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Package: kio-ftps.rar [view]
Upload User: hbyfgg
Upload Date: 2015-04-03
Package Size: 74k
Code Size: 73k
Linux-Unix program
Development Platform:
- // -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*-
- /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
- Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David Faure <>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- /*
- Recommended reading explaining FTP details and quirks:
- (by D.J. Bernstein)
- RFC:
- RFC 959 "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)"
- RFC 1635 "How to Use Anonymous FTP"
- RFC 2428 "FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs" (defines EPRT and EPSV)
- */
- #include "ftp.h"
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/select.h>
- #endif
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #endif
- #include <QtCore/QDir>
- #include <QtNetwork/QHostAddress>
- #include <QtNetwork/QTcpServer>
- #include <kdebug.h>
- #include <kglobal.h>
- #include <klocale.h>
- #include <kcomponentdata.h>
- #include <kmimetype.h>
- #include <kio/ioslave_defaults.h>
- #include <kio/slaveconfig.h>
- #include <kremoteencoding.h>
- #include <ksocketfactory.h>
- #include <kde_file.h>
- #include <kconfiggroup.h>
- #include <kmessagebox.h>
- #define charToLongLong(a) strtoll(a, 0, 10)
- #else
- #define charToLongLong(a) strtol(a, 0, 10)
- #endif
- #define FTP_LOGIN "anonymous"
- #define FTP_PASSWD "anonymous@"
- //#undef kDebug
- // JPF: somebody should find a better solution for this or move this to KIO
- // JPF: anyhow, in KDE 3.2.0 I found diffent MAX_IPC_SIZE definitions!
- namespace KIO {
- enum buffersizes
- { /**
- * largest buffer size that should be used to transfer data between
- * KIO slaves using the data() function
- */
- maximumIpcSize = 32 * 1024,
- /**
- * this is a reasonable value for an initial read() that a KIO slave
- * can do to obtain data via a slow network connection.
- */
- initialIpcSize = 2 * 1024,
- /**
- * recommended size of a data block passed to findBufferFileType()
- */
- mimimumMimeSize = 1024
- };
- // JPF: this helper was derived from write_all in (FileProtocol).
- static // JPF: in we make it static
- /**
- * This helper handles some special issues (blocking and interrupted
- * system call) when writing to a file handle.
- *
- * @return 0 on success or an error code on failure (ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE,
- */
- int WriteToFile(int fd, const char *buf, size_t len)
- {
- while (len > 0)
- { // JPF: shouldn't there be a KDE_write?
- ssize_t written = write(fd, buf, len);
- if (written >= 0)
- { buf += written;
- len -= written;
- continue;
- }
- switch(errno)
- { case EINTR: continue;
- case ENOSPC: return ERR_DISK_FULL;
- default: return ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- KIO::filesize_t Ftp::UnknownSize = (KIO::filesize_t)-1;
- using namespace KIO;
- extern "C" int KDE_EXPORT kdemain( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- KComponentData componentData( "kio_ftpc", "kdelibs4" );
- ( void ) KGlobal::locale();
- kDebug(7102) << "Starting " << getpid();
- if (argc != 4)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_ftps protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- Ftp slave(argv[2], argv[3]);
- slave.dispatchLoop();
- kDebug(7102) << "Done";
- return 0;
- }
- //===============================================================================
- // Ftp
- //===============================================================================
- Ftp::Ftp( const QByteArray &pool, const QByteArray &app )
- : SlaveBase( "ftps", pool, app )
- {
- // init the socket data
- m_data = m_control = NULL;
- ftpCloseControlConnection();
- // init other members
- m_port = 0;
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::Ftp()";
- }
- Ftp::~Ftp()
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::~Ftp()";
- closeConnection();
- }
- /**
- * This closes a data connection opened by ftpOpenDataConnection().
- */
- void Ftp::ftpCloseDataConnection()
- {
- delete m_data;
- m_data = NULL;
- }
- /**
- * This closes a control connection opened by ftpOpenControlConnection() and reinits the
- * related states. This method gets called from the constructor with m_control = NULL.
- */
- void Ftp::ftpCloseControlConnection()
- {
- m_extControl = 0;
- delete m_control;
- m_control = NULL;
- m_cDataMode = 0;
- m_bLoggedOn = false; // logon needs control connction
- m_bTextMode = false;
- m_bBusy = false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the last response from the server (iOffset >= 0) -or- reads a new response
- * (iOffset < 0). The result is returned (with iOffset chars skipped for iOffset > 0).
- */
- const char* Ftp::ftpResponse(int iOffset)
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- const char *pTxt =;
- // read the next line ...
- if(iOffset < 0)
- {
- int iMore = 0;
- m_iRespCode = 0;
- // If the server sends multiline responses "nnn-text" we loop here until
- // a final "nnn text" line is reached. Only data from the final line will
- // be stored. Some servers (OpenBSD) send a single "nnn-" followed by
- // optional lines that start with a space and a final "nnn text" line.
- do {
- while (!m_control->canReadLine() && m_control->waitForReadyRead()) {}
- m_lastControlLine = m_control->readLine();
- pTxt =;
- int nBytes = m_lastControlLine.size();
- int iCode = atoi(pTxt);
- if(iCode > 0) m_iRespCode = iCode;
- // ignore lines starting with a space in multiline response
- if(iMore != 0 && pTxt[0] == 32)
- ;
- // otherwise the line should start with "nnn-" or "nnn "
- else if(nBytes < 4 || iCode < 100)
- iMore = 0;
- // we got a valid line, now check for multiline responses ...
- else if(iMore == 0 && pTxt[3] == '-')
- iMore = iCode;
- // "nnn " ends multiline mode ...
- else if(iMore != 0 && (iMore != iCode || pTxt[3] != '-'))
- iMore = 0;
- if(iMore != 0)
- kDebug(7102) << " > " << pTxt;
- } while(iMore != 0);
- kDebug(7102) << "resp> " << pTxt;
- m_iRespType = (m_iRespCode > 0) ? m_iRespCode / 100 : 0;
- }
- // return text with offset ...
- while(iOffset-- > 0 && pTxt[0])
- pTxt++;
- return pTxt;
- }
- void Ftp::closeConnection()
- {
- if(m_control != NULL || m_data != NULL)
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection m_bLoggedOn=" << m_bLoggedOn << " m_bBusy=" << m_bBusy;
- if(m_bBusy) // ftpCloseCommand not called
- {
- kWarning(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection Abandoned data stream";
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- }
- if(m_bLoggedOn) // send quit
- {
- if( !ftpSendCmd( "quit", 0 ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- kWarning(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection QUIT returned error: " << m_iRespCode;
- }
- // close the data and control connections ...
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- ftpCloseControlConnection();
- }
- void Ftp::setHost( const QString& _host, quint16 _port, const QString& _user,
- const QString& _pass )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::setHost (" << getpid() << "): " << _host << " port=" << _port;
- m_proxyURL = metaData("UseProxy");
- m_bUseProxy = (m_proxyURL.isValid() && m_proxyURL.protocol() == "ftp");
- if ( m_host != _host || m_port != _port ||
- m_user != _user || m_pass != _pass )
- closeConnection();
- m_host = _host;
- m_port = _port;
- m_user = _user;
- m_pass = _pass;
- }
- void Ftp::openConnection()
- {
- ftpOpenConnection(loginExplicit);
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpOpenConnection (LoginMode loginMode)
- {
- // check for implicit login if we are already logged on ...
- if(loginMode == loginImplicit && m_bLoggedOn)
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- return true;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpOpenConnection " << m_host << ":" << m_port << " "
- << m_user << " [password hidden]";
- infoMessage( i18n("Opening connection to host %1", m_host) );
- if ( m_host.isEmpty() )
- {
- error( ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST, QString() );
- return false;
- }
- assert( !m_bLoggedOn );
- m_initialPath.clear();
- m_currentPath.clear();
- QString host = m_bUseProxy ? : m_host;
- int port = m_bUseProxy ? m_proxyURL.port() : m_port;
- if (!ftpOpenControlConnection(host, port) )
- return false; // error emitted by ftpOpenControlConnection
- infoMessage( i18n("Connected to host %1", m_host) );
- if(loginMode != loginDefered)
- {
- m_bLoggedOn = ftpLogin();
- if( !m_bLoggedOn )
- return false; // error emitted by ftpLogin
- }
- m_bTextMode = config()->readEntry("textmode", false);
- connected();
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Called by @ref openConnection. It opens the control connection to the ftp server.
