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Development Platform:

Visual Basic

  1. VERSION 5.00
  2. Begin VB.Form Bbfx_SelDate2 
  3.    BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Dialog
  4.    Caption         =   "分析期选择"
  5.    ClientHeight    =   2520
  6.    ClientLeft      =   45
  7.    ClientTop       =   330
  8.    ClientWidth     =   4350
  9.    KeyPreview      =   -1  'True
  10.    LinkTopic       =   "Form2"
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  12.    MinButton       =   0   'False
  13.    ScaleHeight     =   2520
  14.    ScaleWidth      =   4350
  15.    ShowInTaskbar   =   0   'False
  16.    StartUpPosition =   1  '所有者中心
  17.    Begin VB.Frame Frame2 
  18.       Caption         =   "比较期"
  19.       Height          =   960
  20.       Index           =   1
  21.       Left            =   1680
  22.       TabIndex        =   12
  23.       Top             =   1110
  24.       Width           =   2595
  25.       Begin VB.ComboBox Combo_CompDate 
  26.          BackColor       =   &H8000000B&
  27.          Enabled         =   0   'False
  28.          Height          =   300
  29.          Index           =   0
  30.          Left            =   195
  31.          Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
  32.          TabIndex        =   6
  33.          Top             =   225
  34.          Width           =   2295
  35.       End
  36.       Begin VB.ComboBox Combo_CompDate 
  37.          BackColor       =   &H8000000B&
  38.          Enabled         =   0   'False
  39.          Height          =   300
  40.          Index           =   1
  41.          Left            =   195
  42.          Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
  43.          TabIndex        =   7
  44.          Top             =   555
  45.          Width           =   2295
  46.       End
  47.    End
  48.    Begin VB.CommandButton YdCommand 
  49.       Caption         =   "取消(&C)"
  50.       Height          =   300
  51.       Index           =   1
  52.       Left            =   3155
  53.       TabIndex        =   9
  54.       Top             =   2160
  55.       Width           =   1120
  56.    End
  57.    Begin VB.CommandButton YdCommand 
  58.       Caption         =   "确定(&O)"
  59.       Height          =   300
  60.       Index           =   0
  61.       Left            =   1935
  62.       TabIndex        =   8
  63.       Top             =   2160
  64.       Width           =   1120
  65.    End
  66.    Begin VB.Frame Frame2 
  67.       Caption         =   "分析期"
  68.       Height          =   960
  69.       Index           =   0
  70.       Left            =   1680
  71.       TabIndex        =   11
  72.       Top             =   75
  73.       Width           =   2595
  74.       Begin VB.ComboBox Combo_Date 
  75.          Height          =   300
  76.          Index           =   1
  77.          Left            =   180
  78.          Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
  79.          TabIndex        =   5
  80.          Top             =   555
  81.          Width           =   2325
  82.       End
  83.       Begin VB.ComboBox Combo_Date 
  84.          Height          =   300
  85.          Index           =   0
  86.          Left            =   180
  87.          Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
  88.          TabIndex        =   4
  89.          Top             =   210
  90.          Width           =   2325
  91.       End
  92.    End
  93.    Begin VB.Frame Frame1 
  94.       Caption         =   "类别选择"
  95.       Height          =   2010
  96.       Left            =   75
  97.       TabIndex        =   10
  98.       Top             =   45
  99.       Width           =   1575
  100.       Begin VB.CheckBox chk_ComSel 
  101.          Caption         =   "选择比较期"
  102.          Height          =   270
  103.          Left            =   210
  104.          TabIndex        =   3
  105.          Top             =   1620
  106.          Width           =   1215
  107.       End
  108.       Begin VB.OptionButton DateType 
  109.          Caption         =   "按年"
  110.          Height          =   255
  111.          Index           =   2
  112.          Left            =   195
  113.          TabIndex        =   2
  114.          Top             =   1125
  115.          Width           =   945
  116.       End
  117.       Begin VB.OptionButton DateType 
  118.          Caption         =   "按季"
  119.          Height          =   255
  120.          Index           =   1
  121.          Left            =   195
  122.          TabIndex        =   1
  123.          Top             =   690
  124.          Width           =   945
  125.       End
  126.       Begin VB.OptionButton DateType 
  127.          Caption         =   "按月"
  128.          Height          =   255
  129.          Index           =   0
  130.          Left            =   195
  131.          TabIndex        =   0
  132.          Top             =   255
  133.          Width           =   945
  134.       End
  135.    End
  136. End
  137. Attribute VB_Name = "Bbfx_SelDate2"
  138. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  139. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  140. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  141. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  142. '*************************************************************
  143. '*    模 块 名 称 :报表分析条件
  144. '*    功 能 描 述 :报表的分析条件
  145. '*    程序员姓名  : 魏永生
  146. '*    最后修改人  :
  147. '*    最后修改时间:2002/1/15
  148. '*    备        注:
  149. '*    报表分析/对比分析
  150. '*    报表分析/结构分析
  151. '*************************************************************
  152. Option Explicit
  153. Public iThisYear As Integer             '本年
