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Package: QGIS.rar [view]
Upload User: oybseng
Upload Date: 2015-04-27
Package Size: 7831k
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Visual C++
- #ifndef ENGINE_H
- #define ENGINE_H
- /***************************************************************************/
- *
- *
- * This component is the coordinate transformation engine for the GEOTRANS
- * application. It provides an external input interface that supports the
- * GEOTRANS GUIs (Motif and Windows) and the GEOTRANS file processing
- * component.
- *
- * This component depends on the DT&CC modules: DATUM, ELLIPSOID,
- *
- *
- *
- * This component checks for error codes returned by the DT&CC modules.
- * If an error code is returned, it is combined with the current
- * error code using the bitwise or. This combining allows multiple error
- * codes to be returned. The possible error codes are listed below.
- *
- *
- *
- * GEOTRANS ENGINE is intended for reuse by other applications that require
- * coordinate conversions between multiple coordinate systems and/or datum
- * transformations between multiple datums.
- *
- *
- *
- * Further information on GEOTRANS ENGINE can be found in the GEOTRANS ENGINE
- * Reuse Manual.
- *
- * GEOTRANS ENGINE originated from : U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
- * Geospatial Information Division
- * 7701 Telegraph Road
- * Alexandria, VA 22310-3864
- *
- *
- * None apply to this component.
- *
- *
- * GEOTRANS ENGINE has no restrictions.
- *
- *
- * GEOTRANS ENGINE was tested and certified in the following environments:
- *
- * 1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC, version 2.8.1
- * 2. Windows 95 with MS Visual C++, version 6
- *
- *
- * Date Description
- * ---- -----------
- * 04-22-97 Original Code
- * 09-30-99 Added support for 15 new projections
- * 05-30-00 Added support for 2 new projections
- * 06-30-00 Added support for 1 new projection
- * 09-30-00 Added support for 4 new projections
- */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- /* Engine return status codes */
- #define ENGINE_INPUT_WARNING 0x00000001 /* Warning returned by 1st conversion */
- #define ENGINE_INPUT_ERROR 0x00000002 /* Error returned by 1st conversion */
- #define ENGINE_OUTPUT_WARNING 0x00000004 /* Warning returned by 2nd conversion */
- #define ENGINE_OUTPUT_ERROR 0x00000008 /* Error returned by 2nd conversion */
- /* Initialization errors */
- #define ENGINE_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x00000010 /* Initialize_Engine has not been called */
- #define ENGINE_ELLIPSOID_ERROR 0x00000020 /* Error returned by Ellipsoid module */
- #define ENGINE_DATUM_ERROR 0x00000040 /* Error returned by Datum module */
- #define ENGINE_GEOID_ERROR 0x00000080 /* Error returned by Geoid module*/
- /* Interface parameter errors (should never occur) */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_TYPE 0x00000100 /* Invalid coordinate system type */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_DIRECTION 0x00000200 /* Invalid direction (input or output) */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_STATE 0x00000400 /* Invalid state (interactive or file) */
- /* Lookup table errors */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR 0x00001000 /* Index is an invalid value */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_CODE_ERROR 0x00002000 /* Code was not found in table */
- #define ENGINE_ELLIPSOID_OVERFLOW 0x00004000 /* Ellipsoid table overflow */
- #define ENGINE_DATUM_OVERFLOW 0x00008000 /* 3-parameter datum table overflow */
- /* Datum definition errors */
- #define ENGINE_DATUM_SIGMA_ERROR 0x00010000 /* Standard error values must be positive
- (or -1 if unknown) */
- #define ENGINE_DATUM_DOMAIN_ERROR 0x00020000 /* Invalid local datum domain of validity */
- /* Ellipsoid errors */
- #define ENGINE_ELLIPSE_IN_USE_ERROR 0x00040000 /* Ellipsoid code is in use by a datum */
- /* Datum, ellipsoid deletion error */
- #define ENGINE_NOT_USERDEF_ERROR 0x00080000 /* Specified code is not user defined */
- /* Input/Output conversion status codes */
- #define ENGINE_ORIGIN_LAT_ERROR 0x00000001 /* Invalid Origin Latitude */
- #define ENGINE_CENT_MER_ERROR 0x00000002 /* Invalid Central Meridian */
- #define ENGINE_EASTING_ERROR 0x00000004 /* Invalid Easting */
- #define ENGINE_NORTHING_ERROR 0x00000008 /* Invalid Northing */
- #define ENGINE_RADIUS_ERROR 0x00000010 /* Point too far from center of projection */
- #define ENGINE_HEMISPHERE_ERROR 0x00000020 /* Invalid Hemisphere */
- #define ENGINE_SCALE_FACTOR_ERROR 0x00000040 /* Invalid Scale Factor */
- #define ENGINE_LON_WARNING 0x00000080 /* Longitude too far from Central Meridian */
- #define ENGINE_ORIGIN_LON_ERROR 0x00000100 /* Invalid Origin Longitude */
- #define ENGINE_DATUM_WARNING 0x00000200 /* Point outside datum validity rectangle */
- /* Lambert/Albers error conditions */
- #define ENGINE_FIRST_STDP_ERROR 0x00000400 /* Invalid 1st Standard Parallel */
