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Package: kio-ftps.rar [view]
Upload User: hbyfgg
Upload Date: 2015-04-03
Package Size: 74k
Code Size: 13k
Linux-Unix program
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- // -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*-
- /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
- Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #ifndef KDELIBS_FTP_H
- #define KDELIBS_FTP_H
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <QtCore/QByteRef>
- #include <kurl.h>
- #include <kio/slavebase.h>
- #include <QtNetwork/QSslSocket>
- #include <QtNetwork/QTcpServer>
- struct FtpEntry
- {
- QString name;
- QString owner;
- QString group;
- QString link;
- KIO::filesize_t size;
- mode_t type;
- mode_t access;
- time_t date;
- };
- class SslServer : public QTcpServer
- {
- private:
- void incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor);
- QSslSocket *m_socket;
- public:
- QSslSocket *socket() { return m_socket; };
- };
- //===============================================================================
- // Ftp
- //===============================================================================
- class Ftp : public KIO::SlaveBase
- {
- // Ftp() {}
- public:
- Ftp( const QByteArray &pool, const QByteArray &app );
- virtual ~Ftp();
- virtual void setHost( const QString& host, quint16 port, const QString& user, const QString& pass );
- /**
- * Connects to a ftp server and logs us in
- * m_bLoggedOn is set to true if logging on was successful.
- * It is set to false if the connection becomes closed.
- *
- */
- virtual void openConnection();
- /**
- * Closes the connection
- */
- virtual void closeConnection();
- virtual void stat( const KUrl &url );
- virtual void listDir( const KUrl & url );
- virtual void mkdir( const KUrl & url, int permissions );
- virtual void rename( const KUrl & src, const KUrl & dst, KIO::JobFlags flags );
- virtual void del( const KUrl & url, bool isfile );
- virtual void chmod( const KUrl & url, int permissions );
- virtual void get( const KUrl& url );
- virtual void put( const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags );
- //virtual void mimetype( const KUrl& url );
- virtual void slave_status();
- /**
- * Handles the case that one side of the job is a local file
- */
- virtual void copy( const KUrl &src, const KUrl &dest, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags );
- private:
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // All the methods named ftpXyz are lowlevel methods that are not exported.
- // The implement functionality used by the public high-level methods. Some
- // low-level methods still use error() to emit errors. This behaviour is not
- // recommended - please return a boolean status or an error code instead!
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- QSslSocket* convertToSslSocket(QTcpSocket *tcpsocket);
- bool requestDataEncryption();
- int encryptDataChannel();
- /**
- * Status Code returned from ftpPut() and ftpGet(), used to select
- * source or destination url for error messages
- */
- typedef enum {
- statusSuccess,
- statusClientError,
- statusServerError
- } StatusCode;
- /**
- * Login Mode for ftpOpenConnection
- */
- typedef enum {
- loginDefered,
- loginExplicit,
- loginImplicit
- } LoginMode;
- /**
- * Connect and login to the FTP server.
- *
- * @param loginMode controls if login info should be sent<br>
- * loginDefered - must not be logged on, no login info is sent<br>
- * loginExplicit - must not be logged on, login info is sent<br>
- * loginImplicit - login info is sent if not logged on
- *
- * @return true on success (a login failure would return false).
- */
- bool ftpOpenConnection (LoginMode loginMode);
- /**
- * Executes any auto login macro's as specified in a .netrc file.
- */
- void ftpAutoLoginMacro ();
- /**
- * Called by openConnection. It logs us in.
- * m_initialPath is set to the current working directory
- * if logging on was successful.
- *
- * @return true on success.
- */
- bool ftpLogin();
- /**
- * ftpSendCmd - send a command (@p cmd) and read response
- *
- * @param maxretries number of time it should retry. Since it recursively
- * calls itself if it can't read the answer (this happens especially after
- * timeouts), we need to limit the recursiveness ;-)
- *
- * return true if any response received, false on error
- */
- bool ftpSendCmd( const QByteArray& cmd, int maxretries = 1 );
- /**
- * Use the SIZE command to get the file size.
- * @param mode the size depends on the transfer mode, hence this arg.
- * @return true on success
- * Gets the size into m_size.
- */
- bool ftpSize( const QString & path, char mode );
- /**
- * Set the current working directory, but only if not yet current
- */
- bool ftpFolder(const QString& path, bool bReportError);
- /**
- * Runs a command on the ftp server like "list" or "retr". In contrast to
- * ftpSendCmd a data connection is opened. The corresponding socket
- * sData is available for reading/writing on success.
- * The connection must be closed afterwards with ftpCloseCommand.
- *
- * @param mode is 'A' or 'I'. 'A' means ASCII transfer, 'I' means binary transfer.
- * @param errorcode the command-dependent error code to emit on error
- *
- * @return true if the command was accepted by the server.
- */
- bool ftpOpenCommand( const char *command, const QString & path, char mode,
- int errorcode, KIO::fileoffset_t offset = 0 );
- /**
- * The counterpart to openCommand.
- * Closes data sockets and then reads line sent by server at
- * end of command.
- * @return false on error (line doesn't start with '2')
- */
- bool ftpCloseCommand();
- /**
- * Send "TYPE I" or "TYPE A" only if required, see m_cDataMode.
- *
- * Use 'A' to select ASCII and 'I' to select BINARY mode. If
- * cMode is '?' the m_bTextMode flag is used to choose a mode.
