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Package: WiMAX_Protocol_Code.rar [view]
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Upload Date: 2013-10-07
Package Size: 1487k
Code Size: 35k
Linux Network
Development Platform:
- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #include "bsscheduler.h"
- #include "burst.h"
- #include "dlburst.h"
- #include "ulburst.h"
- #include "random.h"
- #include "wimaxctrlagent.h"
- /**
- * Bridge to TCL for BSScheduler
- */
- static class BSSchedulerClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- BSSchedulerClass() : TclClass("WimaxScheduler/BS") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new BSScheduler());
- }
- } class_bsscheduler;
- /*
- * Create a scheduler
- */
- BSScheduler::BSScheduler () : cl_head_(0), cl_tail_(0), ctrlagent_(0)
- {
- debug2 ("BSScheduler createdn");
- LIST_INIT (&t17_head_);
- LIST_INIT (&scan_stations_);
- LIST_INIT (&fast_ranging_head_);
- bw_peer_ = NULL;
- bw_node_index_ = 0;
- default_mod_ = OFDM_BPSK_1_2;
- contention_size_ = MIN_CONTENTION_SIZE;
- sendDCD = false;
- dlccc_ = 0;
- sendUCD = false;
- ulccc_ = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Interface with the TCL script
- * @param argc The number of parameter
- * @param argv The list of parameters
- */
- int BSScheduler::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if (argc == 3) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "set-default-modulation") == 0) {
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_BPSK_1_2") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_BPSK_1_2;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_QPSK_1_2") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_QPSK_1_2;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_QPSK_3_4") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_QPSK_3_4;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_16QAM_1_2") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_16QAM_1_2;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_16QAM_3_4") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_16QAM_3_4;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_64QAM_2_3") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_64QAM_2_3;
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "OFDM_64QAM_3_4") == 0)
- default_mod_ = OFDM_64QAM_3_4;
- else
- return TCL_ERROR;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "set-contention-size") == 0) {
- contention_size_ = atoi (argv[2]);
- assert (contention_size_>=0);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the scheduler
- */
- void BSScheduler::init ()
- {
- WimaxScheduler::init();
- /*print debug information */
- int nbPS = (int) round((mac_->getFrameDuration()/mac_->getPhy()->getPS()));
- debug2 ("duration=%f, PStime=%f, nbPS=%d,Symbol time=%f, %d n",mac_->getFrameDuration(), mac_->getPhy()->getPS(), nbPS, mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime (), mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolPS());
- //At initialization, allocate one DL burst
- //and contention windows
- //1-create one profile to be used for broadcast
- // packets (and DL_MAP...)
- Profile *p = map_->getDlSubframe()->addProfile ((int)round((mac_->getPhy()->getFreq()/1000)), default_mod_);
- p->setIUC (DIUC_PROFILE_1);
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->setPreamble (DL_PREAMBLE); //preamble + fch
- //2-add the burst to carry the broadcast message
- DlBurst *b = (DlBurst*) map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->addBurst (0);
- b->setCid ( BROADCAST_CID );
- b->setIUC (p->getIUC());
- b->setStarttime (0); //after preamble and fch
- b->setDuration (INIT_DL_DURATION); //enough to send DL_MAP...
