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Package: QGIS.rar [view]
Upload User: oybseng
Upload Date: 2015-04-27
Package Size: 7831k
Code Size: 25k
Development Platform:
Visual C++
- #ifndef DATUM_H
- #define DATUM_H
- /***************************************************************************/
- *
- *
- * This component provides datum shifts for a large collection of local
- * datums, WGS72, and WGS84. A particular datum can be accessed by using its
- * standard 5-letter code to find its index in the datum table. The index
- * can then be used to retrieve the name, type, ellipsoid code, and datum
- * shift parameters, and to perform shifts to or from that datum.
- *
- * By sequentially retrieving all of the datum codes and/or names, a menu
- * of the available datums can be constructed. The index values resulting
- * from selections from this menu can then be used to access the parameters
- * of the selected datum, or to perform datum shifts involving that datum.
- *
- * This component supports both 3-parameter local datums, for which only X,
- * Y, and Z translations relative to WGS 84 have been defined, and
- * 7-parameter local datums, for which X, Y, and Z rotations, and a scale
- * factor, are also defined. It also includes entries for WGS 84 (with an
- * index of 0), and WGS 72 (with an index of 1), but no shift parameter
- * values are defined for these.
- *
- * This component provides datum shift functions for both geocentric and
- * geodetic coordinates. WGS84 is used as an intermediate state when
- * shifting from one local datum to another. When geodetic coordinates are
- * given Molodensky's method is used, except near the poles where the 3-step
- * step method is used instead. Specific algorithms are used for shifting
- * between WGS72 and WGS84.
- *
- * This component depends on two data files, named 3_param.dat and
- * 7_param.dat, which contain the datum parameter values. Copies of these
- * files must be located in the directory specified by the value of the
- * environment variable "DATUM_DATA", if defined, or else in the current
- * directory whenever a program containing this component is executed.
- *
- * Additional datums can be added to these files, either manually or using
- * the Create_Datum function. However, if a large number of datums are
- * added, the datum table array sizes in this component will have to be
- * increased.
- *
- * This component depends on two other components: the Ellipsoid component
- * for access to ellipsoid parameters; and the Geocentric component for
- * conversions between geodetic and geocentric coordinates.
- *
- *
- * This component checks for input file errors and input parameter errors.
- * If an invalid value is found, the error code is combined with the current
- * error code using the bitwise or. This combining allows multiple error
- * codes to be returned. The possible error codes are:
- *
- * DATUM_NO_ERROR : No errors occurred in function
- * DATUM_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR : Datum module has not been initialized
- * DATUM_7PARAM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR : 7 parameter file opening error
- * DATUM_7PARAM_FILE_PARSING_ERROR : 7 parameter file structure error
- * DATUM_7PARAM_OVERFLOW_ERROR : 7 parameter table overflow
- * DATUM_3PARAM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR : 3 parameter file opening error
- * DATUM_3PARAM_FILE_PARSING_ERROR : 3 parameter file structure error
- * DATUM_3PARAM_OVERFLOW_ERROR : 3 parameter table overflow
- * DATUM_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR : Index out of valid range (less than one
- * or more than Datum_Count)
- * DATUM_INVALID_SRC_INDEX_ERROR : Source datum index invalid
- * DATUM_INVALID_DEST_INDEX_ERROR : Destination datum index invalid
- * DATUM_INVALID_CODE_ERROR : Datum code not found in table
- * DATUM_LAT_ERROR : Latitude out of valid range (-90 to 90)
- * DATUM_LON_ERROR : Longitude out of valid range (-180 to
- * 360)
- * DATUM_SIGMA_ERROR : Standard error values must be positive
- * (or -1 if unknown)
- * DATUM_DOMAIN_ERROR : Domain of validity not well defined
- * DATUM_ELLIPSE_ERROR : Error in ellipsoid module
- * DATUM_NOT_USERDEF_ERROR : Datum code is not user defined - cannot
- * be deleted
- *
- *
- *
- * Datum is intended for reuse by any application that needs access to
- * datum shift parameters relative to WGS 84.
- *
- *
- *
- * Further information on Datum can be found in the Reuse Manual.
- *
- * Datum originated from : U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (USATEC)
- * Geospatial Information Division (GID)
- * 7701 Telegraph Road
- * Alexandria, VA 22310-3864
- *
- *
- * None apply to this component.
