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- /* test_libFLAC++ - Unit tester for libFLAC++
- * Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005 Josh Coalson
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "decoders.h"
- extern "C" {
- #include "file_utils.h"
- #include "metadata_utils.h"
- }
- #include "FLAC/assert.h"
- #include "FLAC/metadata.h" // for ::FLAC__metadata_object_is_equal()
- #include "FLAC++/decoder.h"
- #include "share/grabbag.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- // warning C4800: 'int' : forcing to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
- #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 )
- #endif
- static ::FLAC__StreamMetadata streaminfo_, padding_, seektable_, application1_, application2_, vorbiscomment_, cuesheet_, unknown_;
- static ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *expected_metadata_sequence_[8];
- static unsigned num_expected_;
- static const char *flacfilename_ = "metadata.flac";
- static unsigned flacfilesize_;
- static bool die_(const char *msg)
- {
- printf("ERROR: %sn", msg);
- return false;
- }
- static void init_metadata_blocks_()
- {
- mutils__init_metadata_blocks(&streaminfo_, &padding_, &seektable_, &application1_, &application2_, &vorbiscomment_, &cuesheet_, &unknown_);
- }
- static void free_metadata_blocks_()
- {
- mutils__free_metadata_blocks(&streaminfo_, &padding_, &seektable_, &application1_, &application2_, &vorbiscomment_, &cuesheet_, &unknown_);
- }
- static bool generate_file_()
- {
- printf("nngenerating FLAC file for decoder tests...n");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!file_utils__generate_flacfile(flacfilename_, &flacfilesize_, 512 * 1024, &streaminfo_, expected_metadata_sequence_, num_expected_))
- return die_("creating the encoded file");
- return true;
- }
- class DecoderCommon {
- public:
- FILE *file_;
- unsigned current_metadata_number_;
- bool ignore_errors_;
- bool error_occurred_;
- DecoderCommon(): file_(0), current_metadata_number_(0), ignore_errors_(false), error_occurred_(false) { }
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus common_read_callback_(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes);
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus common_write_callback_(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame);
- void common_metadata_callback_(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata);
- void common_error_callback_(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status);
- };
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus DecoderCommon::common_read_callback_(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- if(feof(file_))
- else if(*bytes > 0) {
- unsigned bytes_read = ::fread(buffer, 1, *bytes, file_);
- if(bytes_read == 0) {
- if(feof(file_))
- else
- }
- else {
- *bytes = bytes_read;
- }
- }
- else
- return ::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ABORT; /* abort to avoid a deadlock */
- }
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus DecoderCommon::common_write_callback_(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- if(
- (frame->header.number_type == ::FLAC__FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_FRAME_NUMBER && frame->header.number.frame_number == 0) ||
- (frame->header.number_type == ::FLAC__FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_SAMPLE_NUMBER && frame->header.number.sample_number == 0)
- ) {
- printf("content... ");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- void DecoderCommon::common_metadata_callback_(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- return;
- printf("%d... ", current_metadata_number_);
- fflush(stdout);
- if(current_metadata_number_ >= num_expected_) {
- (void)die_("got more metadata blocks than expected");
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- else {
- if(!::FLAC__metadata_object_is_equal(expected_metadata_sequence_[current_metadata_number_], metadata)) {
- (void)die_("metadata block mismatch");
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- }
- current_metadata_number_++;
- }
- void DecoderCommon::common_error_callback_(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status)
- {
- if(!ignore_errors_) {
- printf("ERROR: got error callback: err = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)status, ::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatusString[status]);
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- }
- class StreamDecoder : public FLAC::Decoder::Stream, public DecoderCommon {
- public:
- StreamDecoder(): FLAC::Decoder::Stream(), DecoderCommon() { }
- ~StreamDecoder() { }
- // from FLAC::Decoder::Stream
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes);
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]);
- void metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata);
- void error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status);
- bool die(const char *msg = 0) const;
- bool test_respond();
- };
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus StreamDecoder::read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes)
- {
- return common_read_callback_(buffer, bytes);
- }
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus StreamDecoder::write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[])
- {
- (void)buffer;
- return common_write_callback_(frame);
- }
- void StreamDecoder::metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata)
- {
- common_metadata_callback_(metadata);
- }
- void StreamDecoder::error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status)
- {
- common_error_callback_(status);
- }
- bool StreamDecoder::die(const char *msg) const
- {
- State state = get_state();
- if(msg)
- printf("FAILED, %s", msg);
- else
- printf("FAILED");
- printf(", state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- bool StreamDecoder::test_respond()
- {
- printf("testing init()... ");
- return die();
- printf("OKn");
- current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- if(::fseek(file_, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- printf("FAILED rewinding input, errno = %dn", errno);
- return false;
- }
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!process_until_end_of_stream()) {
- State state = get_state();
- printf("FAILED, returned false, state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- finish();
- printf("OKn");
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_stream_decoder()
- {
- StreamDecoder *decoder;
- printf("n+++ libFLAC++ unit test: FLAC::Decoder::Streamnn");
- //
- // test new -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new StreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test new -> init -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new StreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test normal usage
