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- # gnome-doc-utils.make - make magic for building documentation
- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Shaun McCance <>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
- # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
- # configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
- # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Generating Header Files
- ## @ DOC_H_FILE
- ## The name of the header file to generate
- ## @ DOC_H_DOCS
- ## The input DocBook files for generating the header file
- @rm -f $@.tmp; touch $@.tmp;
- echo 'const gchar* documentation_credits[] = {' >> $@.tmp
- list='$(DOC_H_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do
- xmlpath="`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`:$(srcdir)/`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`";
- if ! test -f "$$doc"; then doc="$(srcdir)/$$doc"; fi;
- xsltproc --path "$$xmlpath" $(_credits) $$doc;
- done | sort | uniq
- | awk 'BEGIN{s=""}{n=split($$0,w,"<");if(s!=""&&s!=substr(w[1],1,length(w[1])-1)){print s};if(n>1){print $$0;s=""}else{s=$$0}};END{if(s!=""){print s}}'
- | sed -e 's/\/\\/' -e 's/"/\"/' -e 's/(.*)/t"1",/' >> $@.tmp
- echo ' NULL' >> $@.tmp
- echo '};' >> $@.tmp
- echo >> $@.tmp
- list='$(DOC_H_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do
- xmlpath="`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`:$(srcdir)/`echo $$doc | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`";
- if ! test -f "$$doc"; then doc="$(srcdir)/$$doc"; fi;
- docid=`echo "$$doc" | sed -e 's/.*/([^/]*).xml/1/'
- | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z_]/_/g' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`;
- echo $$xmlpath;
- ids=`xsltproc --xinclude --path "$$xmlpath" $(_ids) $$doc`;
- for id in $$ids; do
- echo '#define HELP_'`echo $$docid`'_'`echo $$id
- | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z_]/_/g' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`' "'$$id'"' >> $@.tmp;
- done;
- echo >> $@.tmp;
- done;
- cp $@.tmp $@ && rm -f $@.tmp
- .PHONY: dist-doc-header
- dist-doc-header: $(DOC_H_FILE)
- @if test -f "$(DOC_H_FILE)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $${d}$(DOC_H_FILE) $(distdir)/$(DOC_H_FILE)";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$${d}$(DOC_H_FILE)" "$(distdir)/$(DOC_H_FILE)";
- doc-dist-hook: $(if $(DOC_H_FILE),dist-doc-header)
- .PHONY: clean-doc-header
- _clean_doc_header = $(if $(DOC_H_FILE),clean-doc-header)
- clean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
- distclean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
- mostlyclean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
- maintainer-clean-local: $(_clean_doc_header)
- clean-doc-header:
- rm -f $(DOC_H_FILE)
- all: $(DOC_H_FILE)
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Generating Documentation Files
- ## The name of the document being built
- ## Files included with a SYSTEM entity
- ## Files included with XInclude
- ## Figures and other external data
- ## The default formats to be built and installed
- DOC_FORMATS ?= docbook
- ## The languages this document is translated into
- _DOC_REAL_LINGUAS = $(if $(filter environment,$(origin LINGUAS)),
- $(filter $(LINGUAS),$(DOC_LINGUAS)),
- ## The directories containing RNG files to be documented with rngdoc
- ## The directories containing XSLT files to be documented with xsldoc
- ################################################################################
- ## Variables for Bootstrapping
- _xml2po ?= `which xml2po`
- _db2html ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable db2html gnome-doc-utils`
- _db2omf ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils`
- _rngdoc ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable rngdoc gnome-doc-utils`