- #define ENGINE_SECOND_STDP_ERROR 0x00000800 /* Invalid 2nd Standard Parallel */
- #define ENGINE_FIRST_SECOND_ERROR 0x00001000 /* 1st & 2nd Standard Parallel cannot be same */
- /* UTM/UPS/MGRS specific error conditions */
- #define ENGINE_ZONE_ERROR 0x00002000 /* Invalid UTM Zone */
- #define ENGINE_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR 0x00004000 /* Invalid UTM zone Override */
- /* MGRS, GEOREF, British National Grid error condition */
- #define ENGINE_STRING_ERROR 0x00008000 /* Invalid MGRS, GEOREF or BNG String */
- /* GEOREF specific error conditions */
- #define ENGINE_STR_LON_MIN_ERROR 0x00010000 /* GEOREF string long. min. error */
- #define ENGINE_STR_LAT_MIN_ERROR 0x00020000 /* GEOREF string lat. min. error */
- /* Equidistant Cylindrical error condition */
- #define ENGINE_STDP_ERROR 0x00040000 /* Standard parallel error */
- /* Azimuthal Equidistant error condition */
- #define ENGINE_PROJECTION_ERROR 0x00080000 /* Point projects into a circle of radius PI*R */
- /* Oblique Mercator error conditions */
- #define ENGINE_LAT1_ERROR 0x00100000 /* Invalid 1st Latitude */
- #define ENGINE_LON1_ERROR 0x00200000 /* Invalid 1st Longitude */
- #define ENGINE_LAT2_ERROR 0x00400000 /* Invalid 2nd Latitude */
- #define ENGINE_LON2_ERROR 0x00800000 /* Invalid 2nd Longitude */
- #define ENGINE_LAT1_LAT2_ERROR 0x01000000 /* 1st & 2nd Latitudes cannot be equal */
- /* British National Grid error condition */
- #define ENGINE_INVALID_AREA_ERROR 0x02000000 /* Coordinate outside BNG grid */
- /* British National Grid, New Zealand Map Grid error condition */
- #define ENGINE_ELLIPSOID_CODE_ERROR 0x04000000 /* Invalid ellipsoid */
- /* Common status codes */
- #define ENGINE_NO_ERROR 0x00000000 /* no error */
- #define ENGINE_LAT_ERROR 0x10000000 /* Invalid Latitude */
- #define ENGINE_LON_ERROR 0x20000000 /* Invalid Longitude */
- #define ENGINE_A_ERROR 0x40000000 /* Invalid Ellipsoid Semi-Major Axis */
- #define ENGINE_INV_F_ERROR 0x80000000 /* Invalid Inverse Flattening */
- /* Symbolic constants */
- #define NUMBER_COORD_SYS 32 /* Number of coordinate systems */
- #define COORD_SYS_CODE_LENGTH 3 /* Length of coordinate system codes (including null) */
- #define COORD_SYS_NAME_LENGTH 50 /* Max length of coordinate system names (including null) */
- #define DATUM_CODE_LENGTH 7 /* Length of datum codes (including null) */
- #define DATUM_NAME_LENGTH 33 /* Max length of datum names (including null) */
- #define ELLIPSOID_CODE_LENGTH 3 /* Length of ellipsoid codes (including null) */
- #define ELLIPSOID_NAME_LENGTH 30 /* Max length of ellipsoid names (including null) */
- #define CONVERT_MSG_LENGTH 2048 /* Max length of coordinate conversion status message */
- #define RETURN_MSG_LENGTH 256 /* Max length of return code status message */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- */
- /* State Enumerations */
- typedef enum Input_Output
- {
- Input = 0,
- Output = 1
- } Input_or_Output;
- typedef enum File_Interactive
- {
- File = 0,
- Interactive = 1
- } File_or_Interactive;
- /* Coordinate Type Enumeration */
- typedef enum Coordinate_Types
- {
- Geodetic,
- Geocentric,
- Local_Cartesian,
- UTM,
- UPS,
- Albers_Equal_Area_Conic,
- Azimuthal_Equidistant,
- BNG,
- Bonne,
- Cassini,
- Cylindrical_Equal_Area,
- Eckert4,
- Eckert6,
- Equidistant_Cylindrical,
- Gnomonic,
- Lambert_Conformal_Conic,
- Mercator,
- Miller_Cylindrical,
- Mollweide,
- Neys,
- Oblique_Mercator,
- Orthographic,
- Polar_Stereo,
- Polyconic,
- Sinusoidal,
- Stereographic,
- Transverse_Cylindrical_Equal_Area,
- Transverse_Mercator,
- Van_der_Grinten
- } Coordinate_Type;
- /* Precision Enumeration */
- typedef enum Precisions
- {
- Degree, /* 100000m */
- Ten_Minutes, /* 10000m */
- Minute, /* 1000m */
- Ten_Seconds, /* 100m */
- Second, /* 10m */
- Tenth_of_Second, /* 1m */
- Hundredth_of_Second, /* 0.1m */
- Thousandth_of_Second, /* 0.01 */
- Ten_Thousandth_of_Second /* 0.001m */
- } Precision;
- /* Heights */
- typedef enum Height_Types
- {
- No_Height,
- Ellipsoid_Height,
- Geoid_or_MSL_Height
- } Height_Type;
- /* Datums */
- typedef enum Define_Datum_Types
- {
- Three_Param_Datum_Type,
- Seven_Param_Datum_Type,
- WGS84_Datum_Type,
- WGS72_Datum_Type
- } Define_Datum_Type;
- /* Geocentric Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Geocentric_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double x; /* meters */
- double y; /* meters */
- double z; /* meters */
- } Geocentric_Tuple;
- /* Geodetic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Geodetic_Structure
- {
- Height_Type height_type;
- } Geodetic_Parameters;
- /* Geodetic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Geodetic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double longitude; /* radians */
- double latitude; /* radians */
- double height; /* meters */
- } Geodetic_Tuple;
- /* GEOREF Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct GEOREF_Tuple_Structure
- {
