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Package: VistaForm-OCX.rar [view]
Upload User: jnjasmy
Upload Date: 2015-01-04
Package Size: 637k
Code Size: 9k
Development Platform:
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "cCDECL"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- ' Following is from Paul Caton, no modifications made by myself except value of MAX_ARG
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '
- ' cCDECL - Class that enables the user to call cdecl dynamic link libraries.
- ' Supports cdecl style variable argument lists and bas module
- ' callbacks.
- '
- '031029 First cut.................................................... v1.00
- '
- Option Explicit
- Option Base 0
- 'API declarations
- Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
- Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
- Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
- Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
- Private Declare Sub SetLastError Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwErrCode As Long)
- 'Private constants
- Private Const ERR_SRC As String = "cCDECL" 'Error source name
- Private Const ERR_NUM As Long = vbObjectError 'cCDECL error number base
- Private Const MAX_ARG As Long = 5& 'Maximum number of parameters, you can change this if required
- Private Const PATCH_01 As Long = 15& 'CDECL patch, CDECL function address
- Private Const PATCH_02 As Long = 10& 'Callback patch, bas mod function address patch
- Private Const PATCH_03 As Long = 16& 'Callback patch, stack adjustment patch
- Private Const CODE_CDECL As String = "538B5C240C8B0BE305FF348BE2FBE8<fix 01>8B0BC1E10201CC5B8B54240C890231C0C20C00"
- Private Const CODE_WRAPPER As String = "E8000000005A8F4219E8<fix 02>81EC<fix 03>E8000000005AFF7205C300000000"
- 'Parameter block
- Private Type tParamBlock
- ParamCount As Long 'Number of parameters to be forwarded to the cdecl function
- Params(0 To MAX_ARG - 1) As Long 'Array of parameters to be forwarded to the cdecl function
- End Type
- 'Private member
- Private m_LastError As Long 'Last error private member
- 'Private variables
- Private bNewDLL As Boolean 'Flag to indicate that the loaded DLL has changed
- Private pMe As Long 'vtable address
- Private hMod As Long 'DLL module handle
- Private nAddr As Long 'Cache the previous cdecl function's address
- Private nEntry As Long 'vtable entry index
- Private pCode As Long 'Pointer to the CDECL code
- Private sLastFunc As String 'Cache the previous cdecl function's name
- Private sCode() As String 'Code buffer string array...
- Private pb As tParamBlock 'Parameter block instance
- 'Replace the stub proc (z_DO_NOT_CALL) with machine-code to handle the cdecl function
- 'stored in sCode(0). Load the wrapper code into sCode(1)
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- 'ObjPtr returns the address of me, at that address is the address of the vtable, copy it to pMe.
- Call RtlMoveMemory(pMe, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4)
- Call Redirect(CODE_CDECL, True) 'CDECL code
- pCode = StrPtr(sCode(0&)) 'Remember the address of the CDECL code
- Call Redirect(CODE_WRAPPER, False) 'Callback wrapper code, vtable not patched... we don't call it
- End Sub
- 'Convert the passed string of hex character pairs to bytes stored in an ASCII
- 'string buffer. If indicated, patch the appropriate vtable entry to point to the byte codes
- Private Sub Redirect(ByVal sHexCode As String, ByVal bPatch As Boolean)
- Dim i As Long
- Dim nLen As Long
- Dim s As String
- nLen = Len(sHexCode)
- For i = 1 To nLen Step 2
- s = s & ChrB$(Val("&H" & Mid$(sHexCode, i, 2)))
- Next i
- ReDim Preserve sCode(0 To nEntry)
- sCode(nEntry) = s
- If bPatch Then
- 'Patch the vtable entry to point to the code
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal pMe + &H1C + (nEntry * 4), StrPtr(sCode(nEntry)), 4)
- End If
- nEntry = nEntry + 1 'In case another patch is added to the class
- End Sub
- Public Function z_DO_NOT_CALL(ByVal nAddrParamBlock As Long) As Long
- 'This sub is replaced by machine code in sCode(0) at class instance creation...
