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- /* MikMod sound library
- (c) 2004, Raphael Assenat and others - see file AUTHORS for
- complete list.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /*==============================================================================
- $Id: load_asy.c,v 1.3 2004/01/28 01:18:22 raph Exp $
- ASYLUM Music Format v1.0 (.amf) loader
- adapted from load_mod.c by Raphael Assenat <>,
- with the help of the AMF2MOD utility sourcecode,
- written to convert crusader's amf files into 8
- channels mod file in 1995 by Mr. P / Powersource
- ==============================================================================*/
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "mikmod_internals.h"
- /*========== Module structure */
- typedef struct MSAMPINFO {
- CHAR samplename[24];
- UBYTE finetune;
- UBYTE volume;
- ULONG length;
- ULONG reppos;
- ULONG replen;
- typedef struct MODULEHEADER {
- CHAR songname[21];
- UBYTE num_patterns; /* number of patterns used */
- UBYTE num_orders;
- UBYTE positions[256]; /* which pattern to play at pos */
- MSAMPINFO samples[64]; /* all sampleinfo */
- typedef struct MODTYPE {
- CHAR id[5];
- UBYTE channels;
- CHAR *name;
- typedef struct MODNOTE {
- UBYTE a, b, c, d;
- /* This table is taken from AMF2MOD.C
- * written in 1995 by Mr. P / Powersource
- *, */
- UWORD periodtable[]={6848,6464,6096,5760,5424,5120,4832,4560,4304,
- 4064,3840,3628,3424,3232,3048,2880,2712,2560,
- 2416,2280,2152,2032,1920,1814,1712,1616,1524,
- 1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016, 960, 907,
- 856, 808, 762, 720, 678, 640, 604, 570, 538,
- 508, 480, 453, 428, 404, 381, 360, 339, 320,
- 302, 285, 269, 254, 240, 226, 214, 202, 190,
- 180, 170, 160, 151, 143, 135, 127, 120, 113,
- 107, 101, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 71, 67,
- 63, 60, 56, 53, 50, 47, 45, 42, 40,
- 37, 35, 33, 31, 30, 28};
- /*========== Loader variables */
- static CHAR asylum[] = "Asylum 1.0";
- static MODULEHEADER *mh = NULL;
- static MODNOTE *patbuf = NULL;
- static int modtype = 0;
- /*========== Loader code */
- static BOOL ASY_CheckType(UBYTE *id, UBYTE *numchn, CHAR **descr)
- {
- if (!memcmp(id, "ASYLUM Music Format V1.0", 24))
- {
- *descr = asylum;
- *numchn = 8;
- modtype = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static BOOL ASY_Test(void)
- {
- UBYTE namestring[24], numchn;
- CHAR *descr;
- /* Read the magic string */
- _mm_fseek(modreader, 0, SEEK_SET);
- if (!_mm_read_UBYTES(namestring, 24, modreader))
- return 0;
- /* Test if the string is what we expect */
- if (ASY_CheckType(namestring, &numchn, &descr))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static BOOL ASY_Init(void)
- {
- if (!(mh = (MODULEHEADER *)_mm_malloc(sizeof(MODULEHEADER))))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- static void ASY_Cleanup(void)
- {
- _mm_free(mh);
- _mm_free(patbuf);
- }
- static void ConvertNote(MODNOTE *n)
- {
- UBYTE instrument, effect, effdat, note;
- UWORD period;
- UBYTE lastnote = 0;
- instrument = n->b&0x1f;
- effect = n->c;
- effdat = n->d;
- /* convert amf note to mod period */
- if (n->a) {
- period = periodtable[n->a];
- } else {
- period = 0;
- }
- /* Convert the period to a note number */
- note = 0;
- if (period)
- {
- for (note = 0; note < 7 * OCTAVE; note++)
- if (period >= npertab[note])
- break;
- if (note == 7 * OCTAVE)
- note = 0;
- else
- note++;
- }
- if (instrument) {
- /* if instrument does not exist, note cut */
- if ((instrument > 31) || (!mh->samples[instrument - 1].length)) {
- UniPTEffect(0xc, 0);
- if (effect == 0xc)
- effect = effdat = 0;
- } else {
- /* Protracker handling */
- if (!modtype) {
- /* if we had a note, then change instrument...*/
- if (note)
- UniInstrument(instrument - 1);
- /* ...otherwise, only adjust volume... */
- else {
- /* ...unless an effect was specified,
- * which forces a new note to be
- * played */
- if (effect || effdat) {
- UniInstrument(instrument - 1);
- note = lastnote;
- } else
- UniPTEffect(0xc,
- mh->samples[instrument -
- 1].volume & 0x7f);
- }
- } else {
- /* Fasttracker handling */
- UniInstrument(instrument - 1);
- if (!note)
- note = lastnote;
- }
- }
- }
- if (note) {
- UniNote(note + 2 * OCTAVE - 1);
- lastnote = note;
- }
- /* Convert pattern jump from Dec to Hex */
- if (effect == 0xd)
- effdat = (((effdat & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (effdat & 0xf);
- /* Volume slide, up has priority */
- if ((effect == 0xa) && (effdat & 0xf) && (effdat & 0xf0))
- effdat &= 0xf0;
- UniPTEffect(effect, effdat);
- }
- static UBYTE *ConvertTrack(MODNOTE *n)
- {
- int t;
- UniReset();
- for (t = 0; t < 64; t++) {
- ConvertNote(n);
- UniNewline();
- n += of.numchn;
- }
- return UniDup();
- }
- /* Loads all patterns of a modfile and converts them into the 3 byte format. */
- static BOOL ML_LoadPatterns(void)
- {
- int t, s, tracks = 0;
- if (!AllocPatterns()) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!AllocTracks()) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* Allocate temporary buffer for loading and converting the patterns */
- if (!(patbuf = (MODNOTE *)_mm_calloc(64U * of.numchn, sizeof(MODNOTE))))
- return 0;
- /* patterns start here */
- _mm_fseek(modreader, 0xA66, SEEK_SET);
- for (t = 0; t < of.numpat; t++) {
- /* Load the pattern into the temp buffer and convert it */
- for (s = 0; s < (64U * of.numchn); s++) {
- patbuf[s].a = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- patbuf[s].b = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- patbuf[s].c = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- patbuf[s].d = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- }
- for (s = 0; s < of.numchn; s++) {
- if (!(of.tracks[tracks++] = ConvertTrack(patbuf + s))) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static BOOL ASY_Load(BOOL curious)
- {
- int t;
- SAMPLE *q;
- CHAR *descr=asylum;
- ULONG seekpos;
- // no title in asylum amf files :(
- strcpy(mh->songname, "");
- _mm_fseek(modreader, 0x23, SEEK_SET);
- mh->num_patterns = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- mh->num_orders = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- // skip unknown byte
- _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- _mm_read_UBYTES(mh->positions, 256, modreader);
- /* read samples headers*/
- for (t = 0; t < 64; t++) {
- s = &mh->samples[t];
- _mm_fseek(modreader, 0x126 + (t*37), SEEK_SET);
- _mm_read_string(s->samplename, 22, modreader);
- s->samplename[21] = 0; /* just in case */
- s->finetune = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- s->volume = _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader);
- _mm_read_UBYTE(modreader); // skip unknown byte
- s->length = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modreader);
- s->reppos = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modreader);
- s->replen = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modreader);
- }
- if (_mm_eof(modreader)) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* set module variables */
- of.initspeed = 6;
- of.inittempo = 125;
- of.numchn = 8;
- modtype = 0;
- of.songname = DupStr(mh->songname, 21, 1);
- of.numpos = mh->num_orders;
- of.reppos = 0;
- of.numpat = mh->num_patterns;
- of.numtrk = of.numpat * of.numchn;
- /* Copy positions (orders) */
- if (!AllocPositions(of.numpos))
- return 0;
- for (t = 0; t < of.numpos; t++) {
- of.positions[t] = mh->positions[t];
- }
- /* Finally, init the sampleinfo structures */
- of.numins = 31;
- of.numsmp = 31;
- if (!AllocSamples())
- return 0;
- s = mh->samples;
- q = of.samples;
- seekpos = 2662+(2048*(of.numpat));
- for (t = 0; t < of.numins; t++) {
- /* convert the samplename */
- q->samplename = DupStr(s->samplename, 23, 1);
- /* init the sampleinfo variables */
- q->speed = finetune[s->finetune & 0xf];
- q->volume = s->volume & 0x7f;
- q->loopstart = (ULONG)s->reppos;
- q->loopend = (ULONG)q->loopstart + (s->replen);
- q->length = (ULONG)s->length;
- q->flags = SF_SIGNED;
- q->seekpos = seekpos;
- seekpos += q->length;
- if ((s->replen) > 2) {
- q->flags |= SF_LOOP;
- }
- /* fix replen if repend > length */
- if (q->loopend > q->length)
- q->loopend = q->length;
- s++;
- q++;
- }
- of.modtype = strdup(descr);
- if (!ML_LoadPatterns())
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- static CHAR *ASY_LoadTitle(void)
- {
- CHAR *s = ""; // no titles
- return (DupStr(s, 21, 1));
- }
- /*========== Loader information */
- MLOADER load_asy = {
- "AMF",
- "AMF (ASYLUM Music Format V1.0)",
- ASY_Init,
- ASY_Test,
- ASY_Load,
- ASY_Cleanup,
- ASY_LoadTitle
- };
- /* ex:set ts=4: */