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Package: Xtreme.ToolkitPro.v12.0.0.rar [view]
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Visual C++
- // XTPPropertyGrid.h interface for the CXTPPropertyGrid class.
- //
- // This file is a part of the XTREME PROPERTYGRID MFC class library.
- // (c)1998-2008 Codejock Software, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(__XTPPROPERTYGRID_H__)
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "XTPPropertyGridPaintManager.h"
- class CXTPToolTipContext;
- class CXTPImageManager;
- class CXTPMarkupContext;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // XTPPropertyGridSortOrder is an enumeration used by CXTPPropertyGrid to
- // determine the grouping style. This will specify how the items
- // in the grid are displayed, I.e. Alphabetical, not sort, and
- // grouped by category.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGrid::SetPropertySort, CXTPPropertyGrid::GetPropertySort
- // Example:
- // <code>XTPPropertyGridSortOrder sort = m_wndPropertyGrid.GetPropertySort();</code>
- //
- // <KEYWORDS xtpGridSortCategorized, xtpGridSortAlphabetical, xtpGridSortNoSort>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum XTPPropertyGridSortOrder
- {
- xtpGridSortCategorized, // Group items by category.
- xtpGridSortAlphabetical, // Sort items alphabetically.
- xtpGridSortNoSort // Disable sorting and grouping, all items are displayed in
- // the order that they are added to the grid.
- };
- #include "XTPPropertyGridView.h"
- class CXTPPropertyGridView;
- class CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager;
- class CXTPPropertyGrid;
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext is a CCmdTarget derived class used
- // to save the state of the property grid such as the currently
- // selected item, XTPPropertyGridSortOrder preference, and the expanding state
- // of each item in the grid. The property grid state information is
- // stored in the CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext object when
- // CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate is called and after CXTPPropertyGrid::EndUpdate
- // the expanding state of each item, selected item, and sort preference
- // will be restored.
- // Remarks:
- // Each time you add a new item or category to the grid, The state
- // of the grid is updated the grid is redrawn.
- //
- // If you want to delete all items in the grid and then add allot of
- // new items it will be quite slow. To do this, you would call
- // BeginUpdate, then delete all the items. The property grid will be
- // locked until you call EndUpdate.
- //
- // It might be useful to call BeginWaitCursor to indicate that the
- // grid is "busy" updating.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate, CXTPPropertyGrid::EndUpdate
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext : public CXTPCmdTarget
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to determine if any items in the grid were
- // expanded before CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate was called.
- // Only items with children can be expanded.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if no items were expanded before BeginUpdate, FALSE if
- // at least one item was expanded.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsEmpty() const;
- protected:
- CMap<UINT, UINT, BOOL, BOOL&> m_mapState; // Stores the expanded state of each item in the grid before CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate.
- UINT m_nSelected; // Stores the Id of the currently selected item before CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate.
- UINT m_nTopIndex; // Stores the Index of the top-most visible item in the property grid.
- XTPPropertyGridSortOrder m_propertySort; // Stores the currently used sort method of the grid before CXTPPropertyGrid::BeginUpdate.
- friend class CXTPPropertyGrid;
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // CXTPPropertyGridToolBar is a CToolBar derived class.
- // It is an internal class used by Property Grid control
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPPropertyGridToolBar : public CToolBar
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPPropertyGridToolBar object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridToolBar();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPPropertyGridToolBar object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~CXTPPropertyGridToolBar();
- protected:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CXTPPropertyGridToolBar)
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI(CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler);
- virtual BOOL OnWndMsg(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult);
- //{{AFX_MSG(CXTPPropertyGridToolBar)
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC*);
- afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* lpncsp);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg void OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- class CXTPPropertyGridVerbs;
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // CXTPPropertyGridVerb is used to create a verb link similar to what is seen
- // in Visual Studio .NET. For example, when the DataGrid control is selected at
- // design time in VS .NET, an AutoFormat link button appears in the Properties window
- // just below the property grid and above the help panel.
- // Verbs will be displayed in a separate panel just below the property grid. Verbs
- // are links that can be used to perform actions in your application. When a verb is
- // clicked, CXTPPropertyGrid::OnVerbClick is called by the framework.
- // If both the verb panel and help panel are visible at the same time, the verb panel
- // is displayed above the help panel.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGrid::GetVerbs, CXTPPropertyGridVerbs
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPPropertyGridVerb : public CXTPCmdTarget
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPPropertyGridVerb object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridVerb();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to retrieve the text caption of this verb link.
- // Returns:
- // Text caption of this verb link.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CString GetCaption() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to retrieve the Id assigned to this verb link.
- // Returns:
- // The Id of this verb link.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetID() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to retrieve the Index of this verb link within the
- // collection of verbs.
- // Returns:
- // Index of this verb within the collection of verb links.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetIndex() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to determine if this verb link is currently focused.
- // If focused, a focus rectangle is placed around the text caption of the verb.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if this verb is currently focused, FALSE if this verb is not focused.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsFocused() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Used internally by PaintManager and PropertyGrid to set the
- // bounding rectangle for verbs. You do not need to call
- // this member.
