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Package: NETVIDEO.rar [view]
Upload User: sun1608
Upload Date: 2007-02-02
Package Size: 6116k
Code Size: 11k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- ;/**************************************************************************
- ; *
- ; * mmx colorspace conversions
- ; *
- ; * This program is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4
- ; * Video tools as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-2 standard. Those intending
- ; * to use this software module in hardware or software products are
- ; * advised that its use may infringe existing patents or copyrights, and
- ; * any such use would be at such party's own risk. The original
- ; * developer of this software module and his/her company, and subsequent
- ; * editors and their companies, will have no liability for use of this
- ; * software or modifications or derivatives thereof.
- ; *
- ; * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ; * (at your option) any later version.
- ; *
- ; * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; * GNU General Public License for more details.
- ; *
- ; * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ; *
- ; *************************************************************************/
- ;/**************************************************************************
- ; *
- ; * History:
- ; *
- ; * 24.11.2001 added cglobal macro (Isibaar)
- ; * 23.11.2001 initial version; (c)2001 peter ross <>
- ; *
- ; *************************************************************************/
- bits 32
- section .data
- %macro cglobal 1
- %ifdef PREFIX
- global _%1
- %define %1 _%1
- %else
- global %1
- %endif
- %endmacro
- align 16
- ;===========================================================================
- ; yuv constants
- ;===========================================================================
- %define Y_R 0.257
- %define Y_G 0.504
- %define Y_B 0.098
- %define Y_ADD 16
- %define U_R 0.148
- %define U_G 0.291
- %define U_B 0.439
- %define U_ADD 128
- %define V_R 0.439
- %define V_G 0.368
- %define V_B 0.071
- %define V_ADD 128
- ;===========================================================================
- ; multiplication matrices
- ;===========================================================================
- ; %define SCALEBITS 8
- y_mul dw 25 ; FIX(Y_B)
- dw 129 ; FIX(Y_G)
- dw 66 ; FIX(Y_R)
- dw 0
- u_mul dw 112 ; FIX(U_B)
- dw -74 ; FIX(U_G)
- dw -38 ; FIX(U_R)
- dw 0
- v_mul dw -18 ; FIX(V_B)
- dw -94 ; FIX(V_G)
- dw 112 ; FIX(V_R)
- dw 0
- section .text
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ; void rgb24_to_yv12_mmx(uint8_t * const y_out,
- ; uint8_t * const u_out,
- ; uint8_t * const v_out,
- ; const uint8_t * const src,
- ; const uint32_t width,
- ; const uint32_t height,
- ; const uint32_t stride)
- ;
- ; always flips
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- align 16
- cglobal rgb24_to_yv12_mmx
- rgb24_to_yv12_mmx
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push esi
- push edi
- push ebp ; STACK BASE = 20
- ; global consants
- mov eax, [esp + 20 + 28] ; stride
- mov ecx, [esp + 20 + 20] ; width
- mov ebx, eax
- sub ebx, ecx
- shr ebx, 1 ; ebx = (stride-width) / 2;
- push ebx ; [esp + 20] = uv_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 24
- add eax, eax
- sub eax, ecx ; eax = 2*stride - width
- push eax ; [esp + 16] = y_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 28
- mov ebx, ecx ;
- shr ebx, 1 ;
- push ebx ; [esp + 12] = width/2
- ; STACK BASE = 32
- mov edx, ecx
- add ecx, edx
- add ecx, edx ; ecx = 3*width (use 4 for rgb32)
- push ecx ; [esp + 8] = width3
- ; STACK BASE = 36
- mov edx, ecx
- add edx, ecx
- add edx, ecx ; edx = 3*width3
- push edx ; [esp + 4] = src_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 40
- mov esi, [esp + 40 + 16] ; src
- mov ebp, [esp + 40 + 24] ; eax = height
- mov eax, ebp
- sub eax, 2
- mul ecx
- add esi, eax ; src += (height-2) * width3
- mov edi, [esp + 40 + 4] ; y_out
- mov ecx, [esp + 40 + 8] ; u_out
- mov edx, [esp + 40 + 12] ; v_out
- movq mm7, [y_mul]
- shr ebp, 1 ; ebp = height / 2
- push ebp ; [esp+0] = tmp
- ; STACK BASE = 44
- .yloop
- mov ebp, [esp + 12] ; ebp = width /2
- .xloop
- ; y_out
- mov ebx, [esp + 8] ; ebx = width3
- pxor mm4, mm4
- pxor mm5, mm5
- movd mm0, [esi] ; src[0...]
