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Package: TMS320F2812-EVM.rar [view]
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DSP program
Development Platform:
- //###########################################################################
- //
- // FILE: Example_281xSci_Autobaud_.c
- //
- // TITLE: DSP281x SCI Autobaud detect example
- //
- //
- // This program requires the DSP281x V1.00 header files.
- // As supplied, this project is configured for "boot to H0" operation.
- //
- // Test requires the following hardware connections:
- //
- //
- // This test will perform autobaud lock at a variety of baud rates, including
- // very high baud rates.
- //
- // For this test to properly run, connect the SCI-A pins to the
- // SCI-B pins without going through a transciever.
- //
- // At higher baud rates, the slew rate of the incoming data bits can be
- // affected by transceiver and connector performance. This slew rate may
- // limit reliable autobaud detection at higher baud rates.
- //
- // SCIA: Slave, autobaud locks, receives characters and
- // echos them back to the host. Uses the RX interrupt
- // to receive characters.
- //
- // SCIB: Host, known baud rate, sends characters to the slave
- // and checks that they are echoed back.
- //
- //
- // Internal Loopback test for ever through SCIA using interrupts,
- // FIFOs are disabled.
- //
- // Watch Variables: BRRVal - current BRR value used for SCIB
- // ReceivedAChar - character received by SCIA
- // ReceivedBChar - character received by SCIB
- // SendChar - character being sent by SCIB
- // SciaRegs.SCILBAUD - SCIA baud registers - set
- // SciaRegs.SCIHBAUD by autobaud lock
- //
- //
- //###########################################################################
- //
- // Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes
- // =====|=============|======|===============================================
- // 1.00 | 11 Sep 2003 | L.H. | First Release
- //###########################################################################
- #include "DSP281x_Device.h" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File
- #include "DSP281x_Examples.h" // DSP281x Examples Include File
- #define BAUDSTEP 100 // Amount BRR will be incremented between each
- // autobaud lock
- // Prototype statements for functions found within this file.
- void scia_init(void);
- void scib_init(void);
- void scia_xmit(int a);
- void scib_xmit(int a);
- void scia_AutobaudLock(void);
- void error(int);
- interrupt void rxaint_isr(void);
- // Global counts used in this example
- Uint16 LoopCount;
- //Uint16 xmitCount;
- Uint16 ReceivedCount;
- Uint16 ErrorCount;
- Uint16 SendChar;
- Uint16 ReceivedAChar; // scia received character
- Uint16 ReceivedBChar; // scib received character
- Uint16 BRRVal;
- Uint16 Buff[10] = {0x55, 0xAA, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xF5, 0x5F, 0xA5, 0x5A};
- void main(void)
- {
- Uint16 i;
- // Step 1. Initialize System Control:
- // PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
- // This example function is found in the DSP281x_SysCtrl.c file.
- InitSysCtrl();
- // Step 2. Initalize GPIO:
- // This example function is found in the DSP281x_Gpio.c file and
- // illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
- // InitGpio(); // Skipped for this example
- GpioMuxRegs.GPFMUX.all=0x0030; // Select GPIOs to be Scia pins
- // Port F MUX - x000 0000 0011 0000
- GpioMuxRegs.GPGMUX.all=0x0030; // Select GPIOs to be Scib pins
- // Port G MUX - x000 0000 0011 0000
- // Initialize PIE control registers to their default state.
- // The default state is all PIE interrupts disabled and flags
- // are cleared.
- // This function is found in the DSP281x_PieCtrl.c file.
- InitPieCtrl();
- // Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
- IER = 0x0000;
- IFR = 0x0000;
- // Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt
- // Service Routines (ISR).
- // This will populate the entire table, even if the interrupt
- // is not used in this example. This is useful for debug purposes.
- // The shell ISR routines are found in DSP281x_DefaultIsr.c.
- // This function is found in DSP281x_PieVect.c.
- InitPieVectTable();
- // Interrupts that are used in this example are re-mapped to
- // ISR functions found within this file.
- EALLOW; // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers
- PieVectTable.RXAINT = &rxaint_isr;
- EDIS; // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected register
- // Step 4. Initialize all the Device Peripherals:
- // This function is found in DSP281x_InitPeripherals.c
- // InitPeripherals(); // Not required for this example
- scia_init(); // Initalize SCIA
- scib_init(); // Initalize SCIB
- // Step 5. User specific code, enable interrupts:
- LoopCount = 0;
- ErrorCount = 0;
- // Enable interrupts
- PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all = 0x0001; // Enable all SCIA RXINT interrupt
- IER |= 0x0100; // enable PIEIER9, and INT9
- // Start with BRR = 1, work through each baud rate setting
- // incrementing BRR by BAUDSTEP
- for (BRRVal = 0x0000; BRRVal < (Uint32)0xFFFF; BRRVal+=BAUDSTEP)
- {
- // SCIB has a known baud rate. SCIA will autobaud to match
- ScibRegs.SCIHBAUD = (BRRVal >> 8);
- ScibRegs.SCILBAUD = (BRRVal);
- // Initiate an autobaud lock with scia. Check
- // returned character against baud lock character 'A'
- scia_AutobaudLock();
- while(ScibRegs.SCIRXST.bit.RXRDY != 1) { }
- ReceivedBChar = 0;
- ReceivedBChar = ScibRegs.SCIRXBUF.bit.RXDT;
- if(ReceivedBChar != 'A')
- {
- error(0);
- }
- // Send/echoback characters
- // 55 AA F0 0F 00 FF F5 5F A5 5A
- for(i= 0; i<=9; i++)
- {
- SendChar = Buff[i];
- scib_xmit(SendChar); // Initiate interrupts and xmit data in isr
- // Wait to get the character back and check
- // against the sent character.