- _xsldoc ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xsldoc gnome-doc-utils`
- _chunks ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir gnome-doc-utils`/gnome/xslt/docbook/utils/chunks.xsl
- _credits ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir gnome-doc-utils`/gnome/xslt/docbook/utils/credits.xsl
- _ids ?= `$(PKG_CONFIG) --variable xmldir gnome-doc-utils`/gnome/xslt/docbook/utils/ids.xsl
- _sklocalstatedir ?= `scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir`
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Rules for rngdoc
- rngdoc_args =
- --stringparam
- $(shell echo $(basename $(notdir $(1))) | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/_/g')
- $(_rngdoc) $(filter %/$(basename $(notdir $(1))).rng,$(_RNGDOC_RNGS))
- ## The actual RNG files for which to generate documentation with rngdoc
- _RNGDOC_RNGS = $(sort $(patsubst ./%, %, $(foreach dir,$(RNGDOC_DIRS),
- $(wildcard $(dir)/*.rng) $(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(dir)/*.rng))))
- ## The generated rngdoc documentation in the C locale
- _RNGDOC_C_DOCS = $(foreach rng,$(_RNGDOC_RNGS), C/$(basename $(notdir $(rng))).xml)
- # FIXME: Fix the dependancies
- if ! test -d $(dir $@); then mkdir $(dir $@); fi;
- xsltproc $(call rngdoc_args,$@,$<) | xmllint --c14n - > $@.tmp &&
- cp $@.tmp $@ && rm -f $@.tmp
- .PHONY: rngdoc
- rngdoc: $(_RNGDOC_C_DOCS)
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Rules for xsldoc
- # FIXME: _XSLDOC_XSLS is getting dupes with relative/absolute in some
- # cases. Right now, I'm just taking the first, but that's just a bad
- # work-around. Fix the real problem.
- xsldoc_args =
- --stringparam
- $(shell echo $(basename $(notdir $(1))) | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/_/g')
- $(_xsldoc)
- $(word 1,$(filter %/$(basename $(notdir $(1))).xsl,$(_XSLDOC_XSLS)))
- ## The actual XSLT files for which to generate documentation with xsldoc
- _XSLDOC_XSLS = $(sort $(patsubst ./%, %, $(foreach dir,$(XSLDOC_DIRS),
- $(wildcard $(dir)/*.xsl) $(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(dir)/*.xsl))))
- ## The generated xsldoc documentation in the C locale
- _XSLDOC_C_DOCS = $(foreach xsl,$(_XSLDOC_XSLS), C/$(basename $(notdir $(xsl))).xml)
- # FIXME: Fix the dependancies
- if ! test -d $(dir $@); then mkdir $(dir $@); fi;
- xsltproc $(call xsldoc_args,$@,$<) | xmllint --c14n - > $@.tmp &&
- cp $@.tmp $@ && rm -f $@.tmp
- .PHONY: xsldoc
- xsldoc: $(_XSLDOC_C_DOCS)
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Rules for OMF Files
- db2omf_args =
- --stringparam db2omf.basename $(DOC_MODULE)
- --stringparam db2omf.format $(3)
- --stringparam db2omf.dtd
- $(shell xmllint --format $(2) | grep -h PUBLIC | head -n 1
- | sed -e 's/.*PUBLIC ("[^"]*").*/1/')
- --stringparam db2omf.lang $(notdir $(patsubst %/$(notdir $(2)),%,$(2)))
- --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "$(OMF_DIR)"
- --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "$(HELP_DIR)"
- --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "`pwd`/$(_DOC_OMF_IN)"
- $(_db2omf) $(2)
- ## @ _DOC_OMF_IN
- ## The OMF input file
- _DOC_OMF_IN = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(DOC_MODULE)
- ## @ _DOC_OMF_DB
- ## The OMF files for DocBook output
- _DOC_OMF_DB = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),
- $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(DOC_MODULE)-$(lc).omf))
- $(_DOC_OMF_DB) : $(_DOC_OMF_IN)
- $(_DOC_OMF_DB) : $(DOC_MODULE)-%.omf : %/$(DOC_MODULE).xml
- xsltproc -o $@ $(call db2omf_args,$@,$<,'docbook')
- ## @ _DOC_OMF_HTML
- ## The OMF files for HTML output
- _DOC_OMF_HTML = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),
- $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(DOC_MODULE)-html-$(lc).omf))