- //
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new StreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::Stream::State state = decoder->get_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- decoder->current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = false;
- decoder->error_occurred_ = false;
- printf("opening FLAC file... ");
- decoder->file_ = ::fopen(flacfilename_, "rb");
- if(0 == decoder->file_) {
- printf("ERRORn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_metadata()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_metadata())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_single()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_single())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing skip_single_frame()... ");
- if(!decoder->skip_single_frame())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing flush()... ");
- if(!decoder->flush())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = true;
- printf("testing process_single()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_single())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = false;
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_stream())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_channels()... ");
- {
- unsigned channels = decoder->get_channels();
- if(channels != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", channels,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_bits_per_sample()... ");
- {
- unsigned bits_per_sample = decoder->get_bits_per_sample();
- if(bits_per_sample != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", bits_per_sample,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_sample_rate()... ");
- {
- unsigned sample_rate = decoder->get_sample_rate();
- if(sample_rate != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", sample_rate,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_blocksize()... ");
- {
- unsigned blocksize = decoder->get_blocksize();
- /* value could be anything since we're at the last block, so accept any answer */
- printf("returned %u... OKn", blocksize);
- }
- printf("testing get_channel_assignment()... ");
- {
- ::FLAC__ChannelAssignment ca = decoder->get_channel_assignment();
- printf("returned %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)ca, ::FLAC__ChannelAssignmentString[ca]);
- }
- printf("testing reset()... ");
- if(!decoder->reset())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- printf("rewinding input... ");
- if(::fseek(decoder->file_, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- printf("FAILED, errno = %dn", errno);
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_stream())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- decoder->finish();
- printf("OKn");
- /*
- * respond all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /* done, now leave the sequence the way we found it... */
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- ::fclose(decoder->file_);
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- printf("nPASSED!n");
- return true;
- }
- class SeekableStreamDecoder : public FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream, public DecoderCommon {
- public:
- SeekableStreamDecoder(): FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream(), DecoderCommon() { }
- ~SeekableStreamDecoder() { }
- // from FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderReadStatus read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes);
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderSeekStatus seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset);
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderTellStatus tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset);
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderLengthStatus length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length);
- bool eof_callback();
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]);
- void metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata);
- void error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status);
- bool die(const char *msg = 0) const;
- bool test_respond();
- };
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderReadStatus SeekableStreamDecoder::read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes)
- {
- switch(common_read_callback_(buffer, bytes)) {
- default:
- }
- }
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderSeekStatus SeekableStreamDecoder::seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- if(::fseek(file_, (long)absolute_byte_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- }
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderTellStatus SeekableStreamDecoder::tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- long offset = ::ftell(file_);
- *absolute_byte_offset = (FLAC__uint64)offset;
- if(offset < 0) {
- error_occurred_ = true;
- }
- }
- ::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderLengthStatus SeekableStreamDecoder::length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length)
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- *stream_length = (FLAC__uint64)flacfilesize_;
- }
- bool SeekableStreamDecoder::eof_callback()
- {
- if(error_occurred_)
- return true;
- return (bool)feof(file_);
- }
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus SeekableStreamDecoder::write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[])
- {
- (void)buffer;
- return common_write_callback_(frame);
- }
- void SeekableStreamDecoder::metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata)
- {
- common_metadata_callback_(metadata);
- }
- void SeekableStreamDecoder::error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status)
- {
- common_error_callback_(status);
- }
- bool SeekableStreamDecoder::die(const char *msg) const
- {
- State state = get_state();
- if(msg)
- printf("FAILED, %s", msg);
- else
- printf("FAILED");
- printf(", state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- FLAC::Decoder::Stream::State state_ = get_stream_decoder_state();
- printf(" stream decoder state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state_), state_.as_cstring());
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool SeekableStreamDecoder::test_respond()
- {
- if(!set_md5_checking(true)) {
- printf("FAILED at set_md5_checking(), returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("testing init()... ");
- return die();
- printf("OKn");
- current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- if(::fseek(file_, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- printf("FAILED rewinding input, errno = %dn", errno);