- *
- *
- * Datum has no restrictions.
- *
- *
- * Datum was tested and certified in the following environments:
- *
- * 1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC 2.8.1
- * 2. MS Windows 95 with MS Visual C++ 6
- *
- *
- * Date Description
- * ---- -----------
- * 03/30/97 Original Code
- * 05/28/99 Added user-definable datums (for JMTK)
- * Added datum domain of validity checking (for JMTK)
- * Added datum shift accuracy calculation (for JMTK)
- */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- #define DATUM_NO_ERROR 0x00000
- #define DATUM_7PARAM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 0x00002
- #define DATUM_3PARAM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 0x00010
- #define DATUM_INVALID_CODE_ERROR 0x00400
- #define DATUM_LAT_ERROR 0x00800
- #define DATUM_LON_ERROR 0x01000
- #define DATUM_SIGMA_ERROR 0x02000
- #define DATUM_DOMAIN_ERROR 0x04000
- #define DATUM_ELLIPSE_ERROR 0x08000
- #define DATUM_NOT_USERDEF_ERROR 0x10000
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- typedef enum Datum_Types
- {
- Three_Param_Datum,
- Seven_Param_Datum,
- WGS84_Datum,
- WGS72_Datum
- } Datum_Type; /* different types of datums */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- /* ensure proper linkage to c++ programs */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- long Initialize_Datums(void);
- /*
- * The function Initialize_Datums creates the datum table from two external
- * files. If an error occurs, the initialization stops and an error code is
- * returned. This function must be called before any of the other functions
- * in this component.
- */
- long Create_Datum ( const char *Code,
- const char *Name,
- const char *Ellipsoid_Code,
- double Delta_X,
- double Delta_Y,
- double Delta_Z,
- double Sigma_X,
- double Sigma_Y,
- double Sigma_Z,
- double South_latitude,
- double North_latitude,
- double West_longitude,
- double East_longitude);
- /*
- * Code : 5-letter new datum code. (input)
- * Name : Name of the new datum (input)
- * Ellipsoid_Code : 2-letter code for the associated ellipsoid (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Sigma_X : Standard error in X in meters (input)
- * Sigma_Y : Standard error in Y in meters (input)
- * Sigma_Z : Standard error in Z in meters (input)
- * South_latitude : Southern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
- * North_latitude : Northern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
- * West_longitude : Western edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- * East_longitude : Eastern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- *
- * The function Create_Datum creates a new local (3-parameter) datum with the
- * specified code, name, shift values, and standard error values. If the
- * datum table has not been initialized, the specified code is already in use,
- * or a new version of the 3-param.dat file cannot be created, an error code
- * is returned, otherwise DATUM_NO_ERROR is returned. Note that the indexes
- * of all datums in the datum table may be changed by this function.
- */
- long Delete_Datum (const char *Code);
- /*
- * Code : 5-letter datum code. (input)
- *
- * The function Delete_Datum deletes a local (3-parameter) datum with the
- * specified code. If the datum table has not been initialized or a new
- * version of the 3-param.dat file cannot be created, an error code is returned,
- * otherwise DATUM_NO_ERROR is returned. Note that the indexes of all datums
- * in the datum table may be changed by this function.
- */
- long Datum_Uses_Ellipsoid (const char *Code);
- /*
- * The function Datum_Uses_Ellipsoid returns 1 if the ellipsoid is in use by a
- * user defined datum. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
- *
- * Code : The ellipsoid code being searched for. (input)
- */
- long Datum_Count ( long *Count );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Count returns the number of Datums in the table
- * if the table was initialized without error.
- *
- * Count : number of datums in the datum table (output)
- */
- long Datum_Index ( const char *Code,
- long *Index );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Index returns the index of the datum with the
- * specified code.