- $(_DOC_OMF_HTML) : $(DOC_MODULE)-html-%.omf : %/$(DOC_MODULE).xml
- xsltproc -o $@ $(call db2omf_args,$@,$<,'xhtml')
- ## @ _DOC_OMF_ALL
- ## All OMF output files to be built
- $(if $(filter docbook,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_OMF_DB))
- $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_OMF_HTML))
- .PHONY: omf
- omf: $(_DOC_OMF_ALL)
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ Rules for .cvsignore Files
- ## The .cvsignore file in the top directory
- _CVSIGNORE_TOP = $(if $(DOC_MODULE), .cvsignore)
- ## The .cvsignore file in the C directory
- _CVSIGNORE_C = $(if $(DOC_MODULE), C/.cvsignore)
- ## The .cvsignore files in other locale directories
- _CVSIGNORE_LC = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/.cvsignore))
- ## The list of files to be listed in the top-level .cvsignore file
- ## The list of files to be listed in the .cvsignore file in the C directory
- ## The list of files to be listed in the .cvsignore files in other
- ## locale directories
- if ! test -f $@; then touch $@; fi
- cat $@ > $@.tmp
- list='$^'; for file in $$list; do
- echo $$file >> $@.tmp;
- done
- cat $@.tmp | sort | uniq > $@
- rm $@.tmp
- if ! test -f $@; then touch $@; fi
- cat $@ > $@.tmp
- list='$^'; for file in $$list; do
- echo $$file | sed -e 's/.*///' >> $@.tmp;
- done
- cat $@.tmp | sort | uniq > $@
- rm $@.tmp
- if ! test -f $@; then touch $@; fi
- cat $@ > $@.tmp
- list='$(wildcard $(_CVSIGNORE_LC_FILES),$(dir $@)/*)';
- for file in $$list; do
- echo $$file | sed -e 's/.*///' >> $@.tmp;
- done
- cat $@.tmp | sort | uniq > $@
- rm $@.tmp
- .PHONY: cvsignore
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ C Locale Documents
- ## @ _DOC_C_MODULE
- ## The top-level documentation file in the C locale
- ## Files included with a SYSTEM entity in the C locale
- _DOC_C_ENTITIES = $(foreach ent,$(DOC_ENTITIES),C/$(ent))
- ## Files included with XInclude in the C locale
- _DOC_C_INCLUDES = $(foreach inc,$(DOC_INCLUDES),C/$(inc))
- ## @ _DOC_C_DOCS
- ## All documentation files in the C locale
- ## All documentation files in the C locale,
- ## except files included with a SYSTEM entity
- ## All figures and other external data in the C locale
- $(foreach fig,$(DOC_FIGURES),C/$(fig)),
- $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(wildcard $(srcdir)/C/figures/*.png)))
- ## @ _DOC_C_HTML
- ## All HTML documentation in the C locale
- # FIXME: probably have to shell escape to determine the file names
- _DOC_C_HTML = $(foreach f,
- $(shell xsltproc --xinclude
- --stringparam db.chunk.basename "$(DOC_MODULE)"
- $(_chunks) "C/$(DOC_MODULE).xml"),
- C/$(f).xhtml)
- ###############################################################################
- ## @@ Other Locale Documentation
- ## The .po files used for translating the document
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(lc).po))
- .PHONY: po
- po: $(_DOC_POFILES)
- ## The top-level documentation files in all other locales
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(DOC_MODULE).xml))
- ## Files included with XInclude in all other locales
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach inc,$(_DOC_C_INCLUDES),
- $(lc)/$(notdir $(inc)) ))
- ## The generated rngdoc documentation in all other locales
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach doc,$(_RNGDOC_C_DOCS),
- $(lc)/$(notdir $(doc)) ))
- ## The generated xsldoc documentation in all other locales
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach doc,$(_XSLDOC_C_DOCS),
- $(lc)/$(notdir $(doc)) ))
- ## @ _DOC_LC_HTML
- ## All HTML documentation in all other locales
- # FIXME: probably have to shell escape to determine the file names
- $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(foreach doc,$(_DOC_C_HTML),
- $(lc)/$(notdir $(doc)) ))
- ## @ _DOC_LC_DOCS
- ## All documentation files in all other locales
