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Package: WiMAX_Protocol_Code.rar [view]
Upload User: hzie11
Upload Date: 2013-10-07
Package Size: 1487k
Code Size: 47k
Linux Network
Development Platform:
- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #include "ssscheduler.h"
- #include "burst.h"
- /**
- * Tcl hook for creating SS scheduler
- */
- static class SSschedulerClass : public TclClass {
- public:
- SSschedulerClass() : TclClass("WimaxScheduler/SS") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new SSscheduler());
- }
- } class_ssscheduler;
- /*
- * Create a scheduler
- */
- SSscheduler::SSscheduler (): t1timer_(0),t2timer_(0),t6timer_(0), t12timer_(0),
- t21timer_(0), lostDLMAPtimer_(0), lostULMAPtimer_(0),
- t44timer_(0), scan_info_(0)
- {
- debug2 ("SSscheduler createdn");
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the scheduler
- */
- void SSscheduler::init ()
- {
- WimaxScheduler::init();
- //At initialization, the SS is looking for synchronization
- mac_->setMacState (MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH);
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_RECV);
- //start timer for expiration
- t21timer_ = new WimaxT21Timer (mac_);
- t21timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t21_timeout);
- //creates other timers
- t1timer_ = new WimaxT1Timer (mac_);
- t12timer_ = new WimaxT12Timer (mac_);
- t2timer_ = new WimaxT2Timer (mac_);
- lostDLMAPtimer_ = new WimaxLostDLMAPTimer (mac_);
- lostULMAPtimer_ = new WimaxLostULMAPTimer (mac_);
- nb_scan_req_ = 0;
- scan_info_ = (struct scanning_structure *) malloc (sizeof (struct scanning_structure));
- memset (scan_info_, 0, sizeof (struct scanning_structure));
- scan_info_->nbr = NULL;
- scan_info_->substate = NORMAL;
- }
- /**
- * Interface with the TCL script
- * @param argc The number of parameter
- * @param argv The list of parameters
- */
- int SSscheduler::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)
- {
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "send-scan") == 0) {
- send_scan_request();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- /**
- * Start a new frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::start_dlsubframe ()
- {
- //mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d SS scheduler dlsubframe expires %dn", NOW, mac_->addr(), scan_info_->substate);
- mac_->frame_number_++;
- switch (scan_info_->substate) {
- if (scan_info_->count == 0) {
- resume_scanning();
- return;
- }
- scan_info_->count--;
- break;
- if (scan_info_->handoff_timeout == 0) {
- assert (scan_info_->nbr);
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d link handoff proceedingn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_handoff_proceeding (mac_->addr(), mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getPeerNode(), scan_info_->nbr->getID());
- #endif
- scan_info_->substate = HANDOVER;
- //restore previous state
- //mac_->restore_state (scan_info_->nbr->getState()->state_info);
- mac_->setChannel (scan_info_->nbr->getState()->state_info->channel);
- lost_synch ();
- //add target as peer
- mac_->addPeerNode (new PeerNode(scan_info_->nbr->getID()));
- return;
- }
- scan_info_->handoff_timeout--;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- //change state of PHY
- //mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_RECV);
- //this is the begining of new frame
- map_->setStarttime (NOW);
- //start handler of dlsubframe
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getTimer()->sched (0);
- //reschedule for next frame
- dl_timer_->resched (mac_->getFrameDuration());
- }
- /**
- * Start a new frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::start_ulsubframe ()
- {
- //mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d SS scheduler ulsubframe expiresn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //change state of PHY: even though it should have been done before
- //there are some cases where it does not (during scanning)
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_SEND);
- //1-Transfert the packets from the queues in Connections to burst queues
- Burst *b;
- OFDMPhy *phy = mac_->getPhy();
- //printf ("SS has %d ul burstsn", map_->getUlSubframe()->getNbPdu ());
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head(); //this is the BS
- assert (peer!=NULL);
- for (int index = 0 ; index < map_->getUlSubframe()->getNbPdu (); index++) {
- b = map_->getUlSubframe()->getPhyPdu (index)->getBurst (0);
- if (b->getIUC()==UIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- //consistency check..
- assert (index == map_->getUlSubframe()->getNbPdu ()-1);
- break;
- }
- continue;
- int duration = 0;
- //get the packets from the connection with the same CID
- //printf ("tBurst CID=%dn", b->getCid());
- Connection *c=mac_->getCManager ()->get_connection (b->getCid(), true);
- //assert (c);
- if (!c)
- continue; //I do not have this CID. Must be for another node
- //transfert the packets until it reaches burst duration or no more packets
- assert (c->getType()==CONN_PRIMARY);
- if (peer->getBasic()!= NULL)
- duration = transfer_packets (peer->getBasic(), b, duration);
- if (peer->getPrimary()!= NULL)
- duration = transfer_packets (peer->getPrimary(), b, duration);
- if (peer->getSecondary()!= NULL)
- duration = transfer_packets (peer->getSecondary(), b, duration);
- if (peer->getOutData()!=NULL)
- duration = transfer_packets (peer->getOutData(), b, duration);
- }
- //2-compute size of data left to create bandwidth requests
- if (peer->getBasic()!= NULL)
- create_request (peer->getBasic());
- if (peer->getPrimary()!= NULL)
- create_request (peer->getPrimary());
- if (peer->getSecondary()!= NULL)
- create_request (peer->getSecondary());
- if (peer->getOutData()!=NULL)
- create_request (peer->getOutData());
- //start handler for ulsubframe
- b = map_->getUlSubframe()->getPhyPdu (0)->getBurst (0);
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getTimer()->sched (b->getStarttime()*phy->getSymbolTime());
- //reschedule for next frame
- ul_timer_->resched (mac_->getFrameDuration());
- }
- /**
- * Create a request for the given connection
- * @param con The connection to check
- */
- void SSscheduler::create_request (Connection *con)
- {
- if (con->queueLength()==0)
- return; //queue is empty
- else if (map_->getUlSubframe()->getBw_req()->getRequest (con->get_cid())!=NULL) {
- debug2 ("At %f in Mac %d already pending requests for cid=%dn", NOW, mac_->addr(), con->get_cid());
- return; //there is already a pending request
- }
- Packet *p= mac_->getPacket();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- bw_req_header_t *header = (bw_req_header_t *)&(HDR_MAC802_16(p)->header);
- header->ht=1;
- header->ec=1;
- header->type = 0; // check meaning
- header->br = con->queueByteLength();
- header->cid = con->get_cid();
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), map_->getUlSubframe()->getProfile (UIUC_REQ_REGION_FULL)->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getBw_req()->addRequest (p, con->get_cid(), con->queueByteLength());
- debug2 ("SSscheduler enqueued request for cid=%d len=%dn", con->get_cid(), con->queueByteLength());
- //start timeout for request
- }
- /**
- * Process a packet received by the Mac. Only scheduling related packets should be sent here (BW request, UL_MAP...)
