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Package: [view]
Upload User: zhpu1995
Upload Date: 2013-09-06
Package Size: 61151k
Code Size: 30k
Development Platform:
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{86CF1D34-0C5F-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCT2.OCX"
- Object = "{BDC217C8-ED16-11CD-956C-0000C04E4C0A}#1.1#0"; "TABCTL32.OCX"
- Begin VB.Form XT_login
- BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
- Caption = "百利/ERP5.0-质量系统登录"
- ClientHeight = 3765
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 330
- ClientWidth = 4770
- ControlBox = 0 'False
- HelpContextID = 1501007
- Icon = "系统_登录窗体.frx":0000
- KeyPreview = -1 'True
- LinkTopic = "Form2"
- LockControls = -1 'True
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- MinButton = 0 'False
- ScaleHeight = 3765
- ScaleWidth = 4770
- StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
- Begin VB.CheckBox CtdrCheck
- Caption = "非第一次调入窗体"
- Height = 735
- Left = 4920
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 360
- Width = 705
- End
- Begin VB.CheckBox QdCheck
- Caption = "是否修改"
- Height = 825
- Left = 4920
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 1230
- Value = 1 'Checked
- Width = 705
- End
- Begin TabDlg.SSTab StTab
- Height = 3705
- Left = 60
- TabIndex = 12
- Top = 0
- Width = 4665
- _ExtentX = 8229
- _ExtentY = 6535
- _Version = 393216
- Style = 1
- TabHeight = 520
- TabCaption(0) = "帐套选择及身份验证"
- TabPicture(0) = "系统_登录窗体.frx":1042
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- Tab(0).Control(0)= "Frame1(0)"
- Tab(0).Control(0).Enabled= 0 'False
- Tab(0).ControlCount= 1
- TabCaption(1) = "数据服务器连接设置"
- TabPicture(1) = "系统_登录窗体.frx":105E
- Tab(1).ControlEnabled= 0 'False
- Tab(1).Control(0)= "Frame1(1)"
- Tab(1).ControlCount= 1
- TabCaption(2) = "更改密码"
- TabPicture(2) = "系统_登录窗体.frx":107A
- Tab(2).ControlEnabled= 0 'False
- Tab(2).Control(0)= "Frame1(2)"
- Tab(2).ControlCount= 1
- Begin VB.Frame Frame1
- Height = 3255
- Index = 2
- Left = -74910
- TabIndex = 30
- Top = 330
- Width = 4455
- Begin VB.TextBox LrText
- Height = 300
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 2
- Left = 1110
- MaxLength = 20
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 1200
- Width = 3210
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox LrText
- Height = 300
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 1
- Left = 1110
- MaxLength = 20
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 9
- Top = 810
- Width = 3210
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton MmqxCommand
- Caption = "取消(&C)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 2280
- TabIndex = 31
- Top = 2160
- Width = 1125
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton MmqdCommand
- Caption = "确定(&O)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 1110
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 2160
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox LrText
- Height = 300
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Index = 0
- Left = 1110
- MaxLength = 20
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 420
- Width = 3210
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line1
- BorderColor = &H00FFFFFF&
- Index = 3
- X1 = 240
- X2 = 4260
- Y1 = 1800
- Y2 = 1800
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "确认密码:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 16
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 34
- Top = 1260
- Width = 810
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "新密码:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 15
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 33
- Top = 870
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "旧密码:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 14
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 32
- Top = 480
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line1
- Index = 2
- X1 = 240
- X2 = 4290
- Y1 = 1770
- Y2 = 1770
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Frame Frame1
- Height = 3255
- Index = 1
- Left = -74910
- TabIndex = 23
- Top = 330
- Width = 4455
- Begin VB.TextBox ServerText
- Height = 300
- Left = 1800
- TabIndex = 26
- Top = 660
- Width = 1905
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton LjqdCommand
- Caption = "确 定"
- Height = 300
- Left = 1410
- TabIndex = 25
- Top = 1440
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton LjqxCommand
- Caption = "取 消"
- Height = 300
- Left = 2580
- TabIndex = 24
- Top = 1440
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin MSComCtl2.Animation Animation1
- Height = 615
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 27
- Top = 1290
- Visible = 0 'False
- Width = 705
- _ExtentX = 1244
- _ExtentY = 1085
