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- /*
- * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /*
- Porter stemmer in Java. The original paper is in
- Porter, 1980, An algorithm for suffix stripping, Program, Vol. 14,
- no. 3, pp 130-137,
- See also
- Bug 1 (reported by Gonzalo Parra 16/10/99) fixed as marked below.
- Tthe words 'aed', 'eed', 'oed' leave k at 'a' for step 3, and b[k-1]
- is then out outside the bounds of b.
- Similarly,
- Bug 2 (reported by Steve Dyrdahl 22/2/00) fixed as marked below.
- 'ion' by itself leaves j = -1 in the test for 'ion' in step 5, and
- b[j] is then outside the bounds of b.
- Release 3.
- [ This version is derived from Release 3, modified by Brian Goetz to
- optimize for fewer object creations. ]
- */
- using System;
- namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Stemmer, implementing the Porter Stemming Algorithm
- ///
- /// The Stemmer class transforms a word into its root form. The input
- /// word can be provided a character at time (by calling add()), or at once
- /// by calling one of the various stem(something) methods.
- /// </summary>
- class PorterStemmer
- {
- private char[] b;
- private int i, j, k, k0;
- private bool dirty = false;
- private const int INC = 50; /* unit of size whereby b is increased */
- private const int EXTRA = 1;
- public PorterStemmer()
- {
- b = new char[INC];
- i = 0;
- }
- /// <summary> reset() resets the stemmer so it can stem another word. If you invoke
- /// the stemmer by calling add(char) and then Stem(), you must call reset()
- /// before starting another word.
- /// </summary>
- public virtual void Reset()
- {
- i = 0; dirty = false;
- }
- /// <summary> Add a character to the word being stemmed. When you are finished
- /// adding characters, you can call Stem(void) to process the word.
- /// </summary>
- public virtual void Add(char ch)
- {
- if (b.Length <= i + EXTRA)
- {
- char[] new_b = new char[b.Length + INC];
- for (int c = 0; c < b.Length; c++)
- new_b[c] = b[c];
- b = new_b;
- }
- b[i++] = ch;
- }
- /// <summary> After a word has been stemmed, it can be retrieved by toString(),
- /// or a reference to the internal buffer can be retrieved by getResultBuffer
- /// and getResultLength (which is generally more efficient.)
- /// </summary>
- public override System.String ToString()
- {
- return new System.String(b, 0, i);
- }
- /// <summary> Returns the length of the word resulting from the stemming process.</summary>
- public virtual int GetResultLength()
- {
- return i;
- }
- /// <summary> Returns a reference to a character buffer containing the results of
- /// the stemming process. You also need to consult getResultLength()
- /// to determine the length of the result.
- /// </summary>
- public virtual char[] GetResultBuffer()
- {
- return b;
- }
- /* cons(i) is true <=> b[i] is a consonant. */
- private bool Cons(int i)
- {
- switch (b[i])
- {
- case 'a':
- case 'e':
- case 'i':
- case 'o':
- case 'u':
- return false;
- case 'y':
- return (i == k0)?true:!Cons(i - 1);
- default:
- return true;
- }
- }
- /* m() measures the number of consonant sequences between k0 and j. if c is
- a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..> indicates arbitrary
- presence,
- <c><v> gives 0
- <c>vc<v> gives 1
- <c>vcvc<v> gives 2
- <c>vcvcvc<v> gives 3
- ....
- */
- private int M()
- {
- int n = 0;
- int i = k0;
- while (true)
- {
- if (i > j)
- return n;
- if (!Cons(i))
- break;
- i++;
- }
- i++;
- while (true)
- {
- while (true)
- {
- if (i > j)
- return n;
- if (Cons(i))
- break;
- i++;
- }
- i++;
- n++;
- while (true)
- {
- if (i > j)
- return n;
- if (!Cons(i))
- break;
- i++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- /* vowelinstem() is true <=> k0,...j contains a vowel */
- private bool Vowelinstem()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = k0; i <= j; i++)
- if (!Cons(i))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- /* doublec(j) is true <=> j,(j-1) contain a double consonant. */
- private bool Doublec(int j)
- {
- if (j < k0 + 1)
- return false;
- if (b[j] != b[j - 1])
- return false;
- return Cons(j);
- }
- /* cvc(i) is true <=> i-2,i-1,i has the form consonant - vowel - consonant
- and also if the second c is not w,x or y. this is used when trying to
- restore an e at the end of a short word. e.g.
- cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but
- snow, box, tray.
