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Package: WiMAX_Protocol_Code.rar [view]
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Upload Date: 2013-10-07
Package Size: 1487k
Code Size: 24k
Linux Network
Development Platform:
- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #ifndef MAC802_16PKT_H
- #define MAC802_16PKT_H
- #include "packet.h"
- #include "ofdmphy.h"
- //#define HDR_MAC802_16(p) ((hdr_mac802_16 *)hdr_mac::access(p))
- #define HDR_MAC802_16(p) (hdr_mac802_16::access(p))
- #define HDR_MAC802_16_SIZE 6
- #define HDR_MAC802_16_FRAGSUB_SIZE 2
- /** Define fragmentation encoding */
- enum fragment_status {
- };
- /** Define Mac management type */
- enum mngmt_type {
- MAC_UCD = 0,
- // 8: reserved
- // 9-10: Privacy key, not used
- };
- /** Enumeration of scanning types */
- enum wimax_scanning_type {
- };
- /** Structure containing physical layer information */
- struct phy_info_t {
- double freq_; //the frequency at which it is sent
- Ofdm_mod_rate modulation_; //modulation at which the packet was sent
- double g_; //The cyclic prefix information. Used for synchronization
- };
- /** Define generic MAC header */
- struct gen_mac_header_t {
- u_char ht : 1;
- u_char ec : 1;
- u_char type : 6;
- u_char rsv1: 1;
- u_char ci: 1;
- u_char eks: 2;
- u_char rsv2: 1;
- u_int16_t len: 11;
- u_int16_t cid;
- u_char hcs;
- };
- /** Define bandwidth request header */
- struct bw_req_header_t {
- u_char ht : 1;
- u_char ec : 1;
- u_char type : 3;
- u_int32_t br : 19;
- u_int16_t cid;
- u_char hcs;
- };
- /** Define structure for packet information */
- struct hdr_mac802_16
- {
- //virtual info for physical layer
- phy_info_t phy_info;
- //generic mac header or bw request header
- gen_mac_header_t header;
- //check how to put the subheaders (piggyback)
- bool frag_subheader; //set to true if there is a fragmentation subheader
- char fc : 2; //00:no fragmentation, 01:last, 10: first, 11: middle
- char fsn : 3; //fragmentation number
- //for management frames, we put
- //payload in the packet payload
- //because the size changes
- //Packet header access functions
- static int offset_;
- inline static int& offset() {return offset_;}
- inline static hdr_mac802_16* access(const Packet* p)
- {
- return (hdr_mac802_16*) p->access(offset_);
- }
- };
- /**** Defines some constant for the maximum size of messages ****/
- /* When sending a packet, the message is copied for each
- * destination. In that case, we need to store all the information
- * in the packet itself and not use pointer. We then use arrays.
- */
- #define MAX_MAP_IE 10
- #define MAX_PROFILE 10
- #define MAX_NBR 10
- /**** Defines IEs ****/
- /** Defines DL_MAP IE (see p462.) */
- struct mac802_16_dlmap_ie {
- u_int16_t cid;
- u_char diuc : 4; //p463
- u_char preamble : 1;
- u_int16_t start_time : 11;
- //may contain extended info
- };
- #define DL_MAP_IE_SIZE 4
- /** fast Ranging IE (802.16e) */
- struct mac802_16_fast_ranging_ie {
- int mac_addr; //48 bits
- u_char uiuc : 4;
- u_int16_t duration : 12; //in OFDM symbols
- };
- /** Defines UL_MAP IE (see p464.) */
- struct mac802_16_ulmap_ie {
- u_int16_t cid;
- u_int16_t start_time : 11;
- u_char sub_channel_index : 5;
- u_char uiuc : 4;
- u_int16_t duration : 11;
- u_char midamble_rep : 2;
- //may contain additional info depending on uiuc
- u_char extended_uiuc : 4;
- u_char length : 4;
- mac802_16_fast_ranging_ie fast_ranging;
- };
- #define UL_MAP_IE_SIZE 6
- /**** Defines burst profiles ****/
- /* Burst profiles are TLV encoded...we just pick the info we
- * are interested in.
