved.
- //
- // $Rev: 44 $ $Id: 44 2007-01-16 01:16:04Z hanjy $
- //
- // =============================================================================
- {********************}
- { For make barcode }
- {********************}
- { Convert codebar data }
- function Convert(const s:string):string;
- var
- i, v : integer;
- begin
- Result := s; { same Length as Input - string }
- for i:=1 to Length(s) do
- begin
- v := ord(s[i]) - 1;
- if odd(i) then
- Inc(v, 5);
- Result[i] := Chr(v);
- end;
- end;
- { Calculate sum of digitally }
- function quersumme(x:integer):integer;
- var
- sum:integer;
- begin
- sum := 0;
- while x > 0 do
- begin
- sum := sum + (x mod 10);
- x := x div 10;
- end;
- result := sum;
- end;
- { Calculate checksum }
- function CheckSumModulo10(const data:string):string;
- var
- i,fak,sum : Integer;
- begin
- sum := 0;
- fak := Length(data);
- for i:=1 to Length(data) do
- begin
- if (fak mod 2) = 0 then
- sum := sum + (StrToInt(data[i])*1)
- else
- sum := sum + (StrToInt(data[i])*3);
- dec(fak);
- end;
- if (sum mod 10) = 0 then
- result := data+'0'
- else
- result := data+IntToStr(10-(sum mod 10));
- end;
- { Get checksum }
- function DoCheckSumming(const CS_CheckSum:TCheckSum; const data:string):string;
- begin
- case CS_CheckSum of
- csNone:
- Result := data;
- csModulo10:
- Result := CheckSumModulo10(data);
- end;
- end;
- { Assist function for Get barcode data }
- function SetLen(pI:byte; HL_BarCode:string):string;
- begin
- Result := StringOfChar('0', pI-Length(HL_BarCode)) + HL_BarCode;
- end;
- { Assist function for get UPC data }
- function getSupp(Nr : String) : String;
- var
- i,fak,sum : Integer;
- tmp : string;
- begin
- sum := 0;
- tmp := copy(Nr,1,Length(Nr)-1);
- fak := Length(tmp);
- for i:=1 to length(tmp) do
- begin
- if (fak mod 2) = 0 then
- sum := sum + (StrToInt(tmp[i])*9)
- else
- sum := sum + (StrToInt(tmp[i])*3);
- dec(fak);
- end;
- sum:=((sum mod 10) mod 10) mod 10;
- result := tmp+IntToStr(sum);
- end;
- {********************}
- { For EAN }
- {********************}
- { Pattern for Barcode EAN Charset A - L1 S1 L2 S2 }
- const tabelle_EAN_A:array['0'..'9'] of string =
- (
- ('2605'), { 0 }
- ('1615'), { 1 }
- ('1516'), { 2 }
- ('0805'), { 3 }
- ('0526'), { 4 }
- ('0625'), { 5 }
- ('0508'), { 6 }
- ('0706'), { 7 }
- ('0607'), { 8 }
- ('2506') { 9 }
- );
- { Pattern for Barcode EAN Charset B - S1 L1 S2 L2 }
- const tabelle_EAN_B:array['0'..'9'] of string =
- (
- ('0517'), { 0 }
- ('0616'), { 1 }
- ('1606'), { 2 }
- ('0535'), { 3 }
- ('1705'), { 4 }
- ('0715'), { 5 }
- ('3505'), { 6 }
- ('1525'), { 7 }
- ('2515'), { 8 }
- ('1507') { 9 }
- );
- { Pattern for Barcode EAN Charset C - S1 L1 S2 L2 }
- const tabelle_EAN_C:array['0'..'9'] of string =
- (
- ('7150' ), { 0 }
- ('6160' ), { 1 }
- ('6061' ), { 2 }
- ('5350' ), { 3 }
- ('5071' ), { 4 }
- ('5170' ), { 5 }
- ('5053' ), { 6 }
- ('5251' ), { 7 }
- ('5152' ), { 8 }
- ('7051' ) { 9 }
- );
- { Get EAN8 data }
- function Code_EAN8(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum):string;
- var
- i : integer;
- tmp : String;
- begin
- if H_CheckSum <> csNone then
- begin
- tmp := SetLen(7,H_BarCode);
- tmp := DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum,copy(tmp,length(tmp)-6,7));
- end
- else
- tmp := SetLen(8,H_BarCode);
- Assert(Length(tmp)=8, 'EAN8 : ' + ErrorLength);
- result := '505'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to 4 do
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]] ;
- result := result + '05050'; {Center Guard Pattern}
- for i:=5 to 8 do
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ;
- result := result + '505'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- { Pattern for Barcode EAN 13 }
- const tabelle_ParityEAN13:array[0..9, 1..6] of char =
- (
- ('A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A'), { 0 }
- ('A', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B'), { 1 }
- ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B'), { 2 }
- ('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A'), { 3 }