- // Parameters:
- // rc - Bounding rectangle containing the verb text.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetPart(CRect rc);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Used internally by PaintManager and PropertyGrid to get the
- // bounding rectangle for verbs. You do not need to call
- // this member.
- // Returns:
- // Bounding rectangle of verb.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CRect GetPart() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to retrieve the last position that the user
- // clicked.
- // Returns:
- // Retrieves the last position the user clicked. If it was "clicked"
- // by pressing the Enter key while a verb has focus, then the
- // BottomLeft position of the "clicked" Verb is returned.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CPoint GetClickPoint() const;
- protected:
- CString m_strCaption; // Text caption of this verb link.
- int m_nID; // Id assigned this verb link.
- int m_nIndex; // Index of this verb link in the collection of verbs.
- CRect m_rcPart; // Bounding rectangle of verb.
- CPoint m_ptClick; // The last position the user clicked.
- CXTPPropertyGridVerbs* m_pVerbs; // Collection of verb links.
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridVerbs;
- friend class CXTPPropertyGrid;
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // A collection of CXTPPropertyGridVerb objects that are displayed in the
- // verb panel. See CXTPPropertyGridVerb for a description of verbs.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGridVerb
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPPropertyGridVerbs : public CXTPCmdTarget
- {
- public:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPPropertyGridVerbs object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridVerbs();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPPropertyGridVerbs object, handles cleanup and deallocation.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~CXTPPropertyGridVerbs();
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to determine if any verbs have been added to the
- // collection of verbs.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if there are no verbs in the collection, FALSE if there is at
- // least one verb in the collection.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsEmpty() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to remove all verbs from the collection of verbs.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void RemoveAll();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to get a pointer to a specific verb in the collection
- // of verbs.
- // Parameters:
- // nIndex - Index of the verb withing the collection of verbs.
- // Returns:
- // Verb at the specified location in the collection of verbs.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridVerb* GetAt(int nIndex) const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to retrieve the total number of verb links in the
- // collection of verbs.
- // Returns:
- // Total number of verbs in the collection of verbs.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetCount() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to add a verb link to the verb panel.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszCaption - Text caption of the verb link.
- // nID - Id to assign to the new verb link.
- // Remarks:
- // This will add a CXTPPropertyGridVerb object to the collection of
- // verbs. Verbs are displayed in the verb panel that is located just
- // below the property grid and above the help panel.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Add(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, UINT nID);
- protected:
- CArray<CXTPPropertyGridVerb*, CXTPPropertyGridVerb*> m_arrVerbs; // Collection of verb links.
- CXTPPropertyGrid* m_pGrid; // Pointer to the property grid that the verbs are drawn on.
- friend class CXTPPropertyGrid;
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridVerb;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // XTPPropertyGridUI is an enumeration used by CXTPPropertyGrid
- // during navigation of the Property Grid, items, and verbs
- // that specifies which object should receive focus.
- // Remarks:
- // After the Tab key or Shift+Tab key combinations are pressed,
- // focus will be given to the object specified in the XTPPropertyGridUI
- // enumeration. I.e. If xtpGridUIViewNext is passed into
- // OnNaviagte when an item in the grid has focus, then the next
- // item will receive focus.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGrid::OnNavigate, CXTPPropertyGrid::NavigateItems
- //
- // <KEYWORDS xtpGridUIParentPrev, xtpGridUIViewPrev, xtpGridUIView, xtpGridUIInplaceEdit, xtpGridUIInplaceButton, xtpGridUIViewNext, xtpGridUIVerb, xtpGridUIParentNext>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum XTPPropertyGridUI
- {
- xtpGridUIParentPrev = -2, // Used to indicate that focus should be given to the previous object in the tab order.
- xtpGridUIViewPrev = -1, // If m_bTabItems is TRUE, Used to indicate that focus should be given to the previous item in the grid.
- // This occurs when an item has focus and Shift+Tab is pressed.
- xtpGridUIView = 0, // Used to indicate that focus should be given to the Property Grid.
- xtpGridUIInplaceEdit = 1, // Used to indicate that the Tab key is pressed while in an in-place edit box has focus.
- xtpGridUIInplaceControl = 2, // Used to indicate that the Tab key is pressed while in an in-place edit box has focus.
- xtpGridUIInplaceButton = 3, // Used to indicate that the Tab key is pressed while an in-place button has focus.
- xtpGridUIViewNext = 4, // If m_bTabItems is TRUE, Used to indicate that focus should be given to the next item in the grid.
- // This occurs when an item has focus and the Tab key is pressed.
- xtpGridUIVerb = 5, // Used to indicate that the Tab key is pressed while in Verb has focus.
- xtpGridUIParentNext = 6 // Used to indicate that focus should be given to the next object in the tab order.
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // XTPPropertyGridHitCode is an enumeration used by CXTPPropertyGrid
- // to determine which part of the property grid is located at a
- // specific point. CXTPPropertyGrid::HitTest is used to test
- // a point when the user clicks on the property grid.