- */
- /** Defines DCD profile */
- struct mac802_16_dcd_profile {
- u_char diuc : 4;
- u_int32_t frequency;
- u_char fec;
- //may have more info
- };
- #define DCD_PROFILE_SIZE 12
- /** Defines UCD profile */
- struct mac802_16_ucd_profile {
- u_char uiuc : 4;
- u_char fec;
- //may have more info
- };
- #define UCD_PROFILE_SIZE 6
- /**** Defines frames ****/
- /** DCD frame */
- struct mac802_16_dcd_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char dcid;
- u_char config_change_count;
- //info for all channels: TLV encoded
- u_char frame_duration_code;
- u_int32_t frame_number : 24;
- u_char ttg;
- u_char rtg;
- u_int32_t frequency;
- //downlink burst profiles
- u_int32_t nb_prof;
- mac802_16_dcd_profile profiles[MAX_PROFILE];
- };
- //+3 for the end of map profile
- /** DL_MAP frame */
- struct mac802_16_dl_map_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char dcd_count;
- int bsid; //normaly 48 bits
- //DL_MAP IEs
- u_int32_t nb_ies;
- mac802_16_dlmap_ie ies[MAX_MAP_IE];
- };
- //there is X IEs
- /** UCD frame */
- struct mac802_16_ucd_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char config_change_count;
- u_char rng_backoff_start;
- u_char rng_backoff_end;
- u_char req_backoff_start;
- u_char req_backoff_end;
- //info for overall channel
- /*
- u_int16_t rsv_timeout;
- */
- u_int16_t bw_req_size;
- u_int16_t rng_req_size;
- //uplink burst profile
- u_int32_t nb_prof;
- mac802_16_ucd_profile profiles[MAX_PROFILE];
- };
- //+3 for the end of map profile
- /** UL_MAP frame */
- struct mac802_16_ul_map_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char ucid;
- u_char ucd_count;
- u_int32_t allocation_start;
- //UL_MAP IEs
- u_int32_t nb_ies;
- mac802_16_ulmap_ie ies[MAX_MAP_IE];
- };
- /**** Defines ranging messages ****/
- /** Ranging request frame */
- struct mac802_16_rng_req_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char dc_id;
- /*TLV values*/
- /* Requested Downlink Burst Profile
- * bits 0-3: DIUC of the downlink burst profile
- * bits 4-7: LSB of Configuration Change Count value
- * of DCD defining the burst profile assocciated with DIUC
- */
- u_char req_dl_burst_profile;
- int ss_mac_address; //should be 6 bytes
- //u_char aas_bc_cap; //broadcast capability. optional
- };
- #define RNG_REQ_SIZE 13 //max value
- /** Ranging status */
- enum ranging_status {
- };
- /** Ranging response frame */
- struct mac802_16_rng_rsp_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char uc_id;
- /*TLV values*/
- u_char pw_adjust;
- u_int32_t freq_adjust;
- u_char rng_status;
- /* byte 0: the least robust DIUC that may be used by BS for
- * transmissions to the SS
- * byte 1: Configuration Change Count of DCD defining the burst profile
- * associated with DIUC
- */
- u_int16_t dl_op_burst_profile;
- int ss_mac_address; //6 bytes
- u_int16_t basic_cid;
- u_int16_t primary_cid;
- u_char aas_bc_perm;
- };
- #define RNG_RSP_SIZE 28
- /**** Defines registration messages ****/
- /** Registration request frame */
- struct mac802_16_reg_req_frame {
- u_char type;
- /*TLV values*/
- u_char ss_mngmt_support;
- u_char ip_mngmt_support;
- u_int16_t uplink_cid_support;
- };
- #define REG_REQ_SIZE 12
- /** Registration response frame */
- struct mac802_16_reg_rsp_frame {
- u_char type;
- u_char response;
- /*TLV values*/
- u_char ss_mngmt_support;
- u_int16_t sec_mngmt_cid;
- };
- #define REG_RSP_SIZE 12
- /**** Defines Dynamic Service Addition messages ****/
- /** DSA request frame */
- struct mac802_16_dsa_req_frame {
- u_char type; //11
- u_int16_t transaction_id;
- /*TLV values*/
- bool uplink; //direction of the flow, normaly coded in TLV with
- //type 145 or 146 (see p647).