- */
- bool ftpDataMode(char cMode);
- //void ftpAbortTransfer();
- /**
- * Used by ftpOpenCommand, return 0 on success or an error code
- */
- int ftpOpenDataConnection();
- /**
- * closes a data connection, see ftpOpenDataConnection()
- */
- void ftpCloseDataConnection();
- /**
- * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
- */
- int ftpOpenPASVDataConnection();
- /**
- * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
- */
- int ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection();
- /**
- * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
- */
- int ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection();
- /**
- * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
- */
- int ftpOpenPortDataConnection();
- /**
- * ftpAcceptConnect - wait for incoming connection
- *
- * return -2 on error or timeout
- * otherwise returns socket descriptor
- */
- int ftpAcceptConnect();
- bool ftpChmod( const QString & path, int permissions );
- // used by listDir
- bool ftpOpenDir( const QString & path );
- /**
- * Called to parse directory listings, call this until it returns false
- */
- bool ftpReadDir(FtpEntry& ftpEnt);
- /**
- * Helper to fill an UDSEntry
- */
- void ftpCreateUDSEntry( const QString & filename, FtpEntry& ftpEnt, KIO::UDSEntry& entry, bool isDir );
- void ftpShortStatAnswer( const QString& filename, bool isDir );
- void ftpStatAnswerNotFound( const QString & path, const QString & filename );
- /**
- * This is the internal implementation of rename() - set put().
- *
- * @return true on success.
- */
- bool ftpRename( const QString & src, const QString & dst, KIO::JobFlags flags );
- /**
- * Called by openConnection. It opens the control connection to the ftp server.
- *
- * @return true on success.
- */
- bool ftpOpenControlConnection( const QString & host, int port, bool ignoreSslErrors = false );
- /**
- * closes the socket holding the control connection (see ftpOpenControlConnection)
- */
- void ftpCloseControlConnection();
- /**
- * read a response from the server (a trailing CR gets stripped)
- * @param iOffset -1 to read a new line from the server<br>
- * 0 to return the whole response string
- * >0 to return the response with iOffset chars skipped
- * @return the reponse message with iOffset chars skipped (or "" if iOffset points
- * behind the available data)
- */
- const char* ftpResponse(int iOffset);
- /**
- * This is the internal implementation of get() - see copy().
- *
- * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return.
- * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this.
- *
- * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
- * @param iCopyFile -1 -or- handle of a local destination file
- * @param hCopyOffset local file only: non-zero for resume
- * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
- */
- StatusCode ftpGet(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KUrl& url, KIO::fileoffset_t hCopyOffset);
- /**
- * This is the internal implementation of put() - see copy().
- *
- * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return.
- * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this.
- *
- * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
- * @param iCopyFile -1 -or- handle of a local source file
- * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
- */
- StatusCode ftpPut(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags);
- /**
- * helper called from copy() to implement FILE -> FTP transfers
- *
- * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
- * @param iCopyFile [out] handle of a local source file
- * @param sCopyFile path of the local source file
- * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
- */
- StatusCode ftpCopyPut(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, const QString &sCopyFile, const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags);
- /**
- * helper called from copy() to implement FTP -> FILE transfers
- *
- * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
- * @param iCopyFile [out] handle of a local source file
- * @param sCopyFile path of the local destination file
- * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
- */
- StatusCode ftpCopyGet(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, const QString &sCopyFile, const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags);
- private: // data members
- QString m_host;
- int m_port;
- QString m_user;
- QString m_pass;
- /**
- * Where we end up after connecting
- */
- QString m_initialPath;
- KUrl m_proxyURL;
- /**
- * the current working directory - see ftpFolder
- */
- QString m_currentPath;
- /**
- * the status returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse()
- */
- int m_iRespCode;
- /**
- * the status/100 returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse()
- */
- int m_iRespType;
- /**
- * This flag is maintained by ftpDataMode() and contains I or A after
- * ftpDataMode() has successfully set the mode.
- */
- char m_cDataMode;
- /**
- * true if logged on (m_control should also be non-NULL)
- */
- bool m_bLoggedOn;
- /**
- * true if a "textmode" metadata key was found by ftpLogin(). This
- * switches the ftp data transfer mode from binary to ASCII.
- */
- bool m_bTextMode;
- /**
- * true if a data stream is open, used in closeConnection().
- *
- * When the user cancels a get or put command the Ftp dtor will be called,
- * which in turn calls closeConnection(). The later would try to send QUIT
- * which won't work until timeout. ftpOpenCommand sets the m_bBusy flag so
- * that the sockets will be closed immedeately - the server should be
- * capable of handling this and return an error code on thru the control
- * connection. The m_bBusy gets cleared by the ftpCloseCommand() routine.
- */
- bool m_bBusy;
- bool m_bPasv;
- bool m_bUseProxy;
- KIO::filesize_t m_size;
- static KIO::filesize_t UnknownSize;
- enum
- {
- epsvUnknown = 0x01,
- epsvAllUnknown = 0x02,
- eprtUnknown = 0x04,
- epsvAllSent = 0x10,
- pasvUnknown = 0x20,
- chmodUnknown = 0x100
- };
- int m_extControl;
- /**
- * control connection socket, only set if openControl() succeeded
- */
- QSslSocket *m_control;
- QByteArray m_lastControlLine;
- /**
- * data connection socket
- */
- QSslSocket *m_data;
- //QTcpSocket *m_data;
- bool m_bIgnoreSslErrors;
- SslServer *m_testserver;
- };
- #endif // KDELIBS_FTP_H