- while(ScibRegs.SCIRXST.bit.RXRDY != 1)
- {
- asm(" NOP");
- }
- ReceivedBChar = 0;
- ReceivedBChar = ScibRegs.SCIRXBUF.bit.RXDT;
- if(ReceivedBChar != SendChar) error(1);
- }
- } // Repeat for next BRR setting
- // Stop here, no more
- for(;;)
- {
- asm(" NOP");
- }
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------- */
- /* ISR for PIE INT9.1 */
- /* Connected to RXAINT SCI-A */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------*/
- interrupt void rxaint_isr(void) // SCI-A
- {
- // Insert ISR Code here
- PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP9;
- // If we were autobaud detecting, we must clear CDC
- if(SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.CDC == 1)
- {
- SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.ABDCLR = 1;
- SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.CDC = 0;
- // Check received character - should be 'A'
- ReceivedAChar = 0;
- ReceivedAChar = SciaRegs.SCIRXBUF.all;
- if(ReceivedAChar != 'A')
- {
- error(2);
- }
- else scia_xmit(ReceivedAChar);
- }
- // This was not autobaud detect
- else
- {
- // Check received character against sendchar
- ReceivedAChar = 0;
- ReceivedAChar = SciaRegs.SCIRXBUF.all;
- if(ReceivedAChar != SendChar)
- {
- error(3);
- }
- else scia_xmit(ReceivedAChar);
- }
- SciaRegs.SCIFFRX.bit.RXFFINTCLR = 1; // clear Receive interrupt flag
- ReceivedCount++;
- }
- void error(int ErrorFlag)
- {
- ErrorCount++;
- asm(" ESTOP0"); // Uncomment to stop the test here
- for (;;);
- }
- // SCIA 8-bit word, baud rate 0x000F, default, 1 STOP bit, no parity
- void scia_init()
- {
- // Note: Clocks were turned on to the SCIA peripheral
- // in the InitSysCtrl() function
- // Reset FIFO's
- SciaRegs.SCIFFTX.all=0x8000;
- SciaRegs.SCICCR.all =0x0007; // 1 stop bit, No loopback
- // No parity,8 char bits,
- // async mode, idle-line protocol
- SciaRegs.SCICTL1.all =0x0003; // enable TX, RX, internal SCICLK,
- // Disable RX ERR, SLEEP, TXWAKE
- SciaRegs.SCICTL2.all =0x0003;
- SciaRegs.SCICTL2.bit.RXBKINTENA =1;
- SciaRegs.SCICTL1.all =0x0023; // Relinquish SCI from Reset
- }
- // SCIB 8-bit word, baud rate 0x000F, default, 1 STOP bit, no parity
- void scib_init()
- {
- // Reset FIFO's
- ScibRegs.SCIFFTX.all=0x8000;
- // 1 stop bit, No parity, 8-bit character
- // No loopback
- ScibRegs.SCICCR.all = 0x0007;
- // Enable TX, RX, Use internal SCICLK
- ScibRegs.SCICTL1.all = 0x0003;
- // Disable RxErr, Sleep, TX Wake,
- // Diable Rx Interrupt, Tx Interrupt
- ScibRegs.SCICTL2.all = 0x0000;
- // Relinquish SCI-A from reset
- ScibRegs.SCICTL1.all = 0x0023;
- return;
- }
- // Transmit a character from the SCI-A'
- void scia_xmit(int a)
- {
- SciaRegs.SCITXBUF=a;
- }
- // Transmit a character from the SCI-B'
- void scib_xmit(int a)
- {
- ScibRegs.SCITXBUF=a;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------
- // Perform autobaud lock with the host.
- // Note that if autobaud never occurs
- // the program will hang in this routine as there
- // is no timeout mechanism included.
- //------------------------------------------------
- void scia_AutobaudLock()
- {
- Uint32 i;
- SciaRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET = 0;
- SciaRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET = 1;
- // Must prime baud register with >= 1
- SciaRegs.SCILBAUD = 1;
- // Prepare for autobaud detection
- // Make sure the ABD bit is clear by writing a 1 to ABDCLR
- // Set the CDC bit to enable autobaud detection
- SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.ABDCLR = 1;
- SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.CDC = 1;
- // Wait until we correctly read an
- // 'A' or 'a' and lock
- while(SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.CDC == 1)
- {
- // Note the lower the baud rate the longer
- // this delay has to be
- for(i = 1; i<= 0x0FFFFFF; i++)
- {
- asm(" NOP");
- } // delay
- if(SciaRegs.SCIFFCT.bit.CDC == 1) scib_xmit('A');
- }
- return;
- }
- //===========================================================================
- // No more.
- //===========================================================================