- u_int16_t cid;
- };
- //parameter X indicates if cid is present (i.e request from BS)
- #define GET_DSA_REQ_SIZE(X) 6+4*X
- /** DSA response frame */
- struct mac802_16_dsa_rsp_frame {
- u_char type; //12
- u_int16_t transaction_id;
- u_char confirmation_code;
- /*TLV values*/
- bool uplink; //direction of the flow, normaly coded in TLV with
- //type 145 or 146 (see p647).
- u_int16_t cid;
- };
- //parameter X indicates if cid is present (i.e response from BS)
- #define GET_DSA_RSP_SIZE(X) 6+4*X
- /** DSA Acknowledgement frame */
- struct mac802_16_dsa_ack_frame {
- u_char type; //13
- u_int16_t transaction_id;
- u_char confirmation_code;
- /*TLV values*/
- bool uplink; //direction of the flow, normaly coded in TLV with
- //type 145 or 146 (see p647).
- };
- #define DSA_ACK_SIZE 6
- /**** Defines Mobility messages (802.16e) ****/
- /** Structure of physical profile ID */
- struct mac802_16_phy_profile_id {
- u_char colocatedFA: 1;
- u_char FAconfig: 1;
- u_char timefreq_synch: 2;
- u_char bs_eirp: 1;
- u_char dcducd_ref: 1;
- u_char FAindex: 1;
- u_char trigger_ref: 1;
- };
- /** Structure of physical mode ID */
- struct mac802_16_phy_mode_id {
- u_char bandwidth: 7;
- u_char fttsize: 3;
- u_char cp: 2;
- u_char duration_code: 4;
- };
- /** Information about a neighbor BS */
- struct mac802_16_nbr_adv_info {
- u_char length;
- mac802_16_phy_profile_id phy_profile_id;
- u_char fa_index; //if FA index indicator=1 in phy_profile_id
- u_char bs_eirp;
- int nbr_bsid;
- u_char preamble_index; //in OFDM, 5lsb=
- u_char ho_process_opt;
- u_char sched_srv_supported;
- u_char dcd_ccc: 4;
- u_char ucd_ccc: 4;
- /* other TLV information */
- bool dcd_included; //tell if the dcd is included
- mac802_16_dcd_frame dcd_settings;
- bool ucd_included; //tell if the ucd is included
- mac802_16_ucd_frame ucd_settings;
- bool phy_included; //tell if the phy mode ID is included
- mac802_16_phy_mode_id phy_mode_id;
- };
- /** Neighbor advertisment frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame {
- u_char type; //53
- u_char skip_opt_field;
- u_int32_t operatorID: 24;
- u_char ccc;
- u_char frag_index: 4;
- u_char total_frag: 4;
- u_char n_neighbors; //number of neighbors
- mac802_16_nbr_adv_info nbr_info[MAX_NBR];
- };
- /** Code BS using index in scan request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_req_bs_index {
- u_char neighbor_bs_index;
- u_char scanning_type: 3; //0: scanning without association
- //1: scanning+assoc level 0
- //2: scanning+assoc level 1
- //3: scanning+assoc level 2
- //4-7: reserved
- };
- /** Code BS using full address in scan request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_req_bs_full {
- int recommended_bs_id; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char scanning_type: 3; //0: scanning without association
- //1: scanning+assoc level 0
- //2: scanning+assoc level 1
- //3: scanning+assoc level 2
- //4-7: reserved
- };
- /** Scan request frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_req_frame {
- u_char type; //54
- u_char scan_duration; //units of frames
- u_char interleaving_interval; //units of frames
- u_char scan_iteration; //in frame
- u_char n_recommended_bs_index; //number of BS recommended
- u_char ccc; //present if n_recommended_bs_index!= 0
- mac802_16_mob_scn_req_bs_index rec_bs_index[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_recommended_bs_full;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_req_bs_full rec_bs_full[MAX_NBR];
- /* TLV info*/
- };
- /** Code BS using index in scan response */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_bs_index {
- u_char neighbor_bs_index;
- u_char scanning_type: 3; //0: scanning without association
- //1: scanning+assoc level 0
- //2: scanning+assoc level 1
- //3: scanning+assoc level 2
- //4-7: reserved
- /* next present if scanning is 2 or 3*/
- u_char rdv_time;
- u_char cdma_code;
- u_char transmission_opp_offset;
- };
- /** Code BS using full address in scan response */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_bs_full {
- int recommended_bs_id; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char scanning_type: 3; //0: scanning without association