- b->setPreamble(true); //this is the first burst after preamble
- //3-Add the End of map element
- b = (DlBurst*) map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->addBurst (1);
- b->setIUC (DIUC_END_OF_MAP);
- b->setStarttime (INIT_DL_DURATION);
- //create uplink
- //start of UL subframe is after DL and TTG and unit is PS
- int starttime = (INIT_DL_DURATION+DL_PREAMBLE)*mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolPS()+mac_->phymib_.ttg;
- map_->getUlSubframe()->setStarttime (starttime);
- int slotleft = nbPS - starttime - mac_->phymib_.rtg;
- //duration is in unit of ofdm symbols
- int rangingslot = slotleft/2;
- int rangingduration =(int) round(((mac_->getPhy()->getPS()*rangingslot)/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime()));
- int bwduration = (int) round(((mac_->getPhy()->getPS()*(slotleft - rangingslot))/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime()));
- //we open the uplink to initial ranging and bw requests
- //add profile for the ranging burst
- p = map_->getUlSubframe()->addProfile (0, default_mod_);
- ContentionSlot *slot = map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging ();
- slot->setSize (getInitRangingopportunity ());
- slot->setBackoff_start (mac_->macmib_.rng_backoff_start);
- slot->setBackoff_stop (mac_->macmib_.rng_backoff_stop);
- //create burst to represent the contention slot
- Burst* b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (0,0)->addBurst (0);
- b2->setDuration (rangingduration);
- b2->setStarttime (0); //we put the contention at the begining
- //now the bw request
- //add profile for the bw burst
- p = map_->getUlSubframe()->addProfile (0, default_mod_);
- slot = map_->getUlSubframe()->getBw_req ();
- slot->setSize (getBWopportunity ());
- slot->setBackoff_start (mac_->macmib_.bw_backoff_start);
- slot->setBackoff_stop (mac_->macmib_.rng_backoff_stop);
- b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (1,0)->addBurst (0);
- b2->setDuration (bwduration);
- b2->setStarttime (rangingduration); //start after the ranging slot
- //end of map
- b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (2,0)->addBurst (0);
- b2->setIUC (UIUC_END_OF_MAP);
- b2->setStarttime (rangingduration+bwduration);
- //schedule the first frame by using a random backoff to avoid
- //synchronization between BSs.
- double stime = Random::uniform(0, mac_->getFrameDuration ());
- dl_timer_->sched (stime);
- ul_timer_->sched (stime+starttime*mac_->getPhy()->getPS());
- //also start the DCD and UCD timer
- dcdtimer_ = new WimaxDCDTimer (mac_);
- ucdtimer_ = new WimaxUCDTimer (mac_);
- nbradvtimer_ = new WimaxMobNbrAdvTimer (mac_);
- dcdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.dcd_interval);
- ucdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.ucd_interval);
- nbradvtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.nbr_adv_interval+stime);
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the bandwidth request opportunity size
- * @return The bandwidth request opportunity size
- */
- int BSScheduler::getBWopportunity ()
- {
- int nbPS = BW_REQ_PREAMBLE * mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolPS();
- //add PS for carrying header
- nbPS += (int) round((mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (HDR_MAC802_16_SIZE, map_->getUlSubframe()->getProfile(UIUC_REQ_REGION_FULL)->getEncoding())/mac_->getPhy()->getPS ()));
- //printf ("BWopportunity size=%dn", nbPS);
- return nbPS;
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the initial ranging opportunity size
- * @return The initial ranging opportunity size
- */
- int BSScheduler::getInitRangingopportunity ()
- {
- int nbPS = INIT_RNG_PREAMBLE * mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolPS();
- //add PS for carrying header
- nbPS += (int) round((mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (RNG_REQ_SIZE+HDR_MAC802_16_SIZE, map_->getUlSubframe()->getProfile(UIUC_INITIAL_RANGING)->getEncoding())/mac_->getPhy()->getPS ()));
- //printf ("Init ranging opportunity size=%dn", nbPS);
- return nbPS;
- }
- /**
- * Called when a timer expires
- * @param The timer ID
- */
- void BSScheduler::expire (timer_id id)
- {
- switch (id) {
- case WimaxDCDTimerID:
- sendDCD = true;
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d DCDtimer expiredn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- dcdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.dcd_interval);
- break;
- case WimaxUCDTimerID:
- sendUCD = true;
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d UCDtimer expiredn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- ucdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.ucd_interval);
- break;
- case WimaxMobNbrAdvTimerID:
- send_nbr_adv();
- nbradvtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.nbr_adv_interval);
- break;
- default:
- mac_->debug ("Warning: unknown timer expired in BSSchedulern");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set the control agent
- */
- void BSScheduler::setCtrlAgent (WimaxCtrlAgent *agent)
- {
- assert (agent);
- ctrlagent_ = agent;
- }
- /**
- * Process a packet received by the Mac. Only scheduling related packets should be sent here (BW request, UL_MAP...)