- char string[21];
- } GEOREF_Tuple;
- /* Albers Equal Area Conic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double std_parallel_1; /* radians */
- double std_parallel_2; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Parameters;
- /* Albers Equal Area Conic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Tuple;
- /* Azimuthal Equidistant Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Azimuthal_Equidistant_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Azimuthal_Equidistant_Parameters;
- /* Azimuthal Equidistant Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Azimuthal_Equidistant_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Azimuthal_Equidistant_Tuple;
- /* BNG Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct BNG_Tuple_Structure
- {
- char string[21];
- } BNG_Tuple;
- /* Bonne Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Bonne_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Bonne_Parameters;
- /* Bonne Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Bonne_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Bonne_Tuple;
- /* Cassini Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Cassini_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Cassini_Parameters;
- /* Cassini Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Cassini_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Cassini_Tuple;
- /* Cylindrical Equal Area Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Parameters;
- /* Cylindrical Equal Area Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Tuple;
- /* Eckert IV Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Eckert4_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Eckert4_Parameters;
- /* Eckert IV Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Eckert4_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Eckert4_Tuple;
- /* Eckert VI Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Eckert6_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Eckert6_Parameters;
- /* Eckert VI Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Eckert6_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Eckert6_Tuple;
- /* Equidistant Cylindrical Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Equidistant_Cylindrical_Structure
- {
- double std_parallel; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Equidistant_Cylindrical_Parameters;
- /* Equidistant Cylindrical Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Equidistant_Cylindrical_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Equidistant_Cylindrical_Tuple;
- /* Gnomonic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Gnomonic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Gnomonic_Parameters;
- /* Gnomonic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Gnomonic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Gnomonic_Tuple;
- /* Lambert Conformal Conic System Definition */
- typedef struct Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double std_parallel_1; /* radians */
- double std_parallel_2; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Parameters;
- /* Lambert Conformal Conic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Tuple;
- /* Local Cartesian Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Local_Cartesian_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double origin_longitude; /* radians */
- double origin_height; /* meters */
- double orientation; /* radians clockwise from north */
- } Local_Cartesian_Parameters;
- /* Local Cartesian Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Local_Cartesian_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double x; /* meters */
- double y; /* meters */
- double z; /* meters */
- } Local_Cartesian_Tuple;
- /* Mercator Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Mercator_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double scale_factor; /* unitless */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Mercator_Parameters;
- /* Mercator Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Mercator_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Mercator_Tuple;
- /* MGRS Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct MGRS_Tuple_Structure
- {
- char string[21];
- } MGRS_Tuple;
- /* Miller Cylindrical Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Miller_Cylindrical_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Miller_Cylindrical_Parameters;
- /* Miller Cylindrical Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Miller_Cylindrical_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Miller_Cylindrical_Tuple;
- /* Mollweide Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Mollweide_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Mollweide_Parameters;
- /* Mollweide Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Mollweide_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Mollweide_Tuple;
- /* Ney's (Modified Lambert Conformal Conic) System Definition */