- * @param p The packet to process
- */
- void SSscheduler::process (Packet * p)
- {
- assert (mac_ && HDR_CMN(p)->ptype()==PT_MAC);
- debug2 ("SSScheduler received packet to processn");
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- gen_mac_header_t header = wimaxHdr->header;
- //we cast to this frame because all management frame start with
- //a type
- mac802_16_dl_map_frame *frame = (mac802_16_dl_map_frame*) p->accessdata();
- switch (frame->type) {
- case MAC_DL_MAP:
- map_->setStarttime (NOW-HDR_CMN(p)->txtime());
- //printf ("At %f frame start at %fn", NOW, map_->getStarttime());
- process_dl_map (frame);
- break;
- case MAC_DCD:
- process_dcd ((mac802_16_dcd_frame*)frame);
- break;
- case MAC_UL_MAP:
- process_ul_map ((mac802_16_ul_map_frame*)frame);
- break;
- case MAC_UCD:
- process_ucd ((mac802_16_ucd_frame*)frame);
- break;
- case MAC_RNG_RSP:
- process_ranging_rsp ((mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame*) frame);
- break;
- case MAC_REG_RSP:
- process_reg_rsp ((mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame*) frame);
- break;
- process_scan_rsp ((mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *) frame);
- break;
- process_bsho_rsp ((mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame *) frame);
- break;
- process_nbr_adv ((mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *) frame);
- break;
- default:
- mac_->debug ("unknown packet in SS %dn", mac_->addr());
- //exit (0);
- }
- Packet::free (p);
- }
- /**
- * Return the type of STA this scheduler is good for
- * @return STA_SS
- */
- station_type_t SSscheduler::getNodeType ()
- {
- return STA_MN;
- }
- /**
- * Called when lost synchronization
- */
- void SSscheduler::lost_synch ()
- {
- //reset timers
- if (t1timer_->busy()!=0)
- t1timer_->stop();
- if (t12timer_->busy()!=0)
- t12timer_->stop();
- if (t21timer_->busy()!=0)
- t21timer_->stop();
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->busy()!=0)
- lostDLMAPtimer_->stop();
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->busy()!=0)
- lostULMAPtimer_->stop();
- if (t2timer_->busy()!=0)
- t2timer_->stop();
- if (t44timer_ && t44timer_->busy()!=0)
- t44timer_->stop();
- //we need to go to receiving mode
- //printf ("Set phy to recv %xn", mac_->getPhy());
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_RECV);
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_CONNECTED) {
- //remove possible pending requests
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getBw_req()->removeRequests();
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, send link downn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_down (mac_->addr(), RC_FAIL_NORESOURCE);
- #endif
- }
- //remove information about peer node
- if (mac_->getPeerNode_head())
- mac_->removePeerNode (mac_->getPeerNode_head());
- //start waiting for DL synch
- mac_->setMacState (MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH);
- t21timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t21_timeout);
- if (dl_timer_->status()==TIMER_PENDING)
- dl_timer_->cancel();
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getTimer()->reset();
- if (ul_timer_->status()==TIMER_PENDING)
- ul_timer_->cancel();
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getTimer()->reset();
- }
- /**
- * Called when a timer expires
- * @param The timer ID
- */
- void SSscheduler::expire (timer_id id)
- {
- switch (id) {
- case WimaxT21TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, synchronization failedn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //go to next channel
- mac_->nextChannel();
- t21timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t21_timeout);
- break;
- case WimaxLostDLMAPTimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, lost synchronization (DL_MAP)n", NOW, mac_->addr());
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxT1TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, lost synchronization (DCD)n", NOW, mac_->addr());
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxLostULMAPTimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, lost synchronization (UL_MAP)n", NOW, mac_->addr());
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxT12TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, lost uplink param (UCD)n", NOW, mac_->addr());
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxT2TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, lost synchronization (RNG)n", NOW, mac_->addr());
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging()->removeRequest ();
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxT3TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, no response from BSn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //we reach the maximum number of retries
- //mark DL channel usuable (i.e we go to next)
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging()->removeRequest ();
- mac_->nextChannel();
- lost_synch ();
- break;
- case WimaxT6TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, registration timeout (nbretry=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(),
- nb_reg_retry_);
- if (nb_reg_retry_ == mac_->macmib_.reg_req_retry) {
- mac_->debug ("tmax retry excedeedn");
- lost_synch ();
- } else {
- send_registration();
- }
- break;
- case WimaxT44TimerID:
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, did not receive MOB_SCN-RSP (nb_retry=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(), nb_scan_req_);
- if (nb_scan_req_ <= mac_->macmib_.scan_req_retry) {
- send_scan_request ();
- } else { //reset for next time
- nb_scan_req_ = 0;
- }
- break;
- case WimaxScanIntervalTimerID:
- pause_scanning ();
- break;
- case WimaxRdvTimerID:
- //we need to meet at another station. We cancel the current scanning
- //lost_synch ();
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d Rdv timer expiredn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- break;
- default:
- mac_->debug ("Trigger unkownn");
- }
- }
- /**** Packet processing methods ****/
- /**
- * Process a DL_MAP message
- * @param frame The dl_map information
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_dl_map (mac802_16_dl_map_frame *frame)
- {
- assert (frame);
- //create an entry for the BS
- if (mac_->getPeerNode (frame->bsid)==NULL)
- mac_->addPeerNode (new PeerNode (frame->bsid));
- map_->parseDLMAPframe (frame);
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in %d, received DL_MAP for synch from %d (substate=%d)n",
- NOW, mac_->addr(), frame->bsid,scan_info_->substate);
- assert (t21timer_->busy()!=0);
- //synchronization is done
- t21timer_->stop();
- //start lost_dl_map
- lostDLMAPtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.lost_dlmap_interval);
- //start T1: DCD
- t1timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t1_timeout);
- //start T12: UCD
- t12timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t12_timeout);
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, send link detectedn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_detected (mac_->addr(), frame->bsid, 1);
- #endif
- mac_->setMacState(MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH_DCD);
- //if I am doing handoff and we have dcd/ucd information
- //from scanning, use it
