Package: FastNet.rar [view]
Upload User: szzdds
Upload Date: 2013-09-18
Package Size: 293k
Code Size: 7k
Delphi VCL
Development Platform:
- unit NMUUEncode;
- interface
- uses
- Classes;
- function UUEEncode(const source, destination: TStream): Boolean;
- implementation
- uses
- NMFileBuffer;
- function UUEEncode(const source, destination: TStream): Boolean;
- function EncodeAByte(c: Byte): Byte;
- begin
- if c > 0 then
- Result := (c and $3F) + $20
- else
- Result := Ord('`');
- end;
- const
- CRLF = #13#10;
- EOB = #0;
- INVALID = $00;
- var
- TotalBytes: Integer;
- index: Integer;
- Output: string;
- line_index: Integer;
- LinePtr: PChar;
- Len: Integer;
- Len1: Integer;
- OutputLength: Integer;
- Char1: Byte;
- Char2: Byte;
- Char3: Byte;
- OutChar1: Byte;
- OutChar2: Byte;
- OutChar3: Byte;
- OutChar4: Byte;
- InputPtr: PChar;
- BufferEnd: PChar;
- MemStuff: TNMFileBuffer;
- Process: Boolean;
- begin
- Process := True;
- destination.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
- TotalBytes := source.Size;
- index := 0;
- Char1 := 0;
- Char2 := 0;
- Char3 := 0;
- Output := '';
- OutputLength := ENCODELINELENGTH div 3 * 4;
- MemStuff := TNMFileBuffer.Create(source);
- try
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- while Process do
- begin
- line_index := 0;
- if ((TotalBytes - index) >= ENCODELINELENGTH) then
- begin
- // Output the number of bytes in this line
- SetLength(Output, OutputLength + 1);
- LinePtr := PChar(Output);
- OutChar1 := EncodeAByte(ENCODELINELENGTH);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar1);
- inc(LinePtr);
- while (line_index < ENCODELINELENGTH) do
- begin
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char1 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- inc(line_index);
- inc(index);
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char2 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- inc(line_index);
- inc(index);
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char3 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- inc(line_index);
- inc(index);
- OutChar1 := Char1 shr 2;
- OutChar2 := (((Char1 shl 4) and $30) or ((Char2 shr 4) and $0F));
- OutChar3 := (((Char2 shl 2) and $3C) or ((Char3 shr 6) and $03));
- OutChar4 := Char3 and $3F;
- OutChar1 := EncodeAByte(OutChar1);
- OutChar2 := EncodeAByte(OutChar2);
- OutChar3 := EncodeAByte(OutChar3);
- OutChar4 := EncodeAByte(OutChar4);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar1);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar2);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar3);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar4);
- inc(LinePtr);
- end;
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Len := TotalBytes - index; // get bytes left over
- Len1 := Len div 3;
- if Frac(Len / 3) > 0.0 then // always round up!
- inc(Len1);
- Len1 := Len1 * 4;
- SetLength(Output, Len1 + 1);
- LinePtr := PChar(Output);
- OutChar1 := EncodeAByte(Len);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar1);
- inc(LinePtr);
- while (index < TotalBytes) do
- begin
- if (index < TotalBytes) then
- begin
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char1 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- end
- else
- begin
- Char1 := INVALID;
- end;
- inc(index);
- if (index < TotalBytes) then
- begin
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char2 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- end
- else
- begin
- Char2 := INVALID;
- end;
- inc(index);
- if (index < TotalBytes) then
- begin
- if InputPtr >= BufferEnd then
- if not MemStuff.NextMemoryBuffer(InputPtr, 0) then
- Break
- else
- begin
- InputPtr := MemStuff.BufPos;
- BufferEnd := MemStuff.BufEnd;
- end;
- Char3 := Byte(InputPtr^);
- inc(InputPtr);
- end
- else
- begin
- Char3 := INVALID;
- end;
- inc(index);
- OutChar1 := Char1 shr 2;
- OutChar2 := (((Char1 shl 4) and $30) or ((Char2 shr 4) and $0F));
- OutChar3 := (((Char2 shl 2) and $3C) or ((Char3 shr 6) and $03));
- OutChar4 := Char3 and $3F;
- OutChar1 := EncodeAByte(OutChar1);
- OutChar2 := EncodeAByte(OutChar2);
- OutChar3 := EncodeAByte(OutChar3);
- OutChar4 := EncodeAByte(OutChar4);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar1);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar2);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar3);
- inc(LinePtr);
- LinePtr^ := Chr(OutChar4);
- inc(LinePtr);
- end;
- Process := False;
- end;
- LinePtr^ := #0;
- destination.Write(PChar(Output)^, Length(Output));
- destination.Write(CRLF, 2);
- end;
- finally
- MemStuff.Free;
- end;
- Result := True; // no errors reported
- end;
- end.