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DSP program
Development Platform:
- //###########################################################################
- //
- // FILE: DSP281x_Spi.h
- //
- // TITLE: DSP281x Device SPI Register Definitions.
- //
- //###########################################################################
- //
- // Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes
- // =====|=============|======|===============================================
- // 1.00| 11 Sep 2003 | L.H. | Changes since previous version (v.58 Alpha)
- // | | | Corrected SPIFFTX bit definitions.
- // | | | RESET renamed SPISWRESET to match documentation
- // | | | OVERRUN renamed OVERRUNINTENA to match documentation
- //###########################################################################
- #ifndef DSP281x_SPI_H
- #define DSP281x_SPI_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SPI Individual Register Bit Definitions:
- //
- // SPI FIFO Transmit register bit definitions:
- struct SPIFFTX_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 TXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
- Uint16 TXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
- Uint16 TXFFINTCLR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
- Uint16 TXFFINT:1; // 7 INT flag
- Uint16 TXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
- Uint16 TXFIFO:1; // 13 FIFO reset
- Uint16 SPIFFENA:1; // 14 Enhancement enable
- Uint16 SPIRST:1; // 15 Reset SPI
- };
- union SPIFFTX_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPIFFTX_BITS bit;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------
- // SPI FIFO recieve register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPIFFRX_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 RXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
- Uint16 RXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
- Uint16 RXFFINTCLR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
- Uint16 RXFFINT:1; // 7 INT flag
- Uint16 RXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
- Uint16 RXFIFORESET:1; // 13 FIFO reset
- Uint16 RXFFOVFCLR:1; // 14 Clear overflow
- Uint16 RXFFOVF:1; // 15 FIFO overflow
- };
- union SPIFFRX_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPIFFRX_BITS bit;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------
- // SPI FIFO control register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPIFFCT_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 TXDLY:8; // 7:0 FIFO transmit delay
- Uint16 rsvd:8; // 15:8 reserved
- };
- union SPIFFCT_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPIFFCT_BITS bit;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------
- // SPI configuration register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPICCR_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 SPICHAR:4; // 3:0 Character length control
- Uint16 SPILBK:1; // 4 Loop-back enable/disable
- Uint16 rsvd1:1; // 5 reserved
- Uint16 CLKPOLARITY:1; // 6 Clock polarity
- Uint16 SPISWRESET:1; // 7 SPI SW Reset
- Uint16 rsvd2:8; // 15:8 reserved
- };
- union SPICCR_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPICCR_BITS bit;
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------
- // SPI operation control register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPICTL_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 SPIINTENA:1; // 0 Interrupt enable
- Uint16 TALK:1; // 1 Master/Slave transmit enable
- Uint16 MASTER_SLAVE:1; // 2 Network control mode
- Uint16 CLK_PHASE:1; // 3 Clock phase select
- Uint16 OVERRUNINTENA:1; // 4 Overrun interrupt enable
- Uint16 rsvd:11; // 15:5 reserved
- };
- union SPICTL_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPICTL_BITS bit;
- };
- //--------------------------------------
- // SPI status register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPISTS_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 rsvd1:5; // 4:0 reserved
- Uint16 BUFFULL_FLAG:1; // 5 SPI transmit buffer full flag
- Uint16 INT_FLAG:1; // 6 SPI interrupt flag
- Uint16 OVERRUN_FLAG:1; // 7 SPI reciever overrun flag
- Uint16 rsvd2:8; // 15:8 reserved
- };
- union SPISTS_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPISTS_BITS bit;
- };
- //------------------------------------------------
- // SPI priority control register bit definitions:
- //
- //
- struct SPIPRI_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 rsvd1:4; // 3:0 reserved
- Uint16 FREE:1; // 4 Free emulation mode control
- Uint16 SOFT:1; // 5 Soft emulation mode control
- Uint16 PRIORITY:1; // 6 Interrupt priority select
- Uint16 rsvd2:9; // 15:7 reserved
- };
- union SPIPRI_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPIPRI_BITS bit;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SPI Register File:
- //
- struct SPI_REGS {
- union SPICCR_REG SPICCR; // Configuration register
- union SPICTL_REG SPICTL; // Operation control register
- union SPISTS_REG SPISTS; // Status register
- Uint16 rsvd1; // reserved
- Uint16 SPIBRR; // Baud Rate
- Uint16 rsvd2; // reserved
- Uint16 SPIRXEMU; // Emulation buffer
- Uint16 SPIRXBUF; // Serial input buffer
- Uint16 SPITXBUF; // Serial output buffer
- Uint16 SPIDAT; // Serial data
- union SPIFFTX_REG SPIFFTX; // FIFO transmit register
- union SPIFFRX_REG SPIFFRX; // FIFO recieve register
- union SPIFFCT_REG SPIFFCT; // FIFO control register
- Uint16 rsvd3[2]; // reserved
- union SPIPRI_REG SPIPRI; // FIFO Priority control
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SPI External References & Function Declarations:
- //
- extern volatile struct SPI_REGS SpiaRegs;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif // end of DSP281x_SPI_H definition
- //===========================================================================
- // No more.
- //===========================================================================