- typedef struct Neys_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double std_parallel_1; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Neys_Parameters;
- /* Ney's (Modified Lambert Conformal Conic) Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Neys_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Neys_Tuple;
- /* New Zealand Map Grid Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct NZMG_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } NZMG_Tuple;
- /* Oblique Mercator Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Oblique_Mercator_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double latitude_1; /* radians */
- double longitude_1; /* radians */
- double latitude_2; /* radians */
- double longitude_2; /* radians */
- double scale_factor; /* unitless */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Oblique_Mercator_Parameters;
- /* Oblique Mercator Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Oblique_Mercator_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Oblique_Mercator_Tuple;
- /* Orthographic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Orthographic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Orthographic_Parameters;
- /* Orthographic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Orthographic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Orthographic_Tuple;
- /* Polar Stereographic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Polar_Stereo_Structure
- {
- double latitude_of_true_scale; /* radians */
- double longitude_down_from_pole; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Polar_Stereo_Parameters;
- /* Polar Stereographic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Polar_Stereo_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Polar_Stereo_Tuple;
- /* Polyconic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Polyconic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Polyconic_Parameters;
- /* Polyconic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Polyconic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Polyconic_Tuple;
- /* Sinusoidal Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Sinusoidal_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Sinusoidal_Parameters;
- /* Sinusoidal Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Sinusoidal_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Sinusoidal_Tuple;
- /* Stereographic Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Stereographic_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Stereographic_Parameters;
- /* Stereographic Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Stereographic_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Stereographic_Tuple;
- /* Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Transverse_Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double scale_factor; /* unitless */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Transverse_Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Parameters;
- /* Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Transverse_Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Transverse_Cylindrical_Equal_Area_Tuple;
- /* Transverse Mercator Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Transverse_Mercator_Structure
- {
- double origin_latitude; /* radians */
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double scale_factor; /* unitless */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Transverse_Mercator_Parameters;
- /* Transverse Mercator Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Transverse_Mercator_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Transverse_Mercator_Tuple;
- /* UPS Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct UPS_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- char hemisphere; /* "N" or "S" */
- } UPS_Tuple;
- /* UTM Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct UTM_Structure
- {
- long zone; /* 1..60 */
- long override; /* 0 or 1 */
- } UTM_Parameters;
- /* UTM Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct UTM_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- long zone; /* 1..60 */
- char hemisphere; /* "N" or "S" */
- } UTM_Tuple;
- /* Van Der Grinten Coordinate System Definition */
- typedef struct Van_der_Grinten_Structure
- {
- double central_meridian; /* radians */
- double false_easting; /* meters */
- double false_northing; /* meters */
- } Van_der_Grinten_Parameters;
- /* Van Der Grinten Coordinate Tuple Definition */
- typedef struct Van_der_Grinten_Tuple_Structure
- {
- double easting; /* meters */
- double northing; /* meters */
- } Van_der_Grinten_Tuple;
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * for ENGINE.C
- */
- /* ensure proper linkage to c++ programs */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- long Initialize_Engine();
- /*
- * The function Initialize_Engine sets the initial state of the engine in
- * in preparation for coordinate conversion and/or datum transformation
- * operations.
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System_Count ( long *Count );
- /*
- * Count : The number of coordinate systems supported. (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Coordinate_System_Count returns the number of coordinate
- * systems (including projections and grids) that are supported.
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System_Index ( const char *Code,
- long *Index );
- /*
- * Code : 2-letter coordinate system code. (input)
- * Index : Index of the coordinate system with the specified code
- * (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Coordinate_System_Index returns the index of the coordinate
- * system with the specified code. If the specified Code is found,
- * ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_CODE_ERROR is
- * returned.
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System_Type ( const long Index,
- Coordinate_Type *System );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a specific coordinate system (input)
- * System : Type of the coordinate system referencd by index (output)
- *
- * The Function Get_Coordinate_System_Type returns the type of the coordinate
- * system with the specified index. If theh index is valid, ENGINE_NO_ERROR is
- * returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR is returned.
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System_Name ( const long Index,
- char *Name );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a specific coordinate system (input)
- * Name : Name of the coordinate system referencd by index (output)
- *
- * The Function Get_Coordinate_System_Name returns the name of the coordinate
- * system with the specified index. If theh index is valid, ENGINE_NO_ERROR is
- * returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR is returned.
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a specific coordinate system (input)
- * Code : 2-letter coordinate system code. (output)
- *
- * The Function Get_Coordinate_System_Code returns the 2-letter code for the
- * coordinate system with the specified index. If index is valid, ENGINE_NO_ERROR
- * is returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR is returned.
- */
- long Set_Coordinate_System
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Coordinate_Type System );
- /*
- * The function Set_Coordinate_System sets the coordinate system for the
- * specified state to the specified coordinate system type.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinate system is to be used for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinate system is to be used for
- * input or output (input)
- * System : Identifies the coordinate system to be used (input)
- */
- long Get_Coordinate_System
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Coordinate_Type *System );
- /*
- * The function Get_Coordinate_System returns the current coordinate system
- * type for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinate system is to be used for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinate system is to be used for
- * input or output (input)
- * System : Identifies current coordinate system type (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Count ( long *Count );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Count returns the number of Datums in the table
- * if the table was initialized without error.
- *
- * Count : number of datums in the datum table (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Index ( const char *Code,
- long *Index );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Index returns the index of the datum with the
- * specified code.
- *
- * Code : The datum code being searched for (input)
- * Index : The index of the datum in the table with the (output)
- * specified code
- */
- long Get_Datum_Name ( const long Index,
- char *Name );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Name returns the name of the datum referenced by
- * index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Name : The datum name of the datum referenced by index (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Code returns the 5-letter code of the datum
- * referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Code : The datum code of the datum referenced by index (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Ellipsoid_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Ellipsoid_Code returns the 2-letter ellipsoid code
- * for the ellipsoid associated with the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Code : The ellisoid code for the ellipsoid associated with the (output)
- * datum referenced by index
- */
- long Get_Datum_Type (const long Index,
- Define_Datum_Type *Type);
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Type returns the type of the datum referenced by
- * index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table. (input)
- * Type : The type of datum referenced by index. (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Seven_Parameters (const long Index,
- double *Delta_X,
- double *Delta_Y,
- double *Delta_Z,
- double *Rx,
- double *Ry,
- double *Rz,
- double *Scale_Factor);
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Seven_Parameters returns the seven parameters
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table. (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation in meters (output)
- * Rx : X rotation in radians (output)
- * Rx : Y rotation in radians (output)
- * Ry : Z rotation in radians (output)
- * Scale_Factor : Scale factor (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Three_Parameters (const long Index,
- double *Delta_X,
- double *Delta_Y,
- double *Delta_Z);
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Three_Parameters returns the three parameters
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table. (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation in meters (output)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation in meters (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Errors (const long Index,
- double *Sigma_X,
- double *Sigma_Y,
- double *Sigma_Z);
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Errors returns the standard errors in X,Y, & Z
- * for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * Sigma_X : Standard error in X in meters (output)
- * Sigma_Y : Standard error in Y in meters (output)
- * Sigma_Z : Standard error in Z in meters (output)
- */
- long Get_Datum_Valid_Rectangle (const long Index,
- double *South_latitude,
- double *North_latitude,
- double *West_longitude,
- double *East_longitude);
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum_Valid_Rectangle returns the edges of the validity
- * rectangle for the datum referenced by index.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * South_latitude : Southern edge of validity rectangle in radians (output)
- * North_latitude : Northern edge of validity rectangle in radians (output)
- * West_longitude : Western edge of validity rectangle in radians (output)
- * East_longitude : Eastern edge of validity rectangle in radians (output)
- */
- long Check_Datum_User_Defined ( const long Index,
- long *result );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * result : Indicates whether specified datum is user defined (1)
- * or not (0) (output)
- *
- * The function Check_Datum_User_Defined checks whether or not the specified datum is
- * user defined. It returns 1 if the datum is user defined, and returns
- * 0 otherwise.
- */
- long Check_Valid_Datum(const long Index,
- double latitude,
- double longitude,
- long *result);
- /*
- * The function Check_Valid_Datum checks whether or not the specified location is within the
- * validity rectangle for the specified datum. It returns zero if the specified
- * location is NOT within the validity rectangle, and returns 1 otherwise.
- *
- * Index : The index of a given datum in the datum table (input)
- * latitude : Latitude of the location to be checked in radians (input)
- * longitude : Longitude of the location to be checked in radians (input)
- * result : Indicates whether location is inside (1) or outside (0)
- * of the validity rectangle of the specified datum (output)
- */
- long Set_Datum
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const long Index );
- /*
- * The function Set_Datum sets the datum for the specified state to the
- * datum corresponding to the specified index.
- * State : Indicates whether the datum is to be used for interactive
- * or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the datum is to be used for input or
- * output (input)
- * Index : Identifies the index of the datum to be used (input)
- */
- long Get_Datum
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- long *Index );
- /*
- * The function Get_Datum returns the index of the current datum for the
- * specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the datum is to be used for interactive
- * or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the datum is to be used for input or
- * output (input)
- * Index : Identifies the index of the current datum (input)
- */
- long Define_Datum ( const char *Code,
- const char *Name,
- const char *Ellipsoid_Code,
- double Delta_X,
- double Delta_Y,
- double Delta_Z,
- double Sigma_X,
- double Sigma_Y,
- double Sigma_Z,
- double South_latitude,
- double North_latitude,
- double West_longitude,
- double East_longitude);
- /*
- * Code : 5-letter new datum code. (input)
- * Name : Name of the new datum (input)
- * Ellipsoid_Code : 2-letter code for the associated ellipsoid (input)
- * Delta_X : X translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Delta_Y : Y translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Delta_Z : Z translation to WGS84 in meters (input)
- * Sigma_X : Standard error in X in meters (input)
- * Sigma_Y : Standard error in Y in meters (input)
- * Sigma_Z : Standard error in Z in meters (input)
- * South_latitude : Southern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
- * North_latitude : Northern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
- * West_longitude : Western edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- * East_longitude : Eastern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
- *
- * The function Define_Datum creates a new local (3-parameter) datum with the
- * specified code, name, shift values, and standard error values. If the
- * datum table has not been initialized, the specified code is already in use,
- * or a new version of the 3-param.dat file cannot be created, an error code
- * is returned, otherwise ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned. Note that the indexes
- * of all datums in the datum table may be changed by this function.