- // See Also:
- // CXTPPropertyGrid::HitTest
- // Example:
- // See CXTPPropertyGrid::HitTest.
- //
- // <KEYWORDS xtpGridHitError, xtpGridHitHelpSplitter, xtpGridHitVerbsSplitter, xtpGridHitFirstVerb>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- enum XTPPropertyGridHitCode
- {
- xtpGridHitError = -1, // Indicates that the help splitter, verb splitter
- // and verbs were not clicked.
- xtpGridHitHelpSplitter = 1, // Indicates that the help splitter was clicked.
- xtpGridHitVerbsSplitter = 2, // Indicates that the Verb splitter was clicked.
- xtpGridHitFirstVerb = 3 // Determines if the item clicked upon is a verb.
- };
- //===========================================================================
- // Summary:
- // CXTPPropertyGrid is a CWnd derived class. It is used to create a property grid
- // control similar to the property window in VS.NET.
- // See the "PropertyGrid" demo for an example of its usage.
- //===========================================================================
- class _XTP_EXT_CLASS CXTPPropertyGrid : public CWnd
- {
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Constructs a CXTPPropertyGrid object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGrid();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Destroys a CXTPPropertyGrid object, handles cleanup and deallocation
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual ~CXTPPropertyGrid();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to create the Property Grid control.
- // Parameters:
- // rect - Size of the control.
- // pParentWnd - Parent of the control.
- // nID - Identifier of the Property Grid control.
- // dwListStyle - List style of the items in the Property Grid.
- // Remarks:
- // Available styles are listed below:
- //
- // <p><b>LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED</b> - The owner of the grid is
- // responsible for drawing its contents; the items in the
- // list box are the same height, should be used with
- // <p><b>LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE</b> - The owner of the grid is
- // responsible for drawing its contents; the items
- // in the grid are variable in height, should be used with
- // <p><b>XTP_PGS_OWNERDRAW</b> - Apply this style to the property
- // grid to use the owner draw feature. Catch XTP_PGN_DRAWITEM
- // to draw item. Recommended to use custom Paint Manager
- // instead. (SetCustomTheme)
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
- // See Also: SetCustomTheme, SetTheme
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual BOOL Create(const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwListStyle = 0);
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to add a new category to the Property Grid control.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszCaption - Name of the category to add.
- // Parameters:
- // nID - Identifier of new category.
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the item object of the newly inserted category.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* AddCategory(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = NULL);
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* AddCategory(int nID, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = NULL);//<COMBINE CXTPPropertyGrid::AddCategory@LPCTSTR>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to insert a new category to the Property Grid control.
- // Parameters:
- // lpszCaption - Name of the category to add.
- // nID - Identifier of new category.
- // nIndex - Index of category to be inserted
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the item object of the newly inserted category.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* InsertCategory(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszCaption, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = NULL);
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* InsertCategory(int nIndex, int nID, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory = NULL);//<COMBINE CXTPPropertyGrid::InsertCategory@int@LPCTSTR>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to modify the way items are grouped.
- // Parameters:
- // sort - style of grouping. Can be any of the values listed in the Remarks section.
- // Remarks:
- // sort parameter can be one of the following:
- // * <b>xtpGridSortCategorized</b> Group items by category.
- // * <b>xtpGridSortAlphabetical</b> Sort items alphabetically.
- // * <b>xtpGridSortNoSort</b> Disable sorting.
- // See Also: GetPropertySort
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetPropertySort (XTPPropertyGridSortOrder sort);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to get the current grouping style for
- // the Property Grid control.
- // Returns:
- // An XTPPropertyGridSortOrder value representing the current grouping style.
- // See Also: SetPropertySort
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTPPropertyGridSortOrder GetPropertySort() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to show or hide the toolbar control
- // in the Property Grid window.
- // Parameters:
- // bShow - TRUE to show the toolbar control, or FALSE to hide it.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ShowToolBar(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to show or hide the description pane
- // in the Property Grid window.
- // Parameters:
- // bShow - TRUE to show the description pane, or FALSE to hide it.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ShowHelp(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to enable or disable tooltips under items
- // Parameters:
- // bEnable - TRUE to enable tooltips.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the custom colors of the Property
- // Grid control.
- // Parameters:
- // clrHelpBack - An RGB value that represents the background color
- // the of description pane.
- // clrHelpFore - An RGB value that represents the text color of
- // the description pane.
- // clrViewLine - An RGB value that represents the color of separating
- // lines in control.
- // clrViewBack - An RGB value that represents the background color
- // of the Property Grid control.
- // clrViewFore - An RGB value that represents the text color of
- // the Property Grid control.
- // clrCategoryFore - An RGB value that represents the text color of
- // the Category item text.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetCustomColors(COLORREF clrHelpBack, COLORREF clrHelpFore, COLORREF clrViewLine, COLORREF clrViewBack, COLORREF clrViewFore, COLORREF clrCategoryFore = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the default colors of the Property
- // Grid control.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetStandardColors();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to find an item.