- return false;
- }
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!process_until_end_of_stream()) {
- State state = get_state();
- printf("FAILED, returned false, state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- finish();
- printf("OKn");
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_seekable_stream_decoder()
- {
- SeekableStreamDecoder *decoder;
- printf("n+++ libFLAC++ unit test: FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStreamnn");
- //
- // test new -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new SeekableStreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test new -> init -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new SeekableStreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- if(decoder->init() != ::FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_OK)
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test normal usage
- //
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new SeekableStreamDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_md5_checking()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_md5_checking(true)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- if(decoder->init() != ::FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_OK)
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream::State state = decoder->get_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- printf("testing get_stream_decoder_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::Stream::State state_ = decoder->get_stream_decoder_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state_), state_.as_cstring());
- decoder->current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = false;
- decoder->error_occurred_ = false;
- printf("opening FLAC file... ");
- decoder->file_ = ::fopen(flacfilename_, "rb");
- if(0 == decoder->file_) {
- printf("ERRORn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_md5_checking()... ");
- if(!decoder->get_md5_checking()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned false, expected truen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_metadata()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_metadata())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_single()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_single())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing skip_single_frame()... ");
- if(!decoder->skip_single_frame())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing flush()... ");
- if(!decoder->flush())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = true;
- printf("testing process_single()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_single())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = false;
- printf("testing seek_absolute()... ");
- if(!decoder->seek_absolute(0))
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_stream())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_channels()... ");
- {
- unsigned channels = decoder->get_channels();
- if(channels != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", channels,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_bits_per_sample()... ");
- {
- unsigned bits_per_sample = decoder->get_bits_per_sample();
- if(bits_per_sample != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", bits_per_sample,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_sample_rate()... ");
- {
- unsigned sample_rate = decoder->get_sample_rate();
- if(sample_rate != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", sample_rate,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_blocksize()... ");
- {
- unsigned blocksize = decoder->get_blocksize();
- /* value could be anything since we're at the last block, so accept any answer */
- printf("returned %u... OKn", blocksize);
- }
- printf("testing get_channel_assignment()... ");
- {
- ::FLAC__ChannelAssignment ca = decoder->get_channel_assignment();
- printf("returned %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)ca, ::FLAC__ChannelAssignmentString[ca]);
- }
- printf("testing reset()... ");
- if(!decoder->reset())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- decoder->current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- printf("rewinding input... ");
- if(::fseek(decoder->file_, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
- printf("FAILED, errno = %dn", errno);
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_stream()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_stream())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- decoder->finish();
- printf("OKn");
- /*
- * respond all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /* done, now leave the sequence the way we found it... */
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- ::fclose(decoder->file_);
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- printf("nPASSED!n");
- return true;
- }
- class FileDecoder : public FLAC::Decoder::File, public DecoderCommon {
- public:
- FileDecoder(): FLAC::Decoder::File(), DecoderCommon() { }
- ~FileDecoder() { }
- // from FLAC::Decoder::File
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]);
- void metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata);
- void error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status);
- bool die(const char *msg = 0) const;
- bool test_respond();
- };
- ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus FileDecoder::write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[])
- {
- (void)buffer;
- return common_write_callback_(frame);
- }
- void FileDecoder::metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata)
- {
- common_metadata_callback_(metadata);
- }
- void FileDecoder::error_callback(::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status)
- {
- common_error_callback_(status);
- }
- bool FileDecoder::die(const char *msg) const
- {
- State state = get_state();
- if(msg)
- printf("FAILED, %s", msg);
- else
- printf("FAILED");
- printf(", state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__FileDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream::State state_ = get_seekable_stream_decoder_state();
- printf(" seekable stream decoder state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderState)state_), state_.as_cstring());
- FLAC::Decoder::Stream::State state__ = get_stream_decoder_state();
- printf(" stream decoder state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state__), state__.as_cstring());
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool FileDecoder::test_respond()
- {
- if(!set_filename(flacfilename_)) {
- printf("FAILED at set_filename(), returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- if(!set_md5_checking(true)) {