- *
- * @return true on success.
- */
- bool Ftp::ftpOpenControlConnection( const QString &host, int port, bool ignoreSslErrors )
- {
- m_bIgnoreSslErrors = ignoreSslErrors;
- // implicitly close, then try to open a new connection ...
- closeConnection();
- QString sErrorMsg;
- // now connect to the server and read the login message ...
- if (port == 0)
- port = 21; // default FTP port
- m_control = new QSslSocket();
- KSocketFactory::synchronousConnectToHost(m_control, "ftps", host, port, connectTimeout() * 1000);
- int iErrorCode = m_control->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ? 0 : ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT;
- // on connect success try to read the server message...
- if(iErrorCode == 0)
- {
- const char* psz = ftpResponse(-1);
- if(m_iRespType != 2)
- { // login not successful, do we have an message text?
- if(psz[0])
- sErrorMsg = i18n("%1.nnReason: %2", host, psz);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_control->error() == QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError)
- iErrorCode = ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST;
- sErrorMsg = QString("%1: %2").arg(host).arg(m_control->errorString());
- }
- // Send unencrypted "AUTH TLS" request.
- // TODO: redirect to FTP fallback on negative response.
- if(iErrorCode == 0)
- {
- bool authSucc = (ftpSendCmd("AUTH TLS") && (m_iRespCode == 234));
- if (!authSucc)
- {
- sErrorMsg = i18n("The FTP server does not seem to support ftps-encryption.");
- }
- }
- // Starts the encryption
- if(iErrorCode == 0)
- {
- // If the method has been called with ignoreSslErrors, make the ssl socket
- // ignore the errors during handshakes.
- if (ignoreSslErrors) m_control->ignoreSslErrors();
- m_control->startClientEncryption();
- if (!m_control->waitForEncrypted(connectTimeout() * 1000))
- {
- // It is quite common, that the TLS handshake fails, as the majority
- // of certificates are self signed, and thus the host cannot be verified.
- // If the user wants to continue nevertheless, this method is called
- // again, with the "ignoreSslErrors" flag.
- bool doNotIgnore = false;
- QList<QSslError> errors = m_control->sslErrors();
- for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (messageBox(WarningContinueCancel,,
- "TLS Handshake Error",
- i18n("&Continue"),
- i18n("&Cancel")) == KMessageBox::Cancel) doNotIgnore = false;
- }
- if (doNotIgnore)
- {
- sErrorMsg = i18n("TLS Handshake Error.");
- }
- else
- {
- closeConnection();
- return ftpOpenControlConnection(host, port, true);
- }
- }
- }
- // if there was a problem - report it ...
- if(iErrorCode == 0) // OK, return success
- return true;
- closeConnection(); // clean-up on error
- error(iErrorCode, sErrorMsg);
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Called by @ref openConnection. It logs us in.
- * @ref m_initialPath is set to the current working directory
- * if logging on was successful.
- *
- * @return true on success.
- */
- bool Ftp::ftpLogin()
- {
- infoMessage( i18n("Sending login information") );
- assert( !m_bLoggedOn );
- QString user = m_user;
- QString pass = m_pass;
- if ( config()->readEntry("EnableAutoLogin", false) )
- {
- QString au = config()->readEntry("autoLoginUser");
- if ( !au.isEmpty() )
- {
- user = au;
- pass = config()->readEntry("autoLoginPass");
- }
- }
- // Try anonymous login if both username/password
- // information is blank.
- if (user.isEmpty() && pass.isEmpty())
- {
- user = FTP_LOGIN;
- pass = FTP_PASSWD;
- }
- AuthInfo info;
- info.url.setProtocol( "ftp" );
- info.url.setHost( m_host );
- if ( m_port > 0 && m_port != DEFAULT_FTP_PORT )
- info.url.setPort( m_port );
- info.url.setUser( user );
- QByteArray tempbuf;
- int failedAuth = 0;
- do
- {
- // Check the cache and/or prompt user for password if 1st
- // login attempt failed OR the user supplied a login name,
- // but no password.
- if ( failedAuth > 0 || (!user.isEmpty() && pass.isEmpty()) )
- {
- QString errorMsg;
- kDebug(7102) << "Prompting user for login info...";
- // Ask user if we should retry after when login fails!
- if( failedAuth > 0 )
- {
- errorMsg = i18n("Message sent:nLogin using username=%1 and "
- "password=[hidden]nnServer replied:n%2nn"
- , user, ftpResponse(0));
- }
- if ( user != FTP_LOGIN )
- info.username = user;
- info.prompt = i18n("You need to supply a username and a password "
- "to access this site.");
- info.commentLabel = i18n( "Site:" );
- info.comment = i18n("<b>%1</b>", m_host );
- info.keepPassword = true; // Prompt the user for persistence as well.
- info.readOnly = (!m_user.isEmpty() && m_user != FTP_LOGIN);
- bool disablePassDlg = config()->readEntry( "DisablePassDlg", false );
- if ( disablePassDlg || !openPasswordDialog( info, errorMsg ) )
- {
- error( ERR_USER_CANCELED, m_host );
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- user = info.username;
- pass = info.password;
- }
- }
- tempbuf = "USER ";
- tempbuf += user.toLatin1();
- if ( m_bUseProxy )
- {
- tempbuf += '@';
- tempbuf += m_host.toLatin1();
- if ( m_port > 0 && m_port != DEFAULT_FTP_PORT )
- {
- tempbuf += ':';
- tempbuf += QString::number(m_port).toLatin1();
- }
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "Sending Login name: " << tempbuf;
- bool loggedIn = ( ftpSendCmd(tempbuf) && (m_iRespCode == 230) );
- bool needPass = (m_iRespCode == 331);
- // Prompt user for login info if we do not
- // get back a "230" or "331".
- if ( !loggedIn && !needPass )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Login failed: " << ftpResponse(0);
- ++failedAuth;
- continue; // Well we failed, prompt the user please!!
- }
- if( needPass )
- {
- tempbuf = "pass ";
- tempbuf += pass.toLatin1();
- kDebug(7102) << "Sending Login password: " << "[protected]";
- loggedIn = ( ftpSendCmd(tempbuf) && (m_iRespCode == 230) );
- }
- if ( loggedIn )
- {
- // Do not cache the default login!!
- if( user != FTP_LOGIN && pass != FTP_PASSWD )
- cacheAuthentication( info );
- failedAuth = -1;
- }
- } while( ++failedAuth );
- kDebug(7102) << "Login OK";
- infoMessage( i18n("Login OK") );
- // Okay, we're logged in. If this is IIS 4, switch dir listing style to Unix:
- // Thanks to (Jens Kristian Sgaard) for this hint
- if( ftpSendCmd("SYST") && (m_iRespType == 2) )
- {
- if( !strncmp( ftpResponse(0), "215 Windows_NT", 14 ) ) // should do for any version
- {
- ftpSendCmd( "site dirstyle" );
- // Check if it was already in Unix style
- // Patch from Keith Refson <>
- if( !strncmp( ftpResponse(0), "200 MSDOS-like directory output is on", 37 ))
- //It was in Unix style already!
- ftpSendCmd( "site dirstyle" );
- // windows won't support chmod before KDE konquers their desktop...
- m_extControl |= chmodUnknown;
- }
- }
- else
- kWarning(7102) << "SYST failed";
- if ( config()->readEntry ("EnableAutoLoginMacro", false) )
- ftpAutoLoginMacro ();
- // Get the current working directory
- kDebug(7102) << "Searching for pwd";
- if( !ftpSendCmd("PWD") || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Couldn't issue pwd command";
- error( ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, i18n("Could not login to %1.", m_host) ); // or anything better ?
- return false;
- }
- QString sTmp = remoteEncoding()->decode( ftpResponse(3) );
- int iBeg = sTmp.indexOf('"');
- int iEnd = sTmp.lastIndexOf('"');
- if(iBeg > 0 && iBeg < iEnd)
- {
- m_initialPath = sTmp.mid(iBeg+1, iEnd-iBeg-1);
- if(m_initialPath[0] != '/') m_initialPath.prepend('/');
- kDebug(7102) << "Initial path set to: " << m_initialPath;
- m_currentPath = m_initialPath;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Ftp::ftpAutoLoginMacro ()
- {
- QString macro = metaData( "autoLoginMacro" );
- if ( macro.isEmpty() )
- return;
- QStringList list = macro.split('n',QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for(QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin() ; it != list.end() ; ++it )
- {
- if ( (*it).startsWith("init") )
- {
- list = macro.split( '\',QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- it = list.begin();
- ++it; // ignore the macro name
- for( ; it != list.end() ; ++it )
- {
- // TODO: Add support for arbitrary commands
- // besides simply changing directory!!