- if (scan_info_->substate == HANDOVER || scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- if (scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- if (scan_info_->nbr == NULL || scan_info_->nbr->getID()!=frame->bsid) {
- //check if an entry already exist in the database
- scan_info_->nbr = nbr_db_->getNeighbor (frame->bsid);
- if (scan_info_->nbr == NULL) {
- //create entry
- debug2 ("Creating nbr info for node %dn", frame->bsid);
- scan_info_->nbr = new NeighborEntry (frame->bsid);
- nbr_db_->addNeighbor (scan_info_->nbr);
- } else {
- debug2 ("loaded nbr infon");
- if (scan_info_->nbr->isDetected ()) {
- //we already synchronized with this AP...skip channel
- mac_->nextChannel();
- lost_synch ();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }//if HANDOVER, scan_info_->nbr is already set
- bool error = false;
- //we check if we can read the DL_MAP
- mac802_16_dcd_frame *dcd = scan_info_->nbr->getDCD();
- if (dcd!=NULL) {
- debug2 ("Check if we can decode stored dcdn");
- //check if we can decode dl_map with previously acquired dcd
- bool found;
- for (int i = 0 ; !error && i < map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu()->getNbBurst() ; i++) {
- int diuc = map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu()->getBurst(i)->getIUC();
- if (diuc == DIUC_END_OF_MAP)
- continue;
- found = false;
- for (u_int32_t j = 0 ; !found && j < dcd->nb_prof; j++) {
- found = dcd->profiles[j].diuc==diuc;
- }
- error = !found;
- }
- if (!error)
- process_dcd (dcd);
- } else {
- debug2 ("No DCD information foundn");
- }
- }
- } else {
- //maintain synchronization
- assert (lostDLMAPtimer_->busy());
- lostDLMAPtimer_->stop();
- //printf ("update dlmap timern");
- lostDLMAPtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.lost_dlmap_interval);
- if (mac_->getMacState()!= MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH_DCD
- && mac_->getMacState()!=MAC802_16_UL_PARAM) {
- //since the map may have changed, we need to adjust the timer
- //for the DLSubframe
- double stime = map_->getStarttime();
- stime += map_->getDlSubframe()->getPdu()->getBurst(1)->getStarttime()*mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime();
- //printf ("received dl..needs to update expiration to %f, %f,%fn", stime, NOW,map_->getStarttime());
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getTimer()->resched (stime-NOW);
- dl_timer_->resched (map_->getStarttime()+mac_->getFrameDuration()-NOW);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Process a DCD message
- * @param frame The dcd information
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_dcd (mac802_16_dcd_frame *frame)
- {
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH) {
- //we are waiting for DL_MAP, ignore this message
- return;
- }
- map_->parseDCDframe (frame);
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH_DCD) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in %d, received DCD for synchn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //now I have all information such as frame duration
- //adjust timing in case the frame we received the DL_MAP
- //and the DCD is different
- while (NOW - map_->getStarttime () > mac_->getFrameDuration()) {
- map_->setStarttime (map_->getStarttime()+mac_->getFrameDuration());
- }
- //store information to be used during potential handoff
- if (scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- mac802_16_dcd_frame *tmp = (mac802_16_dcd_frame *) malloc (sizeof (mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- memcpy (tmp, frame, sizeof (mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- mac802_16_dcd_frame *old = scan_info_->nbr->getDCD();
- if (frame == old)
- frame = tmp;
- if (old)
- free (old); //free previous entry
- scan_info_->nbr->setDCD(tmp); //set new one
- }
- mac_->setMacState(MAC802_16_UL_PARAM);
- //we can schedule next frame
- //printf ("SS schedule next frame at %fn", map_->getStarttime()+mac_->getFrameDuration());
- //dl_timer_->sched (map_->getStarttime()+mac_->getFrameDuration()-NOW);
- }
- if (t1timer_->busy()!=0) {
- //we were waiting for this packet
- t1timer_->stop();
- t1timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t1_timeout);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Process a UCD message
- * @param frame The ucd information
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_ucd (mac802_16_ucd_frame *frame)
- {
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH
- ||mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH_DCD) {
- //discard the packet
- return;
- }
- assert (t12timer_->busy()!=0); //we are waiting for this packet
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_UL_PARAM) {
- //check if uplink channel usable
- mac_->debug ("At %f in %d, received UL(UCD) parametersn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //start T2: ranging
- t2timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t2_timeout);
- //start Lost UL-MAP
- lostULMAPtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.lost_ulmap_interval);
- //store information to be used during potential handoff
- if (scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- mac802_16_ucd_frame *tmp = (mac802_16_ucd_frame *) malloc (sizeof (mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- memcpy (tmp, frame, sizeof (mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- mac802_16_ucd_frame *old = scan_info_->nbr->getUCD();
- if (frame == old)
- frame = tmp;
- if (old)
- free (old); //free previous entry
- scan_info_->nbr->setUCD(tmp); //set new one
- }
- //change state
- mac_->setMacState (MAC802_16_RANGING);
- }
- //reset T12
- t12timer_->stop();
- t12timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t12_timeout);
- map_->parseUCDframe (frame);
- }
- /**
- * Process a UL_MAP message
- * @param frame The ul_map information
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_ul_map (mac802_16_ul_map_frame *frame)
- {
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH
- || mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH_DCD) {
- //discard the packet
- return;
- }
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_UL_PARAM) {
- if (scan_info_->substate == HANDOVER || scan_info_->substate==SCANNING) {
- FrameMap *tmpMap = new FrameMap (mac_);
- tmpMap->parseULMAPframe (frame);
- //printf ("Checking if we can read UL_MAPn");
- bool error = false;
- //we check if we can read the UL_MAP
- mac802_16_ucd_frame *ucd = scan_info_->nbr->getUCD();
- if (ucd!=NULL) {
- //check if we can decode ul_map with previously acquired ucd
- bool found;
- for (int i = 0 ; !error && i < tmpMap->getUlSubframe()->getNbPdu() ; i++) {
- UlBurst *b = (UlBurst*)tmpMap->getUlSubframe()->getPhyPdu(i)->getBurst(0);
- int uiuc = b->getIUC();
- if (uiuc == UIUC_END_OF_MAP)
- continue;
- if (uiuc == UIUC_EXT_UIUC && b->getExtendedUIUC ()== UIUC_FAST_RANGING)
- uiuc = b->getFastRangingUIUC();
- found = false;
- for (u_int32_t j = 0 ; !found && j < ucd->nb_prof; j++) {
- //printf ("t prof=%d, search=%dn", ucd->profiles[j].uiuc, uiuc);
- found = ucd->profiles[j].uiuc==uiuc;
- }
- error = !found;
- }
- if (!error)
- process_ucd (ucd);
- }
- delete (tmpMap);
- if (error) {
- //we cannot read message
- return;
- }
- } else
- return;
- }
- if (scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- //TBD: add checking scanning type for the given station