- _Version = 393216
- Center = -1 'True
- BackStyle = 1
- FullWidth = 47
- FullHeight = 41
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "数据服务器:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 7
- Left = 765
- TabIndex = 29
- Top = 720
- Width = 990
- End
- Begin VB.Label DdtsLabel
- ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
- Height = 255
- Left = 1110
- TabIndex = 28
- Top = 2490
- Width = 3045
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Frame Frame1
- Height = 3255
- Index = 0
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 13
- Top = 330
- Width = 4455
- Begin VB.CommandButton GgszCommand
- Caption = "更改设置(&A)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 3210
- TabIndex = 17
- Top = 2430
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton XgmaCommand
- Caption = "修改密码(&M)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 2040
- TabIndex = 16
- Top = 2430
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.Timer Timer1
- Interval = 100
- Left = 420
- Top = 2550
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox MmText
- Height = 300
- IMEMode = 3 'DISABLE
- Left = 1050
- MaxLength = 20
- PasswordChar = "*"
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 1770
- Width = 2730
- End
- Begin VB.ComboBox CzyCombo
- Height = 300
- Left = 1050
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 1380
- Width = 3315
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Rlcommand
- CausesValidation= 0 'False
- Height = 300
- Left = 4050
- Picture = "系统_登录窗体.frx":1096
- Style = 1 'Graphical
- TabIndex = 15
- Top = 990
- Width = 300
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox CzrqText
- Height = 300
- Left = 1050
- MaxLength = 10
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 990
- Width = 2985
- End
- Begin VB.ComboBox KjyearCombo
- Height = 300
- Left = 1050
- Style = 2 'Dropdown List
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 600
- Width = 3315
- End
- Begin VB.ComboBox ZtCombo
- Height = 300
- Left = 1050
- Style = 2 'Dropdown List
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 210
- Width = 3315
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton QdCommand
- Caption = "确定(&O)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 2040
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 2790
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton QxCommand
- Caption = "取消(&C)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 3210
- TabIndex = 14
- Top = 2790
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.Image Image1
- Height = 480
- Left = 3870
- Picture = "系统_登录窗体.frx":1420
- Top = 1740
- Width = 480
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line1
- BorderColor = &H00FFFFFF&
- Index = 1
- X1 = 180
- X2 = 4320
- Y1 = 2310
- Y2 = 2310
- End
- Begin VB.Line Line1
- Index = 0
- X1 = 180
- X2 = 4320
- Y1 = 2280
- Y2 = 2280
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Caption = "密码:"
- Height = 345
- Index = 4
- Left = 180
- TabIndex = 22
- Top = 1830
- Width = 585
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "用户名:"
- Height = 180
- Index = 2
- Left = 165
- TabIndex = 21
- Top = 1410
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
- Caption = "公司帐套:"
- Height = 255
- Index = 0
- Left = 120
- TabIndex = 20
- Top = 270
- Width = 855
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
- Caption = "会计年度:"
- Height = 345
- Index = 1
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 19
- Top = 660
- Width = 825
- End
- Begin VB.Label TsLabel
- Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
- Caption = "操作日期:"
- Height = 345
- Index = 3
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 18
- Top = 1050
- Width = 825
- End
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "XT_login"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Dim Xtsjljc As String '系统数据服务器连接串
- Dim ErpPassWord As String '系统连接密码
- Dim Cslj As New ADODB.Connection '测试连接(为屏蔽提示信息)
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统提示信息
- Dim Czyrec As New ADODB.Recordset '操作员动态集
- Dim Xtrlrec As New ADODB.Recordset '系统日历动态集
- Dim Ztdqsjk As String '所选帐套当前数据库
- Private Function Ljyxxpd() As Boolean '数据服务器(系统基本信息库)连接有效性测试
- Ljyxxpd = False
- If Len(Trim(ServerText.Text)) = 0 Then
- Tsxx = "数据服务器名不能为空!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- ServerText.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- Xtsjljc = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + "Persist Security Info=False;"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + "Data Source=" + Trim(ServerText.Text) + ";"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + " Initial Catalog=" + "Master" + ";"
- If Cslj.State = 1 Then Cslj.Close
- DdtsLabel = "系统正在连接数据服务器,请稍等..."
