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Package: VistaForm-OCX.rar [view]
Upload User: jnjasmy
Upload Date: 2015-01-04
Package Size: 637k
Code Size: 35k
Development Platform:
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cICOparser"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- ' No APIs are declared public. This is to prevent possibly, differently
- ' declared APIs, or different versions of the same API, from conflciting
- ' with any APIs you declared in your project. Same rule for UDTs.
- ' Note: I did take some liberties in several API declarations throughout
- ' Used for creating array overlays at other memory addresses
- Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (ByRef Ptr() As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- ' used to create images as needed
- Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function CreateDIBitmap Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef lpInfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER, ByVal dwUsage As Long, ByRef lpInitBits As Any, ByRef lpInitInfo As Any, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal aHDC As Long, ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal nStartScan As Long, ByVal nNumScans As Long, ByRef lpBits As Any, ByRef lpBI As BITMAPINFO, ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetGDIObject Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, ByRef lpObject As Any) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetIconInfo Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hIcon As Long, ByRef piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long
- Private Declare Function DrawIcon Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long
- Private Type ICONINFO
- fIcon As Long
- xHotspot As Long
- yHotspot As Long
- hbmMask As Long
- hbmColor As Long
- End Type
- Private Type BITMAP
- bmType As Long
- bmWidth As Long
- bmHeight As Long
- bmWidthBytes As Long
- bmPlanes As Integer
- bmBitsPixel As Integer
- bmBits As Long
- End Type
- biSize As Long
- biWidth As Long ' +4 from .biSize
- biHeight As Long ' +8
- biPlanes As Integer ' +12
- biBitCount As Integer ' +14
- biCompression As Long ' +16
- biSizeImage As Long ' +20
- biXPelsPerMeter As Long ' +24
- biYPelsPerMeter As Long ' +28
- biClrUsed As Long ' +32
- biClrImportant As Long ' 40th byte
- End Type
- Private Type BITMAPINFO
- bmiPalette(0 To 255) As Long
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArrayBound
- cElements As Long
- lLbound As Long
- End Type
- Private Type SafeArray ' used as DMA overlay on a DIB
- cDims As Integer
- fFeatures As Integer
- cbElements As Long
- cLocks As Long
- pvData As Long
- rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound ' reusable UDT for 1 & 2 dim arrays
- End Type
- bWidth As Byte '// Width, in pixels, of the image
- bHeight As Byte '// Height, in pixels, of the image
- bColorCount As Byte '// Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
- bReserved As Byte '// Reserved ( must be 0)
- wPlanes As Integer '// Color Planes
- wBitCount As Integer '// Bits per pixel
- dwBytesInRes As Long '// How many bytes in this resource?
- dwImageOffset As Long '// Where in the file is this image?
- End Type
- Private Type ICONDIR
- idReserved As Integer '// Reserved (must be 0)
- idType As Integer '// Resource Type (1 for icons)
- idCount As Integer '// How many images?
- idEntries() As ICONDIRENTRY '// An entry for each image (idCount of 'em)
- End Type
- Private Const png_Signature1 As Long = 1196314761 ' 1st 8 bytes of a PNG file start with these 8 bytes
- Private Const png_Signature2 As Long = 169478669
- Private m_icDirE() As ICONDIRENTRY ' collection of icon directory entries
- Private m_icDir As ICONDIR ' icon directory
- Private m_Bits() As Byte ' icon bits
- Public Property Get Height(Index As Long) As Long
- Height = m_icDirE(Index).bHeight ' height of icon
- If Height = 0& Then Height = 256& ' 256x256 icons are identified as 0 in the icon structure
- End Property
- Public Property Get Width(Index As Long) As Long
- Width = m_icDirE(Index).bHeight ' width of icon
- If Width = 0& Then Width = 256& ' 256x256 icons are identified as 0 in the icon structure
- End Property
- Public Property Get IsIconPNG(Index As Long) As Boolean
- IsIconPNG = m_icDirE(Index).wPlanes = 255 ' custom flag to distinguish PNG from icon
- End Property
- Public Property Get bitDepth(Index As Long) As Long
- bitDepth = m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount ' bit count/depth of icon
- End Property
- Public Property Get IconCount() As Long
- IconCount = m_icDir.idCount
- End Property
- Public Property Get ColorCount(Index As Long) As Long
- ' for paletted non-PNG images, number of colors that exist
- ' This should be straight forward and is generally supplied in the icon entry's .bColorCount
- ' member. But maybe .bColorCount may not be telling us the truth or it may be missing.