- $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),$(_DOC_LC_HTML))
- ## All figures and other external data in all other locales
- _DOC_LC_FIGURES = $(foreach lc,$(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),
- $(patsubst C/%,$(lc)/%,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES)) )
- $(foreach fig,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES), $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),
- $(wildcard $(srcdir)/$(lc)/$(patsubst C/%,%,$(fig))) ))
- @if ! test -d $(dir $@); then
- echo "mkdir $(dir $@)";
- mkdir "$(dir $@)";
- fi
- @if test ! -f $@ -a -f $(srcdir)/$@; then
- echo "cp $(srcdir)/$@ $@";
- cp "$(srcdir)/$@" "$@";
- fi;
- @docs=;
- list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS_NOENT)'; for doc in $$list; do
- if test -f $$doc; then
- docs="$$docs ../$$doc";
- else
- docs="$$docs ../$(srcdir)/$$doc";
- fi;
- done;
- if ! test -f $@; then
- echo "(cd $(dir $@) &&
- $(_xml2po) -e $$docs > $(notdir $@).tmp &&
- cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp)";
- (cd $(dir $@) &&
- $(_xml2po) -e $$docs > $(notdir $@).tmp &&
- cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp);
- else
- echo "(cd $(dir $@) &&
- $(_xml2po) -e -u $(notdir $@) $$docs)";
- (cd $(dir $@) &&
- $(_xml2po) -e -u $(notdir $@) $$docs);
- fi
- # FIXME: fix the dependancy
- # FIXME: hook xml2po up
- $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) : $(_DOC_C_DOCS)
- if ! test -d $(dir $@); then mkdir $(dir $@); fi
- case "$(srcdir)" in /*) sd="$(srcdir)";; *) sd="../$(srcdir)";; esac;
- if [ -f "C/$(notdir $@)" ]; then d="../"; else d="$$sd/"; fi;
- (cd $(dir $@) &&
- $(_xml2po) -e -p
- "$${d}$(dir $@)$(patsubst %/$(notdir $@),%,$@).po"
- "$${d}C/$(notdir $@)" > $(notdir $@).tmp &&
- cp $(notdir $@).tmp $(notdir $@) && rm -f $(notdir $@).tmp)
- ## @ _DOC_POT
- ## A pot file
- _DOC_POT = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(DOC_MODULE).pot)
- .PHONY: pot
- pot: $(_DOC_POT)
- $(_xml2po) -e -o $@ $^
- ################################################################################
- ## @@ All Documentation
- ## @ _DOC_HTML_ALL
- ## All HTML documentation, only if it's built
- _DOC_HTML_ALL = $(if $(filter html HTML,$(_DOC_REAL_FORMATS)),
- _DOC_HTML_TOPS = $(foreach lc,C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),$(lc)/$(DOC_MODULE).xhtml)
- xsltproc -o $@ --xinclude --param db.chunk.chunk_top "false()" --stringparam db.chunk.basename "$(DOC_MODULE)" --stringparam db.chunk.extension ".xhtml" $(_db2html) $(patsubst %.xhtml,%.xml,$@)
- ################################################################################
- _ENABLE_SK = true
- else
- _ENABLE_SK = false
- endif
- all:
- .PHONY: clean-doc-rngdoc clean-doc-xsldoc clean-doc-omf clean-doc-dsk clean-doc-lc clean-doc-dir
- clean-doc-rngdoc: ; rm -f $(_RNGDOC_C_DOCS) $(_RNGDOC_LC_DOCS)
- clean-doc-xsldoc: ; rm -f $(_XSLDOC_C_DOCS) $(_XSLDOC_LC_DOCS)
- clean-doc-omf: ; rm -f $(_DOC_OMF_DB) $(_DOC_OMF_HTML)
- clean-doc-dsk: ; rm -f $(_DOC_DSK_DB) $(_DOC_DSK_HTML)
- clean-doc-lc:
- rm -f $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)
- @list='$(_DOC_POFILES)'; for po in $$list; do
- if ! test "$$po" -ef "$(srcdir)/$$po"; then
- echo "rm -f $$po";
- rm -f "$$po";
- fi;
- done
- @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- if test -f "$$lc/"; then
- echo "rm -f $$lc/";
- rm -f "$$lc/";
- fi;
- done
- clean-doc-dir:
- @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- for dir in `find $$lc -depth -type d`; do
- if ! test $$dir -ef $(srcdir)/$$dir; then
- echo "rmdir $$dir";
- rmdir "$$dir";
- fi;
- done;
- done
- _clean_rngdoc = $(if $(RNGDOC_DIRS),clean-doc-rngdoc)
- _clean_xsldoc = $(if $(XSLDOC_DIRS),clean-doc-xsldoc)
- _clean_omf = $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),clean-doc-omf)