- DdtsLabel.Refresh
- With Me.Animation1
- .Visible = True
- .Open App.Path + "Ljcs.avi"
- .Play
- End With
- On Error GoTo Cwcl
- If Cslj.State = 1 Then Cslj.Close
- Cslj.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- Animation1.Stop
- Animation1.Visible = False
- DdtsLabel = ""
- DdtsLabel.Refresh
- Ljyxxpd = True
- Exit Function
- Cwcl:
- Animation1.Visible = False
- Animation1.Stop
- DdtsLabel = ""
- Tsxx = "数据服务器连接测试失败!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Private Sub CzrqText_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) '录入日期限制
- Call Lrrqxz(KeyAscii)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) '控 制 焦 点 转 移
- Dim jdzygs As Integer
- jdzygs = 12
- Select Case KeyAscii
- Case vbKeyReturn
- If Kjjdzy(jdzygs) Then
- KeyAscii = 0
- End If
- Case 39 '屏蔽"'"
- KeyAscii = 0
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- App.HelpFile = App.Path + "质量系统.chm"
- XtMenuList = "15%" '子系统菜单系统代号
- ErpPassWord = "123"
- Call Qcljnr '读入连接内容
- With StTab
- .TabEnabled(0) = False
- Frame1(0).Enabled = False
- .TabEnabled(1) = True
- Frame1(1).Enabled = True
- .TabEnabled(2) = False
- Frame1(2).Enabled = False
- StTab.Tab = 1
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub GgszCommand_Click()
- With Me.StTab
- .TabEnabled(0) = False
- Frame1(0).Enabled = False
- .TabEnabled(1) = True
- Frame1(1).Enabled = True
- .Tab = 1
- End With
- ' 让数据服务器设置文本框得到焦点
- ServerText.SetFocus
- ServerText.SelStart = 0
- ServerText.SelLength = Len(ServerText.Text)
- End Sub
- Private Sub LjqdCommand_Click() '保 存 设 置
- If Ljyxxpd Then
- If Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.State = 1 Then Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- Tsxx = "连接测试成功!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- StTab.TabEnabled(1) = False
- Frame1(1).Enabled = False
- StTab.TabEnabled(0) = True
- Frame1(0).Enabled = True
- StTab.Tab = 0
- Call Tcztxx
- If ZtCombo.ListCount > 0 Then
- ZtCombo.ListIndex = 0
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Qcljnr() '取 出 数 据
- Dim Fsote As New FileSystemObject, Tste As TextStream
- Dim Dqhs As Integer, Dqnr As String
- Dqhs = 5
- On Error GoTo Cwcl:
- Set Tste = Fsote.OpenTextFile(App.Path + "百利erp.txt", 1)
- For Jsqte = 1 To Dqhs
- Dqnr = Trim(Tste.ReadLine)
- If InStr(1, UCase(Dqnr), "SQLSERVER=") <> 0 Then
- ServerText.Text = Mid(Dqnr, InStr(1, UCase(Dqnr), "SQLSERVER=") + 10, Len(Dqnr))
- End If
- If InStr(1, UCase(Dqnr), "ACCOUNT=") <> 0 Then
- str_Account = Mid(Dqnr, InStr(1, UCase(Dqnr), "ACCOUNT=") + 8, Len(Dqnr))
- Dim int_Count As Integer
- For int_Count = 0 To ZtCombo.ListCount - 1
- If UCase(Mid(ZtCombo.List(int_Count), 1, InStr(ZtCombo.List(int_Count), "-") - 1)) = UCase(Mid(str_Account, 1, InStr(str_Account, "-") - 1)) Then
- ZtCombo.ListIndex = int_Count
- End If
- Next int_Count
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- Exit Sub
- Cwcl:
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- Private Sub QdCommand_Click() '确定进入系统
- If Trim(CzyCombo.Text) = "" Then Exit Sub
- Set Czyrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_czygl where czybm='" + Trim(CzyCombo.Text) + "' or czymc='" & Trim(CzyCombo.Text) & "' or rtrim(czybm)+'-'+rtrim(czymc)='" & Trim(CzyCombo.Text) & "'")
- With Czyrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- CzyCombo.Text = Trim(.Fields("czybm")) + "-" + Trim(.Fields("czymc"))
- Else
- Tsxx = "无此用户名!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End With
- Czyrec.Close
- Set Czyrec = Nothing
- If Xtyxxpd Then
- If Ljyxxpd1 Then
- If Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.State = 1 Then Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- End If
- QdCheck.Value = 1
- Me.Hide
- Dim Fsote As New FileSystemObject, Tste As TextStream
- Set Tste = Fsote.CreateTextFile(App.Path + "百利erp.txt", True)
- Tste.WriteLine "Sqlserver=" + Trim(ServerText.Text)
- Tste.WriteLine "Account=" + Trim(ZtCombo.Text)
- Tste.Close
- CtdrCheck.Value = 1
- GgszCommand.Enabled = False
- XT_Main.Show
- Xt_Control.tvTreeView.Visible = False
- Xt_Control.tvTreeView.Nodes.Clear
- Xt_Control.Cshgns
- Xt_Control.tvTreeView.Refresh
- Xt_Control.tvTreeView.Visible = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub QxCommand_Click() '取消进入系统
- If CtdrCheck.Value <> 1 Then
- Unload Me
- Else
- Me.Hide
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Rlcommand_Click() '操作日期帮助
- Call Czrqbz
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '激活连接测试
- Timer1.Enabled = False
- If Ljyxxpd Then
- If Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.State = 1 Then Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- With StTab
- .TabEnabled(1) = False
- Frame1(1).Enabled = False
- .TabEnabled(0) = True
- Frame1(0).Enabled = True
- End With
- StTab.Tab = 0
- Call Tcztxx
- Qcljnr
- '让用户名录入框得到焦点
- CzyCombo.SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub LjqxCommand_Click() '连接失败退出
- If CtdrCheck.Value <> 1 Then
- Unload Me
- Else
- Me.Hide
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Tcztxx() '填充帐套信息选择
- Dim Xtztxxrec As New ADODB.Recordset '系统帐套信息动态集
- Set Xtztxxrec = Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Execute("Select * From HDSystem_Databases order by number")
- ZtCombo.Clear
- With Xtztxxrec
- Do While Not .EOF
- If .Fields("YNuse") = "1" Then
- ZtCombo.AddItem .Fields("number") + "-" + Trim(.Fields("CountingRoomName"))
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub ZtCombo_Click()
- Dim Xtztxxrec As New ADODB.Recordset '系统帐套信息动态集
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim Xt_Id As Integer '该模块系统的ID号
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle
- Set Xtztxxrec = Cw_DataEnvi.BaseInfoConnect.Execute("Select * From HDSystem_DataBases where Number='" + Trim(Mid(ZtCombo.Text, 1, InStr(1, ZtCombo.Text, "-") - 1)) + "'")
- With Xtztxxrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- Ztdqsjk = Trim(.Fields("DataBasesName"))
- End If
- End With
- If Ljyxxpd1 Then
- If Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.State = 1 Then Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select ID From Xt_Xtgnb Where gnbm='01'")
- If RecTemp.EOF = False Then
- Xt_Id = RecTemp.Fields("ID")
- Set Czyrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_czygl Where right(left(AuthorityId," & Xt_Id & "),1)='1' order by czybm")
- XgmaCommand.Enabled = True
- QdCommand.Enabled = True
- CzyCombo.Enabled = True
- Else
- XgmaCommand.Enabled = False
- QdCommand.Enabled = False
- CzyCombo.Text = ""
- CzyCombo.Enabled = False
- Tsxx = "请将该系统的操作权限赋予操作员!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set Czyrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_czygl order by czybm")
- CzyCombo.Clear
- With Czyrec
- Do While Not .EOF
- CzyCombo.AddItem Trim(.Fields("czybm")) + "-" + Trim(.Fields("czymc"))
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- CzyCombo.Text = CzyCombo.List(0)
- End With
- Set Xtrlrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select distinct kjyear From gy_kjrlb order by kjyear ")
- KjyearCombo.Clear
- With Xtrlrec
- Do While Not .EOF
- KjyearCombo.AddItem Trim(.Fields("kjyear"))
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Set Xtrlrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select top 1 kjyear From gy_kjrlb where cwzzjzbz=0 order by kjyear DESC,period ")
- If Not Xtrlrec.EOF Then
- KjyearCombo.Text = Xtrlrec.Fields("Kjyear")
- End If
- Call Drxtztcs '读入系统帐套参数
- '[<<
- Call Drxtcs '读入系统参数 6386086
- '>>]
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select ServerDate=getdate()")
- CzrqText = Format(RecTemp.Fields("ServerDate"), "yyyy-mm-dd")
- ErrHandle:
- End Sub
- Private Sub Czrqbz() '操作日期帮助
- Xtcdcs = Trim(CzrqText.Text)
- Xtfhcs = ""
- XT_calendar.Show 1
- If Xtfhcs <> "" Then
- CzrqText.Text = Trim(Xtfhcs)
- End If
- CzrqText.SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub CzrqText_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) '操作日期帮助
- If KeyCode = vbKeyF2 Then
- Call Czrqbz
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function Xtyxxpd() As Boolean '系统有效性判断
- Xtyxxpd = False
- If Len(Trim(ZtCombo.Text)) = 0 Then
- Tsxx = "公司帐套不能为空,请先建帐套!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- ZtCombo.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- lsblte = Trim(CzrqText.Text)
- If IsDate(lsblte) Then
- CzrqText.Text = Format(lsblte, "yyyy-mm-dd")
- Else
- Tsxx = "非法公历日期!(格式:" + Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") + ")"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Xtyxxpd = False
- CzrqText.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- If Val(KjyearCombo.Text) <> Val(Mid(CzrqText.Text, 1, 4)) Then
- Tsxx = "所选操作日期与会计年度不一致!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Xtyxxpd = False
- CzrqText.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- If Trim(CzyCombo.Text) = "" Then
- Tsxx = "用户名不能为空!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Xtyxxpd = False
- CzyCombo.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- Set Czyrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_czygl where czybm='" + Trim(Mid(CzyCombo.Text, 1, InStr(1, CzyCombo.Text, "-") - 1)) + "'")
- With Czyrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- If Trim(.Fields("czmm")) <> Mmjm(MmText.Text) Then
- Tsxx = "操作员密码录入错误!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Xtyxxpd = False
- MmText.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- Else
- Tsxx = "无此操作员!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Xtyxxpd = False
- CzyCombo.SetFocus
- Exit Function
- End If
- End With
- Xtyxxpd = True
- End Function
- Private Function Ljyxxpd1() As Boolean '数据服务器(帐套当前数据库)连接有效性测试
- Ljyxxpd1 = False
- Xtsjljc = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + "Persist Security Info=False;"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + "Data Source=" + Trim(ServerText.Text) + ";"
- Xtsjljc = Xtsjljc + " Initial Catalog=" + Ztdqsjk + ";"
- On Error GoTo Cwcl
- If Cslj.State = 1 Then Cslj.Close
- Cslj.Open Xtsjljc, "Hxxd", ErpPassWord
- Ljyxxpd1 = True
- Exit Function
- Cwcl:
- Tsxx = "帐套数据库连接失败!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Private Sub XgmaCommand_Click() '修改密码
- If Trim(CzyCombo.Text) = "" Then Exit Sub
- Set Czyrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_czygl where czybm='" + Trim(CzyCombo.Text) + "' or czymc='" & Trim(CzyCombo.Text) & "' or rtrim(czybm)+'-'+rtrim(czymc)='" & Trim(CzyCombo.Text) & "'")
- With Czyrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- CzyCombo.Text = Trim(.Fields("czybm")) + "-" + Trim(.Fields("czymc"))
- Else
- Tsxx = "无此用户名!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End With
- Czyrec.Close
- Set Czyrec = Nothing
- With StTab
- .TabEnabled(0) = False
- Frame1(0).Enabled = False
- .TabEnabled(2) = True
- Frame1(2).Enabled = True
- .Tab = 2
- End With
- LrText(0).Text = Trim(MmText.Text)
- LrText(1).Text = ""
- LrText(2).Text = ""
- LrText(0).SetFocus
- End Sub
- Private Sub MmqdCommand_Click() '修改密码完毕确定
- With Czyrec
- If .State = 1 Then .Close
- .Open "SELECT * FROM gy_czygl WHERE czybm= '" + Trim(Mid(CzyCombo.Text, 1, InStr(1, CzyCombo.Text, "-") - 1)) + "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- If .EOF Then
- Tsxx = "此操作员已删除!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(.Fields("czmm")) <> Mmjm(Trim(LrText(0).Text)) Then
- Tsxx = "输入旧密码错误!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- LrText(0).SetFocus
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Len(Trim(LrText(1).Text)) = 0 Then
- Tsxx = "操作员密码不能为空!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- LrText(1).SetFocus
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(LrText(0).Text) = Trim(LrText(1).Text) Then
- Tsxx = "密码没有发生改变!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- LrText(1).SetFocus
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(LrText(1).Text) <> Trim(LrText(2).Text) Then
- Tsxx = "输入密码与确认密码不一致!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- LrText(1).SetFocus
- Exit Sub
- End If
- .Fields("czmm") = Mmjm(Trim(LrText(1).Text))
- .Fields("xgrq") = Date
- .Update
- MmText.Text = Trim(LrText(1).Text)
- Tsxx = "用户密码修改完毕!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- End With
- With StTab
- .TabEnabled(0) = True
- Frame1(0).Enabled = True
- .TabEnabled(2) = False
- Frame1(2).Enabled = False
- .Tab = 0
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub MmqxCommand_Click() '修改密码取消
- With StTab
- .TabEnabled(0) = True
- Frame1(0).Enabled = True
- .TabEnabled(2) = False
- Frame1(2).Enabled = False
- .Tab = 0
- End With
- End Sub