- */
- private bool Cvc(int i)
- {
- if (i < k0 + 2 || !Cons(i) || Cons(i - 1) || !Cons(i - 2))
- return false;
- else
- {
- int ch = b[i];
- if (ch == 'w' || ch == 'x' || ch == 'y')
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private bool Ends(System.String s)
- {
- int l = s.Length;
- int o = k - l + 1;
- if (o < k0)
- return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
- if (b[o + i] != s[i])
- return false;
- j = k - l;
- return true;
- }
- /* setto(s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string s, readjusting
- k. */
- internal virtual void Setto(System.String s)
- {
- int l = s.Length;
- int o = j + 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
- b[o + i] = s[i];
- k = j + l;
- dirty = true;
- }
- /* r(s) is used further down. */
- internal virtual void R(System.String s)
- {
- if (M() > 0)
- Setto(s);
- }
- /* step1() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g.
- caresses -> caress
- ponies -> poni
- ties -> ti
- caress -> caress
- cats -> cat
- feed -> feed
- agreed -> agree
- disabled -> disable
- matting -> mat
- mating -> mate
- meeting -> meet
- milling -> mill
- messing -> mess
- meetings -> meet
- */
- private void Step1()
- {
- if (b[k] == 's')
- {
- if (Ends("sses"))
- k -= 2;
- else if (Ends("ies"))
- Setto("i");
- else if (b[k - 1] != 's')
- k--;
- }
- if (Ends("eed"))
- {
- if (M() > 0)
- k--;
- }
- else if ((Ends("ed") || Ends("ing")) && Vowelinstem())
- {
- k = j;
- if (Ends("at"))
- Setto("ate");
- else if (Ends("bl"))
- Setto("ble");
- else if (Ends("iz"))
- Setto("ize");
- else if (Doublec(k))
- {
- int ch = b[k--];
- if (ch == 'l' || ch == 's' || ch == 'z')
- k++;
- }
- else if (M() == 1 && Cvc(k))
- Setto("e");
- }
- }
- /* step2() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem. */
- private void Step2()
- {
- if (Ends("y") && Vowelinstem())
- {
- b[k] = 'i';
- dirty = true;
- }
- }
- /* step3() maps double suffices to single ones. so -ization ( = -ize plus
- -ation) maps to -ize etc. note that the string before the suffix must give
- m() > 0. */
- private void Step3()
- {
- if (k == k0)
- return ; /* For Bug 1 */
- switch (b[k - 1])
- {
- case 'a':
- if (Ends("ational"))
- {
- R("ate"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("tional"))
- {
- R("tion"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'c':
- if (Ends("enci"))
- {
- R("ence"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("anci"))
- {
- R("ance"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'e':
- if (Ends("izer"))
- {
- R("ize"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (Ends("bli"))
- {
- R("ble"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("alli"))
- {
- R("al"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("entli"))
- {
- R("ent"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("eli"))
- {
- R("e"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ousli"))
- {
- R("ous"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'o':
- if (Ends("ization"))
- {
- R("ize"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ation"))
- {
- R("ate"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ator"))
- {
- R("ate"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 's':
- if (Ends("alism"))
- {
- R("al"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("iveness"))
- {
- R("ive"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("fulness"))
- {
- R("ful"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ousness"))
- {
- R("ous"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- if (Ends("aliti"))
- {
- R("al"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("iviti"))
- {
- R("ive"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("biliti"))
- {
- R("ble"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'g':
- if (Ends("logi"))
- {
- R("log"); break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* step4() deals with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step3. */
- private void Step4()
- {
- switch (b[k])
- {
- case 'e':
- if (Ends("icate"))
- {
- R("ic"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ative"))
- {
- R(""); break;
- }
- if (Ends("alize"))
- {
- R("al"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (Ends("iciti"))
- {
- R("ic"); break;
- }
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (Ends("ical"))
- {
- R("ic"); break;
- }
- if (Ends("ful"))
- {
- R(""); break;
- }
- break;
- case 's':
- if (Ends("ness"))
- {
- R(""); break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* step5() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context <c>vcvc<v>. */
- private void Step5()
- {
- if (k == k0)
- return ; /* for Bug 1 */
- switch (b[k - 1])
- {
- case 'a':
- if (Ends("al"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'c':
- if (Ends("ance"))
- break;