- ' To get the proper number supplied with the icon/bitmap, we will add the total bytes
- ' used for the image & mask bytes, then add that to the bytes used for the header.
- ' The difference/4 will always be correct.
- Dim imageBits As Long, headerBits As Long
- If m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount < 9 Then
- imageBits = ColorByteCount(Index) + MaskByteCount(Index)
- headerBits = m_Bits(m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset)
- ColorCount = (m_icDirE(Index).dwBytesInRes - (imageBits + headerBits)) 4&
- End If
- End Property
- Public Property Get ColorByteOffset(Index As Long) As Long
- ' Return the position in the source stream where the 1st byte of the color image
- ' can be found; not called for PNGs
- Dim Offset As Long
- CopyMemory Offset, m_Bits(m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset), 4& ' header bytes
- Offset = m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset + Offset ' shift offset to where icon structure begins
- ' when image is paletted, the palette is included too
- If m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount < 16 Then ' get number of colors used in image
- Offset = Offset + (2& ^ m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount) * 4& ' add that to the offset
- End If
- ColorByteOffset = Offset
- End Property
- Private Property Get MaskByteOffset(Index As Long) As Long
- ' Return the position in the source stream where the 1st byte of the mask image
- ' can be found; not called for PNGs. Here we work from the end of the icon structure
- Dim Offset As Long
- ' Note: 32bpp icons have masks too
- Offset = m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset + m_icDirE(Index).dwBytesInRes
- Offset = Offset - MaskByteCount(Index)
- MaskByteOffset = Offset
- End Property
- Private Property Get ColorByteCount(Index As Long) As Long
- ' Return the number of image bytes used for the color image; not PNGs
- ColorByteCount = iparseByteAlignOnWord(m_icDirE(Index).bWidth, m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount) * m_icDirE(Index).bHeight
- End Property
- Private Property Get MaskByteCount(Index As Long) As Long
- ' Return the number of image bytes used for the mask image; not PNGs
- MaskByteCount = iparseByteAlignOnWord(m_icDirE(Index).bWidth, 1&) * m_icDirE(Index).bHeight
- End Property
- Public Function LoadStream(inStream() As Byte, _
- ByVal desiredWidth As Long, ByVal desiredHeight As Long, _
- cHost As c32bppDIB, streamOffset As Long, streamLength As Long, _
- icoBitDepth As Long, Optional GlobalToken As Long) As Boolean
- ' Purpose: Parse byte stream to determine if it is an icon file.
- ' If it is an icon file, then select the best match for the passed
- ' size and create our application's main image from the icon
- ' Note: GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG & other formats have a magic number that
- ' indicates what type of file it is. Icons/cursors do not; so we parse & error check
- ' Parameters:
- ' inStream() :: an array of the icon file; can consist of more than one icon
- ' desiredWidth :: width of icon to use, if available, else used for closest match
- ' desiredHeight :: height of icon to use, if available, else used for closest match
- ' cHost :: the application's image class
- ' IMPORTANT: the array offset & length are not checked in this class.
- ' They were checked before this class was called. If this class is to
- ' be pulled out and put in another project, ensure you include the
- ' validation shown in c32bppDIB.LoadPicture_Stream
- Dim icEntry As Long, icValue As Long
- Dim icPtr As Long, icBytesNeed As Long
- Dim bIconFile As Boolean
- Dim tDC As Long, hDib As Long, dDC As Long, hObj As Long
- Dim tSA As SafeArray
- Dim cPNG As cPNGparser
- With tSA ' overlay the passed stream with our module-level array
- .cbElements = 1 ' as byte
- .cDims = 1 ' as 1 dimensional
- .pvData = VarPtr(inStream(LBound(inStream)))
- If streamLength = 0 Then streamLength = UBound(inStream) + 1
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = streamLength
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Bits), VarPtr(tSA), 4& ' establish overlay
- icBytesNeed = 6& ' length of the ICONDIRECTORY
- If icPtr + icBytesNeed <= streamLength Then ' ensure enough bytes exist
- bIconFile = True ' good, let's continue
- ' cache the ICONDIRECTORY
- CopyMemory m_icDir.idReserved, m_Bits(icPtr), icBytesNeed
- If m_icDir.idCount < 1 Then ' no icons or not an icon file
- bIconFile = False
- ElseIf Not m_icDir.idReserved = 0 Then ' per MSDN, must be zero
- bIconFile = False
- ElseIf m_icDir.idType < 1 Or m_icDir.idType > 2 Then
- bIconFile = False ' per MSDN, must be 1 or 2 (1=icon,2=cursor)
- Else
- icPtr = icPtr + icBytesNeed ' move array pointer
- icBytesNeed = 16& ' length of directory entry
- If icPtr + icBytesNeed * m_icDir.idCount > streamLength Then
- bIconFile = False ' not enough bytes for expected entries
- Else
- ReDim m_icDirE(1 To m_icDir.idCount) ' size our entries
- icBytesNeed = m_icDir.idCount * icBytesNeed ' & cache them
- CopyMemory m_icDirE(1).bWidth, m_Bits(icPtr), icBytesNeed
- icBytesNeed = icBytesNeed + 6& ' move array pointer
- For icEntry = 1 To m_icDir.idCount
- ' each entry indicates how many bytes are used for it.