- * @param p The packet to process
- */
- void BSScheduler::process (Packet * p)
- {
- //assert (mac_);
- //debug2 ("BSScheduler received packet to processn");
- assert (mac_ && HDR_CMN(p)->ptype()==PT_MAC);
- debug2 ("BSScheduler received packet to processn");
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- gen_mac_header_t header = wimaxHdr->header;
- //check if this is a bandwidth request
- if ( == 1) {
- process_bw_req (p);
- return;
- }
- //we cast to this frame because all management frame start with
- //a type
- mac802_16_dl_map_frame *frame = (mac802_16_dl_map_frame*) p->accessdata();
- switch (frame->type) {
- case MAC_RNG_REQ:
- process_ranging_req (p);
- break;
- case MAC_REG_REQ:
- process_reg_req (p);
- break;
- if (ctrlagent_)
- ctrlagent_->process_scan_request (p);
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "Warning: no controler to handle scan request in BS %dn", mac_->addr());
- break;
- process_msho_req (p);
- break;
- case MAC_MOB_HO_IND:
- process_ho_ind (p);
- break;
- default:
- mac_->debug ("unknown packet in BSn");
- }
- Packet::free (p);
- }
- /**
- * Return the type of STA this scheduler is good for
- * @return STA_BS
- */
- station_type_t BSScheduler::getNodeType ()
- {
- return STA_BS;
- }
- /**
- * Start a new frame
- */
- void BSScheduler::start_ulsubframe ()
- {
- //mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d BS scheduler ulsubframe expiresn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //change PHY state
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_RECV);
- //start handler of ulsubframe
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getTimer()->sched (0);
- //reschedule for next frame
- ul_timer_->resched (mac_->getFrameDuration());
- }
- /**
- * Start a new frame
- */
- void BSScheduler::start_dlsubframe ()
- {
- debug2 ("At %f in Mac %d BS scheduler dlsubframe expires (frame=%d)n",
- NOW, mac_->addr(), mac_->frame_number_+1);
- assert (map_);
- Packet *p;
- Burst *b;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- double txtime;
- int txtime_s;
- OFDMPhy *phy = mac_->getPhy();
- //increment frame number
- mac_->frame_number_ ++;
- //adjust frame start information
- map_->setStarttime(NOW);
- /* First lets clear the peers we haven't heard of for long time */
- for (PeerNode *pn = mac_->getPeerNode_head() ; pn ; ) {
- PeerNode *tmp = pn->next_entry(); //next elem
- if (isPeerScanning(pn->getPeerNode())) {
- //since a scanning node cannot send data we push the
- //timeout while it is scanning
- pn->setRxTime(NOW);
- } else if (NOW-pn->getRxTime()>mac_->macmib_.client_timeout) {
- mac_->debug ("Client timeout for node %dn", pn->getPeerNode());
- mac_->removePeerNode(pn);
- }
- pn = tmp;
- }
- /**** Step one : burst allocation ****/
- int nbPS = (int) round((mac_->getFrameDuration()/phy->getPS()));
- int nbPS_left = nbPS - mac_->phymib_.rtg - mac_->phymib_.ttg;
- int nbSymbols = (int) ((phy->getPS()*nbPS_left)/phy->getSymbolTime());
- int dlduration = INIT_DL_DURATION+DL_PREAMBLE;
- int ulduration = 0;
- debug2 ("Frame: duration=%f, PSduration=%e, symboltime=%e, nbPS=%d, rtg=%d, ttg=%d, PSleft=%d, nbSymbols=%d, ",
- mac_->getFrameDuration(), phy->getPS(), phy->getSymbolTime(), nbPS, mac_->phymib_.rtg, mac_->phymib_.ttg, nbPS_left, nbSymbols);
- //remove control messages
- nbSymbols -=10;
- for (Connection *c = mac_->getCManager()->get_down_connection (); c && nbSymbols>0 ; c=c->next_entry()) {
- if (c->getPeerNode() && !isPeerScanning (c->getPeerNode()->getPeerNode())) {
- int queuesize = c->queueByteLength();
- int tmp = (int) round((phy->getTrxTime (queuesize, map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (DIUC_PROFILE_1)->getEncoding())/phy->getSymbolTime()));
- if (tmp < nbSymbols) {
- dlduration += tmp;
- nbSymbols -= tmp;
- }else{
- dlduration +=nbSymbols;