- if ( (*it).startsWith( "cwd" ) )
- ftpFolder( (*it).mid(4).trimmed(), false );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * ftpSendCmd - send a command (@p cmd) and read response
- *
- * @param maxretries number of time it should retry. Since it recursively
- * calls itself if it can't read the answer (this happens especially after
- * timeouts), we need to limit the recursiveness ;-)
- *
- * return true if any response received, false on error
- */
- bool Ftp::ftpSendCmd( const QByteArray& cmd, int maxretries )
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- if ( cmd.indexOf( 'r' ) != -1 || cmd.indexOf( 'n' ) != -1)
- {
- kWarning(7102) << "Invalid command received (contains CR or LF):"
- <<;
- error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, m_host );
- return false;
- }
- // Don't print out the password...
- bool isPassCmd = (cmd.left(4).toLower() == "pass");
- if ( !isPassCmd )
- kDebug(7102) << "send> " <<;
- else
- kDebug(7102) << "send> pass [protected]";
- // Send the message...
- QByteArray buf = cmd;
- buf += "rn"; // Yes, must use CR/LF - see
- int num = m_control->write(buf);
- while (m_control->bytesToWrite() && m_control->waitForBytesWritten()) {}
- // If we were able to successfully send the command, then we will
- // attempt to read the response. Otherwise, take action to re-attempt
- // the login based on the maximum number of retires specified...
- if( num > 0 )
- ftpResponse(-1);
- else
- {
- m_iRespType = m_iRespCode = 0;
- }
- // If respCh is NULL or the response is 421 (Timed-out), we try to re-send
- // the command based on the value of maxretries.
- if( (m_iRespType <= 0) || (m_iRespCode == 421) )
- {
- // We have not yet logged on...
- if (!m_bLoggedOn)
- {
- // The command was sent from the ftpLogin function, i.e. we are actually
- // attempting to login in. NOTE: If we already sent the username, we
- // return false and let the user decide whether (s)he wants to start from
- // the beginning...
- if (maxretries > 0 && !isPassCmd)
- {
- closeConnection ();
- if( ftpOpenConnection(loginDefered) )
- ftpSendCmd ( cmd, maxretries - 1 );
- }
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( maxretries < 1 )
- return false;
- else
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Was not able to communicate with " << m_host
- << "Attempting to re-establish connection.";
- closeConnection(); // Close the old connection...
- openConnection(); // Attempt to re-establish a new connection...
- if (!m_bLoggedOn)
- {
- if (m_control != NULL) // if openConnection succeeded ...
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Login failure, aborting";
- error (ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, m_host);
- closeConnection ();
- }
- return false;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "Logged back in, re-issuing command";
- // If we were able to login, resend the command...
- if (maxretries)
- maxretries--;
- return ftpSendCmd( cmd, maxretries );
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * ftpOpenPASVDataConnection - set up data connection, using PASV mode
- *
- * return 0 if successful, ERR_INTERNAL otherwise
- * doesn't set error message, since non-pasv mode will always be tried if
- * this one fails
- */
- int Ftp::ftpOpenPASVDataConnection()
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection
- // Check that we can do PASV
- QHostAddress addr = m_control->peerAddress();
- if (addr.protocol() != QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol)
- return ERR_INTERNAL; // no PASV for non-PF_INET connections
- if (m_extControl & pasvUnknown)
- return ERR_INTERNAL; // already tried and got "unknown command"
- m_bPasv = true;
- /* Let's PASsiVe*/
- if( !ftpSendCmd("PASV") || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "PASV attempt failed";
- // unknown command?
- if( m_iRespType == 5 )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "disabling use of PASV";
- m_extControl |= pasvUnknown;
- }
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- // The usual answer is '227 Entering Passive Mode. (160,39,200,55,6,245)'
- // but anonftpd gives '227 =160,39,200,55,6,245'
- int i[6];
- const char *start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '(');
- if ( !start )
- start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '=');
- if ( !start ||
- ( sscanf(start, "(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",&i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3], &i[4], &i[5]) != 6 &&
- sscanf(start, "=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3], &i[4], &i[5]) != 6 ) )
- {
- kError(7102) << "parsing IP and port numbers failed. String parsed: " << start;
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- // we ignore the host part on purpose for two reasons
- // a) it might be wrong anyway
- // b) it would make us being suceptible to a port scanning attack
- // now connect the data socket ...
- quint16 port = i[4] << 8 | i[5];
- kDebug(7102) << "Connecting to " << addr.toString() << " port " << port;
- m_data = new QSslSocket();
- KSocketFactory::synchronousConnectToHost(m_data, "ftp-data", addr.toString(), port, connectTimeout() * 1000);
- return m_data->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ? 0 : ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- /*
- * ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection - opens a data connection via EPSV
- */
- int Ftp::ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection()
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection
- QHostAddress address = m_control->peerAddress();
- int portnum;
- if (m_extControl & epsvUnknown)
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- m_bPasv = true;
- if( !ftpSendCmd("EPSV") || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- // unknown command?
- if( m_iRespType == 5 )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "disabling use of EPSV";
- m_extControl |= epsvUnknown;
- }
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- const char *start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '|');
- if ( !start || sscanf(start, "|||%d|", &portnum) != 1)
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- m_data = new QSslSocket();
- KSocketFactory::synchronousConnectToHost(m_data, "ftp-data", address.toString(), portnum,
- connectTimeout() * 1000);
- return m_data->isOpen() ? 0 : ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- int Ftp::encryptDataChannel()
- {
- if (m_bIgnoreSslErrors) m_data->ignoreSslErrors();
- if (m_bPasv) m_data->startClientEncryption();
- else m_data->startServerEncryption();
- if (!m_data->waitForEncrypted(connectTimeout() * 1000)) return ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED;
- return 0;
- }
- bool Ftp::requestDataEncryption()
- {
- // initate tls transfer for data chanel on the control channel
- bool pbszSucc = (ftpSendCmd("PBSZ 0") && (m_iRespType == 2));
- if (!pbszSucc) return false;
- // try protected data transfer first
- bool protpSucc = (ftpSendCmd("PROT P") && (m_iRespType == 2));
- if (!protpSucc)
- {
- // Set the data channel to clear (should not be necessary, just in case).
- ftpSendCmd("PROT C");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * ftpOpenDataConnection - set up data connection
- *
- * The routine calls several ftpOpenXxxxConnection() helpers to find
- * the best connection mode. If a helper cannot connect if returns
- * ERR_INTERNAL - so this is not really an error! All other error
- * codes are treated as fatal, e.g. they are passed back to the caller
- * who is responsible for calling error(). ftpOpenPortDataConnection
- * can be called as last try and it does never return ERR_INTERNAL.
- *
- * @return 0 if successful, err code otherwise
- */
- int Ftp::ftpOpenDataConnection()
- {
- // make sure that we are logged on and have no data connection...