- ' total the bytes and ensure enough bytes exist
- icBytesNeed = icBytesNeed + m_icDirE(icEntry).dwBytesInRes
- Next
- If icBytesNeed > streamLength Then bIconFile = False ' not enough bytes
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If bIconFile Then
- ' Through experience, I have found the bitcount of the icons
- ' contained within the IconDirectoryEntry structures may be
- ' wrong or may not be filled in. Here, we will erase them & fill
- ' them in from the bitmap info headers that exist in the array.
- icBytesNeed = 0&
- For icEntry = 1 To m_icDir.idCount
- m_icDirE(icEntry).wPlanes = 1 ' not required, but used as a flag internally as indicating valid or invalid image
- ' get bitcount from the bitmap header
- CopyMemory icBytesNeed, m_Bits(m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset + 14), 2&
- If icBytesNeed = 0 Then ' if it is zero (shouldn't be); use the bitcount from the icon entry structure
- ' ensure the icon entry bitcount is not zero...
- If m_icDirE(icEntry).wBitCount = 0 Then
- bIconFile = False
- Else
- CopyMemory m_Bits(m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset + 14), m_icDirE(icEntry).wBitCount, 2&
- End If
- ElseIf icBytesNeed = 21060& Then
- ' flag for PNG, double check & abort if not -- then it is not an icon file
- bIconFile = ParsePNGheader(icEntry)
- Else ' use the bitcount from the bitmap header
- m_icDirE(icEntry).wBitCount = icBytesNeed
- End If
- Next
- If bIconFile = True Then
- LoadStream = True
- If Not cHost Is Nothing Then
- ' appears we have a valid icon file. Find closest match for requested size
- If desiredWidth < 1 Then desiredWidth = 32& ' default if none provided
- If desiredHeight < 1 Then desiredHeight = 32&
- icEntry = GetBestMatch(desiredWidth, desiredHeight, icoBitDepth)
- If Not icEntry = 0 Then ' else something is wrong with the icon structure(s) in this file
- If IsIconPNG(icEntry) Then ' png flag
- ' we need to pass this off to a PNG class for parsing/processing
- Set cPNG = New cPNGparser
- LoadStream = cPNG.LoadStream(inStream, cHost, m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset, m_icDirE(icEntry).dwBytesInRes, GlobalToken)
- Set cPNG = Nothing
- If Not cHost.Handle = 0& Then cHost.ImageType = imgPNGicon
- Else
- ' create the main application's image, blank.
- cHost.InitializeDIB Width(icEntry), Height(icEntry)
- ' copy the bitmap information header and fix it. Per MSDN, not all
- ' members of the header are required to be filled in. We need them.
- CopyMemory tBMPI.bmiHeader, m_Bits(m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset), 40&
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- .biClrUsed = ColorCount(icEntry) ' fix when bitcount <= 8bpp
- .biHeight = Height(icEntry) ' height is doubled; fix it
- .biSizeImage = 0 ' erase; don't need this
- .biXPelsPerMeter = 0 ' erase; don't need this
- .biYPelsPerMeter = 0 ' erase; don't need this
- End With
- ' copy the fixed header back into the array
- CopyMemory m_Bits(m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset), tBMPI.bmiHeader, 40&
- ' the next part of the routine is to create a compatible bitmap using
- ' maximum screen colors on the system. We will use the API to create it
- ' for us from the bitmap header we just tweaked above. Otherwise we would
- ' have to parse the bits ourselves, bloating code to handle 7 possible bit
- ' depths in combination with several compression algorithms & various RGB masks.