- nbSymbols -= nbSymbols;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- nbSymbols +=10;
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu()->getBurst(0)->setDuration (dlduration);
- map_->getUlSubframe()->setStarttime (dlduration*phy->getSymbolPS()+mac_->phymib_.rtg);
- ul_timer_->resched (map_->getUlSubframe()->getStarttime()*mac_->getPhy()->getPS());
- debug2 ("dlduration=%d, ", dlduration);
- //update the END_OF_MAP start time
- b = (DlBurst*) map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (1);
- b->setStarttime (dlduration);
- while (map_->getUlSubframe()->getNbPdu()>0) {
- PhyPdu *pdu = map_->getUlSubframe()->getPhyPdu(0);
- map_->getUlSubframe()->removePhyPdu(pdu);
- delete (pdu);
- }
- int rangingduration = 0;
- int bwduration = 0;
- int pduIndex = 0;
- debug2 ("In Mac %d Nb symbols left before contention =%dn", mac_->addr(), nbSymbols);
- int contentionslots = (int) round((contention_size_*((getBWopportunity()+getInitRangingopportunity())*mac_->getPhy()->getPS()/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime())));
- if (nbSymbols > contentionslots) {
- int starttime, slotleft, rangingslot, bwslot;
- //create uplink
- //start of UL subframe is after DL and TTG and unit is PS
- starttime = map_->getUlSubframe()->getStarttime();
- slotleft = nbPS - starttime - mac_->phymib_.rtg;
- //if there is at least one peer, then use only contention_size_ symbols,
- //otherwise use all the bw
- if (mac_->getPeerNode_head() || fast_ranging_head_.lh_first) {
- rangingslot = contention_size_*getInitRangingopportunity();
- bwslot = contention_size_*getBWopportunity();
- nbSymbols -= contentionslots;
- debug2 ("nbSymbols after contention=%dn", nbSymbols);
- }
- else {
- rangingslot = (int) (floor (slotleft/(2.0*getInitRangingopportunity()))*getInitRangingopportunity());
- bwslot = (int) (floor ((slotleft-rangingslot)/getBWopportunity())*getBWopportunity());
- nbSymbols = 0;
- }
- rangingduration =(int) round(((mac_->getPhy()->getPS()*rangingslot)/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime()));
- bwduration = (int) round (((mac_->getPhy()->getPS()*bwslot)/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime()));
- //we open the uplink to initial ranging and bw requests
- ContentionSlot *slot = map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging ();
- //create burst to represent the contention slot
- Burst* b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (pduIndex,0)->addBurst (0);
- pduIndex++;
- b2->setDuration (rangingduration);
- b2->setStarttime (ulduration); //we put the contention at the begining
- ulduration += rangingduration;
- //now the bw request
- slot = map_->getUlSubframe()->getBw_req ();
- b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (pduIndex,0)->addBurst (0);
- pduIndex++;
- b2->setDuration (bwduration);
- b2->setStarttime (ulduration); //start after the ranging slot
- ulduration += bwduration;
- }
- //check if there is Fast Ranging allocation to do
- while (fast_ranging_head_.lh_first !=NULL
- && fast_ranging_head_.lh_first->frame() == mac_->getFrameNumber()) {
- //we need to include a fast ranging allocation
- b = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (pduIndex,0)->addBurst (0);
- pduIndex++;
- int tmp =(int) round(((mac_->getPhy()->getPS()*getInitRangingopportunity())/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime()));
- b->setIUC (UIUC_EXT_UIUC);
- b->setDuration (tmp);
- b->setStarttime (ulduration); //start after previous slot
- ((UlBurst*)b)->setFastRangingParam (fast_ranging_head_.lh_first->macAddr(), UIUC_INITIAL_RANGING);
- ulduration += tmp;
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d adding fast ranging for %dn", NOW, mac_->addr(), fast_ranging_head_.lh_first->macAddr());
- fast_ranging_head_.lh_first->remove_entry();
- }
- //get the next node to allocate bw.