- u_char scanning_type = 0;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < scan_info_->rsp->n_recommended_bs_full ; i++) {
- if (scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].recommended_bs_id == scan_info_->nbr->getID()) {
- scanning_type = scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].scanning_type;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (scanning_type == 0) {
- //store information about possible base station and keep scanning
- scan_info_->nbr->getState()->state_info= mac_->backup_state();
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d bs %d detected during scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr(), scan_info_->nbr->getID());
- scan_info_->nbr->setDetected (true);
- mac_->nextChannel();
- lost_synch ();
- return;
- }
- }
- map_->parseULMAPframe (frame);
- if (mac_->getMacState()==MAC802_16_RANGING) {
- //execute ranging
- assert (t2timer_->busy()!=0); //we are waiting for this packet
- init_ranging ();
- }
- //schedule when to take care of outgoing packets
- double start = map_->getStarttime();
- start += map_->getUlSubframe()->getStarttime()*mac_->getPhy()->getPS(); //offset for ul subframe
- start -= NOW; //works with relative time not absolute
- debug2 ("Uplink starts in %f (framestate=%f) %f %fn",
- start,
- map_->getStarttime(),
- mac_->getFrameDuration()/mac_->getPhy()->getPS(),
- mac_->getFrameDuration()/mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime());
- ul_timer_->resched (start);
- //reset Lost UL-Map
- lostULMAPtimer_->stop();
- lostULMAPtimer_->start (mac_->macmib_.lost_ulmap_interval);
- }
- /**
- * Process a ranging response message
- * @param frame The ranging response frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_ranging_rsp (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame *frame)
- {
- //check the destination
- if (frame->ss_mac_address != mac_->addr())
- return;
- Connection *basic, *primary;
- PeerNode *peer;
- //TBD: add processing for periodic ranging
- //check status
- switch (frame->rng_status) {
- mac_->debug ("Ranging response: status = Success.Basic=%d, Primary=%dn",
- frame->basic_cid, frame->primary_cid);
- peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- assert (peer);
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging()->removeRequest ();
- if (scan_info_->substate == SCANNING) {
- //store information about possible base station and keep scanning
- scan_info_->nbr->getState()->state_info= mac_->backup_state();
- scan_info_->nbr->setDetected (true);
- //keep the information for later
- mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame *tmp = (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame *) malloc (sizeof (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame));
- memcpy (tmp, frame, sizeof (mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame));
- scan_info_->nbr->setRangingRsp (tmp);
- mac_->nextChannel();
- lost_synch ();
- return;
- }
- //ranging worked, now we must register
- basic = peer->getBasic();
- primary = peer->getPrimary();
- if (basic!=NULL && basic->get_cid ()==frame->basic_cid) {
- //duplicate response
- assert (primary->get_cid () == frame->primary_cid);
- } else {
- if (basic !=NULL) {
- //we have been allocated new cids..clear old ones
- mac_->getCManager ()->remove_connection (basic);
- mac_->getCManager ()->remove_connection (primary);
- if (peer->getSecondary()!=NULL)
- mac_->getCManager ()->remove_connection (peer->getSecondary());
- if (peer->getOutData()!=NULL)
- mac_->getCManager ()->remove_connection (peer->getOutData());
- if (peer->getInData()!=NULL)
- mac_->getCManager ()->remove_connection (peer->getInData());
- }
- basic = new Connection (CONN_BASIC, frame->basic_cid);
- Connection *upbasic = new Connection (CONN_BASIC, frame->basic_cid);
- primary = new Connection (CONN_PRIMARY, frame->primary_cid);
- Connection *upprimary = new Connection (CONN_PRIMARY, frame->primary_cid);
- //a SS should only have one peer, the BS
- peer->setBasic (upbasic); //set outgoing
- peer->setPrimary (upprimary); //set outgoing
- basic->setPeerNode (peer);
- primary->setPeerNode (peer);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upbasic, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (basic, false);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upprimary, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (primary, false);
- }
- //registration must be sent using Primary Management CID
- mac_->setMacState (MAC802_16_REGISTER);
- //stop timeout timer
- t2timer_->stop ();
- nb_reg_retry_ = 0; //first time sending
- send_registration();
- break;
- case RNG_ABORT:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Unknown status replyn");
- exit (-1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Schedule a ranging
- */
- void SSscheduler::init_ranging ()
- {
- //check if there is a ranging opportunity
- UlSubFrame *ulsubframe = map_->getUlSubframe();
- DlSubFrame *dlsubframe = map_->getDlSubframe();
- /* If I am doing a Handoff, check if I already associated
- with the target AP*/
- if (scan_info_->substate == HANDOVER && scan_info_->nbr->getRangingRsp()!=NULL) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d MN already executed ranging during scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- process_ranging_rsp (scan_info_->nbr->getRangingRsp());
- return;
- }
- //check if there is Fast Ranging IE
- for (PhyPdu *p = map_->getUlSubframe ()->getFirstPdu(); p ; p= p ->next_entry()) {
- UlBurst *b = (UlBurst*) p->getBurst(0);
- if (b->getIUC() == UIUC_EXT_UIUC &&
- b->getExtendedUIUC ()== UIUC_FAST_RANGING &&
- b->getFastRangingMacAddr ()==mac_->addr()) {
- debug2 ("Found fast rangingn");
- //we should put the ranging request in that burst
- Packet *p= mac_->getPacket();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- HDR_MAC802_16(p)->header.cid = INITIAL_RANGING_CID;
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_rng_req_frame));
- mac802_16_rng_req_frame *frame = (mac802_16_rng_req_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_RNG_REQ;
- frame->dc_id = dlsubframe->getChannelID();
- frame->ss_mac_address = mac_->addr();
- //other elements??
- ch->size() += RNG_REQ_SIZE;
- //compute when to send message
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), ulsubframe->getProfile (b->getFastRangingUIUC ())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //starttime+backoff
- b->enqueue(p);
- mac_->setMacState(MAC802_16_WAIT_RNG_RSP);
- return;
- }
- }
- for (PhyPdu *pdu = ulsubframe->getFirstPdu(); pdu ; pdu = pdu->next_entry()) {
- if (pdu->getBurst(0)->getIUC()==UIUC_INITIAL_RANGING) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f SS Mac %d found ranging opportunityn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- Packet *p= mac_->getPacket();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- HDR_MAC802_16(p)->header.cid = INITIAL_RANGING_CID;
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_rng_req_frame));
- mac802_16_rng_req_frame *frame = (mac802_16_rng_req_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_RNG_REQ;
- frame->dc_id = dlsubframe->getChannelID();
- frame->ss_mac_address = mac_->addr();
- //other elements??
- ch->size() += RNG_REQ_SIZE;
- //compute when to send message