- assert( m_bLoggedOn );
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- int iErrCode = 0;
- int iErrCodePASV = 0; // Remember error code from PASV
- // First try passive (EPSV & PASV) modes
- if ( !config()->readEntry("DisablePassiveMode", false) )
- {
- iErrCode = ftpOpenPASVDataConnection();
- if(iErrCode == 0)
- {
- // success
- requestDataEncryption();
- return 0;
- }
- iErrCodePASV = iErrCode;
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- if ( !config()->readEntry("DisableEPSV", false) )
- {
- iErrCode = ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection();
- if(iErrCode == 0)
- {
- // success
- requestDataEncryption();
- return 0;
- }
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- }
- // if we sent EPSV ALL already and it was accepted, then we can't
- // use active connections any more
- if (m_extControl & epsvAllSent)
- return iErrCodePASV ? iErrCodePASV : iErrCode;
- }
- // fall back to port mode
- iErrCode = ftpOpenPortDataConnection();
- if(iErrCode == 0)
- {
- // success
- requestDataEncryption();
- return 0;
- }
- ftpCloseDataConnection();
- // prefer to return the error code from PASV if any, since that's what should have worked in the first place
- return iErrCodePASV ? iErrCodePASV : iErrCode;
- }
- /*
- * ftpOpenPortDataConnection - set up data connection
- *
- * @return 0 if successful, err code otherwise (but never ERR_INTERNAL
- * because this is the last connection mode that is tried)
- */
- int Ftp::ftpOpenPortDataConnection()
- {
- assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket
- assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection
- m_bPasv = false;
- if (m_extControl & eprtUnknown)
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- //QTcpServer *server = new SslServer();
- SslServer *server = new SslServer(); //KSocketFactory::listen("ftp-data");
- server = new SslServer();
- server->setProxy(KSocketFactory::proxyForListening("ftp-data"));
- server->listen();
- if (!server->isListening())
- {
- delete server;
- }
- server->setMaxPendingConnections(1);
- QString command;
- QHostAddress localAddress = m_control->localAddress();
- if (localAddress.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol)
- {
- struct
- {
- quint32 ip4;
- quint16 port;
- } data;
- data.ip4 = localAddress.toIPv4Address();
- data.port = server->serverPort();
- unsigned char *pData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data);
- command.sprintf("PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",pData[0],pData[1],pData[2],pData[3],pData[4],pData[5]);
- }
- else if (localAddress.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)
- {
- command = QString("EPRT |2|%2|%3|").arg(localAddress.toString()).arg(server->serverPort());
- }
- if( ftpSendCmd(command.toLatin1()) && (m_iRespType == 2) ) return 0;
- {
- server->waitForNewConnection(connectTimeout() * 1000);
- m_data = server->socket();
- //m_data = server->nextPendingConnection();
- delete server;
- return m_data ? 0 : ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT;
- }
- delete server;
- return ERR_INTERNAL;
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpOpenCommand( const char *_command, const QString & _path, char _mode,
- int errorcode, KIO::fileoffset_t _offset )
- {
- int errCode = 0;
- if( !ftpDataMode(_mode) )
- else
- errCode = ftpOpenDataConnection();
- if(errCode != 0)
- {
- error(errCode, m_host);
- return false;
- }
- bool useDataEnc = requestDataEncryption();
- if ( _offset > 0 ) {
- // send rest command if offset > 0, this applies to retr and stor commands
- char buf[100];
- sprintf(buf, "rest %lld", _offset);
- if ( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) )
- return false;
- if( m_iRespType != 3 )
- {
- error( ERR_CANNOT_RESUME, _path ); // should never happen
- return false;
- }
- }
- QByteArray tmp = _command;
- QString errormessage;
- if ( !_path.isEmpty() ) {
- tmp += ' ';
- tmp += remoteEncoding()->encode(_path);
- }
- if( !ftpSendCmd( tmp ) || (m_iRespType != 1) )
- {
- if( _offset > 0 && strcmp(_command, "retr") == 0 && (m_iRespType == 4) )
- errorcode = ERR_CANNOT_RESUME;
- // The error here depends on the command
- errormessage = _path;
- }
- else
- {
- // Only now we know for sure that we can resume
- if ( _offset > 0 && strcmp(_command, "retr") == 0 )
- canResume();
- m_bBusy = true; // cleared in ftpCloseCommand
- if (useDataEnc)
- {
- int result = encryptDataChannel();
- if (result != 0)
- {
- error(result, "TLS Negotiation failed on the data channel.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- error(errorcode, errormessage);
- return false;
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpCloseCommand()
- {
- // first close data sockets (if opened), then read response that
- // we got for whatever was used in ftpOpenCommand ( should be 226 )
- if(m_data)
- {
- delete m_data;
- m_data = NULL;
- }
- if(!m_bBusy)
- return true;
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpCloseCommand: reading command result";
- m_bBusy = false;
- if(!ftpResponse(-1) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpCloseCommand: no transfer complete message";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Ftp::mkdir( const KUrl & url, int permissions )
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- QString path = remoteEncoding()->encode(url);
- QByteArray buf = "mkd ";
- buf += remoteEncoding()->encode(path);
- if( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- QString currentPath( m_currentPath );
- // Check whether or not mkdir failed because
- // the directory already exists...
- if( ftpFolder( path, false ) )
- {
- error( ERR_DIR_ALREADY_EXIST, path );
- // Change the directory back to what it was...
- (void) ftpFolder( currentPath, false );
- return;
- }
- error( ERR_COULD_NOT_MKDIR, path );
- return;
- }
- if ( permissions != -1 )
- {
- // chmod the dir we just created, ignoring errors.
- (void) ftpChmod( path, permissions );
- }
- finished();
- }
- void Ftp::rename( const KUrl& src, const KUrl& dst, KIO::JobFlags flags )
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- // The actual functionality is in ftpRename because put needs it
- if ( ftpRename( src.path(), dst.path(), flags ) )
- finished();
- else
- error( ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, src.path() );
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpRename( const QString & src, const QString & dst, KIO::JobFlags )
- {
- // TODO honor overwrite
- assert( m_bLoggedOn );
- int pos = src.lastIndexOf("/");
- if( !ftpFolder(src.left(pos+1), false) )
- return false;
- QByteArray from_cmd = "RNFR ";
- from_cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(src.mid(pos+1));
- if( !ftpSendCmd( from_cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 3) )
- return false;
- QByteArray to_cmd = "RNTO ";
- to_cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dst);
- if( !ftpSendCmd( to_cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- void Ftp::del( const KUrl& url, bool isfile )
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- // When deleting a directory, we must exit from it first
- // The last command probably went into it (to stat it)
- if ( !isfile )
- ftpFolder(remoteEncoding()->directory(url), false); // ignore errors
- QByteArray cmd = isfile ? "DELE " : "RMD ";
- cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(url);
- if( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- error( ERR_CANNOT_DELETE, url.path() );
- else
- finished();
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpChmod( const QString & path, int permissions )
- {
- assert( m_bLoggedOn );
- if(m_extControl & chmodUnknown) // previous errors?
- return false;
- // we need to do bit AND 777 to get permissions, in case
- // we were sent a full mode (unlikely)
- QString cmd = QString::fromLatin1("SITE CHMOD ") + QString::number( permissions & 511, 8 /*octal*/ ) + ' ';
- cmd += path;
- ftpSendCmd(remoteEncoding()->encode(cmd));
- if(m_iRespType == 2)
- return true;
- if(m_iRespCode == 500)
- {
- m_extControl |= chmodUnknown;
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpChmod: CHMOD not supported - disabling";
- }
- return false;
- }
- void Ftp::chmod( const KUrl & url, int permissions )
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- if ( !ftpChmod( url.path(), permissions ) )
- error( ERR_CANNOT_CHMOD, url.path() );
- else
- finished();
- }
- void Ftp::ftpCreateUDSEntry( const QString & filename, FtpEntry& ftpEnt, UDSEntry& entry, bool isDir )
- {
- assert(entry.count() == 0); // by contract :-)
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, filename );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE, ftpEnt.size );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS, ftpEnt.access );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_USER, ftpEnt.owner );
- if ( ! )
- {
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GROUP, );
- }
- if ( ! )
- {
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_LINK_DEST, );
- KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByUrl( KUrl("ftps://host/" + filename ) );
- // Links on ftp sites are often links to dirs, and we have no way to check
- // that. Let's do like Netscape : assume dirs generally.
- // But we do this only when the mimetype can't be known from the filename.
- // --> we do better than Netscape :-)
- if ( mime->name() == KMimeType::defaultMimeType() )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Setting guessed mime type to inode/directory for " << filename;
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE, QString::fromLatin1( "inode/directory" ) );
- isDir = true;
- }
- }
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, isDir ? S_IFDIR : ftpEnt.type );
- // entry.insert KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME,buff.st_atime);
- // entry.insert KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_CREATION_TIME,buff.st_ctime);
- }
- void Ftp::ftpShortStatAnswer( const QString& filename, bool isDir )
- {
- UDSEntry entry;
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, filename );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, isDir ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG );
- // No details about size, ownership, group, etc.
- statEntry(entry);
- finished();
- }
- void Ftp::ftpStatAnswerNotFound( const QString & path, const QString & filename )
- {
- // Only do the 'hack' below if we want to download an existing file (i.e. when looking at the "source")
- // When e.g. uploading a file, we still need stat() to return "not found"
- // when the file doesn't exist.
- QString statSide = metaData("statSide");
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat statSide=" << statSide;
- if ( statSide == "source" )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Not found, but assuming found, because some servers don't allow listing";
- // MS Server is incapable of handling "list <blah>" in a case insensitive way
- // But "retr <blah>" works. So lie in stat(), to get going...