- _clean_dsk = $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),clean-doc-dsk)
- _clean_lc = $(if $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS),clean-doc-lc)
- _clean_dir = $(if $(DOC_MODULE),clean-doc-dir)
- clean-local:
- $(_clean_rngdoc) $(_clean_xsldoc)
- $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk)
- $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
- distclean-local:
- $(_clean_rngdoc) $(_clean_xsldoc)
- $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk)
- $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
- mostlyclean-local:
- $(_clean_rngdoc) $(_clean_xsldoc)
- $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk)
- $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
- maintainer-clean-local:
- $(_clean_rngdoc) $(_clean_xsldoc)
- $(_clean_omf) $(_clean_dsk)
- $(_clean_lc) $(_clean_dir)
- .PHONY: dist-doc-docs dist-doc-figs dist-doc-omf dist-doc-dsk
- doc-dist-hook:
- $(if $(DOC_MODULE),dist-doc-docs)
- $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),dist-doc-figs)
- $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),dist-doc-omf)
- # $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),dist-doc-dsk)
- dist-doc-docs: $(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) $(_DOC_POFILES)
- @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- echo " $(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/$$lc";
- $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)/$$lc";
- done
- @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS) $(_DOC_POFILES)';
- for doc in $$list; do
- if test -f "$$doc"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(distdir)/$$doc";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$$doc" "$(distdir)/$$doc";
- done
- dist-doc-figs: $(_DOC_SRC_FIGURES)
- @list='$(_DOC_C_FIGURES) $(_DOC_LC_FIGURES)';
- for fig in $$list; do
- if test -f "$$fig"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- if test -f "$$d$$fig"; then
- figdir=`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`;
- if ! test -d "$(distdir)/$$figdir"; then
- echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $(distdir)/$$figdir";
- $(mkinstalldirs) "$(distdir)/$$figdir";
- fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$fig $(distdir)/$$fig";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$$fig" "$(distdir)/$$fig";
- fi;
- done;
- dist-doc-omf:
- @if test -f "$(_DOC_OMF_IN)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$(_DOC_OMF_IN) $(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_OMF_IN))";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$(_DOC_OMF_IN)" "$(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_OMF_IN))"
- dist-doc-dsk:
- @if test -f "$(_DOC_DSK_IN)"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$(_DOC_DSK_IN) $(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_DSK_IN))";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$(_DOC_DSK_IN)" "$(distdir)/$(notdir $(_DOC_DSK_IN))"
- .PHONY: check-doc-docs check-doc-omf
- check:
- $(if $(DOC_MODULE),check-doc-docs)
- $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),check-doc-omf)
- check-doc-docs: $(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)
- @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- if test -f "$$lc";
- then d=;
- xmlpath="$$lc";
- else
- d="$(srcdir)/";
- xmlpath="$$lc:$(srcdir)/$$lc";
- fi;
- echo "xmllint --noout --noent --path $$xmlpath --xinclude --postvalid $$d$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).xml";
- xmllint --noout --noent --path "$$xmlpath" --xinclude --postvalid "$$d$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).xml";
- done
- check-doc-omf: $(_DOC_OMF_ALL)
- @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do
- echo "xmllint --noout --dtdvalid '' $$omf";
- xmllint --noout --dtdvalid '' $$omf;