  154. Public iThisMonthBegin As Integer       '本年月起始
  155. Public iThisMonthEnd As Integer         '本年终止月
  156. Public iCompYear As Integer             '比较年
  157. Public iCompMonthBegin As Integer       '比较年月开始
  158. Public iCompMonthEnd  As Integer        '比较年终止月
  159. Public bSeach As Boolean                '是否按下确定键
  160. Public intType As Integer               '比较类型,0按月、1按季、2按年
  161. Private Tsxx As String
  162. Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)   '控 制 焦 点 转 移
  164.     Dim jdzygs As Integer                         '控件焦点转移个数
  165.     jdzygs = 10
  166.     Select Case KeyAscii
  167.         Case vbKeyReturn
  168.             If Kjjdzy(jdzygs) Then
  169.                 KeyAscii = 0
  170.             End If
  171.         Case 39           '屏蔽"'"
  172.             KeyAscii = 0
  173.     End Select
  174. End Sub
  175. Private Sub chk_ComSel_Click()
  176.     If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  177.         If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  178.             Call FillYear(Combo_CompDate(0))
  179.         End If
  181.         Combo_CompDate(0).BackColor = &H80000005
  182.         Combo_CompDate(1).BackColor = &H80000005
  183.         Combo_CompDate(0).Enabled = True
  184.         Combo_CompDate(1).Enabled = True
  185.     Else
  186.         Combo_CompDate(0).BackColor = &H8000000F
  187.         Combo_CompDate(1).BackColor = &H8000000F
  188.         Combo_CompDate(0).Enabled = False
  189.         Combo_CompDate(1).Enabled = False
  190.     End If
  192.     Call DateType_Click(intType)
  193. End Sub
  194. Private Sub Combo_CompDate_Click(Index As Integer)
  195.     If Index <> Combo_CompDate.LBound Then Exit Sub
  197.     Call FillMonth(Combo_CompDate(1), Combo_CompDate(0).Text)
  199. End Sub
  200. Private Sub DateType_Click(Index As Integer)
  201.     Select Case Index
  202.     Case 0 '月
  204.         Call FillMonth(Combo_Date(1), Xtyear)
  205.         If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  206.             Call FillMonth(Combo_CompDate(1), Combo_CompDate(0).Text)
  207.         End If
  208.     Case 1 '季
  210.         Call FillThreeMonth(Combo_Date(1), Xtyear)
  211.         If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  212.             Call FillThreeMonth(Combo_CompDate(1), Combo_CompDate(0).Text)
  213.         End If
  214.     Case 2 '年
  215.         Call FillYear(Combo_Date(1))
  216.         If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  217.             Call FillYear(Combo_CompDate(1))
  218.         End If
  219.     End Select
  222.     intType = Index
  223. End Sub
  224. Private Sub Form_Load()
  225.     Me.Icon = XT_Main.Icon
  226.     Me.bSeach = False
  227.     With Combo_Date(0)
  228.         .AddItem Xtyear
  229.         .ListIndex = 0
  230.     End With
  231. End Sub
  232. Private Sub YdCommand_Click(Index As Integer)
  233.     Select Case Index
  234.     Case 0 '确定
  235.         bSeach = True
  236.         Select Case intType
  237.         Case 0 '月
  238.             iThisYear = Combo_Date(0).Text
  239.             iThisMonthBegin = Val(Right(Combo_Date(1).Text, 2))
  240.             iThisMonthEnd = iThisMonthBegin
  241.             If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  242.                 iCompYear = Combo_CompDate(0).Text
  243.                 iCompMonthBegin = Val(Right(Combo_CompDate(1).Text, 2))
  244.                 iCompMonthEnd = iCompMonthBegin
  245.             End If
  246.         Case 1 '季
  247.             iThisYear = Combo_Date(0).Text
  248.             iThisMonthBegin = Val(Mid(Combo_Date(1).Text, 6, 2))
  249.             iThisMonthEnd = Val(Right(Combo_Date(1).Text, 2))
  250.             If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  251.                 iCompYear = Combo_CompDate(0).Text
  252.                 iCompMonthBegin = Val(Mid(Combo_CompDate(1).Text, 6, 2))
  253.                 iCompMonthEnd = Val(Right(Combo_CompDate(1).Text, 2))
  254.             End If
  255.         Case 2 '年
  256.             iThisYear = Combo_Date(0).Text
  257.             If chk_ComSel.Value = 1 Then
  258.                 iCompYear = Combo_CompDate(0).Text
  259.             End If
  260.         End Select
  261.     Case 1 '取消
  262.         bSeach = False
  263.     End Select
  264.     Me.Hide
  265. End Sub
  266. Private Sub FillMonth(PastCombo As ComboBox, ByVal iPastYear As Integer)
  267.     Dim iMonth As Integer
  268.     With PastCombo
  269.         .Clear
  270.         For iMonth = 1 To 12
  271.             .AddItem iPastYear & "." & Format(iMonth, "00")
  272.         Next
  273.         .ListIndex = 0
  274.     End With
  275. End Sub
  276. Private Sub FillThreeMonth(PastCombo As ComboBox, ByVal iPastYear As Integer)
  277.     Dim iThreeMonth As Integer
  278.     With PastCombo
  279.         .Clear
  280.         For iThreeMonth = 1 To 4
  281.             .AddItem iPastYear & "." & Format(((iThreeMonth - 1) * 3 + 1), "00") & "-" & iPastYear & "." & Format(iThreeMonth * 3, "00")
  282.         Next
  283.         .ListIndex = 0
  284.     End With
  285. End Sub
  286. Private Sub FillYear(PastCombo As ComboBox)
  287.     Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  288.     Dim strSql As String
  289.     strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT kjyear AS cYear FROM gy_kjrlb"
  290.     Set Rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(strSql)
  291.     PastCombo.Clear
  292.     With Rs
  293.         Do Until .EOF
  294.             PastCombo.AddItem Trim(!cYear)
  295.             .MoveNext
  296.         Loop
  297.     End With
  298.     If PastCombo.ListCount > 0 Then PastCombo.ListIndex = 0
  299. End Sub