- //PB: the node may have been removed. We need to check that
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- PeerNode *start_peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- int i=0;
- if (start_peer != NULL) {
- //we have at least one element in the list
- for (peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head(); peer->next_entry() ; peer=peer->next_entry());
- debug2 ("start_peer=%d, peer=%dn", start_peer->getPeerNode(), peer->getPeerNode());
- while (start_peer != peer) {
- if (!isPeerScanning(peer->getPeerNode())) {
- debug2 ("peer %d not scanning take itn", peer->getPeerNode());
- break; //we found next station
- }
- debug2 ("peer %d scanning move itn", peer->getPeerNode());
- peer->remove_entry();
- mac_->addPeerNode (peer); //we put it at head of the list
- for (peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head(); peer->next_entry() ; peer=peer->next_entry());
- }
- }
- if (peer)
- debug2 ("final pick is %dn", peer->getPeerNode());
- //update variables
- bw_node_index_ = i;
- bw_peer_ = peer;
- //the next peer node takes the rest of the bw
- if (nbSymbols > 0 && peer && !isPeerScanning(peer->getPeerNode())) {
- debug2 ("Allocate uplink for STA %dn", peer->getPeerNode());
- peer->remove_entry();
- mac_->addPeerNode (peer); //we put it at head of the list
- //printf ("NbSymbols for node=%dn", nbSymbols);
- //add burst
- Burst *b3 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (pduIndex,0)->addBurst (0);
- pduIndex++;
- b3->setIUC (UIUC_PROFILE_1);
- b3->setCid (peer->getPrimary()->get_cid());
- b3->setDuration (nbSymbols);
- b3->setStarttime (ulduration);
- //add profile if not existing
- Profile *p = map_->getUlSubframe()->getProfile (UIUC_PROFILE_1);
- if (p==NULL) {
- p = map_->getUlSubframe()->addProfile (0, default_mod_);
- p->setIUC (UIUC_PROFILE_1);
- }
- }
- //end of map
- Burst *b2 = map_->getUlSubframe()->addPhyPdu (pduIndex,0)->addBurst (0);
- pduIndex++;
- b2->setIUC (UIUC_END_OF_MAP);
- b2->setStarttime (rangingduration+bwduration+nbSymbols);
- //we need to fill up the outgoing queues
- for (int index = 0 ; index < map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getNbBurst() ; index++) {
- b = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (index);
- int duration = 0;
- if (b->getIUC()==DIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- //consistency check..
- assert (index == map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getNbBurst()-1);
- break;
- }
- //we can get the next one after we check END_OF_MAP
- //b2 = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (index+1);
- //if this is the first buffer, add DL_MAP...messages
- if (index==0) {
- p = map_->getDL_MAP();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- txtime = phy->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- txtime_s = (int) round(txtime/phy->getSymbolTime ()); //in units of symbol
- assert ((duration+txtime_s) <= b->getDuration());
- b->enqueue(p); //enqueue into burst
- duration += txtime_s;
- p = map_->getUL_MAP();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- txtime = phy->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- txtime_s = (int) round(txtime/phy->getSymbolTime ()); //in units of symbol
- assert ((duration+txtime_s) <= b->getDuration());
- b->enqueue(p); //enqueue into burst
- duration += txtime_s;
- if (sendDCD || map_->getDlSubframe()->getCCC()!= dlccc_) {
- p = map_->getDCD();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- txtime = phy->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- txtime_s = (int) round(txtime/phy->getSymbolTime ()); //in units of symbol
- assert ((duration+txtime_s) <= b->getDuration());
- b->enqueue(p); //enqueue into burst
- duration += txtime_s;
- sendDCD = false;
- dlccc_ = map_->getDlSubframe()->getCCC();
- //reschedule timer
- dcdtimer_->stop();
- dcdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.dcd_interval);
- }
- if (sendUCD || map_->getUlSubframe()->getCCC()!= ulccc_) {
- p = map_->getUCD();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- txtime = phy->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- txtime_s = (int) round(txtime/phy->getSymbolTime ()); //in units of symbol
- assert ((duration+txtime_s) <= b->getDuration());
- b->enqueue(p); //enqueue into burst
- duration += txtime_s;
- sendUCD = false;
- ulccc_ = map_->getUlSubframe()->getCCC();
- //reschedule timer
- ucdtimer_->stop();
- ucdtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.ucd_interval);
- }
- }
- //get the packets from the connection with the same CID
- //Connection *c=mac_->getCManager ()->get_connection (b->getCid());
- int nb_down = 0;
- for (Connection *c = mac_->getCManager()->get_down_connection (); c ; c=c->next_entry()){ nb_down++;}
- Connection **tmp_con = (Connection **) malloc (nb_down*sizeof (Connection *));