- double txtime = mac_->getPhy()->getTrxTime (ch->size(), ulsubframe->getProfile (pdu->getBurst(0)->getIUC())->getEncoding());
- ch->txtime() = txtime;
- //starttime+backoff
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getRanging()->addRequest (p);
- mac_->setMacState(MAC802_16_WAIT_RNG_RSP);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prepare to send a registration message
- */
- void SSscheduler::send_registration ()
- {
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_reg_req_frame *reg_frame;
- PeerNode *peer;
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_reg_req_frame));
- reg_frame = (mac802_16_reg_req_frame*) p->accessdata();
- reg_frame->type = MAC_REG_REQ;
- ch->size() += REG_REQ_SIZE;
- peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = peer->getPrimary()->get_cid();
- peer->getPrimary()->enqueue (p);
- //start reg timeout
- if (t6timer_==NULL) {
- t6timer_ = new WimaxT6Timer (mac_);
- }
- t6timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t6_timeout);
- nb_reg_retry_++;
- }
- /**
- * Process a registration response message
- * @param frame The registration response frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_reg_rsp (mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame *frame)
- {
- //check the destination
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- if (frame->response == 0) {
- //status OK
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, registration sucessful (nbretry=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(),
- nb_reg_retry_);
- Connection *secondary = peer->getSecondary();
- if (!secondary) {
- Connection *secondary = new Connection (CONN_SECONDARY, frame->sec_mngmt_cid);
- Connection *upsecondary = new Connection (CONN_SECONDARY, frame->sec_mngmt_cid);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (upsecondary, true);
- mac_->getCManager()->add_connection (secondary, false);
- peer->setSecondary (upsecondary);
- secondary->setPeerNode (peer);
- }
- //cancel timeout
- t6timer_->stop ();
- //update status
- mac_->setMacState(MAC802_16_CONNECTED);
- //we need to setup a data connection (will be moved to service flow handler)
- mac_->getServiceHandler ()->sendFlowRequest (peer->getPeerNode(), true);
- mac_->getServiceHandler ()->sendFlowRequest (peer->getPeerNode(), false);
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- if (scan_info_->substate==HANDOVER) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d link handoff completen", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_handoff_complete (mac_->addr(), scan_info_->serving_bsid, peer->getPeerNode());
- scan_info_->handoff_timeout = -1;
- }
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, send link upn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_up (mac_->addr(), peer->getPeerNode());
- #endif
- } else {
- //status failure
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, registration failed (nbretry=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(),
- nb_reg_retry_);
- if (nb_reg_retry_ == mac_->macmib_.reg_req_retry) {
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- if (scan_info_ && scan_info_->handoff_timeout == -2) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d link handoff failuren", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac_->send_link_handoff_failure (mac_->addr(), scan_info_->serving_bsid, peer->getPeerNode());
- scan_info_->handoff_timeout = -1;
- }
- #endif
- lost_synch ();
- } else {
- send_registration();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send a scanning message to the serving BS
- */
- void SSscheduler::send_scan_request ()
- {
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_req_frame *req_frame;
- PeerNode *peer;
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d enqueue scan requestn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_scn_req_frame));
- req_frame = (mac802_16_mob_scn_req_frame*) p->accessdata();
- req_frame->type = MAC_MOB_SCN_REQ;
- req_frame->scan_duration = mac_->macmib_.scan_duration;
- req_frame->interleaving_interval = mac_->macmib_.interleaving;
- req_frame->scan_iteration = mac_->macmib_.scan_iteration;
- req_frame->n_recommended_bs_index = 0;
- req_frame->n_recommended_bs_full = 0;
- ch->size() += Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_SCN_REQ_size(req_frame);
- peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = peer->getPrimary()->get_cid();
- peer->getPrimary()->enqueue (p);
- //start reg timeout
- if (t44timer_==NULL) {
- t44timer_ = new WimaxT44Timer (mac_);
- }
- t44timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t44_timeout);
- nb_scan_req_++;
- }
- /**
- * Process a scanning response message
- * @param frame The scanning response frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_scan_rsp (mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *frame)
- {
- //PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- if (frame->scan_duration != 0) {
- //scanning accepted
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, scanning accepted (dur=%d it=%d)n", NOW, mac_->addr(), frame->scan_duration,frame->scan_iteration );
- //allocate data for scanning
- //scan_info_ = (struct scanning_structure *) malloc (sizeof (struct scanning_structure));
- //store copy of frame
- scan_info_->rsp = (struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *) malloc (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame));
- memcpy (scan_info_->rsp, frame, sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame));
- scan_info_->iteration = 0;
- scan_info_->count = frame->start_frame;
- scan_info_->substate = SCAN_PENDING;
- scan_info_->handoff_timeout = 0;
- scan_info_->serving_bsid = mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getPeerNode();
- scan_info_->nb_rdv_timers = 0;
- //mark all neighbors as not detected
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbr_db_->getNbNeighbor() ; i++) {
- nbr_db_->getNeighbors()[i]->setDetected(false);
- }
- //schedule timer for rdv time (for now just use full)
- //TBD: add rec_bs_index
- mac_->debug ("tstart scan in %d frames (%f)n",frame->start_frame,NOW+frame->start_frame*mac_->getFrameDuration());
- for (int i = 0 ; i < scan_info_->rsp->n_recommended_bs_full ; i++) {
- if (scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].scanning_type ==SCAN_ASSOC_LVL1
- || scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].scanning_type==SCAN_ASSOC_LVL2) {
- debug2 ("Creating timer for bs=%d at time %fn",
- scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].recommended_bs_id,
- NOW+mac_->getFrameDuration()*scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].rdv_time);
- assert (nbr_db_->getNeighbor (scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].recommended_bs_id));
- //get the channel
- int ch = mac_->getChannel (nbr_db_->getNeighbor (scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].recommended_bs_id)->getDCD ()->frequency*1000);
- assert (ch!=-1);
- WimaxRdvTimer *timer = new WimaxRdvTimer (mac_, ch);
- scan_info_->rdv_timers[scan_info_->nb_rdv_timers++] = timer;
- timer->start(mac_->getFrameDuration()*scan_info_->rsp->rec_bs_full[i].rdv_time);
- }
- }
- } else {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, scanning deniedn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //what do I do???
