Upload User: zjy7876
Upload Date: 2022-07-25
Package size: 2k
Downloads: 103
Development Platform:
Visual C++
Detail: Frequency selective fading channel modeling and simulation modi, concrete implementation methods
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- plot_function.rarFrequency selective fading channel modeling and simulation modi, concrete implem ...
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- Hiisi1.6.3.rarDon t go through bluetooth phones Internet traffic, must be very GPRS good sourc ...
- e8_Config_Backup.rarZTE h608b backup file, usb super-administrator account to restore the mouth
- A series of contains aspect the and so on string mouth, Modem, receiving and di ...
- cku197.tar.ZC-kermit source, which use serial/modem and network communication, its file tran ...
- GPRSdevelopmentkits.Rarchange function packets GPRS communications interface that allows developers wit ...
- xmodem.zipThe source of xmoderm protocol
- zmodem.zipThe source of zmoderm protocol
- datamode.ziptapi programming small example
- commutil.zipCommnication libraray supports XMODEM,YMODEM,FAX protocol