- done
- .PHONY: install-doc-docs install-doc-html install-doc-figs install-doc-omf install-doc-dsk
- install-data-local:
- $(if $(DOC_MODULE),install-doc-docs)
- $(if $(_DOC_HTML_ALL),install-doc-html)
- $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),install-doc-figs)
- $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),install-doc-omf)
- # $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),install-doc-dsk)
- install-doc-docs:
- @for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$lc";
- $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$lc;
- done
- @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do
- if test -f "$$doc"; then d=; else d="$(srcdir)/"; fi;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$doc";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$d$$doc $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$doc;
- done
- install-doc-figs:
- @list='$(patsubst C/%,%,$(_DOC_C_FIGURES))'; for fig in $$list; do
- for lc in C $(_DOC_REAL_LINGUAS); do
- if test -f "$$lc/$$fig"; then
- figfile="$$lc/$$fig";
- elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig"; then
- figfile="$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig";
- elif test -f "C/$$fig"; then
- figfile="C/$$fig";
- else
- figfile="$(srcdir)/C/$$fig";
- fi;
- figdir="$$lc/"`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^(.*/).*/1/' -e '///!s/.*//'`;
- figdir="$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$figdir";
- if ! test -d "$$figdir"; then
- echo "$(mkinstalldirs) $$figdir";
- $(mkinstalldirs) "$$figdir";
- fi;
- figbase=`echo $$fig | sed -e 's/^.*///'`;
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$figfile $$figdir$$figbase";
- $(INSTALL_DATA) "$$figfile" "$$figdir$$figbase";
- done;
- done
- install-doc-html:
- echo install-html
- install-doc-omf:
- $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)
- @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do
- echo "$(INSTALL_DATA) $$omf $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$omf";
- done
- @if test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" = "xtrue"; then
- echo "scrollkeeper-update -p $(DESTDIR)$(_sklocalstatedir) -o $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)";
- scrollkeeper-update -p "$(DESTDIR)$(_sklocalstatedir)" -o "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)";
- fi;
- install-doc-dsk:
- echo install-dsk
- .PHONY: uninstall-doc-docs uninstall-doc-html uninstall-doc-figs uninstall-doc-omf uninstall-doc-dsk
- uninstall-local:
- $(if $(DOC_MODULE),uninstall-doc-docs)
- $(if $(_DOC_HTML_ALL),uninstall-doc-html)
- $(if $(_DOC_C_FIGURES),uninstall-doc-figs)
- $(if $(_DOC_OMF_IN),uninstall-doc-omf)
- # $(if $(_DOC_DSK_IN),uninstall-doc-dsk)
- uninstall-doc-docs:
- @list='$(_DOC_C_DOCS) $(_DOC_LC_DOCS)'; for doc in $$list; do
- echo " rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$doc";
- rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$doc";
- done
- uninstall-doc-figs:
- @list='$(_DOC_C_FIGURES) $(_DOC_LC_FIGURES)'; for fig in $$list; do
- echo "rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$fig";
- rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(HELP_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$fig";
- done;
- uninstall-doc-omf:
- @list='$(_DOC_OMF_ALL)'; for omf in $$list; do
- if test "x$(_ENABLE_SK)" == "xtrue"; then
- echo "scrollkeeper-uninstall -p $(_sklocalstatedir) $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$omf";
- scrollkeeper-uninstall -p "$(_sklocalstatedir)" "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$omf";
- fi;
- echo "rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$omf";
- rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OMF_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE)/$$omf";
- done