- }
- t44timer_->stop();
- }
- /**
- * Start/Continue scanning
- */
- void SSscheduler::resume_scanning ()
- {
- if (scan_info_->iteration == 0)
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, starts scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- else
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, resume scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- scan_info_->substate = SCANNING;
- //backup current state
- scan_info_->normal_state.state_info = mac_->backup_state();
- if (t1timer_->busy())
- t1timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.t1timer = t1timer_;
- if (t2timer_->busy())
- t2timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.t2timer = t2timer_;
- if (t6timer_->busy())
- t6timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.t6timer = t6timer_;
- if (t12timer_->busy())
- t12timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.t12timer = t12timer_;
- if (t21timer_->busy())
- t21timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.t21timer = t21timer_;
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->busy())
- lostDLMAPtimer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.lostDLMAPtimer = lostDLMAPtimer_;
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->busy())
- lostULMAPtimer_->pause();
- scan_info_->normal_state.lostULMAPtimer = lostULMAPtimer_;
- scan_info_-> = map_;
- if (scan_info_->iteration == 0) {
- //reset state
- t1timer_ = new WimaxT1Timer (mac_);
- t2timer_ = new WimaxT2Timer (mac_);
- t6timer_ = new WimaxT6Timer (mac_);
- t12timer_ = new WimaxT12Timer (mac_);
- t21timer_ = new WimaxT21Timer (mac_);
- lostDLMAPtimer_ = new WimaxLostDLMAPTimer (mac_);
- lostULMAPtimer_ = new WimaxLostULMAPTimer (mac_);
- map_ = new FrameMap (mac_);
- mac_->nextChannel();
- scan_info_->scn_timer_ = new WimaxScanIntervalTimer (mac_);
- //start waiting for DL synch
- mac_->setMacState (MAC802_16_WAIT_DL_SYNCH);
- t21timer_->start (mac_->macmib_.t21_timeout);
- if (dl_timer_->status()==TIMER_PENDING)
- dl_timer_->cancel();
- map_->getDlSubframe()->getTimer()->reset();
- if (ul_timer_->status()==TIMER_PENDING)
- ul_timer_->cancel();
- map_->getUlSubframe()->getTimer()->reset();
- }else{
- //restore where we left
- //restore previous timers
- mac_->restore_state(scan_info_->scan_state.state_info);
- t1timer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.t1timer;
- if (t1timer_->paused())
- t1timer_->resume();
- t2timer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.t2timer;
- if (t2timer_->paused())
- t2timer_->resume();
- t6timer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.t6timer;
- if (t6timer_->paused())
- t6timer_->resume();
- t12timer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.t12timer;
- if (t12timer_->paused())
- t12timer_->resume();
- t21timer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.t21timer;
- if (t21timer_->paused())
- t21timer_->resume();
- lostDLMAPtimer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.lostDLMAPtimer;
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->paused())
- lostDLMAPtimer_->resume();
- lostULMAPtimer_ = scan_info_->scan_state.lostULMAPtimer;
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->paused())
- lostULMAPtimer_->resume();
- map_ = scan_info_->;
- mac_->getPhy()->setMode (OFDM_RECV);
- if (ul_timer_->status()==TIMER_PENDING)
- ul_timer_->cancel();
- }
- mac_->setNotify_upper (false);
- //printf ("Scan duration=%d, frameduration=%fn", scan_info_->rsp->scan_duration, mac_->getFrameDuration());
- scan_info_->scn_timer_->start (scan_info_->rsp->scan_duration*mac_->getFrameDuration());
- scan_info_->iteration++;
- }
- /**
- * Pause scanning
- */
- void SSscheduler::pause_scanning ()
- {
- if (scan_info_->iteration < scan_info_->rsp->scan_iteration)
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, pause scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- else
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, stop scanningn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //return to normal mode
- if (scan_info_->iteration < scan_info_->rsp->scan_iteration) {
- //backup current state
- scan_info_->scan_state.state_info = mac_->backup_state();
- if (t1timer_->busy())
- t1timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.t1timer = t1timer_;
- if (t2timer_->busy())
- t2timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.t2timer = t2timer_;
- if (t6timer_->busy())
- t6timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.t6timer = t6timer_;
- if (t12timer_->busy())
- t12timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.t12timer = t12timer_;
- if (t21timer_->busy())
