Upload User: xyjd168
Upload Date: 2013-12-10
Package size: 1108k
Downloads: 2792
GUI Develop
Development Platform:
Visual C++ (VC++)
Detail: famous source interface using MFC, the demo to fulfill the many famous interface, If VC2003, OutLook, Office, PowerPoint, and other interface.
This package does not include any code with text format which can display in web page, please download the package.
- PopWin.rarThis is a fixed time pop-up form of procedure, with a third-party control PopWin ...
- JIHE.rarA collection of discrete mathematics and computing intersection mfc programming ...
- Codejock_1_.Xtreme.Toolkit.Pro.v13.2.1.Full.Sourcextreme toolkit 13.21 full code
- cs_chat.rarBetween server and client to achieve the session (simple GUI)- client and server ...
- CListCtrlEx.rarMFC' s CListCtrl control of the extension, you can add a progress bar for eac ...
- QQControls.rarA very distinctive style of imitation QQ control, interface, font, fully functio ...
- word.rarVC++ to draw a waveform diagram of the process, I believe you are very helpful
- C.rarwindow
- cool_scrollbar.zipVery nice scroll bar, there is a custom skin features, very worth learning
- TTX.rarVisual graphical interface programming, graphics generation, graphics, fill, cut ...
- StudentInformationManagementSystem(VB).RarI do a simple student information management system, and everyone should learn f ...
- VCadvancedapplicationprogramminginterfacetecuser interface thread, landing interface interface skin, vc interface controls, ...
- oneforindustrialcontrolcurveshowsthesourcein industrial control software or other areas, according to real-time data or hi ...
- 20060417006-9709.rarvc interface prepared by the source code, since all the painting, and powerful f ...
- Skin++.rarWell-known Skin++ Interface library, containing all the library files and a larg ...
- GuiLibwithMFC.rarfamous source interface using MFC, the demo to fulfill the many famous interface ...
- VC++080719.rarVC++ 100 cases of high-level interface effects, and to do VC++ The GUI interface ...
- profuis288_freeware.zipprofuis288 interface library, a very professional landscaping an interface libra ...
- SkinMagicTrial.dll.rarsystem optimization interface. Rar SkinMagicTrial.dll.
- dos_gui.zipDOS graphical interface development package