- //1: scanning+assoc level 0
- //2: scanning+assoc level 1
- //3: scanning+assoc level 2
- //4-7: reserved
- /* next present if scanning is 2 or 3*/
- u_char rdv_time;
- u_char cdma_code;
- u_char transmission_opp_offset;
- };
- /** Scan response frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame {
- u_char type; //55
- u_char scan_duration; //units of frames
- u_char report_mode: 2;
- u_char report_period;
- u_char report_metric;
- /*next information present only if scan duration !=0*/
- u_char start_frame: 4;
- u_char interleaving_interval;
- u_char scan_iteration;
- u_char n_recommended_bs_index;
- //next if n_recommended_bs_index !=0
- u_char ccc_mob_nbr_adv;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_bs_index rec_bs_index[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_recommended_bs_full;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_bs_full rec_bs_full[MAX_NBR];
- /* end if scan duration !=0 */
- /* TLV information */
- };
- /** Measurements about current BS */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_current_bs {
- u_char temp_bsid: 4;
- u_char bs_cinr_mean; //if report_metric[0]==1
- u_char bs_rssi_mean; //if report_metric[1]==1
- u_char relative_delay; //if report_metric[2]==1
- u_char bs_rtd; //if report_metric[3]==1
- };
- /** Measurements about neighbor BS using index */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_bs_index {
- u_char neighbor_bs_index;
- u_char bs_cinr_mean; //if report_metric[0]==1
- u_char bs_rssi_mean; //if report_metric[1]==1
- u_char relative_delay; //if report_metric[2]==1
- };
- /** Measurements about neighbor BS using full address */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_bs_full {
- int neighbor_bs_id; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char bs_cinr_mean; //if report_metric[0]==1
- u_char bs_rssi_mean; //if report_metric[1]==1
- u_char relative_delay; //if report_metric[2]==1
- };
- /** Scan report frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_frame {
- u_char type; //60
- u_char report_mode: 1;
- u_char comp_nbr_bsid_ind: 1;
- u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- u_char report_metric: 8;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_neighbor_bs_index;
- //next if n_recommended_bs_index !=0
- u_char ccc_mob_nbr_adv;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_bs_index nbr_bs_index[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_recommended_bs_full;
- mac802_16_mob_scn_rep_bs_full nbr_bs_full[MAX_NBR];
- /* other TLV information */
- };
- /** Code BS using index in association result report */
- struct mac802_16_mob_asc_rep_bs_index {
- u_char neighbor_bs_index;
- uint32_t timing_adjust;
- u_char power_level_adjust;
- uint32_t offset_freq_adjust;
- u_char rng_status;
- u_char service_level_prediction;
- };
- /** Code BS using address in association result report */
- struct mac802_16_mob_asc_rep_bs_full {
- int neighbor_bs_id; /* 6 bytes */
- uint32_t timing_adjust;
- u_char power_level_adjust;
- uint32_t offset_freq_adjust;
- u_char rng_status;
- u_char service_level_prediction;
- };
- /** Association result report frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_asc_rep_frame {
- u_char type; //66
- u_char n_recommended_bs_index;
- //next if n_recommended_bs_index !=0
- u_char ccc_mob_nbr_adv;
- mac802_16_mob_asc_rep_bs_index rec_bs_index[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_recommended_bs_full;
- mac802_16_mob_asc_rep_bs_full rec_bs_full[MAX_NBR];
- };
- /** Code request in mode 000 (HO request) */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_000 {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char service_level_prediction;
- u_char preamble_index;
- u_char ho_process_optimization;
- u_char net_assisted_ho_supported: 1;
- u_char ho_id_included_indicator: 1;
- u_char ho_autho_policy_indicator: 1;
- //if ho_id_included_indicator==1
- u_char ho_id;
- //if ho_autho_policy_indicator==1
- u_char ho_autho_policy_support;
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs2 {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- uint16_t new_cid[MAX_NBR];