- */
- long Remove_Datum (const char *Code);
- /*
- * Code : 5-letter new datum code. (input)
- *
- * The function Remove_Datum deletes a user defined local (3-parameter) datum
- * with the specified code. If the datum table has not been initialized, or
- * a new version of the 3-param.dat file cannot be created, an error code is
- * returned, otherwise ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned. Note that the indexes
- * of all datums in the datum table may be changed by this function.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Count ( long *Count );
- /*
- * Count : The number of ellipsoids in the ellipsoid table. (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Ellipsoid_Count returns the number of ellipsoids in the
- * ellipsoid table. If the ellipsoid table has been initialized without error,
- * is returned.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Index ( const char *Code,
- long *Index );
- /*
- * Code : 2-letter ellipsoid code. (input)
- * Index : Index of the ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table with the
- * specified code (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Ellipsoid_Index returns the index of the ellipsoid in
- * the ellipsoid table with the specified code. If ellipsoid code is found,
- * ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_CODE_ERROR is
- * returned.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Name ( const long Index,
- char *Name );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given the ellipsoid table with the
- * specified index (input)
- * Name : Name of the ellipsoid referencd by index (output)
- *
- * The Function Get_Ellipsoid_Name returns the name of the ellipsoid in
- * the ellipsoid table with the specified index. If index is valid,
- * ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR is
- * returned.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Parameters ( const long Index,
- double *a,
- double *f );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table (input)
- * a : Semi-major axis, in meters, of ellipsoid (output)
- * f : Flattening of ellipsoid. (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Ellipsoid_Parameters returns the semi-major axis
- * and flattening for the ellipsoid with the specified index.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Code ( const long Index,
- char *Code );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table (input)
- * Code : 2-letter ellipsoid code. (output)
- *
- * The Function Get_Ellipsoid_Code returns the 2-letter code for the
- * ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table with the specified index. If index is
- * valid, ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned, otherwise ENGINE_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR
- * is returned.
- */
- long Get_Ellipsoid_Eccentricity2 ( const long Index,
- double *e2 );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table (input)
- * e2 : Square of eccentricity of ellipsoid (output)
- *
- * The function Get_Ellipsoid_Eccentricity2 returns the square of the
- * eccentricity for the ellipsoid with the specified index.
- */
- long Check_Ellipsoid_User_Defined ( const long Index,
- long *result );
- /*
- * Index : Index of a given ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table (input)
- * result : Indicates whether specified ellipsoid is user defined (1)
- * or not (0) (output)
- *
- * The function Check_Ellipsoid_User_Defined returns 1 if the ellipsoid is user
- * defined. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
- */
- long Define_Ellipsoid (const char* Code,
- const char* Name,
- double a,
- double f);
- /*
- * Code : 2-letter ellipsoid code. (input)
- * Name : Name of the new ellipsoid (input)
- * a : Semi-major axis, in meters, of new ellipsoid (input)
- * f : Flattening of new ellipsoid. (input)
- *
- * The function Define_Ellipsoid creates a new ellipsoid with the specified
- * code, name, and parameters. If the ellipsoid table has not been initialized,
- * the specified code is already in use, or a new version of the ellips.dat
- * file cannot be created, an error code is returned, otherwise ENGINE_NO_ERROR
- * is returned. Note that the indexes of all ellipsoids in the ellipsoid
- * table may be changed by this function.
- */
- long Remove_Ellipsoid (const char* Code);
- /*
- * Code : 2-letter ellipsoid code. (input)
- *
- * The function Remove_Ellipsoid deletes a user defined ellipsoid with
- * the specified Code. If the ellipsoid table has not been created,
- * the specified code is in use by a user defined datum, or a new version
- * of the ellips.dat file cannot be created, an error code is returned,
- * otherwise ENGINE_NO_ERROR is returned. Note that the indexes of all
- * ellipsoids in the ellipsoid table may be changed by this function.
- */
- void Set_Precision(Precision Precis);
- /*
- * The function Set_Precision sets the output precision to the specified level.
- * Precis : Indicates the desired level of precision (input)
- */
- void Get_Precision(Precision *Precis);
- /*
- * The function Get_Precision returns the current level of precision.