- *
- * Code : The datum code being searched for (input)
- * Index : The index of the datum in the table with the (output)
- * specified code
- */
- long Datum_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Code returns the 5-letter code of the datum
- * referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Code : The datum code of the datum referenced by index (output)
- */
- long Datum_Name ( const long Index,
- char *Name );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Name returns the name of the datum referenced by
- * index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Name : The datum name of the datum referenced by index (output)
- */
- long Datum_Ellipsoid_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Ellipsoid_Code returns the 2-letter ellipsoid code
- * for the ellipsoid associated with the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Code : The ellisoid code for the ellipsoid associated with the (output)
- * datum referenced by index
- */
- long Retrieve_Datum_Type ( const long Index,
- Datum_Type *Type );
- /*
- * The function Retrieve_Datum_Type returns the type of the datum referenced by
- * index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Type : The type of the datum referenced by index (output)
- */
- long Datum_Seven_Parameters ( const long Index,
- double *Delta_X,
- double *Delta_Y,
- double *Delta_Z,
- double *Rx,
- double *Ry,
- double *Rz,
- double *Scale_Factor );
- /*
- * The function Datum_Seven_Parameters returns the seven parameters
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation in meters (output)
- * Rx : X rotation in radians (output)
- * Rx : Y rotation in radians (output)
- * Ry : Z rotation in radians (output)
- * Scale_Factor : Scale factor (output)
- */
- long Datum_Three_Parameters ( const long Index,
- double *Delta_X,
- double *Delta_Y,
- double *Delta_Z);
- /*
- * The function Datum_Three_Parameters returns the three parameters
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation in meters (output)
- */
- long Datum_Errors ( const long Index,
- double *Sigma_X,
- double *Sigma_Y,
- double *Sigma_Z);
- /*
- * The function Datum_Errors returns the standard errors in X,Y, & Z
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Sigma_X : Standard error in X in meters (output)
- * Sigma_Y : Standard error in Y in meters (output)
- * Sigma_Z : Standard error in Z in meters (output)
- */
- long Datum_Valid_Rectangle ( const long Index,
- double *South_latitude,
- double *North_latitude,
- double *West_longitude,
- double *East_longitude);
- /*
- * The function Datum_Valid_Rectangle returns the edges of the validity
- * rectangle for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * South_latitude : Southern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- * North_latitude : Northern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- * West_longitude : Western edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- * East_longitude : Eastern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- */
- long Datum_User_Defined ( const long Index,
- long *result );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * result : Indicates whether specified datum is user defined (1)
- * or not (0) (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Datum_User_Defined checks whether or not the specified datum is
- * user defined. It returns 1 if the datum is user defined, and returns
- * 0 otherwise. If index is valid DATUM_NO_ERROR is returned, otherwise
- */
- long Valid_Datum ( const long Index,
- double latitude,
- double longitude,
- long *result );
- /*
- * This function checks whether or not the specified location is within the
- * validity rectangle for the specified datum. It returns zero if the specified
- * location is NOT within the validity rectangle, and returns 1 otherwise.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * latitude : Latitude of the location to be checked in radians (input)
- * longitude : Longitude of the location to be checked in radians (input)
- * result : Indicates whether location is inside (1) or outside (0)
- * of the validity rectangle of the specified datum (output)
- */
- long Geocentric_Shift_To_WGS84 (const long Index,
- const double X,
- const double Y,
- const double Z,
- double *X_WGS84,
- double *Y_WGS84,
- double *Z_WGS84);
- /*
- * This function shifts a geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in meters) relative
- * to the datum referenced by index to a geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in
- * meters) relative to WGS84.
- *
- * Index : Index of local datum (input)
- * X : X coordinate relative to the source datum (input)
- * Y : Y coordinate relative to the source datum (input)
- * Z : Z coordinate relative to the source datum (input)
- * X_WGS84 : X coordinate relative to WGS84 (output)
- * Y_WGS84 : Y coordinate relative to WGS84 (output)
- * Z_WGS84 : Z coordinate relative to WGS84 (output)
- */
- long Geocentric_Shift_From_WGS84 (const double X_WGS84,
- const double Y_WGS84,
- const double Z_WGS84,
- const long Index,
- double *X,
- double *Y,
- double *Z);
- /*
- * This function shifts a geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in meters) relative
- * to WGS84 to a geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in meters) relative to the
- * local datum referenced by index.