- tDC = GetDC(0&)
- hDib = CreateDIBitmap(tDC, tBMPI.bmiHeader, 4, m_Bits(ColorByteOffset(icEntry)), m_Bits(m_icDirE(icEntry).dwImageOffset), 0&)
- If hDib = 0& Then
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- cHost.DestroyDIB
- ' major problem here; the icon contained in the stream appears to be faulty
- ' we can't use it. Abort.
- Else
- ' here we are defining our application's image.
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- .biSize = 40&
- .biBitCount = 32 ' 32bpp
- .biHeight = cHost.Height ' same width & height
- .biWidth = cHost.Width ' of the source image
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biSizeImage = .biHeight * .biWidth * 4&
- End With
- ' transfer the image bits from the bitmap created from the array to
- ' our application's image
- GetDIBits tDC, hDib, 0&, cHost.Height, ByVal cHost.BitsPointer, tBMPI, 0&
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC ' release dc; don't need it any longer
- DeleteObject hDib ' kill the source bitmap; not needed
- ApplyAlphaMask icEntry, cHost ' add the alpha channel to app's image
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Bits), 0&, 4& ' remove overlay
- End Function
- Public Function ConvertstdPicTo32bpp(Handle As Long, cHost As c32bppDIB) As Boolean
- ' Purpose: Convert a single icon from a stdPicture or handle to a 32bpp bitmap
- If Handle = 0& Then Exit Function
- Dim tSA As SafeArray
- Dim tDC As Long, hostDC As Long
- Dim x As Long, y As Long
- ' see if we can get the icon information
- If GetIconInfo(Handle, icoInfo) = 0& Then Exit Function
- m_icDir.idCount = 1
- m_icDir.idType = icoInfo.fIcon ' 0=icon, 1=cursor
- ReDim m_icDirE(1 To 1) ' we will have 1 entry
- tDC = GetDC(0&)
- If Not icoInfo.hbmColor = 0& Then ' do we have a color image? no for B&W
- tBMPc.bmiHeader.biSize = 40 ' let's fill in the BitmapInfo header
- If GetDIBits(tDC, icoInfo.hbmColor, 0&, 0&, ByVal 0&, tBMPc, 0&) = 0& Then
- m_icDir.idCount = 0 ' oops; something critical happened
- Else
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader ' now fill in our destination description
- .biBitCount = 32
- .biHeight = tBMPc.bmiHeader.biHeight
- .biWidth = tBMPc.bmiHeader.biWidth
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biSize = 40&
- cHost.InitializeDIB .biWidth, .biHeight ' setup destination DIB
- End With
- ' use API again, to pass the bits from the color icon image to our DIB
- GetDIBits tDC, icoInfo.hbmColor, 0&, tBMPc.bmiHeader.biHeight, ByVal cHost.BitsPointer, tBMPI, 0&
- ' we will ensure the passed icon is not already a 32bpp ARGB image
- ' stdPictures won't be this way, but a call to LoadIconFromFile API can load XP icons
- With tSA
- .cbElements = 1
- .cDims = 2
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cHost.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cHost.scanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Bits), VarPtr(tSA), 4&
- m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 1
- For y = 0 To cHost.Height - 1
- For x = 3 To cHost.scanWidth - 1 Step 4
- If Not m_Bits(x, y) = 0 Then
- m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 32 ' looking for any non-zero alpha byte
- y = cHost.Height ' force outer loop to terminate
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Next
- If m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 32 Then
- ' premultiply DIB as needed & set host imagetype, alpha properties
- iparseValidateAlphaChannel m_Bits, True, True, 0&
- If m_icDir.idType = 1 Then cHost.ImageType = imgIconARGB Else cHost.ImageType = imgCursorARGB
- cHost.Alpha = True
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(m_Bits), 0&, 4&
- End If
- Else
- m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 1 ' b&w icon/cursor