- movd mm2, [esi+ebx] ; src[width3...]
- punpcklbw mm0, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- punpcklbw mm2, mm5 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- movq mm6, mm0 ; = [ |b4|g4|r4]
- paddw mm6, mm2 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm0, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- pmaddwd mm2, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- movq mm4, mm0 ; [r]
- movq mm5, mm2 ; [r]
- psrlq mm4, 32 ; +[g]
- psrlq mm5, 32 ; +[g]
- paddd mm0, mm4 ; +[b]
- paddd mm2, mm5 ; +[b]
- pxor mm4, mm4
- pxor mm5, mm5
- movd mm1, [esi+3] ; src[4...]
- movd mm3, [esi+ebx+3] ; src[width3+4...]
- punpcklbw mm1, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- punpcklbw mm3, mm5 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- paddw mm6, mm1 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- paddw mm6, mm3 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm1, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- pmaddwd mm3, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- movq mm4, mm1 ; [r]
- movq mm5, mm3 ; [r]
- psrlq mm4, 32 ; +[g]
- psrlq mm5, 32 ; +[g]
- paddd mm1, mm4 ; +[b]
- paddd mm3, mm5 ; +[b]
- mov ebx, [esp + 44 + 28] ; stride
- movd eax, mm0
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + ebx], al
- movd eax, mm1
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + ebx + 1], al
- movd eax, mm2
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi], al
- movd eax, mm3
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + 1], al
- ; u_out, v_out
- movq mm0, mm6 ; = [ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm6, [v_mul] ; *= V_MUL
- pmaddwd mm0, [u_mul] ; *= U_MUL
- movq mm1, mm0
- movq mm2, mm6
- psrlq mm1, 32
- psrlq mm2, 32
- paddd mm0, mm1
- paddd mm2, mm6
- movd eax, mm0
- shr eax, 10
- add eax, U_ADD
- mov [ecx], al
- movd eax, mm2
- shr eax, 10
- add eax, V_ADD
- mov [edx], al
- add esi, 2 * 3 ; (use 4 for rgb32)
- add edi, 2
- inc ecx
- inc edx
- dec ebp
- jnz near .xloop
- sub esi, [esp + 4] ; src -= src_dif
- add edi, [esp + 16] ; y_out += y_dif
- add ecx, [esp + 20] ; u_out += uv_dif
- add edx, [esp + 20] ; v_out += uv_dif
- dec dword [esp+0]
- jnz near .yloop
- emms
- add esp, 24
- pop ebp
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- ret
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ; void rgb32_to_yv12mmx(uint8_t * const y_out,
- ; uint8_t * const u_out,
- ; uint8_t * const v_out,
- ; const uint8_t * const src,
- ; const uint32_t width,
- ; const uint32_t height,
- ; const uint32_t stride)
- ;
- ; always flips
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- align 16
- cglobal rgb32_to_yv12_mmx
- rgb32_to_yv12_mmx
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push esi
- push edi
- push ebp ; STACK BASE = 20
- ; global consants
- mov eax, [esp + 20 + 28] ; stride
- mov ecx, [esp + 20 + 20] ; width
- mov ebx, eax
- sub ebx, ecx
- shr ebx, 1 ; ebx = (stride-width) / 2;
- push ebx ; [esp + 20] = uv_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 24
- add eax, eax