- int i=0;
- for (Connection *c = mac_->getCManager()->get_down_connection (); c ; c=c->next_entry()){
- tmp_con[i] = c;
- i++;
- }
- //we randomly pick the connection we'll start serving first
- int start_index = (int) round (Random::uniform(0, nb_down));
- debug2 ("Picked connection %d as firstn", start_index);
- //for (Connection *c = mac_->getCManager()->get_down_connection (); c ; c=c->next_entry()) {
- for (i=0; i < nb_down ; i++) {
- int index = (i+start_index)%nb_down;
- Connection *c=tmp_con[index];
- if (c->getPeerNode() && isPeerScanning (c->getPeerNode()->getPeerNode()))
- continue;
- duration = transfer_packets (c, b, duration);
- }
- }
- //change PHY state
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_SEND);
- //start handler of dlsubframe
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getTimer()->sched (0);
- //reschedule for next time (frame duration)
- dl_timer_->resched (mac_->getFrameDuration());
- }
- /** Add a new Fast Ranging allocation
- * @param time The time when to allocate data
- * @param macAddr The MN address
- */
- void BSScheduler::addNewFastRanging (double time, int macAddr)
- {
- //compute the frame where the allocation will be located
- int frame = int ((time-NOW)/mac_->getFrameDuration()) +2 ;
- frame += mac_->getFrameNumber();
- //printf ("Added fast RA for frame %d (current=%d) for time (%f)n",
- // frame, mac_->getFrameNumber(), time);
- FastRangingInfo *info= new FastRangingInfo (frame, macAddr);
- info->insert_entry(&fast_ranging_head_);
- }
- /**** Packet processing methods ****/
- /**
- * Process a RNG-REQ message
- * @param p The packet containing the ranging request information
- */
- void BSScheduler::process_ranging_req (Packet *p)
- {
- UlSubFrame *ulsubframe = map_->getUlSubframe();
- mac802_16_rng_req_frame *req = (mac802_16_rng_req_frame *) p->accessdata();
- if (HDR_MAC802_16(p)->header.cid != INITIAL_RANGING_CID) {
- //process request for DIUC
- } else {
- //here we can make decision to accept the SS or not.
- //for now, accept everybody
- //check if CID already assigned for the SS
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode (req->ss_mac_address);
- if (peer==NULL) {
- mac_->debug ("New peer node requesting ranging (%d)n",req->ss_mac_address);
- //Assign Management CIDs
- Connection *basic = new Connection (CONN_BASIC);
- Connection *upbasic = new Connection (CONN_BASIC, basic->get_cid());
- Connection *primary = new Connection (CONN_PRIMARY);
- Connection *upprimary = new Connection (CONN_PRIMARY, primary->get_cid());
- //Create Peer information
- peer = new PeerNode (req->ss_mac_address);
- peer->setBasic (basic);
- peer->setPrimary (primary);
- upbasic->setPeerNode (peer);
- upprimary->setPeerNode (peer);
- mac_->addPeerNode (peer);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upbasic, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (basic, false);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upprimary, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (primary, false);
- //schedule timer in case the node never register
- addtimer17 (req->ss_mac_address);
- //create packet for answers
- Packet *rep = mac_->getPacket ();
- struct hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(rep);
- rep->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame));
- mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame *frame = (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame*) rep->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_RNG_RSP;
- frame->uc_id = ulsubframe->getChannelID();
- frame->rng_status = RNG_SUCCESS;
- frame->ss_mac_address = req->ss_mac_address;
- frame->basic_cid = basic->get_cid();
- frame->primary_cid = primary->get_cid();
- ch->size() = RNG_RSP_SIZE;
- //compute transmission time
- Burst *b = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (0);
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //enqueue packet
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (rep);
- if (cl_head_==NULL) {
- cl_head_ = (new_client_t*)malloc (sizeof (new_client_t));
- cl_tail_ = cl_head_;
- } else {
- cl_tail_->next = (new_client_t*)malloc (sizeof (new_client_t));
- cl_tail_=cl_tail_->next;
- }
- cl_tail_->cid = primary->get_cid();
- cl_tail_->next = NULL;
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->send_link_detected (mac_->addr(), peer->getPeerNode(), 1);
- #endif
- } else {
- mac_->debug ("Received ranging for known station (%d)n", req->ss_mac_address);
- //reset invited ranging retries for SS
- //create packet for answers
- Connection *basic = peer->getBasic();
- Connection *primary = peer->getPrimary();
- Packet *rep = mac_->getPacket ();
- struct hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(rep);
- rep->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame));
- mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame *frame = (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame*) rep->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_RNG_RSP;
- frame->uc_id = ulsubframe->getChannelID();
- frame->rng_status = RNG_SUCCESS;
- frame->ss_mac_address = req->ss_mac_address;
- frame->basic_cid = basic->get_cid();
- frame->primary_cid = primary->get_cid();
- ch->size() = RNG_RSP_SIZE;
- //compute transmission time
- Burst *b = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (0);
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //enqueue packet
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (rep);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add a new timer17 in the list. It also performs cleaning of the list
- * @param index The client address
- */
- void BSScheduler::addtimer17 (int index)
- {
- //clean expired timers
- T17Element *entry;
- for (entry = t17_head_.lh_first; entry ; ) {
- if (entry->paused ()) {
- T17Element *tmp = entry;
- entry = entry->next_entry();
- tmp->remove_entry();
- free (tmp);
- }
- entry = entry->next_entry();
- }
- entry = new T17Element (mac_, index);
- entry->insert_entry (&t17_head_);
- }
- /**
- * Cancel and remove the timer17 associated with the node
- * @param index The client address
- */
- void BSScheduler::removetimer17 (int index)
- {
- //clean expired timers
- T17Element *entry;
- for (entry = t17_head_.lh_first; entry ; entry = entry->next_entry()) {
- if (entry->index ()==index) {
- entry->cancel();
- entry->remove_entry();
- delete (entry);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Process bandwidth request
- * @param p The request
- */
- void BSScheduler::process_bw_req (Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- gen_mac_header_t header = wimaxHdr->header;
- bw_req_header_t *req;
- req = (bw_req_header_t *)&header;
- mac_->debug ("received bandwidth request of %d bytes from %dn", req->br, req->cid);
- }
- /**
- * Process registration request
- * @param p The request
- */
- void BSScheduler::process_reg_req (Packet *req)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr_req = HDR_MAC802_16(req);
- gen_mac_header_t header_req = wimaxHdr_req->header;
- mac_->debug ("received registration request from %dn", header_req.cid);
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame *reg_frame;
- PeerNode *peer;
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame));
- reg_frame = (mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame*) p->accessdata();
- reg_frame->type = MAC_REG_RSP;
- reg_frame->response = 0; //OK
- peer = mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (header_req.cid, false)->getPeerNode();
- Connection *secondary = peer->getSecondary ();
- if (secondary==NULL) {
- //first time
- secondary = new Connection (CONN_SECONDARY);
- Connection *upsecondary = new Connection (CONN_SECONDARY, secondary->get_cid());
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upsecondary, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (secondary, false);
- peer->setSecondary (secondary);
- upsecondary->setPeerNode (peer);
- }
- reg_frame->sec_mngmt_cid = secondary->get_cid();
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = header_req.cid;
- ch->size() = REG_RSP_SIZE;
- //compute transmission time
- Burst *b = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (0);
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //enqueue packet
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (p);
- //clear t17 timer for this node
- removetimer17 (peer->getPeerNode());
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, send link upn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_up (peer->getPeerNode(),mac_->addr());
- #endif
- }
- /**
- * Send a neighbor advertisement message
- */
- void BSScheduler::send_nbr_adv ()
- {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in BS %d send_nbr_adv (nb_neighbor=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(), nbr_db_->getNbNeighbor());
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *frame;
- //PeerNode *peer;
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame));
- frame = (mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_MOB_NBR_ADV;
- frame->n_neighbors = nbr_db_->getNbNeighbor();
- frame->skip_opt_field = 0;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < frame->n_neighbors ; i++) {
- frame->nbr_info[i].phy_profile_id.FAindex = 0;
- frame->nbr_info[i].phy_profile_id.bs_eirp = 0;
- frame->nbr_info[i].nbr_bsid= nbr_db_->getNeighbors()[i]->getID();
- frame->nbr_info[i].dcd_included = true;
- memcpy (&(frame->nbr_info[i].dcd_settings), nbr_db_->getNeighbors ()[i]->getDCD(), sizeof(mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- frame->nbr_info[i].ucd_included = true;