- //
- // There's also the case of
- // where listing permissions are denied, but downloading is still possible.
- ftpShortStatAnswer( filename, false /*file, not dir*/ );
- return;
- }
- error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path );
- }
- void Ftp::stat( const KUrl &url)
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat : path='" << url.path() << "'";
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- QString path = QDir::cleanPath( url.path() );
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat : cleaned path='" << path << "'";
- // We can't stat root, but we know it's a dir.
- if( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" )
- {
- UDSEntry entry;
- //entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, UDSField( QString() ) );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, QString::fromLatin1( "." ) );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFDIR );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_USER, QString::fromLatin1( "root" ) );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GROUP, QString::fromLatin1( "root" ) );
- // no size
- statEntry( entry );
- finished();
- return;
- }
- KUrl tempurl( url );
- tempurl.setPath( path ); // take the clean one
- QString listarg; // =;
- QString parentDir;
- QString filename = tempurl.fileName();
- Q_ASSERT(!filename.isEmpty());
- QString search = filename;
- // Try cwd into it, if it works it's a dir (and then we'll list the parent directory to get more info)
- // if it doesn't work, it's a file (and then we'll use dir filename)
- bool isDir = ftpFolder(path, false);
- // if we're only interested in "file or directory", we should stop here
- QString sDetails = metaData("details");
- int details = sDetails.isEmpty() ? 2 : sDetails.toInt();
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat details=" << details;
- if ( details == 0 )
- {
- if ( !isDir && !ftpSize( path, 'I' ) ) // ok, not a dir -> is it a file ?
- { // no -> it doesn't exist at all
- ftpStatAnswerNotFound( path, filename );
- return;
- }
- ftpShortStatAnswer( filename, isDir ); // successfully found a dir or a file -> done
- return;
- }
- if (!isDir)
- {
- // It is a file or it doesn't exist, try going to parent directory
- parentDir =;
- // With files we can do "LIST <filename>" to avoid listing the whole dir
- listarg = filename;
- }
- else
- {
- // --- New implementation:
- // Don't list the parent dir. Too slow, might not show it, etc.
- // Just return that it's a dir.
- UDSEntry entry;
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, filename );
- entry.insert( KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFDIR );
- // No clue about size, ownership, group, etc.
- statEntry(entry);
- finished();
- return;
- // --- Old implementation:
- #if 0
- // It's a dir, remember that
- // Reason: it could be a symlink to a dir, in which case ftpReadDir
- // in the parent dir will have no idea about that. But we know better.
- isDir = true;
- // If the dir starts with '.', we'll need '-a' to see it in the listing.
- if ( search[0] == '.' )
- listarg = "-a";
- parentDir = "..";
- #endif
- }
- // Now cwd the parent dir, to prepare for listing
- if( !ftpFolder(parentDir, true) )
- return;
- if( !ftpOpenCommand( "list", listarg, 'I', ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) )
- {
- kError(7102) << "COULD NOT LIST";
- return;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "Starting of list was ok";
- Q_ASSERT( !search.isEmpty() && search != "/" );
- bool bFound = false;
- KUrl linkURL;
- FtpEntry ftpEnt;
- while( ftpReadDir(ftpEnt) )
- {
- // We look for search or filename, since some servers (e.g.
- // return only the filename when doing "dir /full/path/to/file"
- if ( !bFound )
- {
- if ( ( search == || filename == ) ) {
- if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) {
- bFound = true;
- UDSEntry entry;
- ftpCreateUDSEntry( filename, ftpEnt, entry, isDir );
- statEntry( entry );
- }
- }
- #if 0 // goes with the "old implementation" above
- else if ( isDir && ( == listarg ||'/' == listarg ) ) {
- // Damn, the dir we're trying to list is in fact a symlink
- // Follow it and try again
- if ( )
- kWarning(7102) << "Got " << listarg << " as answer, but empty link!";
- else
- {
- linkURL = url;
- kDebug(7102) << "" <<;
- if ([0] == '/' )
- linkURL.setPath( ); // Absolute link
- else
- {
- // Relative link (stat will take care of cleaning ../.. etc.)
- linkURL.setPath( listarg ); // this is what we were listing (the link)
- linkURL.setPath( ); // go up one dir
- linkURL.addPath( ); // replace link by its destination
- kDebug(7102) << "linkURL now " << linkURL.prettyUrl();
- }
- // Re-add the filename we're looking for
- linkURL.addPath( filename );
- }
- bFound = true;
- }
- #endif
- }
- // kDebug(7102) <<;
- }
- ftpCloseCommand(); // closes the data connection only
- if ( !bFound )
- {
- ftpStatAnswerNotFound( path, filename );
- return;
- }
- if ( !linkURL.isEmpty() )
- {
- if ( linkURL == url || linkURL == tempurl )
- {
- error( ERR_CYCLIC_LINK, linkURL.prettyUrl() );
- return;
- }
- stat( linkURL );
- return;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "stat : finished successfully";
- finished();
- }
- void Ftp::listDir( const KUrl &url )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::listDir " << url.prettyUrl();
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- // No path specified ?
- QString path = url.path();
- if ( path.isEmpty() )
- {
- KUrl realURL;
- realURL.setProtocol( "ftps" );
- if ( m_user != FTP_LOGIN )
- realURL.setUser( m_user );
- // We set the password, so that we don't ask for it if it was given
- if ( m_pass != FTP_PASSWD )
- realURL.setPass( m_pass );
- realURL.setHost( m_host );
- if ( m_port > 0 && m_port != DEFAULT_FTP_PORT )
- realURL.setPort( m_port );
- if ( m_initialPath.isEmpty() )
- m_initialPath = "/";
- realURL.setPath( m_initialPath );
- kDebug(7102) << "REDIRECTION to " << realURL.prettyUrl();
- redirection( realURL );
- finished();
- return;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "hunting for path '" << path << "'";
- if (!ftpOpenDir( path ) )
- {
- if ( ftpSize( path, 'I' ) ) // is it a file ?
- {
- error( ERR_IS_FILE, path );
- return;
- }
- // not sure which to emit
- //error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path );
- return;
- }
- UDSEntry entry;
- FtpEntry ftpEnt;
- while( ftpReadDir(ftpEnt) )
- {
- //kDebug(7102) <<;
- //Q_ASSERT( ! );
- if ( ! )
- {
- //if ( S_ISDIR( (mode_t)ftpEnt.type ) )
- // kDebug(7102) << "is a dir";
- //if ( ! )
- // kDebug(7102) << "is a link to " <<;
- entry.clear();
- ftpCreateUDSEntry(, ftpEnt, entry, false );
- listEntry( entry, false );
- }
- }
- listEntry( entry, true ); // ready
- ftpCloseCommand(); // closes the data connection only
- finished();
- }
- void Ftp::slave_status()
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Got slave_status host = " << (!m_host.toAscii().isEmpty() ? m_host.toAscii() : "[None]") << " [" << (m_bLoggedOn ? "Connected" : "Not connected") << "]";
- slaveStatus( m_host, m_bLoggedOn );
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpOpenDir( const QString & path )
- {
- //QString path( _url.path(KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash) );
- // We try to change to this directory first to see whether it really is a directory.
- // (And also to follow symlinks)
- QString tmp = path.isEmpty() ? QString("/") : path;
- // We get '550', whether it's a file or doesn't exist...
- if( !ftpFolder(tmp, false) )
- return false;
- // Don't use the path in the list command:
- // We changed into this directory anyway - so it's enough just to send "list".
- // We use '-a' because the application MAY be interested in dot files.
- // The only way to really know would be to have a metadata flag for this...
- // Since some windows ftp server seems not to support the -a argument, we use a fallback here.
- // In fact we have to use -la otherwise -a removes the default -l (e.g.
- if( !ftpOpenCommand( "list -la", QString(), 'I', ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY ) )
- {
- if ( !ftpOpenCommand( "list", QString(), 'I', ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY ) )
- {
- kWarning(7102) << "Can't open for listing";
- return false;
- }
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "Starting of list was ok";
- return true;
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpReadDir(FtpEntry& de)
- {
- assert(m_data != NULL);
- // get a line from the data connecetion ...