- 'IT MUST ONLY be called internally by CallFunc. It can't be made Private as it wouldn't
- 'then use the vtable. Being the first public method in this class, we know that the vtable
- 'pointer to this function will be located at [vtable + &H1C]
- End Function
- 'Purpose:
- ' Call the named cdecl function with the passed parameters
- '
- 'Arguments:
- ' sFunction - Name of the cdecl function to call
- ' ParmLongs - ParamArray of parameters to pass to the named cdecl function
- '
- 'Return:
- ' The return value of the named cdecl function
- '
- Public Function CallFunc(ByVal sFunction As String, ParamArray ParmLongs() As Variant) As Long
- Dim i As Long
- Dim j As Long
- 'Check that the DLL is loaded
- If hMod = 0& Then
- 'If in the IDE just stop, programmer may have On Error Resume Next protection and miss the problem.
- Debug.Assert False
- Call Err.Raise(ERR_NUM + 0, ERR_SRC, "DLL not loaded")
- End If
- 'Check to see if we're calling the same cdecl function as the previous call to CallFunc
- If (StrComp(sLastFunc, sFunction) <> 0) Or bNewDLL Then
- 'Get the address of the function
- nAddr = GetProcAddress(hMod, sFunction)
- If nAddr = 0 Then
- 'If in the IDE just stop, programmer may have On Error Resume Next protection and miss the problem.
- Debug.Assert False
- Call Err.Raise(ERR_NUM + 1, ERR_SRC, "Failed to locate function: " & sFunction)
- End If
- 'Patch the code buffer to call the relative address to the cdecl function
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal pCode + PATCH_01, nAddr - pCode - (PATCH_01 + 4), 4)
- bNewDLL = False
- sLastFunc = sFunction
- End If
- With pb
- j = UBound(ParmLongs)
- If j >= MAX_ARG Then
- 'If in the IDE just stop, programmer may have On Error Resume Next protection and miss the problem.
- Debug.Assert False
- Call Err.Raise(ERR_NUM + 2, ERR_SRC, "Too many parameters")
- End If
- 'Fill the parameter block
- For i = 0 To j
- .Params(i) = ParmLongs(i)
- Next i
- .ParamCount = i '(j + 1)
- End With
- Call SetLastError(0) 'Clear the error code
- CallFunc = z_DO_NOT_CALL(VarPtr(pb)) 'Execute the code buffer passing the address of the parameter block
- m_LastError = GetLastError() 'Get error code
- End Function
- 'Load the DLL
- Public Function DllLoad(ByVal sName As String) As Boolean
- hMod = LoadLibraryA(sName)
- If hMod <> 0 Then
- DllLoad = True
- 'It's remotely possible that the programmer could change the dll and then call a function
- 'in the new dll with exactly the same name as the previous CallFunc to the previous DLL. This would
- 'defeat the caching scheme and result in the old function in the old dll being called. An unlikely
- 'scenario, but stranger things have happened. Soooo, explicitly indicate that we're using a new dll
- bNewDLL = True
- End If
- 'If in the IDE just stop on failure, programmer may not be checking the return value.
- Debug.Assert DllLoad
- End Function
- 'It's not important to do this, but, if you've finished with a DLL there's no harm in releasing
- 'its memory. Don't bother at app end... it will be dealt with automatically when the process ends.
- Public Function DllUnload() As Boolean
- If hMod <> 0 Then
- DllUnload = (FreeLibrary(hMod) <> 0)
- hMod = 0
- End If
- 'If in the IDE, get the programmer's attention
- Debug.Assert DllUnload
- End Function
- 'Return the cdecl function's error code
- Public Property Get LastError() As Long
- LastError = m_LastError
- End Property
- 'Purpose:
- ' Setup a wrapper so that a bas module function can act as a cdecl callback
- '
- 'Arguments:
- ' nModFuncAddr - The address of the bas module function to act as a cdecl callback (use AddressOf)
- ' nParms - The number of parameters that will be passed to the bas module function
- '
- 'Return:
- ' The address to pass to the cdecl function as the callback address
- '
- Public Function WrapCallback(ByVal nModFuncAddr As Long, ByVal nParms As Long) As Long
- Dim nStackAdjust As Long 'The number of bytes to adjust the stack
- WrapCallback = StrPtr(sCode(1)) 'Address of the callback wrapper
- nStackAdjust = nParms * 4 'Four bytes per parameter
- 'Patch the code buffer to call the vb bas module callback function
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal WrapCallback + PATCH_02, nModFuncAddr - WrapCallback - (PATCH_02 + 4), 4)
- 'Patch the code buffer to apply the necessary stack adjustment
- Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal WrapCallback + PATCH_03, nStackAdjust, 4)
- End Function