- printf("FAILED at set_md5_checking(), returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("testing init()... ");
- if(init() != ::FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK)
- return die();
- printf("OKn");
- current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_file()... ");
- if(!process_until_end_of_file()) {
- State state = get_state();
- printf("FAILED, returned false, state = %u (%s)n", (unsigned)((::FLAC__FileDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- finish();
- printf("OKn");
- return true;
- }
- static bool test_file_decoder()
- {
- FileDecoder *decoder;
- printf("n+++ libFLAC++ unit test: FLAC::Decoder::Filenn");
- //
- // test new -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new FileDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test new -> init -> delete
- //
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new FileDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- if(decoder->init() != ::FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK)
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- //
- // test normal usage
- //
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- printf("allocating decoder instance... ");
- decoder = new FileDecoder();
- if(0 == decoder) {
- printf("FAILED, new returned NULLn");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing is_valid()... ");
- if(!decoder->is_valid()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_filename()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_filename(flacfilename_)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_md5_checking()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_md5_checking(true)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing init()... ");
- if(decoder->init() != ::FLAC__FILE_DECODER_OK)
- return decoder->die();
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::File::State state = decoder->get_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__FileDecoderState)state), state.as_cstring());
- printf("testing get_seekable_stream_decoder_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream::State state_ = decoder->get_seekable_stream_decoder_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderState)state_), state_.as_cstring());
- printf("testing get_stream_decoder_state()... ");
- FLAC::Decoder::Stream::State state__ = decoder->get_stream_decoder_state();
- printf("returned state = %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)((::FLAC__StreamDecoderState)state__), state__.as_cstring());
- decoder->current_metadata_number_ = 0;
- decoder->ignore_errors_ = false;
- decoder->error_occurred_ = false;
- printf("testing get_md5_checking()... ");
- if(!decoder->get_md5_checking()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned false, expected truen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_metadata()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_metadata())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_single()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_single())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing skip_single_frame()... ");
- if(!decoder->skip_single_frame())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing seek_absolute()... ");
- if(!decoder->seek_absolute(0))
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing process_until_end_of_file()... ");
- if(!decoder->process_until_end_of_file())
- return decoder->die("returned false");
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_channels()... ");
- {
- unsigned channels = decoder->get_channels();
- if(channels != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", channels,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_bits_per_sample()... ");
- {
- unsigned bits_per_sample = decoder->get_bits_per_sample();
- if(bits_per_sample != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", bits_per_sample,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_sample_rate()... ");
- {
- unsigned sample_rate = decoder->get_sample_rate();
- if(sample_rate != {
- printf("FAILED, returned %u, expected %un", sample_rate,;
- return false;
- }
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing get_blocksize()... ");
- {
- unsigned blocksize = decoder->get_blocksize();
- /* value could be anything since we're at the last block, so accept any answer */
- printf("returned %u... OKn", blocksize);
- }
- printf("testing get_channel_assignment()... ");
- {
- ::FLAC__ChannelAssignment ca = decoder->get_channel_assignment();
- printf("returned %u (%s)... OKn", (unsigned)ca, ::FLAC__ChannelAssignmentString[ca]);
- }
- printf("testing finish()... ");
- decoder->finish();
- printf("OKn");
- /*
- * respond all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond VORBIS_COMMENT
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(VORBIS_COMMENT)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION id of app#1 & app#2
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #2)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * respond all, ignore APPLICATION, respond APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /*
- * ignore all, respond APPLICATION, ignore APPLICATION id of app#1
- */
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_all()... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_all()) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_respond(APPLICATION)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- printf("testing set_metadata_ignore_application(of app block #1)... ");
- if(!decoder->set_metadata_ignore_application( {
- printf("FAILED, returned falsen");
- return false;
- }
- printf("OKn");
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- if(!decoder->test_respond())
- return false;
- /* done, now leave the sequence the way we found it... */
- num_expected_ = 0;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &streaminfo_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &padding_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &seektable_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application1_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &application2_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &vorbiscomment_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &cuesheet_;
- expected_metadata_sequence_[num_expected_++] = &unknown_;
- printf("freeing decoder instance... ");
- delete decoder;
- printf("OKn");
- printf("nPASSED!n");
- return true;
- }
- bool test_decoders()
- {
- init_metadata_blocks_();
- if(!generate_file_())
- return false;
- if(!test_stream_decoder())
- return false;
- if(!test_seekable_stream_decoder())
- return false;
- if(!test_file_decoder())
- return false;
- (void) grabbag__file_remove_file(flacfilename_);
- free_metadata_blocks_();
- return true;
- }