- End If
- ' pretty much same thing for the B&W, 1bpp mask
- ' Valid icons always have a mask, so no need to check .hbmMask=0 since this
- ' icon exists in a stdPicture and that, in itself, validated the icon for us
- If m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 1 Then ' else already processed as 32bpp icon/cursor
- If m_icDir.idCount = 1 Then
- tBMPm.bmiHeader.biSize = 40&
- If GetDIBits(tDC, icoInfo.hbmMask, 0, 0, ByVal 0&, tBMPm, 0) = 0 Then
- m_icDir.idCount = 0 ' oops; something critical happened
- Else
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- If icoInfo.hbmColor = 0& Then
- ' we have a b&w icon
- .biBitCount = 32
- .biHeight = tBMPm.bmiHeader.biHeight 2
- .biWidth = tBMPm.bmiHeader.biWidth
- .biPlanes = 1
- .biSize = 40&
- ' render the icon onto our dib
- ' Note: in IDE, icon/cursor will be b&w, but when compiled
- ' if the cursor had colors, the colors will be shown
- cHost.InitializeDIB .biWidth, .biHeight ' setup destination DIB
- hostDC = cHost.LoadDIBinDC(True)
- DrawIcon hostDC, 0, 0, Handle
- cHost.LoadDIBinDC False
- End If
- ' size our local array to hold the mask bits; these will be used
- ' to tweak the 32bpp DIB's alpha channel in ApplyAlphaMask
- ReDim m_Bits(0 To iparseByteAlignOnWord(1, .biWidth) * .biHeight - 1&)
- End With
- ' prepare bitmap info for our 1bpp mask array
- tBMPI.bmiPalette(1) = vbWhite
- With tBMPI.bmiHeader
- .biBitCount = 1
- .biClrUsed = 2
- End With
- ' use API again to pass the 1bpp image to our array
- GetDIBits tDC, icoInfo.hbmMask, 0&, tBMPI.bmiHeader.biHeight, m_Bits(0), tBMPI, 0&
- ' fill in the icon entry structure
- With m_icDirE(1)
- .bHeight = tBMPI.bmiHeader.biHeight
- .bWidth = tBMPm.bmiHeader.biWidth
- .dwBytesInRes = UBound(m_Bits) + 1& ' we only have a mask in our array
- .wBitCount = 1 ' the bitmap retrieved from the icon/cursor can be 32bpp
- .wPlanes = 1 ' so we force the ApplyAlphaMask to use the 1bpp parsing routine
- End With
- End If
- End If
- End If
- ReleaseDC 0&, tDC
- ' clean up; GetIconInfo creates up to 2 bitmaps we must destroy
- If Not icoInfo.hbmColor = 0& Then DeleteObject icoInfo.hbmColor
- If Not icoInfo.hbmMask = 0& Then DeleteObject icoInfo.hbmMask
- If m_icDir.idCount = 1 Then ' no errors encountered
- If m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 1 Then ' now apply the mask
- ApplyAlphaMask 1&, cHost
- Erase m_Bits()
- End If
- ConvertstdPicTo32bpp = True
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub ApplyAlphaMask(Index As Long, cHost As c32bppDIB)
- ' Purpose: Either blend or simulate transparency for icons
- ' The primary DIB for this application is 32bpp. Icons may or
- ' may not be 32bpp. When 32bpp, the icon RGB values are not
- ' pre-multiplied; so we need to pre-multiply them. When
- ' the icon is not 32bpp, then it may have transparency,
- ' and we will modify our 32bpp image to identify which
- ' pixels are transparent and which are not.
- Dim dX As Long, x As Long, y As Long, m As Long
- Dim aDIB() As Byte
- Dim Pow2(0 To 7) As Long
- Dim maskShift As Long, maskPtr As Long
- Dim maskScanWidth As Long, maskOffset As Long
- Dim bAlpha As Boolean
- Dim tSA As SafeArray
- With tSA ' overlay the 32bpp dib
- .cbElements = 1 ' as bytes
- .cDims = 2 ' as 2D array
- .pvData = cHost.BitsPointer
- .rgSABound(0).cElements = cHost.Height
- .rgSABound(1).cElements = cHost.scanWidth
- End With
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aDIB), VarPtr(tSA), 4& ' establish overlay
- ' separate routines for 32bpp images and non-32bpp images.
- ' 32bpp images have the alpha mask combined with the RGB values. The
- ' transparency mask also exists but won't be used for 32bpp images.