- t21timer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.t21timer = t21timer_;
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->busy())
- lostDLMAPtimer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.lostDLMAPtimer = lostDLMAPtimer_;
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->busy())
- lostULMAPtimer_->pause();
- scan_info_->scan_state.lostULMAPtimer = lostULMAPtimer_;
- scan_info_-> = map_;
- scan_info_->count = scan_info_->rsp->interleaving_interval;
- } else {
- //else scanning is over, no need to save data
- //reset timers
- if (t1timer_->busy()!=0)
- t1timer_->stop();
- delete (t1timer_);
- if (t12timer_->busy()!=0)
- t12timer_->stop();
- delete (t12timer_);
- if (t21timer_->busy()!=0)
- t21timer_->stop();
- delete (t21timer_);
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->busy()!=0)
- lostDLMAPtimer_->stop();
- delete (lostDLMAPtimer_);
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->busy()!=0)
- lostULMAPtimer_->stop();
- delete (lostULMAPtimer_);
- if (t2timer_->busy()!=0)
- t2timer_->stop();
- delete (t2timer_);
- }
- //restore previous timers
- mac_->restore_state(scan_info_->normal_state.state_info);
- t1timer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.t1timer;
- if (t1timer_->paused())
- t1timer_->resume();
- t2timer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.t2timer;
- if (t2timer_->paused())
- t2timer_->resume();
- t6timer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.t6timer;
- if (t6timer_->paused())
- t6timer_->resume();
- t12timer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.t12timer;
- if (t12timer_->paused())
- t12timer_->resume();
- t21timer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.t21timer;
- if (t21timer_->paused())
- t21timer_->resume();
- lostDLMAPtimer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.lostDLMAPtimer;
- if (lostDLMAPtimer_->paused())
- lostDLMAPtimer_->resume();
- lostULMAPtimer_ = scan_info_->normal_state.lostULMAPtimer;
- if (lostULMAPtimer_->paused())
- lostULMAPtimer_->resume();
- map_ = scan_info_->;
- mac_->setNotify_upper (true);
- dl_timer_->resched (0);
- if (scan_info_->iteration == scan_info_->rsp->scan_iteration) {
- scan_info_->substate = NORMAL;
- /** here we check if there is a better BS **/
- send_msho_req();
- scan_info_->count--; //to avoid restarting scanning
- //delete (scan_info_);
- //scan_info_ = NULL;
- } else {
- scan_info_->substate = SCAN_PENDING;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send a MSHO-REQ message to the BS
- */
- void SSscheduler::send_msho_req ()
- {
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame *req_frame;
- double rssi;
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- int nbPref = 0;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbr_db_->getNbNeighbor() ; i++) {
- NeighborEntry *entry = nbr_db_->getNeighbors()[i];
- if (entry->isDetected()) {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d Found new AP %d..need to send HO messagen",NOW, mac_->addr(), entry->getID());
- nbPref++;
- }
- }
- if (nbPref==0)
- return; //no other BS found
- //create packet for request
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame)+nbPref*sizeof (mac802_16_mob_msho_req_bs_index));
- req_frame = (mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame*) p->accessdata();
- memset (req_frame, 0, sizeof (mac802_16_mob_msho_req_bs_index));
- req_frame->type = MAC_MOB_MSHO_REQ;
- req_frame->report_metric = 0x2; //include RSSI
- req_frame->n_new_bs_index = 0;
- req_frame->n_new_bs_full = nbPref;
- req_frame->n_current_bs = 1;
- rssi = mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getStatWatch()->average();
- debug2 ("RSSI=%e, %d, bs=%dn", rssi, (u_char)((rssi+103.75)/0.25), mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getPeerNode());
- req_frame->bs_current[0].temp_bsid = mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getPeerNode();
- req_frame->bs_current[0].bs_rssi_mean = (u_char)((rssi+103.75)/0.25);
- for (int i = 0, j=0; i < nbr_db_->getNbNeighbor() ; i++) {
- NeighborEntry *entry = nbr_db_->getNeighbors()[i];
- //TBD: there is an error measuring RSSI for current BS during scanning
- //anyway, we don't put it in the least, so it's ok for now
- if (entry->isDetected() && entry->getID()!= mac_->getPeerNode_head()->getPeerNode()) {
- req_frame->bs_full[j].neighbor_bs_index = entry->getID();
- rssi = entry->getState()->state_info->peer_list->lh_first->getStatWatch()->average();
- debug2 ("RSSI=%e, %d, bs=%dn", rssi, (u_char)((rssi+103.75)/0.25), entry->getID());
- req_frame->bs_full[j].bs_rssi_mean = (u_char)((rssi+103.75)/0.25);
- //the rest of req_frame->bs_full is unused for now..