- uint16_t new_said[MAX_NBR];
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs3 {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- uint16_t new_cid[MAX_NBR];
- uint16_t new_said[MAX_NBR];
- int cqich_id; //variable
- u_char feedback_channel_off: 6;
- u_char period: 2;
- u_char frame_offset: 3;
- u_char duration: 3;
- u_char mimo_permutation_feedback: 2;
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs {
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- };
- /** BSHO request frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_frame {
- u_char type; //56
- u_char net_assisted_ho_supported: 1;
- u_char mode: 3;
- //if mode == 0b000
- u_char ho_op_mode: 1;
- u_char n_recommended;
- u_char resource_retain_flag: 1;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_000 n_rec[];
- //if mode == 0b001
- u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- u_char n_cids;
- uint16_t cids[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_saids;
- uint16_t saids[MAX_NBR];
- //if mode == 0b010: attribute defined in mode 0b001
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b011
- u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs new_bs[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //also include the following elements defined in mode 0b001
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //u_char n_cids;
- //uint16_t cids[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_saids;
- //uint16_t saids[MAX_NBR];
- //if mode == 0b100, include the following attributes (already defined)
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs new_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b101
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //u_char n_cids;
- //u_char n_saids;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs2 new_bs2[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[];
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b110
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //u_char n_cids;
- //u_char n_saids;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs3 new_bs3[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[];
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- u_char action_time: 7;
- /* TLV information */
- };
- /** Structure for MSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_msho_req_bs_index {
- u_char neighbor_bs_index;
- u_char preamble_index;
- u_char bs_cinr_mean; //if report_metric[0]==1
- u_char bs_rssi_mean; //if report_metric[1]==1
- u_char relative_delay; //if report_metric[2]==1
- u_char service_level_prediction: 3;
- u_char arrival_time_diff_ind: 1;
- //next if arrival_time_diff_ind==1
- u_char arrival_time_diff: 4;
- };
- /** Structure for MSHO request */
- struct mac802_16_mob_msho_req_current_bs {
- u_char temp_bsid: 4;
- u_char bs_cinr_mean; //if report_metric[0]==1
- u_char bs_rssi_mean; //if report_metric[1]==1
- u_char relative_delay; //if report_metric[2]==1
- u_char bs_rtd; //if report_metric[3]==1
- };
- /** MSHO request frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame {
- u_char type; //57
- u_char report_metric;
- u_char n_new_bs_index;
- //next if n_recommended_bs_index !=0
- u_char ccc_mob_nbr_adv;
- mac802_16_mob_msho_req_bs_index bs_index[MAX_NBR];
- //end
- u_char n_new_bs_full;
- mac802_16_mob_msho_req_bs_index bs_full[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_current_bs;
- mac802_16_mob_msho_req_current_bs bs_current[MAX_NBR];
- /* other TLV information */
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO response */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_rec {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char preamble_index;
- u_char service_level_prediction;
- u_char ho_process_optimization;
- u_char net_assisted_ho_supported: 1;
- u_char ho_id_included_indicator: 1;
- //if ho_id_included_indicator==1
- u_char ho_id;
- //end if
- u_char ho_autho_policy_indicator: 1;
- //if ho_autho_policy_indicator==1
- u_char ho_autho_policy_support;
- //end if
- };