- // Parameters:
- // strCaption - Caption for the item to find.
- // nID - Identifier for the item to find.
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the CXTPPropertyGridItem object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* FindItem(LPCTSTR strCaption) const;
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* FindItem(UINT nID) const; // <COMBINE CXTPPropertyGrid::FindItem@LPCTSTR@const>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Removes all items from the list box of a property grid control.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ResetContent();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to determine if the help pane is visible.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the help pane is visible, otherwise returns FALSE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsHelpVisible() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to determine if the toolbar is visible.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the toolbar is visible, otherwise returns FALSE.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsBarVisible() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the height of the help pane
- // when it is visible.
- // Returns:
- // An integer value that represents the height in pixels.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetHelpHeight() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the background color for
- // the property grid.
- // Returns:
- // An RGB value.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- COLORREF GetHelpBackColor() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the foreground color for
- // the property grid.
- // Returns:
- // An RGB value.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- COLORREF GetHelpForeColor() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the categories of the property
- // grid.
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the CXTPPropertyGridItems object that represents
- // collection of the categories.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridItems* GetCategories() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to return a pointer to the collection of verbs that
- // are displayed in the verb panel.
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the CXTPPropertyGridVerbs object that represents
- // the collection of verbs.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridVerbs* GetVerbs() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to retrieve reference to the view object.
- // Returns:
- // A CXTPPropertyGridView object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridView& GetGridView() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to retrieve reference to the toolbar for the
- // property grid.
- // Returns:
- // A reference to a CToolBar object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CToolBar& GetToolBar();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to get selected item.
- // Returns:
- // The pointer to the CXTPPropertyGridItem object if the specified
- // item is selected; otherwise, it is NULL.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* GetSelectedItem() const;
- CXTPPropertyGridItem* GetItem(int nIndex) const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the height of the help pane
- // when visible.
- // Parameters:
- // nHeight - The integer value represents the height in pixels.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetHelpHeight(int nHeight);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the divider position of the grid view.
- // Parameters:
- // dDivider - A value between 0 and 1 that represents the location of the divider as
- // a percentage from the left side of the view. For example, if you wanted
- // the divider to divide at 25% you would pass in .25.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetViewDivider(double dDivider);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to set the divider position of the grid view.
- // Parameters:
- // nDivider - A value in pixels that represents the location of the divider.
- // bLockDivider - TRUE to not scale divider if user resize property grid.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetViewDividerPos(int nDivider, BOOL bLockDivider = FALSE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to return the divider position of the grid view.
- // Returns:
- // A value between 0 and 1 that represents the location of the divider as
- // a percentage from the left side of the view. For example, if you wanted
- // the divider to divide at 25% you would pass in .25.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- double GetViewDivider() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method sets the grid's current font to the specified font.
- // Parameters:
- // pFont - Pointer to a CFont object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetFont(CFont* pFont);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to set the grid theme.
- // Parameters:
- // paintTheme - theme of property grid. Can be one of the values
- // listed in the Remarks section.
- // Remarks:
- // paintTheme can be one of the following values:
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeDefault</b> Enables default theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeNativeWinXP</b> Enables WinXP style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeOffice2003</b> Enables Office 2003 style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeCool</b> Enables Cool theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeSimple</b> Enables Visual Basic style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeDelphi</b> Enables Delphi style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeWhidbey</b> Enables Visual Studio 2005 "Whidbey" style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeOfficeXP</b> Enables Visual Office XP style theme.
- // * <b>xtpGridThemeOffice2007</b> Enables Visual Office 2007 style theme.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetTheme(XTPPropertyGridPaintTheme paintTheme);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to set custom theme of the grid.
- // Parameters:
- // pPaintManager - Points to a CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetCustomTheme(CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* pPaintManager);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieves current theme of the grid.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTPPropertyGridPaintTheme GetCurrentTheme() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to refresh items in the list.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Refresh();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member function to "lock" the property grid. This
- // should be called when adding or deleting a large number of item.
- // Parameters:
- // context - Pointer to a CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext object.
- // bResetContent - TRUE to delete all items
- // Remarks:
- // Each time you add a new item or category to the grid, The state
- // of the grid is updated the grid is redrawn.
- //
- // If you want to delete all items in the grid and then add allot of
- // new items it will be quite slow. To do this, you would call
- // BeginUpdate, then delete all the items. The property grid will be
- // locked until you call EndUpdate.
- //
- // It might be useful to call BeginWaitCursor to indicate that the
- // grid is "busy" updating.
- // See Also: EndUpdate, CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void BeginUpdate(CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext& context, BOOL bResetContent = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member should be called after BeginUpdate. You need to call
- // EndUpdate to "unlock" the grid after you have finished adding
- // and deleting a large amount of items.
- // Parameters:
- // context - Pointer to a CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext object.