- *
- * X_WGS84 : X coordinate relative to WGS84 (input)
- * Y_WGS84 : Y coordinate relative to WGS84 (input)
- * Z_WGS84 : Z coordinate relative to WGS84 (input)
- * Index : Index of destination datum (input)
- * X : X coordinate relative to the destination datum (output)
- * Y : Y coordinate relative to the destination datum (output)
- * Z : Z coordinate relative to the destination datum (output)
- */
- long Geocentric_Datum_Shift ( const long Index_in,
- const double X_in,
- const double Y_in,
- const double Z_in,
- const long Index_out,
- double *X_out,
- double *Y_out,
- double *Z_out);
- /*
- * This function shifts a geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in meters) relative
- * to the source datum to geocentric coordinate (X, Y, Z in meters) relative
- * to the destination datum.
- *
- * Index_in : Index of source datum (input)
- * X_in : X coordinate relative to source datum (input)
- * Y_in : Y coordinate relative to source datum (input)
- * Z_in : Z coordinate relative to source datum (input)
- * Index_out : Index of destination datum (input)
- * X_out : X coordinate relative to destination datum (output)
- * Y_out : Y coordinate relative to destination datum (output)
- * Z_out : Z coordinate relative to destination datum (output)
- */
- long Geodetic_Shift_To_WGS84 (const long Index,
- const double Lat_in,
- const double Lon_in,
- const double Hgt_in,
- double *WGS84_Lat,
- double *WGS84_Lon,
- double *WGS84_Hgt);
- /*
- * This function shifts geodetic coordinates relative to a given source datum
- * to geodetic coordinates relative to WGS84.
- *
- * Index : Index of source datum (input)
- * Lat_in : Latitude in radians relative to source datum (input)
- * Lon_in : Longitude in radians relative to source datum (input)
- * Hgt_in : Height in meters relative to source datum's ellipsoid (input)
- * WGS84_Lat : Latitude in radians relative to WGS84 (output)
- * WGS84_Lon : Longitude in radians relative to WGS84 (output)
- * WGS84_Hgt : Height in meters relative to WGS84 ellipsoid (output)
- */
- long Geodetic_Shift_From_WGS84( const double WGS84_Lat,
- const double WGS84_Lon,
- const double WGS84_Hgt,
- const long Index,
- double *Lat_out,
- double *Lon_out,
- double *Hgt_out);
- /*
- * This function shifts geodetic coordinates relative to a WGS84
- * to geodetic coordinates relative to a given local datum.
- *
- * WGS84_Lat : Latitude in radians relative to WGS84 (input)
- * WGS84_Lon : Longitude in radians relative to WGS84 (input)
- * WGS84_Hgt : Height in meters relative to WGS84 ellipsoid (input)
- * Index : Index of destination datum (input)
- * Lat_in : Latitude in radians relative to destination datum (output)
- * Lon_in : Longitude in radians relative to destination datum (output)
- * Hgt_in : Height in meters relative to destination datum's ellipsoid (output)
- */
- long Geodetic_Datum_Shift ( const long Index_in,
- const double Lat_in,
- const double Lon_in,
- const double Hgt_in,
- const long Index_out,
- double *Lat_out,
- double *Lon_out,
- double *Hgt_out);
- /*
- * This function shifts geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude in radians
- * and height in meters) relative to the source datum to geodetic coordinates
- * (latitude, longitude in radians and height in meters) relative to the
- * destination datum.
- *
- * Index_in : Index of source datum (input)
- * Lat_in : Latitude in radians relative to source datum (input)
- * Lon_in : Longitude in radians relative to source datum (input)
- * Hgt_in : Height in meters relative to source datum's ellipsoid (input)
- * Index_out : Index of destination datum (input)
- * Lat_out : Latitude in radians relative to destination datum (output)
- * Lon_out : Longitude in radians relative to destination datum (output)
- * Hgt_out : Height in meters relative to destination datum's ellipsoid (output)
- */
- long Datum_Shift_Error (const long Index_in,
- const long Index_out,
- double latitude,
- double longitude,
- double *ce90,
- double *le90,
- double *se90);
- /*
- * This function returns the 90% horizontal (circular), vertical (linear), and
- * spherical errors for a shift from the specified source datum to the
- * specified destination datum at the specified location.
- *
- * Index_in : Index of source datum (input)
- * Index_out : Index of destination datum (input)
- * latitude : Latitude of point being converted in radians (input)
- * longitude : Longitude of point being converted in radians (input)
- * ce90 : Combined 90% circular horizontal error in meters (output)
- * le90 : Combined 90% linear vertical error in meters (output)
- * se90 : Combined 90% spherical error in meters (output)
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* DATUM_H */