- while( true )
- {
- while (!m_data->canReadLine() && m_data->waitForReadyRead()) {}
- QByteArray data = m_data->readLine();
- if (data.size() == 0)
- break;
- const char* buffer =;
- kDebug(7102) << "dir > " << buffer;
- //Normally the listing looks like
- // -rw-r--r-- 1 dfaure dfaure 102 Nov 9 12:30 log
- // but on Netware servers like it looks like (#76442)
- // d [RWCEAFMS] Admin 512 Oct 13 2004 PSI
- // we should always get the following 5 fields ...
- const char *p_access, *p_junk, *p_owner, *p_group, *p_size;
- if( (p_access = strtok((char*)buffer," ")) == 0) continue;
- if( (p_junk = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue;
- if( (p_owner = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue;
- if( (p_group = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue;
- if( (p_size = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue;
- //kDebug(7102) << "p_access=" << p_access << " p_junk=" << p_junk << " p_owner=" << p_owner << " p_group=" << p_group << " p_size=" << p_size;
- de.access = 0;
- if ( strlen( p_access ) == 1 && p_junk[0] == '[' ) { // Netware
- de.access = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; // unknown -> give all permissions
- }
- const char *p_date_1, *p_date_2, *p_date_3, *p_name;
- // A special hack for "/dev". A listing may look like this:
- // crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 5 Jun 29 1997 zero
- // So we just ignore the number in front of the ",". Ok, its a hack :-)
- if ( strchr( p_size, ',' ) != 0L )
- {
- //kDebug(7102) << "Size contains a ',' -> reading size again (/dev hack)";
- if ((p_size = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0)
- continue;
- }
- // Check whether the size we just read was really the size
- // or a month (this happens when the server lists no group)
- // Used to be the case on, but not anymore
- // This is needed for the Netware case, too.
- if ( !isdigit( *p_size ) )
- {
- p_date_1 = p_size;
- p_size = p_group;
- p_group = 0;
- //kDebug(7102) << "Size didn't have a digit -> size=" << p_size << " date_1=" << p_date_1;
- }
- else
- {
- p_date_1 = strtok(NULL," ");
- //kDebug(7102) << "Size has a digit -> ok. p_date_1=" << p_date_1;
- }
- if ( p_date_1 != 0 &&
- (p_date_2 = strtok(NULL," ")) != 0 &&
- (p_date_3 = strtok(NULL," ")) != 0 &&
- (p_name = strtok(NULL,"rn")) != 0 )
- {
- {
- QByteArray tmp( p_name );
- if ( p_access[0] == 'l' )
- {
- int i = tmp.lastIndexOf( " -> " );
- if ( i != -1 ) {
- = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_name + i + 4);
- tmp.truncate( i );
- }
- else
- }
- else
- if ( tmp[0] == '/' ) // listing on starts with '/'
- tmp.remove( 0, 1 );
- if (tmp.indexOf('/') != -1)
- continue; // Don't trick us!
- // Some sites put more than one space between the date and the name
- // e.g.
- = remoteEncoding()->decode(tmp.trimmed());
- }
- de.type = S_IFREG;
- switch ( p_access[0] ) {
- case 'd':
- de.type = S_IFDIR;
- break;
- case 's':
- de.type = S_IFSOCK;
- break;
- case 'b':
- de.type = S_IFBLK;
- break;
- case 'c':
- de.type = S_IFCHR;
- break;
- case 'l':
- de.type = S_IFREG;
- // we don't set S_IFLNK here. says it.
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if ( p_access[1] == 'r' )
- de.access |= S_IRUSR;
- if ( p_access[2] == 'w' )
- de.access |= S_IWUSR;
- if ( p_access[3] == 'x' || p_access[3] == 's' )
- de.access |= S_IXUSR;
- if ( p_access[4] == 'r' )
- de.access |= S_IRGRP;
- if ( p_access[5] == 'w' )
- de.access |= S_IWGRP;
- if ( p_access[6] == 'x' || p_access[6] == 's' )
- de.access |= S_IXGRP;
- if ( p_access[7] == 'r' )
- de.access |= S_IROTH;
- if ( p_access[8] == 'w' )
- de.access |= S_IWOTH;
- if ( p_access[9] == 'x' || p_access[9] == 't' )
- de.access |= S_IXOTH;
- if ( p_access[3] == 's' || p_access[3] == 'S' )
- de.access |= S_ISUID;
- if ( p_access[6] == 's' || p_access[6] == 'S' )
- de.access |= S_ISGID;
- if ( p_access[9] == 't' || p_access[9] == 'T' )
- de.access |= S_ISVTX;
- de.owner = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_owner);
- = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_group);
- de.size = charToLongLong(p_size);
- // Parsing the date is somewhat tricky
- // Examples : "Oct 6 22:49", "May 13 1999"
- // First get current time - we need the current month and year
- time_t currentTime = time( 0L );
- struct tm * tmptr = gmtime( ¤tTime );
- int currentMonth = tmptr->tm_mon;
- //kDebug(7102) << "Current time :" << asctime( tmptr );
- // Reset time fields
- tmptr->tm_sec = 0;
- tmptr->tm_min = 0;
- tmptr->tm_hour = 0;
- // Get day number (always second field)
- tmptr->tm_mday = atoi( p_date_2 );
- // Get month from first field
- // NOTE : no, we don't want to use KLocale here
- // It seems all FTP servers use the English way
- //kDebug(7102) << "Looking for month " << p_date_1;
- static const char * s_months[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
- for ( int c = 0 ; c < 12 ; c ++ )
- if ( !strcmp( p_date_1, s_months[c]) )
- {
- //kDebug(7102) << "Found month " << c << " for " << p_date_1;
- tmptr->tm_mon = c;
- break;
- }
- // Parse third field
- if ( strlen( p_date_3 ) == 4 ) // 4 digits, looks like a year
- tmptr->tm_year = atoi( p_date_3 ) - 1900;
- else
- {
- // otherwise, the year is implicit
- // according to man ls, this happens when it is between than 6 months
- // old and 1 hour in the future.
- // So the year is : current year if tm_mon <= currentMonth+1
- // otherwise current year minus one
- // (The +1 is a security for the "+1 hour" at the end of the month issue)
- if ( tmptr->tm_mon > currentMonth + 1 )
- tmptr->tm_year--;
- // and p_date_3 contains probably a time
- char * semicolon;
- if ( ( semicolon = (char*)strchr( p_date_3, ':' ) ) )
- {
- *semicolon = '';
- tmptr->tm_min = atoi( semicolon + 1 );
- tmptr->tm_hour = atoi( p_date_3 );
- }
- else
- kWarning(7102) << "Can't parse third field " << p_date_3;
- }
- //kDebug(7102) << asctime( tmptr );
- = mktime( tmptr );
- return true;
- }
- } // line invalid, loop to get another line
- return false;
- }
- //===============================================================================
- // public: get download file from server
- // helper: ftpGet called from get() and copy()
- //===============================================================================
- void Ftp::get( const KUrl & url )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::get " << url.url();
- int iError = 0;
- ftpGet(iError, -1, url, 0); // iError gets status
- if(iError) // can have only server side errs
- error(iError, url.path());
- ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command!
- }
- Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpGet(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KUrl& url, KIO::fileoffset_t llOffset)
- {
- // Calls error() by itself!
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return statusServerError;
- // Try to find the size of the file (and check that it exists at
- // the same time). If we get back a 550, "File does not exist"
- // or "not a plain file", check if it is a directory. If it is a
- // directory, return an error; otherwise simply try to retrieve
- // the request...
- if ( !ftpSize( url.path(), '?' ) && (m_iRespCode == 550) &&
- ftpFolder(url.path(), false) )
- {
- // Ok it's a dir in fact
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: it is a directory in fact";
- return statusServerError;
- }
- QString resumeOffset = metaData("resume");
- if ( !resumeOffset.isEmpty() )
- {
- llOffset = resumeOffset.toLongLong();
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: got offset from metadata : " << llOffset;
- }
- if( !ftpOpenCommand("retr", url.path(), '?', ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, llOffset) )
- {
- kWarning(7102) << "ftpGet: Can't open for reading";
- return statusServerError;
- }
- // Read the size from the response string
- if(m_size == UnknownSize)
- {
- const char* psz = strrchr( ftpResponse(4), '(' );
- if(psz) m_size = charToLongLong(psz+1);
- if (!m_size) m_size = UnknownSize;
- }
- KIO::filesize_t bytesLeft = 0;
- if ( m_size != UnknownSize )
- bytesLeft = m_size - llOffset;
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: starting with offset=" << llOffset;
- KIO::fileoffset_t processed_size = llOffset;
- QByteArray array;
- bool mimetypeEmitted = false;
- char buffer[maximumIpcSize];
- // start with small data chunks in case of a slow data source (modem)
- // - unfortunately this has a negative impact on performance for large
- // - files - so we will increase the block size after a while ...