- // See Also: BeginUpdate, CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EndUpdate(CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext& context);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to determine if the verb panel is currently visible.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the verb panel is visible, FALSE otherwise.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGridVerb, CXTPPropertyGridVerbs
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsVerbsVisible() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Returns the currently used control's Paint Manager.
- // Remarks:
- // Call this member function to get the paint manager object used
- // for drawing a property grid control window.
- // Returns:
- // Pointer to the paint manager object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* GetPaintManager() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Creates View of Property grid. Override this member to use custom view.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual CXTPPropertyGridView* CreateView() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when a user clicks on a verb or when a
- // verb has focus and the enter key is pressed. Override this
- // member to perform custom actions such as displaying a dialog.
- // Parameters:
- // nIndex - Index of the verb within the collection of verbs.
- // pt - Point on the screen that the user clicked. This
- // will the position of the mouse cursor over a verb. This
- // point is stored in the CXTPPropertyGridVerb::m_ptClick
- // member which is a CPoint object. Coordinates will be
- // relative to the screen and not the client.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnVerbClick(int nIndex, CPoint pt);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when items in the property grid are navigated
- // using key on the keyboard. This includes navigating the built in
- // toolbar, verbs, and items in the property grid.
- // Parameters:
- // nUIElement - Indicates which object should receive focus.
- // Members of XTPPropertyGridUI are used to indicate
- // which object receives focus.
- // bForward - TRUE if the Tab key is pressed and items are being
- // navigated in the forward direction, FALSE if Shift+Tab
- // is pressed and items are navigated backwards.
- // TRUE if the Right or Down arrow is used to navigate the items.
- // FALSE if the Up or Left arrow is used to navigate the items.
- // pItem - Pointer to the currently selected item.
- // See Also: XTPPropertyGridUI
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnNavigate(XTPPropertyGridUI nUIElement, BOOL bForward, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to enable navigate items using Tab key.
- // Parameters:
- // bTabItems - TRUE to navigate items in the grid using the tab key.
- // When TRUE, focus will move in this order:
- // Caption, Item Value, Item InPlaceButton (if used), Next item Caption
- // FALSE not to navigate the items in the grid with the tab key.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void NavigateItems(BOOL bTabItems, BOOL bTabCaptions = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to show all in-place buttons of all items
- // Parameters:
- // bShow - TRUE to always show in-place buttons; FALSE to show buttons only for selected item.
- // See Also: GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetShowInplaceButtonsAlways(BOOL bShow);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Determines if in-place buttons are visible for all items.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to specify the height of the verb box when visible.
- // Parameters:
- // nHeight - Height of the verb box.
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGridVerb, CXTPPropertyGridVerbs, IsVerbsVisible
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetVerbsHeight(int nHeight);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to determine if changed items highlighter
- // See Also: HighlightChangedItems, CXTPPropertyGridItem::IsValueChanged
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsHighlightChangedItems() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to highlight all item with changed values
- // Parameters:
- // bHighlightChanged - TRUE to set bold font for all changed items
- // See Also: IsHighlightChangedItems, CXTPPropertyGridItem::IsValueChanged
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void HighlightChangedItems(BOOL bHighlightChanged);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to redraw control;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void RedrawControl();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieves Image manager associated with property grid
- // Returns:
- // Pointer to the image manager object that stores the images in
- // the property grid.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPImageManager* GetImageManager() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to assign new image manager.
- // Parameters:
- // pImageManager - Pointer to the image manager object that stores the
- // images in the property grid.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetImageManager(CXTPImageManager* pImageManager);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to allow variable height items
- // Parameters:
- // bVariable - TRUE to allow variable height items
- // See Also: CXTPPropertyGridItem::SetHeight, CXTPPropertyGridItem::SetMultiLinesCount
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetVariableItemsHeight(BOOL bVariable = TRUE);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to set custom in-place edit control.
- // Parameters:
- // pInplaceEdit - New custom edit control to be set
- // Example:
- // <code>m_wndPropertyGrid.SetInplaceEdit(new CMyInplaceEdit());</code>
- // See Also: SetInplaceList, CXTPPropertyGridItem::GetInplaceEdit
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetInplaceEdit(CXTPPropertyGridInplaceEdit* pInplaceEdit);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to set custom in-place list box control.
- // Parameters:
- // pInplaceList - New custom list box control to be set
- // Example:
- // <code>m_wndPropertyGrid.SetInplaceList(new CMyInplaceList());</code>
- // See Also: SetInplaceEdit, CXTPPropertyGridItem::GetInplaceList
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetInplaceList(CXTPPropertyGridInplaceList* pInplaceList);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Sends the specified message to the owner window.
- // Parameters:
- // wParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information.
- // lParam - Specifies additional message-dependent information
- // Returns:
- // The result of the message processing; its value depends on the message sent.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual LRESULT SendNotifyMessage(WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieves the zero-based index of the first visible item in a control.
- // Initially, item 0 is at the top of the property grid, but if the list box is scrolled, another item may be at the top.
- // Returns:
- // The zero-based index of the first visible item in a control if successful, -1 otherwise.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetTopIndex() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Ensures that a particular list-box item is visible.
