Upload User: flyanjing
Upload Date: 2015-10-09
Package size: 649k
Downloads: 3077
Development Platform:
Visual C++ (VC++)
Detail: Loans lottery in accordance with historical records, using GA (genetic algorithm) the projection period under the lottery numbers. Mainly for learning genetic algorithm, the next phase of the projected lottery numbers is just a fun. And can not really correct.
- CrossPop.txt
- ShuangSeQiu.h
- ShuangSeQiu.cpp
- ShuangSeQiu.dsw
- pop.txt
- SkinPPWTL.h
- his.txt
- ShuangSeQiu.rc
- AddHistoryDlg.cpp
- Resource.h
- InPlaceEdit.cpp
- Mutation.txt
- 122 -save.txt
- ShuangSeQiuDlg.h
- ReadMe.txt
- ShuangSeQiu.clw
- Spliter.h
- HistoryReorcd.h
- historystat.txt
- save.txt
- popselect.txt
- InPlaceEdit.h
- InPlaceCombo.h
- poprateget.txt
- StdAfx.h
- ShuangSeQiuDlg.cpp
- poprate.txt
- HistoryReorcd.cpp
- InPlaceCombo.cpp
- sort.txt
- ShuangSeQiu.dsp
- history.txt
- EasySkinLib.h
- StdAfx.cpp
- ComboListCtrl.h
- AddHistoryDlg.h
- Spliter.cpp
- ComboListCtrl.cpp
- ShuangSeQiu.rc2
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