- ('A', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B'), { 4 }
- ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B'), { 5 }
- ('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A'), { 6 }
- ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B'), { 7 }
- ('A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A'), { 8 }
- ('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A') { 9 }
- );
- { Get EAN13 data}
- function Code_EAN13(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum):string;
- var
- i, LK: integer;
- tmp : String;
- begin
- if H_CheckSum <> csNone then
- begin
- tmp := SetLen(12,H_BarCode);
- tmp := DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum, tmp);
- end
- else
- tmp := SetLen(13,H_BarCode);
- Assert(Length(tmp) = 13, 'EAN13 : ' + ErrorLength);
- LK := StrToInt(tmp[1]);
- tmp := copy(tmp,2,12);
- result := '505'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to 6 do
- begin
- case tabelle_ParityEAN13[LK,i] of
- 'A' : result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- 'B' : result := result + tabelle_EAN_B[tmp[i]] ;
- 'C' : result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ;
- end;
- end;
- result := result + '05050'; {Center Guard Pattern}
- for i:=7 to 12 do
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]] ;
- result := result + '505'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code 25 }
- {********************}
- {Pattern for Barcode 2 of 5}
- const tabelle_2_5:array['0'..'9', 1..5] of char =
- (
- ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'), {'0'}
- ('1', '0', '0', '0', '1'), {'1'}
- ('0', '1', '0', '0', '1'), {'2'}
- ('1', '1', '0', '0', '0'), {'3'}
- ('0', '0', '1', '0', '1'), {'4'}
- ('1', '0', '1', '0', '0'), {'5'}
- ('0', '1', '1', '0', '0'), {'6'}
- ('0', '0', '0', '1', '1'), {'7'}
- ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'), {'8'}
- ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0') {'9'}
- );
- { Get Code25 interleaved data }
- function Code_2_5_interleaved(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- var
- i, j: integer;
- c : char;
- begin
- result := '5050'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) div 2 do
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 5 do
- begin
- if tabelle_2_5[H_BarCode[i*2-1], j] = '1' then
- c := '6'
- else
- c := '5';
- result := result + c;
- if tabelle_2_5[H_BarCode[i*2], j] = '1' then
- c := '1'
- else
- c := '0';
- result := result + c;
- end;
- end;
- result := result + '605'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- { Get Code25 industrial data }
- function Code_2_5_industrial(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- var
- i, j: integer;
- begin
- result := '606050'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 5 do
- begin
- if tabelle_2_5[H_BarCode[i], j] = '1' then
- result := result + '60'
- else
- result := result + '50';
- end;
- end;
- result := result + '605060'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- { Get Code25 matrix data }
- function Code_2_5_matrix(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- var
- i, j: integer;
- c :char;
- begin
- result := '705050'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 5 do
- begin
- if tabelle_2_5[H_BarCode[i], j] = '1' then
- c := '1'
- else
- c := '0';
- if odd(j) then
- c := chr(ord(c)+5);
- result := result + c;
- end;
- result := result + '0';
- end;
- result := result + '70505'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code 39 }
- {********************}
- { Get Code39 data }
- function Code_39(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum):string;
- type TCode39 =
- record
- c : char;
- data : array[0..9] of char;
- chk: shortint;
- end;
- const tabelle_39: array[0..43] of TCode39 = (
- ( c:'0'; data:'505160605'; chk:0 ),
- ( c:'1'; data:'605150506'; chk:1 ),
- ( c:'2'; data:'506150506'; chk:2 ),
- ( c:'3'; data:'606150505'; chk:3 ),
- ( c:'4'; data:'505160506'; chk:4 ),
- ( c:'5'; data:'605160505'; chk:5 ),
- ( c:'6'; data:'506160505'; chk:6 ),
- ( c:'7'; data:'505150606'; chk:7 ),
- ( c:'8'; data:'605150605'; chk:8 ),
- ( c:'9'; data:'506150605'; chk:9 ),
- ( c:'A'; data:'605051506'; chk:10),
- ( c:'B'; data:'506051506'; chk:11),
- ( c:'C'; data:'606051505'; chk:12),
- ( c:'D'; data:'505061506'; chk:13),
- ( c:'E'; data:'605061505'; chk:14),
- ( c:'F'; data:'506061505'; chk:15),
- ( c:'G'; data:'505051606'; chk:16),
- ( c:'H'; data:'605051605'; chk:17),
- ( c:'I'; data:'506051605'; chk:18),
- ( c:'J'; data:'505061605'; chk:19),
- ( c:'K'; data:'605050516'; chk:20),
- ( c:'L'; data:'506050516'; chk:21),
- ( c:'M'; data:'606050515'; chk:22),
- ( c:'N'; data:'505060516'; chk:23),
- ( c:'O'; data:'605060515'; chk:24),
- ( c:'P'; data:'506060515'; chk:25),
- ( c:'Q'; data:'505050616'; chk:26),
- ( c:'R'; data:'605050615'; chk:27),
- ( c:'S'; data:'506050615'; chk:28),
- ( c:'T'; data:'505060615'; chk:29),
- ( c:'U'; data:'615050506'; chk:30),
- ( c:'V'; data:'516050506'; chk:31),
- ( c:'W'; data:'616050505'; chk:32),
- ( c:'X'; data:'515060506'; chk:33),
- ( c:'Y'; data:'615060505'; chk:34),
- ( c:'Z'; data:'516060505'; chk:35),
- ( c:'-'; data:'515050606'; chk:36),
- ( c:'.'; data:'615050605'; chk:37),
- ( c:' '; data:'516050605'; chk:38),
- ( c:'*'; data:'515060605'; chk:0 ),
- ( c:'$'; data:'515151505'; chk:39),
- ( c:'/'; data:'515150515'; chk:40),
- ( c:'+'; data:'515051515'; chk:41),
- ( c:'%'; data:'505151515'; chk:42)
- );
- function FindIdx(z:char):integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do
- begin
- if z = tabelle_39[i].c then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := -1;
- end;
- var
- i, idx : integer;
- checksum:integer;
- begin
- checksum := 0;
- {Startcode}
- result := tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data + '0';
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- idx := FindIdx(H_BarCode[i]);
- if idx < 0 then
- continue;
- result := result + tabelle_39[idx].data + '0';
- Inc(checksum, tabelle_39[idx].chk);
- end;
- {Calculate Checksum Data}
- if H_CheckSum <> csNone then
- begin
- checksum := checksum mod 43;
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_39) do
- if checksum = tabelle_39[i].chk then
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_39[i].data + '0';
- break;
- end;
- end;
- {Stopcode}
- result := result + tabelle_39[FindIdx('*')].data;
- end;
- { Get Code39 extended data }
- function Code_39Extended(const H_BarCode:string;
- const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum):string;
- const code39x : array[0..127] of string[2] =
- (
- ('%U'), ('$A'), ('$B'), ('$C'), ('$D'), ('$E'), ('$F'), ('$G'),
- ('$H'), ('$I'), ('$J'), ('$K'), ('$L'), ('$M'), ('$N'), ('$O'),
- ('$P'), ('$Q'), ('$R'), ('$S'), ('$T'), ('$U'), ('$V'), ('$W'),
- ('$X'), ('$Y'), ('$Z'), ('%A'), ('%B'), ('%C'), ('%D'), ('%E'),
- (' '), ('/A'), ('/B'), ('/C'), ('/D'), ('/E'), ('/F'), ('/G'),
- ('/H'), ('/I'), ('/J'), ('/K'), ('/L'), ('/M'), ('/N'), ('/O'),
- ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'),
- ('8'), ('9'), ('/Z'), ('%F'), ('%G'), ('%H'), ('%I'), ('%J'),
- ('%V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'),
- ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'),
- ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'),
- ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), ('%K'), ('%L'), ('%M'), ('%N'), ('%O'),
- ('%W'), ('+A'), ('+B'), ('+C'), ('+D'), ('+E'), ('+F'), ('+G'),
- ('+H'), ('+I'), ('+J'), ('+K'), ('+L'), ('+M'), ('+N'), ('+O'),
- ('+P'), ('+Q'), ('+R'), ('+S'), ('+T'), ('+U'), ('+V'), ('+W'),
- ('+X'), ('+Y'), ('+Z'), ('%P'), ('%Q'), ('%R'), ('%S'), ('%T')
- );
- var
- tmp:string;
- i : integer;
- begin
- tmp := '';
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- if ord(H_BarCode[i]) <= 127 then
- tmp := tmp + code39x[ord(H_BarCode[i])];
- end;
- result := Code_39(tmp,H_CheckSum);
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code 128 }
- {********************}
- { Get Code128 data }
- function Code_128(const H_BarType:TBarType; const H_BarCode:string;
- const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum; var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- type TCode128 =
- record
- a, b : char;
- c : string[2];
- data : string[6];
- end;
- const tabelle_128: array[0..102] of TCode128 = (
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'00'; data:'212222' ),
- ( a:'!'; b:'!'; c:'01'; data:'222122' ),
- ( a:'"'; b:'"'; c:'02'; data:'222221' ),
- ( a:'#'; b:'#'; c:'03'; data:'121223' ),
- ( a:'$'; b:'$'; c:'04'; data:'121322' ),
- ( a:'%'; b:'%'; c:'05'; data:'131222' ),
- ( a:'&'; b:'&'; c:'06'; data:'122213' ),
- ( a:''''; b:''''; c:'07'; data:'122312'),
- ( a:'('; b:'('; c:'08'; data:'132212' ),
- ( a:')'; b:')'; c:'09'; data:'221213' ),
- ( a:'*'; b:'*'; c:'10'; data:'221312' ),
- ( a:'+'; b:'+'; c:'11'; data:'231212' ),
- ( a:','; b:','; c:'12'; data:'112232' ),
- ( a:'-'; b:'-'; c:'13'; data:'122132' ),
- ( a:'.'; b:'.'; c:'14'; data:'122231' ),
- ( a:'/'; b:'/'; c:'15'; data:'113222' ),
- ( a:'0'; b:'0'; c:'16'; data:'123122' ),
- ( a:'1'; b:'1'; c:'17'; data:'123221' ),
- ( a:'2'; b:'2'; c:'18'; data:'223211' ),
- ( a:'3'; b:'3'; c:'19'; data:'221132' ),
- ( a:'4'; b:'4'; c:'20'; data:'221231' ),
- ( a:'5'; b:'5'; c:'21'; data:'213212' ),
- ( a:'6'; b:'6'; c:'22'; data:'223112' ),
- ( a:'7'; b:'7'; c:'23'; data:'312131' ),
- ( a:'8'; b:'8'; c:'24'; data:'311222' ),
- ( a:'9'; b:'9'; c:'25'; data:'321122' ),
- ( a:':'; b:':'; c:'26'; data:'321221' ),
- ( a:';'; b:';'; c:'27'; data:'312212' ),
- ( a:'<'; b:'<'; c:'28'; data:'322112' ),
- ( a:'='; b:'='; c:'29'; data:'322211' ),
- ( a:'>'; b:'>'; c:'30'; data:'212123' ),
- ( a:'?'; b:'?'; c:'31'; data:'212321' ),
- ( a:'@'; b:'@'; c:'32'; data:'232121' ),
- ( a:'A'; b:'A'; c:'33'; data:'111323' ),
- ( a:'B'; b:'B'; c:'34'; data:'131123' ),
- ( a:'C'; b:'C'; c:'35'; data:'131321' ),
- ( a:'D'; b:'D'; c:'36'; data:'112313' ),
- ( a:'E'; b:'E'; c:'37'; data:'132113' ),
- ( a:'F'; b:'F'; c:'38'; data:'132311' ),
- ( a:'G'; b:'G'; c:'39'; data:'211313' ),
- ( a:'H'; b:'H'; c:'40'; data:'231113' ),
- ( a:'I'; b:'I'; c:'41'; data:'231311' ),
- ( a:'J'; b:'J'; c:'42'; data:'112133' ),
- ( a:'K'; b:'K'; c:'43'; data:'112331' ),
- ( a:'L'; b:'L'; c:'44'; data:'132131' ),
- ( a:'M'; b:'M'; c:'45'; data:'113123' ),
- ( a:'N'; b:'N'; c:'46'; data:'113321' ),
- ( a:'O'; b:'O'; c:'47'; data:'133121' ),
- ( a:'P'; b:'P'; c:'48'; data:'313121' ),
- ( a:'Q'; b:'Q'; c:'49'; data:'211331' ),
- ( a:'R'; b:'R'; c:'50'; data:'231131' ),
- ( a:'S'; b:'S'; c:'51'; data:'213113' ),
- ( a:'T'; b:'T'; c:'52'; data:'213311' ),
- ( a:'U'; b:'U'; c:'53'; data:'213131' ),
- ( a:'V'; b:'V'; c:'54'; data:'311123' ),
- ( a:'W'; b:'W'; c:'55'; data:'311321' ),
- ( a:'X'; b:'X'; c:'56'; data:'331121' ),
- ( a:'Y'; b:'Y'; c:'57'; data:'312113' ),
- ( a:'Z'; b:'Z'; c:'58'; data:'312311' ),
- ( a:'['; b:'['; c:'59'; data:'332111' ),
- ( a:''; b:''; c:'60'; data:'314111' ),
- ( a:']'; b:']'; c:'61'; data:'221411' ),
- ( a:'^'; b:'^'; c:'62'; data:'431111' ),
- ( a:'_'; b:'_'; c:'63'; data:'111224' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'`'; c:'64'; data:'111422' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'a'; c:'65'; data:'121124' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'b'; c:'66'; data:'121421' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'c'; c:'67'; data:'141122' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'d'; c:'68'; data:'141221' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'e'; c:'69'; data:'112214' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'f'; c:'70'; data:'112412' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'g'; c:'71'; data:'122114' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'h'; c:'72'; data:'122411' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'i'; c:'73'; data:'142112' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'j'; c:'74'; data:'142211' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'k'; c:'75'; data:'241211' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'l'; c:'76'; data:'221114' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'m'; c:'77'; data:'413111' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'n'; c:'78'; data:'241112' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'o'; c:'79'; data:'134111' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'p'; c:'80'; data:'111242' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'q'; c:'81'; data:'121142' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'r'; c:'82'; data:'121241' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'s'; c:'83'; data:'114212' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'t'; c:'84'; data:'124112' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'u'; c:'85'; data:'124211' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'v'; c:'86'; data:'411212' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'w'; c:'87'; data:'421112' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'x'; c:'88'; data:'421211' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'y'; c:'89'; data:'212141' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'z'; c:'90'; data:'214121' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'{'; c:'91'; data:'412121' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'|'; c:'92'; data:'111143' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'}'; c:'93'; data:'111341' ),
- ( a:' '; b:'~'; c:'94'; data:'131141' ),
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'95'; data:'114113' ), { US,DEL,95 }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'96'; data:'114311' ), { FNC3,FNC3,96 }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'97'; data:'411113' ), { FNC2,FNC2,97 }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'98'; data:'411311' ), { Shift,Shift,98 }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'99'; data:'113141' ), { CodeC,CodeC,99 }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'CB'; data:'114131' ), { CodeB,FNC4,CodeB }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'CA'; data:'311141' ), { FNC4,CodeA,CodeA }
- ( a:' '; b:' '; c:'F1'; data:'411131' ) { FNC1 }
- );
- StartA = '211412';
- StartB = '211214';
- StartC = '211232';
- Stop = '2331112';
- { Find Code 128 Codeset A or B }
- function Find_Code128AB(c:char; const H1_BarType:TBarType):integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- v:char;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_128) do
- begin
- if H1_BarType = bcCode128A then
- v := tabelle_128[i].a
- else
- v := tabelle_128[i].b;
- if c = v then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- {Upgrade to 1.7.3 ->}
- if Ord(c) >= 195 then
- begin
- result := Ord(c) - 100;
- exit
- end;
- {Upgrade to 1.7.3 <-}
- end;
- result := -1;
- end;
- { Find Code 128 Codeset C }
- function Find_Code128C(c:string):integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_128) do begin
- if tabelle_128[i].c = c then begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := -1;
- end;
- var
- i, j, idx: integer;
- startcode:string;
- checksum : integer;
- codeword_pos : integer;
- bar: string;
- begin
- bar := H_BarCode;
- case H_BarType of
- bcCode128A, bcCodeEAN128A:
- begin checksum := 103; startcode:= StartA; end;
- bcCode128B, bcCodeEAN128B:
- begin checksum := 104; startcode:= StartB; end;
- bcCode128C, bcCodeEAN128C:
- begin checksum := 105; startcode:= StartC; end;
- else
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s : %s', ['Code_128 : ',ErrorBarType]);
- end;
- result := startcode;
- codeword_pos := 1;
- case H_BarType of
- bcCodeEAN128A,
- bcCodeEAN128B,
- bcCodeEAN128C:
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_128[102].data;
- Inc(checksum, 102*codeword_pos);
- Inc(codeword_pos);
- if H_CheckSum <> csNone then bar:=DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum, bar);
- end;
- end;
- if (H_BarType = bcCode128C) or (H_BarType = bccodeEAN128C) then
- begin
- if (Length(bar) mod 2<>0) then bar :='0' + bar;
- for i:=1 to (Length(bar) div 2) do
- begin
- j:=(i-1)*2+1;
- idx:=Find_Code128C(copy(bar,j,2));
- if idx < 0 then idx := Find_Code128C('00');
- result := result + tabelle_128[idx].data;
- Inc(checksum, idx*codeword_pos);
- Inc(codeword_pos);
- end;
- end
- else
- for i:=1 to Length(bar) do
- begin
- idx := Find_Code128AB(bar[i],H_BarType);
- if idx < 0 then
- idx := Find_Code128AB(' ',H_BarType);
- result := result + tabelle_128[idx].data;
- Inc(checksum, idx*codeword_pos);
- Inc(codeword_pos);
- end;
- checksum := checksum mod 103;
- result := result + tabelle_128[checksum].data;
- result := result + Stop;
- Result := Convert(Result);
- H_CheckNum := bar;
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code 93 }
- {********************}
- { Get Code93 data }
- function Code_93(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- type TCode93 =
- record
- c : char;
- data : array[0..5] of char;
- end;
- const tabelle_93: array[0..46] of TCode93 = (
- ( c:'0'; data:'131112' ),
- ( c:'1'; data:'111213' ),
- ( c:'2'; data:'111312' ),
- ( c:'3'; data:'111411' ),
- ( c:'4'; data:'121113' ),
- ( c:'5'; data:'121212' ),
- ( c:'6'; data:'121311' ),
- ( c:'7'; data:'111114' ),
- ( c:'8'; data:'131211' ),
- ( c:'9'; data:'141111' ),
- ( c:'A'; data:'211113' ),
- ( c:'B'; data:'211212' ),
- ( c:'C'; data:'211311' ),
- ( c:'D'; data:'221112' ),
- ( c:'E'; data:'221211' ),
- ( c:'F'; data:'231111' ),
- ( c:'G'; data:'112113' ),
- ( c:'H'; data:'112212' ),
- ( c:'I'; data:'112311' ),
- ( c:'J'; data:'122112' ),
- ( c:'K'; data:'132111' ),
- ( c:'L'; data:'111123' ),
- ( c:'M'; data:'111222' ),
- ( c:'N'; data:'111321' ),
- ( c:'O'; data:'121122' ),
- ( c:'P'; data:'131121' ),
- ( c:'Q'; data:'212112' ),
- ( c:'R'; data:'212211' ),
- ( c:'S'; data:'211122' ),
- ( c:'T'; data:'211221' ),
- ( c:'U'; data:'221121' ),
- ( c:'V'; data:'222111' ),
- ( c:'W'; data:'112122' ),
- ( c:'X'; data:'112221' ),
- ( c:'Y'; data:'122121' ),
- ( c:'Z'; data:'123111' ),
- ( c:'-'; data:'121131' ),
- ( c:'.'; data:'311112' ),
- ( c:' '; data:'311211' ),
- ( c:'$'; data:'321111' ),
- ( c:'/'; data:'112131' ),
- ( c:'+'; data:'113121' ),
- ( c:'%'; data:'211131' ),
- ( c:'['; data:'121221' ), {only used for Extended Code 93}
- ( c:']'; data:'312111' ), {only used for Extended Code 93}
- ( c:'{'; data:'311121' ), {only used for Extended Code 93}
- ( c:'}'; data:'122211' ) {only used for Extended Code 93}
- );
- {Find Code 93}
- function Find_Code93(c:char):integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_93) do
- begin
- if c = tabelle_93[i].c then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := -1;
- end;
- var
- i, idx : integer;
- checkC, checkK, {Checksums}
- weightC, weightK : integer;
- begin
- result := '111141'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- idx := Find_Code93(H_BarCode[i]);
- if idx < 0 then
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s : %s', [H_BarCode, ErrorCode93]);
- result := result + tabelle_93[idx].data;
- end;
- checkC := 0;
- checkK := 0;
- weightC := 1;
- weightK := 2;
- for i:=Length(H_BarCode) downto 1 do
- begin
- idx := Find_Code93(H_BarCode[i]);
- Inc(checkC, idx*weightC);
- Inc(checkK, idx*weightK);
- Inc(weightC);
- if weightC > 20 then weightC := 1;
- Inc(weightK);
- if weightK > 15 then weightC := 1;
- end;
- Inc(checkK, checkC);
- checkC := checkC mod 47;
- checkK := checkK mod 47;
- result := result + tabelle_93[checkC].data +
- tabelle_93[checkK].data;
- result := result + '1111411'; {Stopcode}
- Result := Convert(Result);
- end;
- { Get Code93 extended data }
- function Code_93Extended(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- const code93x : array[0..127] of string[2] =
- (
- (']U'), ('[A'), ('[B'), ('[C'), ('[D'), ('[E'), ('[F'), ('[G'),
- ('[H'), ('[I'), ('[J'), ('[K'), ('[L'), ('[M'), ('[N'), ('[O'),
- ('[P'), ('[Q'), ('[R'), ('[S'), ('[T'), ('[U'), ('[V'), ('[W'),
- ('[X'), ('[Y'), ('[Z'), (']A'), (']B'), (']C'), (']D'), (']E'),
- (' '), ('{A'), ('{B'), ('{C'), ('{D'), ('{E'), ('{F'), ('{G'),
- ('{H'), ('{I'), ('{J'), ('{K'), ('{L'), ('{M'), ('{N'), ('{O'),
- ( '0'), ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('4'), ('5'), ('6'), ('7'),
- ('8'), ('9'), ('{Z'), (']F'), (']G'), (']H'), (']I'), (']J'),
- (']V'), ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'),
- ('H'), ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'),
- ('P'), ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'),
- ('X'), ('Y'), ('Z'), (']K'), (']L'), (']M'), (']N'), (']O'),
- (']W'), ('}A'), ('}B'), ('}C'), ('}D'), ('}E'), ('}F'), ('}G'),
- ('}H'), ('}I'), ('}J'), ('}K'), ('}L'), ('}M'), ('}N'), ('}O'),
- ('}P'), ('}Q'), ('}R'), ('}S'), ('}T'), ('}U'), ('}V'), ('}W'),
- ('}X'), ('}Y'), ('}Z'), (']P'), (']Q'), (']R'), (']S'), (']T')
- );
- var
- tmp : string;
- i : integer;
- begin
- tmp := '';
- for i:=0 to Length(H_BarCode)-1 do
- begin
- if ord(H_BarCode[i]) <= 127 then
- tmp := tmp + code93x[ord(H_BarCode[i])];
- end;
- result := Code_93(tmp);
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code MSI }
- {********************}
- { Get Code MSI data }
- function Code_MSI(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- const tabelle_MSI:array['0'..'9'] of string[8] =
- (
- ( '51515151' ), {'0'}
- ( '51515160' ), {'1'}
- ( '51516051' ), {'2'}
- ( '51516060' ), {'3'}
- ( '51605151' ), {'4'}
- ( '51605160' ), {'5'}
- ( '51606051' ), {'6'}
- ( '51606060' ), {'7'}
- ( '60515151' ), {'8'}
- ( '60515160' ) {'9'}
- );
- var
- i:integer;
- check_even, check_odd, checksum:integer;
- begin
- result := '60'; {Startcode}
- check_even := 0;
- check_odd := 0;
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- if odd(i-1) then
- check_odd := check_odd*10+ord(H_BarCode[i])
- else
- check_even := check_even+ord(H_BarCode[i]);
- result := result + tabelle_MSI[H_BarCode[i]];
- end;
- checksum := quersumme(check_odd*2) + check_even;
- checksum := checksum mod 10;
- if checksum > 0 then
- checksum := 10-checksum;
- result := result + tabelle_MSI[chr(ord('0')+checksum)];
- result := result + '515'; {Stopcode}
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Post Net }
- {********************}
- { Get Post Net data }
- function Code_PostNet(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- const tabelle_PostNet:array['0'..'9'] of string[10] =
- (
- ( '5151A1A1A1' ), {'0'}
- ( 'A1A1A15151' ), {'1'}
- ( 'A1A151A151' ), {'2'}
- ( 'A1A15151A1' ), {'3'}
- ( 'A151A1A151' ), {'4'}
- ( 'A151A151A1' ), {'5'}
- ( 'A15151A1A1' ), {'6'}
- ( '51A1A1A151' ), {'7'}
- ( '51A1A151A1' ), {'8'}
- ( '51A151A1A1' ) {'9'}
- );
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- result := '51';
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_PostNet[H_BarCode[i]];
- end;
- result := result + '5';
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Codabar }
- {********************}
- { Get Codabar data }
- function Code_Codabar(const H_BarCode:string):string;
- type TCodabar =
- record
- c : char;
- data : array[0..6] of char;
- end;
- const tabelle_cb: array[0..19] of TCodabar = (
- ( c:'1'; data:'5050615' ),
- ( c:'2'; data:'5051506' ),
- ( c:'3'; data:'6150505' ),
- ( c:'4'; data:'5060515' ),
- ( c:'5'; data:'6050515' ),
- ( c:'6'; data:'5150506' ),
- ( c:'7'; data:'5150605' ),
- ( c:'8'; data:'5160505' ),
- ( c:'9'; data:'6051505' ),
- ( c:'0'; data:'5050516' ),
- ( c:'-'; data:'5051605' ),
- ( c:'$'; data:'5061505' ),
- ( c:':'; data:'6050606' ),
- ( c:'/'; data:'6060506' ),
- ( c:'.'; data:'6060605' ),
- ( c:'+'; data:'5060606' ),
- ( c:'A'; data:'5061515' ),
- ( c:'B'; data:'5151506' ),
- ( c:'C'; data:'5051516' ),
- ( c:'D'; data:'5051615' )
- );
- {find Codabar}
- function Find_Codabar(c:char):integer;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(tabelle_cb) do
- begin
- if c = tabelle_cb[i].c then
- begin
- result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result := -1;
- end;
- var
- i, idx : integer;
- begin
- result := tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('A')].data + '0';
- for i:=1 to Length(H_BarCode) do
- begin
- idx := Find_Codabar(H_BarCode[i]);
- result := result + tabelle_cb[idx].data + '0';
- end;
- result := result + tabelle_cb[Find_Codabar('B')].data;
- end;
- {********************}
- { For Code UPC }
- {********************}
- { Get Code UPC A data }
- function Code_UPC_A(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- var
- i : Integer;
- tmp, bar : string;
- begin
- bar := SetLen(12,H_BarCode);
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then
- tmp:=DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum, copy(bar,1,11))
- else
- tmp:=bar;
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then H_CheckNum := tmp;
- result := '505';
- for i:=1 to 6 do
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- result := result + '05050';
- for i:=7 to 12 do
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i]];
- result := result + '505';
- end;
- {UPC E Parity Pattern Table , Number System 0}
- const tabelle_UPC_E0:array['0'..'9', 1..6] of char =
- (
- ('E', 'E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'o' ), { 0 }
- ('E', 'E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'o' ), { 1 }
- ('E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'o' ), { 2 }
- ('E', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'E' ), { 3 }
- ('E', 'o', 'E', 'E', 'o', 'o' ), { 4 }
- ('E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'E', 'o' ), { 5 }
- ('E', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'E' ), { 6 }
- ('E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'E', 'o' ), { 7 }
- ('E', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'o', 'E' ), { 8 }
- ('E', 'o', 'o', 'E', 'o', 'E' ) { 9 }
- );
- { Get Code UPC E0 data }
- function Code_UPC_E0(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- var
- i,j : integer;
- tmp, bar : string;
- c : char;
- begin
- bar := SetLen(7,H_BarCode);
- tmp:=DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum, Copy(bar,1,6));
- c:=tmp[7];
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then H_CheckNum:=tmp else tmp := bar;
- result := '505';
- for i:=1 to 6 do
- begin
- if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,i]='E' then
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j];
- end
- else
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- end;
- end;
- result := result + '050505';
- end;
- { Get Code UPC E1 data }
- function Code_UPC_E1(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- var
- i,j : integer;
- tmp,bar : string;
- c : char;
- begin
- bar := SetLen(7,H_BarCode);
- tmp :=DoCheckSumming(H_CheckSum, copy(bar,1,6));
- c:=tmp[7];
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then H_CheckNum:=tmp else tmp := bar;
- result := '505';
- for i:=1 to 6 do
- begin
- if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,i]='E' then
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- end
- else
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j];
- end;
- end;
- result := result + '050505';
- end;
- { Get Code UPC Supp5 data }
- function Code_Supp5(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- var
- i,j : Integer;
- tmp, bar : string;
- c : Char;
- begin
- bar := SetLen(5,H_BarCode);
- tmp:=getSupp(copy(bar,1,5)+'0');
- c:=tmp[6];
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then H_CheckNum:=tmp else tmp := bar;
- result := '506'; {Startcode}
- for i:=1 to 5 do
- begin
- if tabelle_UPC_E0[c,(6-5)+i]='E' then
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j];
- end
- else
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- end;
- if i<5 then result:=result+'05'; { character delineator }
- end;
- end;
- { Get Code UPC Supp2 data }
- function Code_Supp2(const H_BarCode:string; const H_CheckSum:TCheckSum;
- var H_CheckNum:string):string;
- var
- i,j : integer;
- tmp, mS, bar: string;
- begin
- bar := SetLen(2,H_BarCode);
- i:=StrToInt(bar);
- case i mod 4 of
- 3: mS:='EE';
- 2: mS:='Eo';
- 1: mS:='oE';
- 0: mS:='oo';
- end;
- tmp:=getSupp(copy(bar,1,5)+'0');
- if H_CheckSum<>csNone then H_CheckNum:=tmp else tmp := bar;
- result := '506';
- for i:=1 to 2 do
- begin
- if mS[i]='E' then
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 4 do result := result + tabelle_EAN_C[tmp[i],5-j];
- end
- else
- begin
- result := result + tabelle_EAN_A[tmp[i]];
- end;
- if i<2 then result:=result+'05';
- end;
- end;