- int iBlockSize = initialIpcSize;
- int iBufferCur = 0;
- while(m_size == UnknownSize || bytesLeft > 0)
- { // let the buffer size grow if the file is larger 64kByte ...
- if(processed_size-llOffset > 1024 * 64)
- iBlockSize = maximumIpcSize;
- // read the data and detect EOF or error ...
- if(iBlockSize+iBufferCur > (int)sizeof(buffer))
- iBlockSize = sizeof(buffer) - iBufferCur;
- if (m_data->bytesAvailable() == 0)
- m_data->waitForReadyRead();
- int n = m_data->read( buffer+iBufferCur, iBlockSize );
- if(n <= 0)
- { // this is how we detect EOF in case of unknown size
- if( m_size == UnknownSize && n == 0 )
- break;
- // unexpected eof. Happens when the daemon gets killed.
- return statusServerError;
- }
- processed_size += n;
- // collect very small data chunks in buffer before processing ...
- if(m_size != UnknownSize)
- {
- bytesLeft -= n;
- iBufferCur += n;
- if(iBufferCur < mimimumMimeSize && bytesLeft > 0)
- {
- processedSize( processed_size );
- continue;
- }
- n = iBufferCur;
- iBufferCur = 0;
- }
- // get the mime type and set the total size ...
- if(!mimetypeEmitted)
- {
- mimetypeEmitted = true;
- array = QByteArray::fromRawData(buffer, n);
- KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByNameAndContent(url.fileName(), array);
- array.clear();
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: Emitting mimetype " << mime->name();
- mimeType( mime->name() );
- if( m_size != UnknownSize ) // Emit total size AFTER mimetype
- totalSize( m_size );
- }
- // write output file or pass to data pump ...
- if(iCopyFile == -1)
- {
- array = QByteArray::fromRawData(buffer, n);
- data( array );
- array.clear();
- }
- else if( (iError = WriteToFile(iCopyFile, buffer, n)) != 0)
- return statusClientError; // client side error
- processedSize( processed_size );
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: done";
- if(iCopyFile == -1) // must signal EOF to data pump ...
- data(array); // array is empty and must be empty!
- processedSize( m_size == UnknownSize ? processed_size : m_size );
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: emitting finished()";
- finished();
- return statusSuccess;
- }
- #if 0
- void Ftp::mimetype( const KUrl& url )
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return;
- if ( !ftpOpenCommand( "retr", url.path(), 'I', ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, 0 ) ) {
- kWarning(7102) << "Can't open for reading";
- return;
- }
- char buffer[ 2048 ];
- QByteArray array;
- // Get one chunk of data only and send it, KIO::Job will determine the
- // mimetype from it using KMimeMagic
- int n = m_data->read( buffer, 2048 );
- array.setRawData(buffer, n);
- data( array );
- array.resetRawData(buffer, n);
- kDebug(7102) << "aborting";
- ftpAbortTransfer();
- kDebug(7102) << "finished";
- finished();
- kDebug(7102) << "after finished";
- }
- void Ftp::ftpAbortTransfer()
- {
- // RFC 959, page 34-35
- // IAC (interpret as command) = 255 ; IP (interrupt process) = 254
- // DM = 242 (data mark)
- char msg[4];
- // 1. User system inserts the Telnet "Interrupt Process" (IP) signal
- // in the Telnet stream.
- msg[0] = (char) 255; //IAC
- msg[1] = (char) 254; //IP
- (void) send(sControl, msg, 2, 0);
- // 2. User system sends the Telnet "Sync" signal.
- msg[0] = (char) 255; //IAC
- msg[1] = (char) 242; //DM
- if (send(sControl, msg, 2, MSG_OOB) != 2)
- ; // error...
- // Send ABOR
- kDebug(7102) << "send ABOR";
- QCString buf = "ABORrn";
- if ( KSocks::self()->write( sControl,, buf.length() ) <= 0 ) {
- error( ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, QString() );
- return;
- }
- //
- kDebug(7102) << "read resp";
- if ( readresp() != '2' )
- {
- error( ERR_COULD_NOT_READ, QString() );
- return;
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "close sockets";
- closeSockets();
- }
- #endif
- //===============================================================================
- // public: put upload file to server
- // helper: ftpPut called from put() and copy()
- //===============================================================================
- void Ftp::put(const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags)
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::put " << url.url();
- int iError = 0; // iError gets status
- ftpPut(iError, -1, url, permissions, flags);
- if(iError) // can have only server side errs
- error(iError, url.path());
- ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command!
- }
- Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpPut(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KUrl& dest_url,
- int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags)
- {
- if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) )
- return statusServerError;
- // Don't use mark partial over anonymous FTP.
- // My incoming dir allows put but not rename...
- bool bMarkPartial;
- if (m_user.isEmpty () || m_user == FTP_LOGIN)
- bMarkPartial = false;
- else
- bMarkPartial = config()->readEntry("MarkPartial", true);
- QString dest_orig = dest_url.path();
- QString dest_part( dest_orig );
- dest_part += ".part";
- if ( ftpSize( dest_orig, 'I' ) )
- {
- if ( m_size == 0 )
- { // delete files with zero size
- QByteArray cmd = "DELE ";
- cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest_orig);
- if( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- }
- else if ( !(flags & KIO::Overwrite) && !(flags & KIO::Resume) )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- else if ( bMarkPartial )
- { // when using mark partial, append .part extension
- if ( !ftpRename( dest_orig, dest_part, KIO::Overwrite ) )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- }
- // Don't chmod an existing file
- permissions = -1;
- }
- else if ( bMarkPartial && ftpSize( dest_part, 'I' ) )
- { // file with extension .part exists
- if ( m_size == 0 )
- { // delete files with zero size
- QByteArray cmd = "DELE ";
- cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest_part);
- if ( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- }
- else if ( !(flags & KIO::Overwrite) && !(flags & KIO::Resume) )
- {
- flags |= canResume (m_size) ? KIO::Resume : KIO::DefaultFlags;
- if (!(flags & KIO::Resume))
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- m_size = 0;
- QString dest;
- // if we are using marking of partial downloads -> add .part extension
- if ( bMarkPartial ) {
- kDebug(7102) << "Adding .part extension to " << dest_orig;
- dest = dest_part;
- } else
- dest = dest_orig;
- KIO::fileoffset_t offset = 0;
- // set the mode according to offset
- if( (flags & KIO::Resume) && m_size > 0 )
- {
- offset = m_size;
- if(iCopyFile != -1)
- {
- if( KDE_lseek(iCopyFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0 )
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- }
- }
- if (! ftpOpenCommand( "stor", dest, '?', ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, offset ) )
- return statusServerError;
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpPut: starting with offset=" << offset;
- KIO::fileoffset_t processed_size = offset;
- QByteArray buffer;
- int result;
- int iBlockSize = initialIpcSize;
- // Loop until we got 'dataEnd'
- do
- {
- if(iCopyFile == -1)
- {
- dataReq(); // Request for data
- result = readData( buffer );
- }
- else
- { // let the buffer size grow if the file is larger 64kByte ...
- if(processed_size-offset > 1024 * 64)
- iBlockSize = maximumIpcSize;
- buffer.resize(iBlockSize);
- result = ::read(iCopyFile,, buffer.size());
- if(result < 0)
- else
- buffer.resize(result);
- }
- if (result > 0)
- {
- m_data->write( buffer );
- while (m_data->bytesToWrite() && m_data->waitForBytesWritten()) {}
- processed_size += result;
- processedSize (processed_size);
- }
- }
- while ( result > 0 );
- if (result != 0) // error
- {
- ftpCloseCommand(); // don't care about errors
- kDebug(7102) << "Error during 'put'. Aborting.";
- if (bMarkPartial)
- {
- // Remove if smaller than minimum size
- if ( ftpSize( dest, 'I' ) &&
- ( processed_size < config()->readEntry("MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE) ) )
- {
- QByteArray cmd = "DELE ";
- cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest);
- (void) ftpSendCmd( cmd );
- }
- }
- return statusServerError;
- }
- if ( !ftpCloseCommand() )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- // after full download rename the file back to original name
- if ( bMarkPartial )
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "renaming dest (" << dest << ") back to dest_orig (" << dest_orig << ")";
- if ( !ftpRename( dest, dest_orig, KIO::Overwrite ) )
- {
- return statusServerError;
- }
- }
- // set final permissions
- if ( permissions != -1 )
- {
- if ( m_user == FTP_LOGIN )
- kDebug(7102) << "Trying to chmod over anonymous FTP ???";
- // chmod the file we just put
- if ( ! ftpChmod( dest_orig, permissions ) )
- {
- // To be tested
- //if ( m_user != FTP_LOGIN )
- // warning( i18n( "Could not change permissions forn%1" ).arg( dest_orig ) );
- }
- }
- // We have done our job => finish
- finished();
- return statusSuccess;
- }
- /** Use the SIZE command to get the file size.
- Warning : the size depends on the transfer mode, hence the second arg. */
- bool Ftp::ftpSize( const QString & path, char mode )
- {
- m_size = UnknownSize;
- if( !ftpDataMode(mode) )
- return false;
- QByteArray buf;
- buf = "SIZE ";
- buf += remoteEncoding()->encode(path);
- if( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- return false;
- // skip leading "213 " (response code)
- const char* psz = ftpResponse(4);
- if(!psz)
- return false;
- m_size = charToLongLong(psz);
- if (!m_size) m_size = UnknownSize;
- return true;
- }
- // Today the differences between ASCII and BINARY are limited to
- // CR or CR/LF line terminators. Many servers ignore ASCII (like
- // win2003 -or- vsftp with default config). In the early days of
- // computing, when even text-files had structure, this stuff was
- // more important.
- // Theoretically "list" could return different results in ASCII
- // and BINARY mode. But again, most servers ignore ASCII here.
- bool Ftp::ftpDataMode(char cMode)
- {
- if(cMode == '?') cMode = m_bTextMode ? 'A' : 'I';
- else if(cMode == 'a') cMode = 'A';
- else if(cMode != 'A') cMode = 'I';
- kDebug(7102) << "ftpDataMode: want '" << cMode << "' has '" << m_cDataMode << "'";
- if(m_cDataMode == cMode)
- return true;
- QByteArray buf = "TYPE ";
- buf += cMode;
- if( !ftpSendCmd(buf) || (m_iRespType != 2) )
- return false;
- m_cDataMode = cMode;
- return true;
- }
- bool Ftp::ftpFolder(const QString& path, bool bReportError)
- {
- QString newPath = path;
- int iLen = newPath.length();
- if(iLen > 1 && newPath[iLen-1] == '/') newPath.truncate(iLen-1);
- //kDebug(7102) << "ftpFolder: want '" << newPath << "' has '" << m_currentPath << "'";
- if(m_currentPath == newPath)
- return true;
- QByteArray tmp = "cwd ";
- tmp += remoteEncoding()->encode(newPath);
- if( !ftpSendCmd(tmp) )
- return false; // connection failure
- if(m_iRespType != 2)
- {
- if(bReportError)
- return false; // not a folder
- }
- m_currentPath = newPath;
- return true;
- }
- //===============================================================================
- // public: copy don't use kio data pump if one side is a local file
- // helper: ftpCopyPut called from copy() on upload
- // helper: ftpCopyGet called from copy() on download
- //===============================================================================
- void Ftp::copy( const KUrl &src, const KUrl &dest, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags )
- {
- int iError = 0;
- int iCopyFile = -1;
- StatusCode cs = statusSuccess;
- bool bSrcLocal = src.isLocalFile();
- bool bDestLocal = dest.isLocalFile();
- QString sCopyFile;
- if(bSrcLocal && !bDestLocal) // File -> Ftp
- {
- sCopyFile = src.toLocalFile();
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::copy local file '" << sCopyFile << "' -> ftp '" << dest.path() << "'";
- cs = ftpCopyPut(iError, iCopyFile, sCopyFile, dest, permissions, flags);
- if( cs == statusServerError) sCopyFile = dest.url();
- }
- else if(!bSrcLocal && bDestLocal) // Ftp -> File
- {
- sCopyFile = dest.toLocalFile();
- kDebug(7102) << "Ftp::copy ftp '" << src.path() << "' -> local file '" << sCopyFile << "'";
- cs = ftpCopyGet(iError, iCopyFile, sCopyFile, src, permissions, flags);
- if( cs == statusServerError ) sCopyFile = src.url();
- }
- else {
- error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, QString() );
- return;
- }
- // perform clean-ups and report error (if any)
- if(iCopyFile != -1)
- ::close(iCopyFile);
- if(iError)
- error(iError, sCopyFile);
- ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command!
- }
- Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpCopyPut(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, const QString &sCopyFile,
- const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags)
- {
- // check if source is ok ...
- KDE_struct_stat buff;
- QByteArray sSrc( QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile) );
- bool bSrcExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1);
- if(bSrcExists)
- { if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode))
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_RDONLY );
- if(iCopyFile == -1)
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- // delegate the real work (iError gets status) ...
- totalSize(buff.st_size);
- return ftpPut(iError, iCopyFile, url, permissions, flags & ~KIO::Resume);
- #else
- return ftpPut(iError, iCopyFile, url, permissions, flags | KIO::Resume);
- #endif
- }
- Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpCopyGet(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, const QString &sCopyFile,
- const KUrl& url, int permissions, KIO::JobFlags flags)
- {
- // check if destination is ok ...
- KDE_struct_stat buff;
- QByteArray sDest( QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile) );
- bool bDestExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1);
- if(bDestExists)
- { if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode))
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- if(!(flags & KIO::Overwrite))
- {
- return statusClientError;
- }
- }
- // do we have a ".part" file?
- QByteArray sPart = QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile + ".part");
- bool bResume = false;
- bool bPartExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1);
- bool bMarkPartial = config()->readEntry("MarkPartial", true);
- if(bMarkPartial && bPartExists && buff.st_size > 0)
- { // must not be a folder! please fix a similar bug in kio_file!!
- if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode))
- {
- return statusClientError; // client side error
- }
- //doesn't work for copy? -> design flaw?
- bResume = canResume( buff.st_size );
- #else
- bResume = true;
- #endif
- }
- if(bPartExists && !bResume) // get rid of an unwanted ".part" file
- remove(;
- // JPF: in kio_file overwrite disables ".part" operations. I do not believe
- // JPF: that this is a good behaviour!
- if(bDestExists) // must delete for overwrite
- remove(;
- // WABA: Make sure that we keep writing permissions ourselves,
- // otherwise we can be in for a surprise on NFS.
- mode_t initialMode;
- if (permissions != -1)
- initialMode = permissions | S_IWUSR;
- else
- initialMode = 0666;
- // open the output file ...
- KIO::fileoffset_t hCopyOffset = 0;
- if(bResume)
- {
- iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_RDWR ); // append if resuming
- hCopyOffset = KDE_lseek(iCopyFile, 0, SEEK_END);
- if(hCopyOffset < 0)
- {
- return statusClientError; // client side error
- }
- kDebug(7102) << "copy: resuming at " << hCopyOffset;
- }
- else
- iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, initialMode);
- if(iCopyFile == -1)
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "copy: ### COULD NOT WRITE " << sCopyFile;
- iError = (errno == EACCES) ? ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED
- return statusClientError;
- }
- // delegate the real work (iError gets status) ...
- StatusCode iRes = ftpGet(iError, iCopyFile, url, hCopyOffset);
- if( ::close(iCopyFile) && iRes == statusSuccess )
- {
- iRes = statusClientError;
- }
- // handle renaming or deletion of a partial file ...
- if(bMarkPartial)
- {
- if(iRes == statusSuccess)
- { // rename ".part" on success
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- if ( MoveFileExA(,
- #else
- if ( ::rename(, ) )
- #endif
- {
- kDebug(7102) << "copy: cannot rename " << sPart << " to " << sDest;
- iRes = statusClientError;
- }
- }
- else if(KDE_stat(, &buff ) == 0)
- { // should a very small ".part" be deleted?
- int size = config()->readEntry("MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE);
- if (buff.st_size < size)
- remove(;
- }
- }
- return iRes;
- }
- void SslServer::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor)
- {
- QSslSocket *m_socket = new QSslSocket;
- if (!m_socket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) delete m_socket; //{
- //connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(ready()));
- // //serverSocket->startServerEncryption();
- //} else {
- // delete serverSocket;
- //}
- }