- // Scrolls the property grid until either the item specified by nIndex appears at the top
- // of the control or the maximum scroll range has been reached.
- // Parameters:
- // nIndex - Specifies the zero-based index of the item.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetTopIndex(int nIndex);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Retrieves the number of items in a property grid.
- // Returns:
- // The number of items in the property grid, or LB_ERR if an error occurs.
- // Remarks:
- // The returned count is one greater than the index value of the last item
- // (the index is zero-based).
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int GetCount() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Register the window class if it has not already been registered.
- // Parameters:
- // hInstance - Instance of resource where control is located
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the window class was successfully registered.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL RegisterWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Specifies whether the user can move the property grid splitter.
- // Parameters:
- // bVariable - TRUE to allow the user to resize the property grid splitter.
- // Remarks:
- // SetVariableSplitterPos allows the user to resize the splitter by
- // moving the mouse cursor over the splitter and dragging the mouse.
- // A resize mouse cursor will appear when the mouse if positioned
- // over the splitter.
- // See Also: SetViewDividerPos
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetVariableSplitterPos(BOOL bVariable);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Determines whether the user can move the property grid splitter.
- // Remarks:
- // SetVariableSplitterPos allows the user to resize the splitter by
- // moving the mouse cursor over the splitter and dragging the mouse.
- // A resize mouse cursor will appear when the mouse if positioned
- // over the splitter.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the user is allowed to resize the property grid splitter.
- // See Also: SetVariableSplitterPos, SetViewDividerPos
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL GetVariableSplitterPos() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Specifies whether the user can resize the help box with the mouse.
- // Parameters:
- // bVariable - TRUE to allow the user to resize the help box with the mouse.
- // Remarks:
- // SetVariableHelpHeight allows the user to resize the help box by moving
- // the mouse cursor over the help splitter that appears between the
- // bottom of the property grid and the top of the help box. A resize
- // mouse cursor will appear when the mouse if positioned over the splitter.
- // See Also: SetHelpHeight, GetVariableHelpHeight
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetVariableHelpHeight(BOOL bVariable);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary: Determines whether the user can resize the help box with the mouse.
- // Remarks:
- // SetVariableHelpHeight allows the user to resize the help box by moving
- // the mouse cursor over the help splitter that appears between the
- // bottom of the property grid and the top of the help box. A resize
- // mouse cursor will appear when the mouse if positioned over the splitter.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if the user is allow to resize the help box with the mouse.
- // See Also: SetHelpHeight, SetVariableHelpHeight
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL GetVariableHelpHeight() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to set border style for Property Grid
- // Parameters:
- // borderStyle - borders style to be set
- // See Also: GetBorderStyle, XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetBorderStyle(XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle borderStyle);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to get current border style for Property Grid
- // See Also: SetBorderStyle, XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle GetBorderStyle() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to get tooltip context pointer.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPToolTipContext* GetToolTipContext() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to enable multi select.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EnableMultiSelect(BOOL bMultiSelect = TRUE);
- int GetSelectedItems(CArray<int, int>* pItems) const;
- public:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Determines if right-to-left mode was set.
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if text is displayed using right-to-left reading-order properties.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL IsLayoutRTL() const;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this member to set right-to-left mode.
- // Parameters:
- // bRightToLeft - TRUE to set right-to-left reading-order properties.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetLayoutRTL(BOOL bRightToLeft);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method is called to reposition view and help pane inside grid
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void Reposition();
- public:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Call this method to enable markup for tab captions
- // Parameters:
- // bEnable - TRUE to enable markup
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EnableMarkup(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // Returns markup context
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CXTPMarkupContext* GetMarkupContext() const;
- protected:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This method is called by the framework during resizing of splitters.
- // Parameters:
- // rc - Specifies the reference to a CRect object specifying
- // the tracking rectangle.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OnInvertTracker(CRect rc);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called to determine if the help splitter,
- // verb splitter, or a verb was clicked upon.
- // Parameters:
- // pt - A point to test.
- // Returns:
- // The HitTest method returns the following values which specify which
- // part of the property grid located under the coordinates specified
- // by <i>pt</i>.
- //
- // * <b>xtpGridHitError</b> Indicates something else was clicked.
- // * <b>xtpGridHitHelpSplitter</b> Indicates the help splitter was clicked.
- // * <b>xtpGridHitVerbsSplitter</b> Indicates the verb splitter was clicked.
- // * <b>xtpGridHitFirstVerb</b> If the return value is greater than or
- // equal to xtpGridHitFirstVerb then the item clicked upon is
- // a verb. You can retrieve the verb index by subtracting
- // xtpGridHitFirstVerb from the return value, for example:
- // <code>
- // int iHit = m_wndPropertyGrid.HitTest(pt);
- // if (iHit >= xtpGridHitFirstVerb)
- // {
- // // Get the index of the verb.