- * Precis : Indicates the current level of precision (output)
- */
- long Set_Geocentric_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Geocentric_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_Geocentric_Coordinates sets the Geocentric coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Geocentric coordinate values to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_Geocentric_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Geocentric_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_Geocentric_Coordinates returns the Geocentric coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Geocentric coordinate values to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Geodetic_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Geodetic_Parameters parameters);
- /*
- * The function Set_Geodetic_Params sets the Geodetic coordinate system
- * parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Geodetic parameters to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_Geodetic_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Geodetic_Parameters *parameters);
- /*
- * The function Get_Geodetic_Params returns the Geodetic coordinate system
- * parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Geodetic parameters to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Geodetic_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Geodetic_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_Geodetic_Coordinates sets the Geodetic coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Geodetic coordinate values to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_Geodetic_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Geodetic_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_Geodetic_Coordinates returns the Geodetic coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Geodetic coordinate values to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_GEOREF_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const GEOREF_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_GEOREF_Coordinates sets the GEOREF coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : GEOREF coordinate string value to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_GEOREF_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- GEOREF_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_GEOREF_Coordinates returns the GEOREF coordinates
- * for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : GEOREF coordinate string value to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Parameters parameters);
- /*
- * The function Set_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Params sets the Albers Equal
- * Area Conic projection parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Albers Equal Area Conic projection parameters to be set
- * (input)
- */
- long Get_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Parameters *parameters);
- /*
- * The function Get_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Params returns the Albers Equal
- * Area Conic projection parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Albers Equal Area Conic projection parameters to be returned
- * (output)
- */
- long Set_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Coordinates sets the Albers Equal
- * Area Conic projection coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Albers Equal Area Conic projection coordinates to be set
- * (input)
- */
- long Get_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_Coordinates returns the Albers Equal
- * Area Conic projection coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Albers Equal Area Conic projection coordinates to be returned
- * (output)
- */
- long Set_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Azimuthal_Equidistant_Parameters parameters);
- /*
- * The function Set_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Params sets the Azimuthal Equidistant
- * projection parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Azimuthal Equidistant projection parameters to be set
- * (input)
- */
- long Get_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Azimuthal_Equidistant_Parameters *parameters);
- /*
- * The function Get_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Params returns the Azimuthal Equidistant
- * projection parameters for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Azimuthal Equidistant projection parameters to be returned
- * (output)
- */
- long Set_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Azimuthal_Equidistant_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Coordinates sets the Azimuthal Equidistant
- * projection coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Azimuthal Equidistant projection coordinates to be set
- * (input)
- */
- long Get_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Azimuthal_Equidistant_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_Azimuthal_Equidistant_Coordinates returns the Azimuthal Equidistant
- * projection coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Azimuthal Equidistant projection coordinates to be returned
- * (output)
- */
- long Set_BNG_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const BNG_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_BNG_Coordinates sets the BNG coordinates
- * for the specified state..
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : BNG coordinate string value to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_BNG_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- BNG_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_BNG_Coordinates returns the BNG coordinates
- * for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : BNG coordinate string value to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Bonne_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Bonne_Parameters parameters);
- /*
- * The function Set_Bonne_Params sets the Bonne projection parameters
- * for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Bonne projection parameters to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_Bonne_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Bonne_Parameters *parameters);
- /*
- * The function Get_Bonne_Params returns the Bonne projection parameters
- * for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the parameters are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * parameters : Bonne projection parameters to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Bonne_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Bonne_Tuple coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Set_Bonne_Coordinates sets the Bonne projection
- * coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be set for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Bonne projection coordinates to be set (input)
- */
- long Get_Bonne_Coordinates
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- Bonne_Tuple *coordinates);
- /*
- * The function Get_Bonne_Coordinates returns the Bonne projection
- * coordinates for the specified state.
- * State : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * interactive or file processing (input)
- * Direction : Indicates whether the coordinates are to be returned for
- * input or output (input)
- * coordinates : Bonne projection coordinates to be returned (output)
- */
- long Set_Cassini_Params
- ( const File_or_Interactive State,
- const Input_or_Output Direction,
- const Cassini_Parameters parameters);
- /*