- /** Structure for BSHO response */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_mode_new_bs2 {
- int neighbor_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- uint16_t new_cid[];
- };
- /** BSHO response frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame {
- u_char type; //58
- u_char mode: 3;
- //if mode == 0b000
- u_char ho_operation_mode: 1;
- u_char n_recommended;
- u_char resource_retain_flag: 1;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_rec n_rec[MAX_NBR];
- //if mode == 0b001
- u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- u_char n_cids;
- uint16_t cids[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_saids;
- uint16_t saids[MAX_NBR];
- //if mode == 0b010
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b011
- u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs new_bs[MAX_NBR];
- u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //also include the following elements defined in mode 0b001
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //u_char n_cids;
- //uint16_t cids[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_saids;
- //uint16_t saids[MAX_NBR];
- //if mode == 0b100
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs new_bs[MAX_NBR]; //same struct as req
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR]; //same as req
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b101
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //u_char n_cids;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_mode_new_bs2 new_bs2[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- //if mode == 0b110
- //u_char n_new_bs: 3;
- //u_char n_cids;
- //u_char n_saids;
- mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_new_bs3 new_bs3[MAX_NBR]; //same as request
- //u_char n_current_bs: 3;
- //mac802_16_mob_bsho_req_mode_current_bs current_bs[MAX_NBR];
- //u_char tmp_bsid: 3;
- //u_char ak_change_indicator: 1;
- u_char action_time: 7;
- /* TLV information */
- };
- /** Structure for Handover indication */
- struct mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_bs {
- u_char temp_bsid: 3;
- };
- /** HO indication frame */
- struct mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame {
- u_char type; //59
- u_char mode: 2;
- //if mode==0b00
- u_char ho_ind_type: 2;
- u_char rng_param_valid_ind: 2;
- //next valid if ho_ind_type==0b00
- int target_bsid; /* 6 bytes */
- //if mode==0b01
- u_char mdhofbss_ind_type: 2;
- //next valid if mdhofbss_ind_type==0b00
- u_char bsid: 3;
- u_char action_time;
- //end valid if mdhofbss_ind_type==0b00
- //if mode==0b10
- //u_char mdhofbss_ind_type: 2;
- //next valid if mdhofbss_ind_type==0b00
- u_char diversity_set_included;
- //next valid if diversity_set_included==1
- u_char anchor_bsid: 3;
- u_char n_bs;
- mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_bs bs[MAX_NBR];
- //end valid if diversity_set_included==1
- //u_char action_time;
- //end valid if mdhofbss_ind_type==0b00
- u_char preamble_index;
- /* TLV information */
- };
- /** This class contains helpers for manipulating 802.16 messages
- * and getting the packet size
- */
- class Mac802_16pkt {
- public:
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_NBR-ADV frame
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_NBR_ADV_size(mac802_16_mob_nbr_adv_frame *frame);
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_SCN-REQ
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_SCN_REQ_size(mac802_16_mob_scn_req_frame *frame);
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_SCN-RSP
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_SCN_RSP_size(mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *frame);
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_MSHO-REQ
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_MSHO_REQ_size(mac802_16_mob_msho_req_frame *frame);
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_BSHO-RSP
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_BSHO_RSP_size(mac802_16_mob_bsho_rsp_frame *frame);
- /**
- * Return the size of the MOB_HO-IND
- * @param frame The frame
- */
- static int getMOB_HO_IND_size(mac802_16_mob_ho_ind_frame *frame);
- };
- #endif