- // m_iVerbIndex = (iHit-xtpGridHitFirstVerb);
- // }
- // </code>
- // See Also:
- // XTPPropertyGridHitCode
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual int HitTest(CPoint pt);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when a new item is selected in the
- // grid. Or focus switched from one item to a different item.
- // Parameters:
- // pItem - Item that the selection has changed too. This is the
- // item that just received focus.
- // See Also: GetSelectedItem
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnSelectionChanged(CXTPPropertyGridItem* pItem);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when the sort order has changed.
- // See Also: SetPropertySort
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void OnSortChanged();
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called to recalculate the position and size of the
- // property grid, then it resizes the grid to the specified size.
- // New size is 0, 0, cx, cy.
- // This is the area that hold the toolbar and grid, this does not
- // include the area for the verb and help panel.
- // Parameters:
- // cx - New bottom-right x coordinate of the grid's bounding rectangle.
- // cy - New bottom-right y coordinate of the grid's bounding rectangle.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void Reposition(int cx, int cy);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when the "built-in" toolbar is created.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CreateToolbar();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when the toolbar buttons need to be redrawn.
- // Remarks:
- // This occurs when the sort order has changed, and when the toolbar
- // is shown. Sort order can be changed by code or by clicking on
- // a button in the toolbar.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void RefreshToolBarButtons();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called when a Verb receives focus, and when focus
- // switches from one verb to a different verb.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OnVerbsChanged();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Summary:
- // This member is called to create grid view window
- // Parameters:
- // dwListStyle - Default List style of the view
- // Returns:
- // TRUE if successful, otherwise returns FALSE.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CreateGridView(DWORD dwListStyle);
- private:
- CWnd* GetNextGridTabItem(BOOL bForward);
- void RestoreExpandingState(CXTPPropertyGridItems* pItems, CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext& context);
- void SaveExpandingState(CXTPPropertyGridItems* pItems, CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext& context);
- void RecreateView();
- public:
- int m_nHelpHeight; // Height of the description area (help panel).
- int m_nVerbsHeight; // Height of the verbs panel.
- BOOL m_bHideSelection; // TRUE to hide selection when control doesn't have focus;
- protected:
- BOOL m_bHelpVisible; // TRUE if the help panel is visible.
- BOOL m_bEnableTooltips; // TRUE if tooltips enabled
- BOOL m_bVariableHelpHeight;
- BOOL m_bToolBarVisible; // TRUE if the built in toolbar is visible.
- CXTPPropertyGridToolBar m_wndToolbar; // Pointer to the "built-in" PropertyGrid toolbar.
- HCURSOR m_hCursorSplit; // Handle to the cursor when positioned over a splitter.
- HCURSOR m_hCursorHand; // Handle of the cursor.
- BOOL m_bTabItems; // TRUE to navigate items with the tab key.
- BOOL m_bTabCaptions; // TRUE to navigate items with the tab key.
- CXTPPropertyGridVerbs* m_pVerbs; // Collection of verbs (links) displayed in the verb panel when the panel is visible.
- BOOL m_bVerbsVisible; // TRUE if the verb panel is visible.
- XTPPropertyGridPaintTheme m_themeCurrent; // Currently set theme.
- CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* m_pPaintManager; // Current paint manager.
- int m_nFocusedVerb; // Index of the currently focused verb within the collection of verbs.
- mutable CXTPPropertyGridView* m_pView; // View pointer
- BOOL m_bHighlightChanged; // TRUE to highlight changed values
- CXTPImageManager* m_pImageManager; // Image manager of property grid
- BOOL m_bVariableItemsHeight; // TRUE to allow variable items height
- BOOL m_bPreSubclassWindow; // 'true' when initialized from PreSubclassWindow.
- CXTPPropertyGridInplaceEdit* m_pInplaceEdit; // In-place edit control.
- CXTPPropertyGridInplaceList* m_pInplaceListBox; // In-place list control.
- BOOL m_bShowInplaceButtonsAlways; // TRUE to show all inplace buttons
- CXTPToolTipContext* m_pToolTipContext; // Tooltip context
- BOOL m_bMultiSelect; // TRUE for MultiSelect;
- CXTPMarkupContext* m_pMarkupContext;
- private:
- CRect m_rectTracker;
- BOOL m_bVerbActivate;
- XTPPropertyGridBorderStyle m_borderStyle;
- protected:
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CXTPPropertyGrid)
- protected:
- virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
- virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
- //{{AFX_MSG(CXTPPropertyGrid)
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg LRESULT OnPrintClient(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/);
- afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
- afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd);
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnSortAlphabetic();
- afx_msg void OnSortCategorized();
- afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
- afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
- afx_msg UINT OnGetDlgCode();
- //}}AFX_MSG
- afx_msg BOOL OnToolTipText(UINT, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
- private:
- BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
- void SetLayoutRTL(CWnd* pWnd, BOOL bRTLLayout);
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridView;
- friend class CPropertyGridCtrl;
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridVerb;
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridVerbs;
- friend class CXTPPropertyGridItem;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGridUpdateContext::IsEmpty() const {
- return m_mapState.IsEmpty();
- }
- AFX_INLINE CString CXTPPropertyGridVerb::GetCaption() const {
- return m_strCaption;
- }
- AFX_INLINE int CXTPPropertyGridVerb::GetID() const {
- return m_nID;
- }
- AFX_INLINE int CXTPPropertyGridVerb::GetIndex() const {
- return m_nIndex;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGridVerb::SetPart(CRect rc) {
- m_rcPart = rc;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CRect CXTPPropertyGridVerb::GetPart() const {
- return m_rcPart;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CPoint CXTPPropertyGridVerb::GetClickPoint() const {
- return m_ptClick;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGridVerb::IsFocused() const {
- return (m_nIndex == m_pVerbs->m_pGrid->m_nFocusedVerb) && (::GetFocus() == m_pVerbs->m_pGrid->GetSafeHwnd());
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridVerb* CXTPPropertyGridVerbs::GetAt(int nIndex) const {
- return m_arrVerbs.GetAt(nIndex);
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGridVerbs::IsEmpty() const {
- return m_arrVerbs.GetSize() == 0;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridItem* CXTPPropertyGrid::FindItem(LPCTSTR strCaption) const {
- return GetGridView().m_pCategories->FindItem(strCaption);
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridItem* CXTPPropertyGrid::FindItem(UINT nID) const {
- return GetGridView().m_pCategories->FindItem(nID);
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridItem* CXTPPropertyGrid::AddCategory(LPCTSTR strCaption, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory) {
- return GetGridView().AddCategory(strCaption, pCategory);
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridItem* CXTPPropertyGrid::InsertCategory(int nIndex, LPCTSTR strCaption, CXTPPropertyGridItem* pCategory) {
- return GetGridView().InsertCategory(nIndex, strCaption, pCategory);
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::SetPropertySort (XTPPropertyGridSortOrder sort) {
- GetGridView().SetPropertySort(sort);
- }
- AFX_INLINE XTPPropertyGridSortOrder CXTPPropertyGrid::GetPropertySort () const {
- return GetGridView().m_properetySort;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::IsHelpVisible() const {
- return m_bHelpVisible;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::IsBarVisible() const {
- return m_bToolBarVisible;
- }
- AFX_INLINE int CXTPPropertyGrid::GetHelpHeight() const {
- return m_nHelpHeight;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::EnableToolTips(BOOL bEnable) {
- m_bEnableTooltips = bEnable;
- }
- AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPPropertyGrid::GetHelpBackColor() const {
- return m_pPaintManager->GetItemMetrics()->m_clrHelpBack;
- }
- AFX_INLINE COLORREF CXTPPropertyGrid::GetHelpForeColor() const {
- return m_pPaintManager->GetItemMetrics()->m_clrHelpFore;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CToolBar& CXTPPropertyGrid::GetToolBar() {
- return m_wndToolbar;
- }
- AFX_INLINE XTPPropertyGridPaintTheme CXTPPropertyGrid::GetCurrentTheme() const {
- return m_themeCurrent;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridVerbs* CXTPPropertyGrid::GetVerbs() const {
- return m_pVerbs;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::IsVerbsVisible() const {
- return !m_pVerbs->IsEmpty();
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPPropertyGridPaintManager* CXTPPropertyGrid::GetPaintManager() const {
- return m_pPaintManager;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext) {
- return CWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::NavigateItems(BOOL bTabItems, BOOL bTabCaptions) {
- m_bTabItems = bTabItems;
- m_bTabCaptions = bTabCaptions;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::IsHighlightChangedItems() const {
- return m_bHighlightChanged;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::HighlightChangedItems(BOOL bHighlightChanged) {
- m_bHighlightChanged = bHighlightChanged;
- RedrawControl();
- }
- AFX_INLINE int CXTPPropertyGrid::GetCount() const {
- return GetGridView().GetCount();
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::SetVariableSplitterPos(BOOL bVariable) {
- GetGridView().m_bVariableSplitterPos = bVariable;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::GetVariableSplitterPos() const {
- return GetGridView().m_bVariableSplitterPos;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::SetVariableHelpHeight(BOOL bVariable) {
- m_bVariableHelpHeight = bVariable;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::GetVariableHelpHeight() const {
- return m_bVariableHelpHeight;
- }
- AFX_INLINE BOOL CXTPPropertyGrid::GetShowInplaceButtonsAlways() const {
- return m_bShowInplaceButtonsAlways;
- }
- AFX_INLINE void CXTPPropertyGrid::SetShowInplaceButtonsAlways(BOOL bShow) {
- m_bShowInplaceButtonsAlways = bShow;
- Reposition();
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPToolTipContext* CXTPPropertyGrid::GetToolTipContext() const {
- return m_pToolTipContext;
- }
- AFX_INLINE CXTPMarkupContext* CXTPPropertyGrid::GetMarkupContext() const {
- return m_pMarkupContext;
- }
- #endif // #if !defined(__XTPPROPERTYGRID_H__)