Upload User: hueiseng
Upload Date: 2022-07-26
Package size: 156k
Downloads: 7
Development Platform:
Visual C++
Detail: C# implementation of the notebook features, including open save edit status bar and other functions
- 笔记本.sln
- 笔记本.csproj
- 替换.cs
- 转到.Designer.cs
- Resources.resx
- AssemblyInfo.cs
- Settings.Designer.cs
- Settings.settings
- Resources.Designer.cs
- HELP.resx
- 替换.resx
- Program.cs
- 替换.Designer.cs
- Form1.Designer.cs
- 主题.Designer.cs
- 查找和替换.resx
- Form1.cs
- 查找和替换.cs
- 转到.cs
- 主题.cs
- 笔记本.csproj.FileList.txt
- HELP.cs
- 查找和替换.Designer.cs
- 主题.resx
- HELP.Designer.cs
- 转到.resx
- Form1.resx
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