- req_frame->bs_full[j].arrival_time_diff_ind = 0;
- j++;
- }
- }
- ch->size() += Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_MSHO_REQ_size(req_frame);
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = peer->getPrimary()->get_cid();
- peer->getPrimary()->enqueue (p);
- }
- /**
- * Process a BSHO-RSP message
- * @param frame The handover response frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_bsho_rsp (mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame *frame)
- {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, received handover responsen", NOW, mac_->addr());
- //go and switch to the channel recommended by the BS
- int targetBS = frame->n_rec[0].neighbor_bsid;
- PeerNode *peer = mac_->getPeerNode_head();
- if (peer->getPeerNode ()==targetBS) {
- mac_->debug ("tDecision to stay in current BSn");
- return;
- }
- scan_info_->nbr = nbr_db_->getNeighbor (targetBS);
- Packet *p;
- struct hdr_cmn *ch;
- hdr_mac802_16 *wimaxHdr;
- mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame *ind_frame;
- p = mac_->getPacket ();
- ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- wimaxHdr = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame));
- ind_frame = (mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame*) p->accessdata();
- ind_frame->type = MAC_MOB_HO_IND;
- ind_frame->mode = 0; //HO
- ind_frame->ho_ind_type = 0; //Serving BS release
- ind_frame->rng_param_valid_ind = 0;
- ind_frame->target_bsid = targetBS;
- ch->size() += Mac802_16pkt::getMOB_HO_IND_size(ind_frame);
- wimaxHdr->header.cid = peer->getPrimary()->get_cid();
- peer->getPrimary()->enqueue (p);
- #ifdef USE_802_21
- mac_->send_link_handoff_imminent (mac_->addr(), peer->getPeerNode(), targetBS);
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d link handoff imminentn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- #endif
- mac_->debug ("tHandover to BS %dn", targetBS);
- scan_info_->handoff_timeout = 20;
- scan_info_->substate = HANDOVER_PENDING;
- //mac_->setChannel (scan_info_->bs_infos[i].channel);
- //lost_synch ();
- }
- /**
- * Process a NBR_ADV message
- * @param frame The handover response frame
- */
- void SSscheduler::process_nbr_adv (mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *frame)
- {
- mac_->debug ("At %f in Mac %d, received neighbor advertisementn", NOW, mac_->addr());
- mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *copy;
- copy = (mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *) malloc (sizeof (mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame));
- memcpy (copy, frame, sizeof (mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame));
- //all we need is to store the information. We will process that only
- //when we will look for another station
- for (int i = 0 ; i < frame->n_neighbors ; i++) {
- int nbrid = frame->nbr_info[i].nbr_bsid;
- mac802_16_nbr_adv_info *info = (mac802_16_nbr_adv_info *) malloc (sizeof(mac802_16_nbr_adv_info));
- NeighborEntry *entry = nbr_db_->getNeighbor (nbrid);
- if (entry==NULL){
- entry = new NeighborEntry (nbrid);
- nbr_db_->addNeighbor (entry);
- }
- memcpy(info, &(frame->nbr_info[i]), sizeof(mac802_16_nbr_adv_info));
- if (entry->getNbrAdvMessage ())
- free (entry->getNbrAdvMessage());
- entry->setNbrAdvMessage(info);
- if (info->dcd_included) {
- //set DCD
- mac802_16_dcd_frame *tmp = (mac802_16_dcd_frame *)malloc (sizeof(mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- memcpy(tmp, &(info->dcd_settings), sizeof(mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- entry->setDCD(tmp);
- }
- else
- entry->setDCD(NULL);
- if (info->ucd_included) {
- //set DCD
- mac802_16_ucd_frame *tmp = (mac802_16_ucd_frame *)malloc (sizeof(mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- memcpy(tmp, &(info->ucd_settings), sizeof(mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- entry->setUCD(tmp);
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- debug2 ("Dump information nbr in Mac %d for nbr %d %lxn", mac_->addr(), nbrid, (long)tmp);
- int nb_prof = tmp->nb_prof;
- mac802_16_ucd_profile *profiles = tmp->profiles;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nb_prof ; i++) {
- debug2 ("t Reading ul profile %i: f=%d, rate=%d, iuc=%dn", i, 0, profiles[i].fec, profiles[i].uiuc);
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- entry->setUCD(NULL);
- }
- }