- If m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount = 32 Then ' alphablended icon
- ' get location of 1st color byte
- maskPtr = ColorByteOffset(Index) + 3& ' then move to the alpha byte
- For y = 0& To cHost.Height - 1& ' loop thru scan lines
- For x = 0& To cHost.scanWidth - 1& Step 4&
- Select Case m_Bits(maskPtr)
- Case 0 ' 100% transparent
- CopyMemory aDIB(x, y), 0&, 4&
- Case 255 ' 100% opaque
- aDIB(x + 3, y) = 255
- Case Else ' blend; calculation from MSDN
- For dX = x To x + 2&
- aDIB(dX, y) = ((0& + m_Bits(maskPtr)) * aDIB(dX, y)) &HFF
- Next
- aDIB(dX, y) = m_Bits(maskPtr) ' keep the alpha byte value
- End Select
- maskPtr = maskPtr + 4& ' move mask pointer to next alpha byte
- Next
- Next
- If m_icDir.idType = 1 Then cHost.ImageType = imgIconARGB Else cHost.ImageType = imgCursorARGB
- bAlpha = True
- Else ' 1,2,4,8,16,24 bpp images - not alpha blended, no alph-channel
- Pow2(0) = 1& ' build a power of two lookup table to parse the 1bpp mask
- For x = 1& To UBound(Pow2)
- Pow2(x) = Pow2(x - 1&) * 2&
- Next
- maskOffset = MaskByteOffset(Index) ' location where mask starts
- maskScanWidth = iparseByteAlignOnWord(cHost.Width, 1) ' how many mask bytes per scan line
- For y = 0& To cHost.Height - 1& ' loop thru the scan lines
- maskPtr = y * maskScanWidth + maskOffset ' adjust mask pointer per scan line
- maskShift = 7& ' bit position of mask
- dX = 3&
- ' note: do not loop thru using maskScanWidth. If the icon is a custom
- ' icon that has no DWORD aligned width, you will overflow the target
- ' DIB width and eventually write to uninitialized memory
- For x = 1& To cHost.Width
- If (m_Bits(maskPtr) And Pow2(maskShift)) = 0 Then ' is pixel transparent?
- aDIB(dX, y) = 255 ' nope, make it 100% opaque
- Else ' else make it 100% transparent
- CopyMemory aDIB(dX - 3&, y), 0&, 4&
- bAlpha = True
- End If
- If maskShift = 0& Then ' when we get to zero, the mask byte is read
- maskShift = 7& ' reset for next mask byte
- maskPtr = maskPtr + 1& ' move to next maskb byte
- Else
- maskShift = maskShift - 1& ' adjust mask shifter
- End If
- dX = dX + 4& ' move the 32bpp pointer along
- Next
- Next
- If m_icDir.idType = 1 Then cHost.ImageType = imgIcon Else cHost.ImageType = imgCursor
- End If
- CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(aDIB), 0&, 4& ' remove overlay
- cHost.Alpha = bAlpha
- End Sub
- Private Function GetBestMatch(cX As Long, cY As Long, icoBitDepth As Long) As Long
- ' Purpose: Find the nearest match to the passed Size.
- ' Note that this routine is weighted for monitors set at 32bit.
- ' If this is not acceptable, then algorithm slightly
- ' from adding weight of: Abs(32 - bitDepth(icEntry))
- ' to adding weight of: Abs([ScreenColorDepth] - bitDepth(icEntry))
- ' additionally, the weighting is customized to favor larger icons over smaller ones
- ' when stretching would be needed. The thought is that stretching down almost always
- ' produces better quality graphics than stretching up.
- Dim Weights() As Long
- Dim icEntry As Long, bestMatch As Long
- Dim lWeight As Long
- If m_icDir.idCount > 1 Then ' more than one icon?