- if (Ends("ence"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'e':
- if (Ends("er"))
- break; return ;
- case 'i':
- if (Ends("ic"))
- break; return ;
- case 'l':
- if (Ends("able"))
- break;
- if (Ends("ible"))
- break; return ;
- case 'n':
- if (Ends("ant"))
- break;
- if (Ends("ement"))
- break;
- if (Ends("ment"))
- break;
- /* element etc. not stripped before the m */
- if (Ends("ent"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'o':
- if (Ends("ion") && j >= 0 && (b[j] == 's' || b[j] == 't'))
- break;
- /* j >= 0 fixes Bug 2 */
- if (Ends("ou"))
- break;
- return ;
- /* takes care of -ous */
- case 's':
- if (Ends("ism"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 't':
- if (Ends("ate"))
- break;
- if (Ends("iti"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'u':
- if (Ends("ous"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'v':
- if (Ends("ive"))
- break;
- return ;
- case 'z':
- if (Ends("ize"))
- break;
- return ;
- default:
- return ;
- }
- if (M() > 1)
- k = j;
- }
- /* step6() removes a final -e if m() > 1. */
- private void Step6()
- {
- j = k;
- if (b[k] == 'e')
- {
- int a = M();
- if (a > 1 || a == 1 && !Cvc(k - 1))
- k--;
- }
- if (b[k] == 'l' && Doublec(k) && M() > 1)
- k--;
- }
- /// <summary> Stem a word provided as a String. Returns the result as a String.</summary>
- public virtual System.String Stem(System.String s)
- {
- if (Stem(s.ToCharArray(), s.Length))
- {
- return ToString();
- }
- else
- return s;
- }
- /// <summary>Stem a word contained in a char[]. Returns true if the stemming process
- /// resulted in a word different from the input. You can retrieve the
- /// result with getResultLength()/getResultBuffer() or toString().
- /// </summary>
- public virtual bool Stem(char[] word)
- {
- return Stem(word, word.Length);
- }
- /// <summary>Stem a word contained in a portion of a char[] array. Returns
- /// true if the stemming process resulted in a word different from
- /// the input. You can retrieve the result with
- /// getResultLength()/getResultBuffer() or toString().
- /// </summary>
- public virtual bool Stem(char[] wordBuffer, int offset, int wordLen)
- {
- Reset();
- if (b.Length < wordLen)
- {
- char[] new_b = new char[wordLen + EXTRA];
- b = new_b;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < wordLen; j++)
- b[j] = wordBuffer[offset + j];
- i = wordLen;
- return Stem(0);
- }
- /// <summary>Stem a word contained in a leading portion of a char[] array.
- /// Returns true if the stemming process resulted in a word different
- /// from the input. You can retrieve the result with
- /// getResultLength()/getResultBuffer() or toString().
- /// </summary>
- public virtual bool Stem(char[] word, int wordLen)
- {
- return Stem(word, 0, wordLen);
- }
- /// <summary>Stem the word placed into the Stemmer buffer through calls to add().
- /// Returns true if the stemming process resulted in a word different
- /// from the input. You can retrieve the result with
- /// getResultLength()/getResultBuffer() or toString().
- /// </summary>
- public virtual bool Stem()
- {
- return Stem(0);
- }
- public virtual bool Stem(int i0)
- {
- k = i - 1;
- k0 = i0;
- if (k > k0 + 1)
- {
- Step1(); Step2(); Step3(); Step4(); Step5(); Step6();
- }
- // Also, a word is considered dirty if we lopped off letters
- // Thanks to Ifigenia Vairelles for pointing this out.
- if (i != k + 1)
- dirty = true;
- i = k + 1;
- return dirty;
- }
- /// <summary>Test program for demonstrating the Stemmer. It reads a file and
- /// stems each word, writing the result to standard out.
- /// Usage: Stemmer file-name
- /// </summary>
- [STAThread]
- public static void Main(System.String[] args)
- {
- PorterStemmer s = new PorterStemmer();
- for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- System.IO.BinaryReader in_Renamed = new System.IO.BinaryReader(System.IO.File.Open(args[i], System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read));
- byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
- int bufferLen, offset, ch;
- bufferLen = in_Renamed.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- offset = 0;
- s.Reset();
- while (true)
- {
- if (offset < bufferLen)
- ch = buffer[offset++];
- else
- {
- bufferLen = in_Renamed.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
- offset = 0;
- if (bufferLen <= 0)
- ch = - 1;
- else
- ch = buffer[offset++];
- }
- if (System.Char.IsLetter((char) ch))
- {
- s.Add(System.Char.ToLower((char) ch));
- }
- else
- {
- s.Stem();
- System.Console.Out.Write(s.ToString());
- s.Reset();
- if (ch < 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- System.Console.Out.Write((char) ch);
- }
- }
- }
- in_Renamed.Close();
- }
- catch (System.IO.IOException)
- {
- System.Console.Out.WriteLine("error reading " + args[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }