Upload User: may_xy
Upload Date: 2007-08-09
Package size: 1519k
Downloads: 1819
Game Program
Development Platform:
Detail: This is the card game that point, the algorithm integrity, a stand-alone, playing to connect to the network.
- Link.cpp
- StdAfx.cpp
- 斗地主.mak
- Playing_Cards.h
- 斗地主.clw
- 斗地主.rc
- My_DirectDraw.h
- My_DirectInput.cpp
- Single_Game.cpp
- Server_Game.h
- Client_Game.cpp
- MainFrm.h
- Game.cpp
- MainFrm.cpp
- 参考代码.h
- My_DirectInput.h
- 斗地主.cpp
- Server_Game.cpp
- Dlg_Start.cpp
- 参考代码.cpp
- Dlg_About.cpp
- 斗地主.plg
- 斗地主.dsp
- Draw_Cards_Engine.cpp
- 斗地主.dep
- Draw_Item_Engine.cpp
- Dlg_About.h
- Game.h
- StdAfx.h
- Dlg_Start.h
- Resource.h
- Client_Game.h
- 斗地主.dsw
- 斗地主.rc2
- 斗地主.h
- Draw_Cards_Engine.h
- Draw_Item_Engine.h
- Playing_Cards.cpp
- Link.h
- Single_Game.h
- My_DirectDraw.cpp
- ReadMe.txt
- GameRes Readme.txt
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