- sub eax, ecx ; eax = 2*stride - width
- push eax ; [esp + 16] = y_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 28
- mov ebx, ecx ;
- shr ebx, 1 ;
- push ebx ; [esp + 12] = width/2
- ; STACK BASE = 32
- mov edx, ecx
- shl ecx, 2 ; ecx = 4*width (use 4 for rgb32)
- push ecx ; [esp + 8] = width4
- ; STACK BASE = 36
- mov edx, ecx
- add edx, ecx
- add edx, ecx ; edx = 3*width4
- push edx ; [esp + 4] = src_dif
- ; STACK BASE = 40
- mov esi, [esp + 40 + 16] ; src
- mov ebp, [esp + 40 + 24] ; eax = height
- mov eax, ebp
- sub eax, 2
- mul ecx
- add esi, eax ; src += (height-2) * width4
- mov edi, [esp + 40 + 4] ; y_out
- mov ecx, [esp + 40 + 8] ; u_out
- mov edx, [esp + 40 + 12] ; v_out
- movq mm7, [y_mul]
- shr ebp, 1 ; ebp = height / 2
- push ebp ; [esp+0] = tmp
- ; STACK BASE = 44
- .yloop
- mov ebp, [esp + 12] ; ebp = width /2
- .xloop
- ; y_out
- mov ebx, [esp + 8] ; ebx = width4
- pxor mm4, mm4
- movq mm0, [esi] ; src[4... |0... ]
- movq mm2, [esi+ebx] ; src[width4+4...|width4...]
- movq mm1, mm0
- movq mm3, mm2
- punpcklbw mm0, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- punpcklbw mm2, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- punpckhbw mm1, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- punpckhbw mm3, mm4 ; [ |b |g |r ]
- movq mm6, mm0 ; = [ |b4|g4|r4]
- paddw mm6, mm2 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm0, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- pmaddwd mm2, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- movq mm4, mm0 ; [r]
- movq mm5, mm2 ; [r]
- psrlq mm4, 32 ; +[g]
- psrlq mm5, 32 ; +[g]
- paddd mm0, mm4 ; +[b]
- paddd mm2, mm5 ; +[b]
- paddw mm6, mm1 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- paddw mm6, mm3 ; +[ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm1, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- pmaddwd mm3, mm7 ; *= Y_MUL
- movq mm4, mm1 ; [r]
- movq mm5, mm3 ; [r]
- psrlq mm4, 32 ; +[g]
- psrlq mm5, 32 ; +[g]
- paddd mm1, mm4 ; +[b]
- paddd mm3, mm5 ; +[b]
- mov ebx, [esp + 44 + 28] ; stride
- movd eax, mm0
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + ebx], al
- movd eax, mm1
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + ebx + 1], al
- movd eax, mm2
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi], al
- movd eax, mm3
- shr eax, 8
- add eax, Y_ADD
- mov [edi + 1], al
- ; u_out, v_out
- movq mm0, mm6 ; = [ |b4|g4|r4]
- pmaddwd mm6, [v_mul] ; *= V_MUL
- pmaddwd mm0, [u_mul] ; *= U_MUL
- movq mm1, mm0
- movq mm2, mm6
- psrlq mm1, 32
- psrlq mm2, 32
- paddd mm0, mm1
- paddd mm2, mm6
- movd eax, mm0
- shr eax, 10
- add eax, U_ADD
- mov [ecx], al
- movd eax, mm2
- shr eax, 10
- add eax, V_ADD
- mov [edx], al
- add esi, 2 * 4 ; (use 4 for rgb32)
- add edi, 2
- inc ecx
- inc edx
- dec ebp
- jnz near .xloop
- sub esi, [esp + 4] ; src -= src_dif
- add edi, [esp + 16] ; y_out += y_dif
- add ecx, [esp + 20] ; u_out += uv_dif
- add edx, [esp + 20] ; v_out += uv_dif
- dec dword [esp+0]
- jnz near .yloop
- emms
- add esp, 24
- pop ebp
- pop edi
- pop esi
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- ret