- ReDim Weights(-1 To m_icDir.idCount)
- ' set least desirable weight: some large number
- Weights(0) = 10000&
- For icEntry = 1 To m_icDir.idCount
- ' simple weight; use the difference between desired size & icon size
- If Not m_icDirE(icEntry).wBitCount = 0 Then ' if a image within icon file is faulty, we ignore it
- lWeight = Width(icEntry) - cX ' & penalize if stretching larger is needed
- If cX > Width(icEntry) Then lWeight = lWeight * 2&
- Weights(icEntry) = lWeight
- lWeight = Height(icEntry) - cY ' & penalize if stretching larger is needed
- If cY > Height(icEntry) Then lWeight = lWeight * 2&
- Weights(icEntry) = Weights(icEntry) + lWeight
- ' add the weight for bit depth
- Weights(icEntry) = Weights(icEntry) + Abs(icoBitDepth - bitDepth(icEntry))
- If m_icDirE(icEntry).wBitCount > 32 Then Weights(icEntry) = -10000& ' if future icons are something like 48bpp
- ' compare; one with lowest value wins
- If Weights(icEntry) = 0 Then
- bestMatch = icEntry
- Exit For
- ElseIf Weights(icEntry) < Weights(0) Then
- If Weights(icEntry) > 0 Then ' basically rejects icons that need to be stretched up
- Weights(0) = Weights(icEntry)
- bestMatch = icEntry
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next
- If bestMatch = 0 Then ' every image is too small and must be stretched. We will get the highest negative value now
- For icEntry = icEntry - 1& To 1& Step -1&
- Weights(icEntry) = Abs(Weights(icEntry)) + Abs(32& - bitDepth(icEntry))
- If Weights(icEntry) < Weights(0) Then
- Weights(0) = Weights(icEntry)
- bestMatch = icEntry
- End If
- If bestMatch = 0& Then bestMatch = 1&
- Next
- End If
- Else ' only one icon/PNG
- If m_icDirE(1).wBitCount = 0 Then bestMatch = 0& Else bestMatch = 1&
- End If
- GetBestMatch = bestMatch
- End Function
- Private Function ParsePNGheader(Index As Long) As Boolean
- ' PNG's IHDR structure
- ' Width As Long << cannot be negative
- ' Height As Long << cannot be negative
- ' BitDepth As Byte << must be 1,2,4,8,16
- ' ColorType As Byte << must be 0,2,3,4,6
- ' Compression As Byte << must be zero
- ' Filter As Byte << must be zero
- ' Interlacing As Byte << must be zero or one
- Dim lValue As Long, Offset As Long
- Const chnk_IHDR As Long = &H52444849 'Image header PNG flag
- On Error GoTo ExitRoutine:
- ' get the image width; the value will be a reversed long
- With m_icDirE(Index)
- .wPlanes = 255 ' flag for png
- ' verify this is a png signture
- CopyMemory lValue, m_Bits(m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset), 4&
- If lValue = png_Signature1 Then ' probably a png (Vista Icon)
- ' the 1st 4 bytes were verified, very next 4 bytes
- CopyMemory lValue, m_Bits(m_icDirE(Index).dwImageOffset + 4), 4&
- If lValue = png_Signature2 Then ' definitely a png (Vista Icon)
- ' If this is a valid PNG, the next 4 bytes would be 13 (size of header)
- ' and the following 4 bytes would be the header name (chnk_IHDR)
- CopyMemory lValue, m_Bits(.dwImageOffset + 12&), 4&
- If lValue = chnk_IHDR Then
- ' get PNG's width
- CopyMemory lValue, m_Bits(.dwImageOffset + 16&), 4&
- lValue = iparseReverseLong(lValue)
- Select Case lValue
- Case 256: .bWidth = 0&
- Case 1 To 255: .bWidth = lValue
- Case Else: .wBitCount = 0& ' prevent processing PNG as an option
- End Select
- ' do the same for the height
- CopyMemory lValue, m_Bits(.dwImageOffset + 20&), 4&
- lValue = iparseReverseLong(lValue)
- Select Case lValue
- Case 256: .bHeight = 0&
- Case 1 To 255: .bHeight = lValue
- Case Else: .wBitCount = 0& ' prevent processing PNG as an option
- End Select
- If .wBitCount = 0 Then
- .wBitCount = m_Bits(.dwImageOffset + 24&)
- If .wBitCount = 16 Then
- .wBitCount = 32 ' for our purposes a 48bpp image is a 32bpp image
- ElseIf Not .wBitCount = 0 Then
- Select Case m_Bits(.dwImageOffset + 25&)
- Case 4, 6: .wBitCount = 32 ' alpha png
- Case 2: .wBitCount = 24 ' true color
- Case Else ' no change in interpretation
- End Select
- End If
- End If
- ' the remaining bytes of the IHDR are not needed for the icon class
- ParsePNGheader = (.wBitCount > 0)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End With
- ExitRoutine:
- If Err Then
- Err.Clear
- m_icDirE(Index).wBitCount = 0
- End If
- End Function