- memcpy (&(frame->nbr_info[i].ucd_settings), nbr_db_->getNeighbors ()[i]->getUCD(), sizeof(mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- frame->nbr_info[i].phy_included = false;
- }
- ch->size() = Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_NBR_ADV_size(frame);
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (p);
- }
- /**
- * Finds out if the given station is currently scanning
- * @param nodeid The MS id
- */
- bool BSScheduler::isPeerScanning (int nodeid)
- {
- ScanningStation *sta;
- for (sta = scan_stations_.lh_first; sta ; sta = sta->next_entry()) {
- if (sta->getNodeId()==nodeid && sta->isScanning(mac_->frame_number_)) {
- //printf ("station %d scanningn", nodeid);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Process handover request
- * @param p The request
- */
- void BSScheduler::process_msho_req (Packet *req)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr_req = HDR_MAC802_16(req);
- gen_mac_header_t header_req = wimaxHdr_req->header;
- mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame *req_frame =
- (mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame*) req->accessdata();
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d received handover request from %dn", NOW, mac_->addr(), header_req.cid);
- //check the BS that has stronger power
- int maxIndex = 0;
- int maxRssi = 0; //max value
- for (int i = 0; i < req_frame->n_new_bs_full ; i++) {
- if (req_frame->bs_full[i].bs_rssi_mean >= maxRssi) {
- maxIndex = i;
- maxRssi = req_frame->bs_full[i].bs_rssi_mean;
- }
- }
- //reply with one recommended BS
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame *rsp_frame;
- send_nbr_adv (); //to force update with latest information
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame)+sizeof (mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_rec));
- rsp_frame = (mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame*) p->accessdata();
- rsp_frame->type = MAC_MOB_BSHO_RSP;
- rsp_frame->mode = 0; //HO request
- rsp_frame->ho_operation_mode = 1; //mandatory handover response
- rsp_frame->n_recommended = 1;
- rsp_frame->resource_retain_flag = 0; //release connection information
- rsp_frame->n_rec[0].neighbor_bsid = req_frame->bs_full[maxIndex].neighbor_bs_index;
- rsp_frame->n_rec[0].ho_process_optimization=0; //no optimization
- ch->size() += Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_BSHO_RSP_size(rsp_frame);
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = header_req.cid;
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (p);
- }
- /**
- * Process handover indication
- * @param p The indication
- */
- void BSScheduler::process_ho_ind (Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr_req = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- gen_mac_header_t header_req = wimaxHdr_req->header;
- //mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame *req_frame =
- // (mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame*) p->accessdata();
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d received handover indication from %dn", NOW, mac_->addr(), header_req.cid);
- }
- /**
- * Send a scan response to the MN
- * @param rsp The response from the control
- */
- void BSScheduler::send_scan_response (mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *rsp, int cid)
- {
- //create packet for request
- Packet *p = mac_->getPacket ();
- struct hdr_cmn *ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame));
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame* rsp_frame = (mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame*) p->accessdata();
- memcpy (rsp_frame, rsp, sizeof (mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame));
- rsp_frame->type = MAC_MOB_SCN_RSP;
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = cid;
- ch->size() += Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_SCN_RSP_size(rsp_frame);
- //add scanning station to the list
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (cid, false)->getPeerNode();
- /* The request is received in frame i, the reply is sent in frame i+1
- * so the frame at which the scanning start is start_frame+2
- */
- ScanningStation *sta = new ScanningStation (peer->getPeerNode(), rsp_frame->scan_duration & 0xFF,
- rsp_frame->start_frame+mac_->frame_number_+2,
- rsp_frame->interleaving_interval & 0xFF,
- rsp_frame->scan_iteration & 0xFF);
- sta->insert_entry_head (&scan_stations_);
- //compute transmission time
- Burst *b = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu ()->getBurst (0);
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getDlSubframe()->getProfile (b->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //enqueue packet
- mac_->getCManager()->get_connection (BROADCAST_CID, false)->enqueue (p);
- }